02:08 < bridge> im visiting heinrich's archive quite often though 02:08 < bridge> although it timeouts me everytime xd 02:12 < bridge> timeout? 02:22 < bridge> ye 02:22 < bridge> > Connection timed out 02:22 < bridge> everytime 02:22 < bridge> i can't access it both from mobile and home network 02:22 < bridge> using vpn for tis 02:22 < bridge> using vpn for this 02:23 < bridge> here 02:24 < bridge> does it use cloudflare or anything that can filter me out huh 02:26 < bridge> ```* Host heinrich5991.de:443 was resolved. 02:26 < bridge> * IPv6: (none) 02:26 < bridge> * IPv4: 02:26 < bridge> * Trying 02:26 < bridge> * connect to port 443 from port 44726 failed: Connection timed out 02:26 < bridge> * Failed to connect to heinrich5991.de port 443 after 133678 ms: Could not connect to server 02:26 < bridge> * closing connection #0 02:26 < bridge> curl: (28) Failed to connect to heinrich5991.de port 443 after 133678 ms: Could not connect to server``` 02:26 < bridge> `curl -v4 https://heinrich5991.de/` once again 04:43 < bridge> imagine servers that change their color every second 04:43 < bridge> :justatest: 05:16 < bridge> That would require the master server and the clients to also refresh every second to be visible to the end user 06:29 < bridge> gm 09:57 < bridge> the time has come for gruvbox period in my life 09:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274275775562121247/image.png?ex=66c1a94b&is=66c057cb&hm=2853b095095245ec0c1d0b6bd182338b763184b410e027191efb24b5fc5df0a9& 12:15 < bridge> no cloudflare 13:02 < bridge> master server updates its state on every change info request, doesnt it? 13:03 < bridge> so how can it happen xd 14:03 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274337769778446356/IMG_9421.jpg?ex=66c1e308&is=66c09188&hm=89518d6f182c854797490c02955a3a6e65c034d1dc0664ad1c6719a036fea643& 14:03 < bridge> why is that happening i get black screen and this error and the game close 14:04 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 14:04 < ws-client> @zhn idk how the master works but yes i assume the master has the up to date version. But the client is not spam requesting the entire servers.json fast enough to see blinking colors 14:05 < ws-client> you would have to manually reload the server list 14:06 < bridge> mid game or when? 14:06 < bridge> 14:06 < bridge> usually this means your GPU has not enough energy, or isn't properly put into the motherboard 14:06 < bridge> or it's caused outside of ddnet 14:07 < bridge> mid game yes 14:07 < bridge> but it only happens in chill 14:07 < bridge> if i play gores it doenst happen 14:07 < bridge> any custom assets? 14:07 < bridge> and only in this game if i play apex or somethings else it doenst happen 14:07 < bridge> can the entities be corrupted? 14:08 < bridge> idk just downloaded a few 14:08 < bridge> it can be distracting anyway 14:08 < bridge> no i just want to make sure that it's not some hidden error bcs of out of memory that windows just kills it or smth 14:09 < bridge> and does it always crash when you at that map? 14:09 < bridge> 14:09 < bridge> like 100% 14:09 < bridge> not random 14:09 < bridge> yes only at that map 14:09 < ws-client> its fat map 14:09 < bridge> that's not the question 14:09 < bridge> does it always crash at the same spot 14:09 < bridge> not at the same spot jsut random 14:10 < bridge> mhh, if you want, try to use a clean ddnet, and see if it crashes there too 14:11 < bridge> also try to limit fps 14:11 < bridge> manchmal wenn mein game abstürtzt dann is so so krass das ich eine fehlermeldung von windowns bekomme wo dieser blaue bildschirm ist ich dneke du weißt was ich meine und dann startet sich mein pc neu 14:12 < bridge> Sometimes when my game crashes it's so bad that I get an error message from Windows where this blue screen is, I think you know what I mean and then my PC restarts 14:12 < bridge> ok but that just confirms that it's a problem with your setup 14:12 < bridge> a game cannot crash windows to bluescreen 14:12 < bridge> (in theory) 14:13 < bridge> it happens on steam ddnet and ddnet in internet download 14:13 < bridge> try to open your pc, clean it from dust 14:13 < bridge> 14:13 < bridge> unplug your GPU 14:13 < bridge> and only fokko map no other map no other game 14:13 < bridge> clean all contacts 14:13 < bridge> put it in again 14:13 < bridge> it must be ddnet problem 14:14 < bridge> okay i do 14:14 < bridge> again, a game cannot cause a bluescreen 14:14 < bridge> he wont clean the contacts he will detroy them 14:14 < bridge> I tried to run ChillerDragons #8751 but I do get 14:14 < bridge> 14:14 < bridge> ``` 14:14 < bridge> Traceback (most recent call last): 14:14 < bridge> File "/twtools/./grass.py", line 7, in 14:14 < bridge> from twmap import Map 14:14 < bridge> File "/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twmap/__init__.py", line 2, in 14:14 < bridge> from .map import Map, Info 14:14 < bridge> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'twmap.map' 14:14 < bridge> ``` 14:14 < bridge> 14:14 < bridge> anyone else had this problem before? 14:14 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8751 14:15 < bridge> @patiga 14:15 < bridge> did you install the python module today or yesterday? 14:15 < bridge> today 14:15 < bridge> 15 minutes ago 14:16 < ws-client> oh no did i break it? 14:16 < bridge> looks like the typing stuff broke it in some way 14:16 < ws-client> python infrastructure is so complicated 14:16 < bridge> when is there gonna be .7 skin saving 14:17 < bridge> @avolicious for a quick fix, you could download the twmap version 0.5.0 with pip 14:17 < ws-client> or ``:>/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twmap/__init__.py`` <:justatest:572499997178986510> 14:17 < bridge> `pip install --force-reinstall -v "twmap==0.5.0"` 14:18 < ws-client> so it includes the types instead of the .so? 14:18 < ws-client> hmm 14:20 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1723897219.png 14:20 < ws-client> watafak is a abi3.so 14:21 < ws-client> it worked in my local install hmm 14:22 < bridge> ``` 14:22 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 3 -> Image 'fadeout' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:22 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 4 -> Image 'entities' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:22 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 3 -> Image 'ddnet_tiles' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:22 < bridge> Map - In Group at index 1 -> In Layer at index 0 -> In Quad at index 0 -> Invalid envelope index 0 for a map with 6 envelopes 14:22 < bridge> Map - In Envelope at index 114 -> In EnvPoint at index 0 -> Value 'time stamp' (-41) must not be negative 14:22 < bridge> Map from Datafile - Layer error at index 11: Quads data provides a different amount of quads than announced 14:22 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 1 -> Image 'basic_freeze' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:22 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 5 -> Name '|font.png' should be sanitized, for example: font.png 14:22 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 5 -> Image 'desert_mountains_new_foreground' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:23 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 8 -> Image 'q-aip-gores' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:23 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 8 -> Image 'q-aip-gores' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:23 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 8 -> Image 'round-tiles' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:23 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 1 -> Image 'ddnet_tiles' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:23 < bridge> Map from Datafile - Image error at index 0: The data index is negative (-1) 14:23 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 0 -> Image 'Sidescroller' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:23 < bridge> Map from Datafile - Layer error at index 4: Optional index 'position envelope' (-182122) is neither -1 or in its u16 range 14:23 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 2 -> Image 'basic_freeze' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:23 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 5 -> Image 'ddmax-freeze' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:23 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 6 -> Image 'light' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:23 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 1 -> Image 'ddnet_tiles' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:23 < bridge> ``` 14:23 < bridge> ``` 14:23 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 8 -> Image 'round-tiles' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:23 < bridge> Map from Datafile - EnvPoints error at index 0: Curve type bezier, but no bezier data is available 14:23 < bridge> ``` 14:23 < bridge> So your grass thingy should be safe 😄 14:24 < ws-client> kog maps always have been a bit messy hehe 14:25 < bridge> are those all errors for all kog maps? I would've expected many more 14:25 < bridge> This is all 14:25 < bridge> @zinssi ping me if you tried and it didn't work, i am curious about it 😄 14:25 < bridge> Atleast with the current 0.6 maps 14:25 < bridge> nice 14:25 < bridge> I can run it against 0.7 maps too if you want 14:25 < bridge> would be interesting :) 14:27 < ws-client> 0.7 maps are the same with the embed all tiles script applied i assume 14:27 < bridge> This is the 0.7 output 14:27 < bridge> 14:27 < bridge> ``` 14:27 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 8 -> Image 'round-tiles' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:27 < bridge> Datafile parsing - Not enough bytes left 14:27 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 1 -> Image 'entities' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:27 < bridge> Map from Datafile - Version error: Unsupported version 12580, supported are versions from 1 up to 1 14:27 < bridge> Map from Datafile - Version error: Unsupported version 12580, supported are versions from 1 up to 1 14:27 < bridge> Map from Datafile - Version error: Unsupported version 16594, supported are versions from 1 up to 1 14:27 < bridge> Map from Datafile - Version error: Unsupported version 15972, supported are versions from 1 up to 1 14:27 < bridge> Map from Datafile - Version error: Unsupported version 16594, supported are versions from 1 up to 1 14:27 < bridge> Map from Datafile - Version error: Unsupported version 15972, supported are versions from 1 up to 1 14:28 < bridge> Datafile parsing - Not enough bytes left 14:28 < bridge> Datafile parsing - Not enough bytes left 14:28 < bridge> Map from Datafile - EnvPoints error at index 0: Curve type bezier, but no bezier data is available 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 3 -> Image 'fadeout' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 4 -> Image 'entities' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 3 -> Image 'ddnet_tiles' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:28 < bridge> Datafile parsing - Not enough bytes left 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Group at index 1 -> In Layer at index 0 -> In Quad at index 0 -> Invalid envelope index 0 for a map with 6 envelopes 14:28 < bridge> Datafile parsing - Not enough bytes left 14:28 < bridge> Datafile parsing - Not enough bytes left 14:28 < bridge> Datafile parsing - Not enough bytes left 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Envelope at index 114 -> In EnvPoint at index 0 -> Value 'time stamp' (-41) must not be negative 14:28 < bridge> ``` 14:28 < bridge> ``` 14:28 < bridge> Map from Datafile - Layer error at index 11: Quads data provides a different amount of quads than announced 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 1 -> Image 'basic_freeze' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:28 < bridge> Datafile parsing - Not enough bytes left 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 5 -> Name '|font.png' should be sanitized, for example: font.png 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 5 -> Image 'desert_mountains_new_foreground' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 8 -> Image 'q-aip-gores' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 8 -> Image 'q-aip-gores' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 8 -> Image 'round-tiles' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:28 < bridge> Map - In Image at index 1 -> Image 'ddnet_tiles' is not a valid external image for DDNet06 14:28 < bridge> @avolicious once the 0.6.0 version is fixed, it will go through all maps much faster, you can expect a speedup between x2.5 and x3 :D 14:28 < bridge> But I guess its because we use an old version of convert_map? 14:28 < bridge> some of those errors look cursed 14:29 < bridge> I hope that is the issue 😅 14:29 < ws-client> so the old working version had this https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1723897734.png 14:29 < ws-client> which is now overwritten by https://gitlab.com/Patiga/twmap-py/-/blob/master/twmap/__init__.py?ref_type=heads 14:29 < bridge> that is only for windows I think, its a abstract interface for python version 3, which packages can use to be compatible with all 3.x versions 14:30 < ws-client> if i nuke the __init__.py in the old version it breaks for me on debian with a python3 venv 14:31 < ws-client> or did you reply to abi3.so 14:31 < bridge> abi3.so 14:33 < ws-client> yea not sure how to fully test this. How hard is it to setup the package thing you do? 14:33 < bridge> I use maturin https://github.com/PyO3/maturin 14:34 < bridge> @avolicious are you on windows or linux? 14:34 < bridge> linux 14:35 < bridge> ChillerDragon: looks like `maturin develop` is what you want, or `maturin build` 14:35 < ws-client> no tokens needed? 14:35 < bridge> no, you can do it locally 14:35 < ws-client> ah nice 14:36 < bridge> https://github.com/PyO3/maturin?#usage 14:37 < bridge> maturin is in the arch package repos, you can also install it with pip 15:00 < ws-client> yea ``maturin develop`` just worked but the whole thing is so annoying to work with i will rq for now sorry 15:01 < bridge> unlucky, what part of it is annoying tho? maturin or the typing stuff? 15:01 < ws-client> maybe a external ``twmap-stubs`` package would be cleaner not sure 15:01 < ws-client> @patiga the python part xd 15:01 < ws-client> its just so many options for everything 15:01 < ws-client> fix one break the other 15:01 < bridge> sounds hella annoying 15:02 < ws-client> i never know if it picks stuff from my system install or from the local maturin install or from the local folder because im in the twmap directory and the files are there 15:03 < ws-client> my lsp picks up types different than mypy 15:03 < ws-client> when the python runtime works the type hints dont 15:04 < bridge> I typically ensure I have no system install of twmap, and in the twmap directory it can't take the local compiled thing unless you symlink it from the target directory 15:04 < ws-client> i had some setup that worked for everything by installing the .so and the .pyi files into python path manually xd and hoped if maturin packages it it will also just work 15:04 < bridge> so that the twmap must be from the virtual env 15:05 < ws-client> ye so i gotta break the works for me setup which lets me run and get type hints globally currently 15:05 < ws-client> too late for such stunts 15:06 < ws-client> this will probably take me some time I would recommend deleting the twmap/ directory and doing a release that works 15:07 < ws-client> If i had known that i dont need a token for maturin i would have tested it my self. Sorry everything broke :c 15:08 < bridge> np, I'll dabble a little as well before I revert the typing 15:08 < bridge> coz proper type hints would really be amazing 15:09 < ws-client> oh boi they are 15:09 < ws-client> it fully replaced the docs for me 15:09 < ws-client> im 10x map scripter now 15:54 < bridge> @patiga ever heard of https://docs.rs/wgpu/latest/wgpu/enum.BufferBindingType.html#variant.Storage 15:54 < bridge> heard of yea, used it no 15:54 < bridge> aren't those simply shader buffer storages? 15:54 < bridge> aren't they the perfect use case for twgpu actually 15:54 < bridge> how so? 15:55 < bridge> I think they are in particular for writing stuff from the shader 15:55 < bridge> for compute stuff 15:55 < bridge> because you simply want 2 bytes in an array. 15:55 < bridge> 15:55 < bridge> and they have no limit like textures 15:55 < bridge> they can be used readonly 15:55 < bridge> hm that does sound appealing 15:56 < bridge> any downside? o.o 15:56 < bridge> i already thought about using them a while ago, but they are opengl 4.3 core: 15:56 < bridge> https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Shader_Storage_Buffer_Object 15:56 < bridge> i am surprised wgpu has them 15:56 < bridge> i thought they are opengl 3.3 compatible 😄 15:56 < bridge> sometimes with workarounds 16:00 < bridge> the only other change which this requires it telling the shader the width of the tilemap, to get from x, y to the index 16:00 < bridge> but that should ofc not be an issue 16:21 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274372591670399018/20240817_162128.jpg?ex=66c20376&is=66c0b1f6&hm=7e08225f49079b6f21a6e7b941fc598618258fd9cf0fc217bac95e743076c0f7& 16:30 < bridge> I'm trying to figure out where does the community data come from here () 16:30 < bridge> 16:30 < bridge> But I don't see anything in the [info.py]() file on github, does someone know what's going on? 16:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274374856082718732/image.png?ex=66c20592&is=66c0b412&hm=b590d93937caf809d072fea4c0f51e380ba6076e911360457ed13dac1d034aa3& 16:35 < bridge> The file was updated 2 years ago 16:36 < bridge> I don't see anything though 16:36 < bridge> in other words, it's out of date to what we use right now 16:36 < bridge> ah 16:37 < bridge> When will it be updated? 16:37 < bridge> ``` 16:37 < bridge> try: 16:37 < bridge> with open(os.path.join(serversDir, 'generated/communities.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: 16:37 < bridge> result["communities"] = json.load(f) 16:37 < bridge> except Exception as e: 16:37 < bridge> print(e) 16:37 < bridge> 16:37 < bridge> result["community-icons-download-url"] = "https://info.ddnet.org/icons"``` 16:37 < bridge> ```py 16:37 < bridge> try: 16:37 < bridge> with open(os.path.join(serversDir, 'generated/communities.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: 16:37 < bridge> result["communities"] = json.load(f) 16:37 < bridge> except Exception as e: 16:37 < bridge> print(e) 16:37 < bridge> 16:37 < bridge> result["community-icons-download-url"] = "https://info.ddnet.org/icons"``` 17:13 < bridge> By the way, what is the `has_finishes` key for? 17:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274385559053271100/image.png?ex=66c20f8a&is=66c0be0a&hm=f21b71bb9e58f98b6309644d6a1747122fe70647b438777b4478129ca959004b& 17:17 < bridge> to show shiny flag icon in server browser 17:25 < bridge> wdym 17:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274389141458522122/image.png?ex=66c212e0&is=66c0c160&hm=29b73f0f807e2da4a505e6f494a5486f5dbcebdd4f606d01959a7e8ace7d725a& 17:27 < bridge> Oh 17:28 < bridge> Then why doesnt kog have it to true? XD 17:48 < bridge> ChillerDragon: https://gitlab.com/Patiga/twmap-py/-/tree/fix-types?ref_type=heads can you try this? 17:48 < bridge> I merged all the .pyi files into one twmap.pyi, which appears to work 18:12 < bridge> We don't have a mechanism for KoG to provide their finishes to us yet 19:02 < bridge> Yo im struggling to find the commit that fixes the demo keybinds. They were not working before if the ui was not on. does anyone remember? 19:05 < bridge> #8211, assuming you merged #8156 which added the bug 19:05 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8211 19:05 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8156 19:05 < bridge> yes thank your :D 19:08 < bridge> yes thank you :D 20:15 < bridge> thank god 20:15 < bridge> it looked kinda ugly and confusing 22:59 < bridge> my meme of the day 22:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274472781719015498/image.png?ex=66c260c5&is=66c10f45&hm=91e812a8a6316b1f34d0f36a937e7c5839f22c000d2d76e2e6b068c6e601ef05& 22:59 < bridge> finally hit 2k tees without crashing 23:01 < bridge> stacks like these create massive worst cases for my mod tho. i think i could hit 2k players with kinda stable fps too 23:01 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274473143670538240/image.png?ex=66c2611c&is=66c10f9c&hm=2ef834a648d334ba3da2bffbad02357b38e45252140d6f0261df8569e2db6a92& 23:05 < bridge> guys i riced my windows! 23:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274474268713029683/image.png?ex=66c26228&is=66c110a8&hm=7c564e4323a5f802893658df9f73156c93e14a81d51c852b5a8f9b5bd975d343& 23:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274474269417410610/image.png?ex=66c26228&is=66c110a8&hm=63c913194d50243c5a7caa88f85f41dd24400e3a9749e8abb74e863720658d4b& 23:06 < bridge> with 1000 dummies connected it uses this amount of traffic 23:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274474340007546900/image.png?ex=66c26239&is=66c110b9&hm=c5787d13a47cdf9efadd2ffbdafaad9e99987b3161f5199982183d06f0483033& 23:06 < bridge> looks kinda cool 😄 23:17 < bridge> quick question 23:18 < bridge> where do i find the preinstalled entities in the filesystem 23:18 < bridge> because they are not stored in the assets folder 23:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274477779634749561/image.png?ex=66c2656d&is=66c113ed&hm=67673baf60c28e748ffa3639cb7e82d2aa433221ef823d924da67cdda8efad93& 23:19 < bridge> cba to type that 23:19 < bridge> :kekw: 23:19 < bridge> no 23:19 < bridge> data/editor/entities_clear 23:20 < bridge> oh he said entities, thought he meant game 23:20 < bridge> :xd: 23:20 < bridge> we have 2 paths even for game 23:20 < bridge> sucks but yeah nobody changed that yet xD 23:20 < bridge> we have data/game.png 23:21 < bridge> aggresively ping roby! 23:21 < bridge> and the ones in assets 23:21 < bridge> but we break some 0.3 player config while changing that 23:21 < bridge> 😬 23:21 < bridge> :kekw: 23:21 < bridge> ok but there is the entities comfort 23:22 < bridge> am i trippin or did i install those myself because i cant find them in my folder either 23:22 < bridge> they are preinstalled 23:22 < bridge> ok so where do i find those 23:23 < bridge> nvm found it 23:23 < bridge> ddnet\data\assets\entities\comfort 23:24 < bridge> :bluestripe: ofc 23:27 < bridge> windows detected, opinion rejected 23:27 < bridge> hey, be happy i riced it 23:38 < bridge> I cant start my game after updating graphic drivers 23:39 < bridge> Do you get any error messages or a crash dump in the `dumps` folder (if you use Windows)? 23:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274482897981669540/DDNet_win64-steam_crash_log_2024-08-17_23-36-56_14976_36825f51715569c77598a206dbaf0b3212982184.RTP?ex=66c26a31&is=66c118b1&hm=a5de86ce2429f0a1599f7b1e5e40b490760b79709847ce7e26cd5670ecc99129& 23:41 < bridge> pls tell me you use beta drivers or smth 23:41 < bridge> or some shitty overlays xD 23:42 < bridge> Just to make sure, did you reboot the system after updating the drivers? 23:43 < bridge> amd-software-pro-edition-22.q4-win10-win11-nov15 23:43 < bridge> amd_chipset_drivers_am4_am5 23:43 < bridge> ye 23:43 < bridge> i installed those 2 23:45 < bridge> from when should this be? 23:45 < bridge> 2022? 23:45 < bridge> q4 23:45 < bridge> nov15 23:45 < bridge> this cant be a recent driver xD 23:45 < bridge> what gpu do you have? 23:46 < bridge> https://www.amd.com/de/support/downloads/drivers.html/graphics/radeon-rx/radeon-rx-6000-series/amd-radeon-rx-6800-xt.html 23:46 < bridge> https://www.amd.com/de/support/downloads/drivers.html/processors/ryzen/ryzen-7000-series/amd-ryzen-9-7900x.html 23:46 < bridge> I got Win11 downloads 23:46 < bridge> yeah 23:46 < bridge> but use the non-pro 23:46 < bridge> pro is only for like servers 23:46 < bridge> With symbols: 23:47 < bridge> ``` 23:47 < bridge> vulkan-1.dll!vkDestroyDescriptorPool+0x47a87 23:47 < bridge> 0x00000001403331d1: CCommandProcessorFragment_Vulkan::PrepareFrame() at src/engine/client/backend/vulkan/backend_vulkan.cpp:2365 23:47 < bridge> 0x000000014034c2ec: CCommandProcessorFragment_Vulkan::Cmd_Init(CCommandProcessorFragment_GLBase::SCommand_Init const*) at src/engine/client/backend/vulkan/backend_vulkan.cpp:6586 23:47 < bridge> 0x000000014032fa04: CCommandProcessorFragment_Vulkan::RunCommand(CCommandBuffer::SCommand const*) at src/engine/client/backend/vulkan/backend_vulkan.cpp:6490 23:47 < bridge> 0x000000014001a3c6: CCommandProcessor_SDL_GL::RunBuffer(CCommandBuffer*) at src/engine/client/backend_sdl.cpp:335 23:47 < bridge> 0x00000001400164bb: CGraphicsBackend_Threaded::ThreadFunc(void*) at src/engine/client/backend_sdl.cpp:65 23:47 < bridge> ``` 23:47 < bridge> Adrenalin 24.7.1 (WHQL Recommended) 23:47 < bridge> Recommended 23:47 < bridge> i didnt get Adrenalin 23:47 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274484823221735477/image.png?ex=66c26bfc&is=66c11a7c&hm=3940399fe3425227d215e3cb1d5c84c8ad80efac414b9f9790163ef391923bb9& 23:47 < bridge> u picked the one below 23:48 < bridge> I picked those 2 files 23:48 < bridge> yeah 23:48 < bridge> but why 23:48 < bridge> just pick the correct one 23:48 < bridge> https://drivers.amd.com/drivers/whql-amd-software-adrenalin-edition-24.7.1-win10-win11-july19-rdna.exe 23:49 < bridge> well doesnt work directly 23:49 < bridge> i can try ig 23:49 < bridge> why do they even have that for customer gpus on their download page xD 23:50 < bridge> Im almost certain that adrenalin will fix it. It says recommended bcs amd wants it 23:50 < bridge> yeah, most likely 23:50 < bridge> still weird design choice from amd 23:51 < bridge> will not* 23:51 < bridge> ? xD 23:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274485912688136243/image.png?ex=66c26d00&is=66c11b80&hm=3c44657895f96eeebbb481e5a7b76e560f5e93dc9eee77a6a8942447551f17f7& 23:52 < bridge> the pro drivers are ass old 23:52 < bridge> not even recommended 23:52 < bridge> simply dont use them 23:53 < bridge> @alex0006 i dunno if you didnt notice, but you don't have adrenalin edition 23:53 < bridge> ^ 23:55 < bridge> it helped. I didnt get it bcs i was scared to be forced to use their adrenalin software itself. i was able to just install drivers 23:56 < bridge> what's the problem with adrenalin? 23:56 < bridge> its pure bloat 23:56 < bridge> just wondering 23:56 < bridge> mh ok 23:56 < bridge> it has an updater included 23:56 < bridge> but yeah your choice 23:57 < bridge> I can start the game again, thanks