01:59 < bridge_> generetes pretty much the same demo 01:59 < bridge_> a little bugged and a lot of warnings 04:49 < bridge_> Since https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/5032 automatic weapons can fire every tick instead of every 2. 04:49 < bridge_> here some random tries on fireball map https://streamable.com/10a6qi (as comparison with 15.9.1) can also be seen on every fly map 04:49 < bridge_> 04:49 < bridge_> Do we want to add a limit to automatic weapons so they can only fire every second tick? to get the old behaviour back? 08:04 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277146445430001765/GVrD_Q3XcAALnCi.png?ex=66cc1ad0&is=66cac950&hm=c11e41268876fb490539945b6c626b57162ec62195df6d579214375121c16822& 08:04 < bridge_> :justatest: 08:10 < bridge_> Oof 08:41 < bridge_> Hello guys! 08:41 < bridge_> Wants is named 08:41 < bridge_> What's 08:41 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1261010626088665120/1262873836068671528/IMG_2275.gif 09:23 < bridge_> @Discord Mod maybe delete da image :justatest: 09:48 < ws-client> @milkeeycat !!!!!!!! 09:48 < ws-client> cring who depends on libc for gaming ddnet https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1724572096.png 09:49 < ws-client> 0 dependencies fuck yeah! https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1724572148.png 09:51 < bridge_> chillerdragon: :poggers2: 09:52 < ws-client> https://tube.zillyhuhn.com/video.php?t=teeworlds_asmr.mp4&u=chiller 09:54 < bridge_> I'd never be able to fo smth like that xd 09:55 < ws-client> yeah it was by far the hardest tw client implementation i did so far xd 10:03 < bridge_> now finish tutorial with it 10:04 < ws-client> yikes 10:05 < ws-client> i would need to add hook and jump and rotate aim support 10:05 < ws-client> and also make walking smoother 10:05 < ws-client> all these things seem possible. But im not sure if tutorial has some tricky moves that require some fast inputs xd 10:07 < ws-client> I probably would do other stuff first like input for chat and rcon and maybe some way to control it externally like fifo 10:14 < ws-client> @milkeeycat do u trust me? xd 10:17 < bridge_> yes, please don't hack me :justatest: 10:17 < ws-client> nice 10:17 < ws-client> go run asmr client 10:17 < ws-client> wanna know if it runs as smoothly on any machine as i expect it to 10:17 < ws-client> ``wget -qO /tmp/teeworlds_asmr https://github.com/ChillerDragon/teeworlds-asmr/releases/download/v1.0.0/teeworlds_asmr && chmod +x /tmp/teeworlds_asmr && /tmp/teeworlds_asmr "connect"`` 10:19 < bridge_> is that russian server? 10:19 < ws-client> yes 10:19 < bridge_> i can't connect to russian servers xd 10:19 < ws-client> bru ok sec 10:19 < ws-client> why not 10:20 < bridge_> because i live in Ukraine -.- 10:20 < ws-client> does it firewall russia or what? 10:20 < bridge_> ye 10:20 < ws-client> woah didnt know that 10:21 < bridge_> ukrainians can't connect to russians servers and vice versa 10:21 < ws-client> since the war started or when? 10:21 < ws-client> ``wget -qO /tmp/teeworlds_asmr https://github.com/ChillerDragon/teeworlds-asmr/releases/download/v1.0.0/teeworlds_asmr && chmod +x /tmp/teeworlds_asmr && /tmp/teeworlds_asmr "connect"`` 10:21 < ws-client> this is ukr 10:21 < bridge_> I remember connecting to rus servers before, so ye, probably because of the way 10:21 < bridge_> I remember connecting to rus servers before, so ye, probably because of the war 10:21 < ws-client> lol u dont even know? xd 10:22 < bridge_> i have excluded rus servers 😬 10:22 < bridge_> true 10:22 < ws-client> i have excluded china servers 10:22 < bridge_> https://tenor.com/view/gandalf-smoking-gif-21189890 10:22 < ws-client> gogo @milkeeycat 10:22 < bridge_> me rn 10:22 < bridge_> same as ukrainian and kog servers which require auth 10:22 < ws-client> ``wget -qO /tmp/teeworlds_asmr https://github.com/ChillerDragon/teeworlds-asmr/releases/download/v1.0.0/teeworlds_asmr && chmod +x /tmp/teeworlds_asmr && /tmp/teeworlds_asmr "connect"`` 10:22 < ws-client> thats ukr 10:26 < bridge_> chiller loves his asmr 10:29 < bridge_> What's going on here 10:30 < bridge_> And which one exactly 10:31 < bridge_> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/teeworlds-asmr 10:43 < bridge_> @learath2 what's the name of the `byte [label]` operand in `mov al, byte [label]`. There're registers, immediates and dis 3rd type 10:50 < bridge_> Memory 10:52 < bridge_> And what does memory have to do with it 11:50 < bridge_> Any assembly enjoyers? How the actual fuck can I use a label in instructions. For example gcc gives this code, I tried to use it and it segfaults anyway -.- 11:50 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277203421476159548/image.png?ex=66cc4fe0&is=66cafe60&hm=1c288caddb5f68bf7cdd4117c1b7af815536fae571547208f9d6665069e351bd& 12:03 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277206735068856330/image.png?ex=66cc52f6&is=66cb0176&hm=acc73ac8c3018919f7b476cd5922af9b45c4ad5f06f56307e1937427f35c1d0b& 12:03 < bridge_> wtf 12:04 < bridge_> finally more players than servers in teeworlds 12:04 < bridge_> 😬 12:05 < bridge_> lol 12:05 < bridge_> didnt have to do the game like that 12:52 < bridge_> @milkeeycat: never seen that syntax. What do you want to do? Write to the label? 12:52 < bridge_> chillerdragon it was segfaulting because i didn't push values first :kek: 12:53 < bridge_> and `[label]` syntax works for writing and reading 12:53 < bridge_> it has weird syntax if you need an address of a label 12:53 < bridge_> `offset label` 12:53 < bridge_> What’s label[register] syntax 12:54 < bridge_> it's rip relative access or something 12:54 < bridge_> but it works without, so why use it xd 12:54 < bridge_> Xd 13:19 < bridge_> Rip relative addressing results in smaller instructions and thus reduced code size 13:21 < bridge_> "the fatter the better" - MilkeeyCat, probably 13:22 < bridge_> fatteeycat 13:50 < bridge_> hahahahaa xDD 13:50 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277233580141187184/image.png?ex=66cc6bf7&is=66cb1a77&hm=ea175dba490a698242bea68476a8ca3162ff2b4e8c96273073e4ad7be7e7ebcb& 13:50 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277233580602425417/image.png?ex=66cc6bf7&is=66cb1a77&hm=3b36e843b56e9f600fc351b62065289865d415598188d177a77e5e3263e6cf1b& 13:50 < bridge_> chillerdragon: 13:50 < bridge_> liar 13:53 < bridge_> btw is the picture u? 14:55 < bridge_> кто здесь русский? 15:43 < bridge_> i coded this feature almost one year ago. 15:43 < bridge_> 15:43 < bridge_> today was the first time i ever tested it 😄 15:43 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277262139140083723/image.png?ex=66cc8690&is=66cb3510&hm=88f3d813bb980a267449997ac285fd3cb8df3f3a02dedb96dc3000f901379a09& 15:43 < bridge_> feelsamazing 15:45 < bridge_> should pickups show the texture of the nearest character, or should it simply show the texture of what you picked? 😄 15:50 < bridge_> is that splitscreen? 15:50 < bridge_> no that are two clients 15:50 < bridge_> splitscreen works too, but i dont have controller support 15:50 < bridge_> so it's useless rn xD 15:51 < bridge_> oh okay 😹 wdym pickups? 15:51 < bridge_> ah my left char has a different texture for the weapon 15:51 < bridge_> question now is 15:51 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277264183594844270/image.png?ex=66cc8877&is=66cb36f7&hm=8d73e933eeeccd9a9231e30ea7eed9c16f71c7c99829fa0fcfdf95b827ddf468& 15:51 < bridge_> will it take the local one 15:52 < bridge_> or the closest character 😄 15:52 < bridge_> basically game.png customization is send to the server too, similar to how it works for skins 15:52 < bridge_> if the other client has it too, then he sees it 15:52 < bridge_> ahhh weapon skins 15:52 < bridge_> i thought that was a new weapon or smth idk why 15:53 < bridge_> shouldnt it show default nade or at least local skin 15:53 < bridge_> sure that is one option. another would be the texture of the closest character 15:53 < bridge_> i kinda like that too 😄 15:53 < bridge_> also do you think game.png should to be split up into individual images? 15:53 < bridge_> imagine some weird tele setup making a seizure nade 15:53 < bridge_> yeah true xD 15:54 < bridge_> mh very very hard question. 15:54 < bridge_> 15:54 < bridge_> in dd-pg it will probably allow both, but for a different reason 15:54 < bridge_> audio customization is not global anymore, but per weapon 15:54 < bridge_> so audio can sound different too 15:54 < bridge_> or it shows the texture of the last person to pick it up, would be cool but a little gimmicky 15:54 < bridge_> dope 15:54 < bridge_> hire me as sound designed 15:54 < bridge_> hire me as sound designer 15:54 < bridge_> you are hired 15:54 < bridge_> xD 15:55 < bridge_> need custom particles at that point too though 15:55 < bridge_> @louis.place you are the only person to have ever tested dd-pg besides chiller i think xD 15:56 < bridge_> 4 months left until first release 😬 15:58 < bridge_> will u reign as overlord maintainer 15:59 < bridge_> lmao, in best case other maintainers like the project. 15:59 < bridge_> 15:59 < bridge_> i need to slow down at some point again xd 16:00 < bridge_> takes insane amount of time 16:00 < bridge_> in worst case nobody likes it and it dies and everything was wasted xDDD 16:00 < bridge_> is strong fixed in ur version? 16:01 < bridge_> fix strong/weak, allow unranked map pool, custom weapon assets, and there will be a community 😹 16:01 < bridge_> my version allows to modify the physics as a WASM module. so in my vanilla version i actually think about removing weak hook. 16:01 < bridge_> 16:01 < bridge_> but for the ddnet part, it will probably stay for compatibility 16:01 < bridge_> and add sandevistan powerup (free idea) 16:11 < bridge_> chillerdragon: my refactor went a little bit wrong(those numbers are errors count) 16:11 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277269148128252015/image.png?ex=66cc8d17&is=66cb3b97&hm=bc443c0cb5a48009df7efb3d4ef70982d7441c852198d8e14d5ff28e40ef34d2& 16:20 < bridge_> :justatest: 16:29 < bridge_> local one I already did that and map placed weapons follow local gameskin 16:30 < bridge_> you can do it for emoticon and particles too 16:32 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277274434885128213/screenshot_2020-03-25_01-21-36.png?ex=66cc9203&is=66cb4083&hm=56ac867f5a6eccd8588a2a6d3da6a0a8faceafc1e055fff57778d42cfcb39013& 16:32 < bridge_> someone know what is `MR` prefix? map route? 16:32 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277274478304301188/image.png?ex=66cc920e&is=66cb408e&hm=9df03c5c99882fa3d371e979d2130573e4860c779b93f30f3d88814be2ffe790& 16:34 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277274799822995487/screenshot_2020-03-22_17-50-37.png?ex=66cc925a&is=66cb40da&hm=b36f33c0447c80a6141aaec7fab46878a7ab8fc983e92c50f26655d4452aaa8f& 16:34 < bridge_> epyc 16:34 < bridge_> :owo: 16:38 < bridge_> kinda wondering why restarting my server takes forever for the master server to register. Restart -> search -> not finding it at all 😮 16:39 < bridge_> tee pets? :poggers: 16:39 < bridge_> weird caching going on? 16:40 < bridge_> in the client 16:40 < bridge_> yeah 😄 16:41 < bridge_> that screenshot is for 5 or 6 years ago 16:42 < bridge_> just breaking backcompat must feel great 16:42 < bridge_> 😏 16:42 < bridge_> this server has 0.7 support? 16:43 < bridge_> no it's ddnet based 16:43 < bridge_> I never work on 0.7 16:44 < ws-client> ddnet supports 0.7 16:46 < bridge_> weird issues on my side 16:46 < bridge_> yikes errors catto 16:46 < bridge_> now it's better, not 68 & 61 but 22 & 75 16:47 < bridge_> imagine if it's not just showing other errors because there're a lot of them already 16:47 < bridge_> ?? wdym does the compiler count as dependency now? You can also just download the release then you dont depend on the compiler anymore 16:48 < bridge_> yeah but I meant that my server isn't pure 0.7 it's implemented on ddnet 0.6 16:50 < bridge_> a 16:53 < bridge_> Забирайте S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 предзаказ на свой Steam Бесплатно https://lnky.ru/z7ehc не знаю баг это или нет но я забрал 16:56 < bridge_> Move Restriction, see for example `GetMoveRestrictionsMask` 16:59 < bridge_> thx 17:03 < bridge_> who can make the same heart as friends, but also people from the clan? 17:03 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277282085782163456/image.png?ex=66cc9924&is=66cb47a4&hm=a1c7f29834dd2e48413a35be49a506f86ce547d42e2293bc71a025806d27b2e8& 18:37 < bridge_> lag setup 18:37 < bridge_> maybe it can just be a setting 19:20 < bridge_> <0xdeen> We have some mechanism for moving players to another server, right? I haven't looked into it, but could we move people there who want to play Linear instead of having them take up all empty servers? 19:21 < bridge_> Not as far as I know 19:22 < bridge_> <0xdeen> Too bad, not sure what an easy technical solution to this would be 19:22 < bridge_> <0xdeen> @texnonik Make a video to show players how to find existing servers with their map please 19:22 < bridge_> <_gwendal> I'm pretty sure there were some block servers that were moving players to other servers ? 19:24 < bridge_> Redirecting works for servers with the same IP. If we host some servers with only Linear we could redirect clients to those when they vote the map, we just don't have any way to redirect from votes yet. 19:24 < bridge_> can anyone tell me why ger10 isin't working for me 19:28 < bridge_> I think it would be cool if ddnet servers could just fork themselves when voting (up until a defined maximum). add a new type of map vote that will move anyone who presses f3 to the new server, and a command to join the last detached vote if u missed it 19:44 < bridge_> I have done it already. 19:44 < bridge_> They just look for one video linear with rocket video . :kek: 19:45 < bridge_> I have done it already. 19:45 < bridge_> They just look for one video linear with rocket . :kek: 19:54 < bridge_> its possible but what if player wants to join empty server and change map :justatest: 19:56 < bridge_> annoying popup "a server with this map already exists - do you want to go there?" 20:05 < bridge_> will be better to have more servers but with less limit of players? Idk what with server performance in that case. 20:07 < bridge_> For ex 10 servers with 63 limit, 20 servers with 32 limit 20:07 < bridge_> And if map is popular (linear) dynamically increase max limit 20:22 < bridge_> there's a tile on ddnet for that 20:22 < bridge_> asked for it and I think ChillerDragon did it 20:23 < bridge_> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/6914 20:26 < bridge_> Ah prob not a tile, forgot how it has been implemented 20:53 < bridge_> @ChillerDragin: https://github.com/ddnet-insta/ddnet-insta/issues/114 20:54 < bridge_> might make sense to test that on ddnet as well, whether the latest master branch can successully register with the master servers 20:58 < bridge_> ok now there're 150 errors in one file :poggers2: 20:59 < bridge_> @chillerdragon: https://github.com/ddnet-insta/ddnet-insta/issues/114 20:59 < bridge_> might make sense to test that on ddnet as well, whether the latest master branch can successully register with the ddnet master servers 21:01 < bridge_> # New Android beta version! 21:01 < bridge_> 21:01 < bridge_> See https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8632 for details. The controls are now adjustable, although you will need to use an external text editor for it: 21:02 < bridge_> 21:02 < bridge_> 1. Export the touch configuration to the clipboard. 21:02 < bridge_> 2. Save the clipboard to a file so you can easily edit it (you should also do this to have a backup of your configuration in case you need to reinstall the app!). 21:02 < bridge_> 3. Edit the configuration (see link above for details about the format). 21:02 < bridge_> 4. Copy it to the clipboard and import it in the client again. If the configuration could not be loaded, check the local console for error messages containing `touch_controls` and fix it accordingly. 21:02 < bridge_> 5. Save the changes in the client when you are done. You can also discard your changes or revert to the default if you messed up. 21:02 < bridge_> 21:02 < bridge_> Example for a new touch button: 21:02 < bridge_> 21:02 < bridge_> ```json 21:02 < bridge_> { 21:02 < bridge_> "x": 500000, 21:02 < bridge_> "y": 500000, 21:02 < bridge_> "w": 100000, 21:02 < bridge_> "h": 100000, 21:02 < bridge_> "shape": "rect", 21:02 < bridge_> "visibilities": [ 21:02 < bridge_> "ingame" 21:02 < bridge_> ], 21:02 < bridge_> "behavior": { 21:02 < bridge_> "type": "bind", 21:02 < bridge_> "label": "Example", 21:02 < bridge_> "label-type": "plain", 21:02 < bridge_> "command": "echo Hello world!" 21:02 < bridge_> } 21:02 < bridge_> }, 21:02 < bridge_> ``` 21:02 < bridge_> 21:02 < bridge_> <.puch> did you test it? 21:02 < bridge_> <.puch> cause im experiencing the same too 21:03 < bridge_> I updated today to the latest ddnet-insta master version 21:03 < bridge_> <.puch> ok nice 🙂 21:03 < bridge_> and my servers were not able to register 21:03 < bridge_> <.puch> when I relaunch the server it works 21:03 < bridge_> <.puch> but then few hours later it's not working 21:03 < bridge_> <.puch> or the next day 21:03 < bridge_> I relaunched them multiple times 21:04 < bridge_> did not work for me 21:04 < bridge_> might be master server caching 21:04 < bridge_> of the previous version 21:04 < bridge_> <.puch> strange cause on 0.7 I see them 21:04 < bridge_> <.puch> on ddnet I don't see 21:04 < bridge_> yeah, 0.7 seems not to be affected 21:04 < bridge_> 0.6 only 21:05 < bridge_> <.puch> and it does that with other normal ddnet servers? 21:05 < bridge_> dunno 21:05 < bridge_> did not test 21:10 < bridge_> <.puch> i tlooks like chillerdragon bridge servers are working now 21:12 < bridge_> ddnet deems to be unaffected 21:13 < bridge_> does not seem to be the case 21:13 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277345146148753498/Bildschirmfoto_2024-08-25_um_21.12.55.png?ex=66ccd3de&is=66cb825e&hm=60336664ea23b801055305469245f39999031c33c49401d8de9b7ac1a1e02c37& 21:13 < bridge_> 0.6 is clickable 21:14 < bridge_> chiller's servers seem to only be visible via 0.7 master servers 21:14 < bridge_> ddnet deems to be unaffected - tested it just now 21:15 < bridge_> hm, I can find them ingame with ddnet client 😮 21:18 < bridge_> if you want to fix your servers @.puch , you can go into the ddnet-insta source code folder 21:18 < bridge_> execute `git checkout 44666c21f76cfe6a9cbee16f5ab44ab592662bcd` 21:18 < bridge_> `rm -rf build` 21:19 < bridge_> ``` 21:19 < bridge_> mkdir build 21:19 < bridge_> cd build 21:19 < bridge_> cmake .. 21:19 < bridge_> make -j$(nproc) 21:19 < bridge_> ``` 21:20 < bridge_> noby fng does not like this 21:20 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277346794975657994/Screenshot_20240825_151839_DDNet.png?ex=66ccd567&is=66cb83e7&hm=d172af37318a3cc44f39b44838d03bd59596e3236db91ec5eff26328433efa07& 21:20 < bridge_> ddnet seems to be unaffected - tested it just now 21:20 < bridge_> <.puch> ty 21:21 < bridge_> <.puch> i put back an old branch infact 21:21 < bridge_> I think he uses whitelist as opposed to blacklist 21:21 < bridge_> <.puch> could I keep my old build? 21:22 < bridge_> <.puch> i will move it somewhere else 21:22 < bridge_> you can do whatever you want 21:22 < bridge_> x) 21:22 < bridge_> I deleted mine 21:22 < bridge_> so I had to find a working version 21:22 < bridge_> @_noby stop gatekeeping mobile users! 21:22 < bridge_> <.puch> but you know @jxsl13 the build was working perfectly 21:22 < bridge_> <.puch> something changed with the master 21:23 < bridge_> <.puch> or the way we address the master idk 21:23 < bridge_> <.puch> idk how chiller build it 21:23 < bridge_> <.puch> idk how chiller built it 21:23 < bridge_> the 0.7 compatibility prs of chiller might have broken something, dunno ._. 21:23 < bridge_> 21:28 < bridge_> don't do that xD 21:33 < bridge_> LET'S GO 21:33 < bridge_> if u don't do x86 & x64 build, does it fit into one upload? 21:33 < bridge_> 7z sounds hard on mobile xD 21:35 < bridge_> one correct cmmit hash might be 8462149c26ae3a60d74e621dd8f20490f99a9a91 the other one was pointing to ddrace source, not gctf/insta 21:35 < bridge_> one correct commit hash might be 8462149c26ae3a60d74e621dd8f20490f99a9a91 the other one was pointing to ddrace source, not gctf/insta 21:36 < bridge_> <.puch> i was compiling rn 21:36 < bridge_> <.puch> xd 21:36 < bridge_> <.puch> 😪 21:36 < bridge_> work fine on A55 64 but temperature is a bit higher than I expected for DDNet don't know maybe it's normal 21:37 < bridge_> You could try setting the client update rate lower I guess, the default uses maximum power 21:37 < bridge_> <むぎ> how do i extract apk? why both files? more details in the tutorial please 21:37 < bridge_> sometimes it's good not to be on the bleeding edge latest version 😄 21:38 < bridge_> oh right didn't check that I'll check later 21:38 < bridge_> It's a 7z file split into two because discord does not allow uploading files larger than ~75MiB 21:38 < bridge_> <むぎ> ah i see 21:38 < bridge_> <.puch> @jxsl13 wtf my server is on again 21:38 < bridge_> <.puch> I didn't launch it 21:38 < bridge_> <.puch> i did nothing 21:38 < bridge_> <.puch> wtf is that 21:39 < bridge_> :o? 21:39 < bridge_> caching? 21:39 < bridge_> restart client? 21:39 < bridge_> <.puch> nothing i was just compiling the first branch 21:39 < bridge_> <.puch> nothing i was just compiling the first commit 21:39 < bridge_> <.puch> nothing i was just compiling the first commit you sent 21:40 < bridge_> <.puch> and I moved the build folder to another place 21:40 < bridge_> <.puch> this is master sorcery 21:41 < bridge_> <.puch> writing to a log file was the bug? xd 21:42 < bridge_> <むぎ> oh so u meant just extract first archive, cuz i didnt understand "use 7zip on the first file" :justatest: 21:42 < bridge_> yeah, these are ARM and ARM64 only 21:42 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277352378357518367/DDNet-arm-arm64.apk?ex=66ccda9b&is=66cb891b&hm=2bfd6b3ddab8e9bc406d3b8adc457e4e0b84ef0d3976a551a05fc758b77abada& 21:42 < bridge_> that commit is one month old 21:42 < bridge_> it's just one commit before chiller merged ddnet into ddnet-insta 21:43 < bridge_> You need to download both, then instruct 7z to extract the first file, it will find the second file automatically 21:43 < bridge_> last file was fine on arm-v8a 21:43 < bridge_> <むぎ> yes i got it, no need for 7z tho? 21:43 < bridge_> <むぎ> i just used my explorer 21:43 < bridge_> yeah, the 7z archive above contains all 4 arches, the APK above is only for ARM 21:43 < bridge_> oh okey 21:44 < bridge_> all 4 arches are too large for discord upload though 21:44 < bridge_> yeah it is 21:44 < bridge_> depends on your OS I guess, I don't think Windows has native 7z support 21:45 < bridge_> <むぎ> not native explorer :ML_meme_facepalm: 21:45 < bridge_> <むぎ> im on android using mixplorer 21:45 < bridge_> is it possible to add two button ? one for quick access to kill/respawn on in game view and a button to reopen keyboard when chat or console is open 21:46 < bridge_> yes, you can edit the buttons now, export to json, edit and import again 21:46 < bridge_> it's mean we can add any kind of bind that we want to main screen right ? 21:46 < bridge_> I also thought about this for keyboard but I haven't found a convenient way to reopen the keyboard with SDL 21:47 < bridge_> yeah, you can add any kind of bind to the ingame touch controls now 21:48 < bridge_> hmm if there isn't any kind of way to reopen keyboard with SDL then by reponing for example chat keyboard will show up again ? 21:48 < bridge_> nice thank you ❤️ 21:49 < bridge_> I guess stopping and immediately restarting text input could be a workaround 21:51 < bridge_> yeah I was thinking about that stopping and refresh last clicked input(chat, console, etc) 21:52 < bridge_> nice add to your original msg 😄 21:52 < bridge_> a link 21:53 < bridge_> # New Android beta version! 21:53 < bridge_> 21:53 < bridge_> See https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8632 for details. The controls are now adjustable, although you will need to use an external text editor for it: 21:54 < bridge_> 21:54 < bridge_> 1. Export the touch configuration to the clipboard. 21:54 < bridge_> 2. Save the clipboard to a file so you can easily edit it (you should also do this to have a backup of your configuration in case you need to reinstall the app!). 21:54 < bridge_> 3. Edit the configuration (see link above for details about the format). 21:54 < bridge_> 4. Copy it to the clipboard and import it in the client again. If the configuration could not be loaded, check the local console for error messages containing `touch_controls` and fix it accordingly. 21:54 < bridge_> 5. Save the changes in the client when you are done. You can also discard your changes or revert to the default if you messed up. 21:54 < bridge_> 21:54 < bridge_> Example for a new touch button: 21:54 < bridge_> 21:54 < bridge_> ```json 21:54 < bridge_> { 21:54 < bridge_> "x": 500000, 21:54 < bridge_> "y": 500000, 21:54 < bridge_> "w": 100000, 21:54 < bridge_> "h": 100000, 21:54 < bridge_> "shape": "rect", 21:54 < bridge_> "visibilities": [ 21:54 < bridge_> "ingame" 21:54 < bridge_> ], 21:54 < bridge_> "behavior": { 21:54 < bridge_> "type": "bind", 21:54 < bridge_> "label": "Example", 21:54 < bridge_> "label-type": "plain", 21:54 < bridge_> "command": "echo Hello world!" 21:54 < bridge_> } 21:54 < bridge_> }, 21:54 < bridge_> ``` 21:54 < bridge_> 21:54 < bridge_> # New Android beta version! 22:55 < bridge_> <0xdeen> Should we make an #announcements for that? 22:56 < bridge_> What should I do if the new version of ddnet crashes? 22:56 < bridge_> <0xdeen> Is there a dump file? Upload it here 22:56 < bridge_> <0xdeen> Windows, Linux, mac? 22:56 < bridge_> Mobile 22:58 < bridge_> What should I do if the new version of ddnet mobile crashes? 22:59 < bridge_> ddnet mobile 23:09 < bridge_> watafak, 86 mbytes 23:09 < bridge_> current linux release is 46 mbytes afair 23:15 < bridge_> The assets alone are around 45 MiB packed. Every arch also contains the respective libraries. I tried different linkers but that didn't make any difference on the size. The default APK zip compression is also pretty bad. 23:16 < bridge_> wait but its arm(64) only build 23:16 < bridge_> ARM and ARM64 23:16 < bridge_> yeah but do assets replicate? 23:17 < bridge_> Assets are not replicated, every arch adds around 22 MiB to the packed size 23:17 < bridge_> woah 23:17 < bridge_> sounds fair, android development sucks ig :justatest: 23:18 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1277376476618035270/image.png?ex=66ccf10c&is=66cb9f8c&hm=6a76b809f3877ded43cf55a39430a2f163ad275840ea3e0eb0e71884f2fc24a1& 23:18 < bridge_> do they contain ddnet-client + libs only? 23:18 < bridge_> its way too heavy to imagine :justatest: 23:19 < bridge_> yeah, no server, no video recorder 23:20 < bridge_> fatty.apk