00:04 < ws-client> i assume this is a reply to my "the sound is missing msg" 00:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1285723151107620865/image.png?ex=66eb4e7e&is=66e9fcfe&hm=64ae7dbce6afe87e84fe1765e582eb68d4ac2697fbaeba8c3dca1e1f926c91cf& 00:04 < bridge> Only a sith deals in extremes 00:05 < ws-client> omg image 00:05 < ws-client> im booting matrix ... 00:05 < bridge> 😂 00:05 < bridge> only to get trolled 00:06 < ws-client> omg i even was right 00:06 < ws-client> faku teero -.- 00:06 < ws-client> @pathos3005 i have a "ChillerDragon's CTF GER1" test server. at the password is 123 feel free to report bugs and ill probably fix them in the next few days 00:08 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ i just realized ddnet servers announce them selfs as 0.6.4 xd imo we should update to 0.6.5 00:09 < bridge> update to 0.7 00:09 < ws-client> thats already done 00:09 < ws-client> next is 0.6.5 00:09 < bridge> then i get triggered whenever i jump onto the server 00:09 < bridge> WAIT WHAT 00:09 < bridge> wow 00:09 < bridge> you admit 0.6.5 > 0.7 00:09 < bridge> I am impressed 00:09 < ws-client> i admit 0.6.4 < 0.6.5 00:09 < bridge> It's ok chiller 00:09 < bridge> the dark side is pulling 00:10 < bridge> You are on the correct path 00:11 < bridge> chiller 00:11 < bridge> just install discord XD 00:11 < bridge> you miss all the fu 00:11 < bridge> n 00:14 < ws-client> wat fun 00:15 < ws-client> #developer alone is enough time sink already 00:16 < ws-client> alr time to get some coffee 00:16 < ws-client> afk 00:16 < bridge> spreader of evil 00:37 < bridge> maybe it should be entirely different 00:38 < bridge> it is a 0.6 compatible client but to see the two as the same on the server end doesnt seem future proof 00:38 < bridge> because one is receiving updates and the other isn't 01:01 < bridge> Thanks, will try it out -- just out of random curiosity, I'm also thinking about team colour coordinated bullets (red/blue shotgun pellets, red/blue grenades, red/blue lasers, red/blue pistol bullets), but I'm unsure where in the code I would need to change that. How much code do you think this is without adding console commands or settings? 01:26 < ws-client> @pathos3005 server side not possible. how much code it is client side idk 01:29 < bridge> Yeah for sure it's client side 02:26 < bridge> @chillerdragon, I ran the tests locally, not looking at the network data, just stepping through the code. ctrl-c leads to CtrlClose being sent and in case of being kicked, no control message is being sent. 02:27 < bridge> hughly confused, where that extra message might come from? your ddnet client disconnecting from the server? 02:27 < bridge> highly* 03:15 < ws-client> i tried kick and full server and saw the packet in tcpdump 03:18 < bridge> my guess, that's coming frm somewhere else 😦 03:18 < bridge> can you try with th current master state 03:18 < bridge> the 03:18 < bridge> master branch 03:19 < bridge> are you staying connected to the server with your ddnet client ? 03:20 < bridge> cannot get the libtw2 dissector plugin running on macOS 03:20 < bridge> ... 03:22 < bridge> hm, progress 03:22 < bridge> doesn't like arm64 03:23 < ws-client> you can also just use raw tcpdump or wireshark 03:23 < ws-client> its plaintext anyways if you have a reason 03:24 < ws-client> nah i gotta debug my bugs now -.- 03:25 < bridge> dumb question: do you close your ddnet client that you use for kicking the go client while still capturing the network? 03:27 < bridge> I see the comment, clearly something else 03:29 < bridge> I know the problem 03:29 < bridge> the example needs to be updated 03:58 < bridge> updated examples 04:50 < ws-client> any idea how i can get rid of this spam ``Dummy is already connected/connecting.`` i have my dummy connect and switch to dummy on the same key 06:42 < bridge> :monkaStop: 07:55 < bridge> chillerdragon: it's true that both 0.6 and 0.7 have version in server info but to get to version field i have to parse token first, and it's different for 2 versions 09:09 < bridge> @milkeeycat: every port should only have one version. Either 0.6 or 0.7 and when you get the token packet you also already know which version it is. The token packets from ddnet 0.6 and teeworlds 0.7 are different 09:09 < bridge> Seems like you have to introduce a version state per port 09:10 < bridge> So a connection for connectionless packets hehe 09:10 < bridge> :pepeW: 09:11 < bridge> Do you know how to detect the version based on the token packet already or where are you currently at? 09:11 < bridge> im in `CClient::ProcessServerInfo` 09:12 < bridge> i just have to know when parse 0.7 info 09:12 < ws-client> so you already handle both kinds of tokens? 09:13 < ws-client> not sure if 0.6 even has tokens 09:13 < ws-client> idk the protocol 09:14 < bridge> i didn't touch what already worked 09:14 < bridge> but I added some stuff to get correct token and send serverinfo packet 09:15 < ws-client> when you get the token where do u store it 09:16 < bridge> i added a vector of connless packets 09:16 < ws-client> C++ bloat xd 09:16 < bridge> which will be sent when they will have correct token 09:17 < ws-client> how do you know which token belongs to which port? 09:19 < ws-client> anyways ideally you don't touch ``CClient::ProcessServerInfo`` the 0.7 bridge should not pollute the ddnet 0.6 code 09:20 < ws-client> you could add a new ``PreprocessConnlessPacket()`` call here https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/96ad30eb21dad20a307e2c6636004aca41fc887c/src/engine/client/client.cpp#L2508-L2509 09:20 < ws-client> if it sees the 0.7 header it unpacks the 0.7 server info and repacks it as 0.6 server info so in the end it hits the 0.6 code 09:45 < bridge> all of it master jedi 10:14 < ws-client> im so confused on https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/8977 omg 10:14 < bridge> yes 10:14 < ws-client> ``pClient->UpdateRenderInfo(true, IClient::CONN_MAIN);`` sets correct teams for the main tee 10:15 < ws-client> ``pClient->UpdateRenderInfo(true, IClient::CONN_DUMMY);`` sets correct teams for dummy 10:15 < ws-client> setting none gives empty default textures 10:15 < ws-client> setting both sets only teams for dummy?! 10:34 < ws-client> NO WAY 10:34 < ws-client> i did the best typo lmao 10:34 < ws-client> i tried to type ``Sixup`` and ended up writing ``Xusep`` xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD 10:36 < bridge> @xusep 10:43 < bridge> chillerdragon: 😏 10:43 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1285883927466348598/image.png?ex=66ebe43a&is=66ea92ba&hm=11261dd9f8f9792a14c5c866e334c8a8f176eff67ea0049171c8c7950b0ad996& 10:43 < bridge> this time it's not that bad xd 10:44 < bridge> lan comes 10:59 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/96ad30eb21dad20a307e2c6636004aca41fc887c/src/engine/serverbrowser.h#L71 what does this boolean mean? 11:02 < bridge> Does it show if the player not in spec? 11:12 < bridge> yes, the client is a player if it is not a spectator 11:19 < bridge> is it possible to play on 0.7 servers using ddnet client? -.- 11:24 < bridge> I somehow connected to it only once and it doesn't work for me anymore xd 11:25 < bridge> Ask chiller, he added the support for it 11:26 < bridge> chillerdragon: send help 11:27 < bridge> I also had that issue when working on some seemingly unrelated changes to 0.7 skins :pepeW: 11:28 < ws-client> ``connect`` connects with 0.6 protocol 11:28 < ws-client> ``connect tw-0.7+udp://`` connects with 0.7 protocol 11:30 < ws-client> @milkeeycat 0.7 added bot support to the master. Maybe heinrich ported it to 0.6 11:31 < ws-client> oh that was Oy 13 years ago 11:31 < ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/commit/96808a11451f2ccf22346253bd22f8f559207ac8 11:31 < ws-client> might still be 0.6 11:34 < ws-client> @milkeeycat iirc in 0.6 ``bool m_Player`` is true = in game and false = spectator and in 0.6 its spec/bot/ingame 11:34 < ws-client> https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/blob/c56fa9e6a20cfc9d7d16502e18c7d7633acdf492/src/engine/server/server.cpp#L1128 11:35 < bridge> ok, i did break 0.7 somehow :pepeW: 11:35 < ws-client> rip 11:35 < bridge> it connects only once 11:36 < ws-client> in 0.7** its spec/bot/ingame 11:36 < bridge> bot like the serverside bots 11:36 < ws-client> yes 11:37 < ws-client> they are officially supported by 0.7 11:37 < ws-client> there is a client side antenna bot texture on the tees 11:37 < bridge> they knew game was dead as hell 11:37 < ws-client> and you can filter them out in the master server 11:37 < bridge> so they added bots 11:37 < ws-client> they didnt add bot 11:37 < ws-client> just the flag for modders 11:37 < bridge> bot support whatever 11:37 < bridge> wait, I didn't break anything 11:37 < ws-client> Oy does not care about players actually 11:38 < bridge> it just has wrong protocol in `server address` filed 11:38 < bridge> it just has wrong protocol in `server address` field 11:38 < ws-client> nob 11:38 < bridge> whew 11:38 < bridge> what does oy even do 11:38 < bridge> has anyone even heard from him 11:38 < ws-client> for a living? 11:38 < ws-client> he was online this year 11:38 < bridge> idk in general 11:39 < ws-client> idk anything about him 11:39 < bridge> mysterious person 11:39 < ws-client> he is probably 50 yrs old and german 11:40 < bridge> sounds just like deen lmao, tho idk about the age 11:40 < ws-client> just a random guess from my side maybe he is also 30 :D 11:40 < ws-client> heinrich might have some better intel on him 11:40 < ws-client> deen is quite different than oy 11:40 < bridge> I bet heinrich knows him IRL 11:41 < bridge> in what way 11:41 < bridge> deen is like 32 or smth 11:41 < bridge> he ain't that old 11:41 < ws-client> deen is new teeworlds player 11:41 < bridge> new :lol: 11:41 < ws-client> he is super active and public 11:41 < ws-client> Oy is og teeworlds player and inactive and there is little public info on him 11:41 < ws-client> deen responds to pullrequests within minutes 11:41 < ws-client> Oy responds to pullrequests within years 11:42 < bridge> I just wonder why Oy got tw repo alone? 11:42 < bridge> How did that happen 11:42 < bridge> Do we have history? 11:42 < ws-client> last time someone bumped the copyright year the pr got outdated before it got merged xd 11:42 < bridge> lol 11:42 < bridge> :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 11:43 < ws-client> deens entire life is fully public. his face, first name, last name, family status, his location, his work. 11:43 < bridge> His kid was born on the same day as ddnet was founded 11:43 < bridge> EVERYTHING IS PLANNED 11:43 < ws-client> xd 11:43 < bridge> his kid is ddnet 11:44 < ws-client> also deen cares about the players 11:44 < bridge> a ye true 11:44 < bridge> but if oy doesnt care about players what does he care about then 11:45 < bridge> The question is, why is it soo insanely important to oy and the tw gang to keep teeworlds dead 11:45 < ws-client> but maybe oy does too idk. I just remember someone quoting him saying something along the lines of "back in my days tw had 3 active players. idc if it goes back to that" 11:45 < bridge> I just so hard don't get it 11:45 < bridge> maybe they think they cant get it back 11:45 < ws-client> not sure what oys mission is im trying to talk to him since a few years 11:45 < bridge> And then? 11:46 < bridge> game finished? i guess? 11:46 < bridge> They don't care rn about tw, why does it matter if tw gets famous and they should care again 11:46 < ws-client> he is harder to reach than mrafk5991 11:46 < bridge> That is kinda lame 11:46 < bridge> Oh yeah super finished xD 11:46 < bridge> heinrich is super ez to reach 11:46 < bridge> he responds to emails within 3 months 11:46 < ws-client> lol 11:47 < ws-client> the last 20 pings i made to heinrich went into the void 11:47 < bridge> do dms instead 11:47 < bridge> Intentionally ignored 11:47 < bridge> ez 11:47 < bridge> Do a pr where you replace https master server with ftp master server 11:47 < bridge> and he will be there 11:49 < ws-client> oh yea he occasionally writes comments on gh 11:50 < ws-client> thanks for working on this big ass issue btw @milkeeycat 11:52 < ws-client> can someone help me ping @lukure 11:52 < ws-client> @lukuretw 11:53 < bridge> y 11:53 < ws-client> ah 11:53 < bridge> you pinged him 11:53 < bridge> You just pinged him nobo 11:53 < bridge> im here 11:54 < ws-client> epic did it ping? im so pro 11:54 < bridge> y 11:54 < ws-client> im the best chatter eu west 11:54 < ws-client> @lukure come in game to live chat 11:54 < bridge> XDD 11:54 < ws-client> email cring 11:54 < bridge> kk 11:54 < bridge> why do u still use email 11:54 < ws-client> because lukure nob has no messenger 11:55 < ws-client> he is email enjoyer 11:55 < bridge> i have lol 11:55 < ws-client> well only discor d -.- 11:55 < bridge> lmao 11:55 < bridge> but im email enjoyer too 😄 11:55 < bridge> na 11:55 < ws-client> omg join already 11:55 < ws-client> or come https://chat.zillyhuhn.com/ #off-topic 11:57 < bridge> are u ingame? XD 11:57 < ws-client> yes 11:58 < ws-client> i gtg in 5mins 11:58 < bridge> where? 11:58 < ws-client> 12:20 < bridge> i like that way Chiller XD 12:40 < bridge> ChillerDragon: closing keywords still don't work in PR titles 12:45 < ws-client> works in my github :p 12:46 < bridge> Doesn't work with merge queue 13:12 < bridge> how is time being round up btw? 13:12 < bridge> if someone finishes 6.686s is it 6,68 then or 6,7? and why 13:14 < bridge> Mh? 13:14 < bridge> ddnet is ticks based 13:14 < bridge> 1 tick is 20ms 13:14 < bridge> You can finish every 20ms 13:15 < bridge> yea i see thats why there is no .01 etc 13:15 < bridge> but 6.686 is round up to 6.69 technically 13:15 < bridge> but 20ms is 0.02 13:15 < bridge> there is no 0.006 13:16 < bridge> hmm 13:17 < bridge> The biggest weirdness ddnet has is, that it stores finish times as floats lmao 13:17 < bridge> I assume with huge times this can get inaccurate a bit 13:17 < bridge> yea idk what a float is dw xd 13:18 < bridge> A float is basically a decimal with finite possibilities 2^32 13:19 < bridge> minus some weird cases 13:19 < bridge> But anyway 13:19 < bridge> I am not aware of any rounding 13:19 < bridge> Do you have an example of a finish time that is rounded up or down? 13:20 < bridge> some people discussed in game that if someone finished on the unique race servers with a 6.686s time(fastest time) if it would be possible to do a 6.68 on ddnet 13:20 < bridge> but i guess cant really compare that 13:20 < bridge> Yeah i assume unique race servers use some interpolated time 13:21 < bridge> the problem with interpolated time is. They are also not correct 13:21 < bridge> It's like CS2 claiming to have sub precision shots 13:21 < bridge> i see 13:21 < bridge> It's not incorrect, but also not really true 13:21 < bridge> Wot 13:21 < bridge> it's not the same as increasing the tick rate 13:22 < bridge> It's like CS2 claiming to have sub tick shots 14:36 < bridge> a accidentally made range for local servers `8303..=8310` and was wondering why servers had 300 ping xd 14:36 < bridge> a accidentally made range for local servers `8303..=80310` and was wondering why servers had 300 ping xd 14:38 < bridge> could be. unique race time representation can subtract up to 2 ticks (40ms aka. 0.04) from the actual time 14:38 < bridge> so generally if you replay the same run on ddrace servers it will be worse by up to 2 ticks 15:32 < bridge> Hm, to lose 20ms precision which is ~2^-5.644, you need to spend 2^17 seconds on the map. So at about 1.5 days the times are no longer exact 15:34 < bridge> They become off by half a tick, until day 3, at that point they become inaccurate by 3 ticks. I think unless I made a mistake somewhere 15:36 < bridge> To be fair, actually just having better precision than 20ms isn't enough to represent all times 15:50 < bridge> Thanks for your input. I still find floats a weird format xd 15:50 < bridge> Yeah I would probably do fixed point with integers 15:51 < bridge> We have 2 digits of precision because of the ticks anyway 15:51 < bridge> does teeworlds client show only 1 lan server? -.- 15:54 < bridge> Even if u do milliseconds directly in an u32 you'd have 200 million ticks 😄 15:55 < bridge> forgot to ping 0.7 himself, chillerdragon 15:55 < bridge> 49 days 15:55 < bridge> mh doesnt sound impressive 15:55 < bridge> Yeah but we don't need the precision of milliseconds anyway 15:55 < bridge> Yeah 15:56 < bridge> I am one of these ppl that use 64-bit and call it a day anyway 15:56 < bridge> 😬 15:56 < bridge> suddenly you have 213503982334 days 16:50 < bridge> lmao who made that 16:55 < bridge> two nouis 16:55 < bridge> > warning for file "downloadedskins/hpn_hat.23813.tmp": iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile 16:55 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks what was this one for? Should we fix it or is my built client just old? 16:55 < bridge> one louis 16:56 < bridge> I get the same warning. Would be great if this was fixed in the skin DBs 16:56 < bridge> Hi, I am a Chinese. I have a 2c4g server in Hangzhou idle, which has a four-year validity period. I want to donate it to ddnet to build a service in Hangzhou. Because the game experience in Hangzhou is too stuck, do you accept the server sponsored by the private sector @0xdeen 16:56 < bridge> This is simply a warning that libpng prints 16:56 < bridge> But yeah we should fix it ig 16:57 < bridge> Things that we can fix we should fix ig 16:57 < bridge> hmm 16:57 < bridge> does this one work 16:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1285978032942878742/hpn_hat_fix.png?ex=66ec3bdf&is=66eaea5f&hm=165ccdbd9ce384485cfbd8578ca2289485796d446ad0d1439b267f937a5b4e29& 16:58 < bridge> @louis.place u can always simply reupload using the skin bot & #📬submit-skins 16:58 < bridge> if u dont want to use the website tool, which is probs bit more annoying (?) 16:58 < bridge> it also wont change the original release date 17:00 < bridge> ok 17:02 < bridge> should be good 17:05 < bridge> @tsfreddie Hi, I have a 2c4g server in Hangzhou, China that is idle and has a validity period of 4 years. I would like to donate it to the ddnet official to build a service in the Hangzhou area 17:06 < bridge> you can ask deen about it 17:06 < bridge> ddnet is quite bandwidth heavy tho 17:08 < bridge> I can upgrade my configuration. I am in Hangzhou and the latency of playing this game is very high, basically above 50. Therefore, I am very eager to set up a service in Hangzhou 17:10 < bridge> 50 sounds pretty reasonable to me. either way, a 2c4g5m server usually host about 8 ddnet servers, just so you know. 17:14 < bridge> Thank you, no problem at all. I can upgrade the bandwidth and leave a message for deen now. If you agree, I can immediately provide the server 17:14 < bridge> it usually takes a reimage to debian, deen will give you the info. 17:16 < bridge> I am CentOS 7 17:17 < ws-client> @milkeeycat https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/issues/3268 17:18 < bridge> Chiller 17:18 < bridge> Chiller 17:18 < bridge> Chiller 17:19 < ws-client> ye 17:19 < bridge> i know how to summon heinrich now 17:19 < ws-client> how? 17:19 < bridge> Drop support for old versions xd 17:19 < ws-client> xd 17:19 < bridge> 17:19 < bridge> he is online in discord now 17:20 < ws-client> he rolly is procrastinating to read #developer backlog xd 17:20 < bridge> chillerdragon: where's the pr which fixes the bug? xd 17:20 < ws-client> prolly* 17:20 < bridge> i know 17:20 < bridge> what should we write 17:20 < ws-client> @milkeeycat xd 17:20 < bridge> Welcome back in the future 17:20 < ws-client> @milkeeycat you need to send it 17:20 < bridge> When you read this it's still 2024 17:20 < ws-client> LMAO 17:20 < ws-client> ok gn8 17:21 < bridge> gn8 17:21 < bridge> morning 17:22 < bridge> he's lying, discord had a database mishap where the time was rolledback 10 years. if you read this, it is actually 2034. 17:23 < bridge> Oh wow didn't expect to see you again in 2024 17:23 < bridge> Where have u been 17:23 < bridge> had some holidays? 17:23 < bridge> no, i quit my job and had a mental breakdown and slept for two weeks 17:24 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/womp-womp-cat-gif-12768989307250413732 17:24 < bridge> jkjk 17:24 < bridge> ❤️ 17:40 < bridge> You must be the freest man alive rn 17:40 < bridge> 😏 17:40 < bridge> You must be the free'est man alive rn 17:40 < bridge> you can buy me for free yes. 18:00 < bridge> @beibei1184 are you in any of the QQ chat groups 18:02 < bridge> Is custom resolutions buggy on linux? 18:06 < bridge> I've added 1760x1080@144 through xrandr and it shows up on the list fine, 18:06 < bridge> but when I switch to it from another resolution (1920x1080) it shows up as 1920x1178 on the title bar. 18:06 < bridge> Launching the game with the resolution already selected makes it windowed 18:06 < bridge> I've added 1760x1080@144 through xrandr and it shows up on the list fine, 18:06 < bridge> but when I switch to it from another resolution (1920x1080) it shows up as 1920x1178 on the title bar. 18:06 < bridge> Launching the game with the resolution already selected makes it windowed, but it shows up as correct 18:06 < bridge> I've added 1760x1080@144 through xrandr and it shows up on the list fine, 18:06 < bridge> but when I switch to it from another resolution (1920x1080) it shows up as 1920x1178 on the title bar. 18:06 < bridge> Launching the game with the resolution already selected makes it windowed, but it shows up as correct it should stretch in this case 18:07 < bridge> I've added 1760x1080@144 through xrandr and it shows up on the list fine, 18:07 < bridge> but when I switch to it from another resolution (1920x1080) it shows up as 1920x1178 on the title bar. 18:07 < bridge> Launching the game with the resolution already selected makes it windowed, but it shows up as correct. 18:07 < bridge> I want it stretched 18:08 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks I don't think we have stretching, right? 18:08 < bridge> If you add your custom resolution to the supported list it should work 18:08 < bridge> DDNet has no influence over streetching nor the list 18:10 < bridge> it doesnt 🤷‍♂️ 18:10 < bridge> but it should 18:10 < bridge> what GPU do you haveß 18:10 < bridge> what GPU do you have? 18:11 < bridge> Friends list & some server info gets full cut out on original resolutions too 18:11 < bridge> amd rx 6700xt 18:12 < bridge> u can also try gamescope 18:13 < bridge> The title bar changes depending on which resolution you switch to the custom one for example: 18:13 < bridge> 1920x1080 selected -> click on 1760x1080 -> title bar 1920x1178 18:13 < bridge> 1600x900 selected -> click on 1760x1080 -> title bar 1600x981 18:14 < bridge> I dont play from steam, will that work? 18:16 < bridge> what do the character directions indicate -1, 0, 1? 18:17 < bridge> -1 left 0 stop 1 right 18:18 < bridge> hm, what does the client do with those values in order to predict the character position, I wonder :? 18:18 < bridge> u shouldn't know it 18:19 < bridge> ._: 18:19 < bridge> maybe yes 18:19 < bridge> move symbols upper of tee 18:19 < bridge> how does that work together with velocity, pos and direction, might be the more precise question 18:20 < bridge> if it does at all 18:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1285999017804824781/GAOIeXw.png?ex=66ec4f6a&is=66eafdea&hm=5c385f0714bbfdf86a42b03e41c2712826cea846aabd59d8e5a8d68cda88a6d3& 18:21 < bridge> maybe this 18:21 < bridge> I think that might be something else 18:21 < bridge> ah 18:21 < bridge> there is also a jump key 18:21 < bridge> might be the jump value 18:21 < bridge> that's also next to direction 18:22 < bridge> i don't write the code :kek: can't know all exacly 18:22 < bridge> jumps are also showed 18:22 < bridge> so left, right, stop might come from direction and jump from the jump integer 18:25 < bridge> its just running the prediction aka. normal physics on the client to predict where ure going 18:26 < bridge> teero just want say "don't open our secrets" :troll: 18:27 < bridge> I wonder how the maths works 😮 18:27 < bridge> maffs 18:27 < bridge> now my mouse doesnt move ingame 18:27 < bridge> 😭 18:27 < bridge> or where exactly to look for the maffs in the code 18:28 < bridge> check out `src/game/client/prediction/` 18:28 < bridge> everything prediction related is there 18:28 < bridge> most of it is a 1:1 copy of the server physics code 18:29 < bridge> which is reudig 18:29 < bridge> in germany we say "spaghetticode" 18:29 < bridge> hmhm reudig 18:29 < bridge> sadly ddnet physics are fucking shit 18:29 < bridge> *performance wise 18:29 < bridge> but i like that 18:30 < bridge> [like character](https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/78d702d3b7b2a15af5f73e8862df1bbde51f2e79/src/game/client/prediction/entities/character.cpp) 18:30 < bridge> cpp 18:30 < bridge> i guess so 18:33 < bridge> ew, I need to know if a character is grounded to predict stuff... ew, need to know map content for that ._. 18:33 < bridge> friggin rabbit hole 18:36 < bridge> you can use twgame :trollet: 18:36 < bridge> twgame? 18:36 < bridge> https://lib.rs/crates/twgame 18:37 < bridge> I'm doing Go ._. 18:37 < bridge> maybe that helps for a reference 18:37 < bridge> twgame has python bindings xdd 19:00 < bridge> is there any solution for the player limit in demos? 19:01 < bridge> 😏 😏 😏 😏 😏 19:01 < bridge> im trying to have more than 63 players in a demo but the snapshot builder will crash 19:01 < bridge> shaddup dont spoil 19:08 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks i increased MAX_ITEMS to 65536 19:08 < bridge> wait wtf 19:08 < bridge> Yeah I know 19:08 < bridge> But what was the crash again 19:08 < bridge> ``` 19:08 < bridge> Thread 1 "DDNet" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 19:08 < bridge> CSnapshotDelta::SetStaticsize (this=0x13a50400000014, ItemType=ItemType@entry=21, Size=Size@entry=1) 19:08 < bridge> at /home/teero/software/ddnet/src/engine/shared/snapshot.cpp:271 19:08 < bridge> 271 m_aItemSizes[ItemType] = Size; 19:09 < bridge> ``` 19:10 < bridge> i dont even know how that line can crash tbh 19:10 < bridge> try 65535 19:10 < bridge> when i increased MAX_ITEMS it worked with 69 players 19:11 < bridge> `ItemType` so large that you overflow waaay out of the process memory? 19:11 < bridge> 125 crashed 19:11 < bridge> oh 19:11 < bridge> yeah the whole snapshot stuff is hard to understand 19:11 < bridge> twenyahne 19:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286011777754075136/image.png?ex=66ec5b4c&is=66eb09cc&hm=74597858351cb1f249915cad5c658c9361dacb954f6dcc6749079998fb90539e& 19:11 < bridge> ping patiga xddd 19:12 < bridge> tweniuahne 19:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286011777754075136/image.png?ex=66ec5b4c&is=66eb09cc&hm=74597858351cb1f249915cad5c658c9361dacb954f6dcc6749079998fb90539e& 19:12 < bridge> ping matricks 19:12 < bridge> ping chillerdragon why he destroyed it 19:12 < bridge> Ok, then maybe `this == nullptr` 19:13 < bridge> man read the thing xdd 19:13 < bridge> oh yea 19:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286012190608064512/image.png?ex=66ec5baf&is=66eb0a2f&hm=75ac8100b7d408f017b19b9b74587d7d598342a6a6fd1433189db1d44ab15b4a& 19:13 < bridge> maybe youre right 19:13 < bridge> this is corrupted 19:13 < bridge> it seems 19:13 < bridge> Maybe not nullptr, but definitely not a sane addr 19:13 < bridge> yea 19:13 < bridge> use asan 19:13 < bridge> Writing way outside the process memory, giving you your SIGSEGV 19:13 < bridge> oki 19:15 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/dark-skellies-dark-skellies-building-dark-skellies-build-dark-skellies-devs-gif-26509752 19:16 < bridge> mein rechter rechter platz ist frei ich wünsche mir heinrich herbei 19:16 < bridge> don't speak germany language but i don't want heinrich 19:17 < bridge> just a meme\ 19:17 < bridge> @teero777 just leak the inputs as txt then i give u 8k demo 19:17 < bridge> sure lmao 19:18 < bridge> you can have the code to decode them too xdd 19:18 < bridge> but i would need to write smth to mass-export 40000 files 19:18 < bridge> ah yeah 40k files 19:18 < bridge> ez 19:18 < bridge> can u make json? bcs then ez to import 19:18 < bridge> nah 19:18 < bridge> i already wrote the code in rust 19:18 < bridge> wow 19:19 < bridge> ah true 19:19 < bridge> forgot you are rust dev now 19:19 < bridge> haha doing it in debug takes so long xdd 19:20 < bridge> 100 players works xdd 19:20 < bridge> ok 19:20 < bridge> yess 19:20 < bridge> it crashed lets go 19:21 < bridge> stack-buffer-overflow on address 0x7fffffff92e0 at pc 0x555556b00574 bp 0x7ffffffe8750 sp 0x7ffffffe7f10 19:21 < bridge> yay 19:21 < bridge> AHH 19:21 < bridge> that address 19:22 < bridge> 😂 19:22 < bridge> its always him 19:22 < bridge> hate him 19:22 < bridge> ``` 19:22 < bridge> 0x7fffffff9000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19:22 < bridge> 0x7fffffff9080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19:22 < bridge> 0x7fffffff9100: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19:22 < bridge> 0x7fffffff9180: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19:22 < bridge> 0x7fffffff9200: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19:22 < bridge> =>0x7fffffff9280: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00[f2]f2 f2 f2 19:22 < bridge> 0x7fffffff9300: f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 19:22 < bridge> 0x7fffffff9380: f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f8 f8 f8 f8 19:22 < bridge> 0x7fffffff9400: f8 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 19:22 < bridge> 0x7fffffff9480: f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 f2 f2 f2 f2 f8 f8 f2 f2 f8 f2 19:22 < bridge> 0x7fffffff9500: f2 f2 f8 f3 f3 f3 f3 f3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19:22 < bridge> ``` 19:22 < bridge> look at all his friends 19:22 < bridge> tbh: 19:22 < bridge> 19:23 < bridge> cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wl,--stack,4194304000" 19:23 < bridge> dann ist ruhe 19:23 < bridge> Let me guess, `m_aIdMap` overflowed 19:23 < bridge> @teero777 can u send the whole output somewhere 19:23 < bridge> bcs asan tells you everything 19:23 < bridge> it tells you "this address, this line, this variable" 19:24 < bridge> ```cpp 19:24 < bridge> int CSnapshotBuilder::Finish(void *pSnapData) 19:24 < bridge> { 19:24 < bridge> // flatten and make the snapshot 19:24 < bridge> CSnapshot *pSnap = (CSnapshot *)pSnapData; 19:24 < bridge> pSnap->m_DataSize = m_DataSize; 19:24 < bridge> pSnap->m_NumItems = m_NumItems; 19:24 < bridge> mem_copy(pSnap->Offsets(), m_aOffsets, pSnap->OffsetSize()); 19:24 < bridge> mem_copy(pSnap->DataStart(), m_aData, m_DataSize); 19:24 < bridge> return pSnap->TotalSize(); 19:24 < bridge> } 19:24 < bridge> ``` 19:24 < bridge> the second mem_copy 19:24 < bridge> Or a static member inside `m_SnapshotBuilder` underflowed 19:24 < bridge> Or a static member inside `m_SnapshotBuilder` overflowed 19:25 < bridge> sure 19:25 < bridge> wait 19:25 < bridge> Yeah, that sounds about right, `CSnapshot::MAX_SIZE` is just not big enough 19:25 < bridge> "In software, a stack buffer overflow or stack buffer overrun occurs when a program writes to a memory address on the program's call stack outside of the intended data structure, which is usually a fixed-length buffer." 19:25 < bridge> Is the snap builder on the stack or what 19:28 < bridge> https://pastebin.com/xpua2BT7 19:28 < bridge> here u go ig xd 19:28 < bridge> it really doesnt say much 19:29 < bridge> It tells you exactly what went wrong, what else do you want from it? 19:29 < bridge> ACHSO 19:29 < bridge> And lea even helped you 19:30 < bridge> with his jedi mind 19:30 < bridge> `CSnapshotBuilder` is stored right next to `CSnapshotDelta`, when that `mem_copy` overflows it corrupts `CSnapshotDelta` 19:30 < bridge> @learath2 sry for off-topic, but did u watch star wars? 19:30 < bridge> Nope, I really want to sometime, but just never got to it 19:30 < bridge> ah lol yea im retarted ofc 19:30 < bridge> Ok, yeah seems like that's an age thing 19:30 < bridge> thx 19:31 < bridge> Actually I once asked a couple starwars enjoyer friends of mine which order to watch it in. They got into a fight and I never got my order 19:31 < bridge> So I never watched 19:31 < bridge> You don't even need to watch it to enjoy it 19:32 < bridge> just for the memes 19:32 < bridge> idk what the consequences of making this larger are, but I know you can't do it without a client change too 19:32 < bridge> grandma sends starwars memes on facebook 19:32 < bridge> Maybe allowing more parts would be fine, the clients that don't support that many parts might just drop the snap and not crash 19:32 < bridge> idk this is about saving the demo ig 19:32 < bridge> idk if loading will work either way 19:32 < bridge> i hope so 19:32 < bridge> xd 19:32 < bridge> ahahah 19:33 < bridge> i increased it to 2^16 19:33 < bridge> now the client instantly crashes upon startup 19:33 < bridge> xddd 19:35 < bridge> excellent 19:36 < bridge> works if its 1024 19:36 < bridge> gonna try some stuff ig 19:37 < bridge> okay lets see if it can handle 6402 aipgores runs 19:37 < bridge> it can not 19:38 < bridge> This really looks weird. `CSnapshotBuilder::Finish` write to the `pSnapData` argument which is a char buffer of size `CSnapshot::MAX_SIZE`. The function then copies the offsets and the data into this buffer, but the data could be as large as `CSnapshot::MAX_SIZE` so it wouldn't fit together with the offset and the `m_DataSize` and `m_NumItems` values. 19:38 < bridge> omg 19:38 < bridge> u leaked it 19:38 < bridge> 🤦 19:38 < bridge> spoiler :pepeH: 19:38 < bridge> 🧑‍🏭 19:42 < bridge> @robyt3 leak todo list until 2024 ends 19:42 < bridge> What do you use for todo list? 19:42 < bridge> notepad? 19:42 < bridge> one drive? 19:42 < bridge> leak that too 19:42 < bridge> `TODO.md` in Sublime Text 19:43 < bridge> ez, 19:43 < bridge> ez 19:45 < bridge> has sublime text no copy paste or what 19:46 < bridge> C-c and C-v no` 19:46 < bridge> C-c and C-v no? 19:46 < bridge> After the touch controls are mostly done, 19:46 < bridge> - Better skin loading (also load downloaded skins from file, only redownload if changed) 19:47 < bridge> - Fix all the crashes and bugs when the connecting process goes wrong (see assigned issues) 19:47 < bridge> - Maplist in rcon 19:47 < bridge> - Android CI 19:47 < bridge> (in no particular order) 19:47 < bridge> works normally, I use markdown since I can also draft issues in the TODO file 19:48 < bridge> - learn rust 19:48 < bridge> 🌟 19:52 < bridge> learn emacs + orgmode 🌟 19:53 < bridge> lmao 19:54 < bridge> when i turn up MAX_PARTS and MAX_ITEMS it will crash while constructing CHTTP 19:54 < bridge> :happy: 19:54 < bridge> will try asan once again 19:54 < bridge> simply always use asan 19:54 < bridge> every other tool is trash 19:55 < bridge> printf statements :gigachad: 19:55 < bridge> trash 19:55 < bridge> :( 19:55 < bridge> sry 19:55 < bridge> wholesome 19:55 < bridge> that's how i was learning tw protocol :justatest: 19:56 < bridge> stack-overflow YAY 19:56 < bridge> stack-overflow on address 0x7ffef67224d8 (pc 0x651fa5de7db0 bp 0x7ffefa7229e0 sp 0x7ffef6721d40 T0) 19:56 < bridge> always the evil address 19:56 < bridge> SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: stack-overflow /home/teero/software/ddnet/src/engine/client/client.cpp:93 in CClient::CClient() 19:56 < bridge> `SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: stack-overflow /home/teero/software/ddnet/src/engine/client/client.cpp:93 in CClient::CClient()` 19:58 < bridge> ``` 19:58 < bridge> AddressSanitizer:DEADLYSIGNAL 19:58 < bridge> ================================================================= 19:58 < bridge> ==56981==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: stack-overflow on address 0x7ffef67224d8 (pc 0x651fa5de7db0 bp 0x7ffefa7229e0 sp 0x7ffef6721d40 T0) 19:58 < bridge> #0 0x651fa5de7db0 in CClient::CClient() /home/teero/software/ddnet/src/engine/client/client.cpp:93 19:58 < bridge> #1 0x651fa5e92e75 in CreateClient() /home/teero/software/ddnet/src/engine/client/client.cpp:4406:13 19:58 < bridge> #2 0x651fa5e8c369 in main /home/teero/software/ddnet/src/engine/client/client.cpp:4610:21 19:58 < bridge> #3 0x778f6354ec87 (/usr/lib/libc.so.6+0x25c87) (BuildId: 32a656aa5562eece8c59a585f5eacd6cf5e2307b) 19:58 < bridge> #4 0x778f6354ed4b in __libc_start_main (/usr/lib/libc.so.6+0x25d4b) (BuildId: 32a656aa5562eece8c59a585f5eacd6cf5e2307b) 19:58 < bridge> #5 0x651fa5339ab4 in _start (/home/teero/software/ddnet/build/DDNet+0x14c4ab4) (BuildId: 16d480194dacca7529c8c37226d7454bd767caec) 19:58 < bridge> 19:58 < bridge> SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: stack-overflow /home/teero/software/ddnet/src/engine/client/client.cpp:93 in CClient::CClient() 19:58 < bridge> ==56981==ABORTING 19:58 < bridge> ``` 19:58 < bridge> like wtf 19:58 < bridge> where is the stack overflow 20:00 < bridge> on address 0x7ffef67224d8 20:03 < bridge> https://stackoverflow.com 20:03 < bridge> thank me later 20:04 < bridge> blessed 20:04 < bridge> oh im having a char array with size 67108864 20:05 < bridge> small oopsie 20:05 < bridge> should be fine tho 20:05 < bridge> dont do that. 20:12 < bridge> teeero 20:12 < bridge> just give it infinite stack 20:12 < bridge> 8mb is max on linux 20:12 < bridge> what's the closest of the tw protocol "events" that indicates that I correctly joined the game and can now join spec. 20:14 < bridge> Teero is the most intelligent while brainpooped youngling I've ever met 20:14 < bridge> @teero777 send binary I want to bench 20:14 < bridge> yeah 20:15 < bridge> wow 20:15 < bridge> :xd: 20:15 < bridge> melon leaks that he wants cheats in #developer 20:15 < bridge> as moderator 20:15 < bridge> and i thought i am brave 20:15 < bridge> cheat client??? 20:15 < bridge> i was wrong 20:15 < bridge> what cheat client 20:15 < bridge> i am a nobody 20:16 < bridge> krx 20:16 < bridge> ? Ofc I've been using treealein alive 20:16 < bridge> dont 20:16 < bridge> Deletus 20:16 < bridge> Don't mention names ty:owo: 20:16 < bridge> yeetus 20:16 < bridge> ? Ofc I've been using treealein for years 20:16 < bridge> i'm just joking melon 20:16 < bridge> i just tested melon 20:16 < bridge> every dev enjoyer knows u have rx 7950x3d and rx 7900xtx 20:17 < bridge> 64gb ram 20:17 < bridge> 64gb ram DDR 5 6K 20:17 < bridge> nix user 20:17 < bridge> :gigachad: 20:17 < bridge> intel celeron 1 core 20:17 < bridge> 1 gb ram 20:18 < bridge> ddr 2 20:18 < bridge> windown 11 20:18 < bridge> windows 11 20:19 < bridge> :pepe_ew92: windows 11 uses like 1gb idle with nothing running :cat_hehe: 20:20 < bridge> more like 4 20:20 < bridge> lmao 20:20 < bridge> you think this mf does anything rn? 20:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286029053576347739/image.png?ex=66ec6b63&is=66eb19e3&hm=a0715062fc8d9102b15526adaa0a15b55ec36d0a916152ba9439501cad5bea62& 20:20 < bridge> he cached your entire pc 20:20 < bridge> :KEKW: 20:20 < bridge> You want it to use ram, it's caching files aggressively 20:21 < bridge> I can't stand this aggression, that's why I code everything without it! 20:21 < bridge> @learath2 you just mentioned youtube lags yesterday and now videos are not loading for me xd 20:23 < bridge> see I'm telling you, we need to hang every google executive 20:24 < bridge> Can we code ddplayer to replace YouTube pls 20:25 < bridge> u like the dddemoplayer? 20:25 < bridge> dddddddemoplayer 20:25 < bridge> pg moment 20:25 < bridge> dumb dump dummy dig drag down 20:26 < bridge> dumb dump dummy dig drag down race network\ 20:26 < bridge> drown 20:26 < bridge> dumb dump drown dummy dig drag down race network\ 20:26 < bridge> dumb dump drown dummy don't dig drag down race network\ 20:27 < bridge> dumb dump deutsch drown dummy don't dig drag down race network\ 20:28 < bridge> https://tube.zillyhuhn.com/ 20:29 < bridge> what windows 11 is that 20:29 < bridge> what the fuck is this hell yeaaaaaaah 20:29 < bridge> :cammostripes: 20:30 < bridge> c'mon, no google could never file a lawsuite against me :lol: 20:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286031543026061394/image.png?ex=66ec6db5&is=66eb1c35&hm=23c8bd67143ffe651799b07ee442b4b1398655a7ef990b177996179393e79f3a& 20:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286031543265001513/image.png?ex=66ec6db5&is=66eb1c35&hm=ad3b22d4ea93d25f282c377391c6ac32edc569bfb45969697f5d5540c10cd6a7& 20:30 < bridge> i don't even have rounded edges 20:30 < bridge> Want an admin account? Run this on your terminal 20:30 < bridge> zillyhuhn rustelecom advertisement 20:30 < bridge> don't 20:30 < bridge> ok 20:32 < bridge> bro since when does yt has this weird pink color in thebar 20:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286032008555921408/image.png?ex=66ec6e24&is=66eb1ca4&hm=d6f8772935f05f24c2dcb88deab322a02cd8cc88bd7101207542a1ffe158e259& 20:32 < bridge> this gradient from red to pink 20:32 < bridge> holy shit 20:32 < bridge> I thought it was just me getting older 20:32 < bridge> 310 players worked 20:32 < bridge> AAAA 20:32 < bridge> 310 bots AT ONCE???? 20:32 < bridge> woooow u go so fast 20:33 < bridge> ok wait i have to set MAX_CLIENTS to 310 xd 20:33 < bridge> :pepeW: 20:33 < bridge> another 5min compiling then 20:33 < bridge> i will upload to tube zillyhugn 20:33 < bridge> my PC could do it in 1.2 mins 20:34 < bridge> Send it 20:34 < bridge> chiller give me account 20:34 < bridge> 20:34 < bridge> Chiller where account 20:34 < bridge> :thonk: 20:34 < bridge> i like 1 fps while having the demo open tho 20:34 < bridge> tbf i was on debug build 20:34 < bridge> melon would have 6 fps 20:35 < bridge> man 20:35 < bridge> the truth hurts 20:35 < bridge> always 20:35 < bridge> i am also mad that my pc is worse than his 20:35 < bridge> wtFF 20:35 < bridge> i feel like a second class person 20:36 < bridge> :gigachad: 20:37 < bridge> wth 20:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286033305518604378/2024-09-18_20-36-27.mp4?ex=66ec6f59&is=66eb1dd9&hm=e2ab83759c0bd21bde13abe57d5308f3f541276011b493750208e5f324c1461e& 20:37 < bridge> whats your specs 20:38 < bridge> thanks for asking 20:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286033639603306587/image.png?ex=66ec6fa9&is=66eb1e29&hm=5850b4aa35748f795da635c51a8eae7a3d73ae4a1d2711e744f90d028bd502e3& 20:39 < bridge> Mines worse, I wonder what melon has 20:39 < bridge> dual 4090 20:39 < bridge> 1000p worked 20:40 < bridge> but the demo player can't handle it i assume? 20:43 < bridge> ulimit -s inf 20:44 < bridge> or smth like that 20:44 < bridge> rx 7950x3d, rx 7900xtx 20:45 < bridge> only one richer is chiller with 4090 and some badass intel 20:45 < bridge> ez 1gb stack if you need it 20:45 < bridge> but it needs to be allocated contiguously 20:45 < bridge> what os hes running? 20:46 < bridge> FyI 20:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286035516994748570/image.png?ex=66ec7168&is=66eb1fe8&hm=136222e581fae489d51d1dc3a35b1726748ad1a24676f4e44b035973fee1a654& 20:47 < bridge> 11 hours uptime - my guy... 20:47 < bridge> oh 20:47 < bridge> did i restart today? 20:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286036016209334323/image.png?ex=66ec71df&is=66eb205f&hm=ea9206fcb1660b22eb38bf6bf468b5bf30c01aca5181f5870c94adcebdc55ec5& 20:48 < bridge> :pepeW: 20:48 < bridge> i respect your 9 flatpak packages 20:48 < bridge> Raphael 20:48 < bridge> igpu 20:48 < bridge> i have the same 20:49 < bridge> mine often goes for days 20:49 < bridge> i have just been turning off the surge protector for all my pc stuff at night 20:49 < bridge> you have more packages than me :o 20:49 < bridge> Lightly sounds like white theme 20:49 < bridge> can you explain yourself? 20:50 < bridge> ok im poor asf 20:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286036587116892201/image.png?ex=66ec7267&is=66eb20e7&hm=5a4a361932fc0136cc188936bbc8079f17a1a8e5714582e4d56d5d6a8e9161ae& 20:50 < bridge> i respect that we all hating on wayland constantly - yet we all use it 20:50 < bridge> :pepeW: 20:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286036690904813750/image.png?ex=66ec7280&is=66eb2100&hm=143673463c1cb3704322d92da10b601809a23dafef6547be43b01ff5ec8d92e3& 20:50 < bridge> x11 enjoyer spotted 20:51 < bridge> that is bcs it sucks as much as it is good 20:52 < bridge> i use x11 too btw xd 20:52 < bridge> its my first week in linux idk about it 😬 20:53 < bridge> your hyprland config is riced tho - i respect it! 20:53 < bridge> could immediatly tell off of the edges u know 20:56 < bridge> the edges are default, I just changed the border radius and the background blur & opacity 20:56 < bridge> Not really a rice but Im working on it 20:58 < bridge> typically it is 20:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286038712521723964/image.png?ex=66ec7462&is=66eb22e2&hm=7eb94170fb0e607f7ca056123dd30b1a98a78ede99459cc6b08bfcf877252cec& 20:58 < bridge> but QPalette 21:00 < bridge> we are such weirdos 21:00 < bridge> sharing our linux setups as if we are cool kids 21:00 < bridge> ye 21:00 < bridge> i thought about it yesterday 21:00 < bridge> and the only reason this is as cool as it is is bcs it's one of the few things you can't really throw money at to make better 21:00 < bridge> it's solely about the time that you put into it 21:02 < bridge> i got 10:59 21:02 < bridge> uptime? 21:02 < bridge> y 21:02 < bridge> not bad 21:03 < bridge> microsoft suddenly cancelled my product key after a clean install that was the last drop 21:04 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/295908390956433410/1285835410001498123 21:04 < bridge> microsoft suddenly cancelled my product key after a clean install 21:05 < bridge> i love how that site has grown 21:05 < bridge> i downloaded my windows iot ltsc and windows server ISOs from there 21:06 < bridge> <01000111g> I never got wayland to work with games. Even tho I thought fullscreen apps shouldt depend on x11 or wayland, i always have stutters on wayland... for me its a mysterium 21:06 < bridge> what wm? 21:07 < bridge> Too late to return 21:07 < bridge> wdym 21:07 < bridge> you just open powershell and type the command on the right side of that image 21:07 < bridge> you guys are on my list now 21:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286040998551617647/image.png?ex=66ec7683&is=66eb2503&hm=c45c001bb135745633f5885194599512d0821aaeeea09102a35b6946976f510e& 21:08 < bridge> Im on linux 21:08 < bridge> <01000111g> gnome? is that a wm? 21:08 < bridge> oh no there's a list 21:08 < bridge> oh lol 21:08 < bridge> not technically 21:08 < bridge> but yea 21:08 < bridge> mutter just sucks 21:08 < bridge> bad 21:08 < bridge> i think gnome ships with Mutter ? 21:08 < bridge> can i too? 21:08 < bridge> ye 21:08 < bridge> i lied before 21:08 < bridge> why does it say A? 21:08 < bridge> it was 1051 21:08 < bridge> I wouldve riced fastfetch if you said beforehand 21:09 < bridge> <01000111g> should i change it so i can rice my hyprland like the cool boys 21:09 < bridge> its literally default 21:09 < bridge> @01000111g I was running GNOME on wayland for a bit (on 150% screens) and every game would run at 75% resolution and have terrible baseline latency, FPS and stutters 21:09 < bridge> heh. 21:09 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286041405965209680/image.png?ex=66ec76e4&is=66eb2564&hm=68ac4cb30aca346fa62df621aa5f22a4caffdebf97a3c5ca8227ffed1ddf0011& 21:09 < bridge> any windows fans. 21:09 < bridge> dont recommend if you've familiarized yourself for now 21:09 < bridge> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH **deletes** 21:09 < bridge> No ty 21:09 < bridge> not necessarily hyprland but some wlroots compositor 21:09 < bridge> you should have better results 21:10 < bridge> should have riced 21:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286041600438304809/2024-09-18_21-09.png?ex=66ec7713&is=66eb2593&hm=98efc402060368cc5c67555faaf1b06ec05034f9f6242bbe2e3416f06852c0b3& 21:10 < bridge> 11 hours of bot coding 21:10 < bridge> ?! 21:10 < bridge> the tiling features took me a while to get used to again (even after having run i3 on my laptop in high school) 21:10 < bridge> tiling is the best 21:10 < bridge> <01000111g> yeah, I didnt got it to work properly on my intel/nvidia desktop nor on my amd based laptop ... at some point i gave up and used x exclusively, even tho everypne always talks about how nice wayland is 21:10 < bridge> Precision Tower 3620 21:10 < bridge> u guys really need to try light theme 21:10 < bridge> no 21:10 < bridge> dont tower shame 21:11 < bridge> xorg on GNOME is much more stable than wayland tbh 21:11 < bridge> i hear XFCE works well on wayland now 21:11 < bridge> havent used since 2020 21:11 < bridge> <01000111g> Why 60hz tho 😦 21:11 < bridge> new list incoming 21:11 < bridge> yea 21:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286042032237838409/image.png?ex=66ec7779&is=66eb25f9&hm=dc7ad0b7e71220c06ba73f6e446cfcafe3a84a241ba5eecc0ac72fff2ffe3c4d& 21:11 < bridge> my brain doesnt like it 21:12 < bridge> nor does my power bill... or rather my conscience knowing that light theme will cost me an extra 2 cents per month 21:12 < bridge> nixos 🤝 🫶 21:12 < bridge> gentoo is missing 21:12 < bridge> i did use light on windows for a good while but my screens are large and bright 21:13 < bridge> @ryozuki 21:13 < bridge> we lost ryo after he got a girl 21:13 < bridge> <01000111g> am i a noob if i dont know that snowflake os? is it gentoo or nixos? 21:13 < bridge> ban 21:13 < bridge> is sad but true 21:13 < bridge> (it's nixos) 21:14 < bridge> @blaiszephyr & u r only here bcs your girl is on this discord too 21:14 < bridge> 😉 21:14 < bridge> wtf 21:14 < bridge> 😉 21:14 < bridge> are u cheating on me 21:14 < bridge> 😉 21:14 < bridge> basically jupsti and milkeey want stuff to be stable - zaerin and teero want customizable shit - and me and ewan just hate ourselfs and love reading manuals for 20 hours a day just to realise it's a single typo messing up our entire config 21:14 < bridge> yep 21:14 < bridge> what is srt-bwrap 😭 21:14 < bridge> stop leak 21:15 < bridge> nixos has taken a legitimate toll on my mental health 21:15 < bridge> i want stuff to work* xd 21:15 < bridge> same... 21:15 < bridge> i have pages and pages of things to fix in my notes 21:15 < bridge> and every time i look at it i shit my pants 21:15 < bridge> real and true... 21:15 < bridge> words of a windows user 21:15 < bridge> be strong 21:16 < bridge> ^words of a windows user 21:16 < bridge> debian sid is the most unstable shit ever XD 21:16 < bridge> true 21:16 < bridge> it's just that every time i try arch, it's even worse or has fewer packages 21:16 < bridge> its just a sandboxxed shell environment (?) - source: google 21:16 < bridge> like in debian most of the stuff i want doesnt even fucking exist in the package manager since its 7 years behind to be "stable" 21:16 < bridge> arch is prob the best distro for learning 21:16 < bridge> Same, 21:16 < bridge> missing taskbar, 90s file manager, no clipboard 21:16 < bridge> damn 21:17 < bridge> pcmanfm 21:17 < bridge> best 21:17 < bridge> nautilus user here 21:17 < bridge> nautilus bloat 21:17 < bridge> Is discord really picking my terminal emulator as activity 21:17 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286043453540798514/image.png?ex=66ec78cc&is=66eb274c&hm=5aea99faf52b24f34cf6ae8d67e8dad1c6ecde003680163f1b2bf261ed6aad11& 21:17 < bridge> although i mostly use the terminal xdd 21:17 < bridge> sometimes i like to browse remote filesystems graphically. and it integrates the best into gnome disks 21:17 < bridge> <01000111g> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286043498646081668/attatchment.r1v9ti.png?ex=66ec78d7&is=66eb2757&hm=c6f7dd2dc892217c7f56467d2468af9c10b36303979383a1ab45089ad53ddc1a& 21:17 < bridge> <01000111g> this was my main desktop waiting in germany 21:18 < bridge> nice 21:18 < bridge> <01000111g> but nowdays i dont care bout looks cuz i actually have to work xdd 21:18 < bridge> looks straight out of unixporn 21:18 < bridge> i need to get my config to a stable point so i dont have to be managing it all the time 21:18 < bridge> they all use neovim there 21:18 < bridge> but then i want more... 21:19 < bridge> <01000111g> Yeah, i went with the nordic theme, but i didnt install a nice wm tbh 21:19 < bridge> true 21:19 < bridge> like everyone should 21:19 < bridge> i think gnome is actually the best as far as UX goes 21:19 < bridge> the day you have a single shortcut to automatically open up a terminal with your config cd'd into and nvim started in webrc is the day you question yourself what you're doing with your life... 21:19 < bridge> like most ppl should 21:19 < bridge> their devs just dont care about anything but office use n shit 21:19 < bridge> yea 21:19 < bridge> Spend 6 hours automating it 21:19 < bridge> ._. 21:20 < bridge> i super + q and type "c", autocomplete `code --new-window ~/shit/ --disable-gpu` 21:20 < bridge> then i lose 21:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286044135781957644/image.png?ex=66ec796f&is=66eb27ef&hm=c60f8339702539563332e67a26e04a24243747a4ff6c3f9cde8851e16ba5df56& 21:20 < bridge> I clean installed arch 2 times to figure out my bluetooth headset 21:20 < bridge> u just need to enable codecs in whichever pipewire session manager u use 21:20 < bridge> laughs in `hardware.bluetooth.enable = true;` 21:20 < bridge> still have to connect, disconnect, connect again to get the correct profiles to show up idk why 21:20 < bridge> i have bind in tmux to open projects i work on with key shortcut 😏 21:21 < bridge> I tried..... 21:21 < bridge> ```nix 21:21 < bridge> bluetoothEnhancements = { 21:21 < bridge> "monitor.bluez.properties" = { 21:21 < bridge> "bluez5.enable-sbc-xq" = true; 21:21 < bridge> "bluez5.enable-msbc" = true; 21:21 < bridge> "bluez5.enable-hw-volume" = true; 21:21 < bridge> 21:21 < bridge> "bluez5.codecs" = [ 21:21 < bridge> "ldac" 21:21 < bridge> "aptx" 21:21 < bridge> "aptx_11_duplex" 21:21 < bridge> "aptx_11" 21:21 < bridge> "aptx_hd" 21:21 < bridge> "opus_05_pro" 21:21 < bridge> "opus_05_71" 21:21 < bridge> "opus_05_51" 21:21 < bridge> "opus_05" 21:21 < bridge> "opus_05_duplex" 21:21 < bridge> "aac" 21:21 < bridge> "sbc_xq" 21:22 < bridge> ]; 21:22 < bridge> 21:22 < bridge> "bluez5.roles" = [ 21:22 < bridge> "a2dp_sink" 21:22 < bridge> "a2dp_source" 21:22 < bridge> "bap_sink" 21:22 < bridge> "bap_source" 21:22 < bridge> "hsp_hs" 21:22 < bridge> "hsp_ag" 21:22 < bridge> "hfp_hf" 21:22 < bridge> "hfp_ag" 21:22 < bridge> mine 21:22 < bridge> but u cant 21:22 < bridge> cuz NIXOS 21:22 < bridge> it may not actually be this 21:22 < bridge> nixos is kind of smoke and mirrors 21:23 < bridge> as far as what packages and config files are actually being used 21:23 < bridge> when u type feature.enable = true 21:24 < bridge> my entire workspace froze trying to screenshot the issue 21:24 < bridge> nice 21:24 < bridge> basically codecs dont show up unless you connect it a second time 21:24 < bridge> in pavucontrol 21:25 < bridge> oh are u using pulseaudio 21:25 < bridge> @blaiszephyr weird question. what NIC do you have 21:25 < bridge> Pulseaudio (on pipewire 1.2.3) 21:26 < bridge> you're not actually using pulseaudio then 21:26 < bridge> pipewire reimplements the pulse protocol 21:26 < bridge> i dont think the config tool is necessarily the issue but i find pwvucontrol does generally work better 21:27 < bridge> the ones missing are a2dp 21:27 < bridge> i think the cards tab is totally different 21:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286045919195828234/image.png?ex=66ec7b18&is=66eb2998&hm=a73897f6b44692ef338fb80989d58ebc6789d96e32864846704060df66a8dca2& 21:27 < bridge> hsp is always there 21:27 < bridge> but if u change it here i think it should persist on a non-declarative system 21:28 < bridge> hmm 21:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286046092496212069/image.png?ex=66ec7b42&is=66eb29c2&hm=ccc7acf10367e885309dcb9dd5bb29cffd1e5ef04a9a44b2203976505651cd22& 21:28 < bridge> I cant screenshot the dropdown 21:28 < bridge> aac is probably your best bet 21:28 < bridge> Yeah it works great 21:28 < bridge> that looks like pavucontrol tho 21:28 < bridge> try pwvucontrol 21:29 < bridge> I thought you did a typo there 🤦‍♂️ 21:29 < bridge> xD 21:29 < bridge> woah 21:29 < bridge> network card? 21:29 < bridge> yea 21:29 < bridge> 0e:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8125 2.5GbE Controller (rev 05) 21:29 < bridge> ig 21:29 < bridge> lucky 21:29 < bridge> i ahve intel i-225v 21:29 < bridge> igc driver crashes all the time 21:29 < bridge> oh 21:29 < bridge> ew 21:29 < bridge> is it on the AUR 21:30 < bridge> i think it'd be in extra repos 21:30 < bridge> yup pavu is in extra repo 21:30 < bridge> 21:30 < bridge> https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/pavucontrol/ 21:30 < bridge> noo 21:30 < bridge> pwvucontrol 21:30 < bridge> 😎 21:30 < bridge> oh wait that's something else? 21:30 < bridge> ye 21:31 < bridge> how to solve it? 21:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286046854789988513/image.png?ex=66ec7bf7&is=66eb2a77&hm=51d5a523a216cafa3e63a5a5383aa108f34584c11ea5ea190bf092b852755b6c& 21:31 < bridge> it was on the aur 21:31 < bridge> remove skins 21:31 < bridge> remove 4k and high resolution skins and assets 21:31 < bridge> it literally says it btw. please read the error message 21:31 < bridge> the game has no lazy loading - so it loads everything at once 21:31 < bridge> ah 21:31 < bridge> where did you download you custom skins from? 21:31 < bridge> 21:31 < bridge> How do I start pwvucontrol 21:32 < bridge> `pwvucontrol` 21:32 < bridge> we had all the annoying 4k skins gone 21:32 < bridge> now many ppl this again xd 21:32 < bridge> is teedata still unmaintained? 21:32 < bridge> zsh: command not found: pwvucontrol 21:32 < bridge> how did you install it from aur? 21:32 < bridge> did you use a helper? restart your terminal session 21:32 < bridge> yay pwvucontrol 21:32 < bridge> I did 21:32 < bridge> i think yay needs -S 21:32 < bridge> how to do it 21:33 < bridge> this is my aur helper 21:33 < bridge> if u wanted to win 21:33 < bridge> ah there was an error in the installation 21:33 < bridge> im blind 21:34 < bridge> #questions 21:34 < bridge> i need a developer!! i can't read!! 21:34 < bridge> blund of you to assume i can read 21:34 < bridge> lmao 21:35 < bridge> I don't understand because I searched all the folders and didn't find the textures that I installed, and when I go into the settings, this error pops up in the interior of the game 21:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286047878258884609/image.png?ex=66ec7ceb&is=66eb2b6b&hm=2c528e8811cddcfdd3e535d97217ef3564db2d7e54bc3c31257d3b9066de1c9b& 21:35 < bridge> how do u get the bot to say the data dir 21:35 < bridge> $rtfm configdir 21:35 < bridge> AUR moment 21:35 < bridge> Setting not found. 21:35 < bridge> !datadir 21:35 < bridge> nah it was $ 21:35 < bridge> hm 21:35 < bridge> $rtfm local 21:35 < bridge> Setting not found. 21:35 < bridge> god damn it bot 21:36 < bridge> this happened before but I forgot the fix 21:36 < bridge> $configdir 21:36 < bridge> THANK YOU 21:36 < bridge> ty 21:36 < bridge> press Win + R; type `%appdata%\DDNet`; delete everything in `skins` and `downloadedskins` i guess 21:37 < bridge> @dr.peper._. forgot to ping you 21:37 < bridge> ghostscript is on the arch repos too 21:37 < bridge> but it still fails 21:37 < bridge> not aur 21:37 < bridge> get it first 21:37 < bridge> yay -S ghostscript 21:37 < bridge> not rly its work taking over my programming battery 21:37 < bridge> or w/e 21:37 < bridge> same error on all 21:38 < bridge> gentoo 21:39 < bridge> Thank you my friend 21:39 < bridge> ya 21:39 < bridge> gentoo if you hate yourself and all your ancestors - you dont care what happened or will happen, all you do is wear a single batch hidden from peasants eyes mildly displaying "i use gentoo btw" on your left arm 21:39 < bridge> @dr.peper._. where did u download your skins from? 21:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286049106732519435/DDNe.rar?ex=66ec7e10&is=66eb2c90&hm=28ec448235a245811a4212bac60dfd67f28500022ba7dc8f430853f51f3a29f6& 21:40 < bridge> where did u get that rar 😄 21:40 < bridge> is there some discord for that? 21:40 < bridge> best rar 21:40 < bridge> tnhat 21:40 < bridge> thatbest rar 21:40 < bridge> nak tekctyp anr ddne.rar ._. 21:40 < bridge> that's not even the best skins rar 21:40 < bridge> yea 21:40 < bridge> ik 21:40 < bridge> I downloaded a lot of textures at once, and that's why I was thrown out of the game. 21:41 < bridge> yes, but who gave you these textures 21:41 < bridge> just add skins 1 by one as you need them 21:41 < bridge> who cares XD 21:41 < bridge> your friend? 21:41 < bridge> jupstar goes on a manhunt 21:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1286049531494006896/2000_skins_ddnet.rar?ex=66ec7e75&is=66eb2cf5&hm=9489fb9cb993c0063fad3b63b0ea1188ae27e9862fc9da963270050b675b6079& 21:41 < bridge> > 21:41 < bridge> well i care bcs ppl should understand that sharing 4k textures is bad 21:41 < bridge> it isn't 21:41 < bridge> alter 21:41 < bridge> There are many intusiasts on Russian YouTube 21:42 < bridge> ok thanks 21:42 < bridge> u dont zooz much do u jopsti 21:42 < bridge> there is a real need for it 21:42 < bridge> esp at hi res 21:42 < bridge> cmonm 21:42 < bridge> cmon 21:42 < bridge> don't do this to me tonight 21:42 < bridge> xd 21:42 < bridge> so close to rm -rf /* 21:42 < bridge> 1:42 pm 21:42 < bridge> Since I'm from Russia, this is not a problem, but with solving problems like removing textures, it's a real trouble 21:43 < bridge> Thank you, I'm off. 21:43 < bridge> yeah it's a problem that they share textures for 32k monitors 😄 21:43 < bridge> nobody has those 21:43 < bridge> if u use the vulkan backend i believe that skins will be backed by system memory if u have no vram 21:43 < bridge> ya 21:43 < bridge> well if they don't warn about the 4k skins it's bad 21:44 < bridge> the problem is, even on opengl these textures probably cause some laggs 21:44 < bridge> bcs they are really cache unfriendly 21:44 < bridge> yea 21:44 < bridge> Yes, it is more so when weak computers it depresses the situation 21:44 < bridge> tho u know the real answer right 21:44 < bridge> that's a DDNet problem 21:44 < bridge> not a skins problem 21:44 < bridge> yeah maybe we should, depending on the users resolution or smth xd 21:44 < bridge> where do they find 4k ddnet skins 21:45 < bridge> you can render at any res 21:45 < bridge> ach i gotta get some work done 21:46 < bridge> bbl 21:56 < bridge> Got it from flatpak but now it crashes on any button click 21:58 < bridge> i thought this tool was way more popular tbh 21:58 < bridge> works great for me 22:04 < bridge> It worked after rebooting 22:04 < bridge> fixed my problem too 22:04 < bridge> tyyy 22:05 < bridge> nice