00:05 < bridge> a word of warning. if your usb goes through a washing machine. it may still work and mount however it might not be detected as a bootable device 00:05 < bridge> don’t ask how i figured that one out 00:11 < bridge> <01000111g> u did it for science 00:14 < bridge> a word of warning. if you put your pc through a washing machine. it may still work but ultimately come out cleaner than it was before. 00:14 < bridge> don't ask how i figured that one out 00:15 < bridge> lmfao 00:17 < bridge> What do you mean? They're always allowed. 0.7 connections are enabled by default, but requires the map to also be converted with `map_convert_07` and placed inside of `maps7`. 00:26 < bridge> i found a post somewhere saying that. just wondering how i can convert them in the cli 00:32 < bridge> sounds like the MBR/GPT is corrupted then 00:32 < bridge> so in fact not working 00:33 < bridge> when i tried to write on it with rufus it said there was an error 00:33 < bridge> so probably 00:33 < bridge> weird though as every other generic image writer didn’t output an error 00:34 < bridge> the nand is probably not functional 00:34 < bridge> at least i wouldn't rely on it 00:35 < bridge> if it does work to an extent 00:35 < bridge> it’s fine i managed to find a working usb anyway 00:35 < bridge> i’m surprised it works at all though 😭 00:41 < bridge> yea 00:58 < bridge> I have 4.... 00:59 < bridge> did I ask 00:59 < bridge> dont remember lol 01:00 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288273924974575714/image.png?ex=66f49616&is=66f34496&hm=71ad5158d61cf710e2d22f47b57c59efdefa823cd2a0f40e99b9b6e669c47975& 01:00 < bridge> pls ban this guy 01:00 < bridge> i feel offended. 01:01 < bridge> :pepeW: 01:01 < bridge> then remember every single time you slighted someone in a DDRace lobby 01:01 < bridge> and evaluate if you should even be here 01:02 < bridge> cuz i can recall the slurs 01:02 < bridge> alr true, we both should leave... 01:07 < bridge> the one with the mugshot profile picture is probably the offender 01:08 < bridge> :no: 01:09 < bridge> actual nerd 01:11 < bridge> i should note both of these ppl are known bad actors in north american ddnet 01:12 < bridge> im fine with being a nerd 01:12 < bridge> ur a usa player? 01:12 < bridge> crazy 01:12 < bridge> why u so mad lil bro 01:12 < bridge> chill 01:13 < bridge> Must be some hurted ass random guy that u insulted lol 01:13 < bridge> I can basically see the tension in the air, that's how aggressive Ewan talks. 01:13 < bridge> real 01:13 < bridge> I can basically see the tension in the air, that's how aggressivly Ewan talks. 01:14 < bridge> they are just not good ppl 01:15 < bridge> papota seems to think that cuz he plays with a high point player every once in a while he can throw his weight around and insult noobs (or really anybody, for any reason, at any time. that is sort of his personality) 01:15 < bridge> idk much about kazuma tbn 01:15 < bridge> idk much about kazuma tbh 01:15 < bridge> LMAO? 01:16 < bridge> I ONLY PLAY WITH MISSTRIP? 01:16 < bridge> you said it, not me 01:16 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288277947786199094/image.png?ex=66f499d5&is=66f34855&hm=68b4847207c7a8a5f2bcd6f7c662e854efd0cb63d704153947136b8121f132a8& 01:16 < bridge> ???? 01:16 < bridge> 🥱 01:16 < bridge> Cireme! 01:16 < bridge> lets move out of here 01:16 < bridge> #off-topic 01:16 < bridge> <-- one of the top 10000 multimap players 01:39 < bridge> i have none be grateful 01:39 < bridge> cap 01:39 < bridge> trust the interested graphics 01:40 < bridge> i can’t wait to compile ddnet on it 01:46 < bridge> I lied, I'm top 110k on multimap easy 01:48 < bridge> Quite a bit more degenerate and disliked 02:19 < bridge> real, who likes that weird gyu 02:19 < bridge> real, who likes that weird guy 06:35 < bridge> Also regarding your post on [this](https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/1620#issuecomment-4827939770), I just wanted to ask if you were affected by the patch changing the mouse sens. Who else? I know one player that was affected by this and I would like to do some more investigation/polling -- seems to affect very few people. For a fix, I suggested to delete `settings.cfg` and `settings_ddnet.cfg`, but deleting them would not reset anything and w 08:40 < bridge> @ryozuki https://x.com/TanelPoder/status/1838156726580707447 :issou: 08:48 < bridge> For 0.7 you need a maps7 folder next to your maps folder with the same map names and ideally they are also tested on 0.7 to look good 09:27 < bridge> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/31329/ 09:31 < bridge> Xaver Hugl is the only legend 09:31 < bridge> and Simon Ser is always the person that is anti everything xD 10:13 < bridge> You smoked him 11:10 < bridge> chillerdragon: wild issue lmao 11:12 < ws-client> i tried vpn and latest ddnet built from source 11:12 < ws-client> i can for the life of it not get it to work 11:12 < ws-client> yo whats this about? ``2024-09-25 17:11:04 E http: SHA256 mismatch: got=2f0cce80e748562a1a193cbe26f009ea410e4ea1e0f478d8aa242720e45e849f, expected=1be7415efe875dd4eb3695faa2d4f8a1fde3549671ee2a5e3ef07928a9d805ce, url=https://info.ddnet.org/icons/requiem.png`` 11:15 < bridge> chillerdragon: i just mean the leak ip thing is totally broken. i can get serverinfo regardless whether leak ip is on and off. 11:15 < bridge> :pepeW: 11:16 < bridge> was the server registered before? maybe its info is still lingering on one of the masterservers? 11:16 < bridge> i checked. it wasn't in the list. but i can check the json. one sec 11:16 < bridge> ChillerDragon: I also saw this issue the other day when doing the old version ban 11:17 < bridge> please open an issue ^^ 11:17 < bridge> I decided to tackle it another day because the house was on fire 11:18 < bridge> is this definitive 11:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288429321823846410/image.png?ex=66f526d0&is=66f3d550&hm=8450f70707187fc46c45e04209ab726147430233ea1b0010ed09a51275ede476& 11:18 < bridge> that's the wrong file 11:18 < bridge> oh wait not 11:18 < bridge> ye, i realized 11:18 < bridge> https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/servers.json 11:18 < bridge> or even better, the master your client has chosen 11:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288429619858505801/image.png?ex=66f52717&is=66f3d597&hm=b1cb15c9df1f07d02b8c5604036631f537e647f689185fc44d8bd9ba3571e56f& 11:19 < bridge> and now check in the client again 11:19 < bridge> still there 11:19 < bridge> i can literally see my client ping it 11:19 < bridge> it starts with 999 11:19 < bridge> and it shows 11:19 < bridge> with Leak IP off 11:20 < bridge> maybe you're on an another version? 11:20 < bridge> steam version 11:20 < bridge> let me double check 11:20 < bridge> which masterserver does your client choose? 11:20 < bridge> master4 11:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288430317673381969/2024-09-25_17-21-35.mp4?ex=66f527bd&is=66f3d63d&hm=a608bb89d00823ad389d2b323a1d3b5b08fbef9ed44bec93462dcadb5517b345& 11:22 < ws-client> axaxax fred china firewall bypass 11:22 < ws-client> scariest command i ran in a while xd ``rm -rf -- -`` 11:22 < bridge> i'm like, pretty sure this is pinging. 11:23 < bridge> can you doublecheck in wireshark? 11:23 < bridge> just filter by that IP address 11:23 < bridge> :justatest: i'm lazy 11:23 < ws-client> @tsfreddie wat client u use 11:23 < bridge> steam ddnet 11:23 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 it was registered for a second yea 11:24 < bridge> i mean, why did the ping change it i wasn't pinging it 11:24 < ws-client> @tsfreddie you are probably using sp someones ddnet.tw backdoor master xd 11:24 < bridge> i mean, why did the ping change if it wasn't pinging it 11:24 < ws-client> @tsfreddie give ur ip i wireshark for u 11:25 < bridge> 11:25 < bridge> c.tsdo.in 11:25 < ws-client> ?xd 11:26 < bridge> i have a NAS setup in my home network so it has ddns 11:27 < ws-client> woah 11:27 < ws-client> did you just perma dox your self in public chat? xd 11:28 < ws-client> @tsfreddie ok im listening go do browser stuff 11:29 < bridge> ye, not that big of a deal really 11:29 < ws-client> refresh! 11:29 < bridge> ChillerDragon: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/9036 11:29 < ws-client> I SEE U FRED 11:29 < ws-client> I SEE UU 11:30 < ws-client> fred hacked into my server omg 11:30 < bridge> 11:30 < bridge> ye 11:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288432540406906941/image.png?ex=66f529cf&is=66f3d84f&hm=f166be6c93e783b85dd56d67435a373f8e4f3496d414daab112e95dd72f1655f& 11:31 < bridge> :kekw: 11:31 < bridge> leak ip not ticked 11:31 < bridge> FRED?!?!?!? 11:31 < ws-client> fred request reveal https://twnet.zillyhuhn.com/?v=6&d=78+65+bb+c3+00+00+ff+ff+ff+ff+67+69+65+33+25 11:32 < bridge> are we gonna warning everyone about using favorite at all below this version too now? 11:32 < bridge> that sounds like nightmare 11:32 < bridge> :greenthing: 11:35 < bridge> ChillerDragon: fixed now? (requiem) 11:36 < ws-client> no 11:36 < ws-client> you cant reproduce? its just starting a client 11:37 < bridge> yes 11:38 < bridge> should i do something else. i don't think i was doing anything weird with my serverbrowser 11:38 < ws-client> yea now it seems fixed 11:38 < ws-client> @tsfreddie unplug your main power unit your operation has been compromised 11:38 < ws-client> your ip is leaking! 11:39 < bridge> it's behind ISP's filter. i'll be fine 11:39 < ws-client> CHINA firewall will protect you 11:39 < bridge> i can't even use the entire port range. it just does not go through 11:40 < bridge> 80 and 443 are the obvious ones. it just doesn't connect to my home via those. i guess it's for selling enterprise links. 11:41 < bridge> :kekw: you can probably just port scan and find some weak point tho. just tell me if you did tho so i can update my firewall. 11:43 < bridge> i'm more curious why changing ping each refreshing isn't indicative. 11:43 < bridge> i'm more curious why changing ping each refresh isn't indicative. 11:49 < bridge> ye, imma just build a client myself and try to breakpoint why it is pinging i guess 11:54 < bridge> @heinrich5991 if one of the server is Leak IP ticked. all favorite servers pings 11:56 < bridge> oof 12:00 < bridge> Someone email html pro? 12:05 < bridge> thats arcane html 12:05 < bridge> html 4.1 12:07 < bridge> i don't understand what that means, but if you ever worked with html in emails i'd like to know some things i have to be careful about 12:08 < bridge> https://www.caniemail.com/ shows you what elements are supported 12:08 < bridge> is this testing 12:08 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288441972385648683/2024-09-25_18-07-36.mp4?ex=66f53298&is=66f3e118&hm=87ba98357e65d0cf6fa0982564d6be65d86d492c73d7f7a38c52d699a33910a7& 12:09 < bridge> this is testing. thanks 12:09 < bridge> 12:09 < bridge> xd 12:10 < bridge> i guess more specifically if the first server of the queue is ticked then all server is pinged 12:10 < bridge> you could add "Fixes #9035" to your PR description 12:10 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/9035 12:11 < bridge> what does "leak ip" even do:owo: 12:11 < bridge> it leaks your ip 12:11 < bridge> :think_bot: 12:11 < bridge> :poggers2: 12:11 < bridge> it sends a packet to the server, requesting the server info and leaking your IP address 12:12 < bridge> maybe you are right, it never worked if you have more than one server in your favorite. 12:12 < bridge> thats awesome then! 12:12 < bridge> i thought it doesnt work as soon as a server list exists at all 12:12 < bridge> but anyway, i didnt use that since years 12:13 < bridge> and honestly i also don't miss it xd 12:13 < bridge> neither did anyone, it would be obviously bugged. 12:13 < bridge> @tsfreddie now that you are motivated for ddnet content, are you an artist? 12:13 < bridge> define artist... 12:13 < bridge> i saw the cards you made - you can call yourself artist @tsfreddie 12:14 < bridge> Could you draw a email banner for ddnet accounts 12:14 < bridge> what card 12:14 < bridge> joker card 12:14 < bridge> something so the email doesnt look like trash xd 12:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288443477381615697/image.png?ex=66f533ff&is=66f3e27f&hm=b7feb0813d162c09f1fdad9ae21dbdd24b9278c386daafacc43e6f9fdd915cf8& 12:14 < bridge> any specification other than it is just a banner 12:14 < bridge> or do you want a entire html thing 12:14 < bridge> account related 12:14 < bridge> template i guess 12:15 < bridge> If i'd be insanity i'd draw a sitting tee that eats a cookie where a profile image is on(on the cookie) 12:15 < bridge> 12:15 < bridge> https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/vector-flat-illustration-grayscale-avatar-600nw-2264922221.jpg 12:15 < bridge> make it in ddnet ui style :santatrollet: 12:15 < bridge> sure why not 12:15 < bridge> i'm assuming it should be smaller in size or just svg? 12:16 < bridge> i dunno if email html supports svg 12:16 < bridge> but else, svg would be good ig 12:16 < bridge> email clients doesn't usually show remote images 12:16 < bridge> i am ok with embedding it 12:16 < bridge> as base64 12:16 < bridge> so it should be really small i'm assuming 12:16 < bridge> i dunno 12:16 < bridge> i guess game traffic is more of a problem than one email per account 12:16 < bridge> but if not, we can still remove that image again 12:16 < bridge> you probably don't want a verification email to be massive traffically (which is why almost all verification email looks ugly) 12:17 < bridge> honestly i think most ppl will only use steam login anyway 12:17 < bridge> that is true tho 12:17 < bridge> i'll try making it smaller then 12:17 < bridge> why am i accepting the fact that i'm just making it now? 12:18 < bridge> bcs you want to be called an artist? 12:18 < bridge> you basically define the word artist with that 12:18 < bridge> xd 12:18 < bridge> not really. gamedev is a pretty big umbrella term that i'm happy with 12:18 < bridge> :kek: 12:19 < bridge> i did lost 65% of my creativity after quitting my job tho 12:25 < bridge> https://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/991062/b0df468b40b21f5d/ 12:27 < bridge> Aren't external images just going to be blocked in emails from us by default in other email programs? 12:27 < bridge> My 2 seconds of google showed that most email clients support embeeded images 12:28 < bridge> yea, you can embed images 12:38 < ws-client> @milkeeycat why didnt you just fix multiple lan servers with an onliner? duh https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/9039/files 12:38 < ws-client> xxxxxxxxD 12:39 < bridge> dragon 12:39 < ws-client> no but seriously reopen pr and wait for a maintainer to review it ._. @milkeeycat 12:39 < ws-client> josspit! 12:39 < bridge> what did u want from me 4 days ago 12:39 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ fng column names 12:39 < bridge> what? xd 12:39 < bridge> in scoreboard? 12:39 < ws-client> i already shipped to production but we can still nuke the database if u got nice input 12:39 < ws-client> u know in cring team based fng that nobody even likes 12:39 < ws-client> you can steal kill from team mates 12:40 < bridge> ah nice 12:40 < ws-client> team mates are the worst 12:40 < ws-client> teams were a mistake 12:40 < ws-client> bbut 12:40 < bridge> i had a save server, i can give u access on github 12:40 < bridge> then u can read the mysql column names xd 12:40 < ws-client> anyways i want to track the amount of kills you stole and the amount that got stolen from you. @Jupstar ✪ how to name the db columns? 12:42 < bridge> chillerdragon: did you add jump in your assembly client? 12:42 < bridge> mhh hard to say 12:42 < ws-client> not specifically but inputs work so jump should be ez lemme check 12:42 < bridge> old fng always called it sacrifise, bcs openfng demanded that from the fng gods 😬 12:43 < ws-client> @milkeeycat should be suuuper straightforward ye https://github.com/ChillerDragon/teeworlds-asmr/blob/1cd4b2e18cbbef8c34287ff23e7ab7ebf2bd4ed4/src/send_system.asm#L36 12:43 < bridge> i removed all of this in fng2, so i guess you shouldn't call it steal 12:43 < bridge> but assist 12:43 < bridge> 😏 12:43 < ws-client> just add one more of those https://github.com/ChillerDragon/teeworlds-asmr/blob/1cd4b2e18cbbef8c34287ff23e7ab7ebf2bd4ed4/src/teeworlds_asmr.asm#L194-L197 12:44 < bridge> no i dunno chiller, i guess i'd just call it steals and stolen or smth 12:44 < bridge> and always snake case 12:44 < bridge> for column names 12:44 < ws-client> yes i became lower snak case enjoyer like this year 12:44 < bridge> and always CAPS for SQL syntax 12:44 < ws-client> i still have legacy ass ddnet++ Camel_hybrid_CASE columns xd 12:44 < bridge> xdd 12:44 < bridge> ddnet uses CamcelCase 12:44 < ws-client> i lowercase my sql these days too when doing manual queries 12:45 < ws-client> but in code ye UP 12:45 < bridge> use `sleek` for formatting 12:45 < bridge> sleek -n 12:45 < bridge> https://crates.io/crates/sleek 12:45 < bridge> that is what i used for accounts 12:45 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ i only used the word sacrafice once in the readme. But i do enjoy the whole spiritual vibe. Its just not in the code yet. Not sure if i ever add it. 12:46 < ws-client> i will keep it as steals. I called the columns stolen_by_others and stolen_from_others now. Its long ass but its obivous what it means which was important to me. 12:46 < bridge> yeah 12:46 < ws-client> @milkeeycat why u ask 12:46 < bridge> that is the hardest thing in development anyway 12:47 < bridge> short names vs long perfect names 12:47 < ws-client> @milkeeycat if you struggle with jumping make sure you also send jump 0 at some point not only jump 1. Otherwise you get stuck holding jump. 12:47 < bridge> but stolen_from_others 12:47 < bridge> i dunno 12:47 < bridge> you steal 12:47 < bridge> you are active form 12:47 < bridge> chillerdragon: I was wondering if you did more stuff in da client 12:48 < ws-client> ah no. no more commits since 1 month 12:49 < bridge> if i rewrite a little of the compiler i will be pretty close to sending a packet to a ddnet server 12:49 < ws-client> i briefly thought about making it CI ready and contribute it to ddnet but then i was too lazy. It could be a nice low maintenance independent lightweight protocol compatibility checker in the CI if it supports proper signals and exit codes. Ideally even fifo support xd 12:52 < bridge> please write that in a maintainable language instead 12:52 < bridge> xd 12:54 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 yea i knew there was some potential critism about that also one of the reasons why i didnt bother. The usual pr discussions. The idea would be that it does not require maintenance. Otherwise we can also just use a headless teeworlds client. 12:54 < ws-client> but everything that dynamically links requires maintenance. the assembly client is fully self contained and will run on any linux for decades without changing anything or any dependency. 12:55 < bridge> there's already maintainable ddnet servers/clients in libtw2, for example 12:55 < bridge> if you want to add something to the CI 12:55 < bridge> likely to run for decades as well 12:55 < ws-client> libtw2 has no readme 12:55 < bridge> ??? 12:55 < ws-client> the client i mean xd 12:55 < ws-client> rust breaks on a daily basis 12:55 < bridge> what? 12:56 < ws-client> compiling rust is quite unstable 12:56 < bridge> libtw2 hasn't broken since the release of 1.0 12:56 < bridge> libtw2 hasn't broken since the release of rust 1.0 12:56 < ws-client> it broke my pipeline already 12:56 < bridge> elaborate 12:56 < ws-client> https://github.com/heinrich5991/libtw2/issues/87 12:56 < bridge> that's python, not rust you're complaining about 12:56 < bridge> xd 12:57 < bridge> ye libtw2 solid as rock 12:57 < ws-client> its a rust compiler error 12:57 < bridge> in the python package 12:57 < bridge> libtw2, the rust version has not broken since rust 1.0 12:57 < bridge> I stand by my point 12:57 < ws-client> ok maybe i dont know 12:57 < bridge> which is incidentally 9 years ago 12:57 < ws-client> i can just tell you it broke my CI 12:57 < bridge> yes, the python package 12:58 < ws-client> what would you suggest serving binaries? 12:58 < ws-client> statically linked? 12:58 < ws-client> and download them in the CI? 12:58 < bridge> YES 12:58 < bridge> not using nightly for example xd 12:58 < bridge> I wasn't going to argue about python packages 12:58 < ws-client> i am talking about the CI client 12:58 < bridge> hey jupjop 12:59 < ws-client> what flow do you suggest? 12:59 < bridge> I just wanted to say that libtw2 would be a solid base for some CI checks in a sane maintainable language 12:59 < bridge> hey gerdoe 12:59 < bridge> hows it going 12:59 < bridge> good & 4 u? 12:59 < bridge> good as well 12:59 < ws-client> i was suggesting 56K client that just runs i think thats pretty damn good 12:59 < bridge> yea, I don't think that's a good idea 12:59 < ws-client> just download and run it no dependencies 12:59 < bridge> for maintainability 13:00 < ws-client> how so? 13:00 < bridge> because it's going to need some adjustments over time 13:00 < ws-client> like what? 13:00 < bridge> i though im about to skip very important lecture but came here an hour before xd 13:00 < ws-client> if it tests backwards compatibility it doesnt need adjustments 13:00 < ws-client> if it doesnt break to launch it also doesnt need adjustments 13:00 < ws-client> and here comes my hottest take: assembly is easier than rust 13:01 < bridge> ChillerDragon's got it all figured out, let's throw compilers out of the window 13:01 < bridge> wait but it needs 13:01 < bridge> you used bss as registers because it was hard to work with stack in assembly xd 13:01 < ws-client> no but rly what adjustments @heinrich5991 13:01 < bridge> if you add changes ur current code becomes old code 13:01 < ws-client> pst @milkeeycat xd 13:02 < bridge> you want to test more stuff, you want to test different stuff, you realize it has a bug 13:02 < ws-client> i see 13:02 < ws-client> yea valid 13:03 < ws-client> in that case ez assembly edit or if you prefer libtw2 just delete the assembly client and replace it with libtw2 client then 13:03 < ws-client> it for sure has a bug btw xd 13:03 < bridge> leave a comment in main file like `if something doesn't work email this person: *chiller's email*` xd 13:03 < ws-client> chillerdragon@gmail.com 13:03 < bridge> lets throw all the tests then kekw 13:03 < ws-client> ye sure as long as im around 13:03 < bridge> whats wrong with ddnet headless 13:04 < ws-client> ddnet headless is ddnet 13:04 < ws-client> so its fat 13:04 < ws-client> either its the version that was just built in the CI @zhn then its useless for a test that checks if old clients can still connect to the newly built server 13:05 < ws-client> or its a fat download that depends on libc stuff so it will have to be updated and maintained 13:05 < bridge> ig u can download previous tagged client to test things 13:05 < bridge> but it just makes ci longer 13:05 < bridge> depending on libc is no problem, it's backward compatible 13:05 < ws-client> from ddnet.org maybe 13:07 < ws-client> well yea i have to admit ddnet 3.6 runs on debian 12 xd https://ddnet.org/downloads/#3.6 13:07 < bridge> other libraries might be bigger problems 13:08 < ws-client> yea i struggled hard with ddnet persian client 13:08 < ws-client> ok sure then the only selling point left is download speed and size 13:17 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks is the token base64 13:20 < bridge> i have a weird nitpick that you can't double click to select a base64 string 13:21 < bridge> because the `-` `_` and `=` :justatest: 13:23 < bridge> it is yes 13:23 < bridge> btw tees don't have mouth. 13:23 < bridge> yeah that sucks xd 13:23 < bridge> can we do a weird encoding that only uses alphanum 13:24 < bridge> They teleport the food into their stomache 13:24 < bridge> since it is email so a copy to clipboard button is impossible i think 13:25 < bridge> sadly 13:27 < bridge> the `=` can be removed by using the no-pad variants 13:28 < bridge> isnt there some html tag to say that it should copy the whole word as one 13:29 < bridge> never heard of such thing hmm 13:29 < bridge> well tripple click works for me 13:29 < bridge> but dunno if normal users do that xd 13:29 < bridge> wait there is wtf 13:29 < bridge> `user-select: all;` css magic 13:29 < bridge> bruh 13:30 < bridge> thanks jupy 13:30 < bridge> I need to try if that works for emails 😄 13:30 < bridge> true 13:31 < bridge> It should work in HTML emails, but do you want to include a plain text variant? 13:31 < bridge> not supported by gmail already 13:31 < bridge> :pepeW: 13:31 < bridge> Works with -webkit prefix 13:31 < bridge> xd 13:32 < bridge> mostly not supported tho 13:33 < bridge> https://docs.rs/base58check-encode/latest/base58check_encode/ 13:33 < bridge> works in thunderbird :kekw: 13:33 < bridge> lmao no decode 13:33 < bridge> i think you can send both plain text and html somehow right? 13:33 < bridge> Hex seems simpler though 13:34 < bridge> yeah i can also use hex 13:34 < bridge> lol 13:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288463696951246921/image.png?ex=66f546d3&is=66f3f553&hm=b023fb99e7489eb5c3535634627f063df05b9dce47c236d9fa40c61958d3cb82& 13:34 < bridge> hot 13:34 < bridge> xd 13:35 < bridge> i still need ddnet's steam publisher key to test steam integration 😬 13:36 < bridge> like web api or? 13:36 < bridge> the session tickets seem like the easiest solution 13:36 < bridge> is our steam implementation close sourced? 13:36 < bridge> just generate token, send to acc server. acc server gets steamid 13:36 < bridge> no 13:37 < bridge> then you can get yourself a web api key and just build a client that uses the 480 appid 13:37 < bridge> i think 13:37 < bridge> borrow a key somehow is probably easier tho 13:38 < bridge> i dont understand that 13:38 < bridge> but the publisher key is used on the server side 13:39 < bridge> ah nvm, i thought steam provided publisher keys for 480 14:01 < bridge> Did I just miss chiller making an argument to add his assembly client into ci for testing? 14:02 < bridge> `base56` 14:03 < bridge> base16 it is now 14:03 < bridge> hex 14:03 < bridge> Or `base58` 14:03 < bridge> the user doesnt care anyway.. it just has to look secure :lol: 14:04 < bridge> Or honestly just an integer would also work, not like you need much length before it becomes impossible to guess anyway 14:05 < bridge> generate code using `wordlist.txt` :kek: 14:05 < bridge> yeah but i like that everything is [u8; 32] 14:05 < bridge> Oh wow, you are at the steam stage? 14:05 < bridge> no, steam is the only thing left xd 14:06 < bridge> well i wrote the integration for the server 14:06 < bridge> but to test it i need client integration + the publisher key to actually call the steam verify thing 14:07 < bridge> (I tried DMing you a key, can you look if it has the correct format?) 14:07 < bridge> Ah, well if you use encrypted application tickets instead of session tickets, I think you can verify those offline on the backend 14:07 < bridge> ah thanks, will test during the week 14:08 < bridge> i dunno all other steam stuff looks so much harder to use 14:08 < bridge> the session + web api verify, doesn't need any additional libs 14:08 < bridge> for the server 14:08 < bridge> but if you feel summoned to do that 14:09 < bridge> u are ofc free to do so 14:09 < bridge> But in exchange we can't verify tickets without connecting to steam backend servers, hm 14:09 < bridge> that works like a cert or what? 14:09 < bridge> So we either have to link the account server to steam sdk or use the backend 14:10 < bridge> Idk what sort of black magic they employ, but you get an encrypted ticket, you do steamapi::decrypt on it and it just works 14:11 < bridge> yeah nice 14:11 < bridge> if it actually does no call to any steam service 14:11 < bridge> that is probs better 14:11 < bridge> bcs it doesn't need a rate limit 14:11 < bridge> but anyway 14:12 < bridge> i'll start with the session stuff, since that is almost done 14:12 < bridge> I have a question 14:12 < bridge> Will we automatically connect steam accounts or will it be manual? 14:13 < bridge> gmail does not seem to like embedded svg 14:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288473364771373178/image.png?ex=66f54fd4&is=66f3fe54&hm=5bd2f4ee176add6265b6c66bafedfaa161f9a7a668aeb92a564f4558a037de4a& 14:13 < bridge> Good question, in dd-pg currently there is simply a "Login with steam" button. 14:13 < bridge> 14:13 < bridge> But tbh that is a thing that can be changed easily 14:13 < bridge> so i dont want to think about such stuff now 14:13 < bridge> I vote for manual, but it can easily be changed, so whatever 14:14 < bridge> arg 14:14 < bridge> Mail html is such a PITA. It's so hard to get it to render correctly everywhere that serious professionals use paid tooling that just renders it on all clients 14:14 < bridge> that sucks ofc 14:14 < bridge> 14:14 < bridge> it seems like there are reimplementations of the steam encrypted app tickets 14:14 < bridge> https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-appticket/blob/3ff347347a8d5e1e9908225a671a8972b9e5bef4/src/components/parseEncryptedAppTicket.ts#L15 14:14 < bridge> so it's likely that it can be reimplemented somewhat easily 14:15 < bridge> (but focusing on something that works first makes a lot of sense) 14:15 < bridge> Quick followup question: Do we allow just steam or just email or both on accounts? 14:15 < bridge> you can link additional credentials to a single account, if that is your question 14:15 < bridge> both, but same answer 14:18 < bridge> I'm wondering if steam users have to bother with linking their emails 14:18 < bridge> They don't need to do that 14:18 < bridge> but they can 14:18 < bridge> It seems to just be normal aes 14:18 < bridge> Cool 14:24 < bridge> oh wow. gmail requires you to use remote images. 14:24 < bridge> :justatest: 14:24 < bridge> tja 14:24 < bridge> I knew this is going to be an annoying topic xd 14:25 < bridge> wat 14:25 < bridge> can you use images from attachments? 14:25 < bridge> https://www.emailonacid.com people use stuff like this to make sure 14:25 < bridge> i'm not sure how you would display attachment images in a html body 14:26 < bridge> I guess that's fine, no? 14:26 < bridge> I'd guess most clients block third-party images in emails by default 14:26 < bridge> not gmail apparently 14:26 < bridge> because it leaks your reading time and IP address 14:26 < bridge> Also have you tried inline base64 images? 14:27 < bridge> that's what i meant. inline base64 does not work on gmail 14:27 < bridge> (gmail proxies the images, so the IP address isn't leaked there) 14:27 < bridge> https://www.caniemail.com/features/image-base64/ lol 14:27 < bridge> The web is such a mess 14:28 < bridge> let me try actual img tag tho, maybe gmail just doesn't like css inline images 14:28 < bridge> oh i don't need to try it then 14:28 < bridge> quick google confirmed that gmail doesnt support it tho 14:28 < bridge> but maybe that changed already 14:29 < bridge> what if i include both inline and remote images with different styles :justatest: 14:29 < bridge> https://stackoverflow.com/a/36870709/870079 14:29 < bridge> apparently you can attach the image 14:30 < bridge> and then use `src="cid:"` 14:30 < bridge> "Also, many clients, including the Gmail web interface, will append a copy of all attached images at the end of the message, which is very, very ugly" 14:30 < bridge> lol 14:30 < bridge> that is pretty wild 14:30 < bridge> is that still the case 14:30 < bridge> Why is this shit so hard 14:31 < bridge> Maybe i should just do some ugly ass text based email 14:31 < bridge> Actually why don't we look at a mail from a srsbsns enterprise to see how they do it 14:31 < bridge> attachment already looks pretty ugly in most client really. and some people might wonder why some random images are attached 14:31 < bridge> I dislike that i'd need to code that manually mostly 😬 14:31 < bridge> base64 would be inline 14:31 < bridge> i already run everything in premailer.io just to check. my original html just results in black and white text in gmail 14:32 < bridge> so what if we just use both remote url and inline. gmail sees the remote one. client sees the inline one. some weirdo can see both. 14:32 < bridge> 👀 14:33 < bridge> xcDDD 14:33 < bridge> would be worth a try 14:33 < bridge> two `src` tags? 14:33 < bridge> two `src` attributes? 14:33 < bridge> It's remote images in corpo emails 14:33 < bridge> just two images side by side 14:33 < bridge> that would be an interesting try too 14:34 < bridge> Yeah, pretty much every email I found with images uses just remote images. What is our issue with that anyway? 14:35 < bridge> That it won't get displayed properly on the 10 people old enough to still use a desktop mail client and play ddnet? 14:35 < bridge> although blocked image on thunderbird is also ugly 14:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288479003178700913/image.png?ex=66f55515&is=66f40395&hm=6ea4e82d5a02f5c2ae986297f80e0547d76b2c3eb2ab415049970ed8861f0ca5& 14:35 < bridge> that's fair 14:35 < bridge> if that are only a few ppl, i am totally ok with using external 14:35 < bridge> makes our emails smaller 14:36 < bridge> in the end the email is there to copy a token 14:36 < bridge> not to win a art contest 14:36 < bridge> jk 14:36 < bridge> we win art contest 14:36 < bridge> Atleast that's what my opinion is on that. The blocked image is also not too bad, it's just a logo 14:36 < bridge> jupy wants a whole banner tho, i just haven't drawn one 14:37 < bridge> 14:37 < bridge> Oor, someone remake the logo in css and html tables 14:37 < bridge> but with a banner it's even better 14:37 < bridge> if the banner misses it still aligns normally 14:37 < bridge> genius 14:37 < bridge> shouldn't be that hard xd 14:38 < bridge> i mean, tees are just circles. probably do able with a bunch of `border-radius` 14:39 < bridge> https://developers.google.com/gmail/design/css 14:39 < bridge> `float` `border-radius` `margin*` is probably enough to make a logo 14:39 < bridge> Honestly as is it doesn't look too bad maybe we can get away with a purely css html banner, or no banner? 14:39 < bridge> it works as-is without any art really 14:41 < bridge> but i guess looking playful is kinda cool, not that i have anything better to do rn. if i didn't manage to get anything done before juppy ships it we can just use this. 14:41 < bridge> I thought it would maybe make it look more like game content 14:41 < bridge> with a banner 14:41 < bridge> I wonder how many mail clients support @media(prefers-color-scheme) 14:41 < bridge> iirc u can embed svg in html 14:41 < bridge> glad you asked: https://www.caniemail.com/features/css-at-media-prefers-color-scheme/ 14:41 < bridge> so use the svg logo 14:42 < bridge> It would 14:42 < bridge> gmail does not support svg 14:42 < bridge> f*ck gmail! 14:42 < bridge> kek 14:42 < bridge> We've been thru this 😛 14:42 < bridge> just be oldschool and send plaintext 14:42 < bridge> i am surprised that gmail misses lot of support. 14:42 < bridge> 14:42 < bridge> normally it's google that allows all the weird stuff nobody cares about xD 14:42 < bridge> but the corpos are so smart they "downscore" ur email spam score if u dont have a html version 14:43 < bridge> just make the html a pre block kek 14:43 < bridge> and use a png to ascii tool 14:43 < bridge> i assumed they wrote a parser specifically for gmail so it is just really small 14:43 < bridge> Sadge. Would have been cool 14:43 < bridge> and put ddnet logo as ascii art 14:43 < bridge> i assumed they wrote a parser specifically for gmail so it is just really small set of features 14:44 < bridge> They probably went backwards to make sure vulnerabilities aren't possible. So a whitelist of allowed stuff rather than a blacklist 14:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288482917642670110/clown.png?ex=66f558ba&is=66f4073a&hm=51ecb0e87661eba324693d08c273eef7a1c2a0678278318540b8bb0f8e0f196b& 14:51 < bridge> i made a meme 14:52 < bridge> real cpp chads would know that you cannot use tsan and asan at the same time 14:53 < bridge> :justatest: 14:53 < bridge> i never said same time kek 14:53 < bridge> but thats bad 14:53 < bridge> in rust u have all at same time :nameless_tee: 14:56 < bridge> if i am very honest that i'd have to say the special thing is not about having compile time checks in rust. 14:56 < bridge> 14:56 < bridge> It's just that pattern matching + enum structs + RAII lead to much clearer code paths. 14:56 < bridge> 14:56 < bridge> If u use rust like c, then it will probably only partially be nicer than using cpp 😬 14:56 < bridge> if i am very honest then i'd have to say the special thing is not about having compile time checks in rust. 14:56 < bridge> 14:56 < bridge> It's just that pattern matching + enum structs + RAII lead to much clearer code paths. 14:56 < bridge> 14:57 < bridge> If u use rust like c, then it will probably only partially be nicer than using cpp 😬 14:57 < bridge> if i am very honest then i'd have to say the special thing is not about having compile time checks in rust. (not directly at least) 14:57 < bridge> 14:57 < bridge> It's just that pattern matching + enum structs + RAII lead to much clearer code paths. 14:57 < bridge> 14:57 < bridge> If u use rust like c, then it will probably only partially be nicer than using cpp 😬 14:57 < bridge> actually, I think ubsan/tsan/asan isn't really available for rust, which means you can't have them when writing `unsafe` code 14:58 < bridge> there's miri, but it doesn't run your code in production AFAIK 14:58 < bridge> ``` 14:58 < bridge> RUSTFLAGS="-Z sanitizer=address" cargo run --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu 14:58 < bridge> TSAN_OPTIONS="ignore_noninstrumented_modules=1" RUSTFLAGS="-Z sanitizer=thread" cargo run --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu 14:58 < bridge> ``` 14:58 < bridge> my README never failed me 14:58 < bridge> i guess i once used asan on rust 14:59 < bridge> epic fail 14:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288484945941102633/image.png?ex=66f55a9e&is=66f4091e&hm=8e034a72ca392cf3d493e378327457efe01cd43e92e9a7d32e740e61e1d22002& 14:59 < bridge> lmao 14:59 < bridge> LMAO YOU ARE NOT 14:59 < bridge> remote image it is i guess 14:59 < bridge> ey i don't like this xD 15:00 < bridge> imagine that worked 15:00 < bridge> would be so epic 15:01 < bridge> wrong, asan and tsan can run on rust, since they are passes that work over llvm ir, which rust emits, ubsan yes but its ub specific to c 15:01 < bridge> miri would be the ubsan for rust, since all UB added to rust is tested first with miri to catch it 15:02 < bridge> ah, cool: https://doc.rust-lang.org/beta/unstable-book/compiler-flags/sanitizer.html#addresssanitizer 15:02 < bridge> but miri is quite limited on external calls 15:03 < bridge> btw a good way to test unsafe stuff is -randomize layout option 15:03 < bridge> i should 15:03 < bridge> RUSTFLAGS="-Zrandomize-layout" 15:03 < bridge> well actually pretty much all unsafe code i have are the vk calls xd 15:04 < bridge> https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/77316 15:04 < bridge> The randomize layout flag randomizes/shuffles/otherwise makes unpredictable the layout of repr(Rust) types, which do not have a specified layout. This is to aid in debugging programs, detecting undefined behavior and running crater experiments. This does not affect any types with specified layouts, such as #[repr(C)] or #[repr(transparent)] types. This is strictly an opt-in flag and will not affect current stable code unless the end user explicitly 15:05 < bridge> what i'd find interesting is if i could randomly trigger errors in tests to make sure that my error handling doesn't result in panics or dead locking or similar stuff 15:13 < bridge> proptest crate, fuzzing, there is also another crate i forgor 15:14 < bridge> are they easy to use? xd 15:14 < bridge> https://lib.rs/crates/fail 15:14 < bridge> i need retard safe libs 15:14 < bridge> lib.rs is so ugly xd 15:14 < bridge> xd 15:15 < bridge> but yeah is cool 15:15 < bridge> if that works easily 15:15 < bridge> well maybe 15:15 < bridge> additional changes to the codebase also sucks xd 15:15 < bridge> https://lib.rs/crates/cargo-careful 15:16 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks this is a cargo run replacement 15:26 < bridge> wtf it's 9pm 15:27 < bridge> forgot to eat 15:27 < bridge> forgot ten cat 15:28 < bridge> if u want to send me the mail later i can test how it looks (even if unfinished) 😄 15:28 < bridge> maybe tomorrow 15:29 < bridge> Would be even less likely to render the same on everything. There is a reason everyone and their mothers are still using tables 😄 15:29 < bridge> also just learned that you literally cannot use div to layout your email 15:30 < bridge> 15:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288493320431206400/Screenshot_20240925_213153.jpg?ex=66f5626a&is=66f410ea&hm=5774b15ebf05cb81c5ec85ef38c20955a90c6bfcc5e383a3c50004df7dd631e6& 15:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288493320913555490/Screenshot_20240925_213156.jpg?ex=66f5626a&is=66f410ea&hm=33cf61f323d57392670da535c8ca965ddcf19278642fcb39eb236d0e33887cfe& 15:32 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks btw now that you are back, I have a question for you. Do you know if we intentionally don't support 1:1 resolutions without grey bars? 15:32 < bridge> My RUS servers have disappeared, what should I do? 15:32 < bridge> my phone breaks with div 15:32 < bridge> yes, the UI breaks 15:32 < bridge> I asked robyte if we should just not care 15:32 < bridge> he said he doesnt like it 15:33 < bridge> best is you discuss it with him 15:33 < bridge> Ok. There was a player actually using 1080x1080 asking me 😄 15:33 < bridge> 1:1 has a certain pvp advantage 15:33 < bridge> 15:33 < bridge> i've been using 5:4 when i was still playing fng 15:34 < bridge> back then we all had 5:4 15:34 < bridge> but now we all rich and have 16:9 15:34 < bridge> wasn't it 4:3 15:34 < bridge> uff 15:34 < bridge> true 15:34 < bridge> 5:4 is square-er 16:00 < bridge> sketched. also changed back to light theme. cuz most emails are white probably for good reasons 16:00 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288500447191105658/image.png?ex=66f5690d&is=66f4178d&hm=3bd03bd856e3cddd4c7f45c5e2c7a9058cfb802664e3b6bd5b4b3e1c4e3bec26& 16:40 < bridge> the sketch on the top right 16:40 < bridge> peak artist performance 16:43 < bridge> anyone can tell how install ddnet server on ubuntu? 16:43 < bridge> @learath2 if 0 and 1 are certain then they cant be considered probabilities right? probabilities lie within the range from 0 to 1 excluded 16:43 < bridge> :justatest: 16:43 < bridge> @learath2 hey, I have one more question regarding Sethi-Ullman algorithm, do I have handle division expression uniquely, because amd64 doesn't have `idiv` instruction with immediate as operand 16:46 < bridge> 0 and 1 are most definitely allowed in the definition of a probability function I know. e.g. the event of a tossed coin hitting the ground has 1 probability within the event space since it's the only outcome in the sample space 16:47 < bridge> :poggers2: 16:48 < bridge> u can self compile, or use the one from https://ddnet.org/downloads 16:48 < bridge> if u use the one from your ubuntu repo, that is probs pretty outdated 16:48 < bridge> 0 I don't remember why we include though. A probability space is defined in terms of a sample space, an event space and a probability function. The sample space by definition only contains the outcomes, which are iirc defined as all the POSSIBLE results 16:49 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/badmathematics/comments/127vquu/eliezer_yudkowsky_0_and_1_are_not_probabilities/ 16:49 < bridge> xddd 16:49 < bridge> i saw this on twitter 16:49 < bridge> X 16:49 < bridge> it's useful since you don't need to change the sample space if some event becomes impossible 16:51 < bridge> like you also don't have to hit everything in the image space of a function 16:51 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curry%E2%80%93Howard_correspondence 16:52 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks What does <@&1129094178337460297> do if someone from the db crew approves a skin that shares a name with an existing one? 16:53 < bridge> it doesn't know about existing skins 16:53 < bridge> Ok, I see 16:54 < bridge> Do we have this in JSON format? 16:54 < bridge> https://skins.ddnet.org/skin/community/ 16:56 < bridge> https://skins.ddnet.org/skin/skins.json 16:56 < bridge> but actually i have to improve that json before it's used, but i'd need to change php code 16:56 < bridge> yeah dunno, guess u can just use it xd 16:58 < bridge> the probability of a single valued event on a continuous function is usually 0 17:02 < bridge> Hm, why? I don't think the algorithm relies on immediate operations being available. Imagine just 3 / 5. Algorithm suggests 1 register is enough, which it is, you store one result 17:12 < bridge> Ah, I can see the confusion. Most definitely my fault, constant lhs leaves are not 0 because immediate operations exist. They are 0 because the constants are from memory (atleast back in those days, immediates are also technically from memory, just that they are embedded within the instruction) 17:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288518600688144456/image.png?ex=66f579f5&is=66f42875&hm=f4e060cf4166295eac5f18bdc08f24e87d036e4800f23a7dbbe9791752eea9ef& 17:13 < bridge> You really should have just implemented normal spilling and called it a day. I wanted to make it optimal but sent you into a rabbit-hole 17:14 < bridge> Ill google stuff next time xd 17:14 < bridge> To be fair to me, I told you spilling is the naive way to do this 17:14 < bridge> Right about here 19:09 < bridge> if there was a variable on lhs, would it be 0 or 1? 19:09 < bridge> 1, non-constant left childs get a 1 19:20 < bridge> > since an operation such as `add R1, A` can handle the right component A directly without storing it into a register 19:20 < bridge> I thought that was about `add r/m64, imm32` in amd64 for example 20:22 < bridge> after drinking some tea i think they are talking about `add r/m64, imm32` AND `add r64 r/m64` xd 20:22 < bridge> ``` 20:22 < bridge> Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details 20:22 < bridge> Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __std_mismatch_1 referenced in function "unsigned __int64 __cdecl std::_Mismatch_vectorized<1>(void const * const,void const * const,unsigned __int64)" (??$_Mismatch_vectorized@$00@std@@YA_KQEBX0_K@Z) game-client E:\FranCheSka\builds\ddnet_engine_shared.lib(cxx.o) 1 20:22 < bridge> 20:22 < bridge> ``` 20:22 < bridge> windows 11 64 bit + Visual Studio 2022 20:22 < bridge> ``` 20:22 < bridge> Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details 20:22 < bridge> Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __std_mismatch_1 referenced in function "unsigned __int64 __cdecl std::_Mismatch_vectorized<1>(void const * const,void const * const,unsigned __int64)" (??$_Mismatch_vectorized@$00@std@@YA_KQEBX0_K@Z) game-client E:\FranCheSka\builds\ddnet_engine_shared.lib(cxx.o) 1 20:22 < bridge> 20:22 < bridge> ``` 20:22 < bridge> windows 11 64 bit + Visual Studio 2022 20:22 < bridge> Latest github source 21:10 < bridge> everyone come join the BOMB server 21:10 < bridge> 25 ppl playing right now 🙂 21:10 < bridge> the Pager server 21:10 < bridge> ._. 21:11 < bridge> yea 21:11 < bridge> im already there 😎 21:11 < bridge> AFK god 21:11 < bridge> ♥ Yumie GER - Bombtag with weapons! 21:11 < bridge> Address: ddnet:// 21:11 < bridge> My IGN: Ewan 21:11 < bridge> is not a DDraceNetwork or Community server. 21:12 < bridge> but this has actually brought to my attention the fact that we have no inactive volume modifier 21:12 < bridge> many games will quiet or silence themselves when not focused 21:12 < bridge> maybe necessary for ddnet 21:12 < bridge> and we can except pings from that for example 21:22 < bridge> Please 🙏 21:23 < bridge> My Blender Add-on with which you can import Teeworlds/DDNet maps into Blender was approved today! 21:23 < bridge> https://extensions.blender.org/add-ons/twformats/ 21:23 < bridge> 21:23 < bridge> This means you can easily download this Add-on directly from within blender: 21:23 < bridge> `Edit > Preferences > Get Extensions > Search for "DDNet"` 21:23 < bridge> Code repository: https://gitlab.com/ddnet-rs/twblender 21:23 < bridge> 21:23 < bridge> Three videos I already made with this Add-on: [Water Simulation](https://youtu.be/88xtJ_jLVM8), [Experimental Map Intro](https://youtu.be/gVWF1N1e-xo), [Miner Envelopes](https://youtu.be/bgEpIIG1k4c) 21:25 < bridge> sick 21:42 < bridge> We have `snd_nonactive_mute`. 22:09 < bridge> is that a Boolean 22:15 < bridge> Yes 22:37 < bridge> pin! 22:38 < bridge> ^pin! 22:39 < bridge> what is this? 22:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1288600793083150336/image.png?ex=66f5c682&is=66f47502&hm=356d7a013967f7706b049849397f1071ae838d1b3d96f29ebe1be57f477f4652& 22:45 < bridge> yea i didnt catch it initially 22:45 < bridge> nice that it exists for sure 22:45 < bridge> but i think maybe a slider & extra toggle for ping sfx bypass would be worth