01:16 < ws-client> @teero777 accounts on my video platform are useless xd you need ssh access to upload files haha 01:16 < bridge> gimme ssh access xddd 01:18 < ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 01:31 < bridge> Also I need a cpu supercomputer if you have some laying around chiller 01:31 < bridge> Would be nice uwu 02:04 < ws-client> you often dont need a supercomputer just go afk while it computes 02:04 < bridge> Yea I don't have a server lying around for that 02:05 < ws-client> then use ur pc 02:05 < ws-client> also stop botting -.- 02:05 < ws-client> im sure you are computing some cheats 02:14 < bridge> ;( 02:14 < bridge> I'm sad I just want a perfect aip gores run 02:14 < bridge> Takes 22hrs for me though 02:14 < bridge> Am working through that xd 02:15 < bridge> specs? 02:16 < bridge> Uhm there was a fast fetch screenshot of me here earlier 02:16 < bridge> Am on phone 02:18 < bridge> looks like my laptop will do the same in 11 hours xd 02:18 < bridge> I guess I'll put up my laptop you're right 02:18 < bridge> I'll just put it into the freezer and let it cook 02:19 < bridge> f3 02:19 < bridge> its 3 am oh my god 02:19 < bridge> gn :P 02:19 < bridge> :justatest: 02:56 < bridge> Yes freezer is epic for gaming performance 03:37 < ws-client> holy shit first time i have seen out of order udp 03:37 < ws-client> a ddnet server just sent me snap 2/2 first then snap 1/1 03:37 < ws-client> 1/2* 03:39 < ws-client> woah it does so consitently 03:42 < bridge> it happens on some routes quite often 04:56 < ws-client> china has no chat in 0.7? xd 05:03 < bridge> what 05:09 < ws-client> i connected with chillerbot-zx to a ddnet china server using the 0.7 ip and could not write or read the chat 05:10 < ws-client> does chat work for u in 0.7? @tsfreddie 05:10 < bridge> ddnet 0.7 or just 0.7 05:10 < ws-client> ddnet 0.7 05:10 < bridge> no idea then. i haven't launched ddnet for quite a while 05:11 < ws-client> lemme try ddnet client 05:11 < bridge> oh you mean 0.7 client on ddnet servers? 05:12 < ws-client> ye 05:12 < ws-client> still no chat 05:12 < bridge> that worked last time i checked 05:12 < ws-client> ``connnect tw-0.7+udp://`` 05:12 < ws-client> omg 3 n 05:12 < ws-client> ``connect tw-0.7+udp://`` 05:12 < bridge> con&nect goes wild 05:13 < bridge> let me try ddnet then 05:13 < bridge> which is probably a few years ago 05:13 < bridge> oof 05:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286163294176022528/image.png?ex=66ece869&is=66eb96e9&hm=fed0568e472e65e469d37ac2bdf5d8e43bf51023182b552a1f08a651ab78a489& 05:14 < ws-client> ah not all servers are affected 05:14 < bridge> works fine for me 05:14 < bridge> why don't i have a name tho 05:15 < bridge> lol 05:15 < ws-client> why server u on? 05:15 < bridge> i was right next to you 05:15 < bridge> i am 05:16 < ws-client> indonesia firewall plus china firewall is perfect match xd 05:16 < bridge> chillerdragon: 05:16 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286164036618158130/image.png?ex=66ece91a&is=66eb979a&hm=bb6cf80f6051944bc8a37a0dd3d0789e6f44d121fd00f80d78c53465c1bd8e21& 05:16 < bridge> so why don't i have a name 05:17 < ws-client> how fakin old is ur client? xd 05:18 < bridge> i just opened it on steam 05:18 < bridge> ddnet client 05:18 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1726715916.png 05:18 < ws-client> deep packet inspection just filtered this bois skin info xd 05:19 < bridge> :kekw: 05:19 < bridge> so why don't i have a name 05:20 < bridge> ye, steam name is just not there 05:21 < bridge> works on 0.6 05:21 < ws-client> i see the sv_chat coming in over the network hmm 05:21 < ws-client> yea idc much about china dont wanna debug that now xd 05:21 < bridge> :greenthing: 05:54 < bridge> wtf 05:54 < bridge> wanna play tetris 05:54 < bridge> the map 05:54 < bridge> amazing map 06:52 < bridge> no 06:52 < bridge> do you know any of the chn mods? 06:53 < bridge> no 06:53 < bridge> Can you add me to the group 06:53 < bridge> it might be difficult to setup official servers if none of us know you as you shouldn't access the server after the server is setup so there are trust involved 06:54 < bridge> do you have a QQ account? 06:56 < bridge> I know some good players in China who play well, and I also have an ID: 拉我, I think I am a loyal player of ddnet 06:56 < bridge> qq: 2013855675 07:38 < bridge> chillerdragon: do you have ideas how to fix tw issue? 07:51 < bridge> already mastering corporate speak 07:51 < bridge> u will be the most profitable dev 08:10 < bridge> I fixed the problem for ddnet, it's enough for me xd 08:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286207744499646497/image.png?ex=66ed11ce&is=66ebc04e&hm=0aa8fe9b4bff37ec46aa3f176e3585b325c1e48e941daeb7f3503c13a289e5b1& 08:27 < bridge> What should I do if the game freezes at a random moment and I have to re-enter the game 08:32 < bridge> I would have to debug it 08:32 < bridge> I can tell you what I've found 08:32 < bridge> but it can be useless xd 08:33 < bridge> Sorry I don’t feel like debugging it 08:33 < bridge> xdddd 08:33 < bridge> I don’t care about lan discoverability enough 08:33 < bridge> 🥹 08:34 < bridge> It’s pretty sad that it broke. And teeworlds used to be a lan thing in German schools! 08:34 < bridge> you can still play on one server 08:34 < bridge> But I just cba there are so many bugs I already want solved and so little motivation to actually do it 08:36 < bridge> You can play on all servers and find one which is not too bad actually. The only affected playerbase is probably that one IT company that hosts multiple lan servers in their internal network for gaming at work. The most common use case is one server I would assume my 08:36 < bridge> Omg my phone typoed an entire word at the ended 08:37 < bridge> Did you check the gfx wiki? Also what does freeze mean? Does windows say „ddnet.exe is not resonding“? Which client do you use? 08:38 < bridge> How can you tell if it’s two different servers xd 08:39 < bridge> they have different ports 08:39 < bridge> Ok xd 08:39 < bridge> and now for some reason it shows 0.7 connect link for ddnet servers and just ip for 0.7 servers 08:40 < bridge> Omagawd xd 08:41 < bridge> I can’t wait to cheat some ranks when your lan server pr is merged and added 10 physics bugs 08:42 < bridge> watafak, where is `m_Sixup` variable sets to `true` 08:44 < bridge> grep 08:45 < bridge> does ur lsp not find it 08:45 < bridge> swrew 08:45 < bridge> Language Server 08:47 < bridge> there're these 08:47 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286217016197517403/image.png?ex=66ed1a71&is=66ebc8f1&hm=f42c65d4f46a6a3248f19ddb80a49492dd410421780c38a2b907d752b72580e8& 08:47 < bridge> It might be not the word true but some method that returns a bool 08:47 < bridge> yea looks like it's not so simple xd 08:47 < bridge> OnlySixup 08:47 < bridge> Is the one you want 08:50 < bridge> `Connect` method is not even called :pepeW: 08:51 < bridge> Yea it’s called when you connect xd 08:51 < bridge> That’s where m\_Sixup is set 08:51 < bridge> That’s what you wanted to know 08:53 < bridge> For url search GotVersion6 08:53 < bridge> `CNetClient::Recv` gets IsSixup true 08:53 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8716 08:53 < bridge> how -.- 08:53 < bridge> 0.6 by default unless it’s explicitly 0.7 08:54 < bridge> I guess you have to set your contact client in 0.7 mode when you send out the GETINFO requests 08:55 < bridge> But I assume you already do because it’s needed for the tokens 08:55 < bridge> sometimes it's false and sometimes true 08:55 < bridge> Ah wait you have too much sixup. Ehm idk what you changed xd 08:56 < bridge> lmao 08:56 < bridge> Maybe race condition from spamming a get info request to 0.6 and 0.7 servers 08:56 < bridge> Do you have two connless clients for that? 08:59 < bridge> but how spamming requests to servers can change `m_Sixup` 09:00 < ws-client> idk maybe its uninitialized memory if u never set it 09:47 < bridge> All this fucking time Sixup was passed by reference :pepeW: 09:50 < ws-client> trolol 09:50 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ josspit u here? 10:22 < bridge> Anyone managed to build ddnet on Apple M2? 10:22 < bridge> there are universal binaries for download on ddnet.org 10:22 < bridge> x86 + arm binaries 10:22 < bridge> I'd like to build it on my own 😄 10:22 < bridge> well 10:22 < bridge> yeah people have built it 10:23 < bridge> I don’t imagine there’s a lot to it. you can also look at the CI yaml and see exactly what weird flags the runner is using if any 10:23 < bridge> Thanks for the quick response, I'll check 10:32 < bridge> Tbf, there is nothing too fancy in it 10:38 < bridge> yea 10:38 < bridge> I hope u have fun building it 10:38 < bridge> curious how long it takes on one of those 10:38 < bridge> Will update you in a sec 😄 10:40 < bridge> I will try on M3 then too 10:40 < bridge> But its quite fast 10:40 < bridge> Nice 10:47 < bridge> Deen was on an m2 for a bit, so I'd guess it works well 10:54 < bridge> imagine hosting 0.7 server on lan to play :justatest: 11:02 < ws-client> ryo is apple fanboi too axaxax 11:03 < ws-client> ddnet is fully m2 tested since quite some time 11:03 < ws-client> @learath2 sos 11:04 < ws-client> lerato u here? 11:04 < bridge> Kinda here, whatup? 11:04 < ws-client> u know fng right? 11:04 < bridge> Sure 11:04 < ws-client> if you hook a team mates freeze kill into the spikes thats a steal 11:05 < ws-client> i am now drafting my database and i need column names for the kills you stole and the ones that were stolen from you 11:05 < ws-client> how do i call them? 11:06 < bridge> Hm, `kills_stolen_by` and `kills_stolen_from`? 11:06 < ws-client> sooo long 11:06 < bridge> Or `kills_stolen` and `kills-stolen` if you hate yourself 11:07 < bridge> omit kills, `stolen_from`, `stolen_by`? 11:07 < ws-client> hmmm 11:07 < ws-client> do you think ``steals`` ``stolen_from`` is also acceptable 11:08 < bridge> Sure I guess 11:08 < ws-client> it reads so hard 11:08 < ws-client> but maybe thats my english skill issues 11:09 < bridge> If you hate yourself, you create a new table with from, by & cross-reference this entries to the kills table 😄 11:10 < ws-client> lmao 11:10 < ws-client> no way 11:11 < ws-client> i would like to use the words "self" and "other" but they are not more obvious than "by" and "from" 11:11 < bridge> Store everything in sixth normal form 11:12 < ws-client> watafak is dat 11:12 < bridge> A table for each column 11:12 < ws-client> oh boi 11:12 < bridge> Thats fast 11:12 < bridge> but dont forget to index 11:12 < ws-client> idk what index is 11:12 < ws-client> ppl keep talking about it 11:13 < ws-client> there has to be a good term for that ffs 11:13 < bridge> for what? 11:13 < bridge> indexing? 11:13 < ws-client> for steals 11:14 < bridge> Indexes are like table of content for books. They give a way to quickly get to rows of interest by column values of interest 11:14 < ws-client> OKG 11:14 < ws-client> Oabdioawd 11:14 < ws-client> i did wrong repo 11:14 < ws-client> uhadjioajopd 11:14 < ws-client> AGAIN 11:14 < ws-client> im too tried 11:15 < bridge> Chiller do u know about like journaling filesystem 11:15 < ws-client> no 11:15 < bridge> similar idea 11:15 < bridge> E.g. when you have a hash index on column name, the db generates a hashtable that contains every name to row_id mapping. Now you can get to the row for a name without scan searching the entire db 11:15 < ws-client> i have 0 users do i need indexing? 11:16 < bridge> whats this supposed to be 11:16 < ws-client> wat 11:16 < bridge> Sql fng 11:16 < bridge> All your queries are constant time. Impressive 11:16 < bridge> lol 11:16 < ws-client> @cyberfrighter its me being tired 11:16 < bridge> next gen db 11:16 < bridge> You can implement the db in 5 lines of C 11:16 < bridge> ok 11:17 < bridge> i think he meant to do it on his own repo 11:17 < bridge> you can make pull requests across branches of 1 repo 11:18 < bridge> that’s how releases are done a lot of the time 11:18 < ws-client> gh really wants you to pr everything to the root repo 11:18 < bridge> yea 11:18 < bridge> oh 11:18 < bridge> i think i see 11:18 < bridge> yea 11:18 < bridge> u just develop shit on ur own repo and then pr to the main thing when its done 11:18 < bridge> right? 11:19 < ws-client> yea 11:19 < bridge> cool 11:19 < ws-client> but i wanted to pr to my thing because i rq now 11:19 < bridge> chiller will u use something db agnostic or not 11:19 < ws-client> but gh's default sends it to the uppest stream it can find 11:19 < ws-client> wats db agnostic 11:19 < bridge> any db 11:19 < bridge> whats a stream 11:19 < bridge> or no db 11:19 < bridge> xd 11:20 < bridge> ``` 11:20 < bridge> #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) 11:20 < bridge> typedef void *SEMAPHORE; 11:20 < bridge> #elif defined(CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS) 11:20 < ws-client> @cyberfrighter if you create a ddnet mod ddnet becomes upstream and you become downstream 11:20 < bridge> #include 11:20 < bridge> typedef sem_t *SEMAPHORE; 11:20 < bridge> #elif defined(CONF_FAMILY_UNIX) 11:20 < bridge> #include 11:20 < bridge> typedef sem_t SEMAPHORE; 11:20 < bridge> #else 11:20 < bridge> #error not implemented on this platform 11:20 < bridge> #endif 11:20 < bridge> ``` 11:20 < bridge> 11:20 < bridge> somehow this triggers `#error not implemented on this platform` 11:20 < bridge> he means in this case the furthest upstream repo 11:20 < bridge> ``` 11:20 < bridge> #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) 11:20 < bridge> typedef void *SEMAPHORE; 11:20 < bridge> #elif defined(CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS) 11:20 < bridge> #include 11:20 < bridge> typedef sem_t *SEMAPHORE; 11:20 < bridge> #elif defined(CONF_FAMILY_UNIX) 11:20 < bridge> #include 11:20 < bridge> typedef sem_t SEMAPHORE; 11:20 < bridge> #else 11:20 < bridge> #error not implemented on this platform 11:20 < bridge> #endif 11:20 < bridge> ``` 11:20 < bridge> 11:20 < bridge> somehow this triggers `#error not implemented on this platform` on M2 11:20 < bridge> dbms agnostic ig 11:20 < bridge> we call it субд so im not sure 11:21 < bridge> ``` 11:21 < bridge> #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) 11:21 < bridge> typedef void *SEMAPHORE; 11:21 < bridge> #elif defined(CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS) 11:21 < bridge> #include 11:21 < bridge> typedef sem_t *SEMAPHORE; 11:21 < ws-client> pls dont edit big messages avo this basically bans me from the chat 11:21 < bridge> #elif defined(CONF_FAMILY_UNIX) 11:21 < bridge> #include 11:21 < bridge> typedef sem_t SEMAPHORE; 11:21 < bridge> #else 11:21 < bridge> #error not implemented on this platform 11:21 < bridge> #endif 11:21 < bridge> ``` 11:21 < bridge> 11:21 < bridge> somehow this triggers `#error not implemented on this platform` on M2 11:21 < bridge> 11:21 < bridge> but it doesnt make sense, because of `CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS` 11:21 < bridge> idk define CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS manually ig? 11:21 < bridge> hmm 11:21 < bridge> are you sure its defined? 11:21 < bridge> that should be defined by cmake 11:21 < bridge> i think ddnet cmake is really cursed 11:21 < bridge> btw bam script was 100x simpler xd 11:22 < ws-client> @zhn idk wat u talking about xd 11:22 < bridge> will u use something that would allow u to switch between sqlite mysql postgre or not 11:22 < bridge> dbms agnostic code 11:22 < ws-client> i use ddnet @zhn so mysql and sqlite 11:22 < bridge> ah 11:23 < bridge> i thought ur about to reimplement this part xd 11:23 < ws-client> no im as close to ddnet as possible 11:23 < bridge> 07 pr was ddnetest pr possible :troll: 11:25 < bridge> But where is is set in CMakeLists? 11:25 < bridge> not sure. I’d search 11:26 < bridge> may not be in cmake though, you can implement such logic just thru existing definitions & that would be a reasonable explanation for it failing here 11:26 < bridge> its literally not in the cmakelists lol 11:26 < bridge> yea 11:26 < bridge> whoops 11:26 < bridge> they should be defined automatically afaik 11:26 < bridge> is it there? I’m on phone 11:28 < ws-client> CONF_FAMILY stuff is in detects.h 11:28 < ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/66e8d1f726fbeb788c249fdc43320063ce740827/src/base/detect.h 11:28 < ws-client> determined at compile time 11:29 < bridge> ya 11:29 < bridge> y 11:29 < bridge> though really 11:29 < bridge> it *should* be in the cmake 11:30 < ws-client> this file outdates cmake by decades xd 11:30 < bridge> yeah 11:30 < ws-client> this file was basically copied from the bam source code into the teeworlds source code xd 11:30 < bridge> u may have missed my italics there 11:30 < ws-client> i saw bold 11:30 < bridge> ah 11:33 < bridge> U issue :xd: 12:49 < bridge> how can ci workflow build fail while it compiles for me locally -.- 12:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286277947447050305/image.png?ex=66ed5330&is=66ec01b0&hm=7ea6c4813e1fc27033a0124c2c7cb65b0909f3e49d59a6dfad76d881e773fbc0& 12:55 < bridge> str format stuff is weitd 12:55 < bridge> str format stuff is weird 12:55 < bridge> Some of them are locked behind macro ifs afaik 12:57 < bridge> `str_format_int` is only for internal use. Use `str_format` with `"%d"` which will automatically use `str_format_int` in release build 12:58 < bridge> that's what i did xd 12:58 < bridge> thanks 12:59 < bridge> how to make compiler show error when I try to compile this locally? 13:01 < bridge> Build in debug and release mode 13:43 < bridge> Woah catto pr 13:46 < bridge> 🥛 14:45 < bridge> heinrich is online :poggers2: 14:48 < bridge> :poggers2: he's alive! 15:44 < bridge> @mpft How can I fix the emotes/chinese text/some symbols being displayed as rectangles? 15:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286321963719069707/image.png?ex=66ed7c2e&is=66ec2aae&hm=45edd52d5623df866d291628a52ad4eb9bc8614a3b8f2099ebf98f4d51240744& 15:44 < bridge> @mpft How can I fix emotes/chinese text/some symbols being displayed as rectangles? 15:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286321963719069707/image.png?ex=66ed7c2e&is=66ec2aae&hm=45edd52d5623df866d291628a52ad4eb9bc8614a3b8f2099ebf98f4d51240744& 15:50 < bridge> i added some stuff to merge 15:50 < bridge> i want to code some stuff but my problem is always idk what to do xD 15:51 < bridge> accounts :greenthing: 15:52 < bridge> contribute to dd-pg while jupsti is on vacation :greenthing: 15:55 < bridge> guys 15:55 < bridge> can u do this? https://ismy.blue/ 15:55 < bridge> i got this > our boundary is at hue 170, greener than 77% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue. 15:55 < bridge> i got this > your boundary is at hue 170, greener than 77% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue. 15:56 < bridge> Your boundary is at hue 175, bluer than 65% of the population. For you, turquoise is green. 15:57 < bridge> Your boundary is at hue 178, bluer than 80% of the population. For you, turquoise is green 15:57 < bridge> ew green guys 15:57 < bridge> :gigachad: 15:57 < bridge> u blue 15:57 < bridge> gay 15:57 < bridge> :justatest: 15:57 < bridge> :justatest: 15:58 < bridge> :kek: 16:01 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286326223437303929/image.png?ex=66ed8026&is=66ec2ea6&hm=efd8fa8bc5834583d34511f8636f8928ae568c6edad94f28541fc54e56c11927& 16:01 < bridge> here praying ipv6 surpasses 50% 16:01 < bridge> soon copium 16:01 < bridge> https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html 16:06 < bridge> disability results came in: 16:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286327592751857664/Screenshot_20240919-160533.png?ex=66ed816c&is=66ec2fec&hm=2fb9b784ff255060715265336ac0a7dfa389d804ddcc1273710e119586588d82& 16:07 < bridge> btw the pager explosion thing is crazy 16:07 < bridge> israel rly is next level with some stuff 16:33 < bridge> They did it again with walkie-talkie's. I heard they actually embedded explosives in them, insane operation. Truly heinous act 16:42 < bridge> yo - how does one properly mount a ntfs windows drive under linux to for read only? 16:42 < bridge> internet has 9323273 solutions so i'm going the easy route in asking #developer gigachads 16:42 < bridge> yo - how does one properly mount a ntfs windows drive under linux for read only? 16:47 < bridge> use the first step by step tutorial you find on google 16:49 < bridge> Which ntfs driver do you want to use? 16:49 < bridge> 3g 16:51 < bridge> `mount -o ro -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdxy /mnt/wherever` 16:51 < bridge> Or `ntfs-3g -o ro /dev/sdxy /mnt/wherever` 17:36 < bridge> ? 17:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286350162914054315/image.png?ex=66ed9672&is=66ec44f2&hm=5b67d72d82754de96f4167d96f269f67d98507cabc116425af414c7e1ccf872f& 18:21 < bridge> try to click rmb, does anything happen? 18:22 < bridge> i restarted the game but i dont think anything happened 18:22 < bridge> i mashed everything and nothing happened 18:44 < bridge> ok 18:47 < bridge> > The Rust 2024 Edition is scheduled to be frozen on 2024-10-17, stabilized on nightly on 2024-11-28, and released as stable with Rust 1.85.0 on 2025-02-20 18:47 < bridge> at the end rust 2024 releases on 2025 18:48 < bridge> :blobcoldsweat: 18:56 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks https://www.rustexplorer.com 19:01 < bridge> hm, Hddhddh not planner :'/ 19:01 < bridge> planned 19:05 < bridge> why is ` if(!m_Core.m_aWeapons[m_Core.m_ActiveWeapon].m_Got)` 19:05 < bridge> 19:05 < bridge> inside the unfreeze function? i dont quite understand why 19:05 < bridge> why is `if(!m_Core.m_aWeapons[m_Core.m_ActiveWeapon].m_Got)` 19:05 < bridge> 19:05 < bridge> inside the unfreeze function? i dont quite understand why 19:05 < bridge> ``` 19:05 < bridge> bool CCharacter::UnFreeze() 19:05 < bridge> { 19:05 < bridge> if(m_FreezeTime > 0) 19:05 < bridge> { 19:05 < bridge> m_Armor = 10; 19:05 < bridge> if(!m_Core.m_aWeapons[m_Core.m_ActiveWeapon].m_Got) 19:06 < bridge> m_Core.m_ActiveWeapon = WEAPON_GUN; 19:06 < bridge> m_FreezeTime = 0; 19:06 < bridge> m_Core.m_FreezeStart = 0; 19:06 < bridge> m_FrozenLastTick = true; 19:06 < bridge> return true; 19:06 < bridge> } 19:06 < bridge> return false; 19:06 < bridge> } 19:06 < bridge> ``` 19:31 < bridge> because ninja is active weapon ig? 19:31 < bridge> idk honestly 21:11 < bridge> у меня фимоз 22:54 < bridge> Why is my HP/shields kind of transparent all of sudden today? I didn't patch or change anything 22:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286430218852241450/image.png?ex=66ede100&is=66ec8f80&hm=de5279efd8bfd0114ab5e5b550658a928dbf32f5256a2358a4708bbbb02e86af& 22:58 < bridge> Why is my HP/shields/ammo kind of transparent all of sudden today? I didn't patch or change anything 22:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286430218852241450/image.png?ex=66ede100&is=66ec8f80&hm=de5279efd8bfd0114ab5e5b550658a928dbf32f5256a2358a4708bbbb02e86af& 23:07 < bridge> its a bug 23:07 < bridge> i think 23:07 < bridge> Did you patch or change anything recently? 23:07 < bridge> no it happens with unchanged ddnet client 23:08 < bridge> if you get ingame is your cursor also transparent 23:21 < bridge> 🙋‍♂️ 23:23 < bridge> :jaouis: 23:23 < bridge> :frozen: 23:23 < bridge> кто русский 23:38 < bridge> why i dont get points on my server but /mapinfo works 23:38 < bridge> which infos i need to provide for some help? 23:40 < bridge> ranks is saved into database but not the points