00:02 < bridge> oh, well my setting is putted in the another window like 00:02 < bridge> /share/ddnet/newfolder/client_setting.cfg 00:02 < bridge> oh, well my setting is putted in the another folder 01:11 < bridge> evidently not 01:28 < bridge> i want to start testing the beta of a new version of ddnet trashmap soon. could i maybe have a channel on this server to direct people to for feedback? @Discord Mod (i hope i didn't ping too many - can't figure out how to see who is part of a role on discord) 01:33 < bridge> Click members at the top of the list, you pinged murpi and heinrich 01:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1284295906174439507/image.png?ex=66e61d45&is=66e4cbc5&hm=aa9f6825dea22027aa2e7590058ae7186499a5bb2c57fd0ce7c6ba2ab06c96a9& 02:04 < bridge> :gigachad: 03:02 < bridge> if you only want feedback from everyone maybe a #town-hall post can suit your needs. 09:39 < bridge> Oke, I don't know how it has to be written but my way for checking types is just bunch of nested if statements xd https://github.com/MilkeeyCat/meraki/blob/df8418c4835b856337d801bd98a3b2e31660a2e6/src/passes/type_checker.rs#L218-L284 09:44 < bridge> does ur lang support type inference? 09:45 < bridge> i.e, if u do x == 2, does it infer the 2 type to be equal to x (if possible?) 09:45 < bridge> if so, u should read about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindley%E2%80%93Milner_type_system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_inference 09:46 < bridge> ye, it infer types for integer literals 09:46 < bridge> type systems are the hard part of frontend compilers xd 09:46 < bridge> ` left.type_(scope)?` 09:46 < bridge> why type_ 09:47 < bridge> maybe i have some kind of autism but i cant help seeing names like that xdd 09:47 < bridge> @milkeeycat my tip is to use rust powerful enums as much as possible 09:48 < bridge> ie u can declare a enum of builtin types with a variant of a id of a user type 09:48 < bridge> https://github.com/MilkeeyCat/meraki/blob/df8418c4835b856337d801bd98a3b2e31660a2e6/src/types/types.rs#L11-L27 09:48 < bridge> well a builtin type can be a struct with the given fields who are also types 09:49 < bridge> and those are what user types are made of 09:49 < bridge> why is struct a string and not a vec of types ?? 09:49 < bridge> Vec 09:49 < bridge> it's just a name for entry in a type table 09:50 < bridge> ah i see 09:50 < bridge> well u should use maybe a numeric id 09:50 < bridge> more efficient 09:50 < bridge> string requires heap alloc 09:50 < bridge> or a Uuid, which is copy 09:50 < bridge> (its a u128 iirc) 09:51 < bridge> my whole problem is that it doesn't work, optimization isn't the thing i care the most right now xdd 09:51 < bridge> ah i see why u type type_ 09:51 < bridge> rust tip for you 09:51 < bridge> u can use the keyword reserved type name 09:51 < bridge> using 09:51 < bridge> `r#type` 09:51 < bridge> as the name 09:51 < bridge> ```rust 09:51 < bridge> #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Hash)] 09:51 < bridge> pub struct TypeArray { 09:51 < bridge> pub r#type: Box, 09:51 < bridge> pub length: usize, 09:51 < bridge> } 09:51 < bridge> ``` 09:51 < bridge> altho i recommend just "ty" 09:51 < bridge> class :greenthing: 09:51 < bridge> r#type looks ugly 09:51 < bridge> 😬 09:52 < bridge> ye xd 09:52 < bridge> i use ty 09:52 < bridge> rustc also uses ty 09:52 < bridge> but its dope u can use keywords 09:52 < bridge> i like type_ 09:52 < bridge> have you guys seen the new `do yeet` keyword in rust? 😎 09:52 < bridge> its a name to prevent bikeshedding xd 09:53 < ws-client> sos developers idk how to do memory management. Im still stuck at using the sql code -.- 09:53 < ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/5a4d8e26e61e4b2f7990eec172572e233c7a60b3/src/game/server/score.cpp#L39-L42 09:54 < ws-client> i am trying to pass a type here that is not a string 09:54 < ws-client> i have a bunch of classes that all inherit from a base class and i would like to pass then to the sql worker thread 09:55 < ws-client> can i have the ``CSqlPlayerRequest`` hold it on the stack and do a mem copy from a pointer or something like that? :D 09:57 < ws-client> i think i know how to do with if the ``CSqlPlayerRequest`` holds a pointer to the base class but that would then remove the RAII and i have to free the memory on all exit branches of the worker thread 09:58 < bridge> @milkeeycat for type inference, u basically have points in the code which gives you types for variables, these are usually in "let" statements (where u declare a variable, like `int x` or `let x: 2`, in function parameters and in function return types), from those points u can start infering 09:58 < bridge> 09:58 < bridge> Usually this is done with a "unify" method 09:58 < bridge> 09:58 < bridge> To briefly summarize the union-find algorithm, given the set of all types in a proof, it allows one to group them together into equivalence classes by means of a union procedure and to pick a representative for each such class using a find procedure. Emphasizing the word procedure in the sense of side effect, we're clearly leaving the realm of logic in order to prepare an effective algorithm. The representative of a u n i o n ( a , b ) {\displaysty 09:58 < bridge> ``` 09:58 < bridge> unify(ta, tb): 09:58 < bridge> ta = find(ta) 09:58 < bridge> tb = find(tb) 09:58 < bridge> if both ta,tb are terms of the form D p1..pn with identical D,n then 09:58 < bridge> unify(ta[i], tb[i]) for each corresponding ith parameter 09:58 < bridge> else 09:58 < bridge> if at least one of ta,tb is a type variable then 09:58 < bridge> union(ta, tb) 09:58 < bridge> else 09:58 < bridge> error 'types do not match' 09:58 < bridge> ``` 09:58 < bridge> anyway u should either read a bit or just go by ur heart and do if elses 09:59 < bridge> i saw `unify` method in rustc :clueless: 10:01 < bridge> thanks, ill read about dis stuff 10:17 < ws-client> ok i think i got it 10:17 < ws-client> at least it doesnt crash and valgrind does not complain. But i feel dirty for using malloc and memcopy im sure i introduced some UB. 10:47 < bridge> yes that works for me 10:47 < bridge> i for got about discord forums :D 10:47 < bridge> i forgot about discord forums :D 11:12 < bridge> @Discord Mod no need to create a channel then 11:36 < bridge> Most normal sta Client moment 12:30 < bridge> Hello, I want to create a list server for my client that I am practicing, can anyone help me? 12:35 < ws-client> a "list server" is a master server? 12:36 < bridge> mean server list 12:37 < bridge> How can I put my own servers in the section that is for the server list? 12:39 < bridge> It's not very easy if you don't know a lot about how computers work 12:39 < bridge> https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/LAN_Server#Setting_Up_Your_LAN_Server_for_Online_Play 12:40 < bridge> I don't mean server LAN 12:40 < bridge> <01000111g> open a thread in #town-hall 12:40 < bridge> I don't mean server LAN @jupeyy_keks 12:42 < bridge> You didn't even read the link 12:42 < bridge> "Setting Up Your LAN Server for Online Play" 12:43 < bridge> If you want to host a server on a VPS that is even harder 12:43 < bridge> You should read/watch some tutorials first 13:34 < bridge> hello all 14:18 < bridge> how can fix this error? 14:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1284488505300353116/Screenshot_2024-09-14_152746.png?ex=66e6d0a4&is=66e57f24&hm=3e211c154580a1e64701f64a57560f9fa7d1cb9529ac9d450950d2a77789cb16& 14:19 < bridge> what are you even compiling xd 14:19 < bridge> mastersrv 14:19 < bridge> HAHAHAHA 14:20 < bridge> i dunno if mastersrv was ever tested for windows 14:20 < bridge> guess you have to use linux 14:20 < bridge> ok 14:20 < bridge> but why do u even want a own mastersrv? 14:20 < bridge> it's not very easy to use that 14:21 < bridge> if you want to register your server to the server list, follow the tutorials 14:21 < bridge> the mastersrv has nothing to do with that 14:28 < bridge> @jupeyy_kekswe have server in iran 14:42 < ws-client> I thought ddnet persian is already hosting a master. Can't you register there? @zakharkosh 14:42 < bridge> no is privet 14:42 < ws-client> thats annoying 14:42 < bridge> 😂 14:43 < ws-client> so soon there will be two custom persian clients with two master servers? -.- 14:43 < ws-client> you better make yours open then :p 14:43 < bridge> damn no 14:43 < ws-client> no? 14:43 < bridge> x 14:43 < bridge> d 14:43 < bridge> so soon there will be two custom persian clients with two master servers? -.- 14:43 < bridge> no 14:44 < ws-client> i thought you are working on that? 14:44 < bridge> Yes thats right 14:45 < ws-client> So if you succeed you will create a master server and a custom client? 14:45 < ws-client> Then there will be two? Or what do you mean by "no" xd 14:45 < bridge> I have a separate client procedure, I do work 14:46 < ws-client> ? 14:46 < bridge> 🐴 14:46 < ws-client> do you have a linux server @zakharkosh ? 14:46 < bridge> martix gang 14:47 < ws-client> matrix sok :p 14:47 < bridge> yes chiller 14:47 < ws-client> nice 14:48 < bridge> I ran into an error i compile mastersrv on windows and get this error , you know what is this? 14:49 < ws-client> i dont see images you send on discord 14:49 < bridge> error: reference to packed field unaligned 14:49 < ws-client> also i dont use windows and i recommend you to also just compile it on linux and ignore windows errors 14:49 < bridge> oo sure ok 14:50 < bridge> Chiller, what do you think about making a ski mod? 14:51 < ws-client> but if i had to debug this i would probably play with versions. with the rust version and with the version of the dependency that throws the error 14:51 < ws-client> @zakharkosh i cant imagine how a ski mod looks like 14:52 < ws-client> ski is about slopes there is no smooth slope prediction right now. Would have to be something cursed with speedups i guess. 14:52 < ws-client> oh but you make your own client so you could ship prediction yeah 14:52 < ws-client> anyways i was never into sports games so for me personally it doesnt sound like fun 14:53 < bridge> So what do you think about adding gambling to DDNetPP? 😂 14:56 < ws-client> Edgy as I am ofc do I appreciate drugs, gambling and hookers 14:56 < ws-client> there actually already is 14:57 < ws-client> @zakharkosh `/StockMarket buy` to gamble in ddnet++ 14:58 < ws-client> its pvp based gambling i never really got hooked in pve based gambling 14:59 < bridge> No, don't let it go, young people will be miserable 15:34 < bridge> how to install plugins on the server 15:38 < ws-client> @dizyyy123 the only thing that comes close to a plugin system is antibot modules but there arent any public ones available. 15:38 < ws-client> @dizyyy123 what kind of plugin are you looking for? 15:39 < bridge> register, money, shop 15:48 < ws-client> i recommend using a custom server for that 15:48 < ws-client> lucky you these days you have 3 open source projects that implement exactly that 15:50 < ws-client> There is https://github.com/0xfaulty/ddnet-mode which is a huuuuge feature rich modification also known as 0xf it is actively maintained by russian developers checkout there public servers for a preview search "0xF" 15:51 < bridge> and how is it all done? 15:51 < ws-client> then there is https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace/ developed by the german potato fokkonaut. Known for its BlmapChill server. Has 128 support and also a strong set of features. 15:51 < bridge> how to do it on the server trashmap 15:52 < bridge> chillerdragon: when own :nobot: module? 15:53 < ws-client> then there is https://github.com/DDNetPP/DDNetPP DDNet++ which was mostly developed by me with contributions from both the 0xF team and fokkonaut! Its barely maintained these days and has lots of bugs. But the shop is customizable so you can chose which entries you want in the shop. 15:54 < ws-client> @dizyyy123 you can't put it on trash map its for maps not for servers you should buy a linux server and host it your self. Or you can rent a fully managed tw server from me for 1 euro a month. 15:55 < ws-client> @milkeeycat i thought about it. But i don't enjoy developing closed source software that produces bans too much both things i despise. Also I never really had problems with botters on my servers. I was playing with the idea of an open source module for the public but i think heinrich recommended me not to do it. 15:56 < bridge> ye, i meant open source antibot xd 15:56 < ws-client> i was thinking about becoming the next cloudflare for teeworlds tho. That sounds more interesting to me. Some kind of reverse proxy flood protection human captcha in game shenanigan system. 15:57 < ws-client> another thing i wanted to do is build a antibot module just to explore the api and see how much can be done. And then spam prs to ddnet extending it to become a generic plugin api. It would be really cool if it had more hooks and would allow loading multiple modules. 15:57 < ws-client> then we could send this dizyyy guy some shop.dll and he could just plug and play 15:58 < ws-client> i love how in minecraft as a non technical server admin you can really build your own modification without knowing how to code by mix and matching a bunch of plugins 16:01 < ws-client> i guess i should open a discussion issue for that. I just remembered how much i wanted it 16:05 < bridge> The free speech absolutist probably also supports the rights of botters 16:06 < ws-client> spinbotters and chat botters for sure i was always protecting them 16:07 < ws-client> unfair advantage in game such as aimbot is not nice! i still prefer kick, jail, freeze or stuff like that over a mute/ban at all times. 16:08 < bridge> the fact that you say that spinbotting is not an unfair advantage only bcs you like it, is already concerning 16:08 < bridge> it defs creates confusion and makes the opponent harder to read 16:08 < ws-client> its not an unfair advantage the onlything sus about it is that it can be used to mask aimbots 16:09 < bridge> It's fair if everyone bots :think_bot: 16:09 < ws-client> i have low respekt for spinbotters since i take pride in manual spinning but i dont think they should be banned 16:09 < bridge> if everyone would be allowed to, teero & tater would win :lol: 16:10 < ws-client> @learath2 oh yea that too! bot vs bot i enjoy minecraft anarchy servers where everyone runs around with a hack client 16:10 < bridge> Libertarian moment 16:10 < ws-client> i am not sure how fun a anarchy server in tw would be that embraces hacking i guess depends on the gametype 16:11 < bridge> it would be fun until you notice you actually like the game 16:11 < bridge> then you cry 16:11 < ws-client> i think all the pvp gametypes like CTF/zCatch and so on would get boring quite quickly 16:11 < bridge> yes, but new players would join and try it out too 16:12 < bridge> i bet most csgo hackers alrady stopped bcs lost fun 16:12 < bridge> but then new players arrive 16:12 < bridge> with the same goal 16:13 < ws-client> maybe i dont care about hacks in minecraft that much because i never got good in the game but in tw there is something so nice about learning the skill on how to play and seeing others being good that i feel like it would be sad if its full of botting 16:13 < ws-client> I also don't like the current TAS hype at all. It devalues the highlight clips made by actual humans. 16:14 < bridge> classic `x:μ⇒e∼μ′λx.e∼μ→μ′.` 16:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1284517638323699772/image.png?ex=66e6ebc6&is=66e59a46&hm=058ae2807f52999e709eb42dfb9e4302a4206e747d4125a8be06ff359d6c220b& 16:17 < bridge> Classic issue that we cant say yes to directly :pepeW: 16:17 < ws-client> well thats why its a issue not a pr 16:17 < ws-client> to discuss it 16:18 < ws-client> also why not say yes -.- 16:21 < bridge> In principle we'll probably say yes to plugins. Then we'll end up agreeing on an architecture that you don't like 16:22 < ws-client> the architecture is already there or what do you think is something i won't like? 16:24 < ws-client> this is basically me asking if i can send a pr that allows loading more than one antibot module at a time and then we go from there 16:29 < bridge> if you can load one, you can also load many 16:29 < bridge> no need to upstream it 16:29 < bridge> I'm guessing you like the current way we hook the antibot in. I would want a unified wasm plugin system 16:30 < bridge> i guess he just wants multiple .so files 16:30 < bridge> or not 16:30 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ so the one loads the others? sure i havent thought about that yea sounds good to me 16:30 < bridge> and he can do so now, by having one "master" so file that loads the others 16:30 < ws-client> ye 16:30 < bridge> yeah 16:30 < bridge> yeah 16:30 < bridge> ye 16:31 < bridge> ``` 16:31 < bridge> Tip: NVIDA GPU support on Wayland clients is almost at a fixed point. Wayland recently merged Explicit Sync support which was the final issue, once NVIDIA driver version 555 is stable NVIDIA GPU support should be working and hopefully officially supported on Hyprland. 16:31 < bridge> ``` for all you hyprland fanboys on nvidia! 16:31 < ws-client> @learath2 I like the current way. But what i like about it the most is that it is there already and it works. I don't feel comfortable implementing WASM but if you do i would mind using it i guess. 16:31 < ws-client> wouldn't 16:32 < bridge> wdym implementing wasm - it's called dd-pg and its great :o 16:32 < ws-client> dd-pg has no 0.7 support 16:32 < bridge> (this is non related, i have no idea what you guys were talking about and i'll see myself out) 16:32 < bridge> why would you think that - it's obviously planned with you as the main contributor! 16:32 < bridge> :lol: 16:32 < ws-client> jopsti said he will reject 0.7 prs 16:32 < bridge> i'll force push em 16:32 < bridge> the super unified ultra project 16:32 < bridge> all versions ever 16:33 < ws-client> also nodes? 16:33 < ws-client> and ninslash? 16:33 < bridge> we will accept all your rubies 16:33 < bridge> all branches 16:33 < bridge> all commits 16:33 < bridge> everything 16:33 < bridge> ok time to drop i3 and embrace hyprland 16:33 < bridge> wish me gl 16:33 < bridge> gl 16:33 < ws-client> can i join dd-pg with roblox client? 16:34 < bridge> you mean can you join roblox with dd-pg 16:34 < bridge> yes 16:34 < bridge> ofc 16:34 < ws-client> neat 16:35 < bridge> in theory you could compile a virtual machine to wasm 16:35 < bridge> and literally start windows -> roblox 16:35 < bridge> xdd 16:47 < bridge> its still closed source chiller :troll: 16:51 < bridge> Exactly why everytime you make one of these issues I cry 16:52 < bridge> thank you god jupeyy for no 0.7 support :justatest: 17:18 < bridge> Oh yeah, i can't play on their servers from a client i built from source 17:20 < bridge> i do play with self build client there though 17:20 < bridge> self built* 17:22 < bridge> I don't know, the loading screen just stops at "Loading map file from storage". I also tried to join from a client i download from the site and then join from a self built one right after that and it magically worked 17:24 < ws-client> is your self compiled client based on latest ddnet? 17:25 < ws-client> i can join there with chillerbot-ux just fine 17:26 < ws-client> But yea i also sometimes get stuck connecting to specific servers. I usually fix it by connecting to another server and then the client gets in a good state somehow :D 17:27 < bridge> yep, 18.5 17:27 < ws-client> 0XF in particular has some special map sending stuff to filter out bots 17:29 < bridge> i still don't get why the official client from the site works but my self built one doesn't 17:29 < bridge> That was a bug with master, should be fixed now though. 17:29 < bridge> chiller gives you ideas to code and you like em :feelsbadman: 17:30 < bridge> nope, i still can't play on their server 17:30 < ws-client> send repo of your custom client 17:30 < bridge> git fetch --all 17:30 < bridge> git rebase upstream/master 17:30 < ws-client> watafk rebase? 17:31 < ws-client> that requires force push jopsit 17:32 < bridge> afair 18.5 bug related to map loading wasn't fixed 17:33 < bridge> robyt3 can disprove it ig 17:33 < bridge> or prove 17:33 < bridge> Ladies and gentlemen, how do you checkout pr's code 17:33 < bridge> did u update to current master? 17:33 < ws-client> @milkeeycat i usually add the contributors remote and then do a regular checkout 17:34 < ws-client> but there is also some /pulls things which works for github 17:34 < bridge> ive made alias for dat 17:34 < bridge> no 17:34 < bridge> thats the problem 17:34 < bridge> git fetch upstream pull/5085/head:branch 17:34 < bridge> `pr = !"f() { git fetch origin pull/$1/head:pr_$1 && git checkout pr_$1; }; f"` 17:34 < bridge> do what jupeyy sent to ur message 17:34 < bridge> 5085 would be pr 5085 17:34 < bridge> and you can type `git pr 5085` xd 17:34 < ws-client> nice 17:35 < ws-client> im not sure but i vaguely remember it being a bit different on gitlab 17:46 < bridge> `git pull origin pull/999/head` 17:47 < bridge> `git fetch origin pull/999/head` 17:53 < bridge> alright. i did that and it solved the problem 17:55 < bridge> idk, i didn't get what you meant or something, i feel stupid 18:19 < bridge> he just stated that bug was fixed on latest 18:19 < bridge> and u just got updated so ur on latest now 21:02 < bridge> @robyt3 is this a "bullet smoke trail effect" from #8537? 21:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1284590161325457540/image.png?ex=66e72f50&is=66e5ddd0&hm=682d05b05066511b1348b09ced2922084fa9583c0a05be0b27c47af389bf5eec& 21:02 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/8537 21:03 < bridge> yeah, the gun bullet trail effect 21:04 < bridge> How to fix it 21:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1284590554797052044/image.png?ex=66e72fae&is=66e5de2e&hm=d67d8b4b59d59c87bcfcfecc0c11cbaefd29b10388e89cd9b16e01d9bf536ad1& 21:04 < bridge> it doesn't disappear for me :thonk: 21:05 < bridge> Try rendering on slow speed 21:05 < bridge> чаво 21:05 < bridge> Maybe it's related to some uninitialized memory though so might not happen on every system 21:06 < bridge> Use less custom skins and assets, update your graphics cards driver, restart PC 21:06 < bridge> I rendered it in 0.5 speed and then played it, and it works 21:08 < bridge> I can still reproduce it. Record bullets trails at 0.1 speed, then after rendering is done, quickly play back the same demo again 21:08 < bridge> I can still reproduce it. Render bullets trails at 0.1 speed, then after rendering is done, quickly play back the same demo again 21:08 < bridge> OK, thank you 21:12 < bridge> I dunno, I play that play demo button faster than professional Super Smash Bros players and it doesn't work, can you send your demo pls? 21:15 < bridge> I just shoot once. Start rendering with 0.1 speed, wait until done, then start playback again 21:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1284593459105370142/test_bullettrail.demo?ex=66e73263&is=66e5e0e3&hm=16c2105b4436907336e30d0e2a7ec617bbc73e7ddd8eecef8cbc65972e6ea42a& 21:18 < bridge> I... can't reproduce 😦 21:19 < bridge> Hmm, might be Windows or compiler specific then 21:27 < bridge> any time you see this screen the problem is always stated in the second paragraph 22:13 < bridge> seems like whenever u start the game with a controller plugged in and have joystick inputs, mouse movement is treated as joystick input even when no controller is connected 22:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1284607931257589931/2024-09-14_14-10-04.mp4?ex=66e73fdd&is=66e5ee5d&hm=e96c03cd9068c9f913502d7fd92410ad03388fbf71ffec3aa2f72b04649d33a0& 22:14 < bridge> actually i just reopened the game and it's still doing it even with no controllers ever having been detected 22:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1284608326872731728/image.png?ex=66e7403b&is=66e5eebb&hm=6177dedd5d19a2ba17486446780c43ce99533ca46651f247bb530f8e3d4fd396& 22:15 < bridge> 🐪 22:15 < bridge> :greenthing: that's why steam displays ddnet with no controller support :kekw: 22:15 < bridge> yeah 22:15 < bridge> this is the steam release 22:17 < bridge> i guess it doesn't happen on the ddnet 18.3 pkg 22:18 < bridge> steam weirdness or xwayland weirdness (nixpkgs ver using native wayland)