06:17 < bridge> tele should be predictable anyways 😅 06:20 < ws-client> any maintainer awake that can help me avoid a git conflict? 06:30 < ws-client> oke ima conflict my own ass then 08:46 < bridge> @learath2 strings done 😏 (i don't really understand this `OFFSET` business but it works xd) 08:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273895596847267883/image.png?ex=66c0473a&is=66bef5ba&hm=ea3cb456677c06f7bfe66e242cd9a961c26ab76320a6d532fa7e087ef2a8ee5c& 09:02 < bridge> I thought you were generating NASM not MASM 09:02 < bridge> im using `as` 09:03 < bridge> no `nasm` anymore 09:06 < bridge> I guess the gnu assembler addresses the same way masm does 09:06 < bridge> Idk never used as 09:07 < bridge> i tried to generate similar stuff as gcc but it didn't work with `OFFSET FLAT` so I just dropped last keyword xD 09:15 < ws-client> wtf? How do i get a snap character m_Vel.y of 128 in the client side sometimes when walking left or right on a flat surface? Do i print the wrong stuff or is that some kind of bug? 09:16 < ws-client> ``const CNetObj_Character *pPrevChar = &m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientId].m_Prev;`` 09:21 < ws-client> @zwelf i always assumed that once the max walking speed on the ground is reached jumping or landing on the floor does no longer affect the speed 09:21 < ws-client> is that incorrect? 09:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273905456708059210/walkspeed.mp4?ex=66c05068&is=66befee8&hm=6926be674a6197e8d54d8e320d495e717993e585b332dee11e860435b5802964& 09:25 < ws-client> I hold down "d" to walk the entire time. And it seems like falling slows me down a bit. Is that correct? 09:32 < bridge> air drag maybe 09:37 < ws-client> indeed 09:37 < ws-client> how did i not know that xd 09:37 < ws-client> I made a flat map and finished by only walking first then i did it again and jumped a bit 09:37 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1723793815.png 09:38 < ws-client> So if you get bored while speedrunning don't do random jumps! 09:39 < ws-client> so that all seems correct. But I still don't understand where vel y 128 is coming from when walking left or right 09:40 < ws-client> is that maybe a gravity race condition bug that never caused any issues because the client then predicts it away because it knows that the tee is grounded 09:46 < ws-client> https://tube.zillyhuhn.com/videos/users/chiller/vel128_on_floor.mp4 09:46 < ws-client> WOAH 09:48 < bridge> <0xdeen> Think of it like formula 1 downforce 😄 09:50 < ws-client> lmao 09:50 < ws-client> yea i think that should be fixed on the server side. Its weird to only sometimes apply this downforce. 09:52 < bridge> ground control 09:53 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1723794793.png 09:53 < ws-client> time to switch to gitlab 09:53 < ws-client> ms is making gh ugly 09:57 < bridge> light theme is making it ugly 09:57 < bridge> shame on you 09:57 < ws-client> :c 09:57 < bridge> 😢 09:57 < bridge> dark theme master race 09:58 < ws-client> white theme master race 09:58 < bridge> :banhammer: 09:59 < bridge> wait a minute 09:59 < bridge> you said white theme 09:59 < bridge> not light theme 09:59 < ws-client> yes its a racism joke 09:59 < bridge> aha 10:07 < bridge> Why servers lagginng some time verry bad? 10:07 < ws-client> which server? 10:07 < ws-client> rus? 10:07 < bridge> [square_man](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/914748715586191381.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=square_man) 10:08 < ws-client> @cocibaka you can see the current server load here https://ddnet.org/status/ sometimes there is ddos for example. You can also ask the others if they lagg too. Its either the server or maybe you. 10:09 < bridge> There no Niger? 10:09 < bridge> Sadly 10:10 < bridge> Bro im waiting you too much 10:10 < bridge> Learn write faster 10:11 < bridge> who thought it would be a good idea to make `strings.Trim` function work as it currently does(golang), this son of a bitch took me 40 mins to debug :pepeW: 10:11 < ws-client> you play on niger servers? @cocibaka 10:12 < bridge> Idk. Im just joining to server where is minimum ping 10:12 < bridge> Is around 80-150 10:13 < bridge> In midnight 80 ping 10:15 < ws-client> hm i think the velocity thing is a floating point issue 10:15 < ws-client> floats are so annoying 10:40 < bridge> 👀 10:40 < bridge> try strings.TrimSpace 10:40 < bridge> ._. 10:41 < bridge> i used TrimPrefix 10:41 < bridge> trimleft 10:41 < bridge> nop 10:41 < bridge> same problem with trimleft 10:41 < bridge> what was the problem wiht `strings.Trim`? 10:41 < bridge> what did it do that it shouldn't? 10:42 < bridge> i THOUGHT it would just remove the passed string 10:42 < bridge> it's called cutset 10:42 < bridge> > Trim returns a slice of the string s with all leading and trailing Unicode code points contained in cutset removed. 10:42 < bridge> not prefix 10:42 < bridge> dat's what it actually does 10:43 < bridge> ah. sounds similar like in python or rust 10:43 < bridge> but you found TrimPrefix 10:43 < bridge> so all's good 10:43 < bridge> https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.strip 10:43 < bridge> https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.str.html#method.trim 10:44 < bridge> this function was called from reflect code and i thought the problem was there, so I spent most of the time trying to find a bug there xd 10:45 < bridge> the funny thing is that i have like 20 tests to test the thing and it didn't happen there even once 10:46 < bridge> at least you habe tests \:D 10:46 < bridge> have 10:46 < bridge> that's the only thing I wrote tests for 11:22 < bridge> new record: 11:22 < bridge> 11:22 < bridge> ``` 11:22 < bridge> cargo clean 11:22 < bridge> Removed 349809 files, 217.1GiB total 11:22 < bridge> ``` 11:25 < bridge> Wtf :issou: 11:25 < bridge> ikr, sums up insanely 11:25 < bridge> build some WASM modules and release + debug 11:25 < bridge> every target dir is like 15-20gb or more 11:25 < bridge> rip 11:26 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/huh-verne-over-the-hedge-turtle-disbelief-gif-24744867 11:39 < ws-client> what does the constexpr do here? ``static constexpr float MOVEMENT_INFORMATION_LINE_HEIGHT = 8.0f;`` 11:39 < bridge> that this expression is evaluated at compile time 11:39 < bridge> but cpp is really weird about this rule for functions 11:40 < bridge> thus there is also consteval 11:40 < ws-client> which expression? 11:40 < bridge> the assignment to your const 11:41 < ws-client> so it ensures it is set in the .data section or what? 11:42 < bridge> such internal things shouldnt matter to you, or do you write asm code or smth? 11:42 < bridge> since it's static it's most likely inlined anyway 11:42 < ws-client> I mean i understand it for stuff like ``static int foo = 2 + 2`` where it evaluates 4 11:42 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ so it does nothing? 11:42 < ws-client> i care because of this 11:42 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1723801361.png 11:43 < bridge> well what answer do you want to here. 11:43 < bridge> 11:43 < bridge> a static int foo = 2+2 11:43 < bridge> _could_ be created at runtime (even if unlikely) 11:43 < ws-client> the entire line is weird to me 11:43 < ws-client> why is it static? why is it constexpr? why is it not a #define or enum 11:44 < bridge> you could say constexpr is the better new hipster way for #defines 11:44 < bridge> `enum`s can't be floats, `#define`s aren't typed 11:44 < ws-client> i see 11:45 < bridge> that seems hella risky 11:45 < bridge> also in real life gravity still applies if you're standing on the ground 11:45 < ws-client> im also fine with making it apply on the ground but then at least consistently 11:45 < ws-client> sometimes 0 and sometimes 128 is so weird 11:46 < ws-client> why static tho @heinrich5991 11:46 < bridge> static means it's only instantiated once per program, I think 11:50 < bridge> 😏 😏 😏 11:50 < bridge> teeworlds is so realistic 11:52 < bridge> yes :justatest: 11:57 < ws-client> @learath2 u here? 11:58 < bridge> Sure 11:58 < ws-client> nvm 11:58 < ws-client> xd 11:59 < bridge> Ok 😭 11:59 < ws-client> i blamed wrong 12:00 < ws-client> i thought you added AIM to seven/network.py 12:00 < ws-client> but heinrich did 12:00 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/commit/0d916e2ef6a18e76bca60cad27b23360ac4c1b6c#diff-f17727e47d30fb26a947d1ed4cf86c4b1f936598be1689d6d2aace665bd60a94 did you ever test if that works? 12:08 < ws-client> ah i see that only works on custom 0.7 servers ok nvm heinrich i got it 12:10 < bridge> <.puch> chillerdragon we don't have any bridge for zcatch? 12:11 < ws-client> Not that I know of 12:11 < ws-client> But i am somewhat working on it 12:11 < ws-client> I rage quitted on 0.7 skin colors last time xd 12:11 < bridge> <.puch> ah yes I understand xddddd 12:11 < bridge> <.puch> is it true 0.7 is based on svg? 12:12 < ws-client> no 12:12 < ws-client> also png like 0.6 12:12 < ws-client> if you want a broken zcatch try ``sv_gametype zcatch`` xd 12:12 < bridge> <.puch> okok 12:12 < bridge> <.puch> nah nah it will be fine xd 12:12 < bridge> <.puch> and you're talking through irc? 12:13 < bridge> <.puch> why not discord? 12:13 < ws-client> i dont like discord 12:13 < bridge> <.puch> ok that's why you didn't answer to my messages yesterday 12:13 < ws-client> on discord? ye i only log in like once a year 12:13 < bridge> <.puch> okok fine hopefully I found you here 12:13 < bridge> <.puch> ^^ 14:05 < bridge> <.puch> chiller i set up webhook it's working great 🙂 14:08 < bridge> <.puch> chillerdragon i also got an idea for the gctf tournament. We could automate games with a kind of team password you write in teamchat 14:10 < bridge> <.puch> both team write it in teamchat to launch the game then result is officially put in discord 14:53 < bridge> I am not organizing the tournaments. Are you @.puch ? Depends if it would be useful for the organizers. I assume they are happy with a tournament server that posts names and stats to discord. Adding a password that has to be typed correctly by every player and manually matched by organizers sounds like more work than before. 14:53 < bridge> Nice 14:55 < bridge> https://tee.lol/ 14:56 < bridge> i like that hidden easter egg 14:57 < bridge> help me, what's the easter egg? 14:58 < bridge> i scammed you sry 14:58 < bridge> why did u do the site? 14:58 < bridge> like what thought led to this 14:58 < bridge> .lol sounds expensive xd 14:59 < bridge> this is not my domain but i made a 5 minute design for it 😄 14:59 < bridge> 2$ 14:59 < bridge> per? 14:59 < bridge> year 14:59 < bridge> wat ok 15:00 < bridge> but first year, renew 25$ 15:01 < bridge> wow 25$ is a lot again 😄 15:07 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/kinitopet-kinito-pet-hello-chat-gif-11723649692193045939 15:10 < bridge> Nice bait price hehe 15:10 < bridge> Also amazing website! I hope you will keep paying for it! 15:11 < bridge> best website ever 15:11 < bridge> i want to see `.dragon` tld 15:11 < bridge> Soo long 15:12 < bridge> ok i actually want `.star` 15:12 < bridge> I want to have .x tld 15:12 < bridge> Or better .0 15:13 < bridge> Checkout my cool website at: o.0 15:14 < bridge> that would probably be taken in less than a ms if it would start to be sold xD 15:14 < bridge> short names are so impossible to get :c 15:16 < bridge> Just gotta have some good connections to the lizards that rule the world and they can get you some 15:17 < bridge> the best teeworlds website is ofc https://zillyhuhn.com/ 15:17 < bridge> why even huhn? 15:17 < bridge> Full of css bugs 15:17 < bridge> It’s my name 15:17 < bridge> ChillerDragon 15:17 < bridge> huhn and dragons are related?.. yeah ok 15:17 < bridge> Nono 15:18 < bridge> It’s like Learath2 -> lerato 15:18 < bridge> Or Robyt3 -> rosbit 15:18 < bridge> then it should be zilldoragon 15:19 < bridge> zillerdoragon 15:19 < bridge> So many ways to butcher that name 15:19 < bridge> I thought zillyhuhn is the shortest and cleanest 15:19 < bridge> sillydrag 15:19 < bridge> Ok that’s also cool 15:19 < bridge> huhuhu 15:19 < bridge> new drag technique dropped 15:20 < bridge> @patiga do u still work on twgpu sometimes? 15:20 < bridge> right now 😅 15:20 < bridge> Stop procrastinating then 15:20 < bridge> Close discord 15:20 < bridge> shush 15:20 < bridge> its compiling :p 15:20 < bridge> hehe 15:21 < bridge> huh actually it finished a while ago 15:21 < bridge> Average rust experience 15:21 < bridge> xd 15:21 < bridge> bit true xd 15:22 < bridge> debug symbols are so huge: 15:22 < bridge> `-rwxrwxr-x 2 jupeyy jupeyy 1021737816 16. Aug 13:59 ddnet-playground` 15:22 < bridge> 15:22 < bridge> if i strip: 15:23 < bridge> `-rwxrwxr-x 2 jupeyy jupeyy 242137896 16. Aug 15:22 ddnet-playground` 15:23 < bridge> xd 15:23 < bridge> for a debug build 15:23 < bridge> if the exec is 1gb, no wonder cargo clean, cleans 200 gb 15:24 < bridge> Even stripped it fat 15:25 < bridge> Wait till asmr client drops 15:25 < bridge> yeah, without removing dead code 15:25 < bridge> it's just insane 15:26 < bridge> @patiga WAAT it doesnt need mapres anymore 15:26 < bridge> but where does it get them from? 15:27 < bridge> https://crates.io/crates/twstorage 15:27 < bridge> and where does that get it from?= xd 15:27 < bridge> it searches for a ddnet installation 15:27 < bridge> /usr/share/games/ddnet 15:27 < bridge> ah ok 15:28 < bridge> also in the cwd, and in the directory of the the binary that was called 15:28 < bridge> and ofc cfg directory in the usual places 15:28 < bridge> for the data directory, it also looks for a steam installation 15:29 < bridge> macos is still todo tho 15:30 < bridge> \~/Library/Application\\ Support Moment 15:30 < bridge> i was just interested in how much VRAM it uses for the map "nostalgia" 15:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273997234244947998/image.png?ex=66c0a5e2&is=66bf5462&hm=8eb2aba24ba591465de3cc7b6bcd3dc6f539f6dff33df22522447ddb3840aada& 15:30 < bridge> do you have stats how much of these is caused by resources? 15:30 < bridge> like textures (not the one used for rendering) 15:30 < bridge> Jopsti switched from windows to temple os 15:30 < bridge> ah tilemap textures? no I have no stats yet 15:31 < bridge> When buy gnome pro 15:31 < bridge> yeah i mean like tilemap textures should not count towards "normal" resources. 15:31 < bridge> 15:31 < bridge> so it's easier to see what is actually causing huge allocations here 15:31 < bridge> that tool is epyc tho 15:32 < bridge> never seen a better taskmanager for gpus 15:32 < bridge> https://github.com/Umio-Yasuno/amdgpu_top 15:32 < bridge> 10/10 recommended 15:32 < bridge> Grey bg is nasty 15:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273998111022387321/image.png?ex=66c0a6b3&is=66bf5533&hm=c381046b55c5df740cf0d1e380123f9eb4c5d823ff6de73dc8008f1c79f55571& 15:33 < bridge> it has dark mode 15:33 < bridge> xdd 15:33 < bridge> sadly it doesnt detect it based on my config 15:34 < bridge> it can also read so much stuff from the GPU 15:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273998405579837583/image.png?ex=66c0a6f9&is=66bf5579&hm=b78fa332e10df7cb2437a23b07e19cc4c88e1932a83f097d07e1bd39417044d9& 15:34 < bridge> didnt even know linux supports all this 15:38 < bridge> omg, it has a gui mode 15:38 < bridge> 15:39 < bridge> bye terminal 15:39 < bridge> now it looks like gnome deluxe 15:45 < bridge> on that note, I like https://gitlab.com/corectrl/corectrl for controlling my gpu 15:48 < bridge> oh that is neat 15:56 < bridge> @patiga do u plan ui for the demo viewer? 15:56 < bridge> eeeeh 15:56 < bridge> yea but no 15:57 < bridge> that purple is green hurts me tho xDD 15:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274004044091752448/image.png?ex=66c0ac39&is=66bf5ab9&hm=5769dcdb1482f6008c90d4f5f74dc3bafb2bc181f899b130bab9e782f4be18ba& 15:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274004044351934505/image.png?ex=66c0ac3a&is=66bf5aba&hm=e18290847f914bba0632696c4219fce546a2d160a565929adabcfa0159089aa3& 15:57 < bridge> I agree that I need to do it at some point, but I don't wanna do all the work for it 15:58 < bridge> mpv eschewed UI for the longest time, I think ^^ 15:58 < bridge> yeah :/ 15:58 < bridge> main reason i still have to use vlc 15:59 < bridge> vlc really sucks with all the bugs, but the amount of things u can change is insane xd 15:59 < bridge> mpv has UI nowadays 15:59 < bridge> basic UI though, so maybe you mean that 15:59 < bridge> yeah 16:00 < bridge> there are few things i dislike about mpv actually 16:01 < bridge> in vlc u can force a single global instance 16:01 < bridge> so i can click through music without destroying the window every time 16:02 < bridge> The year of the Linux desktop 16:02 < bridge> linux desktop is already best 16:03 < bridge> Says the kde enjoyer 16:03 < bridge> KDE is just working 16:03 < bridge> what do i want more from a WM 16:04 < bridge> but we all know openbox is masterrace 16:05 < bridge> year of linux desktop is when wayland is stable 16:05 < bridge> :lol: 16:05 < bridge> so never 16:13 < bridge> >600 issues already 16:13 < bridge> massive grave 16:13 < bridge> wow and 70 prs open 16:14 < bridge> massive lazy maintainers xdd 16:14 < bridge> chillerdragon: every 5th pr from you is closed xdd 16:31 < bridge> chillinsky from eastern europe 16:36 < bridge> <.puch> No I don't plan anything. Don't worry that was just an idea ^^. Anyway the team password could only be for the team captain or thing like that 16:43 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ every 5th pr i open is not merged yes. And every 5h issue opend is a bug introduced by me <:justatest:572499997178986510> 16:46 < bridge> tja xd 16:46 < bridge> if it makes you happy, i bet i coded much more bugs in my life than you 16:49 < ws-client> I am hoping to get it stable before the rc -.- 16:50 < bridge> better learn rust 16:50 < bridge> and help create smth new 16:50 < bridge> epyc 16:50 < bridge> world changing 16:51 < bridge> rewrite wayland in rust 16:51 < bridge> that is the solution 16:51 < bridge> you understood it 16:51 < ws-client> more world changing than 0.7? 16:51 < bridge> 0.7 changed the world 16:51 < bridge> but not in a good sense 16:51 < bridge> xd 16:51 < bridge> go develop 0.8, 0.7 was flop 16:52 < bridge> or make some exploit that only works on 0.6 that can't be fixed so ppl stop playing it 16:52 < bridge> clever 16:53 < bridge> chillerdragon why dont u get ddnet admin at this point 16:53 < bridge> your influence is infinite 16:54 < ws-client> but not in a good way -.- 16:54 < bridge> u sad now 16:55 < bridge> now that 0.7 was merged 16:55 < bridge> understandable 16:55 < bridge> like me 16:55 < ws-client> why would i be sad? xd 16:55 < bridge> How to do ban apeal ticket 16:55 < bridge> #✉-create-a-ticket 16:55 < ws-client> The demo cutting bug is pretty bad but other than that im happy with how smooth it went to far 16:56 < bridge> oke 16:56 < ws-client> i coded demos on a fakin beach in some abandoned island in the middle of the ocean cuz heinrich said no demos no 0.7 xd 16:56 < ws-client> i would have shipped it with no 0.7 demo support xd 16:56 < bridge> why didnt he leave the "no demo" part out? 16:57 < ws-client> idk ask him hes here but i guess its nice to have working demos for 0.7 too i get it. I just would have done it in two prs so it can be audited and tested more partially. 16:57 < bridge> i am too shy 16:58 < ws-client> But imo the demo support can be left out for https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/7666 otherwise that will be the infinite blocker 16:58 < bridge> why would implementing that for a demo be hard? 16:59 < bridge> isn't it just taking the initial world and then applying the block change netmsgs? 17:00 < ws-client> because you can skip in demos without replaying everything between 17:00 < bridge> just replay the stuff in between? 17:00 < bridge> demos are not that heavy 17:00 < ws-client> yea thats one of my proposals 17:01 < ws-client> still sounds like work and im not sure if it would be accepted even 17:01 < ws-client> also backwards sounds pain 17:02 < bridge> isn't that also the reason for sometimes bugged replays? for example your teammates are in the wrong team 17:03 < bridge> Seeking is already pretty slow though. Seeking in a 4 hours demo takes my FPS down to around 20 17:04 < bridge> what do you mean with seeking? 17:04 < bridge> Using the demo player seekbar 17:04 < bridge> If you scroll through with mouse or keyboard 17:04 < bridge> wait, our demos have no index? 17:04 < bridge> nice, ppl install ddpg 17:04 < bridge> support the new 17:05 < bridge> Demos have keyframes, but we still need to replay some ticks to reach the correct one 17:06 < bridge> but why does it depend on the length then 17:06 < bridge> wat 17:06 < bridge> could you go through the whole demo and just pick out the block change msgs? 17:07 < bridge> yeah, but doing that almost every single frame while the user is using the seekbar would still be slow I assume 17:07 < bridge> or precompute the states once you load a demo 17:07 < bridge> i assume that would work 17:08 < bridge> yeah, I also thought that might be the most realistic, but then you need to delta encode the states or you'd be storing a lot of maps if you copy the entire map state for a single block being broken in minete 17:08 < bridge> yeah, I also thought that might be the most realistic, but then you need to delta encode the states or you'd be storing a lot of maps if you copy the entire map state for a single block being broken in minetee 17:10 < bridge> I think the length is less relevant, FPS also go down a lot with 2 minute demos if they contain many players 17:11 < bridge> sadly i dont have a demo ui yet, else i could test against ddnet. 17:11 < bridge> 17:11 < bridge> but currently i pack quite a few snapshots into a chunk 17:11 < bridge> so maybe it's not optimal 17:13 < bridge> i mean 200 fps isnt bad i guess xd 17:13 < bridge> not like every operation must run at 200000 fps 17:13 < bridge> or 20 fps 17:13 < bridge> ok not nice but 17:13 < bridge> for me it runs at at least 200 fps on ddnet 17:13 < bridge> on a multeasymap demo i have 17:13 < ws-client> @murpii is nightly master? 17:14 < ws-client> how can you load demos on windows with invalid headers? 17:15 < ws-client> the demo with the sha256sum ``44bd5094edd036086999edc165d09521602ca03ad0a63f8021f669107eb05977`` loads for you? 17:15 < ws-client> ah wait do i have to unzip it? xd 17:16 < ws-client> omg you sent a zip xd 17:16 < bridge> whom do you talk to xd 17:16 < ws-client> muprii sent a zip 17:18 < ws-client> murpii 17:18 < bridge> ? 17:18 < ws-client> such trol 17:18 < bridge> what do you smoke again 17:18 < ws-client> i tried to playback a zip file 17:18 < bridge> in issues? 17:18 < ws-client> i did not assume he sent an actual zip 17:18 < bridge> xD 17:18 < bridge> dude 17:18 < bridge> do you use github in a terminal 17:18 < ws-client> wot no why? 17:18 < bridge> yeah nvm 17:18 < bridge> github only allows .zip uploads 17:18 < bridge> blame github I guess 17:18 < ws-client> yes thats why everyone just renames the files to .zip 17:18 < bridge> that really works? 17:19 < bridge> sounds like a good plan 17:19 < bridge> ah, interesting 17:19 < ws-client> am i the only one who thought thats common practice? 17:19 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1723821554.png 17:20 < bridge> hi, i have a question what non-standard symbols can i use to create a name/clan name in ddnet? is there some list or something like that, i just tried and some were displayed correctly and some just became a square 17:20 < ws-client> Ok good night everyone. I promise i will look at the demo bug tomorrow. If rossbit didn't fix it already by then xd 17:21 < bridge> Anything supported by our font 17:21 < bridge> you could open the font in a viewer for that. but tbh just try it out 17:21 < bridge> search for unicode in your search engine 17:23 < bridge> ok tu 17:23 < bridge> ok ty 17:25 < bridge> Maybe for Android we should just put the user files in `/sdcard/.DDNet` instead of the app's external storage, at least everyone can access them then. All the others APIs are not suitable for sharing the entire config folder so other apps could modify it. Or we make this a choice you can make in the proposed launcher app. 17:25 < bridge> i have no sdcard :c 17:25 < bridge> oh 17:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274026221272825969/image.png?ex=66c0c0e1&is=66bf6f61&hm=439d0f6067db704fafdd50f867b8bed830776415412c5050a59294abf72bfa78& 17:25 < bridge> limited 17:25 < bridge> `/sdcard` is a symlink that always points to some emulated storage location as far as I understand it 17:25 < bridge> yep 17:25 < bridge> unicodes use many bytes 17:26 < bridge> k 17:26 < bridge> sadly our current network protocol clamps by bytes rather than unicode code points 17:26 < bridge> oh ok, i can also see if that exists on my phone 17:27 < bridge> It should point to `/storage/emulated/0` and maybe handle multi-user devices better than just using that path directly 17:27 < bridge> jupstar <3 17:28 < bridge> hi ❤️ 17:28 < bridge> i only get permission denied on terminal 17:29 < bridge> If you do `ls /sdcard` or what exactly? 17:29 < bridge> yes, and if i do cd/sdcard/data (where data is a dir i can access) it doesnt work either 17:29 < bridge> but i can also quickly check with a adb shell 17:29 < bridge> `ls /sdcard` works for me 17:30 < bridge> ah nice 17:30 < bridge> If we create our own folder inside that it should be accessible to everyone 17:30 < bridge> in adb it works 17:30 < bridge> except my terminal app 17:30 < bridge> it should optimally be something that works with the google play store 17:30 < bridge> :lol: 17:30 < bridge> i.e. not violating android's platform guidelines 17:31 < bridge> yeah but before we cannot alter game data 17:31 < bridge> i prefer hacks 17:31 < bridge> and get the ban on playstore 😬 17:31 < bridge> I see folder of other apps in my `/storage/emulated/0` so I assume it's allowed 17:31 < bridge> I see folders of other apps in my `/storage/emulated/0` so I assume it's allowed 17:32 < bridge> Otherwise Google has provided absolutely no API for this use case 17:32 < bridge> well then it's good 🙂 17:32 < bridge> why do they allow this, but not modify the app's data dir 17:33 < bridge> so random 17:33 < bridge> but only for the user data, right? like the `%APPDATA%/DDNet` 17:33 < bridge> But even this might not be so easy 17:33 < bridge> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57788878/android-10-what-are-my-options-to-save-files-on-external-storage-into-a-directo 17:33 < bridge> I think they pretend that users can't modify an app's data 17:33 < bridge> We might have to declare `MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE` we want to modify external storage in general 17:34 < bridge> And this is not allowed in the Play Store unless it is a vital part of the app 17:34 < bridge> this OS 😭 17:34 < bridge> it turns into apple 17:34 < bridge> (This entire dicussion is why I don't like the Play Store) 17:34 < bridge> does `getExternalFilesDir` work maybe? 17:34 < bridge> (as mentioned in an stackoverflow answer) 17:34 < bridge> That's what we are using already, new Android versions also make that private 17:34 < bridge> So you can only look at the files with Googles "Files" app 17:34 < bridge> and look in bold 17:34 < bridge> is that not ok? 17:35 < bridge> ah, not edit? 17:35 < bridge> yeah 17:35 < bridge> I wonder how other apps are doing it 17:35 < bridge> nextcloud uses the media storage 17:36 < bridge> Media Storage would only be a valid use case for sharing screenshots that we record with the users gallery 17:36 < bridge> Media Storage would only be a valid use case for sharing screenshots that we record with the users' gallery 17:36 < bridge> I don't think it allows modifying the files either 17:37 < bridge> my nextcloud dir 17:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1274029157197807667/image.png?ex=66c0c39d&is=66bf721d&hm=276384c52b1033f485e12155d9fba94f06a0dc69a5358d198e86a99f48f54fce& 17:37 < bridge> .7z is a real 7z 17:37 < bridge> I only see this as an option for non-Google Play store version 17:38 < bridge> (using /sdcard directly) 17:38 < bridge> oh, so that already violates the guidelines or what 17:38 < bridge> yeah, we are not a file manager, we'd have to convince reviewers in the app description already that changing game assets is a vital game mechanic 17:39 < bridge> android hurts me rn 17:39 < bridge> time to add wget to F1 console xdd 17:40 < bridge> yeah, the next alternative is adding a file manager into DDNet :justatest: 17:40 < bridge> can the editor load from anywhere? xd 17:41 < bridge> accessing other files should be easier over the files APIs 17:41 < bridge> Users clicks "Import Asset" button, this opens the file selector app to open a PNG file 17:43 < bridge> maybe in the long run we need databases for all assets 17:43 < bridge> if customization is important for us 17:43 < bridge> got to go now, I'll try to work on the touch controls tomorrow, json loading is still missing but then the controls are technically adjustable (although you'd first have to root your phone to edit the file) 17:43 < bridge> EPYC 17:44 < bridge> amazing 😮 17:50 < bridge> <0xdeen> Party time! 18:10 < bridge> 🥳 18:12 < bridge> chiller sorry for the hate, the 07 skins tab is only available on 07 server, I thought it was always visible in the settings and you can use 07 skins on any server ddrace 18:20 < ws-client> Thats why i tried to ask you what your problem with 0.7 is because it confused me a bit xd 19:04 < ws-client> @Patiga is there a way to turn off errors in twmap? A lot of my old maps just don't load because twmap is complaing about something 19:05 < bridge> @patiga 19:05 < ws-client> thanks i kinda expected it :C 19:05 < ws-client> discord names are all lowercase right? 19:06 < bridge> not really as of yet. you can turn off some errors if you use the rust library, but that is also only possible for loading maps, not saving maps 19:06 < ws-client> @patiga also when review https://gitlab.com/Patiga/twmap-py/-/merge_requests/3 i have it manually installed on my machine and i couldnt live without it anymore 19:07 < ws-client> loading only is fine heinrich tasked me to do datascience on every map ever built 19:07 < bridge> oh apparently I haven't properly set up email notifications for that repo :o 19:22 < bridge> ChillerDragon: do you want to close #3? https://gitlab.com/Patiga/twmap-py/-/issues/3 19:24 < ws-client> yes? 19:24 < bridge> (ah right, that merge request isn't merged yet) 19:24 < bridge> I'll remove the `Py` prefix everywhere, I just forgot the annotations 19:25 < ws-client> thats what i thought 19:32 < bridge> @chillerdragon fix the 07 feet i beg u 19:33 < ws-client> thats super low on my prio list is there a open bug for it somewhere even? wats broken about them 19:36 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 well cloning my old git mirror of your maps archive didn't go so well xd https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1723829740.png 19:37 < ws-client> twmap will fail on the majority of the maps anyways i don't think that will be any use 19:41 < bridge> they're nouis like 19:41 < bridge> shifted to left 19:41 < bridge> as always 19:41 < bridge> was an issue since 2014 ig xd 19:41 < bridge> depending on the error, the rust library could put a fix in place which happens on map parsing, or another parse method that does a lot more fixes 19:42 < ws-client> so the pyson version is the free trial to get hooked? 19:42 < ws-client> and then you get converted to the crab cult? 19:43 < bridge> ^^ 19:43 < bridge> these things could then also be brought to python 19:44 < ws-client> @zhn so you mean the official tw repo did a design decision you do not like and i ported it into ddnet? 19:44 < ws-client> yea im so not gonna touch that :p you can fix it if you want to. Feet look good to me 19:46 < bridge> ChillerDragon: at the start of twmap, I often ran the parser over all maps from heinrich's archive and fixed the most common errors 19:46 < bridge> I haven't done that in a while 19:46 < ws-client> there arent really new maps in the archieve i assume 19:46 < ws-client> but new errors in twmap :D 19:46 < bridge> but new errors 19:47 < bridge> yea ^^ 19:47 < ws-client> quality library 19:47 < ws-client> adding errors xd 19:47 < bridge> and I also didn't fix everything 19:47 < ws-client> such a rust moment 19:50 < ws-client> Ok im retrying the sleep thing. Somehow i failed earlier. Thanks for the merge @patiga I hope you will manage to publish it with the types smoothly. 19:50 < bridge> that sleep thing you talk about sounds nice 19:51 < bridge> if you need it now, I would also start the compatibility with all the maps 19:52 < ws-client> It would be nice at some point for sure. But I don't think I need it now. If it passed all ddnet maps i assume it will pass most kog maps and that should be enough data science for heinrich 19:53 < bridge> nice :) 20:10 < bridge> enveloper 20:33 < bridge> :f3: :f3: :f3: 20:39 < bridge> ye i mean the official tw repo left a shitton years old bug in skin render and you ported it into ddnet xd 20:39 < bridge> no blame but feet's weird 21:01 < bridge> @learath2 i decided to use `lea` to handle string literals xd 21:36 < bridge> Eh I guess 22:26 < bridge> @0xdeen why does ger10 have two IP addresses? 22:26 < bridge> ``` 22:26 < bridge> $ host ger10.dnet.org 22:26 < bridge> ger10.dnet.org has address 22:26 < bridge> ger10.dnet.org has address 22:26 < bridge> ``` 22:26 < bridge> is that intended? 22:31 < bridge> woops, my fault. dnet.org instead of ddnet.org 22:31 < bridge> sorry 22:32 < bridge> <7.ix> wait 22:34 < bridge> lol dnet.org is pretty close 22:35 < bridge> I mean is it legit 22:41 < bridge> neovim enjoyers, what colorscheme do you use? 23:03 < bridge> catppuccin 23:03 < bridge> like anyone should 23:13 < bridge> gruvbox 23:28 < bridge> ayu 23:42 < bridge> horse