00:29 < bridge> when you're alt tab or don't know not focusing on DDNet game on your computer it's prevent playing sounds or something 00:29 < bridge> well it's just set volume to zero 00:30 < bridge> I was responding to Ewan saying that that functionality doesn't exist. mb if it sounded like a question 00:31 < bridge> oh ops I just saw your text and screenshot didn't read anything else 😄 03:50 < bridge> cooking 03:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288679144472973414/output5.mp4?ex=66f60f7a&is=66f4bdfa&hm=1abef4ef4c58b32cf7167d7105ce09ed67d7d700a092399447e8f6a68ca6c2c4& 03:52 < bridge> how do i make it not affect gameplay when going back to player 03:52 < bridge> smooth only when in spectator and going into spectator 03:52 < bridge> smooth only when in spectator and going into spectator? 03:55 < bridge> i think so 04:19 < bridge> i hate photoshop 04:33 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 04:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288689781819179029/image.png?ex=66f61962&is=66f4c7e2&hm=cb81a20f15bb595ead4f0b45dcfd16f17ce48aad6a157f3bb65bd11019aca04d& 04:34 < bridge> which ips i need verify or add to my firewall to host a server? 04:34 < bridge> master1.ddnet.org 04:34 < bridge> master2.ddnet.org 04:34 < bridge> master3.ddnet.org (down) 04:34 < bridge> master4.ddnet.org (same as 1) 04:34 < bridge> 04:34 < bridge> still get `2024-09-26 02:30:27 E register/6/ipv4: ERROR: the master server repo rts that clients can not connect to this server.` 04:34 < bridge> which ips i need verify or add to my firewall to host a server? 04:34 < bridge> master1.ddnet.org 04:34 < bridge> master2.ddnet.org 04:34 < bridge> master3.ddnet.org (down) 04:34 < bridge> master4.ddnet.org (same as 1) 04:35 < bridge> 04:35 < bridge> still get `2024-09-26 02:30:27 E register/6/ipv4: ERROR: the master server reports that clients can not connect to this server.` 04:36 < bridge> yea i know its proxied over cloudflare.. and i whitelisted all the cf ips too 04:37 < bridge> is your server intend to be able to connected by anyone? 04:37 < bridge> normally you would open your servers port for every source ip 04:38 < bridge> Im just testing something... 04:38 < bridge> I block everything except of my ip and the masterservers firstly... 04:38 < bridge> ye, that won't work 04:39 < bridge> the connect back is from another server which is not cloudflare related 04:39 < bridge> the connection report is from another server which is not cloudflare related 04:41 < bridge> listen on on ur server port 04:41 < bridge> if ur port is bad then nothing u can do 04:42 < bridge> ISP and NAT stuff 04:42 < bridge> sounds like he doesn't want to 04:42 < bridge> change port. 04:42 < bridge> mhh damn. I want to write you my idea per dm can you maybe accept my friends request (you can delete me after the messages if its okay) 04:42 < bridge> i didnt read 04:42 < bridge> aulunarun 04:42 < bridge> :justatest: i don't think i care about it enough either, sorry. i'm still doing some other works. 04:42 < bridge> i would be surprised if cloudflare proxying works 04:43 < bridge> i've only seen that work for http traffic 04:43 < bridge> need to expose ur IP or use a vpn sadge 04:43 < bridge> I can understand that myself. 04:43 < bridge> he means well 04:43 < bridge> i think i have a job now 04:44 < bridge> awesome 04:44 < bridge> prepared to be rich in like 5 years 04:45 < bridge> i hope so.. 04:45 < bridge> $27-30 hourly 04:45 < bridge> This command was not found. 04:45 < bridge> part time work 04:45 < bridge> LOL 04:45 < bridge> no benefits but who cares 04:47 < bridge> benefits are a myth anyway 05:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288705523142889502/image.png?ex=66f6280b&is=66f4d68b&hm=91a3d2d7cf3169bc164290e16d4db38ed43675a27281f33f12e5190d9e9381e7& 05:47 < bridge> :nouis: 06:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288714763244802099/image.png?ex=66f630a6&is=66f4df26&hm=495035f56a93e83bbab3c4bbcfb678bc8990c53f0b8c2ab8e1494fffbcf3cb90& 06:32 < bridge> gmail test passed 06:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288719890127257693/6a4c47a26f904368e5774bef40616457.png?ex=66f6356d&is=66f4e3ed&hm=55ab3046b8400363bdfa8b335586264ce10e81ca2faa743d16e8e152504bcc55& 06:36 < bridge> outlook 06:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288720735371661352/image.png?ex=66f63636&is=66f4e4b6&hm=c4e57e0e1d7d1ad12916f2bade2af7d13001c528e7f8eead2b794db0e2f22a8c& 06:38 < bridge> Roundcube 06:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288721393051238410/image.png?ex=66f636d3&is=66f4e553&hm=98f3ce3133a4d278fc2d5e9428b0eeebc6f0a260e2ce2bcbef8edb6586b7b5aa& 06:39 < bridge> it's probably fine most places 06:39 < bridge> :poggers2: 07:01 < bridge> i like it 07:12 < bridge> damn that mail body is sick 07:13 < bridge> :poggers2: 07:13 < bridge> rly cool 07:13 < bridge> thanks. i spent six whole hours in it 07:15 < bridge> aw thats so cute 07:17 < bridge> ayooo thats ugly 07:18 < bridge> I want attention 07:18 < bridge> given 07:18 < bridge> here you go' 07:18 < bridge> papota needs it 07:18 < bridge> who's that 07:18 < bridge> right? 07:18 < bridge> lmfao 07:19 < bridge> the art could be way better guys 07:19 < bridge> i dont think its the final result 07:19 < bridge> papota 07:19 < bridge> ah makes sense 07:19 < bridge> mb 07:20 < bridge> ! 07:27 < bridge> why are there some cookies? 08:21 < ws-client> i got one 500 on gmail one 500 on youtube one 500 on github and one 429 on github xd ez poweruser what a morning .. 08:50 < bridge> nice 08:51 < bridge> gm 08:56 < bridge> gm king 08:57 < bridge> u! 08:59 < bridge> naw 08:59 < bridge> cuz I’m on my way to bed :gigachad: 09:00 < bridge> gm 09:01 < bridge> say gn to your brother tater for me 09:02 < bridge> gn @ tater 09:27 < ws-client> sos i need a datascientist! 09:27 < ws-client> how does the SQL work 09:28 < ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/89474ae2b075e9ed08d47d7e3c38461b1228d441/src/game/server/scoreworker.cpp#L572-L604 09:28 < bridge> you put random stuff in a query before it starts working as you want it to 09:28 < ws-client> i cant read this 09:28 < ws-client> i see two time columns but 3 values for it 09:29 < ws-client> ``" Map, Name, Timestamp, Time, Server, "`` here we say we want to set the colums Timestamp and Time 09:29 < ws-client> then we provide two values ``pSqlServer->InsertTimestampAsUtc(), pData->m_Time,`` 09:29 < ws-client> and we also bind this???? ``pSqlServer->BindString(3, pData->m_aTimestamp);`` 09:31 < bridge> wtf this is amazing 😄 09:31 < bridge> epyc email template moment 09:31 < bridge> nice teeish email i love it 09:34 < bridge> chillerdragon: `InsertTimestampAsUtc` doesn't print timestamp, it returns `DATETIME(?, 'utc')` and `pSqlServer->BindString(3, pData->m_aTimestamp);` code binds to the `?` 09:34 < bridge> chillerdragon: `InsertTimestampAsUtc` doesn't print timestamp, it returns `"DATETIME(?, 'utc')"` string and `pSqlServer->BindString(3, pData->m_aTimestamp);` code binds to the `?` 09:34 < ws-client> ah lol nice thanks catto 09:35 < ws-client> trol code if you ask me 09:39 < bridge> https://www.ambionics.io/blog/iconv-cve-2024-2961-p1 09:39 < bridge> all hail c 09:40 < bridge> @teero777 just be good tm ^ 09:42 < bridge> jeez 09:42 < bridge> That buffer overflow is almost 10 years older than him xd 09:42 < bridge> xD 09:43 < bridge> ?? 09:43 < bridge> my point stands 09:43 < bridge> such grammars 09:43 < bridge> in this article 09:43 < bridge> wdym 09:43 < bridge> is it too british or smth? 09:44 < bridge> A few months ago, I stumbled upon a 24 years old buffer overflow in the glibc, the base library for linux programs 09:44 < bridge> 24 year old 09:44 < bridge> a buffer overflow in glibc 09:44 < bridge> Wouldn't have happened on Windows 09:44 < bridge> i dont understand 09:44 < bridge> it’s a bit broken xD 09:44 < bridge> Windows^-1 > Linux 09:44 < bridge> year-old as adjective 09:45 < bridge> anyway glibc should be among the most audited libraries 09:45 < bridge> if not idk what the world is doing 09:45 < bridge> ye 09:45 < bridge> and it has buffer overflows 09:45 < bridge> that was my point 09:45 < bridge> it’s on a bounty basis prob 09:45 < bridge> but all that research behind closed doors 09:45 < bridge> cuz security 10:01 < bridge> seems like the new hex is few chars too long XDD 10:01 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288772375747498026/image.png?ex=66f6664e&is=66f514ce&hm=a5c839d3c1bd56e702d4fa730bd577a51e759d18ad4431b9e622d882bcd48ad8& 10:01 < bridge> lmao 10:01 < bridge> can i just decrease the font size? 10:01 < bridge> i mean, ye, but it would probably be too small 10:02 < bridge> even if you decrease the padding and shink the size 10:02 < bridge> use rem 10:02 < bridge> there are mail clients that displayes in 480px width 10:02 < bridge> I can still decrease the token size 10:02 < bridge> which is still gonna be short 10:02 < bridge> so no worries 10:03 < bridge> the tokens are only valid for a few minutes anyway 10:03 < bridge> assume 16px = 1em and then translate and u have scalable css 10:03 < bridge> for free 10:03 < bridge> the template adapts from 320px to 540px 10:05 < bridge> i mean mail html are built different. probably need to test everything again 10:06 < bridge> https://www.caniemail.com/features/css-unit-rem/ 10:06 < bridge> lmao windows mail 10:07 < bridge> nah bro 10:07 < bridge> i'll just decrease the token length 10:07 < bridge> probably a good idea 10:07 < bridge> how many bits was that currently 10:07 < bridge> 32bytes 10:08 < bridge> as secure as a private key xdd 10:08 < bridge> 10:08 < bridge> 8 bytes are probs more than enough already 10:08 < bridge> or 16 bytes to be safe 10:08 < bridge> half length is probably short enough to fit 10:08 < bridge> half of thatis probably short enough to fit 10:08 < bridge> I mean google etc. use like 5 digits or smth 10:09 < bridge> half of that is probably short enough to fit 10:09 < bridge> 6 digits usually i think 10:32 < bridge> @tsfreddie ok works now, thanks. 10:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288780185218318346/image.png?ex=66f66d94&is=66f51c14&hm=b544662cf93d6a97577f6cdd5b1641d2c5c8ec563d85b5406307618a360b94c9& 10:32 < bridge> when dark design? 10:32 < bridge> xd 10:32 < bridge> Not even health insurance? 10:33 < bridge> whats this for 10:33 < bridge> accounts if you use email as login 10:33 < bridge> accounts in ddnet real? 10:33 < bridge> it’s a contractor position so they purely give me the money. whether it’s 1099 or W2 work we’re not sure yet but the only difference is W2 takes out taxes beforehand 10:33 < bridge> no benefits for either 10:33 < bridge> also part time 10:34 < bridge> 1. How does it look in an email client that only accepts text? 10:34 < bridge> 2. `Please` --> `please`, the sentence begins with `Hello`. 10:34 < bridge> 3. Not sure about the term `token`, I feel like `code` would be easier to understand for the average user. 10:34 < bridge> u never ever get benefits with part time work in the USA 10:35 < bridge> how much time is part time for you? 10:35 < bridge> I need to sleep but I cannot get enough of this solo 10:35 < bridge> unsure atm 10:35 < bridge> if it's a half time job thats hot 10:35 < bridge> basically yea 10:36 < bridge> I’d be doing $21/hr at IT place w benefits full time, $27-30 w/o any extras part time works out to about the same pay I believe 10:36 < bridge> I would experiment with slightly darker colors for the top section 10:36 < bridge> It might be too close to white 10:36 < bridge> i don't have terminal email client 10:36 < bridge> depends on hrs obviously 10:37 < bridge> what if u made the rectangles some subtle mapres xd 10:37 < bridge> that also isn't your job to find out. the ppl that use terminal clients can report back if it works or not 10:37 < bridge> Can you send the email to my gmail (see github)? I'll try with my Thunderbird 10:37 < bridge> gmail blocks so many css properties i doubt we could make mapres 10:38 < bridge> sad 10:38 < bridge> thunderbird blocks images too 10:38 < bridge> but nowadays I use simple html view 10:38 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 10:38 < bridge> So out of pocket you need to pay for your own insurance? 10:38 < bridge> unless I end up below the household limit for government insurance, yes 10:38 < bridge> which is unlikely 10:39 < bridge> k-9 does not support css backgroundimage even if i allowed images 10:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288781917793292308/Screenshot_20240926_163834.jpg?ex=66f66f31&is=66f51db1&hm=b1a4756ca2c3ff3025e41023d269645dde91d776222724ea403aea5c6236c27b& 10:39 < bridge> Just create an account 😏 10:40 < bridge> ya but he needs the email contents xd 10:40 < bridge> how can i forward a email without leaking the source? 10:40 < bridge> hm 10:40 < bridge> u mean the original sender 10:40 < bridge> not sure actually 10:40 < bridge> @robyt3 give me ur email 10:40 < bridge> github 10:41 < bridge> i am too lazy 10:41 < bridge> https://github.com/Robyt3 😛 10:41 < bridge> is an auto updater possible on android 10:42 < bridge> When we publish on F-Droid, I guess 10:42 < bridge> Not within the client 10:42 < bridge> what is f droid 10:42 < bridge> https://f-droid.org/ 10:42 < bridge> oh 10:43 < bridge> @robyt3 did u get the mail 10:43 < bridge> is it gonna be on google playstore tho? xd 10:43 < bridge> yeah, thanks 10:44 < bridge> ik it costs like money or smth to upload it but maybe donations for it 10:47 < bridge> maintaining relationship with google play is actually pretty tedious 10:47 < bridge> there are more requirements 10:47 < bridge> ye 10:47 < bridge> biggernouis got taken down cuz they keep changing stuff 10:48 < bridge> oh 10:48 < bridge> The issue with Google Play is that it costs more nerves, yeah 10:48 < bridge> that sucks 10:48 < bridge> they intentionally make most online marketplaces uninhabitable for smaller projects 10:49 < bridge> i feel like it would get a bit more players, considering all the tiktoks going on 10:49 < bridge> app stores 10:49 < bridge> steam also cost money but valve's developer experience is like so good 10:49 < bridge> ye 10:50 < bridge> Images don't show in Thunderbird either 10:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288784689410084927/image.png?ex=66f671c6&is=66f52046&hm=2df0b9823d605257e6cb2df475c51237d7f38312f5224e2b39c2d00c3a80574f& 10:50 < bridge> it's expected really 10:50 < bridge> you can DM me 10:50 < bridge> i allowed it on my thunderbird tho 10:51 < bridge> yeah sounds fine to me 10:51 < bridge> also i thought you meant clients that doesn't take html 10:51 < bridge> it's only cosmetic 10:51 < bridge> this is more coherent than the majority of automated emails I get without their embedded media 10:51 < bridge> that's why there is also an ugly title 10:51 < bridge> this is a win 10:51 < bridge> as long as the important msg gets to the user 10:52 < bridge> i originally didn't add it but i can't really tell what it was for in thunderbird 10:52 < bridge> lol 10:54 < bridge> ah, yeah, I only use text only when sending (extra empty lines omitted): 10:54 < bridge> ``` 10:54 < bridge> DDNet 10:54 < bridge> 10:54 < bridge> Hello jupjopjap, 10:54 < bridge> 10:54 < bridge> *Please use the following token to verify your action:* 10:54 < bridge> 10:54 < bridge> |0fa35e5d43c009d173f6c6d7a58591e0 | 10:54 < bridge> /This token is valid for ~15 minutes./ 10:54 < bridge> 10:54 < bridge> 10:54 < bridge> Some footer infomation blah blah something something DDNet 10:54 < bridge> 10:54 < bridge> And some other cautionary information maybe 10:54 < bridge> 10:54 < bridge> ``` 10:54 < bridge> did not cost money for ddnet 10:54 < bridge> The token having pipes around is should probably be avoid in the plain text version 10:55 < bridge> just make sure to strip the pipes in the input field 10:55 < bridge> The token having pipes around is should probably be avoided in the plain text version 10:55 < bridge> or rather, after the input field is submitted 10:55 < bridge> This is the final version, if you disagree with it, you can wait until i make the account code public and change it yourself 😛 10:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288785960934576160/image.png?ex=66f672f5&is=66f52175&hm=a785835e0b0b5cf755f711189fb189b99cd37b38a809c22328f56816b5fae0fa& 10:55 < bridge> oh it says "lose" 10:55 < bridge> forgot to f5 10:55 < bridge> `email` (in English), `lose` 10:56 < bridge> Maybe the DDNet title could be on the left side aligned with the other text? Then it would also look better if images cannot be loaded 10:56 < bridge> Save that on your todo 😉 10:57 < bridge> i remeber some email says "you can safely ignore this email" 10:57 < bridge> some margin below the token box would be in accordance 10:58 < bridge> ok, it's 458 lines long now :justatest: 10:58 < bridge> XD 10:58 < bridge> God I can’t believe I still xd in 2024 10:58 < bridge> What has this game done to me 10:58 < bridge> xd 10:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288787105325256714/image.png?ex=66f67406&is=66f52286&hm=aec40f8604cdd097a3dc0bc687b522555535b68f69ad01383172d6c253865075& 11:00 < bridge> xd 11:00 < bridge> D: 11:01 < bridge> 🛌🛏️ 11:01 < bridge> I love the terse emoji names 11:01 < bridge> 💠 11:17 < bridge> Is the maximum skin name length exactly 23 characters? Does anyone know? 11:17 < bridge> yes 11:18 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/89474ae2b075e9ed08d47d7e3c38461b1228d441/datasrc/network.py#L226-L228 11:18 < bridge> What about the minimum character length? 11:18 < bridge> subtract one for null termination 11:19 < bridge> (it's 23 UTF-8 bytes, not 23 "characters" btw) 11:19 < bridge> either 1 or 0, let's check 11:19 < bridge> should be 0 11:19 < bridge> Just need to know the range, so I can restrict the name field in #📬submit-skins 11:20 < bridge> which doesn't mean you should support 0 if u do it for some discord bot 11:20 < bridge> i guess you should use 2 or 3 as minimum then 11:20 < bridge> what jupstar says 11:26 < bridge> Oh, I already have a check for this... oops. 11:26 < bridge> ```py 11:26 < bridge> len(re_match["skin_name"]) < 24``` 11:26 < bridge> that's an incorrect check 11:26 < bridge> due to this 11:27 < bridge> you need `len(re_match["skin_name"].encode("utf8")) < 24` 11:27 < bridge> Ok 11:44 < bridge> xd 11:47 < bridge> 2024 the year of the ddnet accounts? 11:48 < bridge> That email better look good in mutt email client :p 11:48 < bridge> Yeah i added ascii art support now 11:48 < bridge> No you didn’t 11:49 < bridge> Well i dunno if the cpp will get it this year 11:49 < bridge> just thinking about the ffi already demotivates me xdd 11:50 < bridge> but good thing for you, dd-pg will release this year and it has account support 11:50 < bridge> ah, you wrote the client support in rust? nice! 11:51 < bridge> what client support xd 11:53 < bridge> does the client not need a way to log in? 11:54 < bridge> you mean dd-pg or what client? 11:54 < bridge> yes 11:54 < bridge> yeah dd-pg is 100% rust 11:54 < bridge> (except for some external libs) 11:54 < bridge> true. I guess it was obvious that the client impl of accounts is in rust 11:55 < bridge> it was still nice to hear ^^ 11:55 < bridge> I guess I'll soon release the account impl on github and crates.io 11:55 < bridge> 11:55 < bridge> then i can remove it from my monorepo 11:56 < bridge> and ddnet maintainers can start to check the code/idea etc. 11:59 < bridge> Accounts happening soon? 12:00 < bridge> finally BEGONE BLOCKERS 12:00 < bridge> Hello toast. the account impl is idependent of ddnet getting accounts. 12:00 < bridge> 12:00 < bridge> So when accounts come is a different question and I cannot answer it 12:01 < bridge> But this is the implementation for the account server 12:01 < bridge> It's good to hear that we have a starting point regardless 12:02 < bridge> yeah an account system would be a MASSIVE step imo 12:02 < bridge> gonna be sick to see whats gonna be made of it 12:28 < bridge> xD 13:04 < bridge> when accounts come, what happens to records that are just attached to names? 13:04 < bridge> This probably has been discussed many times already here: 13:04 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1263223077077254165 13:05 < bridge> awesome thanks 13:26 < bridge> Where is the latest version of phone ddnet? 13:28 < bridge> #questions next time 13:28 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1277345584080097320/1288595561523708079 15:01 < bridge> Hello guys, 15:01 < bridge> I've been trying to make a button via CMenu. But when I press it nothing happends. 15:01 < bridge> I've been testing a bit and think my button is not considered active. 15:01 < bridge> Does anyone have any idea, even is vague, if I need to do something specific for my button to be active? 15:08 < bridge> Can you show a snippet of your code? 15:17 < bridge> A snippet might not be enough.. but here you go: 15:17 < bridge> 15:17 < bridge> ``` 15:17 < bridge> vec2 leaderboardSize = pRect->Size(); 15:17 < bridge> static CButtonContainer DemoButtons[AMOUNT_DISPLAYED]; 15:17 < bridge> static CButtonContainer GhostButtons[AMOUNT_DISPLAYED]; 15:17 < bridge> 15:17 < bridge> for (int i = 0; i < AMOUNT_DISPLAYED; i++) 15:17 < bridge> { 15:17 < bridge> CUIRect Row, Demo, Ghost; 15:17 < bridge> 15:17 < bridge> pRect->HSplitTop(20.0f, &Row, pRect); 15:17 < bridge> Row.VSplitRight(leaderboardSize.x / 8.0f, &Row, &Demo); 15:17 < bridge> Row.VSplitRight(leaderboardSize.x / 8.0f, &Row, &Ghost); 15:17 < bridge> Row.VSplitRight(leaderboardSize.x / 20.0f, &Row, nullptr); 15:17 < bridge> Demo.Margin(1.0f, &Demo); 15:17 < bridge> Ghost.Margin(1.0f, &Ghost); 15:17 < bridge> 15:17 < bridge> char aBuf[256]; 15:18 < bridge> str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d. Player %d", i+1, i); 15:18 < bridge> Ui()->DoLabel(&Row, aBuf, 10.0f, TEXTALIGN_ML); 15:18 < bridge> 15:18 < bridge> str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d.76", i); 15:18 < bridge> Ui()->DoLabel(&Row, aBuf, 10.0f, TEXTALIGN_MR); 15:18 < bridge> 15:18 < bridge> if(m_pClient->m_Menus.DoButton_Menu(&DemoButtons[i], Localize("D"), 0, &Demo)) 15:18 < bridge> printf("%s", "DEMO!"); 15:18 < bridge> if(m_pClient->m_Menus.DoButton_Menu(&GhostButtons[i], Localize("G"), 0, &Ghost)) 15:18 < bridge> printf("%s", "GHOST!"); 15:18 < bridge> } 15:18 < bridge> ``` 15:19 < bridge> Give cool texture packs 15:19 < bridge> default is a banger 15:19 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks i accepted the invite to ddnet-accounts 15:20 < bridge> :poggers2: 15:20 < bridge> nice xd 15:20 < bridge> it will be for the account server? 15:20 < bridge> yeah 15:20 < bridge> 15:36 < bridge> Use `dbg_msg` instead of `printf` if you want the messages to appear in the local console. Is this code in `CMenus`? If not the UI functions might not work correctly/fully 15:38 < bridge> Yeah I know about dbg, was just lazy when I wrote that and for now I like using my terminal ^^'. Thanks 15:38 < bridge> 15:38 < bridge> But no it's not. That's why I use m_pClient and wondered if there was a way to set my buttons as active :/ 15:40 < bridge> `dbg_msg` ends up in the terminal and in the local console 15:41 < bridge> Yy i know. This is code I will end up removing. 15:41 < bridge> But I'll try to use it more from now on 15:44 < bridge> I mean how did you confirm that the buttons are not getting activated? If you expect the output in the local console then not using `dbg_msg` is the issue 15:45 < bridge> Otherwise, if the button becomes the hot item it should also activate when you click it 15:45 < bridge> But is this code in `CMenus`? If so, you don't need `m_pClient->m_Menus`. If not, this will probably not work because the UI mouse is not being updated outside of the menus and editor 15:46 < bridge> No, I looked at my terminal output where my local server is running. 15:46 < bridge> I also just put a || true so my print could always get printed. 15:46 < bridge> And even pribted the value returned by buttonLogic or somethinf (it was 0). 15:47 < bridge> 15:47 < bridge> And I used Ui()->Update()... wouldn't that work.. ^^' 15:47 < bridge> But you are right. Talking to you I've realised that maybe I should just put everything on CMenu, thanks 15:47 < bridge> I really like the HTML e-mail template. Are you going with alt plain-text as well? 15:48 < bridge> But you are right. Talking to you I've realised that maybe I should just put everything on CMenu (or somewhere with ui) thanks 15:48 < bridge> i think robyte tested it with some terminal client and it worked _ok_ enough 😄 15:49 < bridge> Ah okay, because my Thunderbird doesnt use the html version 15:49 < bridge> rip 15:49 < bridge> I like my e-mails in text, like letters. If I want html I use browsers 😄 15:49 < bridge> Where can I sign up? 15:50 < bridge> @devinci24 have you checked what the active item is? 15:50 < bridge> You need to delegate inputs to the UI with `OnInput` and `OnCursorMove` while the UI is activate in your component. The UI isn't designed to work outside of menus and editor, so I don't know if that's the only issue 15:50 < bridge> sign up for what? 15:50 < bridge> dd-pg account 15:50 < bridge> ª, I have indeed not. 15:51 < bridge> u need the latest client and i need to start the acc server and whitelist you xd 15:51 < bridge> Will the account stay then? 15:51 < bridge> on my vps database? 15:51 < bridge> 15:51 < bridge> maybe 15:51 < bridge> Also woah register in the client? Not web? 15:51 < bridge> xd 15:52 < bridge> yeah 15:52 < bridge> pog 15:52 < bridge> Go whitelist zillyhuhn.com I register with vpn tomorrow 15:53 < bridge> currently the client only builds with steam support bcs i tested that yesterday, so i guess it's not chiller friendly rn 15:53 < bridge> maybe in a week 15:53 < bridge> Ah, you are not in the menu component, you are probably failing the `Inside` check because `OnCursorMove` isn't routed there 15:53 < bridge> I am inside 15:53 < bridge> .-. 15:54 < bridge> Spyware keks 15:54 < bridge> ok ok 15:54 < bridge> i make steam as feature today 15:54 < bridge> i need to do it anyway 15:54 < bridge> i can only whitelist ips, i assume u mean the ip that the domain relates to? 15:54 < bridge> Yes 15:55 < bridge> But honestly, with only that snippet might be too hard to pin point the issue. I wil ltry to give more details after looking ibto it a bit more. 15:55 < bridge> Thx anyways 15:55 < bridge> I fakin lost my og ip so I don’t know my new one 15:55 < bridge> I wanted to get inspiration from emoticon. Which afaik is Ui outside of menus and editor 15:55 < bridge> can you print anything in the server console? that sounds like a different program entirely 15:55 < bridge> I depend on dns now like a idiot 15:56 < bridge> an* idiot 15:56 < bridge> hm, but you did say colors change, on hover/click. So the Inside check isn't it 15:56 < bridge> Emoticon is not really using `CUi` for most things though 15:56 < bridge> But whats wrong with DNS? 15:56 < bridge> this sounds highly suspect 15:56 < bridge> I haven't checked but I'm fairly sure I can. 15:56 < bridge> I prefer ips 15:56 < bridge> Emoticon and spectator menus us different, simpler UI implementations 15:57 < bridge> Emoticon and spectator menus use different, simpler UI implementations 15:57 < bridge> check your assumptions. something isn't working like you expect, to something you assume must be wrong 15:57 < bridge> Imagine having to say your domain because you can’t remember your ip. It’s pathetic. 15:57 < bridge> But you cant sign IPs, in DNS you can sign your DNS entries 😄 15:57 < bridge> Also DNS breaks all the time. 15:57 < bridge> find the new owner of your old domain, blackmail them 15:57 < bridge> find the new owner of your old ip, blackmail them 15:57 < bridge> Huh? I never experience that 15:57 < bridge> Where did DNS break? 15:57 < bridge> ditto, never seen dns randomly break 15:58 < bridge> Probably one of the highest uptime things on planet earth 15:58 < bridge> @learath2: my provider moved provider nothing I can do. It would cause lags to keep the old ip. 15:58 < bridge> Feels unrelated though... i just prefer looking at server output via terminal... but I will try whenever I get the chance to. 15:58 < bridge> IMHO DNS is pretty stable 15:58 < bridge> In Indonesia on a daily basis. But in general once a month xd 15:58 < bridge> wait, are you on linux or windows? 15:58 < bridge> But thats a provider issue then 😄 15:58 < bridge> @devinci24 15:58 < bridge> Linux 15:58 < bridge> ah, then I agree that the output should probably work to the terminal 15:58 < bridge> Use or alt dns servers. But in general they dont break 15:59 < bridge> but if you only see the server output there, then it's suspect again 15:59 < bridge> The amount of times I had to use my hosts file or switch dns server is insane 15:59 < bridge> Well it might not be one of your assumptions. This probably breaks on one of the assumptions the code he calls makes that is not explicit or obvious 15:59 < bridge> By all means `DoButton_Menu` sounds like it should work in any render context 😄 16:00 < bridge> I mean, that sounds like an chiller arch linux problem. But if the finance sector is using DNS even internally, then I would assume that its safe to use 😄 16:00 < bridge> if you want to do something, and do everything you think is needed and it doesn't work — then I guess your assumptions are wrong. e.g. some random function might be buggy where you assumed it'd work 16:00 < bridge> Perhaps these things should be private/protected or perhaps `CUi` should have some statefullness to it to immediately assert out of this case 16:01 < bridge> No I mean sure dns is stable. And the average normie depends on it for all its internet usage. But I think you know exactly what I mean by dns can have issue s @avolicious you do devops stuff … 16:01 < bridge> Things break 16:01 < bridge> I guess that's fair. You still made the assumption that the function would work in any context 16:01 < bridge> Ip never broke on me 16:01 < bridge> I never managed to break my dns 16:01 < bridge> it sounds like you optimize for the wrong thing, chillerdragon 16:02 < bridge> I don’t believe you 16:02 < bridge> X broke once for me, get rid of X entirely 16:02 < bridge> I was the problem, not dns 😄 16:02 < bridge> Yes I was the problem too 16:02 < bridge> Mostly 16:02 < bridge> Drill 16:02 < bridge> Honestly I just asked hoping someone could have an idea. 16:02 < bridge> Maybe the error is unrelated and ends up being the dumbest thing ever. Thanks for everyone's input. 16:02 < bridge> But then dont blame dns, blame yourself 16:02 < bridge> Still 16:02 < bridge> dns did a good job, you failed 😄 16:02 < bridge> idk what you are doing with your dns but I don't even remember where to set dns 16:02 < bridge> I never managed to break ip so I blame dns 16:03 < bridge> I literally set it to many months ago and never really had to touch it ever again 16:03 < bridge> Same here 16:03 < bridge> Sometimes I switch to 16:03 < bridge> 1.1 is also a DNS server :p 16:03 < bridge> I also host my own nameservers, didn't manage to break those either in a loong looong time 16:03 < bridge> Wtf 16:04 < bridge> 😮 is it the same as 16:04 < bridge> That’s not even an ip 16:04 < bridge> yes 16:04 < bridge> depends on the netmask 😆 16:05 < bridge> 1.1 is a weird way to write that most systems accept 16:05 < bridge> try `ping 1.1` 16:05 < bridge> What’s 2.2 then? 16:05 < bridge> 16:05 < bridge> 16:05 < bridge> Neat 16:05 < bridge> What's 1.1.1 then? 16:06 < bridge> 16:06 < bridge> Reminds me of ninjaturtle html 16:06 < bridge> Just fill it up with zeros xd 16:06 < bridge> And if you use then you're next gen 😏 16:06 < bridge> and 1.65793 is 16:06 < bridge> Now you are making stuff up 16:06 < bridge> (65793 = 256² + 256 + 1) 16:06 < bridge> xD 16:07 < bridge> 😄 16:07 < bridge> try `ping 16843009` 😉 16:07 < bridge> Phone 16:07 < bridge> No ICMP on phone? sadge 16:07 < bridge> Ok good night was fun trash talking with yall as always 16:08 < bridge> No I do nothing on my phone 16:08 < bridge> What brand? 16:08 < bridge> fairphone I guess 16:08 < bridge> Something were you can install arch linux on 16:09 < bridge> In my head I cant think about chiller without thinking about arch linux... thats manifested 16:10 < bridge> I can imagine chiller having the newest iPhone ngl. 16:10 < bridge> No, he is not even using discord 16:11 < bridge> He doesnt like vendor lock in, only teeworlds accounts 16:13 < bridge> Sometimes people do contradicting things 16:13 < bridge> Not chiller, if the thing cant run arch, he doesnt want it 16:14 < bridge> I do own an iPhone. I dont like it. And I only use it for matrix. I don’t feel vendor locked in. But I could not switch to the pinephone because it felt so sluggish. 16:14 < bridge> Ok now I leave Fr xd 16:14 < bridge> Is fairphone x86? 16:14 < bridge> Arch doesn't run on arm 16:14 < bridge> Maybe he switched to NixOs 16:14 < bridge> Maybe he switched to NixOS 16:15 < bridge> there's https://archlinuxarm.org/ 16:15 < bridge> but I don't see an entry for the pinephone 16:16 < bridge> https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv8/allwinner/pine64 16:16 < bridge> https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Devices 16:16 < bridge> seems like you want to use postmarketos on the pinephone 16:18 < bridge> PINE64 PinePhone pine64-pinephone aarch64 2020 Allwinner A64 4x 1152 MHz Cortex-A53 Mali-400 MP2 Y P Y Y Y Y Y - 16:18 < bridge> Hmm last time I checked Arch arm support was discontinued. weird 16:19 < bridge> I never heard about pinephone tho 16:19 < bridge> Is it something like fairphone?= 16:19 < bridge> Is it something like fairphone? 16:19 < bridge> it's not an official arch linux project. but it also never was, I think 16:19 < bridge> I guess the main problem is that most Apps dont run on there 16:19 < bridge> x86 (32 bit intel was discontinued) 16:21 < bridge> One problem I had with my OnePlus in the past was that I cant run https://www.oesterreich.gv.at/ueber-oesterreichgvat/faq/app_digitales_amt.html "Digitales Amt", which is the digital entrance to manage your official stuff besides of going to magistrate. 16:21 < bridge> 16:21 < bridge> I asked why I cant run it & they said that they need devices that are signed by official vendors like Samsung or Apple 😄 16:21 < bridge> but why 16:21 < bridge> that sounds easily discriminatory 16:22 < bridge> They only support a few devices, where they can guarantee that your ID cant be tampered 16:22 < bridge> "Digitales Amt" and "eAusweise" can be used to sign digitally 16:22 < bridge> Idk how you can ever guarantee that 16:22 < bridge> they can't 16:23 < bridge> they just want to tick some consultant's boxes 16:23 < bridge> there's the AusweisApp in germany which can be used to sign in to services. it uses your ID card as a signer AFAIK 16:23 < bridge> no stupid exclusion of devices there 16:25 < bridge> Only sign in or can you sign official documents with it too? 16:25 < bridge> well, I can hand in my tax declaration with it 16:25 < bridge> is that "signing of official documents"? 16:25 < bridge> I can sign my working contracts digitally 16:26 < bridge> I can literally sign anything with it 16:26 < bridge> and its legally correct 16:26 < bridge> anything that supports it? 16:26 < bridge> No, I can sign a PDF and there is a visual on it to verify it 16:27 < bridge> You can scan in the signature & verify it 😄 16:27 < bridge> Its eIDAS compliant 16:27 < bridge> I'm interested in the technical workings of that 16:27 < bridge> what binds the signature to the document you signed? 16:28 < bridge> Elaborate "bind" 16:29 < bridge> what prevents me from screenshotting the signature, putting it on a different PDF where it still verifies 16:29 < bridge> what prevents me from screenshotting the signature, putting it on a different PDF where it still verifies? 16:30 < bridge> What prevents you to fake a handwritten signature? 16:30 < bridge> Nothing but we expect a higher degree of confidence for digital signatures. I wouldn't really doubt a GPG signed document e.g. 16:30 < bridge> why do you do the dance of a non-rooted smartphone if I can break it with a screenshot? 16:31 < bridge> that would sound super silly 16:31 < bridge> so I guess it's more elaborate than that and that there is something that binds the signature to the document 16:31 < bridge> <01000111g> Literally this, handwritten signature literally is just a symbol. In Norway I signed my housing agreement just by clicking a tickbox, thats it 16:32 < bridge> Well, I would assume that the verification is done via hash or something, so you need to upload your PDF & then you can check if he signed your PDF 16:32 < bridge> Did you know that legally any scribble YOU make is a valid signature for you. Doesn't have to match your old scribbles e.g. 16:32 < bridge> that sounds country-dependent 16:33 < bridge> <01000111g> nop 16:33 < bridge> At the very least in Turkey as long as you can prove that I made the scribble, it's a legal signature 16:34 < bridge> <01000111g> In Norway everyone who is staying longer has to get a norwegian bank account/id, verified with ur passport and then gets an n pronciple a governmental provided e-mail box, everything else is then done digitally 16:34 < bridge> Does it actually add a visual into the pdf when you sign it? Because that would change the pdf too, hm, quite an interesting issue, I wonder how they solved it 16:34 < bridge> Yes, it adds a visual to the PDF 16:35 < bridge> that sounds completely worthless ^^ 16:35 < bridge> without the PDF 16:35 < bridge> Can you sign documents offline? 16:35 < bridge> Yes, I can sign them offline 16:35 < bridge> Well 16:35 < bridge> Its a bit complicated 16:35 < bridge> It doesnt work 100% offline 16:35 < bridge> You need atleast your phone to "allow" the signature 16:36 < bridge> But after I logged into my account with my phone, I can sign documents offline 16:36 < bridge> Hm, then idk how one would actually verify it. If it was online it can be recovered. Upload the original pdf to a trusted "notary", they issue the visual to attach onto the pdf. Now you can scan the visual to check on the notaries site the original pdf and visually match it 16:37 < bridge> Perhaps there is a way to strip the visual back out when recalculating the hash? 16:37 < bridge> it's probably appended to the PDF in a reversible way or so 16:37 < bridge> (idk the pdf format, so idk if that's possible) 16:37 < bridge> but without the original PDF, you can't verify that the signature has anything to do with the contents of the document 16:38 < bridge> https://unternehmensrecht.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/i_unternehmensrecht/Lehre/SS_2020/Kurse/Kustor/2020_Elektronische_Signatur_-_Wahlfachkorb_Computer_und_Recht.pdf 16:38 < bridge> but you @heinrich5991 can't generate a signature for any pdf and make it appear to be signed by @avolicious 16:38 < bridge> I can take one signature of @avolicious and put it into my PDF 16:39 < bridge> I can take one actual signature of @avolicious and put it into my PDF 16:39 < bridge> but that signature won't validate, because it's a different PDF 16:39 < bridge> then print it and anyone can verify that @avolicious signed my contract 16:39 < bridge> Ah, but if you print it that information is lost 16:39 < bridge> yes 16:39 < bridge> But thats illegal 😄 16:39 < bridge> why would you do a visual otherwise? 16:39 < bridge> You can also get my handsignature 16:39 < bridge> and do the same 16:39 < bridge> yes 16:39 < bridge> I wonder if a printed e-signature is even legal 16:40 < bridge> But its still illegal 16:40 < bridge> but what does your process add? 16:40 < bridge> In austria it is 16:40 < bridge> Its mostly used for digital signings 16:40 < bridge> Ease of use for underpaid overworked government employees? 16:40 < bridge> but its also accepted if you print it 16:40 < bridge> Underpaid????? 16:40 < bridge> Nonono 16:40 < bridge> This is not how the government works 16:40 < bridge> They are overpaid for their work 16:41 < bridge> s\/underpaid/underqualified/ there you go 16:41 < bridge> You dont need any qualification for this type of job 😄 16:42 < bridge> The only one you need is to be as slow as possible 16:42 < bridge> ease of use for… verifying signatures in a flawed way? 16:42 < bridge> I guess the original pdf hash is in the signature 16:42 < bridge> So they can proof it 16:42 < bridge> only if they have the original PDF 16:43 < bridge> I'm like 70% sure it's us that is missing something and not the people that were probably paid millions to figure it out and more millions to audit it 😛 16:43 < bridge> yes 16:43 < bridge> I dont know in detail how it works 16:43 < bridge> but then again, these people also try to exclude people from running signatures on devices they control 16:43 < bridge> sooo. maybe there's also stupidity 16:44 < bridge> `urn:pdfsigfilter:bka.gv.at:binaer` this looked interesting to me, so maybe there is some filter applied before the hash, which means maybe there is a way to calculate it by hand arduously? 16:44 < bridge> (ausweisapp in germany is open-source btw: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.governikus.ausweisapp2/) 16:45 < bridge> https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/document/2012-05/PDF-AS-Spezifikation-2.2.pdf this looks promising but idk german/austrian idk which one this is even 16:46 < bridge> the official language in austria is german 16:46 < bridge> Oh, nice 16:47 < bridge> I really enjoy if things like public/official stuff is open source 16:47 < bridge> Our swiss friends are also going for open source now 16:47 < bridge> i enjoy if all is open free software 16:47 < bridge> yea, looks like the signature is appended to the PDF in a reversible way 16:47 < bridge> https://www.zdnet.com/article/switzerland-now-requires-all-government-software-to-be-open-source/ 16:47 < bridge> Yeah it does strip out a lot it seems, which seems concerning, you can probably create pdfs with advanced features that have invisible text 16:47 < bridge> public schools should use linux 16:47 < bridge> and non propietary software 16:47 < bridge> ouch 16:48 < bridge> they use sha1 16:48 < bridge> AFAIK its SHA256 16:48 < bridge> This document is nearly a decade old 16:48 < bridge> ah 16:48 < bridge> But I guess it's safe. A clerk can top left to bottom right write down all the text into a prompt and generate the hash 16:49 < bridge> i remember dealing with the pdf format 16:49 < bridge> and signatures 16:49 < bridge> the bytes used in the signature are like all but the signature itself or smth 16:49 < bridge> i forgot and dont want to return there 16:49 < bridge> If it doesn't match because weird pdf stuff it fails safely 16:49 < bridge> where did you see that it gets all the text? 16:49 < bridge> https://github.com/edg-l/nompdf 16:50 < bridge> 4.2.2 seems to describe it 16:51 < bridge> are pdfs still a thing 16:51 < bridge> sry i live under a stone 16:51 < bridge> Since you do know german maybe you can also take a look into the document and see if they have advice about verifying these when printed 16:51 < bridge> Well yes, do you not do anything official? 😄 16:51 < bridge> thanks to adobe lobby probs 16:51 < bridge> interesting. without looking at it a lot, it's probably vulnerable to confusing PDF readers about text direction or including images instead of texts 16:52 < bridge> pdf/a is theoretically a standard IIRC 16:52 < bridge> I dunno most things i use have their own fancy android app nowadays 16:52 < bridge> that doesnt allow rooted phones 16:52 < bridge> and so i fallback to sending per post 16:52 < bridge> xd 16:52 < bridge> actually — you can probably simply send a PDF which says something but signs something different 16:52 < bridge> It's definitely a huge hassle and vulnerable, but it seems to fail in a safe manner. As in if there is weird hidden stuff in the pdf it won't verify 16:53 < bridge> Yeah probably, pdf has lots of very advanced features 16:53 < bridge> I'm sure there are readers out there that mis-render some of them 16:53 < bridge> is the text extraction done using OCR or using the text embedded into the PDF. lemme check 16:54 < bridge> Looks kinda like text embedded into the PDF 16:54 < bridge> I guess the verification could be done using OCR though, much cheaper than clerks 16:55 < bridge> then you can have a pdf which looks like one contract, but the embedded text says something different 16:55 < bridge> is the signed text shown to the signer? 16:55 < bridge> then you have a signature that verifies on a document that the signer didn't see 16:55 < bridge> Ah there is a verification process suggested in the document here btw, 4.2.5 16:56 < bridge> Probably a question for @avolicious, idk 16:56 < bridge> but for a legal matter, if a judge sees the paper, he will see the visible text signed and not the invisible? is it binding or smth? 16:57 < bridge> I send you a document which you sign. you sign something invisible. I make the invisible text visible and print it, the judge can verify that you signed my contract 16:57 < bridge> i.e, if it decieves humans, and a human reviews it, does it matter? 16:57 < bridge> Seems this one is for digitally verifying it. Idk weird that these digital signatures are even legal when printed out 16:57 < bridge> u can make the invisible text visible and the sign doesnt break? 16:58 < bridge> iirc u should verify documents digitally signed, in a digital manner 16:58 < bridge> not by view 16:58 < bridge> In Italy we do have digital signing available but you have to send it digitally always, and usually the mail has to be signed too 16:58 < bridge> it was said above that the signature is also valid when printed 16:58 < bridge> and the signed thing is the embedded text in the PDF 16:58 < bridge> so I can make you sign stuff you can't see 16:58 < bridge> and then have a valid signature for stuff you didn't see 16:59 < bridge> Actually, you can only make me sign both the stuff I see and I don't see. It might appear as if I signed either by using different renderers, but neither will verify if you type in just one of the texts 17:00 < bridge> why not? if the text you see isn't embedded in the PDF 17:00 < bridge> why not? if the text you see isn't embedded into the PDF 17:00 < bridge> but just as an image or so 17:00 < bridge> Like an image? 17:01 < bridge> Hm, yeah that does sound unsalvageable unless there is an OCR procedure in place when verifying 17:02 < bridge> If I were the one implementing this I definitely would have used a digital notary structure, just upload your document and get your signature qr code 17:09 < bridge> imho the problem comes from embeddimg the sig with the pdf 17:09 < bridge> signature should be external 17:11 < bridge> It's no issue but it's also no use. An e-signature can only reliably be verified by a computer, with access to the original document 17:11 < bridge> So I'm guessing the printed acceptance of these in Austria, really does rely on the fact that it's just illegal to forge one like a handwritten signature 18:05 < bridge> why did build action fail? ```/home/runner/work/ddnet/ddnet/src/engine/external/glew/GL/glew.h:1205:14: fatal error: GL/glu.h: No such file or directory 18:05 < bridge> 1205 | # include ``` 18:06 < bridge> Try retrying the CI runs, this looks unrelated to your change 18:06 < bridge> how do i retry it when its not my repo 18:07 < bridge> Maybe you have to wait until all runs have finished 18:07 < bridge> that doesn't look like an intermittent failure though 18:08 < bridge> Is it everything that builds on ubuntu-latest? 18:09 < bridge> ill just update the commit 18:14 < bridge> yours failed too 18:14 < bridge> some repo problem, works fine on my fork 18:14 < bridge> at least it did 5min ago it failed on work aswell now 18:14 < bridge> GitHub changes the runners to newer versions over slowly, so not all repos are affected at once 18:14 < bridge> at least it did 5min ago it failed on fork aswell now 18:15 < bridge> Seems like something changed and glew is not installed by default anymore 18:16 < bridge> I don't see us installing glew explicity in `build.yml` so I guess we only got it implicitly from another dependency 21:38 < bridge> omg chiller why i can't use 06 skins on 07 server? 21:39 < bridge> :troll: 22:11 < bridge> Chiller please force 0.7 to support the skins from the major fork of this wonderful game 22:19 < bridge> What is the new spec feature with left click alternating between free view and spec'ing the person closest to the center of the screen? 22:26 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8947 22:26 < bridge> 22:26 < bridge> cl_spectator_mouseclicks 22:34 < bridge> @aoetw 22:40 < bridge> good afternoon 😃 22:41 < bridge> I believe I am now with job 22:41 < bridge> :Celebrate: 22:41 < bridge> You are finally useful to society. Now work until you are 70 22:41 * bridge good job 22:41 < bridge> The porsche doesn't pay itself 22:42 < bridge> No porsche, only work 22:42 < bridge> I mean mine 22:42 < bridge> as his boss 22:42 < bridge> Yes, that is allowed 22:45 < bridge> @furo how to see diff ddnet bombtag to ddnet repo 22:45 < bridge> or commits since forked 22:45 < bridge> so true 22:46 < bridge> having something to do will be monumental tho 22:46 < bridge> ewan winning arc 22:48 < bridge> You can add a git upstream to the official DDNet repo and then do `git diff upstream/master` 22:48 < bridge> congrats @mpft 22:48 < bridge> ty 22:48 < bridge> cant wait to see u complain about coworkers code in 3 months 22:48 < bridge> now be my rust tutor :justatest: 22:48 < bridge> or smth like that 22:48 < bridge> ye 22:48 < bridge> XD 22:48 < bridge> :brownbear: 22:48 < bridge> is it rust related? 22:48 < bridge> pog 22:48 < bridge> ye 22:48 < bridge> junior rust dev 22:49 < bridge> im in a little over my head 22:49 < bridge> i can teach u, it will be 30€/hour 22:49 < bridge> kekw 22:49 < bridge> but i learn fast 22:49 < bridge> XD 22:49 < bridge> i think under contract i can't contribute to OSS tho 22:49 < bridge> lol sucks 22:49 < bridge> just use diferent name 22:49 < bridge> ya 22:49 < bridge> but i wouldnt sign that 22:49 < bridge> but well im in better position 22:49 < bridge> my friend has a github org 22:49 < bridge> it's not his name 22:49 < bridge> for the same thing 22:50 < bridge> usually maybe u cant if its a conflict of interest like doing projects related to work that could hinder ur company revenue but idk why general ban 22:50 < bridge> ye i mean i've been applying to grocery stores and restaurants and shit so IDGAF 22:50 < bridge> schizo contractors 22:50 < bridge> ty 22:50 < bridge> my company doesnt let me go work for a competitor within 2 years but the law in spain says they must pay u extra for that 22:50 < bridge> but i dont see the extra 22:51 < bridge> so if i ever do it i will claim its not legal anyway 22:51 < bridge> awesome 22:51 < bridge> In Austria thats illegal 22:51 < bridge> in spain its capped at 2 years AND they must pay u a bonus for it 22:51 < bridge> Oh, lol 😄 22:52 < bridge> its called non compete 22:52 < bridge> hi guys, I have a problem, when I used to play I had 1000 fps and now 100-150 fps, what should I do please tell me 22:53 < bridge> > Firstly, we will take a look at the Non-Compete Agreement during employment in Spain, which is used to protect business activity when there is a possibility of an employee engaging in unfair competition during the term of the employment. It is not heavily regulated and must be set by mutual agreement between the parties in accordance with the minimum criteria provided for in article 21.3 of the Workers’ Statute. 22:53 < bridge> > 22:53 < bridge> > This type of agreement is incorporated into the employment contract and in exchange, the employee must receive appropriate financial compensation for such commitment. This compensation must be clearly established and remunerated. If there is no compensation for the non-compete agreement, relevant case law has established that the agreement will be deemed null and void. 22:53 < bridge> > 22:53 < bridge> > The employee may terminate the agreement whenever he or she wishes, on condition that written notice is provided to the company at least 30 days in advance. Upon termination of the agreement, the employee ceases to receive financial compensation and forfeits the rights associated with absolute commitment. 22:53 < bridge> if ur terminated u can go work to a competitor tho 22:55 < bridge> Thank you so much! Worked 22:56 < bridge> ewan 22:56 < bridge> can i ask u something 22:56 < bridge> :justatest: 22:59 < bridge> Тут есть русские? 22:59 < bridge> yea 23:00 < bridge> can you host one another project on your servers :justatest: 23:00 < bridge> ye, but #off-topic 23:00 < bridge> sure 23:00 < bridge> what is it 23:01 < bridge> anily 23:01 < bridge> dm 23:01 < bridge> also what was the first commit after switching to fork, so i dont get new ddnet changes 23:05 < bridge> i would host teeworlds servers 23:05 < bridge> if they didnt leak the ip to ddosers 23:05 < bridge> my other services would suffer 23:06 < bridge> xd yea 23:06 < bridge> my host already was like "be careful with this IP" and then those unique reflection attacks got it flagged for a whole bunch of shit 23:06 < bridge> gotta be cautious 23:06 < bridge> `f9df4a85be4ca94ca91057cd447707bcce16fd94` 23:12 < bridge> https://github.com/furo321/ddnet-bombtag/compare/f9df4a85be4ca94ca91057cd447707bcce16fd94...master 23:12 < bridge> ok works 23:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288971578603868250/kubiik_24_2024-09-26-19-30-55_1727368255683.mp4?ex=66f71fd4&is=66f5ce54&hm=fc273b0ea9151bafce3ea8f9c9de8cf95bd254188a56c88e4a00f9fe50b30f71& 23:31 < bridge> does anyone know where the check is that sees if the tee is on the screen? They disappear when they go off screen 23:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288976968825700373/i_1.jpg?ex=66f724d9&is=66f5d359&hm=be694ad196a177e3d34317cb0a8b05eb59d3948ba6937d97765997a78d5bccd5& 23:56 < bridge> You just need to send a good written text to them 😄 23:56 < bridge> Or they just shut you down