00:08 < bridge> did 00:09 < bridge> i will try later 00:48 < bridge> can I get feedback on this PR, do people like it? 00:48 < bridge> can I get feedback on this PR, do people like it? 00:48 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8703 00:48 < bridge> can I get feedback on this PR, do people like it? 00:48 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8703 00:48 < bridge> https://private-user-images.githubusercontent.com/22122579/356786520-3bc0a303-03e7-4f01-8a9b-b60010ebdd2d.mp4?jwt=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJnaXRodWIuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoicmF3LmdpdGh1YnVzZXJjb250ZW50LmNvbSIsImtleSI6ImtleTUiLCJleHAiOjE3MjMzMzAxNTksIm5iZiI6MTcyMzMyOTg1OSwicGF0aCI6Ii8yMjEyMjU3OS8zNTY3ODY1MjAtM2JjMGEzMDMtMDNlNy00ZjAxLThhOWItYjYwMDEwZWJkZDJkLm1wND9YLUFtei1BbGdvcml0aG09QVdTNC1ITUFDLVNIQTI1NiZYLUFtei1DcmVkZW50aWFsPUFLSUFWQ09 00:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271963477405073469/Base_Profile_2024.08.09_-_22.34.13.203.Dvr-1.mp4?ex=66b93fcc&is=66b7ee4c&hm=29450e16c2fd28bb693f63fa74018cd0b65a11d021cbf00990d852314c87279b& 00:48 < bridge> can I get feedback on this PR, do people like it? 00:48 < bridge> 00:56 < bridge> Congrats on 0.7 support @chillerdragon 01:18 < bridge> matodors suggestion is kinda what id expect from any interactive gui (it shouldn't overlap though xd) 01:18 < bridge> also it would be handful for mobile version 01:29 < bridge> yeah I will ensure no overlap 01:29 < bridge> maybe post in showroom? only 6 people are active in #developer lol 01:29 < bridge> ok 01:37 < bridge> good change 02:30 < bridge> @fokkonaut you can mark PR as draft if it's WIP 02:55 < bridge> Does anyone know how to generate `DDNet.exe` (as well as `steam_api.dll`) in` /build` instead of `/build/Debug` using **cmake**? 02:55 < bridge> Does anyone know how to generate `DDNet.exe` (as well as `steam_api.dll`) in `/build` instead of `/build/Debug` using **cmake**? 02:57 < bridge> although i feel the slider buttons should move out <> as well as up down 02:58 < bridge> animations on un-hover would be dope too but idk if there's support for that 03:08 < bridge> I didn't want to do that because it hard to tell where the end of the slider is when the bar is overlapping it 03:08 < bridge> but maybe it would be better idk 03:08 < bridge> wdym by animations on un-hover 03:12 < bridge> oh good point 03:12 < bridge> i mean fade back to normal color and fast but smooth scale down to original size 03:12 < ws-client> thanks <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> @totar 03:13 < bridge> eh, animations are pretty pointless for ddnet ui 03:13 < bridge> ah 03:13 < bridge> idk it's not like css where I can add the animation in 3 lines 03:13 < bridge> it would be sorta annoying 03:13 < bridge> yeah 🤣 03:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272007319273869394/ebhjx405bxua1.png?ex=66b968a1&is=66b81721&hm=bdacd962e575a8808f17262cfac4f05d61a5ef580441cb8b39aaa7d14ee1ae14& 03:43 < bridge> @ryozuki can confirm? 08:08 < bridge> @kaffeine0: did you name the folder skins7 or did I? If so why? If there is no reason I agree with @robyt3 to rename it to just skins so its shared with the vanilla teeworlds client. 09:32 < bridge> Probably it was me: https://github.com/ChillerDragon/ddnet/pull/3/commits/f0aa9fc520bb64086d088b23a1baa935e1ec728e 09:35 < bridge> So what do you think about renaming it to skins? @kaffeine0 09:37 < bridge> You named the class (classes) `skins7` but didn't add any data. We already have `maps7`, so the skins would be consistent with that. I thought it would be easier to manage it this way. The skins7 dataset seems to be completely different, and not intersecting with skins6. 09:37 < bridge> On one hand it means that we won't have filename conflicts, and on the other I don't see 'share with vanilla' be a good reason: ddnet is always installed to a different directory, and the local files are not in `~/.teeworlds` but in `~/.local/share/ddnet`. 09:42 < bridge> IOW, what are the real cases of possible data sharing with vanilla 0.7? 09:42 < bridge> Did I understand correctly that we're about the client installations? In case of the source repository, vanilla stores the skins in `datasrc/skins`, and DDNet stores it at `data/skins` (and ATM 0.7 skins in DDNet stored at `data/skins7`). 09:53 < bridge> In my humble opinion, the renaming and possible sharing with vanilla does not worths it. I don't see cases where it will give us significant (or any measurable) benefits. Having different (incompatible and non-intersecting) data sets in different directories seems to be a better idea, and aligns with `maps`. 10:03 < bridge> In a different situation it could be beneficial to change layouts to automatically get user's 0.7 custom skins. 10:34 < ws-client> my ddnet is in `~/.teeworlds` 10:35 < ws-client> `maps7` exists because maps are potentially different in 0.6 and 0.7 so they need to folders to avoid conflicts with the filenames. The skin files are comptatible and not conflicting. 10:37 < ws-client> I see two advantages of `skins` over `skins7` one is that players can switch from vanilla to ddnet without losing their skins. And the other is that we do not bloat yet another 7 folder into the file tree. 10:38 < ws-client> In the code I used the 7 suffix to mark 0.7 stuff because otherwise it would conflict with 0.6 and also heinrich asked for 7 suffixes. 10:49 < bridge> it seems so unfun to implement 😬. Btw @learath2 do you know a reason why in `CallMe` it uses 8 bytes variable when the struct fits in 4? 10:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272114644982566974/image.png?ex=66b9cc96&is=66b87b16&hm=bf8bd91501a94914c6122a3826671fc4ab8d62acbc1a1858a27079ab5eb325cf& 10:49 < bridge> it seems so unfun to implement 😬. Btw @learath2 do you know a reason why in `CallMe` it uses 8 bytes for local variable when the struct fits in 4? 10:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272114644982566974/image.png?ex=66b9cc96&is=66b87b16&hm=bf8bd91501a94914c6122a3826671fc4ab8d62acbc1a1858a27079ab5eb325cf& 10:52 < bridge> https://github.com/fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge 10:52 < bridge> https://cjycode.com/posts/rust-ui-flutter/ 10:54 < bridge> https://chevyray.dev/blog/creating-175-fonts/ 11:15 < bridge> sysv amd64 abi wants rsp to be aligned to 16 before call, after the call rsp will be 8 from 16 alignment, so the new function needs to allocate another 8 to get it back to alignment 11:21 < bridge> What's more interesting is that even if you don't call `Yep` but use `-mno-red-zone` it'll still keep the stack in 16 alignment, guess it's being conservative 11:30 < bridge> i mean, wouldn't it work if it used `DWORD PTR` instead of `QWORD PTR`? 11:31 < bridge> i mean, would it not work if it used `DWORD PTR` instead of `QWORD PTR`? 11:53 < bridge> Ohm, may I ask you which Linux distribution are you using and which SDL2 version you're linking against? 11:54 < bridge> The abi doesn't split registers. I'm guessing it also isn't any faster to mov 32bits rather than 64 so no point bothering with special codegen for smaller than eightbyte arguments. But idk for certain 12:48 < bridge> guys, I started writing my client, how can I update it correctly, if a new DDNet update comes out, should I make my changes to the updated DDNet source code? Sorry for such a stupid question. 12:49 < bridge> he was using nix, so he might've j 12:50 < bridge> he was using nix, so he might've used nixOS, depending on his channel (stable or unstable) he either linked against 2.30.2 or 2.30.4 12:50 < bridge> you should merge new changes from ddnet updates into your own client 12:50 < bridge> are you using git? 12:51 < bridge> ok, thanks 🙏 12:51 < bridge> if it's a fork, you should be able to just update your fork via github.com 12:51 < bridge> 12:51 < bridge> if you cloned it and removed the remote - you want to add ddnet as a new remote (e.g git remote add ddnet https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet) and pull it on top of your feature branch 12:51 < bridge> if it's a fork, you should be able to just update your fork via github.com 12:51 < bridge> 12:52 < bridge> if you cloned it and removed/changed the remote - you want to add ddnet as a new remote (e.g git remote add ddnet https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet) and pull it on top of your feature branch 13:23 < bridge> + 13:30 < bridge> Then merge it with git as the suggest 13:30 < bridge> Did you keep the original ddnet history or is it a new repo from scratch? 13:31 < bridge> Then merge it with git as they suggest 13:33 < bridge> Do you work on the master branch? 13:34 < ws-client> you can give this a try 13:34 < ws-client> ``git remote add ddnet https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet`` 13:34 < ws-client> ``git fetch ddnet`` 13:34 < ws-client> ``git merge ddnet/master`` 13:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272161514840785009/image.png?ex=66b9f83c&is=66b8a6bc&hm=95f270029c750abe97bbbec7b0dba247c9566e3a25c64c0e10a6f54cfe55bf00& 13:55 < bridge> help 13:55 < bridge> i did in cfg 13:55 < bridge> file 13:55 < bridge> sv_register ipv4 13:56 < bridge> can somebody help? 13:56 < bridge> how did you call your config 13:56 < bridge> i doubt it was even loaded 13:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272161897143074910/image.png?ex=66b9f897&is=66b8a717&hm=0d4c4377ae8362f80aa4ca65b4d489232c4a9d8348a051b5b0261fa372553317& 13:57 < bridge> i didnt renamed it 13:57 < bridge> and where is that file? 13:57 < bridge> data folder 13:58 < bridge> mhh 13:58 < bridge> add a `echo "I was here"` 13:58 < bridge> want screenshare? 13:58 < bridge> nah sry xd 13:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272162397712547874/image.png?ex=66b9f90f&is=66b8a78f&hm=f69a808e838515f7f95ba89e908846f5b27cf39ca762fc8378b6b9181bdb35df& 13:59 < bridge> and sv_register ipv4 is at the end of the file? 13:59 < bridge> and `sv_register ipv4` is at the end of the file? 13:59 < bridge> at the end? 13:59 < bridge> the last line 14:00 < bridge> oh wait 14:00 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272162725895864420/image.png?ex=66b9f95d&is=66b8a7dd&hm=e81857f7589c22f65af42cffef29c52b0c3608d0e2da0d4c4c2a38dcfa336f8e& 14:00 < bridge> so it isnt working bc its here? 14:00 < bridge> just try to move it to end 14:01 < bridge> if that doesn't work, then i'd say it's a bug in ddnet 14:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272163194785370284/image.png?ex=66b9f9cd&is=66b8a84d&hm=08020c915f272713242347b3425e5d45833d4a288059e8092c55063c3749d157& 14:02 < bridge> @rutujek: Debian update failed? 14:03 < bridge> so works now? 14:03 < bridge> idk 14:03 < bridge> wait i will check 14:03 < bridge> working 14:04 < bridge> So sv\_register was there twice? I called that yesterday hehe 14:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272163853261733928/image.png?ex=66b9fa6a&is=66b8a8ea&hm=3ac4b048c2d39c1f3dc42879e4448fdfe5eaf4536e3f46b814f3cf33c452a135& 14:05 < bridge> no 14:05 < bridge> i added it to end 14:05 < bridge> bc it was 14:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272163935977738313/image.png?ex=66b9fa7e&is=66b8a8fe&hm=4f3cee718e9378b571eb90e605f6429268d739dde0f5950d2b155e2feaf35996& 14:05 < bridge> xd 14:05 < bridge> don't question the 0.7 god 14:06 < bridge> If it did not work on the top but on the bottom it works that means it was there already 14:06 < bridge> it wasnt 14:06 < bridge> Can you post your lines 40-50 of your config? 14:07 < bridge> @rutujek do 14:07 < bridge> 14:07 < bridge> `cat autoexec_server.cfg | grep sv_register` 14:07 < bridge> What happend to Debian 12 btw? @rutujek 14:07 < bridge> Cring cat into grep @jupeyy_keks 14:07 < bridge> when i installed it 14:07 < bridge> i cant connect puppy 14:07 < bridge> putty? 14:07 < bridge> ssh didnt work 14:07 < bridge> putty 14:08 < bridge> Which option did you select? 14:08 < bridge> ssh 14:08 < bridge> Keep current or update config? 14:08 < bridge> always 14:08 < bridge> keep 14:08 < bridge> current 14:08 < bridge> Weird 14:08 < bridge> iksde 14:09 < bridge> cringe 0.7 14:09 < bridge> no mercy 14:09 < bridge> Indeed 14:09 < bridge> All cool kids talk about 0.8 anyways 14:09 < bridge> It will have colored lasers 14:09 < bridge> And slopes 14:09 < bridge> to make multiple servers i need to create other folders and make cmake and make command? 14:09 < bridge> And harpoons 14:09 < bridge> No @rutujek 14:10 < bridge> Just run the same command twice 14:10 < bridge> In the same folder 14:10 < bridge> oh okay 14:10 < bridge> But you need a different port 14:10 < bridge> i can change it in cfg 14:10 < bridge> Yes every server needs its own port 14:11 < bridge> Or use sv\_port 0 then it will use the first free port it finds 14:11 < bridge> oh okay 14:11 < bridge> thx 14:11 < bridge> np 14:12 < bridge> to install discord bot i need to install it in data folder 14:12 < bridge> or in build 14:12 < bridge> ? 14:12 < bridge> What discord bot 14:12 < bridge> ddnet 14:12 < bridge> from github 14:12 < bridge> BTW putty is cring you don’t need to install software on modern windows to ssh 14:12 < bridge> You can just run ssh in your command prompt 14:13 < bridge> Idk ddnet discord bot but I doubt it has to be in the build folder. You mean the one with the point stats and all? 14:13 < bridge> Hey, any news about revert 0.7 skin system? 14:13 < bridge> i mean i only will use submit map system 14:14 < bridge> Why? 14:14 < bridge> I don’t know how to set it up. But I assume it’s not as straightforward as a ddnet server 14:14 < bridge> Ugly + cringe 14:14 < bridge> i go to toilet 14:15 < bridge> Skibidi? 14:15 < bridge> One file skin system is perfect 14:15 < bridge> Easy to support and draw 14:16 < bridge> Combine skin parts = ugly skins 14:16 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks do you have cfg for voting ? 14:18 < bridge> add_vote "test" "echo hi" 14:18 < bridge> but would be nice if you don't ping me, just ask. and maybe i answer 14:22 < bridge> ChillerDragon: did you see my new cool repo? I spent like 30 minutes on it 🐴 14:23 < bridge> It's Anime-pdf/FifoToDiscordBridge-tw 14:55 < bridge> first 14:55 < bridge> thx 15:23 < bridge> I saw now! Didn’t jiggsel build that already? But ye its for sure useful 15:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272186626419982389/image.png?ex=66ba0f9f&is=66b8be1f&hm=8e74a718efd361c548cffbe90116cd786b21836d0bdbc2137596efdf1e5a5e0b& 15:36 < bridge> lmao where did u get your map from 15:36 < bridge> it's invalid apparently 15:36 < bridge> can't find any 15:38 < bridge> @jxsl13 do you have fifo wrapper written in go? 15:38 < bridge> no, just econ one 15:39 < bridge> its time to write it xd 15:39 < bridge> what would that he supposed to do, write data into a fifo file? 15:39 < bridge> be* 15:39 < bridge> https://github.com/Anime-pdf/FifoToDiscordBridge-tw 15:39 < bridge> lemme check 15:40 < bridge> econ-like interaction with usr of logfile and fifo 15:40 < bridge> so basically its econ but with fifo xd 15:41 < bridge> By chance, you had to set `SDL2_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland` to get it running this way, right? And it was the GLES backend I guess. 15:41 < bridge> well 15:41 < bridge> no 15:41 < bridge> xD 15:43 < bridge> one could make using fifo +logfile lightly easier but I'd go the econ way for that 15:44 < bridge> and just using the fifo file, is basically writing to a file, which is a stdlib functionality 15:44 < bridge> slightly easier to use* 15:46 < bridge> yeah but using tcp connection is stdlib functionality too 15:46 < bridge> but you need to login 15:46 < bridge> so a little bit more 15:46 < bridge> its read + write before use 15:48 < bridge> the econ wrapper is small indeed 15:48 < bridge> still. I don't see any use case for a fifo wrapper 15:50 < bridge> its literally econ but another syscalls 15:50 < bridge> change my mind :troll: 15:52 < bridge> chillerdragon: why am i not allowed to see the server's ip anymore 15:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272190931868844052/image.png?ex=66ba13a2&is=66b8c222&hm=433d5fcb657344f0afd46858b67712c97abc85b1a155a1fac72dea7877736e0a& 15:53 < bridge> not happening 15:53 < bridge> url syntax sucks ass, can we pls get this info from the master server list 17:18 < bridge> i downloaded it on github 17:18 < bridge> i downloaded it from github 17:18 < bridge> bc i uploaded it there 17:29 < bridge> i just added my map 😭 17:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272215328729989201/image.png?ex=66ba2a5a&is=66b8d8da&hm=73c9b7d67a256d01b6932c9c86c5e4af900ad19b9387b62de654008d65c64932& 17:32 < bridge> i can connect using ip 17:32 < bridge> but it doesnt show in server menu 18:37 < bridge> GIF support xd 18:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272232346581467250/2024-08-11_21-35-56.mp4?ex=66ba3a34&is=66b8e8b4&hm=014e473ff2e88fb3adebdb084c2dce17a3183583c5827dc34d4591bf41bbfde0& 18:37 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/speed-wheelchair-me-running-late-gif-14178485 18:38 < bridge> r that just many images uploaded, or real gif? 18:48 < bridge> @robyt3 have u ever tried this amazing trick: 18:48 < bridge> 18:48 < bridge> ``` 18:48 < bridge> git checkout Client-Touch-Input-Ingame 18:48 < bridge> git add src/ 18:49 < bridge> git commit --amend --no-edit 18:49 < bridge> git push --force 18:49 < bridge> ``` 18:49 < bridge> 10/10 would execute 18:49 < bridge> 9/10 doctors recommend it 18:57 < bridge> Real gif 18:57 < bridge> how did u add support to the graphics backend? xd 19:16 < bridge> Just loading a lot of textures and switch between them xd 19:16 < bridge> ah k, i think patiga already wrote a tool that can do that 19:17 < bridge> for maps 19:17 < bridge> Used FreeImage for loading gif data 19:17 < bridge> but sadly ddnet maps only allow 64 images 19:17 < bridge> @robyt3 😮 19:17 < bridge> epyc 19:17 < bridge> I created this just for fun and maybe for chat emojis xd 19:18 < bridge> Thinking about add 3d models support & chromium xd 19:18 < bridge> I'm still thinking about the adjustable controls. How would you represent button positions? Currently I lay them out on a 120x120 grid because it's easy for testing, but that makes it weird to configure because e.g. 10x10 buttons don't look square and it requires additional hacks to get the joystick button to be square. I guess mapped screen position makes the most sense (height is 1200, width is 1200 * screenAspect). The only issue with that is it 19:20 < bridge> i thought about that too already. 19:20 < bridge> 19:20 < bridge> i think no matter what you do it will always break between two setups. 19:20 < bridge> I guess using our coordinate system is defs ok 19:20 < bridge> When support for animated pixel art :justatest: 19:21 < bridge> animations are a hard topic. if you just use it for a logo or smth fine. if u have low animation speed for like 8-bit looking stuff, fine. 19:21 < bridge> 19:21 < bridge> If however you want "realistic" animations. Then FPS bound animations always suck. And metamorphic animations are pretty hard 19:24 < bridge> animations are a hard topic. if you just use it for a logo or smth fine. if u have low animation speed for like 8-bit looking stuff, fine. 19:24 < bridge> 19:24 < bridge> If however you want "realistic" animations. Then FPS bound animations always suck. And morphic* animations are pretty hard 19:36 < bridge> @robyt3 do you plan to build a "default" control mapping that executes once if there was no config ever before. Like re-use the adjustable controls even for the "hardcoded" ones? 19:38 < bridge> I would use the storage system I guess, `data/touch_controls.json` and `user/touch_controls.json`, then hard-code a layout in `data` 19:38 < bridge> so as soon as you define a custom button the default is overwritten? 19:39 < bridge> yeah, as soon as you save the layout once, you override the default layout with this 19:39 < bridge> but there would be a button to restore the default 19:41 < bridge> alright. And another thing i couldn't really read from your notes. 19:41 < bridge> 19:41 < bridge> How exactly do you plan to differenciate button behavior types? 19:41 < bridge> 19:41 < bridge> like do you use an enum for hardcoded actions + one enum variant is called "console", which is then used for console commands? 19:41 < bridge> 19:41 < bridge> It looks like you want to inherit, but at serialization step that would get _kinda_ weird or does it not? 19:41 < bridge> 19:42 < bridge> I mean you can defs detect different classes by different attributes showing up in the JSON 19:45 < bridge> The attribute `type` in the example (https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1268628948779274272) is supposed to differentiate between different behavior types. Predefined behaviors are hard-coded string values from a list. With type `bind` it would just use `ExecuteLineStroked` but because it can't know how to label the button the label would also have to be defined. 19:46 < bridge> ah ok 19:46 < bridge> 19:46 < bridge> ok then another last thing. 19:46 < bridge> 19:46 < bridge> U have a visibility attribute for "menu". Not very important, but maybe it could even allow to have multiple menus, so give the menu an ID, so different functionality can be collapsed 19:47 < bridge> I see, that seems useful. So you could also nest menus in each other I guess 19:47 < bridge> ah true 19:49 < bridge> I would probably leave adjustable visibility-functions for later though, until the rest of the adjustable controls work. For predefined buttons there could be an inherent visibility function hard-coded, like currently. 19:50 < bridge> yeah, most important for now seems to adjust position of existing buttons anyway 19:52 < bridge> How would you enter and exit button-editing mode? Enter with a button in the normal menu. Exit with back button. While in editing mode, pressing buttons brings up a popup to edit them. Clicking empty space brings up a popup to add buttons or configure general settings (or exit editing mode). 19:54 < bridge> Dragging buttons to move/resize would be nice, but just editing their properties in a popup would also work good enough for the beginning 19:55 < bridge> i think i'd simply use the ESC menu and have a "edit mode" checkbox 19:55 < bridge> 19:55 < bridge> but if you think a popup is ez too, why not 19:55 < bridge> yeah, checkbox also makes sense 19:55 < bridge> but yeah i'd not use a drag & drop feature as a first start 19:56 < bridge> that seems pretty hard and might contain bugs easily 19:56 < bridge> a simple list might be good enough 19:56 < bridge> 19:56 < bridge> except you have lot of motivation, or think it's really ez 19:56 < bridge> but it sounds to me like an editor already 19:56 < bridge> so not trivial enough 19:58 < bridge> yeah, lot's of small things to consider to make it a full editor, I'll try to go for an easy solution first 19:59 < bridge> yeah, lots of small things to consider to make it a full editor, I'll try to go for an easy solution first 20:31 < bridge> help ;c 20:31 < bridge> i changed map from tutorial to my 20:34 < bridge> exec iptables command again 20:34 < bridge> did u restart ur vps or smth? 20:42 < bridge> no 20:42 < bridge> OH 20:42 < bridge> i see problem 20:43 < bridge> i did sv port think to 0 bc somebody said it will choose free port 20:43 < bridge> but it choosed 8303 20:43 < bridge> and it is in lan 20:43 < bridge> group 20:43 < bridge> -_- 21:14 < bridge> Tell me you're not running the client on ur vps :justatest: 21:23 < bridge> @learath2 What data do you think has to be stored in symbol table item for a function parameter to be able to find a spot in memory where the parameter is located. The only thing I've came up with is to store a vector of types which are before the parameter xd 21:25 < bridge> no 21:25 < bridge> i mean in comment 21:25 < bridge> is 8303 port is in lan tab 21:25 < bridge> and i did port 0 21:29 < bridge> That’s what you need indeed. Atleast for most abis, the order and types of args uniquely determines the locations if each 21:29 < bridge> s\/if/of/ 22:02 < bridge> @teero777 did the double jump tile work or did you need to fix it 22:02 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7sskz_LKi0 22:15 < bridge> https://x.com/QuantaMagazine/status/1491065395704647683 22:18 < bridge> ok i take out my scissor and try that 22:21 < bridge> i am always impressed how intelligent acient greek was compared to the early medival times 22:32 < bridge> it is in the prediction by default. 23:19 < bridge> in my code it skipped this tile, switch number was 0 23:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1272303416529653760/Discord_jAynLiylID.png?ex=66ba7c64&is=66b92ae4&hm=04486d948f5f1739077d541443ea0505c2b4fa9dec10a4c157f70241af7e5d13& 23:22 < bridge> maybe my bug only tho 23:23 < bridge> why are you discussing bots in #developer ? 23:39 < bridge> :justatest: