00:44 < bridge> Does the Server know when you are spectating someone? 00:45 < bridge> Ye 01:01 < bridge> Does the server know exactly who is specing who? 01:02 < bridge> Yes 01:53 < bridge> otherwise you would not be able to see the tees unless you did /showall 02:07 < bridge> This would work if the client only sent the camera position. But it also sends the id of who you are speccing. I think that was the question 02:07 < bridge> Even tho you could check that even if the client didn't send any info about who they're speccing 02:19 < ws-client> #someone4president 02:19 < ws-client> can we start a vote to make SP | Someone ddnet admin? 03:47 < bridge> i don't think chiller can see the vote 03:51 < bridge> current standings are 5/1 in his favor 05:07 < ws-client> <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> 06:15 < bridge> anyone know why there is a `-1` at the end of these 2 lines? https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/master/src/game/client/render_map.cpp#L591-L592 06:15 < bridge> 06:15 < bridge> it just seems to make things look weird in my opinion because it cuts off 1 pixel from the edge of the tile 06:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287628270728380437/image.png?ex=66f23cc6&is=66f0eb46&hm=5db6cdaac3470159cf948f11d91f2aa6de934a9657326b546c0767c227d117e8& 06:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287628270967193640/image.png?ex=66f23cc6&is=66f0eb46&hm=8a51d4903742aad8576b30dafb78a4cf0ee83df0f619ec602631d35703996d04& 07:31 < bridge> cuz old mapres were shifted :justatest: afair 07:31 < bridge> any experts of tile render there 07:31 < ws-client> patiga is pro 07:32 < bridge> chiller does my pr affect any existing mod? 07:32 < bridge> because now id predefines tunes for all mods 07:32 < ws-client> i think so 07:32 < bridge> it* 07:32 < bridge> and my pr makes it only for ddrace and ddnet 07:33 < ws-client> im not sure i would have to test it 07:33 < ws-client> so many things to think about 07:34 < bridge> if you have time and will pls 07:34 < ws-client> also why u ignore ma comment xd 07:34 < bridge> because i couldn't figure out how ur issue connects with my pr 07:34 < bridge> what exactly is wrong 07:34 < ws-client> then ignore the issue and only respond to the question 07:34 < ws-client> why is tunes ddrace tiles 07:35 < bridge> because if server wants to predict ddrace tiles its supposedly ddrace based 07:35 < bridge> and needs these tunes to operate 07:35 < ws-client> i disagree 07:35 < ws-client> gun curvature and speedups are two different things 07:36 < bridge> but now it does affect all mods 07:36 < bridge> what do you want, to remove ddrace tiles check? 07:36 < ws-client> why have PredictDDrace and PredictDDraceTiles if tiles does not mean tiles 07:36 < ws-client> @zhn well as proposed in the issue i might even want a PredictDDraceTunes flag :p 07:37 < bridge> i want to fix vanilla demos, not to make another protocol entry xd 07:37 < bridge> i wonder how it works good in game and doesnt in demos 07:37 < bridge> something is wrong 07:37 < ws-client> but why did you add predicttiles whats the use case? 07:38 < bridge> if server sent no predict ddrace but predict ddrace tiles xd 07:38 < bridge> why would u need to predict ddrace tiles and not to have default ddnet tunes 07:38 < ws-client> which server does that? and why does that mean that the tunes are ddrace based? 07:38 < ws-client> @zhn ddnet-insta 07:38 < bridge> also it affects only demos 07:39 < bridge> do u send predict ddrace tiles in ddnet insta? 07:39 < bridge> i would 1 tick freeze by prediction if u did 07:39 < bridge> on health pickup touch 07:39 < ws-client> well yea thats what https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/8923 is about 07:40 < ws-client> currently vanilla weapons plus ddrace tiles such as speedups and stoppers is a mess to get predicted correctly 07:40 < ws-client> your pr looks like it would make it even worse and i dont see the use case 07:40 < bridge> why would u need speeders and stoppers in vanilla xd 07:40 < ws-client> its cool? 07:40 < bridge> join jsaurus server with ddnet 07:40 < bridge> pew pew with shotgun 07:40 < bridge> and pistol 07:40 < bridge> move to demos 07:41 < bridge> and voila 07:41 < bridge> wrong tunes by default 07:41 < bridge> join any vanilla server 07:41 < bridge> even infclass is affected 07:41 < bridge> its 7 year issue that was introduced by defaulting ddrace tunes 07:41 < ws-client> yes sounds good to fix that but my question stands 07:41 < ws-client> why ddracetiles 07:42 < bridge> tell me what it would break in your current setup 07:42 < ws-client> it just seems wrong 07:42 < ws-client> tiles should mean tiles 07:42 < bridge> what exactly 07:42 < ws-client> your prediction is not about tiles 07:43 < bridge> what about ddrqce tune zones? arent these *tiles*? 07:43 < ws-client> hmm 07:43 < bridge> i wouldn't mind if theyre handled differently 07:43 < ws-client> yea imo this should be PredictDDraceWeapons 07:44 < bridge> it affects only demos btw 07:45 < bridge> if u will encounter anything like that in the future we can hop in making new protocol entry 07:45 < bridge> i just don't want it to be protocol dependent 07:45 < bridge> unless existing ones 07:45 < ws-client> why not prepare something clean now for the future? 08:06 < ws-client> the prediction code is such a rabbit hole. TIL the ddnet client hardcodes a specific hammer tuning for fng https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/f9df4a85be4ca94ca91057cd447707bcce16fd94/src/game/client/prediction/entities/character.cpp#L334-L346 08:10 < bridge> I guess tuning can't work if you're a vanilla server? 08:11 < bridge> or the server simply doesn't care about correct prediction 08:32 < bridge> everything is fine ingame 08:32 < bridge> demo tunings fuck ups on these hardcoded values 08:33 < bridge> I'm not taking about demos 08:33 < bridge> what then 08:34 < bridge> but vanilla servers have their tunings :justatest: 08:34 < bridge> Why doesn't the fng server simply send hammer strength tunes so the client doesn't need these hard coded values? 08:34 < bridge> for the same reason why ddnet tunes are hardcoded ig 08:34 < bridge> idk which though xd 08:35 < bridge> I think it's not the same but ok 08:35 < bridge> afair jupeyys or whatever fng we have has hardcoded strength instead of tuning 08:35 < bridge> not 100% information 08:36 < bridge> Why do demos need tunes at all? They run physics? 08:36 < bridge> demo is just replaying received snapshots as far as i can tell 08:37 < bridge> so how can tunes mess it up 08:37 < bridge> so its a game runningz actually 08:37 < bridge> @totar 08:38 < bridge> That doesn't answer my question 08:39 < bridge> I just don't understand why tunes should affect the demo 08:40 < bridge> Do you mean the demo playback is wrong or the demo saving is wrong? 08:40 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/295908390956433410/1281049686911746069 08:41 < bridge> ah waiy 08:41 < bridge> wrong one 08:41 < bridge> Is it saving or playback tho? 08:41 < bridge> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/824745028311711814/1281009696853069886/sg_demo_bug.mp4?ex=66f1e3bf&is=66f0923f&hm=b95ac0163dbd126afd638081cf2fd8625f33fdd0bcc15209b6675d9ac73ab7eb& 08:42 < bridge> and it was like this for a long time 08:42 < bridge> :justatest: 08:43 < bridge> Can you just answer the question I don't have my pc to test it 08:43 < bridge> wdym by saving or replaying? 08:43 < bridge> both 08:43 < bridge> rendering is just capturing demos playback 08:44 < bridge> If you save the demo on a patched client and play it back on an unpatched one does it work? 08:44 < bridge> 08:44 < bridge> If you save the demo on an unpatched client and play it back on a patched one does it work? 08:45 < bridge> only playback 08:45 < bridge> That's ambiguous just put yes/no for each 08:45 < bridge> you can watch this demo with patched client and everything is fine 08:46 < bridge> Ok thanks 08:46 < bridge> im typing in -2 by celcius, just wait pls xd 08:52 < bridge> hm interesting what if i hardcode gravity to 0 xd 08:52 < bridge> would demo also try to render it like this 09:01 < bridge> Are gun projectiles not part of snapshot data? 09:01 < bridge> So the client has to predict them during playback? 09:01 < bridge> so weird 09:02 < bridge> I thought for sure they should be in snapshots so idk what's happening 09:20 < bridge> @fantrapreal can you stop please 09:21 < bridge> block him to stop reactions 09:21 < bridge> easy solution 09:59 < bridge> An idea to ponder and consider: 09:59 < bridge> 09:59 < bridge> We already have few states Default, Freeze, Deep Freeze. 09:59 < bridge> Is it possible to somehow make a new state? 09:59 < bridge> let's call it "Mechanized" 09:59 < bridge> 09:59 < bridge> ofc need two blocks like a Freeze / Unfreeze, but for this state. 09:59 < bridge> (for example Mechanize / Unmechanize) 09:59 < bridge> One gives this state and second removes state from Tee. 09:59 < bridge> 09:59 < bridge> Tee with this state "Mechanized" is like a frozen Tee. 09:59 < bridge> Player can not control it by inputs, 09:59 < bridge> but Mechanized Tee can be control by another way. 09:59 < bridge> By touch to the {Mech Command Blocks}. 09:59 < bridge> 09:59 < bridge> for example: 09:59 < bridge> if state of Tee is "Mechanized" and it touches to Mech Command Block "HOLD LEFT", 09:59 < bridge> then it will automatically hold it's virtual key [LEFT] all time... 09:59 < bridge> until it touches another {Mech Command Block} "RELEASE LEFT" 09:59 < bridge> 09:59 < bridge> It can hold or release he's virtual keys [LEFT, RIGHT, JUMP, SHOOT, HOOK] 09:59 < bridge> and change look direction (by touch to Mech Command Blocks). 09:59 < bridge> 09:59 < bridge> i think for it need 13 blocks or more... 10:00 < bridge> 10:00 < bridge> 1) "Mechanize" set state "Mechanized" 10:00 < bridge> 2) "Unmechanize" clear state "Mechanized" 10:00 < bridge> 3) "HOLD LEFT" starts holds it's virtual key [LEFT] 10:00 < bridge> 4) "HOLD RIGHT" starts holds it's virtual key [RIGHT] 10:00 < bridge> 5) "HOLD JUMP" starts holds it's virtual key [JUMP] 10:00 < bridge> 6) "HOLD SHOOT" starts holds it's virtual key [SHOOT] 10:00 < bridge> they are part of it 10:00 < bridge> at least their existence 10:01 < bridge> in the snapshot they only store their start point + direction, not all that much 10:01 < bridge> so the client does need to work out the flight path of the projectile 10:02 < bridge> yes they also run a subset of physics, its called "dead reckoning" in the code 10:04 < bridge> Server should send parabolic coefficients :kek: 10:05 < bridge> in essence, as long as a tee doesnt change inputs and doesn't interact with projectiles/tees, it will be viewed as easily predictable (with dead reckoning, a subset of physics) 10:05 < bridge> so a tee with none of the interactions will not show up as changed in the snap to save space, and the client kknows to predict the movement of that tee 10:05 < bridge> thats also why teecore has a `tick` field. with it you know how many ticks of physics this tee needs to advance 10:05 < bridge> I assumed this was only used during actual gameplay to save bandwidth 10:06 < bridge> I was hoping that too, but then I needed to implement it for my demo renderer 10:09 < bridge> this could get lost in this chat, maybe post your idea in #town-hall or open a github issue :) 10:13 < bridge> Sounds kinda cool but also probably a nightmare to implement. 10:14 < bridge> I think except for hook and shoot you can achieve most of the same effect with freeze and speedups but probably not to the precision you want 10:16 < bridge> thx i do not know where is allowed write ideas that's why i write here thx i will write it in town-hall 10:16 < bridge> github issue <--- i do not know where is it 😄 10:20 < bridge> are you sure your grid is correct? pls send that mapres 10:20 < bridge> that -1 is only in affect if your renderer doesn't support array textures, in which case that range is inclusive (as texture coordinates) and thereby needs -1 10:20 < bridge> note that your renderer peobably supports array textures 10:21 < bridge> :heartw: town-hall is a good place, a github issue is not required 10:23 < bridge> You should probably open an issue for a feature request since it will get lost quickly in this channel 10:24 < bridge> he knows already 10:24 < bridge> I already redirected them to #town-hall , github issues tend to be complicated ^^ 10:25 < bridge> i added that message in town-hall with tag Features it's correct? 10:25 < bridge> looks good 👍 10:35 < bridge> morning peeps 10:35 < bridge> mornin 10:39 < bridge> @learath2 treesitter is soo good 10:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287694875524993048/image.png?ex=66f27ace&is=66f1294e&hm=4c258994173d4bda193f59c9e42542407b82ac26e482ae41c819a426192451f8& 10:40 < bridge> im working on ddlauncher 10:40 < bridge> ddlaunch 10:41 < bridge> transparent launcher? 10:41 < bridge> melons working on that too 10:41 < bridge> in rust 10:41 < bridge> :justatest: 10:48 < bridge> well i mentioned it yesterday i would give it a try 10:48 < bridge> xd 10:50 < bridge> :justatest: 10:51 < bridge> does it have ads 10:51 < bridge> does it have ads? 10:51 < bridge> No in golang :kek: 10:52 < bridge> But I'm not sure if I'll stick with lyne as my way of gui'ing, it's supposed to run on a toaster 10:53 < bridge> But I'm not sure if I'll stick with lyne as my way of gui'ing, it's supposed to run on a toaster and I'm not sure if that may be to heavy 10:53 < bridge> waaaaaat 10:53 < bridge> ikr, I'm crazy! 10:53 < bridge> :kek: 11:01 < bridge> mine will be crazy fast 11:01 < bridge> blazingly xD 11:01 < bridge> why would it have ads? tf 11:01 < bridge> https://github.com/Speykious/cve-rs 11:02 < bridge> Ad revenue to pay for better fishy food 11:02 < bridge> @ryozuki 11:02 < bridge> are you anti rust? 11:02 < bridge> just a joke 11:02 < bridge> that repo was already shared 11:02 < bridge> oki 11:02 < bridge> it misses the point completly anyway of rust 11:02 < bridge> im doing rust right now! 11:02 < bridge> i couldn't be antirust 11:03 < bridge> even if the implementation may (and probs have some CVEs), or even if there is a broken thing in a very obscure code that breaks the borrow checker 11:03 < bridge> rust is still useful 11:03 < bridge> in c++ u just need to pop a empty vector to get a segfault 11:04 < bridge> > Exception safety 11:04 < bridge> > If the container is not empty, the function never throws exceptions (no-throw guarantee). 11:04 < bridge> > Otherwise, it causes undefined behavior. 11:04 < bridge> i mean that would be a skill issue 11:04 < bridge> all is skill issue 11:04 < bridge> yea 11:04 < bridge> just dont code 11:04 < bridge> no segfaults 11:04 < bridge> go start a farm 11:04 < bridge> Can I join 11:04 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/honest-word-its-honest-work-it-aint-much-it-aint-much-but-its-honest-work-gif-13763573 11:04 < bridge> I take care of fishies 11:05 < bridge> just do some asan/ubsan/tsan and almost everything is easily solveable 11:05 < bridge> copium 11:05 < bridge> we do that in ddnet 11:05 < bridge> i still see segfaults in issues 11:05 < bridge> and else you'd just panic 11:06 < bridge> it's still a crash xd 11:06 < bridge> panics are controlled 11:06 < bridge> segfaults arent 11:06 < bridge> its far from the same 11:06 < bridge> a panic is like a thrown exception in c++ kinda 11:06 < bridge> anyway being panicless is easier than being segfaultless 11:06 < bridge> You wouldn't reach the state of a panic unintentionally like you would a segfault 11:07 < bridge> but its not comparable 11:07 < bridge> panic != segfault 11:07 < bridge> also panics can have user friendly messages 11:07 < bridge> u can pinpoint a issue faster with that msg 11:07 < bridge> a segfault a user faces usually just has an address 11:07 < bridge> sometimes i just don't like ownership stuff in rust. i feel like i could write the same thing in c or c++ in less loc 11:08 < bridge> the crate system and stuff are done really well though 11:08 < bridge> i dont care about locs that much 11:08 < bridge> rust maybe has more locs due to style not code itself 11:08 < bridge> "uwu, my tummy hurts at reading the file, file not found" 11:08 < bridge> in fact c++ has longer names usually too 11:08 < bridge> hi mom i want a std::pmr::monotonic_buffer_resource 11:09 < bridge> im not talking about style xd 11:09 < bridge> i think it makes no sense to relate locs to ownership 11:09 < bridge> ppl dislike ownership because it 90% of time finds their code is faulty 11:09 < bridge> most ppl are dumb 11:09 < bridge> xd 11:10 < bridge> C++ gives me the sheer power to shoot my own leg off and I like it! 11:10 < bridge> you probs have some UB issues in your code 11:10 < bridge> and u wont know it 11:10 < bridge> idk i can do fancy smart stuff in c++ that juggles memory but if i know all the cases nothing goes wrong 11:10 < bridge> "if i know all the cases nothing goes wrong" 11:10 < bridge> said everybody 11:10 < bridge> ubsan is there 11:10 < bridge> yet it segfaults 11:10 < bridge> skill issue 11:10 < bridge> yeah ur skill too probs 11:11 < bridge> ye you can't always do it first try xd 11:11 < bridge> https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=87191 11:11 < bridge> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/75856 11:11 < bridge> https://github.com/google/sanitizers/issues/940 11:11 < bridge> just a quick google 11:11 < bridge> and already 3 misses 11:12 < bridge> rust doesnt miss, but it tradesoff some valid cases 11:13 < bridge> ubsan is nice, but its just a monkeypatch 11:13 < bridge> like the bare minimum 11:14 < bridge> have u considered zig? 11:14 < bridge> 940 is not even ub, 75856 is nothing you would not notice 11:14 < bridge> not yet 11:17 < bridge> hoping to see another great lang popping off 11:17 < bridge> building on rust greatness 11:17 < bridge> zig is not that tho 11:17 < bridge> but the comptime is interesting 11:38 < bridge> https://github.com/mstange/samply 12:31 < bridge> @heinrich5991 ur pr is missing a li tag 12:37 < bridge> thanks, will fix later 12:37 < bridge> what is li an abbreviation for? 12:37 < bridge> list item 12:38 < bridge> but the html element is just `
  • ` 12:38 < bridge> @robyt3 maybe we can publish ddnet on https://f-droid.org/ once the android port gets out of beta 🙂 12:42 < bridge> with the announcement from @heinrich5991 (1287179183205781575) I wonder if you can use dns poisoning in order to make people download hacked clients. Does the ddnet client check the certificate before updateing? 13:05 < bridge> yes 13:05 < bridge> certificates are checked 13:05 < bridge> yeah. I plan to release a small update to the beta this week. if that doesn't add any news bugs we could think about building a real release for the website and f-droid. 13:07 < bridge> Maybe we should switch default graphics backend to OpenGL for Android though, since Vulkan is unstable for some users and the memory usage is also too high for some users 13:18 < bridge> can you give an example? 14:00 < bridge> @headshotnoby btw, old client versions are unbanned again, all the different ported versions should work aagain 14:04 < bridge> Ellipsis is python are so confusing. I thought its only used for a field that is required but can be set to None, aka code that doesn't exist yet, but apperantly the actual intended use is in the numpy which adds a multidimensional array types 14:05 < bridge> I'm using them as a placeholder in my code anyway :greenthing: 14:05 < bridge> 😄 14:39 < bridge> it's 1024x1024 and each grid tile is 64x64 px, but it can be noticed with basically any mapres with a symmetrical tile, and rotate it 180 degrees it will be 1 pixel off (this is how I originally found this issue), here's a picture with ddnet_walls and it still has this. 14:39 < bridge> 14:39 < bridge> also I think that code is ran regardless of if your renderer supports array textures, I don't see any check that would prevent it. 14:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287755270310854697/debug_wall.png?ex=66f2b30d&is=66f1618d&hm=2e97f768cc82d08775ee9ed732ec92ef36911ebb180b83c1201b7acf5f1268ac& 14:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287755270650462279/image.png?ex=66f2b30d&is=66f1618d&hm=68cc042d70d9ae97f4cf890070d508c367b891b62940daf1cf2eb806a821f300& 14:41 < bridge> this line checks the renderer https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/f9df4a85be4ca94ca91057cd447707bcce16fd94/src/game/client/render_map.cpp#L603 14:42 < bridge> but tru, your mapres appears correct 14:44 < bridge> have you tried out a different renderer backend? 14:44 < bridge> I have not. will try it now 14:44 < bridge> could you send me the map? 14:45 < bridge> (I'm on my laptop where map stuff is kind of a hassle) 14:45 < bridge> ohh so for some reason my render was opengl 1.5, switched to vulkan and it does not chop off the last pixel 14:46 < bridge> ah nice, yea opengl does some buggy stuff 14:47 < bridge> here's the map if you still want it 14:47 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287757163489394741/debug_wall.map?ex=66f2b4d1&is=66f16351&hm=f523deb4ab9961753dfce16e3c282c83d6cd0a542251ea9779efbb8139d1920e& 14:49 < bridge> but I don't think it should ever chop off the last pixel even if your renderer doesn't support array textures 14:57 < bridge> yea its definitely not perfect 14:57 < bridge> my guess is that it solves some other problem, maybe texture bleeding, where you'd see the edge of the next tile or something similar 15:04 < bridge> Without the `- 1` you get small gaps between tiles when zooming in with OpenGL 1 15:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287761533757034496/image.png?ex=66f2b8e3&is=66f16763&hm=9bbe68fca3296d4914ed77921d52c9f13ec1ec57ebb2b83dec1b83e1a06a8c7a& 15:05 < bridge> remove ogl1 support 15:08 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parchive 15:08 < bridge> @heinrich5991 @learath2 did u know about this? 15:10 < bridge> no, what's the use case? 15:10 < bridge> Nope, looks interesting 15:10 < bridge> I'm too young to have used Usenet. It was just about to perish when I started internetting 15:11 < bridge> I still see those either way, but I guess with the -1 it's less visible 15:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287763168369705021/image.png?ex=66f2ba68&is=66f168e8&hm=c117c313095199d3780e3ffb9b89ba000aa3e0eaed26bb9146b282d314b82447& 15:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287763168960970877/image.png?ex=66f2ba68&is=66f168e8&hm=73c9c61bfe84ccb2aa55a320302b394797356f7b653f7d5f32d438c9a558434f& 15:22 < bridge> Seem like it's related to the mipmap level. You can replace all `GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR` with `GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST` and `CL_LINEAR` with `CL_NEAREST` and remove the `- 1` to get rid of the gaps, but everything will be more pixelated then. 15:22 < bridge> (replace in `backend_opengl.cpp`) 15:25 < bridge> usenet is big 15:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287773829275582564/image.png?ex=66f2c456&is=66f172d6&hm=f55a8837552550a50ec1f1bc1c905a16e8944ca2b07c6306e574e750c55de3a2& 15:53 < bridge> building a project with llvm deps kek 15:53 < bridge> in rust 15:53 < bridge> well its more a linker thing tbh 15:55 < bridge> yeah they work now 16:01 < bridge> https://rust-lang.github.io/async-book/01_getting_started/01_chapter.html 16:28 < bridge> it has use? i just use it like pass 😹 16:35 < bridge> @patiga Unable to find installation candidates for twmap (0.6.2) on MacOS M2 via Poetry 😄 17:21 < bridge> I haven't looked into cross compilation to macos yet, currently there is no twmap for macos on pypi 17:22 < bridge> Yeah 😦 Noticed too 17:23 < bridge> you can ofc always build the python module locally 17:23 < bridge> if you do start to use it on macos regularly, I'll try to get it into my release process 17:23 < bridge> Well, I tried to integrate the compile with poetry, but I havent managed so far 17:24 < bridge> I would use it on a atleast weekly basis as I have to stay long in the office, so I can work on it our maps-workflow 😄 17:25 < bridge> I'll take a look tomorrow or in a couple of days later. if I forget it and you have that problem again, feel free to ping me :) 17:26 < bridge> Sure, I can try to build too & submit it into the build process if you want to 17:26 < bridge> Maybe gitlab ci? 17:27 < bridge> would be neat :) 17:53 < bridge> i've been using neoqwertz as my keyboard layout for a little over a week now and i'm loving it so far, highly recommend it for people coding alot on a german keyboard layout, much easier to type things like {} () " ' | ~, ( and since it's an executable it's not as annoying to setup like other keyboard layouts) 18:00 < bridge> <01000111g> just dont use german keyboard :kek: 18:01 < bridge> <01000111g> I use US keyboard with EurKey layout (US with alt+a = ä etc) 18:03 < bridge> i very much dislike the US key layout :P 18:05 < bridge> so beautiful :harold: 18:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287806940172390470/image.png?ex=66f2e32c&is=66f191ac&hm=3def196dc40a2dc9850d757e9a726ebecd1bf932995c92a60d3284a4a41da0db& 18:14 < bridge> ah yes 18:14 < bridge> teero when try it out 18:16 < bridge> tf 18:17 < bridge> what us key layout is that? 18:17 < bridge> mine doesnt look like that 18:17 < bridge> nah its the one i currently use :kekw: 18:17 < bridge> it uses modifiers so i dont have to lift of my fingers to type anything, pretty neat if you get used to it 18:17 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287810167915810877/image.png?ex=66f2e62e&is=66f194ae&hm=ca4fca59dc77c05c395af28a6eb4907f514dedcfec2ce4fd754463df1ce698c8& 18:17 < bridge> wtf 18:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287810298119585883/PXL_20240923_161752871.jpg?ex=66f2e64d&is=66f194cd&hm=af6db9f0097f6edf840d3713982474e7cff38ce57ded77ba482628dd8565029c& 18:18 < bridge> qwerty is ok for typing but ye lots of coding symbols are in annoying places 18:18 < bridge> which mac? 18:18 < bridge> i saw macos is getting a rly nice update 18:18 < bridge> m3 max pro iirc, it has 36gb ram 18:19 < bridge> :pepeW: how much was it 18:19 < bridge> @blaiszephyr i think its over 3.5k€, but i got it for free my company gave it for work 18:19 < bridge> ayo??????????? 18:19 < bridge> its not mine but i can use it for anything 18:20 < bridge> as long as i work here xd 18:20 < bridge> lmao are those math symbols latex or unicode characters 18:20 < bridge> if u want ur devs to be productive, specially in rust, provide them with good hardware kek 18:20 < bridge> but the cost to $$ ratio is insane 18:21 < bridge> only bad companies dont spend on hardware for devs 18:21 < bridge> i think for example in nvidia 1 dev equals millions in profit 18:21 < bridge> or more 18:21 < bridge> hard to estimate tbh xd 18:21 < bridge> but when im at home i use my nasa pc 18:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287811242261741611/image.png?ex=66f2e72e&is=66f195ae&hm=5a58478a99d50ab7044e518be495f60d86af2a15266ec8ba187209b87e10a3d5& 18:22 < bridge> its funny i swapped when i compiled some rust stuff 18:22 < bridge> where 1440p 18:22 < bridge> both 18:22 < bridge> otherwise nasa pc 18:22 < bridge> gonna build cyberdeck with that layout 18:23 < bridge> idk i never got into 1440p 18:28 < bridge> ``` 18:28 < bridge> ddnet/build on  master [$!] via △ v3.30.2 18:28 < bridge> ❯ clang --version 18:28 < bridge> clang version 19.1.0 18:28 < bridge> Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu 18:28 < bridge> Thread model: posix 18:28 < bridge> InstalledDir: /usr/lib/llvm/19/bin 18:28 < bridge> Configuration file: /etc/clang/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-clang.cfg 18:28 < bridge> 18:28 < bridge> ddnet/build on  master [$!] via △ v3.30.2 18:28 < bridge> ❯ time ninja 18:28 < bridge> [0/315] Generating release/libddnet_engine_shared.a 18:28 < bridge> Updating crates.io index 18:28 < bridge> Downloaded proc-macro2 v1.0.40 18:28 < bridge> Downloaded cc v1.0.73 18:28 < bridge> Downloaded quote v1.0.20 18:28 < bridge> Downloaded unicode-ident v1.0.1 18:28 < bridge> Downloaded cxxbridge-macro v1.0.71 18:28 < bridge> Downloaded syn v1.0.98 18:28 < bridge> Downloaded link-cplusplus v1.0.6 18:28 < bridge> Downloaded cxxbridge-flags v1.0.71 18:28 < bridge> Downloaded cxx v1.0.71 18:28 < bridge> Downloaded 9 crates (664.7 KB) in 1.18s 18:28 < bridge> Compiling cc v1.0.73 18:28 < bridge> Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.40 18:28 < bridge> Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.1 18:29 < bridge> Compiling quote v1.0.20 18:29 < bridge> Compiling syn v1.0.98 18:29 < bridge> Compiling cxxbridge-flags v1.0.71 18:29 < bridge> Compiling ddnet-engine-shared v0.0.1 (/home/edgar/data/ddnet/src/engine/shared) 18:29 < bridge> Compiling ddnet-test v0.0.1 (/home/edgar/data/ddnet/src/rust-bridge/test) 18:29 < bridge> ddnet 18s in release 18:29 < bridge> clean build 18:29 < bridge> and with download x 18:29 < bridge> xD 18:29 < bridge> ``` 18:29 < bridge> ddnet/build on  master [$!] via △ v3.30.2 18:29 < bridge> ❯ time ninja 18:29 < bridge> [0/315] Generating release/libddnet_engine_shared.a 18:29 < bridge> Compiling cc v1.0.73 18:29 < bridge> Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.40 18:29 < bridge> Compiling quote v1.0.20 18:29 < bridge> Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.1 18:29 < bridge> Compiling syn v1.0.98 18:29 < bridge> Compiling cxxbridge-flags v1.0.71 18:29 < bridge> Compiling ddnet-test v0.0.1 (/home/edgar/data/ddnet/src/rust-bridge/test) 18:29 < bridge> Compiling ddnet-engine-shared v0.0.1 (/home/edgar/data/ddnet/src/engine/shared) 18:30 < bridge> Compiling link-cplusplus v1.0.6 18:30 < bridge> Compiling cxx v1.0.71 18:30 < bridge> Compiling cxxbridge-macro v1.0.71 18:30 < bridge> Compiling ddnet-base v0.0.1 (/home/edgar/data/ddnet/src/base) 18:30 < bridge> Compiling ddnet-engine v0.0.1 (/home/edgar/data/ddnet/src/engine) 18:30 < bridge> Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 2.35s 18:30 < bridge> [315/315] Linking CXX executable DDNet 18:30 < bridge> 18:30 < bridge> real 0m3.421s 18:30 < bridge> user 0m7.581s 18:30 < bridge> sys 0m7.394s 18:30 < bridge> ``` 18:30 < bridge> "clean" build too, but i have ccache 18:30 < bridge> guys u should use ccache its nice 18:30 < bridge> huh, US ANSI keyboard layout is imo not too bad for programming 18:30 < bridge> its actually quite good yeah 18:30 < bridge> idk how to type tyhe ñ there 18:30 < bridge> tho 18:30 < bridge> Look at something like turkish, every brace is behind a combination 18:30 < bridge> the* 18:31 < bridge> ç 18:31 < bridge> áéíìùúòó 18:31 < bridge> üï 18:31 < bridge> I'm guessing you get an IME for those or learn the compose thing that I still didn't learn in years 18:31 < bridge> in slack 18:31 < bridge> if u hold the n 18:31 < bridge> u can type ñ 18:33 < bridge> brackets are annoying for me 18:33 < bridge> You can do like Compose - ~ - a to get ã but I don't have a compose key defined 😄 18:33 < bridge> i guess id rather have it as a super key near the middle of the keyboard 18:34 < bridge> hum, what do you code on normally? 18:34 < bridge> normal us ansi 18:34 < bridge> i also use a lot of latex for school 18:34 < bridge> things like escaping curly brackets always drops my wpm to 50 or smth 18:36 < bridge> Maybe I'm just not a fast enough typer to notice, or maybe since I used to code on turkish Q this one feels very good relatively 18:36 < bridge> on my es keyboard escape is altgr and º 18:36 < bridge> \ 18:39 < bridge> Compose is nice, I should learn to use compose 18:39 < bridge> ç 18:43 < bridge> anyone know of a bluetooth DAC that supports aptX lossless? 18:44 < bridge> nice 18:45 < bridge> they love u there XD 18:50 < bridge> @mpft i have a fiio k7 bt 18:50 < bridge> it claims to have aptx iirc 18:50 < bridge> its 200€ tho 18:50 < bridge> A bluetooth DAC is an interesting concept 18:50 < bridge> mine has BT 18:50 < bridge> its nice 18:50 < bridge> i switch mode and connect the phone 18:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287818586114490428/PXL_20240923_165112194.jpg?ex=66f2ee05&is=66f19c85&hm=dd5e947f746c6a2accb821b0fec86bcc3c5932293936b5201131cf5faf6875b1& 18:51 < bridge> the stick behind is the antenna xd 18:52 < bridge> it even has aptx-ll heh 18:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287818931385401496/PXL_20240923_165235558.jpg?ex=66f2ee57&is=66f19cd7&hm=f1d0a1687f84fa0f2d35ab1715675d2861d78e506ad1fabbc02feb5e3e6f305e& 18:53 < bridge> 269,99€ now 18:53 < bridge> it went up in price lol 18:53 < bridge> stonks 18:53 < bridge> I wonder how well the software supports it, the file needs to go directly over bluetooth to the dac for it to matter 18:53 < bridge> no re-encoding allowed 18:53 < bridge> idk 18:53 < bridge> i use it with usb on pc 18:53 < bridge> it runs nice on linux 18:54 < bridge> i wanted to try a audio interface, but apparently its wierd for audio interfaces to have RCA outs??? 18:54 < bridge> i just wanted to connect my mic with XLR instead of usb c 18:55 < bridge> huh, wym? 18:55 < bridge> most audio intefaces i searched on amazon dont have rca 18:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287819837975953518/81o0MFg75SL.png?ex=66f2ef2f&is=66f19daf&hm=295967ca650fdfbbd4010bab1f56991bedf64712c1c2ede7eced14d95e52c463& 18:56 < bridge> should i use a audio interface AND my DAC? 18:56 < bridge> Ah, I guess these things all have ADCs in them 18:56 < bridge> interface for inputs only? 18:57 < bridge> and dac for output 18:57 < bridge> idk 18:57 < bridge> ye 18:57 < bridge> i want RCA cuz my monitors use rca 18:57 < bridge> aptx lossless is a new codec 18:57 < bridge> different from aptx 18:57 < bridge> but seems too new 18:57 < bridge> nobody has it yet 18:57 < bridge> Well yes, and I think I understand why they only have digital outputs, they probably mix in digital 18:58 < bridge> what u think about this combo? 18:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287820366185631876/image.png?ex=66f2efad&is=66f19e2d&hm=c94803bbde1256f58af6c0517dc134ea277727cc1a5d40784f33efd142210b64& 18:58 < bridge> its in my wanted list 18:58 < bridge> upgrade 18:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287820422225723452/81d4tUj7RiL.png?ex=66f2efbb&is=66f19e3b&hm=522f03bb72f951b64b35443aa210eb254c0dc311de8b414dc6602fc854b046d0& 18:58 < bridge> I haven't looked at speakers in a decade now, I've always been a headphone person 18:58 < bridge> i love speakers 18:58 < bridge> i dont use headphones 18:59 < bridge> @learath2 do u have lot of hair btw? 18:59 < bridge> Yes 18:59 < bridge> xD 18:59 < bridge> i think il lgo bald in 10y 18:59 < bridge> kek 18:59 < bridge> but for now im good 18:59 < bridge> but i prefer no headphones 18:59 < bridge> :justatest: 18:59 < bridge> i would just buy presonus eris 19:00 < bridge> what is that 19:00 < bridge> calculate what driver size based on ur room's volume 19:00 < bridge> monitors 19:00 < bridge> hmm 19:00 < bridge> i like more how the vulkano look 19:00 < bridge> I have a very meh hairline but it seems to have kinda stopped going back, so idk. It's a coinflip for me 19:00 < bridge> the presonus are very proven monitors 19:00 < bridge> but ye 19:01 < bridge> ive never heard of the other brand 19:01 < bridge> so i cant speak to it 19:01 < bridge> Why do you want an audio interface anyway? Don't trust the ADC inside the mic itself? 19:01 < bridge> aparently my mic is quite low 19:01 < bridge> i probs need a interface to drive it better 19:01 < bridge> with XLR 19:01 < bridge> im using it with usb-c 19:02 < bridge> a good interface has a very high quality DAC in itself 19:02 < bridge> you wouldnt need both 19:02 < bridge> im using this mic 19:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287821434428854416/image.png?ex=66f2f0ac&is=66f19f2c&hm=fa53584485e66987dee97bf66fd35f981f32b8c9f5f73170d8a8bc2d3103f80a& 19:02 < bridge> tell me a good interface with rca out 19:02 < bridge> rn i have scarlett solo out to headphones in the front, speakers in the back, at2020 in via. XLR, and i have a 1/4 TRRS input for recording musics 19:02 < bridge> i bought 1/4" TRS to RCA 19:03 < bridge> cable 19:03 < bridge> works very well 19:03 < bridge> is it losless? 19:03 < bridge> it's just a different connector 19:03 < bridge> rn i have scarlett solo out to headphones in the front, speakers in the back, at2020 in via. XLR, and i have a 1/4" TRRS input for recording musics 19:03 < bridge> i also have a 100€ table xd 19:03 < bridge> would be cool to have it connected to the interface too or smth 19:04 < bridge> expensive cables are audiophile bait 19:04 < bridge> i also have a 100€ mix table xd 19:04 < bridge> just buy a decent gague 19:04 < bridge> The "lossy" part of the process is going from A -> D or D -> A 19:04 < bridge> After that's done there is only cable losses for analog and no loss for digital 19:04 < bridge> i guess 19:04 < bridge> o 19:04 < bridge> mixer 19:04 < bridge> lol 19:05 < bridge> ? 19:05 < bridge> my interface has volume knobs for the inputs so i have no need 19:05 < bridge> i thought u misspell cable 19:05 < bridge> Things like XLR to usb-c adapters hide an ADC inside there, that's why there is loss 19:05 < bridge> ^ 19:05 < bridge> XLR is analog right? 19:05 < bridge> ye 19:05 < bridge> whats special about xlr 19:05 < bridge> it doesnt destroy ears 19:06 < bridge> when not plugged in 19:06 < bridge> no exposed contacts 19:06 < bridge> and the cable usually locks in 19:06 < bridge> u mean the plug pop? 19:06 < bridge> ic 19:06 < bridge> xd 19:06 < bridge> well if u touch a TRS connector it makes crazy sounds 19:06 < bridge> not like i connect or disconnect my cables 19:06 < bridge> bad for really high volume 19:06 < bridge> audio mixing bugs/delays actually can deafen ppl at live shows 19:07 < bridge> pops from buffer underruns lol 19:07 < bridge> they care a lot about that 19:07 < bridge> XLR is also balanced, balanced cables eliminate environmental noise 19:07 < bridge> :gigachad: 19:07 < bridge> i have to write a docker thing now 19:08 < bridge> (TRS is also balanced) 19:08 < bridge> RCA is unbalanced 19:08 < bridge> 😃 19:08 < bridge> wait 19:08 < bridge> all TRS is balanced? 19:09 < bridge> are all jacks TRS? 19:09 < bridge> No 19:09 < bridge> xd 19:09 < bridge> i wouldnt depend on it 19:09 < bridge> for sure 19:09 < bridge> my headphones have the big jack 19:09 < bridge> it doesnt mean anything right 19:09 < bridge> not really 19:09 < bridge> it's just that u dont need adapter for most hifi equipment 19:11 < bridge> there is a reason the bigger jacks are used 19:11 < bridge> but for headphones 19:11 < bridge> eh 19:11 < bridge> your headphones probably don't take a balanced input anyway, if it's TRS it'll be left right ground, no balance 19:11 < bridge> no they arent balanced 19:11 < bridge> You need 5 conductors for balanced stereo 19:11 < bridge> balanced headphones usually take 2.5mm 19:13 < bridge> (honestly the length of cable you run for your headphones doesn't pick up any significant environmental noise unless you have something in your house that is extremely noisy and poorly shielded) 19:14 < bridge> yea 19:14 < bridge> and if u use IEMs u can (usually) use whatever kind of cable u want 19:14 < bridge> that is why i was asking about bluetooth dac. i broke my last pair walking around and catching the cable on a drawer handle xd 19:15 < bridge> u can get IEM bluetooth receivers that are just 2 pin in but the only ones with AAC (need for my iPhone) are like $80 and if i can't even get lossless then it's not that worth 19:16 < bridge> so i was considering a bluetooth dac instead that i just keep in my pocket 19:16 < bridge> cable tucked away 19:16 < bridge> Actually 4 conductors are enough, I checked my balanced 2.5mm cable and it's trrs, just 4 conductors 19:17 < bridge> i had a hunch but ive never owned any equipment like that lol 19:17 < bridge> i need to lock in tho 19:17 < bridge> bbl 19:18 < bridge> whats lock in 19:18 < bridge> focus 19:18 < bridge> new zoozer phrase, "focus" 19:18 < bridge> xd 19:18 < bridge> i think it comes from champ select xd 19:18 < bridge> im getting old :justatest: 19:19 < bridge> i thought for sure u would know it 19:19 < bridge> i think its popular with that sigma gym bro stuff 19:20 < bridge> i just go to gym and when i go i think about rust 19:20 < bridge> :justatest: 19:20 < bridge> hell yeah 19:20 < bridge> not to accuse u of anything XDD 19:20 < bridge> xd 19:21 < bridge> best time to go to gym is 7 morning 19:21 < bridge> no kids 19:21 < bridge> and focused ppl 19:21 < bridge> today i went late at 17 19:21 < bridge> kids doing shit 19:24 < bridge> year 19:24 < bridge> yea 19:24 < bridge> i gotta get into it 19:25 < bridge> gym expensive and they try to lock you into predatory contracts 19:25 < bridge> true 19:25 < bridge> but i found one that doesnt lock you in 19:25 < bridge> i pay 25€ 19:25 < bridge> nice 19:25 < bridge> per month or day pass 19:25 < bridge> gym is a must tbh 19:25 < bridge> i feel so good afterwards 19:25 < bridge> yea 19:25 < bridge> even if my day sucked 19:25 < bridge> i work out a home 19:25 < bridge> but its much easier at dym 19:25 < bridge> but its much easier at gym 19:26 < bridge> esp when u mad and driving with nowhere to go 19:26 < bridge> i do that all the time 19:26 < bridge> go to gym instead of meaningless driving 19:26 < bridge> not meaningless 19:26 < bridge> atleast u improve while mad 19:26 < bridge> xd 19:26 < bridge> i get to drive fast until the road or the weather puts the fear of god in me 19:26 < bridge> then i go home 19:26 < bridge> this may just be a Colorado thing 19:27 < bridge> speed limits essentially are not enforced on the interstate 19:27 < bridge> unless you do something actually dangerous 19:28 < bridge> it is meditative to drive really really fast 19:29 < bridge> we had the first rain of the season 2 days ago 19:29 < bridge> and there was a huge college football game so there was lots of traffic but only the opposite direction of the way i was driving 19:30 < bridge> so i went out and put the windows down drove 19:30 < bridge> so i went out and put the windows down and drove 19:30 < bridge> how fast :justatest: 19:31 < bridge> my speedometer is not the most accurate 19:31 < bridge> it read 100 in some spots 19:31 < bridge> mph 19:31 < bridge> can u translate 19:31 < bridge> to km 19:31 < bridge> 160 19:31 < bridge> about 19:31 < bridge> Ewan's a stoner that speeds recklessly, poor dude's gonna perish 19:32 < bridge> maybe i wouldnt be opposed 19:32 < bridge> well 160 is ok 19:32 < bridge> 160? 19:32 < bridge> some of u guys have autobahn 19:32 < bridge> Just don't take someone out with you 19:32 < bridge> yea 19:32 < bridge> fair 19:32 < bridge> ye 19:33 < bridge> i went at 185 with a friend (he was driving) on a audi a4 from 2001 iirx 19:33 < bridge> i have 1999 honda accord with mechanical issues 19:33 < bridge> so it takes a while to get up to speed 19:33 < bridge> it also has awesome death wobble 19:33 < bridge> i have a volkswagen tcross rline 2019 :justatest: 19:34 < bridge> i just like that my car can start at level without giving gas xd 19:34 < bridge> this may not mean anything to u but i was on us 36 going towards boulder so we have awesome mountainous terrain 19:34 < bridge> treacherous highways 19:34 < bridge> is it manual? 19:34 < bridge> i wish 19:35 < bridge> its so weird 19:35 < bridge> here most are manual 19:35 < bridge> they manufactured and sold both in that time 19:35 < bridge> there are domestic U.S. 1999 honda accords that are manual 19:35 < bridge> just not mine 19:35 < bridge> but auto should be more fuel efficient right 19:35 < bridge> yea 19:35 < bridge> i was considering doing a sequential transmission mod 19:36 < bridge> but that's expensive kid shit 19:36 < bridge> the car moves. 19:36 < bridge> in us u can mod ur car easily without beinh lawless? 19:36 < bridge> Thats a nice one tho 😄 19:36 < bridge> here it needs to be approved 19:36 < bridge> and u need to pass ITV 19:36 < bridge> not at all 19:36 < bridge> depends on the mod basically 19:37 < bridge> ye i like it 19:37 < bridge> lots of tards drive around with custom hellcats and the first time they get pulled over they get crazy ticket or their car impounded 19:37 < bridge> cuz they have illegal mods 19:37 < bridge> i have driven a audi a4 from 2001 and a nissan micra from 2013 iirx 19:37 < bridge> i love my vw 19:37 < bridge> (all manual) 19:37 < bridge> nice 19:38 < bridge> my cousin has a 2003 subaru impreza 19:38 < bridge> manual 19:38 < bridge> he wont let me drive it 19:38 < bridge> subaruuu 19:38 < bridge> Audi is great as well, had a few of them, but sadly often at the mechanic 19:38 < bridge> ya 19:38 < bridge> german cars lately get a bad rap here 19:38 < bridge> because they are expensive to maintain 19:38 < bridge> toyota :3 19:39 < bridge> honda :3 19:39 < bridge> ur mom :3 19:39 < bridge> immortal japanese engineering 19:39 < bridge> cheap, don't die 19:39 < bridge> no maintenance 19:39 < bridge> i always wanted to have a cool mustang 19:39 < bridge> if i buy another car in the next 5 years it'll be the v6 version of my car XD 19:39 < bridge> I am not into cars anymore... they get lame, even with 600+ hp... bikes it is guys 19:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287830852901933178/vehicle.png?ex=66f2f972&is=66f1a7f2&hm=1e9381ec3903db2ca7aff28e4679ad9fa6bf213a88bde8807e4eb5bde94edde0& 19:40 < bridge> yea 19:40 < bridge> Does anyone for whatever reason have a 1:1 screen 19:40 < bridge> :cat_whaaa: 19:40 < bridge> Does anyone for whatever reason have a 1:1 screen? 19:40 < bridge> Death awaits 19:40 < bridge> i think chancho has crt but idk aspect ratio 19:40 < bridge> but he can select 1:1 res 19:40 < bridge> was never into cars \:D 19:40 < bridge> cuz crt 19:40 < bridge> You can die in cars too 19:40 < bridge> im not crazy about cars either 19:40 < bridge> Or you cross the street and someone ran you over 19:40 < bridge> i love rust 19:40 < bridge> There is someone complaining in a ticket that he gets grey bars with 1:1 19:41 < bridge> tell them to send a screenshot 19:41 < bridge> I'm sure you can tell the very obvious difference between the 3 examples 😄 19:41 < bridge> or it never happened 19:41 < bridge> 1:1 is unsupported? i think we only do 5:4 19:41 < bridge> so he will have the slightest bars 19:41 < bridge> 18.5.1 19:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287831304943042644/image.png?ex=66f2f9dd&is=66f1a85d&hm=c83371fb1d2b27f59fb5e85d03bdcc88d60e09c3d986da235acf97c172766574& 19:42 < bridge> ok, it happened 19:42 < bridge> 15.5.4 19:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287831372756418673/image.png?ex=66f2f9ee&is=66f1a86e&hm=c3ef95b1376b87dcf60ffe95c335d484f51ff4949174e796536c9fa2fd71d69b& 19:42 < bridge> whatga 19:42 < bridge> whata 19:42 < bridge> egirl tee 19:42 < bridge> img dead 19:42 < bridge> for me 19:42 < bridge> I am driving cars, I am into motorcycles now and I am pedestrian sometimes 😄 19:42 < bridge> i dont see bars 19:42 < bridge> now i want a 1:1 screen 19:42 < bridge> grey bottom where the map is cut off? 19:42 < bridge> xDDDD this is pain 19:43 < bridge> i think a decision was deliberately made to not support 1:1 between 15.5.4 and now 19:43 < bridge> The odds of getting into an accident and the odds of surviving that accident is vastly different for a pedestrian, a motorcyclist and a car driver 😄 19:43 < bridge> too hard for robsti to maintain compact UIs 19:43 < bridge> If that's the case that's what I'll tell the dude. So it's just that we don't support the aspect ratio that's the issue? 19:43 < bridge> odds of dying is always 50% 19:43 < bridge> hello 19:43 < bridge> i believe so 19:43 < bridge> you either die or don't 19:44 < bridge> True, all odds are always 50% 19:44 < bridge> depends on speed 19:44 < bridge> i think at 70km ur nearly always ded 19:44 < bridge> odds are always 100% if ur still around to calculate them 19:44 < bridge> just odds when you have a choise of two things 19:45 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/839915967798050878/1082773844177195130/3aa3c0f3c2ef3ab3-1.gif 19:46 < bridge> Glad to have 217 PS on 200kg, so 50% sounds good 19:46 < bridge> At 70kmh you can most definitely survive in a good car, you will be maimed in a motorcycle accident and you will meet the big man himself as a pedestrian 19:46 < bridge> Speed doesnt kill, becoming suddenly stationary does 19:47 < bridge> slide 500m in protective gear 19:47 < bridge> if u drive fast u need to brake early and often 19:47 < bridge> even if u cant see the thing that will kill u 19:47 < bridge> Okay, I havent done 500m yet 19:47 < bridge> Dont prepare for the ride, prepare for the slide ^^ 19:47 < bridge> half km sliding? xd 19:47 < bridge> Yeah if you aren't wearing gear you'll likely lose a limb. With gear you get to slide around before a car runs over you at highway speeds 19:48 < bridge> i hit sketchy turns sometimes that 100% would have killed me had i not precautionarily braked 19:48 < bridge> Race track 19:48 < bridge> They are built to stop you pretty quick, even with 200 km/h+ 19:48 < bridge> did you know u dont feel the temperature itself with ur skin, but the transfer of heat? 19:48 < bridge> xd 19:49 < bridge> I wasnt enjoying it tho 19:50 < bridge> @learath2 This is how teeworlds looks on 32:9 😄 19:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287833367651418205/image.png?ex=66f2fbc9&is=66f1aa49&hm=0e33c75dff3f7ac47185590f5c1b4176c782d41ec52a9553352f1916f313261f& 19:50 < bridge> a massive cursor 19:51 < bridge> crazy 19:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287833985669402745/chances-of-death.png?ex=66f2fc5c&is=66f1aadc&hm=b97188c92d6ac49f9ddd6cf3fac45e7e755ebb5055e7d20465f2dce3d7514e46& 19:52 < bridge> basically 19:53 < bridge> i would've won the lottery by now 19:54 < bridge> idk why im reading this now but itsi nteresting https://escholarship.org/content/qt3f4599hx/qt3f4599hx_noSplash_522d4a76ad081d5938284a3bfb4e85a8.pdf 19:54 < bridge> some ppl say the human body is a perfect machine xd 19:55 < bridge> not mine 19:55 < bridge> maybe some ppl 19:56 < bridge> if u win lottery what would u do 19:56 < bridge> retire 19:56 < bridge> natural serotonin deficit makes life very hard for a very large portion of the world 19:56 < bridge> Not being in the ddnet discord 19:56 < bridge> why not 19:56 < bridge> i cant say that sounds perfect 19:56 < bridge> its one of the most interesting places 19:56 < bridge> You asked me what I would do. You can do what you'd like to do 😄 19:56 < bridge> xd 19:57 < bridge> he just asked xd 19:57 < bridge> but u can do that without winning lottery 19:57 < bridge> it's free 19:57 < bridge> True 19:57 < bridge> kog #developer channel when 19:57 < bridge> It's 50/50, you either win or you don't, if you think it's not 50/50 tell me the other option :GalaxyBrain: 19:57 < bridge> We have 19:57 < bridge> 🥱 19:57 < bridge> kog always ripping ddnet off 19:58 < bridge> xD 19:58 < bridge> (i am kidding) 19:58 < bridge> do u think if u knew how would u die it would change the way u act and change how u die or not? 19:58 < bridge> Accounts 👀 19:58 < bridge> fair enough 19:58 < bridge> i still dont know what we're waiting on 19:58 < bridge> jopsti's implementation seems very agreeable 19:58 < bridge> why are we waiting on just him to port the changes xd 19:58 < bridge> Yes 19:59 < bridge> I would drive even more crazier on my bike 😄 19:59 < bridge> Enjoying as long as you can enjoy 19:59 < bridge> now you can use this insider whenever someone aks for "what are the chances to ... or ..." 19:59 < bridge> If you can change it, just knowing it will definitely instantly change it. If you can't change it, by knowing how/when it happens you might augment your behaviour if it's very close 20:00 < bridge> asks 20:01 < bridge> I would definitely live differently if I knew I'd get hit by a car in 3 weeks no matter what 20:01 < bridge> And I'd make sure I'll be indoors on the day of, because I want to see how a car will get there to hit me 20:02 < bridge> what if u knew for certain u would die as a symptom of old age 20:02 < bridge> and you knew for sure you would have a long life 20:02 < bridge> not necessarily prosperous 20:02 < bridge> Then I'd change nothing. It's just a normal death 20:02 < bridge> truk-kun 20:02 < bridge> truck-kun 20:02 < bridge> If I'm guaranteed a date of death then I might change a couple things. I'll first start doing all the harmful things 20:03 < bridge> Are you talking about drugs now? xD 20:03 < bridge> well why not 20:03 < bridge> actually 20:03 < bridge> Mostly smoking and alcohol to look cool 20:03 < bridge> there are some amazing reasons why not 20:03 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/baver-truck-t%C4%B1r-uwu-truckkun-gif-13884462997268508512 20:03 < bridge> the highs are higher maybe but the lows are much much lower 20:04 < bridge> Since I can't get cancer who cares might aswell be 500% cooler 20:04 < bridge> sobriety is wisdom 20:04 < bridge> the black smoker lung is a hoax 20:04 < bridge> the more you know 20:04 < bridge> I'd get a motorcycle but I'm not told whether I'm dying of old age as a quad or not, so maybe not 20:04 < bridge> lol 20:05 < bridge> assuming you had all of your limbs 20:05 < bridge> smoking is terrible do not get into it 20:05 < bridge> You should 20:05 < bridge> Get a bike 20:05 < bridge> it can make you a different person within a week 20:06 < bridge> you can preach all you want but the compulsion to smoke does not go away for a long while 20:06 < bridge> but it's well established that you look 500% cooler if you smoke like a trucker 20:06 < bridge> yea 20:06 < bridge> start smoking, so my stocks go brrrr 20:07 < bridge> to be fair it also tastes disgusting, so maybe not. I guess I'd change nothing if I knew I'd die of old age at 90 20:07 < bridge> you learn to love it after your third cigarette or so 20:08 < bridge> try vaping, same result for my stocks 20:08 < bridge> in my experience 20:08 < bridge> nah, I tried getting into it for a while, it just doesn't work 20:08 < bridge> nice 20:08 < bridge> immunity 20:08 < bridge> I can get hooked to vaping or smoking shisha though 20:08 < bridge> xD 20:08 < bridge> have you ever smoked weed 20:08 < bridge> like real flower 20:08 < bridge> Something about cigarettes taste absolutely disgusting to me. It's like a mix of asphalt and burnt bush 20:08 < bridge> maybe i got over the taste of cigs so easy bcs weed tastes so damn terrible 20:09 < bridge> at least bad weed does 20:09 < bridge> huh, I'd actually disagree, I kinda like the way weed smells/tastes 20:09 < bridge> got no Tegridy Farm stocks, tho 20:09 < bridge> not like I've smoked weed in years now 20:09 < bridge> i've enjoyed the taste of weed before but it's fancy shit my dad buys 20:09 < bridge> 14er pancakes is a good one 20:10 < bridge> but u probably cant get that anywhere else 20:10 < bridge> what does this even mean 20:10 < bridge> brand name + strain name 20:10 < bridge> i havent been doing weed for a week or so tho 20:10 < bridge> good for you 20:10 < bridge> either of my leads will test me 20:10 < bridge> i would be shooting myself in the foot otherwise 20:11 < bridge> that's tegridy 20:11 < bridge> I can't believe they drug test in the US for random jobs 20:11 < bridge> integridy 20:11 < bridge> thanks. really it's terrible for someone my age 20:11 < bridge> I can't believe it's even legal with the 4th amendment and all 20:11 < bridge> one's a dev job the other is a govt job 20:11 < bridge> they have their reasons 20:11 < bridge> i watched it undo basic executive functions that you learn as a normal person 20:11 < bridge> If you were say operating heavy machinery I'd get it 20:12 < bridge> even when not high i would spend several minutes formulating simple texts 20:12 < bridge> weed at the workplace could lead to some unforseen table drops 20:12 < bridge> it jjust isnt good in that volume 20:12 < bridge> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 20:13 < bridge> if i ever do pick it back up i'd hope it's when my frontal lobe is at least fully developed 20:13 < bridge> Yeah very very bad if you are young, you can't afford to turn into a sea cucumber while your brain is not fully developed yet 20:13 < bridge> yea 20:13 < bridge> but im becoming functional again ish 20:13 < bridge> just dont smoke it if you're depressed tbh 20:14 < bridge> too prone to over indulgence 20:14 < bridge> We turned this place into #off-topic again. We should stop before heinrich comes online 20:14 < bridge> yea 20:14 < bridge> I'll go find food 20:15 < bridge> but also we’re the devs aren’t we xd 20:15 < bridge> this is the topic that the developers are discussing 20:15 < bridge> was rust in the linux kernel a mistake? 20:15 < bridge> the channel isn’t called development 20:15 < bridge> I heard it was controversial but not why 20:16 < bridge> is rust commnity too religious about their language? 20:17 < bridge> only 10% 20:18 < bridge> are those 10% loud enough to annoy 100% C devs? 20:18 < bridge> 10% sounds a lot if I think about it 20:20 < bridge> only took me 20:20 < bridge> ``` 20:20 < bridge> real 34m51.495s 20:20 < bridge> user 33m44.645s 20:20 < bridge> sys 1m10.158s 20:20 < bridge> ``` 20:20 < bridge> to compile ddnet :D 20:20 < bridge> on a single core mini pc 20:21 < bridge> sometimes you loose, sometimes someone else wins 20:22 < bridge> yes 20:22 < bridge> i genuinely believe rust evangelism is only counterproductive 20:23 < bridge> it is a fantastic language, but it doesn't matter what it is, if you want someone to share your love for something you absolutely do not start by shitting on what they're using 20:27 < bridge> I wonder if in 15 years there will be 4 competing memory safe languages but rust will still be dominant because of legacy. 20:28 < bridge> there will be c++-ng 20:28 < bridge> there will be c++ng 20:30 < bridge> @mpft :poggers2: 20:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287843589644222545/PXL_20240923_183008966.jpg?ex=66f3054e&is=66f1b3ce&hm=1ad66c415ad5ef65081f745c1696d453deb9d8523c493d70081e5fcbf5914f54& 20:30 < bridge> python 4 ever 20:32 < bridge> python 4 4ever 20:33 < bridge> nice 21:28 < bridge> vw polo 2023 ? 21:47 < bridge> :troll: 21:48 < bridge> this looks similar to my old vw 5 from 2008 21:48 < bridge> the radio is newer tho 21:48 < bridge> the A/Cis newer tho 21:48 < bridge> the A/C is newer tho 21:51 < bridge> roby at this point i'm convinced you touched every piece of code at least once :kek: - insane work 22:00 < bridge> you are using nixos right? 22:00 < bridge> yes 22:01 < bridge> can you suggest some resources to learn it? 22:01 < bridge> im considering switching from arch 22:01 < bridge> watch this guy: https://www.youtube.com/@vimjoyer 22:01 < bridge> 22:01 < bridge> and join his discord - i'm very active on it 22:02 < bridge> he does great resources to understand what nix and nixos is, how to use it effectivly and some gimmicks inbetween 22:02 < bridge> in general - keep in mind nix and nixOS is a declarative operating system, with nix beeing it's own scripting language 22:02 < bridge> in general - keep in mind nix and nixOS is a declarative operating system, with nix beeing it's own scripting language, so even getting the most simplest of things like setting up docker can be annoying and time consuming 22:03 < bridge> if you love to rice your system to the max - i highly recommend it tho :3 22:03 < bridge> you sent a gold mine ty 22:04 < bridge> :owo: 22:09 < bridge> feel free to either join his discord or dm me if you have any questions 22:12 < bridge> (please join his discord or i loose ad revenue) 22:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287869162361851974/image.png?ex=66f31d1f&is=66f1cb9f&hm=6fc6b91be981eb5450531d4919679679cff779b7c3889f6c90a27b665c3da5fb& 22:31 < bridge> what’s the probability that someone’s complied the code for xbox? (if it even works) i have a dev mode so as long as i have the file i can install it 22:31 < bridge> I looked at the about page on youtube but didnt see the server 22:32 < bridge> I was gonna look at a video description but I got caught up in the video and ended up watching it 22:33 < bridge> we nixOS just use void 22:33 < bridge> ew nixOS just use void 22:34 < bridge> Lmao that shows it's a good video 22:34 < bridge> Its the ultimate nixos tutorial vid 22:34 < bridge> :owo: 22:35 < bridge> following up on this, would it actually be possible to compile it as an xbox game 22:37 < bridge> Sure. @headshotnoby even has a ps2 port. Xbox should be easier 22:37 < bridge> Actually wait not easier. You need directx on xbox 22:37 < bridge> summoned 22:37 < bridge> there's nxdk 22:38 < bridge> well i have very very little knowledge in any coding languages. i now have given myself a project 22:38 < bridge> knowing that’s it’s possible 22:38 < bridge> What does it do? Gl to dx? 22:38 < bridge> xbox open source sdk 22:38 < bridge> xbox open source dev sdk 22:38 < bridge> however xbox homebrew is kinda finicky to work with from what i heard 22:39 < bridge> nxdk still has some bugs and the majority of homebrew was developed using leaked microsoft sdk 22:39 < bridge> is it? i’ve had no issues with it. then again im only emulating with it atm 22:39 < bridge> Might not be the easiest starter project. You'll need to learn both gl or vk(to understand our gfx code) and dk (possibly old dk if you are compiling for an old xbox like the 360) 22:40 < bridge> And our gfx backend is on the eccentric side to support gl1, gl3, gl3.3, vk 22:40 < bridge> wait my goal is to make it work as an app directly installed to the xbox. rather than emulating 22:40 < bridge> oh wait you were talking about modern xbox? xb one/series? 22:40 < bridge> Yeah, but as far as I'm aware the xbox doesnt have gl drivers 22:41 < bridge> lmfao yeah 22:41 < bridge> So you'll need to write a directx backend 22:41 < bridge> i have a series x but no dev mode 22:41 < bridge> HOWEVER 22:41 < bridge> someone wrote some kind of mesa translation layer for xbox uwp, gl -> dx12 or something like that 22:41 < bridge> i would invite you as a member of my “team” but i think im apart of someone else’s so i can actually invite anyone 22:42 < bridge> well i like challenged 22:42 < bridge> well i like challenges 22:42 < bridge> There is dxvk that runs pretty well 22:42 < bridge> Maybe you can get that to run on xbox 22:42 < bridge> honestly if that means i can get dev mode i'd love that 22:42 < bridge> Wait that's the wrong direction 😄 22:42 < bridge> Idk if there is vkdx 22:42 < bridge> i miss retail mode homebrew 22:42 < bridge> vkd3d is a thing 22:42 < bridge> @headshotnoby would it be possible to send the ps2 version of ddnet i wanna try emulate it on duck station 22:43 < bridge> same 22:43 < bridge> How good is it nowadays? 22:43 < bridge> http://github.com/headshot2017/ddnet-ps2 22:43 < bridge> i can ask the guy who invited me. only reason i’m with his is because microsoft refused taking my money when i tried getting a dev account 💀 22:43 < bridge> i'm not sure if there's a .elf actions CI that auto compiles it though 22:43 < bridge> i'd appreciate that, thanks a lot 22:44 < bridge> not sure, i don't play many games with d3d 12 22:44 < bridge> As long as you aren't one to get bored quickly it's actually pretty educational 22:44 < bridge> i have adhd. if i don’t complete it ill never forget 22:45 < bridge> And it should be easy to develop, the first step would be to write a dx backend on windows no need to bother with xbox specfics until you get it rendering 22:45 < bridge> he got back quite fast. you can only have 3 on a team as it’s not a company and he’s got a mate and me and himself. sorry 22:45 < bridge> And if it's well written enough we can add it to ddnet so we can have even more backends to support 😄 22:45 < bridge> it’s like $20 for a dev account 22:46 < bridge> if microsoft are feeling nice 22:46 < bridge> ah shit, sad 22:46 < bridge> awesome. well i’ll start researching everything and see what i can do 22:47 < bridge> btw isn't duckstation a ps1 emulator? 22:47 < bridge> yeah i meant the other one 22:47 < bridge> lmfao 22:47 < bridge> pcsx2 22:47 < bridge> that’s it 22:48 < bridge> @headshotnoby i’m still working on getting my own dev account. when i finally get microsoft to take my money ill add you to my team 22:48 < bridge> awesome 22:54 < bridge> oh fuck. visual studio won’t be available on linux will it 22:55 < bridge> vsc is i believe 22:55 < bridge> tell me you don't understand NixOS without telling me that you don't understand NixOS 22:55 < bridge> NixOS gigachads unite 22:55 < bridge> Why do you need visual studio ? Or is it just that you're familiar with it 22:56 < bridge> well my plan is to port ddnet to xbox as a uwp app in dev mode 22:56 < bridge> Vsc works out of the box yes 22:56 < bridge> as a project for myself as i need to start learning 22:56 < bridge> you can't do any UWP on Linux at all 22:56 < bridge> the tools are not there 22:56 < bridge> i had only just though 22:56 < bridge> that is 100% windows exclusive 22:56 < bridge> i had only just thought 22:57 < bridge> that is all dependent on the WinRT runtime which is tightly integrated into the operating system and is not (nor will it ever be, most likely) covered by wine 22:57 < bridge> yeah no i understand why it doesn’t work 22:57 < bridge> i just hadn’t thought of it before 22:57 < bridge> yea 22:58 < bridge> my laptop will not run windows 22:58 < bridge> why? 22:59 < bridge> if it's minimum system requirements you can circumvent that very easily 22:59 < bridge> it’s just that bad 22:59 < bridge> yeah i see 22:59 < bridge> i have a 2009 imac that runs mojave 23:00 < bridge> it runs absolutely abysmally but it is much better than nothing to make sure my stuff still compiles on macOS 23:00 < bridge> that’s the specs. i have yet to install a screenshot application as i installed it raw 23:00 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1287881295971483668/IMG_3810.jpg?ex=66f3286c&is=66f1d6ec&hm=9ed51d1586aa1ff3ab25a1938e63c954d04ee963b6887805251b7f2a942f27cf& 23:00 < bridge> yea 23:00 < bridge> not great 23:01 < bridge> i am not giving up 23:01 < bridge> i will use my college computers 23:01 < bridge> at least it ain't a venezuelan canaima with intel celeron 23:01 < bridge> :justatest: 23:14 < bridge> i’m working on getting a laptop capable of running windows so that my project can continue 23:18 < bridge> nice 23:18 < bridge> I wish you success in that 23:33 < bridge> intel itanium