02:32 < ws-client> @pathos3005 you can tag me by saying my name like in tw chat. The round stats are documented in the readme https://github.com/ddnet-insta/ddnet-insta/blob/f5a05654d839b18d6b75a4f105691c1390e41eea/README.md#publish-round-stats 02:36 < ws-client> If you need a website to keep track of elos you can also look at https://github.com/TyeNTy/teeworlds-league which has a http endpoint that ddnet-insta can post to 02:38 < ws-client> Or just rebuild the same concept at least. Listening for json via http seems smoother than csv and ``inotifywait`` but in the end its kinda the same thing. But yes one day i will add files and csv. If you say you can't do it without i can move it up in my todo. 02:40 < ws-client> The starting a official match and restricting clan names i am not too sure about. Seems like a lot of complexity that can just be annoying or forgotten. Also what is its use case? It can easily be bypased. Why shouldn't every game count? And every game with matching clans can be automatically detected as clan game by the external stats service. 04:09 < bridge> it took me year and half maybe to become familiar with tw code as a beginning programmer 04:09 < bridge> so it is what it is xd 04:22 < bridge> n 06:19 < ws-client> @pathos3005 ok i implemented both csv and writing to a file. But i would recommend using the http posts and json instead. 06:49 < bridge> ChillerDragon can you make changes to tune for an individual player? 06:54 < bridge> No functionality for such things, examine network protocol, there is only a little piece of pretty general data available to server. Also you can easily not register config vars in console 07:19 < bridge> ChillerDragon and how to remove mutation for frequent nickname changes 07:22 < ws-client> @woidless ``sv_max_namechanges_per_ip`` (how many times one ip can change the name (hourly) before the msg gets hidden) 07:25 < ws-client> there is no per player tune zone yet it would also cause prediction issues until https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8959 is merged 08:54 < bridge> Ouch... Huge ouch... This seemed so promising until I saw MongoDB... 08:54 < bridge> It won't be scalable, unfortunately. 08:54 < bridge> https://www.enterprisedb.com/news/new-benchmarks-show-postgres-dominating-mongodb-varied-workloads 08:54 < bridge> (source https://info.enterprisedb.com/rs/069-ALB-339/images/PostgreSQL_MongoDB_Benchmark-WhitepaperFinal.pdf) 08:54 < bridge> I see. Are you able to see react emojis? 08:55 < bridge> It's a project that's been developed for many years, and devs here are helpful so you can ask questions 08:57 < bridge> This looks very promising!!! 08:57 < bridge> Can you explain a bit about `sv_round_stats_format_discord`, `sv_round_stats_format_http`, and `sv_round_stats_format_file`? What happens if I set all of them to `0` or `csv`? I don't understand. 08:58 < bridge> ChillerDragon Are you able to see edits? I'm guessing not replies, right? 08:59 < bridge> Ouch... Huge ouch... This seemed so promising until I saw MongoDB... 08:59 < bridge> It won't be scalable, unfortunately. 08:59 < bridge> https://www.enterprisedb.com/news/new-benchmarks-show-postgres-dominating-mongodb-varied-workloads 08:59 < bridge> (source https://info.enterprisedb.com/rs/069-ALB-339/images/PostgreSQL_MongoDB_Benchmark-WhitepaperFinal.pdf) 08:59 < bridge> 09:00 < bridge> Tagging @tyenty -- I would recommend raw `.csv` files, Postgres, DuckDB (though this depends) instead of Mongo. Mongo will lag. 09:00 < bridge> Ouch... Huge ouch... This seemed so promising until I saw MongoDB... 09:00 < bridge> It won't be scalable, unfortunately. 09:00 < bridge> https://www.enterprisedb.com/news/new-benchmarks-show-postgres-dominating-mongodb-varied-workloads 09:00 < bridge> (source https://info.enterprisedb.com/rs/069-ALB-339/images/PostgreSQL_MongoDB_Benchmark-WhitepaperFinal.pdf) 09:00 < bridge> 09:00 < bridge> Tagging @tyenty -- I would recommend raw `.csv` files, Postgres, or DuckDB (though this depends) instead of Mongo. Mongo will lag. 09:00 < bridge> what type of configuration should I choose so that the fps is not low? 09:02 < bridge> This looks very promising!!! (just taking note here of the commit https://github.com/ddnet-insta/ddnet-insta/tree/f5a05654d839b18d6b75a4f105691c1390e41eea) 09:02 < bridge> Can you explain a bit about `sv_round_stats_format_discord`, `sv_round_stats_format_http`, and `sv_round_stats_format_file`? What happens if I set all of them to `0` or `csv`? I don't understand. 09:02 < bridge> This looks very promising!!! (ignore -- just taking notes: https://github.com/ddnet-insta/ddnet-insta/tree/f5a05654d839b18d6b75a4f105691c1390e41eea) 09:02 < bridge> Can you explain a bit about `sv_round_stats_format_discord`, `sv_round_stats_format_http`, and `sv_round_stats_format_file`? What happens if I set all of them to `0` or `csv`? I don't understand. 09:03 < bridge> This looks very promising!!! (ignore -- just taking notes for a commit: https://github.com/ddnet-insta/ddnet-insta/tree/f5a05654d839b18d6b75a4f105691c1390e41eea) 09:03 < bridge> Can you explain a bit about `sv_round_stats_format_discord`, `sv_round_stats_format_http`, and `sv_round_stats_format_file`? What happens if I set all of them to `0` or `csv`? I don't understand. 09:13 < bridge> ChillerDragon ah shet, I just realised vanilla isn't implemented yet haha oops 09:19 < ws-client> mongodb is web scale 09:21 < ws-client> @pathos3005 the stats only work with team modes for now. By not implemented you mean dm stats right? Because the rest should be all there. 09:27 < ws-client> @pathos3005 you pick one format per destination. If you set all to ``0`` it will send csv to discord, http and file. Given that you also set a discord webhook, http endpoint and file name 09:52 < ws-client> @pathos3005 round stats for dm are now implemented too :) 10:01 < bridge> it's not supposed to scale 10:03 < bridge> nahhh my Teeworlds server *needs* to keep stats for twenty million players 10:07 < bridge> Edits get resend so yea I see them 10:08 < bridge> I do not see reaction emojis 10:09 < bridge> it's for the league with like 50 players 10:45 < bridge> @0xdeen there is no 18.7 tag of ddnet on github, can you make it? otherwise its hard to update the ebuild on gentoo 10:55 < bridge> oh true i wanted to update ddnet on nixpkgs aswell - ty 4 reminder 11:13 < bridge> @ryozuki ping me when the tag is available :kek: 12:04 < bridge> ChillerDragon how to set up /shop 12:12 < ws-client> @woidless tile 161 12:17 < bridge> And the products in /shop how to set up 12:17 < ws-client> what do you want to setup 12:18 < bridge> Firstly , translate into Russian , secondly , remove all products , secondly , add your own setting : product level price 12:19 < ws-client> before we add new translations could you help me finish the tournament broadcast one 12:20 < bridge> Ok 12:20 < ws-client> https://github.com/DDNetPP/DDNetPP/issues/375 this one 12:21 < bridge> What should I do there? 12:21 < ws-client> Come up with a shorter message 12:22 < ws-client> @woidless to remove items from the shop you can use ``deactivate_shop_item [item name]`` for example ``deactivate_shop_item police`` you can test it in the admin console and then persists it in your config 12:22 < bridge> Ok 12:24 < ws-client> and you want to set a custom price for the exististing items or something else? I could add that if you will actually use it. Or what exactly do you need? 12:25 < ws-client> @woidless you made the message even longer it does not fit 12:27 < bridge> In short, the meaning is lost 12:28 < bridge> I want to add my own products. for example, level 5 is required for grenade and it costs 1000 12:29 < ws-client> you mean a regular grenade as if it was collected in the map? and you loose it on death? 12:29 < ws-client> @woidless in the long form the words are lost xd 12:30 < bridge> I didn 't understand the meaning of the question , I want it to be given out to death 12:39 < ws-client> @woidless okay i added grenade to the shop 12:41 < bridge> Maybe you'll just make a command that deletes all products from the shop, and then a command to add products and delete them? so that I have already set it up myself 12:46 < ws-client> Oke i added ``deactivate_all_shop_items`` you can put that in your config and after that you can add ``activate_shop_item grenade`` 12:53 < bridge> maybe yod add active_shop_item "Product Name" "The required level" "Price" "The action being performed, like the issue of a grenade in my case" 12:54 < ws-client> what actions do you need 12:55 < bridge> Issuing weapons, for example gun "name of the weapon" 12:55 < bridge> И пока что все 12:56 < bridge> Issuing weapons, for example gun "name of the weapon" 12:56 < ws-client> i can add all weapons yes 12:59 < bridge> Is this what adding a grenade will look like? 12:59 < bridge> ``activate_shop_item "grenade" "5" "1000" "gun grenade"`` 13:01 < ws-client> ``activate_shop_item grenade`` 13:02 < bridge> But for other weapons? 13:03 < ws-client> similiar but im working on it sec 13:03 < bridge> ok 13:09 < bridge> How to remove all player votes using rcon ? 13:09 < bridge> And how pause votes so no one can vote 13:10 < bridge> ChillerDragon which tiles are responsible for making sure that I pass through others , as well as for the hook to pass through other people 13:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1305142484564705340/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_76d29c39-16fd-46f9-b242-f09a5149cb47.jpg?ex=6731f428&is=6730a2a8&hm=d507369e35c175be9e6bf6b63b5a078ed95446f733fea71f3fbdf7d9c0a1c214& 13:13 < ws-client> @woidless i added laser, shotgun and ninja 13:14 < ws-client> you mean solo? https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1731240831.png 13:14 < ws-client> or no collide and no hook? 13:14 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1731240888.png 13:15 < bridge> So that everyone can help each other to see , to hit . But the hook went through people and also anyone could go through people 13:15 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1731240918.png 13:16 < bridge> Thx 13:16 < ws-client> you can hover the tiles and you get a description at the bottom of your screen 13:31 < ws-client> @woidless ok now you can do ``set_shop_item_description grenade "axaxaxaxaxa ракета, запускающая базуку"`` 13:33 < ws-client> and ``set_shop_item_level grenade 5`` and ``set_shop_item_price grenade "10 000"`` 14:22 < bridge> <0xdeen> done 14:31 < bridge> screenshots are hard 15:54 < bridge> ChillerDragon 15:54 < bridge> Do you know the discord of the fng community? 16:22 < bridge> read #welcome 16:28 < bridge> ChillerDragon do you have any ideas how to implement Anti-cheat? 17:22 < bridge> they are :D 18:09 < bridge> @woidless Bro, start learning C++, all your requests are so childish that they can be done by yourself without ChillerDragon, text translation in general can be done even without C++ knowledge, you almost every day ask him to do something instead of you, don't you think it's a bit disrespectful to ask him to write code for your server instead of you? Hell, you even ask him to translate text from English to Russian 💀 18:10 < bridge> It would be nice if it were some serious requests, but you are just asking to modify the ready code a bit or to tell you which tile is responsible for what 19:24 < Voxel> Okay, before I actually start on removing all the original images, I should probably figure our what a QuadContainer is first 19:24 < Voxel> I remember Robyt3 saying to store the IDs somewhere, and I think that's why. 20:35 < bridge> Quad containers are not directly relevant for splitting the images. Quad containers allow you to upload quads (X0, Y0. X1. Y1 positions) to the GPU only once during loading, which makes rendering more efficient by avoiding repeated uploading of the same quad data to the GPU. 21:57 < Voxel> This is going to be harder than I thought 21:57 < Voxel> turns out all the IDs are in one generated enum 21:58 < Voxel> Which means all the textures have to be inside one list if I want to access them through any sort of, QuadContainerIndex thing 21:58 < Voxel> Or is that not it? This is hurting my brain. 21:59 < Voxel> I don't even know why we're erasing the content.py if we're going to be wanting to develop custom gameskins in the future. 22:06 < bridge> We aren't really erasing `content.py`, it contains more than images and sprites. 22:07 < bridge> And I don't think quad containers are relevant for this 22:50 < bridge> hello! 22:50 < bridge> Hi, when I go to some map I get a crash when loading maps 22:50 < bridge> 22:50 < bridge> logs(visual studio 2022) 22:50 < bridge> “DDNet.exe” (Win32). Loaded “C:Windows/System32/ntasn1.dll”. 22:50 < bridge> “DDNet.exe” (Win32). Loaded “C:\Windows\System32\ncryptsslp.dll”. 22:50 < bridge> An exception was raised at address 0x00007FF775766A77 in DDNet.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (parameters: 0x00000000000000000001, 0x000000E5BB003000). 22:50 < bridge> Unhandled exception at address 0x000000007FF775766A77 in DDNet.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (parameters: 0x0000000000000000000001, 0x000000E5BB003000). 22:51 < bridge> 22:51 < bridge> The “[8732] DDNet.exe” program terminated with code 0 (0x0). 22:51 < bridge> ru: 22:51 < bridge> "DDNet.exe" (Win32). Загружено "C:\Windows\System32\ntasn1.dll". 22:51 < bridge> "DDNet.exe" (Win32). Загружено "C:\Windows\System32\ncryptsslp.dll". 22:51 < bridge> Вызвано исключение по адресу 0x00007FF775766A77 в DDNet.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (параметры: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000E5BB003000). 22:51 < bridge> Необработанное исключение по адресу 0x00007FF775766A77 в DDNet.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (параметры: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000E5BB003000). 22:51 < bridge> 22:51 < bridge> Программа "[8732] DDNet.exe" завершилась с кодом 0 (0x0). 22:52 < bridge> ChillerDragon 22:52 < bridge> hello! 22:52 < bridge> Hi, when I go to some map I get a crash when loading maps 22:52 < bridge> 22:52 < bridge> logs(visual studio 2022) 22:53 < bridge> “DDNet.exe” (Win32). Loaded “C:Windows/System32/ntasn1.dll”. 22:53 < bridge> “DDNet.exe” (Win32). Loaded “C:\Windows\System32\ncryptsslp.dll”. 22:53 < bridge> An exception was raised at address 0x00007FF775766A77 in DDNet.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (parameters: 0x00000000000000000001, 0x000000E5BB003000). 22:53 < bridge> Unhandled exception at address 0x000000007FF775766A77 in DDNet.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (parameters: 0x0000000000000000000001, 0x000000E5BB003000). 22:53 < bridge> 22:53 < bridge> The “[8732] DDNet.exe” program terminated with code 0 (0x0). 22:53 < bridge> ru: 22:53 < bridge> "DDNet.exe" (Win32). Загружено "C:\Windows\System32\ntasn1.dll". 22:53 < bridge> "DDNet.exe" (Win32). Загружено "C:\Windows\System32\ncryptsslp.dll". 22:53 < bridge> Вызвано исключение по адресу 0x00007FF775766A77 в DDNet.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (параметры: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000E5BB003000). 22:53 < bridge> Необработанное исключение по адресу 0x00007FF775766A77 в DDNet.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (параметры: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000E5BB003000). 22:53 < bridge> 22:53 < bridge> Программа "[8732] DDNet.exe" завершилась с кодом 0 (0x0).