00:07 < bridge> if you would need to match often, you could do smth like 00:07 < bridge> ```rust 00:07 < bridge> fn edit_tilemap)>(layer: &mut Layer, f: F) { 00:07 < bridge> match layer { 00:07 < bridge> Layer::Tiles(l) => f(l.tiles.unwrap_mut()), 00:07 < bridge> Layer::Quads(l) => {}, 00:07 < bridge> Layer::Game(l) => f(l.tiles.unwrap_mut()), 00:07 < bridge> etc 00:07 < bridge> } 00:07 < bridge> } 00:07 < bridge> ``` 00:07 < bridge> This doesn't actually use the `TilemapLayer` trait. now you can just do a function like yours 00:07 < bridge> ```rust 00:07 < bridge> fn clear_layer(tiles: &mut Array2) { 00:07 < bridge> tiles.fill(Default::default()) 00:07 < bridge> } 00:07 < bridge> ``` 00:07 < bridge> and then use that function with 00:07 < bridge> ```rust 00:07 < bridge> let mut layer: Layer = todo!(); 00:07 < bridge> edit_tilemap(&mut layer, clear_layer) 00:07 < bridge> ``` 00:07 < bridge> ( @gerdoe ) 00:08 < bridge> thank you once more! 00:17 < bridge> seems rust can't distinguish types in this case: 00:17 < bridge> ``` 00:17 < bridge> mismatched types 00:17 < bridge> expected mutable reference `&mut ArrayBase, _>` 00:17 < bridge> found mutable reference `&mut ArrayBase, _>` 00:18 < bridge> ``` 00:18 < bridge> pls give related code ^^ 00:18 < bridge> it comes from `edit_tilemap` itself 00:19 < bridge> on `unwrap_mut()` 00:19 < bridge> the code is just copied over? 00:20 < bridge> (I'm ingame rn, hard to type a lot) 00:20 < bridge> ```rust 00:20 < bridge> fn edit_tilemap)>(layer: &mut Layer, f: F) { 00:20 < bridge> match layer { 00:20 < bridge> Layer::Game(l) => f(l.tiles.unwrap_mut()), 00:20 < bridge> Layer::Front(l) => f(l.tiles.unwrap_mut()), 00:20 < bridge> Layer::Tele(l) => f(l.tiles.unwrap_mut()), 00:20 < bridge> Layer::Speedup(l) => f(l.tiles.unwrap_mut()), 00:20 < bridge> Layer::Tune(l) => f(l.tiles.unwrap_mut()), 00:20 < bridge> _ => {} 00:20 < bridge> } 00:20 < bridge> }``` 00:25 < bridge> ah, `T` is defined by caller, seems thats why it can't infer it from inside 00:33 < bridge> hm, I tried out similar code ant that worked 00:33 < bridge> *and 00:38 < bridge> maybe rust analyzer just fools me 00:38 < bridge> closed laptop, eep time 00:53 < bridge> nah, have the same error in the playground rn 00:54 < bridge> but tbf, this code isn't all that necessary, a match each time is fine ^^ 02:06 < ws-client> @ryozuki thanks for putting your trust into my data backup skills xd. But i just upload stuff to github. I am too lazy to do it now but i might do it one day. Also btw heinrich is also pro data backupper i sent him all my maps. 02:08 < ws-client> Woah so many users with master server registration issues. 02:08 < ws-client> I can reproduce btw. The ddnet-insta GER8 server only registers on 0.7 and fails for 0.6. 02:08 < ws-client> but i assumed it was the weird GER8 02:09 < ws-client> oh no did i break master stuff in the 0.7 pr? 02:17 < ws-client> yep updating ddnet breaks 0.6 master 02:18 < ws-client> @0xdeen maybe chill a bit with updating official servers at the moment <:justatest:572499997178986510> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/8722 02:20 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 could the 0.7 pr break the master? I thought the master is just a http request? Or does it also do some actual tw protocol udp stuff? How would you recommend debugging that? 02:40 < bridge> Removing 07 04:03 < bridge> no U 04:14 < bridge> @heinrich5991 Could I get my dev role? I had a pr merge a while ago and just forgot to ask for my role, i can link the pr if u want 04:25 < bridge> (He calmly asks, at 4am) :gigachad: 06:14 < ws-client> @joaquocl @.a0040 the master server issue was not on your side. I messed that up sorry. Fix is on its way https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8725 06:20 < bridge> 0.7 merged moment? 06:21 < ws-client> yes 06:22 < ws-client> but im here to fix it. Took me quite some time to find that bug -.- 06:23 < bridge> \🙂 08:38 < bridge> 🥳 09:11 < bridge> <0xdeen> Thanks for quickly analyzing and fixing! 09:18 < bridge> :) 09:47 < bridge> permalink (press 'y' anywhere on github): https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/f14ae6bf13ccd8366a322ab448fd782952107b7c/.github/CODEOWNERS 09:48 < bridge> ? 09:59 < bridge> when you create a link to the master branch, the link might become invalid after we move or delete the `.github/CODEOWNERS` file. because I like working links, I usually post the permanent link if someone posts a link to the master branch. you can obtain the permanent link by pressing the 'y' key on github 10:00 < bridge> I was on mobile 10:03 < bridge> (I quickly googled:) then you can press the three dots in the top right corner and click "copy permalink" 10:28 < bridge> or he waits until you post the permalink :lol: 10:44 < ws-client> I doubt the usefulness of me opening the pr https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8716 I predicted that you would request a 100% code rewrite @heinrich5991 would be much faster and less stress for me if you just had committed the stuff in first place ... what do you think about that? 10:47 < ws-client> Also for you it should be faster. If you come up with your own idea anyways its one less step to read my code in the first place. 10:50 < bridge> might have been faster in this case, yes… 10:51 < ws-client> Its not always the case. But this time I knew. Its just because I promised I will fix the 0.7 stuff I felt like I had to. 10:52 < ws-client> You have these very specific ideas of how everything should work and im not getting better at predicting how you want the stuff done. 10:53 < bridge> in this case, filtering the connect addresses earlier is better because we have a limit of 16 addresses per browser 10:53 < bridge> if those are full with 0.7 addresses, we won't even get to the 0.6 addresses at a later stage 10:54 < ws-client> are you back to reviewing prs btw? 10:54 < bridge> Ah 10:54 < ws-client> still 70 prs open :( I have the urge to comment "bump" on like 20 prs and issues 10:55 < bridge> not really, I only reviewed the new PRs 10:55 < bridge> I couldn't connect to github now, that's too bad 😦 10:55 < ws-client> Yea new ones get processed but the older ones all got stale 10:57 < bridge> happens. takes quite some energy to go through all these PRs 10:57 < ws-client> hire more maintainers 10:57 < bridge> especially fun if you get insulted by some people if you do 10:57 < ws-client> you can also not do all at once 10:58 < bridge> > especially fun if you get insulted by some people if you do 10:58 < bridge> (not you IIRC) 10:58 < ws-client> who is insulting? 10:58 < ws-client> i dont follow much but from what i see on github its all professional 10:59 < bridge> I can DM you somewhere, but I don't feel like opening up another can of worms 10:59 < bridge> in this public channel 10:59 < ws-client> https://chat.zillyhuhn.com/ 10:59 < ws-client> pw nimrocks 10:59 < ws-client> write in #off-topic 10:59 < ws-client> or join via irc 10:59 < ws-client> quakenet #ddnet-off-topic 11:00 < bridge> I DMed you on IRC 11:00 < ws-client> bru 11:00 < ws-client> bali ping dragon is booting ssh client ... sec 11:01 < bridge> now i wanna know too 🤣 11:01 < ws-client> yea i feel like a 12yo girl whispering secrets and everyone around is super annoyed 11:02 < ws-client> nothing juicy i promise @louis xd 11:02 < bridge> nimrocks gave me "wrong credentials" btw 11:02 < ws-client> woah 11:02 < ws-client> nimrocks is signup token 11:02 < ws-client> if you want to login to any name you can use vulkanGaming69 as password 11:03 < ws-client> signed up, but I don't see the option to DM 11:03 < ws-client> ye u got clickbaited 11:03 < ws-client> but #off-topic is not bridged so its "like dm" 11:23 < bridge> @ryozuki https://stdrs.dev/nightly/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/std/vec/struct.Vec.html std's docs with internals 🙂 11:27 < ws-client> @fokkonaut did you subscribe to this issue? https://github.com/ChillerDragon/ddnet-meta/issues/1 11:28 < ws-client> like, share, subscribe and activate the bell 11:45 < bridge> u did it third time 11:45 < bridge> stop:justatest: 11:47 < ws-client> building dms is so much work ._. nobody reads #off-topic anyways xd 11:47 < bridge> u lazy ass 11:47 < bridge> be ready for offtopunishment 11:47 < ws-client> the chat platform has never more than 1 active user so public global chat is private dms by default 12:17 < bridge> nice 12:17 < bridge> whats different? 12:19 < bridge> @heinrich5991 i think the interesting doc is this https://stdrs.dev/nightly/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/alloc/raw_vec/struct.RawVec.html 12:29 < ws-client> huhn com online 12:29 < bridge> hehe 12:45 < bridge> Ddos? 12:45 < bridge> Lags all servers 12:45 < bridge> <0xdeen> Yes, for RUS1/RUS2. Play on GER2/GER10/POL instead 12:46 < bridge> Fix? Ddos? 12:47 < bridge> <0xdeen> I can't fix it. 12:50 < ws-client> @Learath2 I have a proposal. I think it would be really cool to fix the ddos. Have you thought about that? 12:51 < bridge> Damn, really? How did I not come up with this before? 12:52 < ws-client> you are welcome 12:52 < bridge> Also your hilite didn’t work. Borked 3rd party client 12:52 < ws-client> if you need more good ideas im here 12:52 < ws-client> @learath2 :c 12:52 < ws-client> lowercase L i guess 12:52 < ws-client> smol lerato 13:16 < bridge> I get a problem when I compiling DDNet on Windows. It's happened on `Compiling link-cplusplus v1.0.6`. This the screenshots of console. What can I do? 13:16 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273238774112981066/image.png?ex=66bde383&is=66bc9203&hm=85f92d1ff5970960b2608c19ccabf674e70bd83a659ff636ad6bbcb2e458d367& 13:18 < bridge> wtf is link-cplusplus xd 13:18 < bridge> your target is gnu, are you following the github readme? you want to use either the `msvc` build tools - or use mingw64 with gnu 13:20 < bridge> rust lib 13:21 < bridge> your target is gnu, are you following the github readme? you want to use either the `msvc` build tools with msvc rust toolchain - or use mingw64 with gnu rust toolchain 13:24 < bridge> Sorry? My target just is windows? or my understanding fault? 13:24 < bridge> what he means is, you use mingw 13:24 < bridge> there is also microsoft cpp 13:25 < bridge> for mingw you have to make sure to use the correct rust toolchain 13:25 < bridge> `rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu` 13:25 < bridge> `rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu` 13:26 < bridge> maybe without the stable- 13:27 < bridge> `rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc` type this in your console and try again 13:27 < bridge> emm, is weird. but I build with MSVC, and building use MSVC too, i don't know why it choose my mingw when its build about rust 13:28 < bridge> rust doesnt automatically choose msvc, i'm not sure if it defaults to gnu but when you just run `rustup default stable` - it might've chosen gnu 13:28 < bridge> rust doesnt automatically choose msvc, i'm not sure if it defaults to gnu but when you just run `rustup default stable` - it might've 13:28 < bridge> mh that way around i hvent heard about it xd 13:28 < bridge> usually it chooses the msvc rust 😄 13:29 < bridge> but yeah then this 13:29 < bridge> 13:29 < bridge> and if that fails, add the target 13:52 < bridge> would you use kibi or kilo bytes to show memory usage to a "normal" user? 13:52 < bridge> 13:52 < bridge> it seems like most gpus sold are actuall in GibiBytes. which surprises me a bit, since i think there was a time where this confusion was used to cheat some bytes. 13:52 < bridge> 13:52 < bridge> They are still listed as "GB".. which is kinda wrong then xdd 13:52 < bridge> i know, very hard question 13:52 < bridge> I'd use the technically more correct thing and confuse users 13:52 < bridge> GiB 13:53 < bridge> I think we also use it for map downloads 13:55 < bridge> but you'd also say that 1024 is better than 1000? 13:56 < bridge> yes 13:56 < bridge> ok 13:56 < bridge> (but no strong opinion on this from me, you can choose what you want) 13:57 < bridge> yeah i think i go with an i and 1024 then 13:57 < bridge> on linux i often see a small letter for the k in kB 13:57 < bridge> so seems in unix 1000 is more common (?) 13:58 < bridge> according to wikipedia there is a standard: 13:58 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_80000 13:58 < bridge> lmao 14:42 < bridge> @learath2 what text editor are you using to code if i may ask? 14:51 < bridge> lerato is vscode enjoyer 14:51 < bridge> electron maximalist 14:51 < bridge> Neovim nowadays but I used vscode for a long time yoo 14:52 < bridge> chillerdragon: have you already written your text editor in bash? 14:52 < bridge> what golang LSP are you using? i tried golangci-lint-langserver, but i can't make it attach onto .go files, so i'm thinking about just using gopls 14:52 < bridge> gopls :gigachad: 14:53 < bridge> its literally called gopls :kekw: 14:53 < bridge> i only heard of gopls 14:53 < bridge> Wot when did you switch? 14:54 < bridge> I missed your message saying „I use neovim BTW“ 14:54 < bridge> look at me coding go in neovim like a gigachad 14:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273263468618846260/grafik.png?ex=66bdfa83&is=66bca903&hm=d946f069e2010547b9c736855f9ecf0822763fe03d70cdc159f17a81523fb35c& 14:54 < bridge> I liked gopls 14:54 < bridge> No .\_. 14:56 < bridge> var number int looks like Java xd. I would just do number := 20 14:56 < bridge> at first `:=` looked ugly for me 14:56 < bridge> Yea 14:57 < bridge> So robsti is the last ddnet maintainer who does not use vim? 14:58 < bridge> i suck at go, so i'm just reading through some docs atm `:=` is the same as `auto` right?, i find it fine, the thing i hate is multi line variable declarations, they look ugly af 14:58 < bridge> i also use modern technology 14:58 < bridge> 😏 14:58 < bridge> Eh admin maybe. Idk who counts as maintainer. Jopsti is also big windows vscoder 14:58 < bridge> jupsti is graphics gigachad, he could use nano and i wouldnt mind 14:58 < bridge> gpu accelerated type script editor 14:59 < bridge> funnily in terminal i use a editor made in go 14:59 < bridge> called micro 14:59 < bridge> https://github.com/zyedidia/micro 14:59 < bridge> micro nano pico 14:59 < bridge> vim 14:59 < bridge> vs-macro 15:00 < bridge> lol 15:00 < bridge> how is 15:00 < bridge> `func main(x int, y int)` 15:00 < bridge> easier to read than 15:00 < bridge> `func main(int x, int y)` 15:01 < bridge> 15:01 < bridge> :( 15:01 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273265097141125190/grafik.png?ex=66bdfc07&is=66bcaa87&hm=0226e61e646b0b2ba6fbf8c57353e6b4f6171dd60a4f893be19b1b78211b6ba7& 15:01 < bridge> I suck at vim bindings I just use it for the startup times xd 15:01 < bridge> Yea that also trolled me melon 15:01 < bridge> `func main(x, y int)` 😏 15:01 < bridge> style discussion are always an endless discussion 15:02 < bridge> Some styles are superior 15:02 < bridge> it's easier to parse for a computer, because it doesn't have to guess where the type ends 15:02 < bridge> Like tabs over spaces 15:02 < bridge> that's very cool. parsing C++ is very hard, for example 15:02 < bridge> i think i'm just so used to c 15:02 < bridge> xdd 15:02 < bridge> 15:03 < bridge> i guess the best argument for tabs is indeed that tabs are configurable in size 15:03 < bridge> i think i'm just so used to c++ syntax that anything else looks odd 15:03 < bridge> And they work well with indented here docs in bash and Makefiles 15:03 < bridge> dont u also write rust code a lot 15:04 < bridge> Intel or AT&T? 15:04 < bridge> ye :justatest: 15:04 < bridge> also tbf.. data types are highlighted in a color 15:04 < bridge> it also makes functions more greppable 15:04 < bridge> so it'sprobs that, which makes it ez to read 15:05 < bridge> you can search for a rust function using `fn function_name` 15:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273266158895759380/image.png?ex=66bdfd04&is=66bcab84&hm=357a3bb1e7fcabb4fd412e84d1931857055b3886ac34309b3b4c048486b5edc5& 15:05 < bridge> intel 15:05 < bridge> i can directly see it 15:05 < bridge> without parsing xd 15:05 < bridge> I haven't found an easy pattern for C/C++ functions 15:05 < bridge> Good taste catto 15:06 < bridge> i have no idea how to read AT&T syntax xdd 15:06 < bridge> It’s the worst 15:06 < bridge> It’s like Chinese 15:06 < bridge> No front fred but your lang has some complicated symbols 15:07 < bridge> i am used to whatever IDA uses 15:07 < bridge> i guess intel like 15:11 < bridge> espacially with things like function overloading(? is that the right word) you have to basically grep the entire thing if you want a clear result 15:11 < bridge> 15:11 < bridge> ```cpp 15:11 < bridge> void CJsonOptionalField::ToJsonImpl(char *pBuffer, int BufferSize) const; 15:11 < bridge> void CJsonOptionalField::ToJsonImpl(char *pBuffer, int BufferSize, int x) const; 15:11 < bridge> ``` 15:11 < bridge> for example 15:11 < bridge> is that possible in go? 15:12 < bridge> Ok hackerman 15:12 < bridge> What did you use IDA for? 15:13 < bridge> yeah i am hacker. 15:13 < bridge> 15:13 < bridge> i used it do inject code into a 32bit exe 15:13 < bridge> 15:13 < bridge> that's all you need to know xd 15:13 < bridge> i havent touched disassembling since like 8 years 15:13 < bridge> Also isn’t IDA this proprietary for profit ransomware? 15:13 < bridge> what? 15:13 < bridge> If you do again try r2 15:14 < bridge> Isn’t ida pro like 40 bucks 15:14 < bridge> And it’s closed source 15:14 < bridge> more like 4000 bucks 15:14 < bridge> adaptive height dont work? 15:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273268449594052733/image.png?ex=66bdff26&is=66bcada6&hm=68be5482e271c83ba11e1ed11e62fa02400cb4328604c1e45a493dce4a2be2f1& 15:14 < bridge> Oh boi 15:14 < bridge> but there's a free version 15:14 < bridge> but there's a gratis version 15:14 < bridge> yeah ofc i used free version 15:14 < bridge> 😉 15:14 < bridge> `gratis` :gigachad: 15:14 < bridge> It caps some ratios it’s a feature I guess @matodor 15:15 < bridge> yeah our UI breaks, so 5:4 is smallest aspect ratio 15:15 < bridge> we already discussed letting ui break instead 15:15 < bridge> we decided to not support arbitrary aspect ratios 15:16 < bridge> if u grep function names to find stuff. then you could also overload in rust using traits xd 15:16 < bridge> 12yo jopsti cracking lego starwars for windows gaming 15:16 < bridge> xD 15:16 < bridge> psst 15:16 < bridge> hello everyone I'm nen and just started playing ddnet tell me pls ddnet normal game? 15:16 < bridge> no it's AAAA 15:16 < bridge> very normal game! - the core-game is teeworlds 15:16 < bridge> it's actually AAAAA 15:17 < bridge> It’s good e-dating game 15:17 < bridge> !timeout chillerdragon MilkeeyCat Jupstar 300 rude 15:17 < bridge> we have all kinds of ppl 15:17 < bridge> imagine chiller implements adaptive ui instead of 07 support 15:17 < bridge> from doctors to drug dealers 15:17 < bridge> this is no joke 15:17 < bridge> xd 15:17 < bridge> okay thx i go playing ddnet bye all 15:17 < bridge> bye artem! 15:17 < bridge> Have fun 15:17 < bridge> Watch out for herobrine 15:18 < bridge> 15:18 < bridge> the problem is that adaptive UI is that it's hard to support. also, people can develop the stuff that they want to 15:19 < bridge> What is it about then? Cheating? 15:19 < bridge> I think it would be easy if implement it in CSS style 15:19 < bridge> Viewport advantage? 15:20 < bridge> Oh I read a „isn’t“ xd 15:20 < bridge> if ddnet ui would be DPI aware it could already save lot of space 15:21 < bridge> i often code in weird aspect ratios 15:21 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273270194655068323/image.png?ex=66be00c6&is=66bcaf46&hm=8fc3f648fd359a9a39ff3e7c72c968791e888069c7fcd617a3e0e68dab89cb03& 15:21 < bridge> like this 15:22 < bridge> When 0.5 font for dd-pg 15:22 < bridge> what is 0.5 font 15:22 < bridge> server name 5:4, maybe make map name less wide 15:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273270566115217501/image.png?ex=66be011f&is=66bcaf9f&hm=3196a5b2e15a5f8bfae36237656888a1867968d3785436541910e16bf3f156f7& 15:22 < bridge> did 0.5 use a different font? 15:22 < bridge> it's about all UI 15:22 < bridge> Jopsti steam player confirmed 15:23 < bridge> why? 15:23 < bridge> what did i leak 15:23 < bridge> i started exactly when 0.6 came out 15:23 < bridge> You never played 0.5? 15:23 < bridge> i think i started it once 15:23 < bridge> Yea I also never played 0.5 xd 15:23 < bridge> but yeah never played 15:23 < bridge> Woah 15:23 < bridge> lmao 15:23 < bridge> Yea idk your fonts look so unteeish 15:24 < bridge> it's the 0.6 font 15:24 < bridge> No way 15:24 < bridge> i just has no outline 15:24 < bridge> Looks weird 15:24 < bridge> for UI it doesnt even matter i think.. for nameplates i gotta think about it some day 15:24 < bridge> low prio 15:24 < bridge> Imo UI suffers more from the vibe than the nameplates 15:25 < bridge> i mean basically all text you ever see has no outline 15:25 < bridge> you really get used to it fast xD 15:25 < bridge> Maybe 15:25 < bridge> readability is the bigger problem 15:25 < bridge> and that is mostly for stuff like nameplates with changing background 15:26 < bridge> Ye 15:31 < bridge> nameplates outline is nice 15:31 < bridge> but yeah the ui looks more 'clean' without the weird outline imo, not sure if its a good thing or not 15:31 < bridge> i never play with nameplates, so dunno xD 15:31 < bridge> never?! 15:31 < bridge> i think they block too much of the view 15:31 < bridge> i have a +toggle for them 15:31 < bridge> more annoying than good 😄 15:31 < bridge> not even strong indicator?! 15:32 < bridge> yeah me too 15:32 < bridge> but i rarely click it 😄 15:32 < bridge> i can remember it 15:32 < bridge> xd 15:32 < bridge> on KoG there is also storng only 15:32 < bridge> :justatest: yeah i can't 15:32 < bridge> play without all that stuff, its refreshing 15:32 < bridge> i have a keybind to toggle it, so it's not always on 15:32 < bridge> but i like to leave it on espacially in t0 15:34 < ws-client> huhn chat <:cateeholic:849742650076823577> 16:06 < bridge> Morning 16:09 < bridge> who added this - this is cool 16:09 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273282270224056340/grafik.png?ex=66be0c05&is=66bcba85&hm=0ffab2c0d6100e1e13513f30f51cb36e4469f2864fef0e5827dffec2f80cdd3b& 16:10 < bridge> thank @robyt3 16:10 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8659 16:14 < bridge> freesans 16:14 < bridge> freesans bold 16:14 < bridge> + atlased 16:16 < bridge> would you 10/10 recommend it? 16:17 < bridge> a serious reason why i could imagine using a diff font is, that l and I look almost the same on 0.6 16:17 < bridge> that sucks 16:17 < bridge> it misses like 70% of symbols but it's way better than dejavu 16:17 < bridge> im playing with unpatched freesans bold rn 16:18 < bridge> screenshot of server browser xd 16:18 < bridge> wait 16:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273285054142877757/screenshot_2024-08-14_20-19-24.png?ex=66be0e9d&is=66bcbd1d&hm=09d9181085f8b78ac02e3a1890e8231e2f95c26895dce97dc6f4fbefd79f5e71& 16:21 < bridge> ah that one 16:21 < bridge> i remember the ingame timer looked so fat 16:21 < bridge> in earlier versions 16:22 < bridge> and its so good 16:26 < bridge> more symbopls is better though 16:26 < bridge> i like it 17:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273302655485218980/5991.png?ex=66be1f01&is=66bccd81&hm=eaef6e5af68be21d688b0c12743787a0134b4818bb5a0db2b04335683fcecaeb& 17:30 < bridge> all-time peak: 5991 players 17:35 < bridge> :gigachad: 17:44 < bridge> We need like a big content creator to try it out 17:47 < bridge> But this is still amazing to see 17:59 < bridge> @0xdeen where you bought host for RUS2 ? 18:01 < bridge> you can check the source code of https://ddnet.org/funding/ 18:01 < bridge> search for rus2 18:01 < bridge> 608 / 608 € (sponsored by heinrich5991, Exit, Lumpy ◐ω◑ & iwa) 18:01 < bridge> the source code 18:01 < bridge> press ctrl-u in your browser 18:02 < bridge> oh, thx 18:12 < bridge> i have some randoms lags on myarena host vps (on my own vps) 18:12 < bridge> its not snapshot/prediction errors 18:12 < bridge> there doesn't even seem to be any packet loss 18:12 < bridge> I even tried reinstalling the VPS 18:12 < bridge> which way to debug?) 18:12 < bridge> 18:12 < bridge> https://github-production-user-asset-6210df.s3.amazonaws.com/1778417/356813181-b7d9f7bb-50f5-4de8-aea7-0618eec5613f.mp4?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAVCODYLSA53PQK4ZA%2F20240814%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240814T160916Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=f9f3cc674da371155072c96a668bec5662607dfc9bdfb6edfc50d1699ee3c112&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=1778417&key_id=0&repo_id=22821674 18:13 < bridge> it's work fine on another cheapest vps 18:15 < bridge> the image doesn't work for me 18:17 < bridge> open in browser by link 18:17 < bridge> > `Request has expired` 18:18 < bridge> sorry, It seems to be loading from cache (for me), I'll re-upload it now 18:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273315323134738492/bandicam_2024-08-14_21-19-32-821.mp4?ex=66be2ace&is=66bcd94e&hm=5a902e192bf478dd21f6e1f1c8b2560c4cba6f7bc51872135b7ea1a43aed760d& 18:20 < bridge> i have some randoms lags on myarena host vps (on my own vps) 18:20 < bridge> its not snapshot/prediction errors 18:20 < bridge> there doesn't even seem to be any packet loss 18:20 < bridge> I even tried reinstalling the VPS 18:20 < bridge> which way to debug?) 19:14 < bridge> I had similar issues on my own internet, it shouldn't lag all the time on Europian servers, but still lagspikes happened 19:14 < bridge> I used pingplotter to see whatsup, didn't find much. 19:15 < bridge> I figured maybe it's my DNS that is set up wrong, so my router is shitting on itself finding the best one. Switched to cloudflare WARP (application) and it solved most lagspike issues for me. 19:16 < bridge> (Mind you, cable internet had no difference, it was an ISP problem, better to call the ISP to help) 19:36 < bridge> I've same lagspikes but i'm child can'r change cuz parents 😭 19:37 < bridge> well, that sucks 20:18 < bridge> the problem is not only with me, but with different players from different regions 20:19 < bridge> well then, if it happens simultaniously, then it's server issue 21:07 < bridge> :greenthing: 21:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273357400572956754/bandicam_2024-08-15_00-05-05-381.mp4?ex=66be51fe&is=66bd007e&hm=d0ef5373863cf3235f7d78df18c994d93436f4620185119a0f519dcdaea1b1d0& 21:24 < bridge> 😏 21:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1273361569560006746/image.png?ex=66be55e0&is=66bd0460&hm=467ebc226a45a6ca594891ceb1d2796a3ccca68b22d46d16458135aefc0d61e5& 21:25 < bridge> are exit codes `u8`s btw? :justatest: 21:53 < bridge> hookline doesnt teleport when going in hooktele 22:01 < bridge> @learath2 function moves all its arguments on da local stack, ye? Even parameters which were passed on stack(for example 7th integer class argument) 22:39 < bridge> IDA pro is like thousands of dollars 22:40 < bridge> they don't have a flat rate on it 22:40 < bridge> iirc they have a price calculator 22:40 < bridge> classic 22:41 < bridge> here's my custom 100% safe dsound.dll 😃 22:48 < bridge> on linux, libc truncates them to u8