00:09 < bridge> that's illegal ^^ 00:36 < bridge> gesundheit? 00:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1296602826742693928/image.png?ex=6712e2fb&is=6711917b&hm=92fab382d69fbe0496fe3d68002ae1e40bc5c00990a1c2c737f76c5a561b4bee& 00:42 < bridge> wyld 00:48 < bridge> actually pretty interesting custom client 02:47 < bridge> Thaaanks, and are you able to see Discord reacts on WS? 05:05 < bridge> @syrinok hey can you ban SP Someone from DDNet USA vanilla server again pls? 05:06 < bridge> Or any mod 05:06 < bridge> could you #✉-create-a-ticket and provide a reason please? :) 05:08 < bridge> Dealt with already 05:25 < bridge> I was told to message here, I also couldn't find that channel so easily 06:20 < bridge> My game is running out of VRAM whenever I'm trying to add skins, anything I can do to add all of them without crashing my game? 06:24 < bridge> I am literally adding the same skins that I had before I re-installed my game. 06:43 < bridge> don't add all of them :justatest:, the game has no lazy loading, means it loads all skins at once. Maybe try to reduce the quality of some? 06:44 < bridge> Yeah, I figured out to just add a few at a time. 06:45 < bridge> Kinda weird tho, back when I first added all sorts of skins I was able to just drop them in to the folder and thats it. 06:50 < bridge> its not only skins, gameskins, assets, emoticons, etc all count into vram usage 06:50 < bridge> its not only skins. Gameskins, assets, emoticons, etc all count into vram usage 06:51 < bridge> Yeah I know, but I only have 1 of each for gameskins, assets, emoticons. Its basically just 1500 skins. 🤣 06:52 < bridge> DDNet skin database + ahl full skin folder 06:54 < bridge> Yeah I know, but I only have 1 of each for gameskins, assets, emoticons. Its basically "just" 1500 skins. 🤣 07:25 < bridge> Why not use a skinDB url ? 07:25 < bridge> 07:25 < bridge> scrumplex.net/skins 07:25 < bridge> Or 07:25 < bridge> ddstats.tw/skins 07:36 < bridge> What is the difference tho? 07:37 < bridge> I've got 1449 skins rn, my game takes 10 seconds to load already and I can't even go in the assets tab anymore 🤣 07:38 < bridge> You see the skin when someone is using it, and you can use the skin by writing it in the skin name 07:38 < bridge> 07:38 < bridge> You can use skin favourites to always load them 07:38 < bridge> But that will prevent issues with having to many skins 07:40 < bridge> scrumplex.net/skins doesn't work 07:40 < bridge> I basically just want the majority of skins that people on KoG use which is basically ddnet database + ahl custom skins 07:44 < bridge> ddstats.tw/skins has much more anyway iirc 07:44 < bridge> everything was working before idk why its not working now 07:44 < bridge> so much trouble for some skins 07:44 < bridge> One skin to much ig ^^ 07:45 < bridge> ..some?? 07:45 < bridge> 1500skins :kekw: 07:45 < bridge> I literally got the same two folders that I had before and now my game is crashing all of a sudden 07:45 < bridge> i had ~2000 and then i made a pull request to load them faster and it did not get merged 07:45 < bridge> Rename the folder to skins.bak 07:45 < bridge> 07:45 < bridge> 07:45 < bridge> Launch game, drag skins over that you want 07:45 < bridge> 07:45 < bridge> Try again 07:45 < bridge> so i just put my skins on an http server 07:45 < bridge> and use the ingame mechanism 07:46 < bridge> that 07:46 < bridge> that's all u can really do 07:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1296711739072843826/crashing.mp4?ex=6713486a&is=6711f6ea&hm=2b42caae2e475980d93b6181a913bec020a061156ee6902d83b90a6b8bbddb0d& 07:51 < bridge> i believe you 07:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1296712322198536235/image.png?ex=671348f5&is=6711f775&hm=e411d6c4df98f23050f3903320268a99084802ca96344758415e77402a92c247& 07:52 < bridge> I guess I gotta filter some of the skins out 07:53 < bridge> You lied 07:53 < bridge> I see custom entities and gameskins 07:53 < bridge> :thisemoji: 07:53 < bridge> Also I blame t client 07:53 < bridge> Yeah I added some of them back 07:53 < bridge> I tried with latest DDNet already 07:54 < bridge> I tried with latest DDNet already - same problem. 07:54 < bridge> Yeah I added some of them back after I said that to check wether it causes problems or not 07:54 < bridge> ?? it is not a tclient issue 07:54 < bridge> Ya, the devs added the ability to load skins from a site, rather than requiring them to always be within a folder because of this reason. There's no fix for it 07:55 < bridge> Just don't have this many skins in your folder 07:56 < bridge> 60mb how much is that in vram :0 08:18 < bridge> morning ocaml devs and others 08:18 < bridge> doing some codewars to learn it 08:18 < bridge> ```ocaml 08:18 < bridge> let explode s = String.to_seq s |> List.of_seq 08:18 < bridge> 08:18 < bridge> let rec reverse_chars s = 08:18 < bridge> match s with [] -> "" | h :: t -> reverse_chars t ^ Char.escaped h 08:18 < bridge> 08:18 < bridge> let reverse_string (s : string) : string = explode s |> reverse_chars 08:18 < bridge> ``` 08:18 < bridge> :justatest: 08:21 < bridge> ```ocaml 08:21 < bridge> let reverse_string2 (s : string) : string = 08:21 < bridge> String.to_seq s |> List.of_seq |> List.rev |> List.to_seq |> String.of_seq 08:21 < bridge> ``` 08:21 < bridge> this is a funny one 08:22 < bridge> just gotta remember that i guess ocaml calls iterators sequences 08:48 < bridge> ```C 08:48 < bridge> struct Bar {} 08:48 < bridge> struct Baz {} 08:48 < bridge> 08:48 < bridge> enum Foo = Bar | Baz; 08:48 < bridge> 08:48 < bridge> let foo: Foo = Bar {}; 08:48 < bridge> 08:48 < bridge> switch foo { 08:48 < bridge> case Bar bar: 08:48 < bridge> // bar contains struct of type Bar 08:48 < bridge> case Baz baz: 08:48 < bridge> // baz contains struct of type Baz 08:48 < bridge> } 08:48 < bridge> ``` 08:48 < bridge> Here's one of possible syntaxes 09:44 < bridge> Depends souly only resolution not disk size 09:45 < bridge> Don't use resolutions above 512x256. Then you can add around 20000 skins with like 3gb vram 09:46 < bridge> But I bet you have skins with 4k resolution. On your full HD monitor 09:46 < bridge> @soulyvevo moment (It's solely btw) :greenthing: 09:47 < bridge> Now do some math and you notice that 4k skins are for 32k monitors 09:47 < bridge> I was wondering why autocorrect couldn't find it xddd 09:47 < bridge> I blame too much discord 09:48 < bridge> @soulyvevo moment (It's solely btw) :greenthing: 09:48 < bridge> hi Souly! 09:51 < bridge> Alright, thanks. Will check through them later. 09:51 < bridge> 👍 10:05 < bridge> Don't use resolutions above 512x256. Then you can add around 2000* skins with like 3gb vram 10:46 < bridge> hi 13:14 < bridge> pattern matching is the futuro of languages 13:14 < bridge> pattern matching is the future of languages 13:17 < bridge> https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2024/p3477r0.html 13:21 < bridge> P3477R0 13:21 < bridge> There are exactly 8 bits in a byte 13:28 < bridge> Heh, finally someone put it in writing 13:38 < bridge> woo! float operations in const functions 🎉 13:54 < bridge> ye best 14:24 < bridge> That sounds difficult to get right. Does the compiler have a table of how floats behave on every target or did they settle on a standard common behaviour? 14:24 < bridge> https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/10/17/Rust-1.82.0.html#floating-point-nan-semantics-and-const 14:25 < bridge> > With this release, Rust standardizes on a set of rules for how NaN values behave. This set of rules is not fully deterministic, which means that the result of operations like (0.0 / 0.0).is_sign_positive() can differ depending on the hardware architecture, optimization levels, and the surrounding code. Code that aims to be fully portable should avoid using to_bits and should use f.signum() == 1.0 instead of f.is_sign_positive(). However, the rule 14:25 < bridge> I didn't go through it all, but my understanding is that float operations are very standardized, except for NaN behavior 14:25 < bridge> > With the semantics for NaN values settled, this release also permits the use of floating-point operations in const fn. Due to the reasons described above, operations like (0.0 / 0.0).is_sign_positive() can produce a different result when executed at compile-time vs at run-time. This is not a bug, and code must not rely on a const fn always producing the exact same result. 14:25 < bridge> important bits 14:26 < bridge> and they decided on some rules regarding Nan stuff, which they use for const 14:26 < bridge> the &raw mut syntax 14:26 < bridge> u dont need to use addr of mut now 14:26 < bridge> macro 14:26 < bridge> Ah that is so nice. Macros were so ugly 14:28 < bridge> you copied 2 out of the three paragraphs 14:28 < bridge> imo the link does a better job here ^^ 14:29 < bridge> hmm idk 14:29 < bridge> its better to not click links 14:29 < bridge> xd 14:29 < bridge> assume the end user is lazy 14:29 < bridge> and stupid 14:30 < bridge> it can also amplify laziness, also in a #dev channel I think you can have higher expectations, especially as people are interested in the subject here 14:31 < bridge> i guess 14:31 < bridge> its more something i do cuz this way i know ppl actually see something 14:31 < bridge> with a link u cant be sure they clicked and looked it 14:31 < bridge> xd 14:32 < bridge> yea, I kinda get that. I also know another person who does that, but I much prefer links: less spam, more complete (at least if it links to well-organized information) :) 14:32 < bridge> they also added lot of new stable methods, some intrinsics 14:33 < bridge> https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/std/boxed/struct.Box.html#method.new_uninit 14:33 < bridge> not bad 15:25 < bridge> > Due to the reasons described above, operations like `(0.0 / 0.0).is_sign_positive()` can produce a different result when executed at compile-time vs at run-time. **This is not a bug**, and code must not rely on a const fn always producing the exact same result. 15:26 < bridge> I think it might be better worded as "we don't consider this a bug" 15:26 < bridge> because usually, one would expect the same behavior independent of whether the compiler chose to evaluate a function at compile time or not 16:03 < bridge> I am not. I usually launch matrix to comfirm a reply is to a message of mine. On my mobile matrix client I only see „that“ it was a reply not to „what“. But reading all messages it’s usually not ambiguous. 16:05 < bridge> Not sure if my image got sent I got a 404 error back from the discord bot -.- 17:00 < bridge> Eeeeeeeh, I guess they are kinda ignoring the hard stuff 17:01 < bridge> I wonder why they don't have a table of all target behaviours so that this can be guaranteed 17:02 < bridge> yea, it's a bit subpar IMO 17:05 < bridge> I'm done with the GRE so this will probably be the last useless english word of the day, I'll do 3 for this special occasion: 17:05 < bridge> - `hackneyed` = lacking creativity 17:05 < bridge> - `rapacious` = very greedy 17:05 < bridge> - `scintillating` = impressively clever, amusing or witty 17:05 < bridge> scintilla is (was?) a code view for windows 17:05 < bridge> perhaps the name was derived from this word? 17:06 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scintilla_(software) — notepad++ uses it 17:06 < bridge> a friend of mine used it for some code editor, too, IIRC 17:07 < bridge> Apparently it's a word of it's own but both from the same latin root 17:08 < bridge> It's actually in italian too, `scintillare` = to sparkle 18:57 < bridge> im scintillating 18:57 < bridge> same 18:57 < bridge> but in Qt usually 18:58 < bridge> how is ur job 18:58 < bridge> what about the drug test 18:58 < bridge> what happened 18:58 < bridge> @mpft 18:58 < bridge> im rapacious to know about it 18:58 < bridge> hope the answer isnt hackneyed 18:58 < bridge> I seem to have passed 18:58 < bridge> nice 18:58 < bridge> Yapping 18:58 < bridge> did you cheat 18:58 < bridge> tf is Yapping 18:59 < bridge> It’s possible 18:59 < bridge> i feel so smort about the use of clever words 18:59 < bridge> Good 18:59 < bridge> :brownbear: 18:59 < bridge> what s yapping 18:59 < bridge> is it a zoomer thing 18:59 < bridge> yeah 18:59 < bridge> Saying a bunch of stuff 19:00 < bridge> > Yapping 19:00 < bridge> > 19:00 < bridge> > The act of speaking without discretion at length to an uninterested audience resulting in discomfort, annoyance, and/or discontent. yap derives from the annoying bark produced by small dog. 19:00 < bridge> > many other terms or "portmanteaus" incorporate "yapping" 19:00 < bridge> > Yapanese: when someone yaps so much they appear to no longer be speaking English 19:00 < bridge> > 19:00 < bridge> > Yapathon: when a person yaps so extensively they could have ran 42 km or 26 miles during their tangent 19:00 < bridge> > Yapghanistan: to yap so much that it could be considered as an act of terrorism 19:00 < bridge> > Man 1: yes so my daughter just got a good VCE result i'm so proud next week the wife and I... 19:00 < bridge> > Man 2: okay buddy quit yapping this ain't yapghanistan here we speak English not yapanese, now beat it pal! 19:00 < bridge> > by Man glaser August 17, 2023 19:00 < bridge> lmfao 19:00 < bridge> those 2 words were just funny to me 19:00 < bridge> you are yapanese 19:00 < bridge> I talk sometimes 19:01 < bridge> I start the job whenever I get the laptop basically 19:01 < bridge> and idk when that is 19:01 < bridge> probably by next Monday 19:07 < bridge> perfectly describing me 19:15 < bridge> true 19:19 < bridge> 👀 19:57 < bridge> your rapacity is enthralling 21:00 < bridge> chillerdragon: can i get access to your opentube thingy? 21:00 < bridge> i forgot what happened last time 21:00 < bridge> i need some service to upload smol vids that don't expire 21:00 < bridge> idc if it is public 21:12 < bridge> https://joinpeertube.org/ 22:55 < bridge> i never knew how goated obsidian was