02:31 < ws-client> meloni and lerato dating wot? 03:09 < bridge_> Should I unzip it on computer without the 001/002 at the end? 03:28 < bridge_> hello guys i need help, i was modifying some things on source code, but when i was open the client it crashes, i used debug on clion and i get this ```error occurred in Python: value of type CGameClient' requires 6015928 bytes, which is more than max-value-size``` 03:29 < bridge_> what tw are u doing tho 03:29 < bridge_> what tf are u doing tho 03:29 < bridge_> hello guys i need help, i was modifying some things on source code, but when i was enter on a server it crashes, i used debug on clion and i get this ```error occurred in Python: value of type CGameClient' requires 6015928 bytes, which is more than max-value-size``` 03:29 < bridge_> a thing like ai 03:30 < bridge_> so a bot 03:30 < bridge_> its for test 03:30 < bridge_> lmfao 03:30 < bridge_> you're even admitting it 03:30 < bridge_> crazy 03:31 < bridge_> xd? 03:31 < bridge_> the point is fix it 05:03 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1280000026042568724/imageine_losing_state_on_recompile.mp4?ex=66d67c6b&is=66d52aeb&hm=2e2483795e7a78eebf793ba889076b63fe7799cd707d84d969f58cc5d973b7af& 05:03 < ws-client> monthly show case of ddnet-hotui 05:03 < ws-client> cring if you need to restart the client during ui tweaking 08:43 < bridge_> No, download both then use 7zip on the 001 08:46 < bridge_> всем ку 08:47 < bridge_> Oh, it won't start 09:07 < bridge_> crashing after 5 sec with black screen 11:43 < bridge_> Not necessary, just hold CTRL as well 11:43 < bridge_> всем привет 11:44 < bridge_> TiL :cat_smug: 12:48 < bridge_> @learath2 now there're loops 😏 12:48 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1280117247867752460/image.png?ex=66d6e997&is=66d59817&hm=b85e1a0a33c40b2055f6984c47aafe5d36cbf7a409212c7be7ff268eff0fcb80& 12:56 < bridge_> Then MilkeeyCat said, "Let there be loops", and there were loops. And MilkeeyCat saw that loops were good 12:57 < bridge_> Genesis 1:3-25 12:57 < bridge_> Teenesis 1:3-25 12:57 < bridge_> It's so much easier to implement a statement than trying to do something with expressions 12:58 < bridge_> Expressions are not for the faint of heart. Especially stuff like logical or and logical and. Their shortcircuiting behaviour makes it very annoying 12:59 < bridge_> im scared of logical operators 12:59 < bridge_> Well you are done with them 13:00 < bridge_> btw, first thingy before `;` in for loop can only be a variable declaration statement or something else? 13:00 < bridge_> i hope there're no bugs in them :clueless: 13:02 < ws-client> Can't wait to debug my bugged code written in a programming language that also brings its own bugs 13:02 < bridge_> hell yeah 13:03 < bridge_> it's either bugged code or it simple doens't assembly because of wrong operands sizes xd 13:04 < bridge_> Well it's your language. You can have blackjack and hookers in there too. C also allows assignment expressions 13:07 < bridge_> Well it's your language. You can have blackjack and hookers in there too. C also allows any expression 13:08 < bridge_> You are developing ur own language? 13:08 < bridge_> yea :pepeH: 13:09 < bridge_> i didn't add anything my own so far xd 13:09 < bridge_> 😬 13:09 < bridge_> Fixed point numbers go 13:09 < bridge_> i want methods so bad 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░░░▐▀█▀▌░░░░▀█▄░░░ 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░░░▐█▄█▌░░░░░░▀█▄░░ 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░░░░▀▄▀░░░▄▄▄▄▄▀▀░░ 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░░▄▄▄██▀▀▀▀░░░░░░░ 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░█▀▄▄▄█░▀▀░░ 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ Это Скелетик Петя 13:10 < bridge_> ▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░ Копируй его и в 13:10 < bridge_> ▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ вставляй в каждый 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ дискорд сервер 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░ Тогда, он сможет 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄░░ захватить 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░░░░▐▀░░░░░░▐▌░░ весь дискорд 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░ 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░ 13:10 < bridge_> ░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░ 13:10 < bridge_> это петя 13:11 < bridge_> `i32p4 num = 3.141592` 13:11 < bridge_> #off-topic 13:11 < bridge_> complex numbers go 13:11 < bridge_> Na everyone and their mothers have native complex numbers now 13:12 < bridge_> huh 13:12 < bridge_> msvc still doesn't support c complex numbers 13:12 < bridge_> how they dare 13:13 < bridge_> MSVC's halfhearted support for C is really annoying 13:14 < bridge_> If you search messages from me containing msvc in this channel you'd probably find some where I hate it 13:14 < bridge_> more than 200 commits 🎉 13:14 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1280123606226964571/image.png?ex=66d6ef83&is=66d59e03&hm=d0d79e93caad3069ba1db14ad47f5171baea8c17d6cf97097487c39496c589db& 13:14 < bridge_> and it still can't do anything useful xd 13:15 < bridge_> It is turing complete wym 13:27 < bridge_> is it open source 13:27 < bridge_> https://github.com/MilkeeyCat/meraki 13:29 < bridge_> Do you know why loops different memory? can't they both use `rbp-20` and `rbp-24` for their local variables? 13:29 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1280127365720047728/image.png?ex=66d6f303&is=66d5a183&hm=36a93704abe0ee7724a1c43db48fe9ac5e7eb723f8ac8d750ccfdfe19fb0f827& 13:35 < bridge_> I don't know exactly, but I have a guess: 13:35 < bridge_> - It might be left to the optimizer to notice the scopes it is easier to codegen like this, you can check by setting O1 13:35 < bridge_> fair 13:35 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1280129066896199753/image.png?ex=66d6f499&is=66d5a319&hm=82e549b42401bb71ab3a8c3381b33e9aec48cee5e0dbf959b1a4be39d79761c5& 13:38 < bridge_> Mh it optimizes too much :/ 13:39 < bridge_> Well idk, it's my only guess 13:41 < bridge_> Make it call an external function with the values so it can't optimize that much. Also might need to disable loop unrolling 13:52 < bridge_> It was generating bigger and bigger wall of text, I tried to slap `volatile` on it, it still uses different locations 13:52 < bridge_> Maybe heinrich might know 13:53 < bridge_> But I'm fairly sure it's not a requirement 13:54 < bridge_> @heinrich5991 yo :DD do you know something about it? 14:54 < bridge_> if its unoptimized, prob for debug purposes 14:55 < bridge_> and codegen tends to be silly without optimizations, its better to KYS and let the optimizer do the hard work 14:55 < bridge_> this makes codegen code easier 14:55 < ws-client> heinrich is afk big time 14:55 < bridge_> so they probs have a stack allocation for each variable, and dont reuse them in any way 14:55 < ws-client> time to post some memes in #developer 14:56 < bridge_> btw this new mac m3 i have has american keyboard 14:56 < bridge_> i can see how they may be better suited for coding 14:56 < bridge_> the ; is one key 14:56 < ws-client> ye ikr 14:56 < bridge_> i prefer [ and { where swapped maybe, i use more curly in rust 14:56 < bridge_> { requires shift 14:57 < ws-client> i am used to finger stunts for coding on german keyboards 14:57 < bridge_> xd 14:57 < bridge_> i dont thav ethe spanish ñ tho 14:57 < bridge_> but if i keep it pressed it get the option 14:57 < ws-client> i use english keyboards on a regular basis (mostly on machines that are not mine) and i dont see my self switching im so slow 14:58 < bridge_> its all getting used 14:58 < ws-client> worst keyboard layout i have seen so far is french 14:58 < bridge_> imagine chinese keyboard warriors 15:47 < bridge_> кто русский 15:47 < bridge_> #off-topic 15:49 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1280162657521106984/image.png?ex=66d713e1&is=66d5c261&hm=97f271dc122d4eb889ce21b9ee8e347114dd7fc373dda79ac8e47dadd57b72ec& 15:49 < bridge_> help pls 15:49 < bridge_> what doing? 15:50 < bridge_> https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/GFX_Troubleshooting#Some_text_is_invisible_with_the_Vulkan_backend 15:50 < bridge_> 15:50 < bridge_> ask in #questions next time pls 16:13 < bridge_> follow and sub https://github.com/edg-l/rysk 16:15 < bridge_> ⭐ is all I can give you for now 16:20 < ws-client> teero go comment its good for the alorithm 16:21 < bridge_> comment where 16:21 < ws-client> on commit 16:21 < bridge_> i gonna comment 16:21 < ws-client> its all about engadgement it will boost ryo up into the trends 16:21 < bridge_> wait 16:23 < bridge_> Is it possible to comment on mobile? 16:26 < bridge_> rate my first thing in c++ 16:26 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1200145787695419443/1274081313275777114/Project2.exe?ex=66d6b4f0&is=66d56370&hm=e1c6fd468ab27e76225b0e5675ddb87c773928238a87889c24b47abc6f3c95e9& 16:26 < bridge_> (poor text editor) 16:27 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1280172132466163742/image.png?ex=66d71cb4&is=66d5cb34&hm=40d4cebee8d084c22007f1775bcba284d71efead69eb9da2a523babade954a47& 16:29 < bridge_> A 16:31 < bridge_> @rutujek Please avoid sending random .exe files 16:31 < bridge_> better than the integrated one from Windows 16:32 < bridge_> worse than the one from KDE 16:32 < bridge_> it's smell like trojan or something 😄 16:47 < ws-client> @teero777 dont think so :C the entire comment section is non existant. If you get comment on commit notifications on the ios app it redirects you nowhere useful 17:45 < ws-client> deen how do the releases work in the repo? I see the pending pr and the version commit already on master. And I see you merging a bunch of things in. Does that all get included in the new release? 17:49 < bridge_> its not random :c its my project 17:49 < bridge_> its not random :c its my first project 17:56 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1725292587.png 17:56 < ws-client> rossbit pr fiasko 17:59 < bridge_> wow insane 17:59 < bridge_> didnt know robyte is like that 17:59 < bridge_> i dunno the bright red community, but i bet they feel insulted too 18:04 < bridge_> the vampire community 18:11 < bridge_> hail the blood god 18:13 < bridge_> <0xdeen> I do the release based on the 18.5 tag 18:17 < ws-client> so what does the pr do? Only for discussion? Or do you somehow tag into the pr? 18:20 < ws-client> Its sad the release is already happening. I was hoping for a 19.0 release once we reached the epic number screenshot on github with 666 issues 69 prs and 420 tags. Including all fixes for 0.7 also the ones fokkonaut is working on. 18:23 < bridge_> <0xdeen> The PR is my 18.5-devel branch 18:23 < ws-client> what does it do? 18:24 < bridge_> <0xdeen> I cherry-pick all fixes for 18.5 into it 18:24 < ws-client> but its not merged? 18:24 < ws-client> is the tag then not on the master? 18:24 < bridge_> <0xdeen> correct 18:25 < ws-client> so it wasnt force pushes that fucked me when merging with ddnet git tags it was the scuffed release process? :D 18:25 < bridge_> <0xdeen> We never release a version from master branch. The idea is to cut off 18.5-devel from master a week before release, collect fixes tehre 18:25 < bridge_> <0xdeen> This is the proper way to do releases. There is never a state of master that is stable enough 18:25 < ws-client> Collecting fixes sounds good! 18:26 < bridge_> <0xdeen> I have not heard of anyone doing releases differently 18:26 < ws-client> I always thought tags are on master branch 18:27 < ws-client> I was merging into ddnet tag by tag at some point 18:27 < ws-client> well i mean it didnt work out well now i finally know why xd 18:49 < bridge_> Give a tutorial on how to make control on the phone version of ddnet yourself 18:49 < bridge_> Please 18:58 < bridge_> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1277345584080097320 18:58 < bridge_> this is #developer chat 19:41 < bridge_> @learath2 should the function arguments be stored in a symbol table? :thonk: 19:43 < bridge_> They are part of the type, so I'd guess yes 19:45 < bridge_> Adding scopes ruins all my pretty code 19:48 < bridge_> Why? It should just be a stack of vectors of what variable is visible 19:49 < bridge_> The function for calculating offsets is gonna look ass 20:03 < bridge_> ищу тима,25 часов 20:04 < bridge_> микро есть 20:10 < bridge_> wrong chat 20:10 < bridge_> go #off-topic 20:12 < bridge_> @milkeeycat do u support dwarf 20:12 < bridge_> no, we are all tall here 20:12 < bridge_> is it some debug format? 20:13 < bridge_> kate or kwrite? 20:14 < bridge_> im outraged 20:18 < bridge_> Maybe that's why gcc doesn't bother? If you pretend scopes don't exist on a codegen level and just enforce it in the parser, the offests are trivial 20:42 < bridge_> Hi. I am no UX developer but can we please change the reconnect screen to count down from 5 to 1 seconds rather than 4 to 0. Reconnecting in 0 seconds is bad UX. Many thanks! :) 20:42 < bridge_> agree 20:42 < bridge_> where is the countdown? 20:42 < bridge_> reconnect screen 20:42 < bridge_> err 20:42 < bridge_> When server is full. 20:42 < bridge_> ya u can probably do it very ez 20:43 < bridge_> Ya, time for my dev skills to shine. Raise a PR. 20:43 < bridge_> Ill leave it for the pros so I dont great the game. 20:43 < bridge_> no u got this 20:43 < bridge_> Ill leave it for the pros so I dont break the game. 20:43 < bridge_> it’ll be great 20:43 < bridge_> they review it anyway 20:43 < bridge_> My first PR ever to DDNET. MASSIVE contribution. 20:43 < bridge_> yes 20:44 < bridge_> :gigachad: 20:44 < bridge_> i = i + 1 on the loading screen, easy. 20:45 < bridge_> it’s literally that 20:45 < bridge_> I know 20:45 < bridge_> u can do it big gamer 20:45 < bridge_> Dean might even give me a mention in the next release. Imagine that. Sheeeeesh 20:45 < bridge_> deen may 20:46 < bridge_> Could have been fixed by now if we didnt talk this much haha 20:46 < bridge_> i wasnt at pc 20:46 < bridge_> ok 20:46 < bridge_> Anyways, I am entrusting you @mpft to carry the torch on this one. Make us proud. 20:47 < bridge_> lmtay 20:47 < bridge_> lmao 20:47 < bridge_> Small changes but with massive impact to players experience. You will be remembered forever. 20:48 < bridge_> but i dont wanna 20:49 < bridge_> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/f599449f313ed3a0c10609e27c6bc89ae2876deb/src/game/client/components/menus.cpp#L1211C1-L1211C131 20:49 < bridge_> What line number 20:49 < bridge_> 1211 20:50 < bridge_> ig u can just pop a `1 +` before `(int)(..` 20:51 < bridge_> if u dont have a github acc or anything i can just do it lol 20:51 < bridge_> I was gonna put it here 20:51 < bridge_> ``` (int)(((Client()->ReconnectTime() - time_get()) / time_freq())+1) 20:51 < bridge_> I was gonna put it here 20:51 < bridge_> ``` (int)(((Client()->ReconnectTime() - time_get()) / time_freq())+1)``` 20:51 < bridge_> works equally well 20:51 < bridge_> this is easy with SSA 20:52 < bridge_> I do have one but will leave it for you! :) 20:52 < bridge_> You probs got a dedicated dev setup. I dont. 20:52 < bridge_> We did the change together <3 20:53 < bridge_> true... 20:54 < bridge_> 🤓 20:54 < bridge_> But because its casting to int, I rather have +1 in the brackets. Personal preference. 20:55 < bridge_> isnt it better smth like (int)math.floor(blah) 20:55 < bridge_> isnt it better smth like (int)math.ceil(blah) 20:55 < bridge_> it's just downcasting from int 20:55 < bridge_> a bigger int 20:55 < bridge_> it is as expensive wherever u put it here 20:55 < bridge_> if it were floating and you do it within the cast it would be slower 20:57 < bridge_> i mean better readability 20:57 < bridge_> idt performance matters in that context 20:58 < bridge_> Dont forget to add a comment so people know what change you made. I hear that is good coding practice for the next person. 20:58 < bridge_> u are right 20:59 < bridge_> We are the dream team :gigachad: 20:59 < bridge_> so true 21:09 < bridge_> hi ewun 21:10 < bridge_> Truae 21:10 < bridge_> learato 21:10 < bridge_> Really? I imagined that would be more for optimizing out unnecessary instructions 21:24 < bridge_> it took so long bcs i had to track down a qt creator bug which completely destroys the whitespace throughout the file on save 🫠 21:25 < bridge_> ssa helps with all, also with cfgs 21:30 < bridge_> Привет 21:30 < bridge_> Tut mir Leid ich spreche kein russisch 21:31 < bridge_> Wir können uns gerne auf Latein unterhalten 21:32 < bridge_> Вибач що? 21:33 < bridge_> tja 21:34 < bridge_> I understood last work 😏 me german jaja 21:34 < bridge_> I understood last word 😏 me german jaja 21:34 < bridge_> epyc german moment 21:39 < bridge_> Is there a smarter way to write this in rust/ 21:39 < bridge_> ```rust 21:39 < bridge_> let offset = if let Some(alt_offset) = alternative_offset { 21:39 < bridge_> alt_offset - consequence_offset 21:39 < bridge_> } else { 21:39 < bridge_> consequence_offset 21:39 < bridge_> }; 21:39 < bridge_> ``` 21:39 < bridge_> Is there a smarter way to write this in rust? 21:39 < bridge_> ```rust 21:39 < bridge_> let offset = if let Some(alt_offset) = alternative_offset { 21:39 < bridge_> alt_offset - consequence_offset 21:39 < bridge_> } else { 21:39 < bridge_> consequence_offset 21:39 < bridge_> }; 21:39 < bridge_> ``` 21:50 < bridge_> у всіх каналах окрім #off-topic можна лише англійською 21:53 < bridge_> conclusion: writing "you can only speak English here" rule only in English is a bad idea 22:03 < bridge_> `abs(alternative_offset.unwrap_or_default(0) - consequence_offset` maybe? Idk probs worse 22:09 < bridge_> `abs(alternative_offset.unwrap_or_default(0) - consequence_offset)` maybe? Idk probs worse 22:11 < bridge_> `abs(alternative_offset.unwrap_or_default() - consequence_offset)` maybe? Idk probs worse 22:12 < bridge_> @mpft I like it. Proud of you bro. 22:12 < bridge_> Big up 22:18 < bridge_> looks good 22:18 < bridge_> im master coder 22:18 < bridge_> but milkeey's code more readable 22:19 < bridge_> i probably should have tested it tho 23:35 < bridge_> <0xdeen> @01000111g Thanks! 23:44 < bridge_> https://tenor.com/view/goomba-walking-walk-mario-mario-bros-gif-14811877007929633508