00:00 < bridge> https://github.com/jxsl13/tw-discord-econ-fifo 00:00 < bridge> it's doing only that, nothing more 00:01 < bridge> good luck 00:11 < bridge> you do not print cmd output to discord right ? 00:11 < bridge> no 00:12 < bridge> you get a response, tho "executed command `xyz` 00:12 < bridge> " 00:14 < bridge> which is ephemeral an only visible for the uset 00:14 < bridge> user 01:07 < bridge> ah yes its recent bug 01:07 < bridge> chillerdragon hardcoded tune zones to 0 to fix vanilla demos 01:25 < bridge> So tune zone 0 is an actual tune zone? My bad. The way I red the prediction code I understood tune zone 0 as the world tune 01:27 < bridge> tune zone 0 is the default zone 01:27 < bridge> so if theres no tuine zones its 0 01:27 < bridge> so if theres no tune zones its 0 01:27 < bridge> Ah okay so I understand it correct then 01:28 < bridge> But what is the difference between m\_aTuning and tuninglist 0 01:29 < bridge> m_aTuning is local list is for everyone 01:29 < bridge> so when u set list[0] it set tunings for every tee 01:29 < bridge> m_aTuning is local, list is for everyone 01:30 < bridge> What do you mean by every tee? My dummy and me? 01:30 < bridge> everyone on the server in tune zone 0 01:32 < bridge> So m\_aTuning might hold the value of a non zero tune zone? 01:33 < bridge> Is it like the currently active zone? 01:33 < bridge> Why do we need both variables on the client side 01:33 < bridge> yes m_aTuning is current active zone 01:33 < bridge> can be 0 to num_tunezones 01:33 < bridge> TuningList() is used for prediction for other tees 01:34 < bridge> m\_aTuning is not a int is it? 01:34 < bridge> It’s a tune params array 01:34 < bridge> Imo it should be an int pointing into tuninglist to avoid confusion 01:34 < bridge> yea its the params, got confused a bit 01:35 < bridge> It’s duplicated values with no clear relation 01:35 < bridge> makes sense for me 01:35 < bridge> one is for local, other is for preditcion for everyone else 01:37 < bridge> But the local one just refers to an existing zone 01:37 < bridge> Well I guess we should wait for the refactor until there is the new tune feature 01:38 < bridge> looks like u receive m_aTuning from the server when your tune changes 01:38 < bridge> Yes 01:38 < bridge> So that’s the world tune 01:38 < bridge> So imo that should also go into tune zone 0? 01:39 < bridge> XD 01:39 < bridge> no 01:39 < bridge> u can be in tune zone number 1 01:39 < bridge> m_aTuning will be params from tune zone 1 01:39 < bridge> why 0 01:39 < bridge> Oh really? 01:39 < bridge> yes thats why it broke 01:39 < bridge> So the server sends new tune params every time you touch a new zone? 01:39 < bridge> local player is in tune zone 1, you set tune zone 0 so it breaks for every tee 01:39 < bridge> yes 01:40 < bridge> Crazy 01:41 < bridge> I really hope vanilla demos aren’t broken again .\_. 01:41 < bridge> i went on random vanilla server and tested shotgun and works fine 01:41 < bridge> idk how else to test it 01:46 < bridge> Did you watch the demo? 01:47 < bridge> yes 01:47 < bridge> Ok nice yea it should be fine then 02:06 < bridge> is there method to call hook function except m_Controls.m_aInputData[0].m_Hook = 1 02:30 < bridge> if the hook state is only set on key up and key down events then thats what any function would do 02:31 < bridge> also shouldnt that 0 be dependent on whether dummy is selected or not 02:31 < bridge> i changed to 0 for example 03:27 < bridge> Chiller , check issues , and add new translate 04:47 < ws-client> @woidless you can't just remove placeholders in the translation. Also I saw it don't be pushy. I need to allocate time to cleanup your mess. Also is "ivent" really a russian word? 04:55 < bridge> Да? 05:06 < bridge> Yes 07:10 < bridge> ChillerDragonhow can I make it show the number of kills in a row instead of the passage time in tab? 07:10 < bridge> ChillerDragon how can I make it show the number of kills in a row instead of the passage time in tab? 08:52 < ws-client> @woidless update and then its ``sv_display_score 3`` 09:30 < bridge> Thx 10:45 < bridge> ChillerDragon is it possible to copy a map and paste it into another map? For example, Savannux + Dandelinux 11:19 < ws-client> yes same as you copy a part 11:19 < ws-client> you can use append for background and animations and you can copy parts by selecting multiple layers at once using shift 11:24 < bridge> I want to create a hub with a teleport to these 2 maps, which I can do. But how can I copy it completely in Savannux with all the freezing, texture, and Dandelinux blocks 12:03 < ws-client> you need to add the same tile layers in the target map and then you can just select a area in the source map and paste it in the target map btw this is more of a #mapping question 12:08 < bridge> Chiller got adopted by Evelyn as personal assistant :greenthing: 12:29 < bridge> ChillerDragon make it impossible to enter the tournament block with dummy 12:32 < ws-client> I am not sure if i like that 12:33 < bridge> Well, make it possible to choose in the config 12:34 < bridge> It's just so easy to get wins 12:34 < ws-client> i see 12:35 < ws-client> hmm todays merge didnt go so well .. 12:35 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1730979303.png 12:36 < bridge> Configuring C/C++ projects with CMake is so ass, I spent 1.5 hours trying to setup simple project and I'm already tired :pepeW: 12:37 < ws-client> yea it is xd 12:37 < ws-client> bru i even have that bug in ddnet not just in my hax client 12:38 < ws-client> did i mess that up on my system or is the master glitched? 12:52 < bridge> Seems caused by https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/9213, I'll fix it later 13:28 < ws-client> nice thanks 13:57 < bridge> ChillerDragon So you'll do it? 14:20 < ws-client> its done i pinged you on github 14:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1304075116832882748/Gbt6MSlWEBARx0H.png?ex=672e1218&is=672cc098&hm=b220eb7b7f1bd48681672afc62942c1a4f2132479b2c7641a20ed901279e0dc9& 14:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1304075175456931851/GbqPFEmXsAEf3Cg.png?ex=672e1226&is=672cc0a6&hm=2e0c6d85f75780c6575cbbc80a7b736650f7d036b29d02b464f9eac440837cbe& 14:29 < bridge> yes 14:29 < bridge> die crab, die 14:29 < bridge> where's C one :justatest: 14:32 < bridge> Segfaulted 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> фф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ффф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> фф 15:21 < bridge> ффф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> фф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> фф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> ф 15:21 < bridge> фф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> фф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> фф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> ф 15:22 < bridge> Mf I just got off from work 15:22 < bridge> Why are you like this 15:22 < bridge> :peperage: 15:50 < bridge> Anyone can give me tune commands in f2 to make game speed lower by 2? 16:07 < bridge> Yo im pretty confused rn. when `sv_destroy_bullets_on_death` is 0 the reload timer gets reset to 0 when killing right? or is there some initial reload counter? i can't find it if so. but ingame there seems to be some sort of delay making it impossible to fire 2 grenades within 3 ticks 16:13 < bridge> does the tee maybe not exist for a tick? 16:13 < bridge> Yo im pretty confused rn. when `sv_destroy_bullets_on_death` is 0 the reload timer gets reset to 0 when killing right? or is there some initial reload counter? i can't find it if so. but ingame there seems to be some sort of delay making it impossible to fire 2 grenades within 2 ticks 16:21 < ws-client> two tas questions in a row when open #botter channel 16:21 < bridge> yes please 16:21 < bridge> now answer 16:22 < ws-client> ok 16:22 < ws-client> there is no such tune 16:22 < ws-client> i mean you can tune gravity to be lower and projectile speed to be lower but there is no general game speed tune 16:23 < bridge> game speed tune can't exists cuz physics quantizing anyway 16:23 < bridge> *using current tunes 16:23 < bridge> chiller answer my question!! 16:23 < bridge> where does that 1 tick go 16:23 < bridge> I mean using many tunes, not only one 16:24 < bridge> it does not work. 16:24 < bridge> @totar made an immitation of slowmo once but it is far from the truth. 16:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1304104273168171059/SlowTest4.map?ex=672e2d3f&is=672cdbbf&hm=52852652eea2c6088a890141dfea438e137f7918b798b847dc66e7ef9a2e7621& 16:25 < bridge> chiller where does the tick go missing 16:25 < ws-client> idk 16:27 < bridge> Need some help! I’m trying to join RUS KOG servers, and I’m just getting a “no answer to server yet!” Wondering if you guys know of a fix for this? I’m a USA player. 16:28 < bridge> simulation vs. 16:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1304105097692713052/run_orange.mp4?ex=672e2e04&is=672cdc84&hm=02ca6d3490ab725f154fb286b74bb00309107edc418155bc1f2fb62d374f77dd& 16:28 < bridge> unique vs. 16:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1304105131054338068/2024-11-07_16-27-13.mp4?ex=672e2e0c&is=672cdc8c&hm=b5c95814fe239bef5cf9e613eb380c83a0bbaec4da92faac773cbba214efe6bf& 16:28 < bridge> ddnet 16:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1304105158463983698/2024-11-07_16-26-44.mp4?ex=672e2e12&is=672cdc92&hm=77bc01426cd463fbbff6082d49d2cc75180ac808bf8b784c29785c6bfd4050cb& 16:30 < bridge> chiller where did you hide my tick 16:30 < bridge> chiller where did you hide my 16:33 < bridge> looking at the server code it seems the character respawns without missing a tick so idk why ddnet is so slow 16:34 < bridge> Need some help! I’m trying to join RUS KOG servers, and I’m just getting a “no answer to server yet!” Wondering if you guys know of a fix for this? I’m a USA player. 16:35 < bridge> $kog 16:40 < bridge> Tysm! I just searching for this 16:43 < bridge> chiller i found it. it was in my pocket all along 16:48 < bridge> ~~looking at the server code it seems the character respawns without missing a tick so idk why ddnet is so slow~~ 16:50 < bridge> not really, kind of common gamer slang, real translation of event is "событие" 18:35 < bridge> ChillerDragon I just realized that I could just ask you for a file to translate individual parts of ddnetpp and just change it there and then just register make in build, right? 18:37 < bridge> Gugugaga 19:36 < bridge> Was there any change to input lately in ddnet? 19:36 < bridge> 19:36 < bridge> My fps drops to 0 when I do any kind of input, and also only after the client was open for a while 19:36 < bridge> https://streamable.com/mcoc5f 19:36 < bridge> 19:36 < bridge> Else I blame this weird steam bug I have. 19:38 < bridge> bind mousemovement fps -1 19:38 < bridge> weird thing 19:38 < bridge> bind mousemovement fps -1:kek: 20:06 < bridge> @learath2. What was the name of a technique when structs have the same n first fields? 20:10 < bridge> https://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Common_Initial_Sequence (?) 20:10 < bridge> Yep 20:15 < bridge> yup, thanks 20:27 < bridge> struct inside of struct 👍 20:33 < bridge> why aren't afks automatically invisible(/spec)? he's causing a lot of problems. 20:58 < bridge> That could be a great idea. 20:58 < bridge> Sadly on most maps spec is not allowed so not if it would solve your issues ^^' 21:17 < bridge> Anyone want to review #9006? 21:17 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/9006 21:50 < bridge> me 22:13 < bridge> even if this is an actual bug - can we keep this? this looks sick af :kekw: 22:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1304192139869290556/image.png?ex=672e7f14&is=672d2d94&hm=93d5f829793b5156125669b46556de7f7a18ed8f856e06bf002a4000f7e16949& 22:17 < bridge> go update your data dir xd 22:17 < bridge> build ddnet master from source for me will you? :3 22:17 < bridge> sure :owo: