00:00 < Voxel> Step one: Replacing every file with split files (DONE!) 00:00 < Voxel> Step two: making everything Work:tm: 00:15 < Voxel> It's getting to the point where "gameclient" doesn't feel like a word anymore 00:19 < bridge> happens 00:52 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW4PMOSb-jU 00:57 < bridge> maybe the hook collision preview should render with weapon in hand 00:57 < bridge> holy shit LOL 00:57 < bridge> that's my first time forwarding a message ever 00:57 < bridge> you'd think they'd make it collapsed by default 00:58 < bridge> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/420565311863914496/1301876746194518016/hookcollision.png 01:51 < ws-client> @woidless fixed 02:50 < bridge> Thx 02:52 < bridge> And where to specify the zone for the block tournament? 04:42 < ws-client> @woidless index 131 06:43 < bridge> <3x1st_> can anyone help me with my idea? 06:43 < bridge> <3x1st_> I want to render a flag if variable is true. 06:43 < bridge> <3x1st_> 06:43 < bridge> <3x1st_> ``` 06:43 < bridge> <3x1st_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302870863812759562/image.png?ex=6729b08c&is=67285f0c&hm=f40d20b91ff8dfbea48e69b584fae285e82982964f77de76f9485542199fd9b8& 06:43 < bridge> <3x1st_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302870864051830784/image.png?ex=6729b08c&is=67285f0c&hm=93787f92050c17f05bddd5b0fc807dc96c00205a4597dceb9a6c68d084d5f71a& 06:44 < bridge> Looks like you are done 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> can anyone help me with my idea? 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> I want to render a flag if variable is true. 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> my shit code 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> ```c++ 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> if (g_Config.m_RenderFlag) { 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagBlue); // m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagRed 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_FlagOffset, 1.0f * Pos.x, 1.0f * Pos.y, 2.5f, 2.f); 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> } 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> ``` 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302870863812759562/image.png?ex=6729b08c&is=67285f0c&hm=f40d20b91ff8dfbea48e69b584fae285e82982964f77de76f9485542199fd9b8& 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302870864051830784/image.png?ex=6729b08c&is=67285f0c&hm=93787f92050c17f05bddd5b0fc807dc96c00205a4597dceb9a6c68d084d5f71a& 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> nah cuz i cant render it on my pos 06:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> ;c 06:45 < bridge> What is Pos 06:45 < bridge> <3x1st_> on player position 06:45 < bridge> <3x1st_> player char position 06:45 < bridge> Can you show the code that sets it 06:46 < bridge> Or even better link your repo 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> ```c++ 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> void CHud::RenderFlag() 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> { 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> int ClientID = m_pClient->m_aLocalIDs[g_Config.m_ClDummy]; 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> // just shit bly 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> const CNetObj_Character *pPrevChar = &m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_Prev; 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> const CNetObj_Character *pCurChar = &m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_Cur; 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> const float IntraTick = Client()->IntraGameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> const vec2 Pos = mix(vec2(pPrevChar->m_X, pPrevChar->m_Y), vec2(pCurChar->m_X, pCurChar->m_Y), IntraTick) / 32.0f; 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> const vec2 Vel = mix(vec2(pPrevChar->m_VelX, pPrevChar->m_VelY), vec2(pCurChar->m_VelX, pCurChar->m_VelY), IntraTick); 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> if (g_Config.m_udebug) { 06:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagBlue); // m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagRed 06:48 < bridge> <3x1st_> Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); 06:48 < bridge> <3x1st_> Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_FlagOffset, 1.0f * Pos.x, 1.0f * Pos.y, 2.5f, 2.f); 06:48 < bridge> <3x1st_> } 06:48 < bridge> <3x1st_> } 06:48 < bridge> <3x1st_> 06:48 < bridge> <3x1st_> ``` 06:48 < bridge> LGTM have you looked at how the other flags are rendered? 06:48 < bridge> Also which screen mapping are you in? World or screen? 06:49 < bridge> <3x1st_> screen 06:49 < bridge> It says CHud so I assume it’s not rendering at world coordinates 06:49 < bridge> Yea map it to world 06:49 < bridge> If you want to draw in the world 06:51 < bridge> <3x1st_> i found only in hud flag render like this 06:51 < bridge> <3x1st_> in score hud 06:51 < bridge> But that’s not what you want 06:51 < bridge> That’s not in game that’s hud 06:51 < bridge> <3x1st_> huh 06:52 < bridge> You need to look at the other code or call the MapToWorld method thingy 06:52 < bridge> Well for example draw at 0,0 could mean top left of the map or top left of your screen. That’s why there are two draw modes. 06:52 < bridge> Does that make sense? 06:53 < bridge> <3x1st_> aa 06:53 < bridge> I am on the phone I can’t send you the code you gotta search for the method your self 06:53 < bridge> <3x1st_> okey 06:54 < bridge> It takes a bunch of screen coordinates as argument and is called something MapScreenWorld whatever xd 06:55 < bridge> <3x1st_> RenderTools()->MapScreenToGroup() <- this method fix it how i think 06:55 < bridge> Yea that looks good 06:55 < bridge> Or you just move your code to where the in game flags are rendered 06:55 < bridge> Maybe in players.cpp 07:07 < bridge> What is this? 07:25 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1730701496.png 07:26 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1730701545.png 07:26 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1730701588.png 07:27 < ws-client> you can also put this image into your entities folder https://github.com/DDNetPP/DDNetPP/blob/master/data/mapres/fddracepp.png 07:36 < bridge> <3x1st_> and it didnt help ;/ 07:38 < ws-client> go send code 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> ```c++ 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> void CHud::RenderPlayerFlag() 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> { 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> int ClientID = m_pClient->m_aLocalIDs[g_Config.m_ClDummy]; 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> // just shit bly 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> const CNetObj_Character *pPrevChar = &m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_Prev; 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> const CNetObj_Character *pCurChar = &m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_Cur; 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> const float IntraTick = Client()->IntraGameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> const vec2 Pos = mix(vec2(pPrevChar->m_X, pPrevChar->m_Y), vec2(pCurChar->m_X, pCurChar->m_Y), IntraTick) / 32.0f; 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> const vec2 Vel = mix(vec2(pPrevChar->m_VelX, pPrevChar->m_VelY), vec2(pCurChar->m_VelX, pCurChar->m_VelY), IntraTick); 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> Graphics()->TextureClear(); 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagBlue); // m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagRed 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> //RenderTools()->MapScreenToGroup(m_pClient->m_Camera.m_Center.x, m_pClient->m_Camera.m_Center.y, Layers()->GameGroup(), m_pClient->m_Camera.m_Zoom); 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_FlagOffset, Pos.x, Pos.y, 2.5f, 2.f); 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> } 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> ``` 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> with RenderTools()->MapScreenToGroup() , flag just dont render ;/ 07:39 < bridge> <3x1st_> or idk, render on wrong position 07:40 < bridge> <3x1st_> but i'll try '* 32' my pos 07:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302886130357764106/image.png?ex=6729bec3&is=67286d43&hm=0dd10e7c9042d0f9a076f49a3a47982e1bb37c222cbee491de4fcbf4caa1a822& 07:44 < bridge> <3x1st_> xd 07:47 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1730702830.png 07:47 < ws-client> i managed to attach it xd 07:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> xD 07:47 < bridge> <3x1st_> cool xd 07:47 < ws-client> these fakin texture index shits make everything more complicated 07:49 < bridge> backpack-worlds 07:51 < ws-client> @3x1st_ here u go https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/Kn 07:51 < ws-client> put this in items.cpp OnRender 07:53 < bridge> <3x1st_> k, thanks 07:53 < bridge> <3x1st_> can i have also this? 07:53 < ws-client> xd 07:53 < bridge> <3x1st_> ;D 07:53 < ws-client> i already deleted the code -.- 07:54 < ws-client> undo ftw 07:54 < ws-client> https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/Xf 07:54 < ws-client> players.cpp 07:55 < bridge> <3x1st_> again thanks 07:55 < ws-client> new bot client with epic cosmetics incoming axaxaxax 07:55 < bridge> <3x1st_> frfr xD 07:56 < bridge> /ban 3x1sT asked sus questions in #developer :greenthing: 07:56 < bridge> Stretched nade on your head for only 10.99 07:56 < bridge> Gm btw 07:56 < bridge> ? Gm 07:57 < bridge> Pls not another paid client with cosmetics that take 15 minutes to make :reeeee: 07:57 < bridge> <3x1st_> :nouis: 07:58 < bridge> Make a hole ass marvel production atleast 07:58 < bridge> Make a whole ass marvel production atleast 07:59 < bridge> <3x1st_> good slogan btw xD 08:00 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/spim_nade.gif 08:00 < ws-client> client dev is trol 08:00 < bridge> <3x1st_> xD 08:01 < bridge> Now add a server side helicopter sound, add lasers and recreate battlefield because that gamemode was the fucking Shit Back then 08:03 < bridge> Morning 0 based indexing enjoyers and others 08:04 < bridge> Mornin 08:05 < bridge> <3x1st_> gm 08:06 < ws-client> can some1 help me ping @cellegen plz 08:06 < bridge> @cellegenrih sure 08:14 < ws-client> yo cellegen do you have the shields you added to game.png as svg or only as pixels? 08:36 < bridge> im love it 10:41 < bridge> Any rustacean used https://github.com/helix-editor/helix so far & how was his/her/* experience? 12:25 < bridge> @chillerdragon are you here? 12:25 < bridge> ChillerDragon 12:25 < bridge> arise 12:25 < bridge> hehe 12:26 < bridge> he's online at around 3:30am CEST 12:26 < bridge> usually 12:36 < bridge> I have them in svg 12:38 < bridge> I'll get them, but it'll take hours with my absolute shit internet 12:45 < ws-client> @woidless just ask for what you need. asking if im here is never a good strategy 12:46 < ws-client> @cellegenrih pog 12:46 < bridge> nvm, I only have the grenade shield cuz I didnt save all of them 12:46 < ws-client> rip 12:46 < ws-client> send grenade anyways 12:46 < bridge> I can send you the shield and just paste in the svg weapons + colors 12:47 < ws-client> also sounds good 12:47 < bridge> the shield is actually different from the original 12:47 < ws-client> and the weapons inside? 12:47 < bridge> the weapons are not 12:47 < ws-client> nice 12:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302962651957039125/weapon_shield.svg?ex=672a0608&is=6728b488&hm=19e6426abb9e8a73bd292bbddeb8a80c9b30b8fa26a219a6432807e4d92e5708& 12:48 < ws-client> nice thanks 12:48 < bridge> np 12:50 < ws-client> omg fakin matrix doesnt let me download it xd 12:50 < bridge> :kek: 12:50 < ws-client> got it 12:50 < ws-client> only took 4 different attempts 12:54 < bridge> btw chiller, you probably can't see the #town-hall channels no? 12:55 < bridge> meaning you may not know about my own project # 12:56 < ws-client> no i dont 12:56 < ws-client> you mean your game engine project which i ask you about all the time? 12:57 < bridge> I guess 12:58 < bridge> I'm taking it seriously now, with proper organizing and making a base for other people to build upon 12:58 < bridge> chiller\ 12:58 < bridge> ho 12:58 < bridge> chillerdragon: are you here? 12:58 < ws-client> ijoad 12:59 < bridge> You can make it possible to redirect all actions on the server to a telegram bot or discord bot 13:00 < bridge> he's only here for me 13:00 < bridge> :gigachad: 13:00 < ws-client> what are actions 13:01 < bridge> Messages in the chat, someone has entered the team, the person’s finish time 13:01 < ws-client> ah just bridge the chat 13:01 < ws-client> sure i can add that 13:01 < ws-client> not today 13:02 < bridge> go tomorrow pls? 13:02 < ws-client> if i dont forget 13:02 < bridge> ok 13:02 < ws-client> i will do discord bcs i dont know telegram is that oke? 13:14 < bridge> I am using it currently. Although I am not rustacean. (booting up pc) 13:17 < bridge> It's ok. It does it job although until I got used to it I was constantly opening the [keymap](https://docs.helix-editor.com/keymap.html) to search for things 13:17 < bridge> It's ok as in it's good but has some issues/problems 13:22 < bridge> The first that comes to mind is that there isn't a way to map the key I pressed (α ξ κ) to the corresponding english (a j k) 13:22 < bridge> In my previous editor ( [vis](https://github.com/martanne/vis) ) I did it like this 13:22 < bridge> ``` cmd('langmap ΑΒΨΔΕΦΓΗΙΞΚΛΜΝΟΠΡΣΤΘΩ-ΧΥΖαβψδεφγηιξκλμνοπρστθωςχυζ' 13:22 < bridge> .. ' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz')``` 13:22 < bridge> The first issue that comes to mind is that there isn't a way to map the key I pressed (α ξ κ) to the corresponding english (a j k) 13:22 < bridge> In my previous editor ( [vis](https://github.com/martanne/vis) ) I did it like this 13:22 < bridge> ``` cmd('langmap ΑΒΨΔΕΦΓΗΙΞΚΛΜΝΟΠΡΣΤΘΩ-ΧΥΖαβψδεφγηιξκλμνοπρστθωςχυζ' 13:22 < bridge> .. ' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz')``` 13:22 < bridge> wow 13:24 < bridge> And when I tried to manually set each greek letter to do the same as the english letter I ran into problems, mainly because "`(σ ς)`" capitalized became the same "`(Σ Σ)`" so helix thought it was the same key. So I kinda abandon making the mapping 13:26 < bridge> Another "problem" is that it's hasn't client-server architecture as I thought it would but I didn't really mind since `vis` didn't either 13:26 < bridge> did you file an issue? sounds like a ridiculous problem 13:28 < bridge> the last one that is in my mind rn, is that you can't perform actions (some?) on multiple cursors which is annoying 13:28 < bridge> (it has mutliple cursors but sometimes they have missing features/can't do certain things you should) 13:36 < bridge> For example (in progress making vid...) 13:41 < bridge> I didn't :justatest: 13:41 < bridge> I don't really remember if it was discussed though. 13:42 < bridge> Ok 13:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302976326311088220/search_on_multiple_cursors.mp4?ex=672a12c4&is=6728c144&hm=0652439d0763b5ed6895143dc15295193e8c10860b9863361ad4baea8b056d76& 13:43 < ws-client> @woidless nvm im done today xd 13:43 < ws-client> u got a discord webhook? @woidless 13:43 < ws-client> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKksxz2Gdnc 13:46 < ws-client> ChillerDragon: uwu from lan server axaxax 13:47 < ws-client> ChillerDragon: @woidless u afk? 13:48 < ws-client> being able to setup discord webhooks for ddnet#developer is quite funny xd 13:48 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1730724443.png 13:48 < bridge> I select everything inside the function (`mif`) and then I select (`s`) with regex `awful\.key\(` the `awful.key` so I have multiple cursors now. But when I search (`/`) it only searches on one cursor. 13:48 < bridge> So I can't do 'select `awful.key` then search `function` add new line etc' because it only works on one cursor. 13:48 < bridge> I remeber I had looked it up/researched it but I didn't find useful results 13:49 < ws-client> well in case we miss each other the new config is ``sv_chat_discord_webhook`` and the value is your full webhook url @woidless 13:50 < bridge> The good stuff is that it's good (xD). It has mutliple cursors, language server, jump to functions and stuff, highlight (ig that's a given), mouse support, submenus and generally a good workflow. 13:51 < bridge> What 13:51 < ws-client> wat what 13:52 < bridge> Is it fashionable step by step ? 13:52 < ws-client> i gave you all the steps where are you stuck? 13:52 < bridge> I just came in, I'm going to read everything now 13:52 < ws-client> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKksxz2Gdnc then add ``sv_chat_discord_webhook `` with the actual url as argument to your config 13:53 < bridge> Should I create my own WebHoook server for it now? 13:53 < ws-client> to which discord channel do you want to send it? 13:54 < bridge> first, I need to create my own server 13:54 < ws-client> oke 13:54 < bridge> why did you ask chiller to make his bridge in first xd 13:56 < bridge> https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1302979649365606470/e9Xhjy75smDhBoIYNgSiEiwYlcHchZp10IzO90mxNJp6AwU7f1Qo2sWsnt56THISjTam 13:56 < ws-client> nonono 13:56 < ws-client> dont send it here xd 13:56 < bridge> #simcr name channel 13:56 < ws-client> thats like a password 13:56 < ws-client> you got to set it up not me 13:56 < ws-client> you need to add it to your config 13:57 < bridge> this? 13:57 < ws-client> you should revert that webhook before learath sends illegal messages on your server and gets you swatted 13:57 < ws-client> yes this 13:57 < ws-client> ``sv_chat_discord_webhook "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1302979649365606470/e9Xhjy75smDhBoIYNgSiEiwYlcHchZp10IzO90mxNJp6AwU7f1Qo2sWsnt56THISjTam"`` 13:57 < ws-client> but create a new webhook and dont share it 13:58 < bridge> ok 13:59 < bridge> maybe git pull 13:59 < bridge> make 13:59 < ws-client> yes 13:59 < ws-client> you pro 13:59 < bridge> The good stuff is that it's good (xD). It has mutliple cursors, language server, jump to functions and stuff, highlight (ig that's a given), mouse support, submenus and generally a good workflow. 13:59 < bridge> 13:59 < bridge> edit: I am using it currently since May I think. Maybe if I find a good server/client architecture text editor I'll switch but for now I am happy with helix :). 13:59 < bridge> P.S. I kinda have stopped programming although I do code sometimes so maybe there are issues or features I missed to mention. 14:00 < bridge> i need to restart this? 14:00 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302980843073044542/image.png?ex=672a16f9&is=6728c579&hm=8443a1b956e7d95f36f51075ee64a40e9e91eeb2fd60a459ee45addbc58d1c8f& 14:01 < ws-client> yes after git pull and make you need to restart 14:01 < bridge> wait building 14:01 < ws-client> yes ddnet bloat 14:02 < bridge> You did all this for free, I’m afraid to imagine what would happen if you were paid for your work 14:02 < ws-client> everything for you my love 14:02 < ws-client> <:heartw:395753947396046850> 14:03 < bridge> How can I turn off all screen sessions at once? 14:03 < ws-client> ``killall screen`` 14:03 < ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 14:03 < bridge> Forgive me 60 people who are currently playing on my server 14:04 < ws-client> oh no 14:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302981823931875329/image.png?ex=672a17e3&is=6728c663&hm=a74a169dbea814715110df4a618da2aca57f75e29aaa0085e4d02f9b77d44bfc& 14:04 < ws-client> real pro server admins do ``password z128931892z389123u89;sv_shutdown_when_empty 1`` in rcon 14:05 < ws-client> ``apt-get install killall -y`` 14:05 < ws-client> xd 14:05 < ws-client> how does bloated ubuntu not have killall 14:05 < ws-client> even my debian has it 14:06 < ws-client> also pro tipp dont use the root user 14:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302982187141828638/image.png?ex=672a1839&is=6728c6b9&hm=cfd1d61f92b088648350425438a1cfcf123f8f0f25ed72e9711fa379e91eb059& 14:06 < ws-client> ddnet++ is full of bugs and if someone exploits the game server you dont want them to be linux admin 14:06 < bridge> my debian doesn't have `killall` 14:06 < ws-client> @milkeeycat maybe it came with gnome pro 14:07 < bridge> . 14:07 < ws-client> yo catto did you see my new project coffeeworlds? 14:07 < bridge> ye 14:08 < ws-client> @woidless uhm ``apt-update -y && apt-upgrade -y && apt-get install killall`` 14:08 < ws-client> you like java? 14:08 < bridge> i still didn't finish my "client" in my "language" :feelsbadman: 14:08 < bridge> chillerdragon: haven't written a single line of java in my life 14:08 < ws-client> hello world is quite bloated in java 14:08 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302982884377755670/image.png?ex=672a18df&is=6728c75f&hm=60b6207e3b6c22e2b0a6045742a7668d343bc05670dff2bb93b2b686b94d2765& 14:09 < ws-client> @woidless im stoopid sorry xd just do ``pkill screen`` 14:09 < bridge> Over 14:09 < bridge> Game over.... 14:09 < bridge> tf 14:09 < ws-client> you are really rude 14:09 < bridge> well pkill works 14:10 < bridge> gentoo ftw 14:10 < ws-client> this reminds me of the good old js chillerbot linux times in this channel 14:10 < bridge> but i'd say it's solid `FizzBuzzOutputGenerationContextVisitorFactory` out of 10 14:10 < ws-client> posting command and getting responses 14:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302983347844153356/image.png?ex=672a194e&is=6728c7ce&hm=64d9bc47aff5471256ecc745f17747220b2b0986e178e2ee53bf8cb7b43de39a& 14:10 < ws-client> @woidless if learato sends you a command to run on your server dont run it 14:11 < ws-client> bro you leaked ur webhook again 14:11 < bridge> :lol: 14:11 < bridge> I have 4 servers with different configs, won’t it hurt? 14:11 < ws-client> no its fine 14:11 < ws-client> you can have them all send to differnet channels 14:11 < bridge> what if I specify a different webhook for each config? 14:12 < bridge> I use `kill` all the time :p 14:12 < ws-client> hacker catto 14:12 < bridge> do u know the pid? 14:12 < ws-client> tbh i also use pgrep -f and then kill 14:12 < ws-client> or ``ps aux | fzf`` 14:12 < bridge> `$(pidof program)` :justatest: 14:12 < bridge> thats literally pkill 14:12 < ws-client> xd 14:12 < bridge> xd 14:12 < ws-client> @woidless works 14:13 < bridge> ok 14:13 < bridge> and i create new channel 14:13 < bridge> and in new channel new webhook 14:13 < bridge> good? 14:13 < ws-client> yes 14:15 < ws-client> @ryozuki well you see first how many results you get 14:15 < ws-client> you dont wanna accidentally kill systemd 14:15 < bridge> lol shame on u i dont have systemd 14:19 < bridge> i started server? 14:20 < ws-client> ok? 14:20 < bridge> ok? 14:21 < ws-client> ok! 14:22 < bridge> all work thx 14:22 < ws-client> pro 14:23 < bridge> Somewhere a Jupstar is happy, whom I stopped pressuring with my questions 14:25 < bridge> Is it possible that I could write on behalf of the server through messages in discord? 14:25 < ws-client> oof 14:25 < ws-client> that requires a discord bot i think i cant do that i dont have discord 14:26 < ws-client> https://github.com/jxsl13/TeeworldsEconDiscordModerationBot 14:26 < ws-client> this might work 14:27 < ws-client> @jxsl13 help 14:28 < bridge> And you can create a command for TestDDRace that will completely make me invisible, that is, it will hide me in the tab, and I will not be visible to others. For rcon 14:29 < ws-client> hmm maybe im not too big of a fan of admin cheats 14:30 < bridge> hmm maybe im not too big of a fan of admin cheats 14:30 < bridge> oh 14:30 < bridge> i translate this 14:30 < bridge> It’s just that such trolling can be implemented with this 14:41 < ws-client> ok done @woidless you can now use the rcon command ``hide_player`` followed by the client id to hide a player 14:44 < bridge> You're a hero 14:45 < bridge> I need to git pull && make? 14:45 < ws-client> yes 14:45 < bridge> Is it possible to do without restarting the server? 14:45 < ws-client> no 14:46 < bridge> Then I'll do it later. 14:46 < ws-client> ok 14:46 < bridge> by the way, there is an error in the destroylaser command 14:46 < ws-client> oh boy there are so many errors xd 14:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302992467892895744/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_0bc8d0ad-4b10-44ee-b76e-ab3fe9a37a9b.jpg?ex=672a21cc&is=6728d04c&hm=891bc46260255f18c459f9595ea16e7909a283d44e04ce4571d67ec50c314346& 14:46 < bridge> Its normal 14:47 < bridge> Where client id? 14:47 < ws-client> ``status`` 14:47 < ws-client> destroylaser needs an id as argument same as ``hide_player`` 14:47 < ws-client> so for example ``destroylaser 0`` 14:47 < bridge> I know the client id of people , I say even if there is nothing to enter it here 14:48 < ws-client> wat 14:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302992941538873404/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_3d210ae4-628d-4efc-b06c-a1268193c0bd.jpg?ex=672a223d&is=6728d0bd&hm=4c909a431b28251b3c77afedfbfe9bf72a28bb84a5f200640c08ccf1ed4f6f39& 14:49 < ws-client> ah its probably some1 doing /destroylaser in chat 14:49 < ws-client> or idk 14:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1302993162058596443/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_d13f1fe7-cbdc-4968-8333-92965da846f1.jpg?ex=672a2272&is=6728d0f2&hm=fbaede96dde63ea00fd6733747eda220d82604f8caa4af2861ddbe815a4bd3ba& 14:49 < ws-client> if you run ``destroylaser 0`` player with client id gets destroy laser but that weapon is probably super bugged i dont even remember what it should do 14:49 < bridge> killall? 14:49 < ws-client> solly 14:50 < bridge> hello 14:50 < bridge> that was an instant ... "response" 14:50 < bridge> tells u whether u actually killed something or not 14:51 < ws-client> i checked the code destroylaser does absolutely nothing xd 14:51 < bridge> :poggers2: 15:20 < bridge> Damn helix is a really good text editor :cat_whaaa: 15:20 < bridge> 15:20 < bridge> Sane defaults, easy to use if you're at least somewhat familiar with vim motions, the config is written in toml and overall a great experience 15:20 < bridge> 15:20 < bridge> 11/10 would recommend 15:20 < bridge> 15:20 < bridge> (Even tho I really miss my oily vim so I still use that to manage file dirs :kek: 15:25 < bridge> should also work with ddnet based servers, except for a lot of commands relying on logs to properly work across map changes 15:26 < bridge> usernames are probably broken 15:26 < bridge> for non zCatch 15:31 < bridge> chilller 15:31 < bridge> dradon 15:31 < bridge> You can do the command /duel 15:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303004073628536953/KOG.map?ex=672a2c9b&is=6728db1b&hm=7da669fef92c105dc5368185930d06967c21318b22fdfcb30616a09e2f821b04& 15:34 < bridge> And please, on this map, make a zone for these duels on the multi-sim playground and a zone for the block tournament and make everything work, I ask you 15:35 < bridge> i want :justatest: 15:41 < ws-client> @woidless what should /duel do? also i told you place the game tile 131 for block tournament arena spawns 15:46 < bridge> I can't, I don't know how to use the editor 15:46 < bridge> Now I’ll show you what I mean by /duel 15:47 < ws-client> press ctrl+shift+e to open the editor 15:47 < ws-client> click on the Settings on the top then select "Show Info" "Dec" 15:48 < ws-client> then click on "Game" in the left menu not on "#1 Game" 15:48 < ws-client> then press space 15:48 < ws-client> use the mouse and left click once on 131 15:48 < ws-client> use the arrow keys to navigate the map to the arena 15:48 < ws-client> click with the mouse where you want the spawns 15:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303008190895755325/image.png?ex=672a3071&is=6728def1&hm=389a57cbca9d3dfbd6a3e4b56f5294eaff56252e44bb249a4c3ad6a7bc094288& 15:49 < bridge> where game 15:49 < ws-client> you got it good 15:49 < ws-client> now hold space 15:49 < ws-client> select 131 15:50 < ws-client> this is the game layer you have it already selected 15:50 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1730731788.png 15:50 < bridge> over 15:50 < ws-client> scroll to zoom in 15:51 < bridge> how to move on the map? 15:51 < ws-client> put your mouse on the map and use arrow keys 15:51 < ws-client> <^v> 15:51 < bridge> Do I need to build a block tournament zone right now? 15:51 < ws-client> or was it wasd i forgot xd 15:52 < ws-client> ah no its W, A, S, D to navigate 15:52 < ws-client> you can also click drag to move but thats harder to explain 15:52 < bridge> Do I need to build a block tournament zone right now? 15:52 < ws-client> just place tile 131 where you want the tournament area 15:52 < ws-client> its just a spawn tile 15:52 < ws-client> you dont have a arena already? 15:53 < bridge> ye 15:53 < ws-client> then you need to make one for that you need to learn the editor better or hire a mapper 15:53 < bridge> By the way, when teleporting to a block tournament zone, if there are people there, will they be visible to the participants? 15:53 < ws-client> yes 15:53 < ws-client> it should be a area that is not reachable from the spawn 15:54 < bridge> And I know where to place it, but there are already people there, can I copy this zone in the editor and paste it somewhere else? 15:54 < ws-client> yes 15:55 < ws-client> select the layer on the left then drag your mouse on the tiles with left click to select a area 15:55 < bridge> I want to copy this 15:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303009981146071060/image.png?ex=672a321c&is=6728e09c&hm=3234c562faa8554d7b1992044eeb7d7bc0261015b6cb82cc7068ac80b1627895& 15:56 < ws-client> > select the layer on the left then drag your mouse on the tiles with left click to select a area 15:57 < bridge> and which layer on the left should I choose? 15:57 < ws-client> @woidless you can start playing around with the editor by following this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXZnF17TgEQ 15:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303010252903420026/image.png?ex=672a325d&is=6728e0dd&hm=6cbf0030388bb02bbfee401f3d57f2fb71ba528b1639c9bfd532be49c8032d16& 15:58 < ws-client> you can ctrl+left click on the tile in the map and it will select the layer for you if you dont know 15:59 < bridge> is game 15:59 < bridge> lol 15:59 < ws-client> yes game is for gameplay but then there is also textures 15:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303010819088580692/image.png?ex=672a32e4&is=6728e164&hm=2913e56aa32172322707cf465fbcffe4f72d8f7f0faa719cf1e4ff719a5a0b9a& 15:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303010819453222912/image.png?ex=672a32e4&is=6728e164&hm=58063cded0e059caeff07b020f9b90370a490b19369c7e840b31fc8e9227a4b2& 15:59 < ws-client> ctrl+left click again 16:00 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303011086081200129/image.png?ex=672a3323&is=6728e1a3&hm=fb4fe5c2a7338882534f26218925e1770fe06f2a44ba0aacc143d0b0804711c3& 16:01 < bridge> my ddnet is crash 16:01 < ws-client> sus 16:02 < ws-client> well i go to sleep now good luck 16:02 < bridge> STOO] 16:02 < bridge> STOPPPO 16:02 < bridge> STOPPP[ 16:02 < bridge> I found a block tournament areaI found a block tournament areaI found a block tournament area 16:02 < bridge> I found a block tournament area 16:07 < bridge> I figured it out 16:16 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303015069097001011/file-dzYJKTWibq2k5CurZl9HGg0R.webp?ex=672a36d9&is=6728e559&hm=8354c0706fe74697aa19fc2905fd2c6081884db8d35f05df305fddc21e0c9ae0& 16:36 < bridge> lmfao 16:37 < bridge> gm rust devs and others 16:49 < bridge> gm 16:49 < bridge> gm 17:06 < bridge> i love fish 17:06 < bridge> i always just used it in my interactive terminals & used bash for everything else 17:07 < bridge> no idea why 17:07 < bridge> it’s beastly for scripting 18:53 < bridge> does anyone know how to fix cursor in ddnet, it's not moving 19:14 < bridge> ChillerDragon, please complete these tasks tomorrow. 19:14 < bridge> 1. Make the camera follow me when I'm invisible 19:14 < bridge> 2. Make a full translation into Russian , everything related to the block tournament , stats , teams /register , /login 19:14 < bridge> 3. Make sure that an unlimited number of people can participate in the block tournament, and the reward for winning increases proportionally 19:16 < bridge> 19:18 < bridge> Chillerdragon: - time to stop helping people 19:19 < bridge> :kekw: 19:20 < bridge> he got his weapon shield asset, he doesn't need more 19:20 < bridge> :gigachad: 19:22 < bridge> lmfao 19:48 < bridge> I think Chillerdragon will transform to Aggressivedragon in this week by that orders 😄 20:14 < bridge> How can I check if tee has been seen in the camera/viewability area? 20:15 < bridge> `Snap.m_aCharacters[i].m_Active` 20:15 < bridge> means the tee is rendered 20:15 < bridge> which is on screen or a bit off it 20:22 < bridge> 4. send all your money to jxsl13 20:40 < bridge> This does not work, the players that are not visible on the camera have values of 1 20:40 < bridge> xd 20:44 < bridge> then camera->m_Center and check with ScreenWidth/Height 21:13 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8500 21:20 < bridge> @fokkonaut whats blocking 128 player support pr? 21:38 < bridge> Are you using Windows or Linux? 21:41 < bridge> 128 players? thtts cringe, when are we getting 1024? 21:44 < bridge> jesuss 128 players in scoreboard looks... well 21:44 < bridge> big 21:44 < bridge> i already think 64 is way too many 21:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303098001551527966/349630292-fa73c7e5-7d52-46c1-a00c-885506494528.png?ex=672a8415&is=67293295&hm=de574b91bf1df148d3d60a55e990d92bba61ee6f16fd7e1e4f7e7c8adc563ec2& 21:46 < bridge> thats the image i saw 21:46 < bridge> :leTroll: 21:46 < bridge> imagine i have to reply to some russian player and im there pressing shift+tab for 5 years 22:01 < bridge> Mouse for da weak, I'll use fifo :/ 22:28 < bridge> steam users get even more fun 22:28 < bridge> y so? 22:28 < bridge> shift tab is the default keybind for opening the steam overlay 22:28 < bridge> ah 22:28 < bridge> simply dfont use steam 22:29 < bridge> i need a russian keyboard 22:29 < bridge> for the express purpose of pinging russians 22:29 < bridge> Can I post ideas here? 22:29 < bridge> why not 22:30 < bridge> feel free to share them 22:30 < bridge> if it’s smth u want added to ddnet youmd better make an issue on github 22:30 < bridge> if it’s smth u want added to ddnet you’d be better off making an issue on github 22:30 < bridge> The idea is to add more orientation flags to the flags 22:30 < bridge> hmm 22:31 < bridge> are u talking about the player country flag or smth else 22:31 < bridge> gay flags? 22:31 < bridge> gay player country flags? 22:31 < bridge> i guess so 22:31 < bridge> yes 22:31 < bridge> i think u need to specify sexual oritentation 22:31 < bridge> i dont rly love that idea because the flag is supposed to serve as an indicator of where you live 22:31 < bridge> i though u were actually talking abt some editor feature 22:32 < bridge> but ppl abuse it or leave it empty all the time 22:32 < bridge> about 1% plp use it for that. the rest are in north korea or dont have one 22:32 < bridge> i sure as hell dont live in luxembourg 22:32 < bridge> Imagine how cool it is that your tab displays LGBT or something else 22:33 < bridge> Imagine how cool it is that in your nickname tab you have LGBT or something else displayed 22:33 < bridge> maybe as another field 22:33 < bridge> it wouldnt be compatable with 0.7, and people would use it. but i think plo would be against it as its a slippery slope, theres lots of flags 22:33 < bridge> hm I dunno really, flags are specifically for location purposes. We "could" add a second category for flags - but I'm not sure about our maintainers 22:33 < bridge> it just seems ultimately pointless 22:33 < bridge> another field for being gay is probably a bit too much 22:35 < bridge> if you are adding a rainbow flag u need to draw the line where to stop adding flags 22:35 < bridge> also whats the country code for rainbow flag 22:35 < bridge> [gay](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1193969399619661985.gif?size=48&quality=lossless&name=gay) ? 22:35 < bridge> i wanna be clear that i harbor zero ill will towards anyone who’d wanna use this flag *but* technically speaking it’d be redefining existing server/client behavior which can’t/won’t be changed everywhere so support would not be great 22:35 < bridge> 22:35 < bridge> I also question the logic that brings you to want to show ppl your gender/orientation without having to talk to them 22:36 < bridge> that seems like something you keep to yourself and share with people as needed 22:36 < bridge> could just be me 22:36 < bridge> or another idea - add a window to the display tab where you can enter a skin that will be displayed during the freeze / recolor the color of the freeze 22:36 < bridge> people use these flags to show their support towards these groups without belonging to them 22:36 < bridge> if you have ever been near any community they often have lots of memerobillia (?) such as flags and figures and idols etc etc. the gay community likes sticking flags on everything 22:36 < bridge> Sometimes* 22:37 < bridge> yea 22:37 < bridge> its not redefining anything, i think u can just add it to the assets and it works 22:37 < bridge> there’s no enum? 22:37 < bridge> the flag information is just a string 22:37 < bridge> then i guess i dont see why not to 22:37 < bridge> no and even if there was, its very likley theres space anyway 22:37 < bridge> it’s not about space 22:38 < bridge> space in the size of the enum such that its compatable with old servers 22:38 < bridge> Having more LGBTQ+ flags than country flags inc 22:38 < bridge> space in the size of the enum such that its compatable with old servers* 22:38 < bridge> I don't really mind it - I only see another thing we need to moderate :monkaStop: 22:39 < bridge> yeah i think there’s no harm in having it 22:39 < bridge> just seems uber pointless 22:39 < bridge> oh no theres a ton of people with gay flags!!!! 22:39 < bridge> ban them!!! 22:39 < bridge> "he called me a bitch for using the bisexual LGBTQ flag" 22:39 < bridge> having flags doesnt make people less or more homophobic 22:39 < bridge> :monkaStop: 22:39 < bridge> o he called you a bitch 22:39 < bridge> im sure most people are used to general name calling 22:39 < bridge> oddly tame 22:40 < bridge> ^ 22:41 < bridge> if you can just add images & it’ll work for whoever has it then whatever 22:41 < bridge> Typing on phone hard.. 22:41 < bridge> 22:41 < bridge> I think it'll increase awareness AND toxicity towards this - so I vote f3.5 22:41 < bridge> but if it’s anything more than that I say no because it’s enabling more maintenance in the future & providing justification for why the next proposed profile customization thing can be added 22:42 < bridge> and then we’d just end up like discord 22:42 < bridge> idk about you but that sounds terrible 22:43 < bridge> whats there to maintain, the rainbow flag doesnt change 22:43 < bridge> hmm wdym 22:43 < bridge> wdym maintanence 22:44 < bridge> oh sorry if it wasn’t clear i was elaborating on my previous msg 22:44 < bridge> i mean the maintenance implied by the inverse case in the condition established by the first part of my sentence 22:45 < bridge> yeah .. but flags dont need maintaining 22:45 < bridge> to paraphrase… “if there is maintenance to be done then i say no” 22:45 < bridge> to paraphrase… “if there is maintenance to be done then i say yes” 22:45 < bridge> to paraphrase… “if there is nomaintenance to be done then i say yes” 22:45 < bridge> to paraphrase… “if there is no maintenance to be done then i say yes” 22:45 < bridge> there is none, unless the design for them changes in which case your already doing 100, so youll be doing it with a python script anyway 22:45 < bridge> truly a great day to be a mobile user 22:45 < bridge> dude 22:45 < bridge> i am agreeing with you 22:45 < bridge> please read 22:45 < bridge> so am i 22:45 < bridge> :) 22:46 < bridge> :monkaStop: 22:46 < bridge> i dont get it 22:46 < bridge> im elaborating despite the fact you already agree with me 22:46 < bridge> i see 22:47 < bridge> i dont wanna read into it too much cuz it’s a simple miscommunication but that confused the shit out of me … usually “but” means to contradict 22:47 < bridge> **I understood your point 5 minutes ago, me continuing is just for shits and giggles ** kinda vibe 22:48 < bridge> yeah sorta like that 22:48 < bridge> but not really 22:48 < bridge> Alright good night!!! I go sleepy eepy 22:48 < bridge> gn 22:48 < bridge> nn 22:49 < bridge> aww u cant just add it to data/countryflags and have it show up 22:49 < bridge> wait it is an enum? 22:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303114031262863401/image.png?ex=672a9303&is=67294183&hm=0ef16b15000135a948b95623a7c5e8756fd24b970d7e821379e0b5ed79940c73& 22:49 < bridge> why tho 22:52 < bridge> rip 22:52 < bridge> genuinely not sure 22:52 < bridge> probably just for this reason, no custom flags means no misinterpretation of somebody’s custom flag 22:52 < bridge> well this kinda makes it hard for custom flags 22:52 < bridge> is the rainbow flag in game already? 22:52 < bridge> no 22:53 < bridge> its probably sending an int32 anyway so why not just send a char[4] 22:53 < bridge> this is probably going to be a tough sell then 22:53 < bridge> i added 22:53 < bridge> it to that file 22:53 < bridge> but its still not showing up 22:57 < bridge> If I'm using std++11 library in my std++20 ddnet project, and I'm getting errors since std++11 uses `std::exception::what` without `noexcept` and everything after with, where in cmake I tell compiler to ignore it or say the lib is std++11 22:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303116013797114000/image.png?ex=672a94dc&is=6729435c&hm=86aaff624ca9a3ea89625bf09162b19b860457ed6f82bac61348d271b75bea76& 22:58 < bridge> `set_source_files_properties(path/to/file.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-std cpp11")` 22:59 < bridge> according to chatgpt 23:00 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303116785263837308/image.png?ex=672a9594&is=67294414&hm=f3ff71514ec492dff89b0941c35e189f87ffe975cc1529be401a4ad6aef19c65& 23:01 < bridge> theres an arbritrary limit that -1 is the lowest flag id you can have 23:01 < bridge> if the flag is added i think that should be... removed and made -999 (as the max is 999) and u can put whatever custom flags in there 23:02 < bridge> it doesnt recompile if u use an unused flag id 23:02 < bridge> it doesnt require recompile if u use an unused flag id 23:02 < bridge> idk if we need custom flags 23:02 < bridge> make an issue ;) 23:03 < bridge> it would require no changes to a single line change, and then u can just add as many as you want 23:03 < bridge> the only flags worht adding are the rgb, lgbtq and trans ones, the rest are kinda icky 23:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303117655179264030/iu.png?ex=672a9663&is=672944e3&hm=77ea27ac4d4e22cf0eff7c87cc31a691f14f67a9037898c6c5b4210966ddc483& 23:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1303117673852571782/image.png?ex=672a9668&is=672944e8&hm=0172479e13aed55e9623752718867c0927099b46b7021e6fce5e43be104979af& 23:04 < bridge> like who the fug made this one 23:04 < bridge> looks like homer simpson wearing purple trousers 23:05 < bridge> the only flags worht adding are the rgb, lesbian, lgbtq and trans ones, the rest are kinda icky 23:08 < bridge> noone asked for these 23:09 < bridge> and its called "country" instead of flag in some parts of the code base 23:11 < bridge> Why would anyone want this... 23:11 < bridge> And I feel it would only be used to insult others xd 23:12 < bridge> with the players being 80% russian we all know whats going to happen 23:12 < bridge> with the playerbase being 80% russian we all know whats going to happen 23:13 < bridge> if you see someone with a pride flag 23:13 < bridge> you know they probably arent a snotty 12 year old 23:14 < bridge> you know they probably arent a snotty (imature) 12 year old 23:14 < bridge> the great filter 23:15 < bridge> im sure alot of people would use them 23:15 < bridge> I wont say my thoughts on that because free speech here is limited. 23:15 < bridge> 23:15 < bridge> But going back to the flags. I don't understand why would you ever want to mix country flags, and political? flags 23:16 < bridge> anyone knows if theres a way to check if tune has set some value, or is it always using the defaults 23:16 < bridge> 🤔 23:16 < bridge> they are tho 23:16 < bridge> I wont say my thoughts on that because free speech here is limited. 23:16 < bridge> 23:16 < bridge> But going back to the flags. I don't understand why would you ever want to mix country flags with other type of flags. 23:16 < bridge> so with this if the global tune is undeep 1 i can turn off it with tune zone 23:16 < bridge> lesbian one is that common tho 23:17 < bridge> nope 23:17 < bridge> lesbian one isnt that common tho 23:17 < bridge> edit: isnt* 23:17 < bridge> i guessed so 23:17 < bridge> i.. think youll be fine. no one will be offended by your hatred of pride flags.... being mixed with flag flags 23:18 < bridge> barely anyone uses flags for their inteded purpsoe anyway 23:18 < bridge> im just gonna make an issue 23:18 < bridge> xd 23:18 < bridge> See #3639 and #5176. We don't want to add non-country or unofficial flags. The only exception are regions that have an associated language like Catalan. 23:18 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/3639 23:18 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/5176 23:18 < bridge> o okey 23:20 < bridge> @robyt3 do you know? 23:20 < bridge> those issues are about un-official geographical flags, not about non-geographical flags 23:20 < bridge> im printing the tune zone value and its always 0 unless set to 1 23:21 < bridge> no 23:22 < bridge> i think they will be rejected for similar reason 23:22 < bridge> I think representing your country is a lot more special these days than representing your sexual minority lol 23:22 < bridge> I think wanting to represent your country is a lot more special these days than wanting to represent your sexual minority lol 23:23 < bridge> oreintation*, and yes... so people would use them 23:23 < bridge> not necessarily true 23:23 < bridge> oreintation*, and yes... so people would use them (special being less frequent) 23:23 < bridge> The ones in the majority don't really care about representing it so I'm technically right :P 23:23 < bridge> yep, and no one country has the majority of the population 23:24 < bridge> so whats your point 23:24 < bridge> a sexual minority. is a minority of people who are sexual. we are talking about sexual orientation (and other pride flags (trans/lgbtq)) flags 23:24 < bridge> i'm sure there are more queer people in the world than the population of a lot of the world's countries 23:24 < bridge> Non country flags should just not be added so discussions like this one doesn't start in game. 23:25 < bridge> there wouldnt be bad discussion in game there would just be name calling 23:25 < bridge> I thought you were just complaining about there not being free speech earlier 23:25 < bridge> this is an interesting tune 23:26 < bridge> louis, for me you can tell in chat whatever you want. 23:26 < bridge> I just don't think we should incite anything. Which is different 23:26 < bridge> feels weird though, i wonder how mappers will use them 23:26 < bridge> the flag isn't doing the inciting though, it's the players 23:26 < bridge> Yes the flag will cause inciting but i don't think it falls on the addition of the flag 23:27 < bridge> could be in a solo map like if you miss you are dead idk tbh 23:27 < bridge> but i'm not sure if its a good idea anyways because it might become a bit of a slippery slope 23:27 < bridge> if I does I don't thinkg the reason matters. That's all 23:27 < bridge> oh real 23:27 < bridge> who has write access on ddnet/ddnet? 23:27 < bridge> admins 23:28 < bridge> equal to the ones in this dc? 23:28 < bridge> 23:28 < bridge> "People" on the right side 23:28 < bridge> im guessing 23:28 < bridge> oke 23:29 < bridge> if one of them accepted it i dont think there would be backlash 23:29 < bridge> but the consesus is probably still no 23:29 < bridge> make an issue x-x