00:32 < bridge_> .demo.jpg or .demo.zip -> upload 00:32 < bridge_> on github 02:38 < bridge_> Zwelf has some in twgame iirc 02:41 < bridge_> https://gitlab.com/ddnet-rs/twgame 02:43 < bridge_> And the ddnet repo has basic integration tests that make sure that a tee gets a finish time when spawning and being pushed by speedups into the finish line 04:19 < bridge_> how turn off hot reload? 04:20 < bridge_> while saveing 05:24 < bridge_> Looks strange, but cool xd 05:31 < bridge_> is there a way to debug shader 07:41 < bridge_> npo i prefer to use my time coding the emulator 08:46 < bridge_> @learath2 im thinking about changing variable declaration syntax 08:47 < bridge_> because I tried to move checking if variable exists from parser and I fucked by `ident * ident` again 08:47 < bridge_> because I tried to move checking if variable exists from parser and I got fucked by `ident * ident` again 08:55 < bridge_> What expression are you having an issue parsing? 08:55 < bridge_> `a * b` vs `Type* ptr` 08:56 < bridge_> without type table(which I don't use), I can't know whether it's a type or multiplication 08:56 < bridge_> i wanted to allow using structs which are declared after a function it's used in 09:37 < bridge_> I don't think changing the syntax fixes this 09:38 < bridge_> Ah maybe it could work 09:38 < bridge_> Something like 09:38 < bridge_> `let x: i8 = 10` 09:38 < bridge_> If you have `let a: Type = 5;` 09:38 < bridge_> Yea 09:38 < bridge_> Then you know what's the type and what's the variable name 09:39 < bridge_> ITT @learath2 and @milkeeycat keep discovering why modern languages look the way they do and not like C 09:48 < bridge_> Do you like rust syntax or you have better ideas? :Dd 09:49 < bridge_> Do you like rust syntax or you have better ideas? :DD 09:50 < bridge_> You can use a different symbol for dereference 🙃 09:50 < bridge_> I think the rust syntax is fine 09:53 < bridge_> @ :justatest: 09:53 < bridge_> Like, AT that location xd 10:01 < bridge_> Yes @ is way better than & or \* 10:05 < bridge_> Maybe "RenderDoc" 10:48 < bridge_> @learath2 thoughts on variable immutability by default 10:48 < bridge_> @learath2 thoughts on variable immutability by default? 10:57 < bridge_> There will be an option for it in the next nightly in the editor settings tab. 11:08 < bridge_> Eh, imo no point, it makes sense for rust because there can only be one mutable reference 11:11 < bridge_> my riscv emu now can run a fib program 11:24 < bridge_> true, borrow checkers for people who don't know what they're doing, I certainly do :clueless: 11:24 < bridge_> Exactly, be brave 11:25 < bridge_> Perhaps implement a proper `const` for your language 11:26 < bridge_> first I'll have to know how it works xd 11:50 < bridge_> elp, what syntax would make sense for `int arr[] = {12,3,4};` in rusty version, in internet i found you can omit the type and it infer it automagically(about rust) 11:50 < bridge_> elp, what syntax would make sense for C's `int arr[] = {12,3,4};` in rusty version, in internet i found you can omit the type and it infer it automagically(about rust) 11:51 < bridge_> `let arr: int[] = [12, 3, 4]'`? 11:51 < bridge_> `let arr: int[] = [12, 3, 4]`? 11:53 < bridge_> ok, I didn't use my noodle at all :\ Here's new goal btw 11:53 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1281190357744484446/image.png?ex=66dad100&is=66d97f80&hm=21cd0454d694cb1b844d365a49cf0f2a737c16f8b6df8c453f5cabc3fa3b8962& 11:54 < bridge_> Btw, maybe it's easier to just go with the C way, just `{}` for all initializer lists. Special casing arrays to use `[]` seems like a pointless exercise 11:56 < bridge_> should the `*` be before the type name or after :thonk: 12:05 < bridge_> nop :troll: 12:15 < bridge_> idk up to you, I'm more used to after but again it's your language 😄 12:16 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1281196227555229797/image.png?ex=66dad678&is=66d984f8&hm=99677cb037cc0a0293177c45a4cc6c3815f00ccb64af4b628f865510676189ef& 12:17 < bridge_> Your language is turning out like a rustish version of go 12:18 < bridge_> it's turning out like a bunch of stuff I can think of in one lang xd 12:18 < bridge_> but I'll ask your opinion about the thing first xddd 12:34 < bridge_> <0xdeen> The modern version of rolling dice? 😄 12:35 < bridge_> that's what chat gpt was made for 13:54 < bridge_> I'll also yoink `->` after `()` in function because `let foo: fn(u8): u32 = ...;` looks bad xd 14:11 < bridge_> It makes more and more sense 😄 15:34 < bridge_> hello frens 15:34 < bridge_> today was a weird day 15:34 < bridge_> Why 15:34 < bridge_> i won a argument in rust reddit defending cpp having 1 feature rust doesnt 15:34 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1281246113688588350/image.png?ex=66db04ed&is=66d9b36d&hm=ca796f5d5ffd12dcbd5123ccf55c2fce248ce0b15eca93b801ea255973e2d148& 15:34 < bridge_> LMAO 15:34 < bridge_> i know i won cuz the guy deleted his comments xdd 15:34 < bridge_> Ryo c++ maximalist 15:35 < bridge_> @edrub redditor 15:35 < bridge_> Defender of unsafe code 15:35 < bridge_> wholesome chungus moment 15:35 < bridge_> @learath2 check this out 15:35 < bridge_> https://tenor.com/view/steven-he-emotional-damage-steven-he-emotional-damage-gif-23428142 15:36 < bridge_> Catto you are lucky Heinrich is in a coma 15:36 < bridge_> heinrich agrees iirc 15:37 < bridge_> he mentioned it too iirc 15:37 < bridge_> but im happy if heinrich proves rust has placement new, cuz then it means rust has it 15:37 < bridge_> and im rust maximalist 15:37 < bridge_> But he would not approve posting gifs I mean 15:37 < bridge_> xd 15:37 < bridge_> ah ok 15:37 < bridge_> he definitely would 15:37 < bridge_> he's just not here to say it 15:37 < bridge_> Where is that guy 15:37 < bridge_> I think milkeey is whitelisted for GIFs 15:37 < bridge_> Woah 15:38 < bridge_> Am I whitelisted for Russian then? 15:38 < bridge_> priviet ruski jest? 15:38 < bridge_> What has the world come to? Ryozooki defending C++ 15:38 < bridge_> my rysk emulator can run a fib function 15:38 < bridge_> im proud 15:38 < bridge_> soon a entire os, aka xv6 15:38 < bridge_> he is kept hostage 15:38 < bridge_> #freeryo 15:39 < bridge_> im a defender of reason, it just happens that rust is better 99% of time 15:39 < bridge_> Also I assume Heinrich is on vacation 15:39 < bridge_> tbh llvm probs optimizes the moves but its not a guarantee 15:39 < bridge_> in rust case 15:39 < bridge_> Vacation from ddnet :justatest: 15:39 < bridge_> Is there no unsafe placement new of sorts? 15:39 < bridge_> nope 15:39 < bridge_> maybe 15:39 < bridge_> with the box keyword 15:39 < bridge_> but its nightly whitelisted keyword only for std internals 15:40 < bridge_> i looooove reddit 15:40 < bridge_> I would have assumed you to be a 4chan enjoyer keb 15:41 < bridge_> maybe it doesnt even exist anymore the box 15:41 < bridge_> https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/27779 15:41 < bridge_> no 15:53 < bridge_> "reddit" 15:53 < bridge_> @learath2 changing the syntax made parsing so much easier xd 15:54 < bridge_> Probably why tooling for modern languages are so much faster. Context free languages are trivial to parse 16:04 < bridge_> yep, and it will also solve my tree sitter problems 16:04 < bridge_> :poggers2: 16:04 < bridge_> but i have to rewrite rules :pepeW: 16:24 < bridge_> ryo wats slower? emerge or brew? 16:25 < bridge_> Eh no portage is what it is called 16:26 < bridge_> I run brew upgrade like 4 times a year and it always takes forever apt just feels so much faster 16:35 < bridge_> Я ГЕЙ 16:36 < bridge_> ЯГ Е 16:36 < bridge_> https://tenor.com/view/petrow-petriks-papa_petrow-saslik-gif-22439877 16:36 < bridge_> tosche 17:06 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1281269339869417583/Screen_Recording_20240905_200550.mp4?ex=66db1a8f&is=66d9c90f&hm=c88adfcd14b4d54664fc9b2f9ce782757f61b9513d60fed661353102cbde51c9& 17:06 < bridge_> How it working? 17:07 < bridge_> #questions 17:08 < bridge_> or even better: 17:08 < bridge_> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1277345584080097320 17:08 < bridge_> I'm asking how to do this 17:08 < bridge_> You can ask in the right channel 17:08 < bridge_> this is #developer 17:09 < bridge_> If you develop something, tell exactly what you develop 17:09 < bridge_> do you ask how that server side bot works? 17:09 < bridge_> Yes 17:09 < bridge_> then don't ask on ddnet generally 17:09 < bridge_> see rule #7 17:09 < bridge_> ask chillerdragon in PM 17:10 < bridge_> Ok ty 17:13 < ws-client> what video was that? 17:14 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ 17:19 < bridge_> Chiller some on your block servers 17:19 < ws-client> since when are server side bots against the rules? 17:20 < ws-client> seems perfectly on topic for #developer 17:21 < bridge_> #7 17:21 < ws-client> thats client side 17:21 < bridge_> you can keep that discussion in your servers 17:21 < ws-client> rude 17:22 < ws-client> @shibastik the code and even the downloadable executable is here https://github.com/DDNetPP/DDNetPP if you want more details come to https://chat.zillyhuhn.com/ 17:23 < ws-client> You ignored me once when i asked whats going on @Jupstar ✪ we trash talk here all day and suddenly you are being super rude to all ppl that join 17:23 < ws-client> deleting a question about legit ddnet based development is a bit intense don't you think? 17:25 < bridge_> you are aware that i dont have any rights on this server i hope 17:25 < bridge_> @learath2 😏 17:25 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1281274059954323476/image.png?ex=66db1ef4&is=66d9cd74&hm=99dd84ae8d5ad3873d90133e6473569c926e45237dd432173087eb0e61070641& 17:26 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ yea thats what i thought but you responded and someone deleted it 17:26 < ws-client> at least you seem to agree so my question still stands 17:26 < bridge_> and how is that my fault 17:26 < bridge_> i kindly asked him to keep this dicussion somewhere else 17:26 < ws-client> why? 17:26 < bridge_> because if one person is allowed to discuss it all are 17:26 < bridge_> and then the ppl with flawed arguments come here all day 17:26 < ws-client> yes and all should be 17:27 < ws-client> wdym what ppl what flawed arguments 17:27 < bridge_> as for why i try to keep russian speaking ppl out here: 17:27 < bridge_> very simply, i get a ntf on dev channel and can't read it 17:27 < bridge_> not rude, simply bcs this chat isn't for russian 17:27 < ws-client> okay fair 17:27 < ws-client> what about the questions and the bots? 17:27 < bridge_> those ppl that argue with bad intentions 17:28 < bridge_> with arguments that might logically make sense, but clearly have a bad intention 17:28 < bridge_> How do I write my first script for my server? What do I need to learn for this? 17:28 < ws-client> C++ 17:28 < ws-client> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB_aSIOmdu4&list=PLhJkqAQmOh5LyYOfnMy4PJB6CSZltQyTc 17:28 < bridge_> Tty 17:29 < bridge_> chillerdragon: about the questions: i generally have nothing against it, but other ppl from the community also answer in #questions but not here 17:29 < bridge_> it's simply better do keep in where it makes sense 17:29 < bridge_> often these questions are newbie questions anyway 17:29 < ws-client> hm 17:30 < bridge_> i also often answer them directly 17:30 < bridge_> ans say next time ask in questions 17:30 < bridge_> except when i dunno the answer 17:30 < ws-client> so next up you will send all the devs saying "norming :coffee:" to #off-topic because you get notifications o.O ? 17:30 < bridge_> yes it is, I already did this with ctf maps by using an automapper, painting methods inside a 512x512 solid gametile canvas and a minimal spanning tree connecting points of interests, for race this will be harder and also for ddnet maps, others already genereate gores maps 17:31 < bridge_> i think you dont get my point 17:31 < bridge_> newbie questions will often not be answered here 17:31 < bridge_> so they get lost 17:31 < ws-client> part of your point are notifications no? 17:31 < bridge_> since the discussions here are more about trump than about teeworlds 17:31 < bridge_> 😬 17:31 < bridge_> well the ntfy was about russian perticually 17:32 < ws-client> seems like a two class society 17:32 < bridge_> yeah 17:32 < bridge_> give me 50% of your money 17:32 < bridge_> then we have 1 class society 17:32 < ws-client> developer insiders that can post off topic gifs ping you with pointless content such as "monring" and can discuss their latest TAS bots 17:33 < ws-client> and non developer normies who cant write at all 17:33 < bridge_> yeah but what kind of discussion is a question: 17:33 < bridge_> how can i make an aimbot? 17:33 < bridge_> that is no discussion 17:33 < bridge_> that is simply a request for a cheat 17:33 < bridge_> just bcs it's server side, what does that change? 17:33 < ws-client> its legitness 17:33 < bridge_> chiller 17:33 < bridge_> pls 17:34 < ws-client> yes i see how the same stuff can be applied client side 17:34 < bridge_> if he knows c++ on a high level, contributed to ddnet and has a question about smth in that direction, i'd say that it's more about the question 17:34 < bridge_> but i dunno this dude 17:34 < ws-client> but the intentions are good server side and its not illegal it does not cause unfair gameplay advantage on the server side 17:34 < bridge_> he plays on mobile 17:34 < bridge_> what kind of discussion should this create 17:34 < ws-client> lol the mobile shots 17:35 < bridge_> with that i meant, he most likkely isn't a coder 17:35 < bridge_> not that mobile playing is bad 17:35 < ws-client> mobile coder 17:35 < ws-client> if he is not a coder he also wont code a bot 17:35 < bridge_> then he also doesnt need to talk about them here 17:35 < ws-client> maybe he just wants to run a ddnet++ server 17:36 < bridge_> fine 17:36 < bridge_> i assume you have a README 17:36 < ws-client> yes 17:48 < bridge_> chillerdragon: i have a question. Do you know these moments where you want to fix a small bug, and then rewrite 50% of your code base xd 17:59 < bridge_> <0dpododdododo> hjey 17:59 < bridge_> <0dpododdododo> r u here 18:00 < bridge_> <0dpododdododo> nifa 18:35 < bridge_> https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/09/05/Rust-1.81.0.html 18:39 < bridge_> chiller defending bots agane 18:39 < bridge_> :greenthing: 21:57 < bridge_> they have the best undetected grabber https://discord.gg/Rjn45j2CXx @here 22:12 < bridge_> bors ftw xDD 22:12 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1281346169624334459/image.png?ex=66db621d&is=66da109d&hm=d3e236128d8b90dafac1e9623d42501d0523e3b74386ea9995f89357da7df258& 22:21 < bridge_> gamer 23:19 < bridge_> can you delete this message please, breaks #7 23:53 < bridge_> no 23:53 < bridge_> it doesnt 23:54 < bridge_> everytime i tried to mod ddnet, literally xd