09:27 < bridge_> By the way, "Tee 0.7" tab name is not localisable 09:28 < bridge_> By the way, "Tee 0.7" tab name is not localisable 🥺 09:28 < bridge_> By the way, "Tee 0.7" tab name is not localisable 09:34 < bridge_> ~~I wouldn't localize it in chinese anyway.~~ 09:43 < bridge_> I would though 09:44 < bridge_> no fucking way it's translated as `тії` 09:44 < bridge_> tii 09:45 < bridge_> It is, my fellow homo sapiens, it is 09:59 < bridge_> chiller doing the lord's work :'0 09:59 < bridge_> giving zCatch some love 10:02 < bridge_> chiller are you a 0.7 maintainer already? 10:02 < bridge_> Chiller is the 0.7 10:02 < bridge_> Does he merge his own prs tho 10:07 < bridge_> he's giving zCatch 0.6/0.7 some love 10:07 < ws-client> @jxsl13 send good zCatch colors 10:08 < ws-client> @teero777 nah i got no powers nowhere :c 10:08 < bridge_> look in my mod I think in player.cpp or so 10:08 < bridge_> ;( 10:08 < ws-client> ez steal 10:08 < bridge_> ez 10:08 < bridge_> take everything 10:08 < ws-client> <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> 10:08 < ws-client> u got good colors from professional designer? 10:10 < bridge_> no 10:10 < bridge_> it's Teetime's original color 10:10 < ws-client> woah what is this black magix algorithm ``color = max(0, 160 - GetNumTotalCaughtPlayers() * 10) * 0x010000 + 0xff00;`` 10:11 < ws-client> how many kills does it support? does it get stuck at some point? 10:11 < ws-client> oke ima try 10:16 < ws-client> yeah hm gets stuck at red 10:27 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/zcatch_colors.gif 10:27 < ws-client> hmmmm 10:54 < bridge_> iirc at like 20 kills it was at grey, at least on zCatch 0.7 11:04 < ws-client> i need lerato the color wizard to get correct colors mapped from 0.6 to 0.7 xd 12:17 < bridge_> my github notifications have grown to an unmanageable level 12:17 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1279022253547327540/image.png?ex=66d2edcc&is=66d19c4c&hm=3f918719550c4a349ed5bd420b5dca7c6af735165c578c75deaee6ff5b0e5873& 12:20 < bridge_> stop watching whole repos 12:20 < bridge_> then it gets easier 12:25 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1279024248068767764/ima_f8cf862.png?ex=66d2efa7&is=66d19e27&hm=00a6e757affd3ecebf2af7920b687242fea04e5976e7fddfc02a89b42dac003f& 12:25 < bridge_> lerato githubbing skill issue 12:27 < bridge_> I also made a big mistake. I forgot to note down the command I was using to generate my initramfs and it ended up getting pushed out of my bash history. If I make a mistake I might not be able to boot back in to try again 😄 12:28 < bridge_> <.laxa> No backups? 😄 12:29 < bridge_> I'll keep one, but idk if I can get my bootloader to use it, never had to use the fallback with this bootloader 😄 12:29 < bridge_> increase bash history size 12:30 < bridge_> hehe 12:33 < bridge_> or you are simply not as relevant as lea, no front 12:37 < bridge_> :D 12:38 < bridge_> when will we add Denglish as language 12:38 < bridge_> Imagine not having your bash history backed up on GitHub. 12:58 < bridge_> plis help what new name 12:58 < bridge_> my oCAUNTT 12:58 < bridge_> HELP 12:59 < bridge_> whats wrong with your current name? 12:59 < bridge_> YES 12:59 < bridge_> i see 13:00 < bridge_> F1 -> `player_name YOUR_NAME` 13:01 < bridge_> NO NEW NAME MY OCAUNT DDNET 13:01 < bridge_> -# ok then player_name OCAUNT 13:02 < bridge_> can you write your question in your native language? 13:02 < bridge_> russian or chinese 13:02 < bridge_> IM RUSIAN 13:02 < bridge_> then ask in russian 13:03 < bridge_> DA 13:03 < bridge_> Задайте свой вопрос на русском. 13:03 < bridge_> POMOGI POMENAT IMA V DDNET 13:04 < bridge_> KAK 13:04 < bridge_> V GOOGL NE DOET 13:04 < bridge_> i told you: 13:04 < bridge_> press F1 13:04 < bridge_> `player_name oCAUNT` 13:04 < bridge_> I 13:04 < bridge_> Я сказал тебе: нажми F1 player_name oCAUNT 13:04 < bridge_> lmao pro 13:05 < bridge_> DAY TGK 13:05 < bridge_> YA POKOGU 13:06 < bridge_> JUPSTAR 13:07 < bridge_> What’s pokogu? 13:08 < bridge_> HELP FOR NEW NAME DDNET 13:08 < bridge_> Maybe oCAUNT is not his name but means account and he wants to transfer points? 13:08 < bridge_> What is your name? 13:08 < bridge_> i ask him to ask in russian 13:08 < bridge_> but he spams his capslock latin letter russian 13:08 < bridge_> Should work too 13:09 < bridge_> JUPSTAR 13:09 < bridge_> I AM EGOR 13:09 < bridge_> I SPEAK VERY ENGLISH 13:09 < bridge_> Google translate should pick it up but it doesn’t find pokogu 13:09 < bridge_> chatgpt is overloaded with his bad russian xD 13:09 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1279035245966000220/image.png?ex=66d2f9e5&is=66d1a865&hm=5f7c88f3945205ff9daee075b17d9d387bf4cde60ee0653bf093282a76b19ccb& 13:09 < bridge_> TG 13:09 < bridge_> TELEGRAM GIVE ME 13:09 < bridge_> NOWWWWW 13:09 < bridge_> You can write here 13:10 < bridge_> YOUR TELEGRAM JUPSTAR 13:10 < bridge_> it's only for family sry 13:10 < bridge_> u'll have to marry me first 13:10 < bridge_> JUPSTAR GIVE TELEGRAM NOW 13:10 < bridge_> Xd 13:10 < bridge_> I HAVE HIS TELEGRAM 13:10 < bridge_> YOU ASK RUSIAN 13:11 < bridge_> NO YOU 13:11 < bridge_> TEERO 13:11 < bridge_> We are family, the ddnet family 13:11 < bridge_> @milkeeycat: help 13:12 < bridge_> GO TO ME GAME DDNET 13:12 < bridge_> What is your name? 13:12 < bridge_> ? 13:12 < bridge_> In game 13:12 < bridge_> 1 SEK 13:12 < bridge_> this u? 13:13 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1279036138018836573/image.png?ex=66d2faba&is=66d1a93a&hm=d539367794a3d1f6e2c80e830e9c22a925dff841d54305af845097c7cc524af5& 13:13 < bridge_> piYAR55 13:14 < bridge_> omg you left the server again xd 13:14 < bridge_> hes on kog 13:14 < bridge_> xd 13:15 < bridge_> With wat 13:16 < bridge_> this goes above my bed 13:16 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1279036994860875880/image.png?ex=66d2fb86&is=66d1aa06&hm=a6dc1c11719148aa9cfefc2086256bb42cdcac21642dc8a150b241b053fa022c& 13:16 < bridge_> we need translator 13:16 < bridge_> lmao 13:36 < ws-client> ok nvm we solved the language barrier with gaming 13:36 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1725017747.png 14:31 < bridge_> chillerdragon: make it so that i can use `load_map` on demos 14:31 < bridge_> thanks 14:37 < bridge_> Sure I’ll open an issue. Weird that it doesn’t work 14:48 < bridge_> im motivated 14:48 < bridge_> to do a ricv emulator 14:48 < bridge_> and run linux on it 14:49 < bridge_> почему тут вмсе по английски пишут 14:49 < bridge_> i dont hold u back 14:49 < bridge_> what? 14:49 < bridge_> to do a riscv emulator 14:49 < bridge_> бля 14:49 < bridge_> what? 14:49 < bridge_> i cant read your msg 14:50 < bridge_> why does everyone write in English? 14:50 < bridge_> in what language should they write? 14:50 < bridge_> most ppl here know english 14:50 < bridge_> 14:50 < bridge_> we are from all kind of countries 14:50 < bridge_> germany, spain, italy, turkey 14:50 < bridge_> so we speak english 14:51 < bridge_> I don't know Russian or English well 14:52 < bridge_> and then I realized why there are so many people who speak English here 14:52 < bridge_> in #off-topic you can also write russian 14:52 < bridge_> sometimes there are russians 14:52 < bridge_> I'll be using a translator then. 14:53 < bridge_> but I understood well, it's just that a lot of people write in English 15:00 < bridge_> You know what would be better, if everyone was writing in their mother tongue, hell yeeeeeah 15:01 < bridge_> This chat would be all in german 😬 15:05 < bridge_> das stimmt 15:05 < bridge_> tja 15:05 < bridge_> isso weilso is 15:14 < bridge_> https://youtu.be/fvz2CxyGcyQ @avolicious you could learn a thing or two from that guy hehe. tl;dw he is running million dollar startups with this gigachad techstack: 1vps (16core 500€), no staging, no kubernetes, php, jquery, sqlite3 15:16 < bridge_> Actually ddnet setup is quite close lol 15:17 < bridge_> deen also likes bare metal and beefy vps and ddnet.org uses jquery afaik 15:25 < bridge_> urgh 15:25 < bridge_> jquery 15:29 < bridge_> But my client is running K8s and makes multi billion dollars, not million 🙂 15:30 < bridge_> So nearly all my clients are investing into cloud-native, all multi billion dollar companies 15:31 < bridge_> So for me it makes the most sense to invest knowledge into kubernetes, multi-tenant environments and all various kinds of technologies 😄 15:32 < bridge_> But sure, it doesnt always make sense to built it upon a hyperscaling infra. But for me its more a learning process & get some expertise based on a non financial ruin side project 😄 15:32 < bridge_> Scuse me, no foreign languages outside #off-topic 🤓 15:37 < bridge_> So chiller, I've looked into some of his websites & he uses other services mostly. He isnt a service provider per se, he just uses other services and is the middleman inbetween. Thats basically not my goal to do in life 😄 15:39 < bridge_> But if you like something like this, to work as a middleware. You can also check some documentaries about dropshipping - same technique ( no legal advise to do from me tho ). 15:43 < bridge_> It is my professional opinion that cloud is a scam 15:44 < bridge_> does anyone know if llvm has a riscv assembler? 15:44 < bridge_> for riscv assembly 15:45 < bridge_> not llvmir 15:45 < bridge_> btw my emulator name will be rysk 15:50 < bridge_> ryokan 15:52 < bridge_> https://llvm.org/docs/RISCVUsage.html 15:52 < bridge_> 15:52 < bridge_> looks like it 15:53 < bridge_> ah wait no you still have to convert it to llvmir ig 16:03 < bridge_> @learath2 how to differentiate pointer variable declaration and multiplication expression statement, they are both `ident` `*` `ident` :\ 16:24 < bridge_> but thats to assemble llvmir to risc 16:24 < bridge_> i want to assemble assembly to machine 16:24 < bridge_> like riscv64-elf-gcc 16:31 < bridge_> if there's nothing in https://github.com/orgs/riscvarchive/ ig there's just nothing 16:33 < bridge_> Precedence 16:34 < bridge_> Well actually, not even precedence. How is dereference `ident * ident`? 16:35 < bridge_> But companies are paying a lot for cloud resources 😄 16:35 < bridge_> Without naming any company, but I can tell that all my clients are paying more than a million / month for cloud resources 😄 16:35 < bridge_> Making more and more money for the corporations 16:36 < bridge_> Yeah, but running on-prem isnt sufficient for serving billions of requests / month 16:37 < bridge_> Most people aren't serving billions of requests per month 16:37 < bridge_> But my clients arent most people 16:37 < bridge_> They have the need to serve it, so cloud is sufficient for their use-case 16:37 < bridge_> And people were serving billions of requests per month way before aws existed 16:37 < bridge_> Wot 16:38 < bridge_> But yeah, you dont have to run everything on a hyperscaler... but the linked yt video from chiller mentions "how to run it on a 400 USD vps" 16:39 < bridge_> Even if he has a small team of a few people, its more than enough. But the larger the company gets, the more fine-grained permissions it needs 16:41 < bridge_> If your company now runs several stores across a country, its also bad to have it on-prem. If there is any problem within this infra, all stores are kinda offline. Cloud eliminates it by providing a flexible way to lift & shift 16:41 < bridge_> E.g. the startup I'm currently at would run at one one hundredth the cost if they weren't running on GCP 16:41 < bridge_> Then your startup has a bad deal tho 16:41 < bridge_> They are preparing for a scale that will never come 16:41 < bridge_> We are google partners and we can give credits to our clients easily 16:42 < bridge_> Your google key account manager can add funds to your account without worrying about any consequences 16:42 < bridge_> There are some operations that will never need this level of hyperscaling. People need to understand their companies will never be the next tik tok 16:42 < bridge_> And you exist to serve the few who truly need it 16:43 < bridge_> But traffic is expensive on hyperscalers. Ingress mostly is pretty cheap, but egress is expensive as hell 16:43 < bridge_> So having on-prem and doing a hybrid solution can be more expensive 16:43 < bridge_> The compute isn't exactly cheap either 16:43 < bridge_> What are you using for your compute? 16:44 < bridge_> <0xdeen> What choice do I have? If I used cloud for DDNet I'd have to pay 500k€/year 😄 16:45 < bridge_> Also the only other alternative isn't on-prem. On-prem is a lot of work and will indeed end up more expensive in all the costs associated. But a lot of companies can run on a handful of off premises bare metal or even vps instances. 16:45 < bridge_> Why on server GER2 and FIN i have 200/400 ping ò.ò 16:46 < bridge_> Everything is running on GCP. I didn't see what sort of instances they are running. But I do see the final cost and how many requests we do 16:46 < bridge_> <0xdeen> Be the change you want to see. I moved our tests from AWS to Hetzner at work. 16:46 < bridge_> I set up our staging instance on a hetzner vm. It has been a much appreciated cost reduction 16:47 < bridge_> It depends on how you utilize GCP. You can do similar tasks with different tools, they are priced different 16:47 < bridge_> <0xdeen> Problems with peering to Hetzner I guess 😄 16:47 < bridge_> Tbh, thats a problem at hyperscalers. Cost transparency & FinOps in an easy way 16:48 < bridge_> You need basically a team of special trained GCP engineers/architects to get a good result which is likely to be cost efficient 16:48 < bridge_> Figuring out the cost is also so hard to do in advance. With a tinfoil hat on I'd go so far as to claim it's on purpose 16:49 < bridge_> I guess your startup doesnt pay this much, but if so, you get a key account manager at google. They can help you in this 16:49 < bridge_> With double tinfoil hats on I will make the claim that this entire industry just exists to make it as complicated as possible for non-specialists so there are jobs for specialists who pitch the solutions and so and so on creating an infinite money stream 16:50 < bridge_> Well, there is a lot of money in this industry 😄 16:50 < bridge_> We exist at just expensive enough that google won't care about us yet 16:50 < bridge_> I would say its multi-billion dollars a month 16:51 < bridge_> Oh, well maybe we can cover you 😄 I'll ask in the gcp chatroom, maybe someone knows who to ask 16:51 < bridge_> They love this tactic to keep you as a consumer 16:51 < bridge_> They basically set your account balance to a small amount, you are happy, google is happy 16:53 < bridge_> Eh I don't care. It's not my money they are spending 🙃 16:54 < bridge_> We phased out an old elixir backend which helped a bit. But if this was my startup I'd definitely run it on just a single bare metal server 16:54 < bridge_> 😄 16:54 < bridge_> Maybe if I believed it'd scale into multiple countries I'd have a script to set up the server quicker 16:54 < bridge_> Terraform 16:54 < bridge_> No scripts 16:55 < bridge_> You can even manage bare-metal with terraform on hetzner 16:55 < bridge_> Ah that's cool. Last I used terrafrom it was basically aws, do, gcp, azure 16:56 < bridge_> You can use any provider, its vendor agnostic 16:56 < bridge_> but aws, do, gcp, azure and a few others are supported by hashicorp itself 16:56 < bridge_> Others are mostly community modules, but they work the same way 16:56 < bridge_> you can also write your own module to support your own provider if needed 16:56 < bridge_> Oh that's nice. I didn't know community modules were a thing 16:57 < bridge_> https://registry.terraform.io/browse/modules 16:57 < bridge_> Its actually pretty awesome 16:58 < bridge_> We are using it for any scale. SME and big companies 16:58 < bridge_> Back when I was last interested in this sort of automation ansible was still relevant 🙃 16:58 < bridge_> It is still 16:58 < bridge_> To be fair not exactly the same thing 16:58 < bridge_> There is a diff in Terraform vs Ansible tho 16:58 < bridge_> ansible sucks but still widely used 16:59 < bridge_> Why? 16:59 < bridge_> Yeah very 16:59 < bridge_> automating a lot of customer configuration is not feasible 16:59 < bridge_> with ansible 16:59 < bridge_> What would be your goto in 2024? 16:59 < bridge_> and staying up to date 16:59 < bridge_> ? 16:59 < bridge_> there is no open source alternative, tho 17:00 < bridge_> What would be your corposource alternative? 17:00 < bridge_> we do our own internal tool for that 🙂 17:00 < bridge_> And thats feasable 🤣 17:00 < bridge_> we had a lot of problems with ansible 17:00 < bridge_> Ah, rolling your own. My favourite. I approve 17:01 < bridge_> Somehow I believe that all DDNet devs have this mindset 17:01 < bridge_> So andsible is still the goto for deploying servers? 17:01 < bridge_> Just building everything their own, everytime 17:01 < bridge_> Ofc. This is one of the last havens for free-minded developers 17:02 < bridge_> How complex are your setups? 17:02 < bridge_> I guess not that complex, no? 17:02 < bridge_> So ansible is still the goto for deploying servers? 17:02 < bridge_> My team is doing the tooling for our datacenters, so rolling our own is an option 🙂 17:02 < bridge_> I would say that ansible is not working for 2 servers, but having 50 servers its highly recommended 17:03 < bridge_> Yeah if you are deploying 2 honestly you'd probably be wasting time writing the playbooks 17:03 < bridge_> Exactly 17:04 < bridge_> But writing own tooling is time consuming, you have to pay people to do it & to fix possible bugs 17:04 < bridge_> yep 17:05 < bridge_> who fixes your ansible bugs? 17:05 < bridge_> Which bugs? Bugs in modules? 17:05 < bridge_> in external modules 17:05 < bridge_> for example 17:06 < bridge_> Either external maintainers or you & you PR it to help others 17:06 < bridge_> also costs money and time 17:06 < bridge_> might be way less than spinning your own 17:06 < bridge_> But less than building your own, maintaining it your own & its not helping others 17:07 < bridge_> it's not open source, yep 17:07 < bridge_> If it would, you need to afford it as company as well 17:07 < bridge_> helps our customere 17:07 < bridge_> s 17:07 < bridge_> You need active maintainers and contributors, otherwise its a dead project as soo many others 17:08 < bridge_> you need to afford that for sure to make such tools open source. Sadly our company does nearly nothing in the open source regard 17:08 < bridge_> But thats not sad. Its because they wont take this effort 17:09 < bridge_> Open Source isnt free as people often describe it 17:09 < bridge_> yep. companies sink billions into open source 17:09 < bridge_> You need to actively maintain the project. Either by answering issues/prs or contribute yourself -> company pays salary for employee 17:10 < bridge_> And mostly the open source community likes to say: Hey, just open source it, so you dont have to take care. Well you basically HAVE to take care 😄 Otherwise it will get forked and your initial open source idea is a dead project *blinks his eyes at ddnet* 😄 19:43 < bridge_> I don't get it xd 20:22 < bridge_> Я русский 20:27 < bridge_> What is the ident on the left in a deref expression? 20:29 < bridge_> I wasn't talking about deref expression 20:29 < bridge_> But about variable declaration 20:30 < bridge_> Like `MyStruct* ptr;` 20:44 < bridge_> Русские есть? 20:57 < bridge_> #off-topic 20:59 < bridge_> either russians are trolling us, or we should move "Development" category below the "DDraceNetwork" one 21:00 < bridge_> they're to young to understand 21:00 < bridge_> they're too young to understand 21:01 < bridge_> who would have said that 21:10 < bridge_> <.tajm> hi, ive recently installed ddnet on linux mint through zipped file (tar), cuz ddnet on package manager is outdated. When i unpacked it, it has no icons, how can i make icons appear? 21:26 < bridge_> linux magic is required 21:26 < bridge_> gotta google that 21:26 < bridge_> some config file in some folder is required for that 21:48 < bridge_> unpack all files 21:48 < bridge_> <.tajm> i did unpack all files, how can i unpack part of files? xD 21:48 < bridge_> unpack the .tar too 21:51 < bridge_> C in meraki stands for consistency 21:51 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1279166631335038986/image.png?ex=66d37442&is=66d222c2&hm=eeeaf5d17693d425c1e0ed7ad6daf15cfef0dcd42263b75d42be9835893fc64f& 21:52 < bridge_> (i ran the same program 10 times and it gives different results each time) 22:31 < bridge_> тут люди которые разговаривают на русском есть? 22:32 < bridge_> why did you decide to write it in #developer ? 22:32 < bridge_> cause it's the first channel they see 22:33 < bridge_> where they can write 22:33 < bridge_> No Russia? 22:33 < bridge_> time to call big boi gdb 😬 22:33 < bridge_> Я ВАС НЕ ПОНИМАТЬ 22:33 < bridge_> ИДИ В #off-topic 22:34 < bridge_> БЛЯ 22:34 < bridge_> пацаны 22:34 < bridge_> помогите 22:34 < bridge_> :bluestripe: 22:34 < bridge_> ИДИ В ⁠off-topic 22:34 < bridge_> ИДИ В ⁠off-topic 22:34 < bridge_> ИДИ В ⁠off-topic 22:35 < bridge_> я гонял с читом признаю свою ошибку забанили но разбан должен быть еще 3 часа назад 22:35 < bridge_> :kek: 22:35 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1279177678993231902/05035F71-CE89-4E73-96AE-BC7DE046333F.png?ex=66d37e8c&is=66d22d0c&hm=a6ccf05ae6be81d4213e86ba0119e6a739fc03f21109907385fda297a09ba541& 22:35 < bridge_> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time 22:41 < bridge_> You have finally arrived at a point that I actually don't know. I have only a clue. I think C doesn't allow expressions on their own. So this can't be an expression 22:42 < bridge_> :thonk: 22:42 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1279179485320839200/image.png?ex=66d3803b&is=66d22ebb&hm=44e8d219a3517426f1059b8fb6053a08d97e4656dea7f1bb73bff4bb50190653& 22:44 < bridge_> Where can I get this information as json on ddnet.org? 22:44 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1279179847847116861/image0.jpg?ex=66d38091&is=66d22f11&hm=abbf20f836890e20eb890b32d8660ce2960d7284dcdcfa18f50d9715b5504fec& 22:44 < bridge_> Ok, I'm wrong. Then idk how this is handled for once 22:44 < bridge_> I'm also extremely drunk 22:44 < bridge_> Like about to pass out. So maybe tomorrow I'll know 22:45 < bridge_> do you want to read fun fun assembly 22:45 < bridge_> Show me. Idk if my in-brain assembler is still operational though 22:45 < bridge_> my neanderthal brain can't do anything even with gdb xddd 22:46 < bridge_> I remember C being context free, but perhaps it's not? If it's not context free then left side wouldn't be `ident` 22:47 < bridge_> It would be `type * ident` vs `ident * ident` then there is no conflict 22:47 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1279180741305045003/image.png?ex=66d38166&is=66d22fe6&hm=a2f7767c30f1e5a44ab1a340084920b1c612685eaa1a41b4b20a28bc152b0c21& 22:47 < bridge_> it returns sometimes true, sometimes false 😬 22:48 < bridge_> First non-deterministic machine let's goo :D 22:48 < bridge_> Too long for the drunk version of the assembler sorry 22:49 < bridge_> bye 22:49 < bridge_> found it. 22:49 < bridge_> Tis not an airport, you don't need to announce your departure 22:49 < bridge_> bye bye 22:49 < bridge_> It's so joe over 22:58 < bridge_> Omfg, it moves 0 into `r14b` but later in `cmp` uses `r14d`