23:03 < bridge> Reply from bytes=32 time=5ms TTL=58 23:04 < bridge> 23:04 < bridge> Ping statistics for 23:04 < bridge> Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), 23:04 < bridge> Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: 23:04 < bridge> Minimum = 5ms, Maximum = 5ms, Average = 5ms` 23:08 < bridge> curl -v master1.ddnet.org 23:08 < bridge> curl -v https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/register 23:09 < bridge> but im on windows 23:09 < bridge> no 23:09 < bridge> now 23:09 < bridge> bruder 23:10 < bridge> dann nerv jmd anderes 23:10 < bridge> Tja 23:10 < bridge> why 23:10 < bridge> call microsoft support 23:10 < bridge> do i look like bill gates? 23:11 < bridge> u ask me midnight how to fix windows problems 23:12 < bridge> 24/7 ddnet build support team 23:32 < bridge> @rutujek maybe disable ipv6 23:32 < bridge> sv_register ipv4 23:32 < bridge> i think 23:32 < bridge> only ipv6 seems to fail according to your logs 23:33 < bridge> i hope i finished my karma quest with that, gn8 00:01 < bridge> I will test it later 00:01 < bridge> Have a nice dream about codes without error 00:24 < bridge> Wake up, I need Windows support :kek: 01:43 < bridge> don't ask him about big endian... 01:50 < bridge> btw bit fields may completely fuck this up 01:51 < bridge> u can also use them to pad completely arbitrarily 01:52 < bridge> ```c 01:52 < bridge> struct S { 01:52 < bridge> char x : 3; // 3 bits 01:52 < bridge> int : 0; // "advance to int alignment boundary" 01:52 < bridge> char y : 3; // 3 bits 01:52 < bridge> }; 01:52 < bridge> ``` 01:52 < bridge> this is how i know it behaves in cpp but i think c is the same in this regard 01:52 < bridge> ```c 01:52 < bridge> struct S { 01:52 < bridge> char x : 3; // 3 bits 01:53 < bridge> int : 0; // "advance to int alignment boundary" 01:53 < bridge> char y : 3; // 3 bits 01:53 < bridge> }; 01:53 < bridge> ``` 01:53 < bridge> this is how i know it behaves in cpp but i think c is the same in this regard 01:54 < bridge> this shouldnt matter if u dont care about transparent C struct representation tho 04:53 < bridge> anyone knows what's happened? 04:53 < bridge> I found that status.tw has updated 04:56 < bridge> wdym 05:45 < bridge> #5781 can be closed 05:45 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/5781 06:23 < bridge> are u not a contributor on the repo? seems like a big oversight 06:23 < bridge> are u not a collaborator on the repo? seems like a big oversight 06:48 < bridge> No, its fine 07:03 < bridge> I've never used bit fields xd and I've seen somewhere that they're bad but idk 07:56 < bridge> They are pretty rarely used anyway. I wouldn't sweat over them 08:09 < bridge> is there a way to disable `ctrl + w` bind in firefox, every time i try to write code in godbolt, I try to delete a word and it closes a tab xd 08:26 < bridge> rip 08:32 < bridge> honestly, i barely understand what it generates from a quick look but as long as it spits out correct answer I think it works correctly 08:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271717715635081216/image.png?ex=66b85aea&is=66b7096a&hm=7de0c7f5aafda08687899d8c3f8203ebaef57a3ffda2bcd15fd7a8b45d03553b& 10:29 < ws-client> lerato anti christ https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1723278566.png 10:30 < bridge> Dam, now I can't contribute ever again 10:30 < ws-client> exactly 10:30 < ws-client> time to change git email 10:31 < ws-client> so #10 can finally surpas your rank 10:31 < bridge> 777 10:33 < bridge> I should commit 111 white space fix commits 10:33 < ws-client> ez 10:35 < ws-client> @milkeeycat yeet this into your js console ``window.onbeforeunload = (e) => e.preventDefault()`` 10:35 < ws-client> you can also use extensions or bookmarklets to auto load js 10:37 < bridge> it asked before closing a page, is that it? xd 10:37 < ws-client> ye 10:38 < ws-client> you can write a firefox extension in 5 lines of json and then include one line of js with this and tell it in the 5 lines of json to only be active on godbolt 10:39 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/this-is-fine-fire-house-burning-okay-gif-5263684 10:40 < bridge> ah, ye that could work 10:41 < ws-client> while at it you can also use js to let the ctrl+w do what you want it to do :D 10:42 < bridge> or install an extension which has terminal shortcuts xd 10:51 < ws-client> So C structs have padding? 10:52 < ws-client> meaning i can not trust the result of `sizeof` ? 10:53 < bridge> sizeof return size with padding 10:53 < bridge> sizeof returns size with padding 10:54 < ws-client> a 10:54 < ws-client> So no need to ever worry about padding right? 10:54 < ws-client> ``printf("distance=%ld size=%ld\n", (char *)&m_aNodes[1] - (char *)&m_aNodes[0], sizeof(m_aNodes[0]));`` this indeed prints 16 twice nice 10:55 < ws-client> okay then there is a bug in my debug print again... classic 10:58 < bridge> Unless you are worried about memory footprint. In that case it might matter 10:59 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1723280377.png 10:59 < ws-client> oh no 11:00 < ws-client> can i not count or is that the padding? 11:01 < bridge> is it C repl? :justatest: 11:01 < ws-client> yes 11:01 < ws-client> written in bash 11:01 < ws-client> by me 11:01 < ws-client> totally bug free xd 11:01 < bridge> how did I not think about it 11:01 < ws-client> i use it quite often to test stuff 11:02 < ws-client> so the struct has 2 unsigned ints (4+4) one array of two unsigned shorts (4) and one unsigned char (1) which should add up to 13 bytes right? 11:02 < ws-client> but sizeof says its 16 byte 11:03 < ws-client> i will just assume it is :D 11:03 < ws-client> i would have never thought C introduces padding if I wouldn't have seen you guys talk about it 11:03 < ws-client> #developer education 11:05 < ws-client> @learath2 idc memory i just need to debug my assembly code and i use the C implementation debug prints as reference and the offets were not adding up 11:06 < ws-client> such bloated language this C who would even use it. Its close to machine code they say ... 11:06 < bridge> You can use the packed attribute to get rid of padding 11:06 < ws-client> C pro 11:06 < bridge> ``` 11:06 < bridge> +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ 11:06 < bridge> | m_Bits | m_NumBits | short1 | short2 | sym| padding | 11:06 < bridge> +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ 11:06 < bridge> ``` 11:07 < bridge> i guess it should be 16 because it has to also aligned by biggest value in a struct which is unsigned, so by 4 bytes 11:07 < bridge> maybe it's not true tho :justatest: 11:07 < ws-client> thanks milkeey i will take your words as facts 11:08 < ws-client> ill just add padding to my assembly struct and call it fixed 11:08 < bridge> lemme check in my language how it accesses the struct fields 😏 11:10 < bridge> ah, nvm, i dont have 4 bytes ints xd 11:10 < bridge> ? 11:10 < bridge> :D 11:11 < bridge> i have only char and short 11:11 < bridge> and ptr size 11:11 < bridge> nice, u dont need more 11:12 < bridge> i think if i would need arrays when call C functions ill just add a bunch of shorts and pass a pointer to first one 11:12 < ws-client> 4 byte ints are my favorite ints 11:14 < bridge> ints suck 11:14 < bridge> unsigned int ftw 11:14 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1723281263.png 11:15 < bridge> - Can we have ints? 11:15 < bridge> - We have ints at home 11:15 < ws-client> @milkeeycat shouldn't that be over 1000 if it matches the biggest value? 11:15 < bridge> Ints at home: 11:15 < bridge> ``` 11:15 < bridge> ``` 11:15 < bridge> - Can we have ints? 11:15 < bridge> - We have ints at home 11:15 < bridge> Ints at home: 11:15 < bridge> ``` 11:15 < bridge> struct u32 { 11:15 < bridge> u16 low; 11:15 < bridge> u16 high; 11:15 < bridge> } 11:15 < bridge> ``` 11:15 < ws-client> lgtm 11:15 < bridge> iks de 11:16 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMwepyyaj8I :O (me seeing open hardware and daydreaming about making my own stuff ^^, just daydreaming tho) 11:16 < bridge> @milkeeycat if u add 512bit ints, then you have more possibilities than there are atoms in the universe 11:16 < bridge> do you not think that should be the default? 11:17 < bridge> all i need to be happy is u8 11:17 < ws-client> u8 smol 11:17 < bridge> all those fancy shmancy 128s and 512s for nobos 11:18 < bridge> ok, it's time to add 32/64 bit ints 11:18 < bridge> u512 11:19 < bridge> what would you use it for? xd 11:19 < bridge> femto second precision 11:19 < bridge> count all atoms in the universe 11:20 < bridge> count all atoms in the universe twice 11:20 < bridge> 😏 11:21 < bridge> if u make it a f512 11:21 < bridge> ddnet would finally work above 10000 units 11:21 < bridge> no more precision problems 11:22 < bridge> i just looked how gcc handlers regular `float` and I think I don't need floats in my language 11:22 < bridge> so fixed point numbers? 11:22 < bridge> but PLSSS make them ez to use 11:22 < bridge> that is so important 11:22 < bridge> not even rust is good in that aspect 11:23 < bridge> also adding sqrt support etc is not ez 11:23 < bridge> i saw something about fixed point numbers when I was checking Patiga's twmap crate or smth 11:23 < bridge> so for such stuff i always have to convert between them to floats 11:23 < bridge> suggs 11:23 < bridge> possible he uses it in some places 11:24 < bridge> @patiga what is your experience using them 11:24 < bridge> Native fixed point numbers lets goooooo 11:24 < bridge> honest 11:25 < bridge> big integer numbers are practical for cryptography but idk what else 11:25 < bridge> Biggest issue with fixed precision numbers is accidentally losing precision. You need to bw careful 11:25 < bridge> if u have like a 512 bit prime u can have a field with it and do stuff 11:25 < bridge> to store someone's mom's weight 11:26 < bridge> What if you need to compute TREE(3)? 11:26 < bridge> what is tree 11:27 < bridge> xd 11:27 < bridge> Very big number. Idk details 11:27 < bridge> in twmap, the importance of the fixed point numbers comes from representing the map values properly in types. simply because they are fixed point numbers everywhere in tw (also in snaps) 11:27 < bridge> Something about coloring a tree 11:27 < bridge> you mean the / 1024? 11:28 < bridge> yea, but also often / 32 11:28 < bridge> sometimes / 2**15 11:28 < bridge> / 100 at one point, tho that can't be represented well 11:28 < bridge> oke yeah makes sense 11:29 < bridge> i also use them in my map format, but i use them properly, like colors are normalized fixed point numbers 11:29 < bridge> and honestly i didnt really like working with it 11:29 < bridge> i remember we talked about physics using them 11:29 < bridge> not trivial enough i guess 11:29 < bridge> also GPUs ofc expect f32 11:30 < bridge> well you can use normalized fixed points there 11:30 < bridge> but not custom formats i think 11:30 < bridge> I mean they have a couple of upsides over f32, such as no precision pitfalls and no NaN 11:30 < bridge> tru 11:31 < bridge> thats why i liked them for a format 11:31 < bridge> on the other hand they give you potential overflows 11:47 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271766753982283776/image.png?ex=66b88896&is=66b73716&hm=1fcfb4d5a15b9d1296d6b4053a0bfad4c0b8f99294e133bb8acc44549d0f69d7& 11:47 < bridge> [OHNOOOO](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1183682565392039936.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=OHNOOOO) 11:48 < bridge> tja 11:49 < bridge> ban 11:52 < bridge> youtube thumbnails be like 12:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271774921227239484/image.png?ex=66b89031&is=66b73eb1&hm=1c92d56be374f561a898411c99cdffdc3cee7fac8dd5295b7cf484f25081b329& 12:20 < bridge> get a vps/root server 12:22 < bridge> or the not recommended variant: open a port in your router and forward the port to your windows pc's port that the gameserver is listening on. 12:22 < bridge> or the not recommended variant: open a port in your router and forward the port to your ~~windows~~ pc's port that the gameserver is listening on. 12:22 < bridge> or the not recommended variant: open a port in your router and forward the port to your ~~windows~~ linux pc's port that the gameserver is listening on. 12:29 < bridge> didn't u get vps already huh 12:41 < bridge> he switched to windows 12:41 < bridge> 🤦‍♂️ 12:48 < bridge> is it? was also my first thought 13:08 < bridge> its vps 13:08 < bridge> with windows 13:08 < bridge> the worst decision of yor life 13:08 < bridge> i dont know how to make in debian 13:08 < bridge> your 13:09 < bridge> i tried with readme 13:09 < bridge> but there was error 13:09 < bridge> tried google 13:09 < bridge> and ai 13:09 < bridge> didnt worked 13:09 < bridge> should continue to google 13:09 < bridge> ai is shit if you don't know what you are doing 13:10 < bridge> ChillerDragon: where i can dm you? 13:22 < bridge> windows vps for teeworlds sounds fun 13:27 < bridge> it's not really that bad tbh just unnecessary 13:50 < bridge> TRACTOR 13:55 < bridge> @zillyhuhn on wire. Or chillerdragon@gmail.com on mail. Usually also on irc and in game but not too much this year. 13:57 < bridge> Oh or on matrix idk my nick xd chillerdragon 13:57 < bridge> chillerdragon:matrix.org or something like that 14:11 < bridge> ChillerDragon: chat zillyhuhn has private channels? 14:12 < bridge> Not yet. Sometimes I think about it but not sure if it’s worth the effort 14:13 < bridge> or maybe channel that not bridge'd with discord? 14:14 < bridge> chat zillyhuhn has voice channels? 14:14 < bridge> @matodor: yes \#off-topic is not bridged messages there will probably be red by less than 2 people 14:14 < bridge> Jopsti and milkeey 14:14 < bridge> give me register token 😄 14:15 < bridge> Forgot it 14:15 < bridge> It’s in the discord history of this channel 14:17 < bridge> There is two secrets. One is the token which allows you to sign up. And the other is the universal password that lets you login in to any username without account xd 14:17 < bridge> both in chat history? 😄 14:18 < bridge> I think so 14:18 < bridge> That’s the universal pw I think 14:19 < bridge> I’ll get my laptop sec 14:20 < ws-client> ah lmao 14:20 < ws-client> the sign up token is `nimrocks` 14:20 < ws-client> <:gigachad:960830678465933403> 14:21 < ws-client> elo 14:22 < bridge> elo 14:28 < bridge> chiller the person of trust 14:38 < bridge> <0xdeen> @fokkonaut Are you looking into the rest for https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8542 ? 14:42 < ws-client> @0xdeen Are you looking into the rest for https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/5949 14:43 < bridge> :KEKW: 14:45 < bridge> <0xdeen> no, why would I? 14:46 < ws-client> :c if not you who else? 14:47 < bridge> <0xdeen> I probably missed the part of why we are doing 0.7 support. Is anyone using TW 0.7? 14:47 < ws-client> Not a lot because ddnet does not support it 14:47 < ws-client> this pr fixes that 14:47 < bridge> <0xdeen> Probably too late to bring that up after you made a 6000 line PR 14:47 < bridge> <0xdeen> Or because Vanilla Teeworlds gets boring after a while? 14:48 < ws-client> the pr did not start with 6k lines 14:48 < ws-client> lots of it is json files but yes it took me a while 14:48 < bridge> <0xdeen> Hm, I thought the direction we wanted to go was to split further from Teeworlds, not go back to it 14:48 < ws-client> So you are against supporting 0.7? 14:48 < bridge> <0xdeen> Yes 14:49 < ws-client> oof 14:49 < ws-client> thats unexpected now since you did not mention that and even said you will merge it at some point 14:49 < bridge> <0xdeen> This is so much effort to support playing with the 20 people playing TW 0.7 :/ 14:49 < ws-client> But its me who did the effort no? 14:51 < bridge> <0xdeen> Yes, but now this PR can break all the existing 0.6 support in subtle ways 14:51 < bridge> <0xdeen> and we have to maintain it in the future 14:51 < ws-client> I am not going anywhere 14:51 < ws-client> In january i will be doing less development but i will stay here and play the game. If you need 0.7 maintenance you can ping me 14:52 < ws-client> holy sh*t 14:54 < ws-client> wish all your love for 07 could be used to develop APIs for mods <:heartw:395753947396046850> 14:54 < ws-client> I would have fixed the conflict my self if id knew you merge it woah 14:57 < bridge> CHILLER 14:57 < bridge> YOU DID IT 14:57 < bridge> the worst day in my life 14:57 < bridge> :KEKW: 14:58 < ws-client> 0.7 support by deen -.- 14:58 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1723294706.png 14:58 < ws-client> sori jopsti 14:59 < bridge> time to rq 14:59 < ws-client> nono 14:59 < ws-client> dw 14:59 < ws-client> when heinrich returns from afk he will send revert pr 15:02 < bridge> the effort to support 0.7 is already done. Just merge it :0 15:02 < bridge> press the button 15:02 < bridge> :justatest: 15:02 < ws-client> he did @jxsl13 15:02 < bridge> he did D:? 15:02 < bridge> what 15:02 < ws-client> ikr 15:03 < bridge> the hell's going on 15:03 < bridge> sick move 15:03 < bridge> party time, I guess 15:03 < bridge> 🥳 15:06 < bridge> holy shit 15:06 < bridge> best salesman ever 15:09 < bridge> chiller breaking shit in real time 15:10 < ws-client> yea i can't believe i aborted the merge 15:10 < ws-client> my ego got in the way i had to merge the conflict my self 15:10 < bridge> TIL u cant push after it's been added to the merge queue 15:10 < ws-client> it stops the merge queue 15:10 < bridge> or ig u can 15:10 < bridge> just not if u want it merged 15:10 < bridge> xddd 15:17 < bridge> Pepew. One more piece of code we have to maintain forever for the deadforkcompat 15:17 < bridge> maybe chiller will stop contributing to ddnet one day and the you will be able to drop 0.7 xd 15:21 < ws-client> heinrich is working on some translation layer thingy that should make it easier to maintain and also easier to drop 15:21 < bridge> <0xdeen> Oh? But then we probably shouldn't merge that already, should we? 15:22 < ws-client> well he did not say we should wait or that he will finish or that it conflicts 15:22 < ws-client> he told me to ask another maintainer if i want it merged 15:22 < ws-client> so i assume he is okay with it but we can also wait for him to return @0xdeen i just think if we don't merge now nothing will happen 15:23 < ws-client> by now i don't mean "now" but in the next few weeks 15:28 < bridge> Mergus maximus 15:28 < bridge> 🍷 :gg: 15:29 < ws-client> <:brownbear:346683497701834762> 15:30 < bridge> <0xdeen> @chillerdragon Is it intentional that you can't change the Tee 0.7 settings without joining a 0.7 server? 15:30 < ws-client> yes its a feature i suggested and heinrich and jopsti appreciated 15:30 < ws-client> originally it showed both menus at all times 15:31 < ws-client> the 0.7 is hidden away to avoid confusion why 0.7 dont show 15:31 < ws-client> 0.7 skins don't show* 15:31 < bridge> <0xdeen> yes, makes sense, ok for me 15:33 < ws-client> amazing thanks for the merge @0xdeen this was the most emotional merge for me it feels unreal ngl 15:33 < bridge> unrelated but is there any reason u can fathom why my build would fail here? 15:33 < bridge> ``` 15:33 < bridge> [ 54%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/game-client.dir/src/game/generated/checksum.cpp.o 15:33 < bridge> /home/ewan/ddnet/ddnet/build/src/game/generated/checksum.cpp:1:10: fatal error: engine/client/checksum.h: No such file or directory 15:33 < bridge> 1 | #include 15:33 < bridge> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33 < bridge> ``` 15:33 < bridge> as long as src is added in target_/include_directories this should be impossible 15:33 < ws-client> unedited ddnet code base? 15:33 < bridge> ya i think it has been a long time in the making 15:34 < bridge> very excited for u 15:34 < bridge> essentially 15:34 < bridge> o can u see replies on irc 15:34 < ws-client> i got better at guessing 15:34 < bridge> lol 15:34 < ws-client> what does essentially mean? does it work for unedited ddnet? 15:34 < ws-client> can you try to delete the build cache? 15:35 < ws-client> the checksum depends on some pyson scripts 15:36 < bridge> it's failing in a new and exciting way 15:36 < bridge> <0xdeen> Thanks for the feature, it seems to work great from what I tried 15:36 < ws-client> yes thanks to all the people who tested it and reported bugs 15:38 < bridge> idk 15:39 < bridge> Odd question But did you try a Clean rebuild and it still fails there ? 15:39 < bridge> :pepeW: 15:39 < bridge> :kek: its mostly the easy Things 15:40 < bridge> the real q here is what kind of shell are using when deving ddnet 15:40 < bridge> mine busted 15:45 < bridge> ```nix 15:45 < bridge> { pkgs ? import { } }: 15:45 < bridge> 15:45 < bridge> let 15:45 < bridge> name = "ddnet"; 15:45 < bridge> in ( 15:45 < bridge> pkgs.mkShell { 15:45 < bridge> name = name; 15:45 < bridge> 15:45 < bridge> nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs;[ 15:45 < bridge> gcc 15:45 < bridge> mold 15:45 < bridge> buildPackages.cmake 15:45 < bridge> ninja 15:45 < bridge> pkg-config 15:45 < bridge> 15:45 < bridge> rustc 15:45 < bridge> cargo 15:46 < bridge> rustPlatform.cargoSetupHook 15:46 < bridge> ]; 15:46 < bridge> 15:46 < bridge> nativeCheckInputs = with pkgs; [ 15:46 < bridge> gtest 15:46 < bridge> ]; 15:46 < bridge> 15:46 < bridge> buildInputs = with pkgs; [ 15:46 < bridge> fish 15:46 < bridge> 15:46 < bridge> SDL2.dev 15:46 < bridge> zlib.dev 15:46 < bridge> 15:46 < bridge> HE USES NIX 15:46 < bridge> and 15:46 < bridge> `cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wno-format-security" -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-fuse-ld=mold" -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS="-fuse-ld=mold" && cmake --build build --parallel` 15:46 < bridge> Letsgoooooo 15:46 < bridge> ya 15:47 < bridge> Use inputsFrom = [ ddnet ] 15:47 < bridge> Easier than to define all depa 15:47 < bridge> Easier than to define all deps, espacially when the actual Thing is packaged 15:48 < bridge> i wrote it based off the default.nix on nixpkgs but many of those pkgs were not found when i was using buildFHSEnv 15:48 < bridge> i had it compiling earlier but it couldnt load freetype .so 15:49 < bridge> and others 15:49 < bridge> dont remember what it was when it worked 15:49 < bridge> dont remember what it was when it "worked" 15:49 < bridge> Also is there a reason to specify Fish there ? 15:49 < bridge> 15:49 < bridge> Yeah you can do inputsFrom to get the stuff from the actual package, for development and stuff you can then Just include them seperately with buildInputs 15:49 < bridge> im using fish 15:49 < bridge> Try zsh :gigachad: 15:50 < bridge> lol 15:50 < ws-client> bash best 15:50 < bridge> No Idea why it fails, lgtm 15:51 < bridge> i can use right side prompt w fish 15:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271828268558848062/image.png?ex=66b8c1e0&is=66b77060&hm=46050d65f14faa74d061a5ffbf7902eec8bd050d4c5ed98dd617d5ecc6a65f47& 15:51 < bridge> ``` 15:51 < bridge> outputs = { 15:51 < bridge> nixpkgs, 15:51 < bridge> ...} : let 15:51 < bridge> system = "x86_64-linux"; 15:51 < bridge> pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}; 15:51 < bridge> in { 15:52 < bridge> devShells.${system}.default = pkgs.mkShell { 15:52 < bridge> inputsFrom = [pkgs.ddnet]; 15:52 < bridge> packages = [ 15:52 < bridge> pkgs.libmysqlclient.dev 15:52 < bridge> ]; 15:52 < bridge> ``` 15:52 < bridge> 15:52 < bridge> Thats my flake.nix, since you're using shell.nix No real Idea why its Not working 15:52 < bridge> Hey Look basically the same 15:52 < bridge> gmm 15:52 < bridge> hmm * 15:52 < bridge> They Look basically the same, im Not Home atm so i cant reproduce, If youre still stuck in an hour i can 15:52 < bridge> i could use a flake 15:54 < bridge> The best Dev Environments with nix are 15:54 < bridge> Direnv + flake 15:54 < bridge> 15:54 < bridge> Loading the deps in your nix Store once, and yeeting them Off when Clearing it. Godsent 15:54 < bridge> Imo 15:55 < bridge> Also direnv loads the Shell automatically when Entering the directory 15:55 < bridge> Also has IDE integration 15:55 < bridge> nice 15:55 < bridge> how does direnv work 15:56 < bridge> It loads the Environment based on an .envrc File (e.g flake.nix or shell.nix) when you enter the directory with a flake.nix with an existing .envrc 15:57 < bridge> So you dont have to worry about using nix develop 15:57 < bridge> sweet 15:58 < bridge> Are you using clang? 15:58 < bridge> gcc 16:00 < bridge> Ah yes i'm blind 16:00 < bridge> :xd: 16:00 < bridge> :brownbear: 16:00 < bridge> Try Out my flake and See If that does the Trick for you 16:00 < bridge> Dumps the mysqlclient ofc 16:01 < bridge> Dump the mysqlclient ofc ( doesnt Work anyway, cant Run MySQL on User Level :monkaStop: ) 16:02 < bridge> ya 16:02 < bridge> working identically to my shell.nix rn :justatest: 16:03 < bridge> :justatest: 16:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271831937157173288/message.txt?ex=66b8c54b&is=66b773cb&hm=1c356b1e1c0bb90a6b56f33c41bc402031d081bd34b2fc487e0729144e52b311& 16:06 < bridge> only god knows 16:06 < bridge> im either sleepy or hungry 16:06 < bridge> so ill be back at some point 16:07 < bridge> Wait 16:07 < bridge> it was cut off 16:07 < bridge> That Looks Like a Rust issue 16:07 < bridge> a lot 16:07 < bridge> ya could be 16:07 < bridge> Engine_shared 16:12 < bridge> Can you try this?: 16:12 < bridge> RUST_SRC_PATH = "${pkgs.rust.packages.stable.rustPlatform.rustLibSrc}"; 16:12 < bridge> Can you try this?: 16:12 < bridge> `RUST_SRC_PATH = "${pkgs.rust.packages.stable.rustPlatform.rustLibSrc}";` 16:12 < bridge> i won i think 16:13 < bridge> :poggers2: 16:13 < bridge> i did this 16:13 < bridge> ```nix 16:13 < bridge> { 16:13 < bridge> outputs = 16:14 < bridge> { nixpkgs 16:14 < bridge> , ... 16:14 < bridge> }: 16:14 < bridge> let 16:14 < bridge> system = "x86_64-linux"; 16:14 < bridge> pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}; 16:14 < bridge> in 16:14 < bridge> { 16:14 < bridge> devShells.${system}.default = pkgs.mkShell.override 16:14 < bridge> { 16:14 < bridge> stdenv = pkgs.stdenvAdapters.useMoldLinker pkgs.clangStdenv; 16:14 < bridge> } 16:14 < bridge> { 16:14 < bridge> inputsFrom = [ pkgs.ddnet ]; 16:14 < bridge> packages = [ 16:14 < bridge> pkgs.fish 16:14 < bridge> ]; 16:14 < bridge> shellHook = '' 16:14 < bridge> exec ${pkgs.lib.getExe pkgs.fish} -iC ' 16:14 < bridge> function fish_right_prompt 16:14 < bridge> set_color $fish_color_cwd 16:14 < bridge> printf "*ddnet" 16:14 < bridge> set_color normal 16:14 < bridge> end' 16:14 < bridge> ''; 16:14 < bridge> }; 16:14 < bridge> }; 16:14 < bridge> i did this 16:14 < bridge> ```nix 16:14 < bridge> { 16:14 < bridge> outputs = 16:15 < bridge> { nixpkgs 16:15 < bridge> , ... 16:15 < bridge> }: 16:15 < bridge> let 16:15 < bridge> system = "x86_64-linux"; 16:15 < bridge> pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}; 16:15 < bridge> in 16:15 < bridge> { 16:15 < bridge> devShells.${system}.default = pkgs.mkShell.override 16:15 < bridge> { 16:15 < bridge> stdenv = pkgs.stdenvAdapters.useMoldLinker pkgs.clangStdenv; 16:15 < bridge> # ^ the money 16:15 < bridge> тут есть русские? 16:15 < bridge> rus #off-topic 16:15 < bridge> :xd: i was Just LOOKING at it when you edited 16:15 < bridge> wrong channel 16:15 < bridge> [smug](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1207076677734367252.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=smug) 16:15 < bridge> thank 16:15 < bridge> now i will play some 0.7 on ddnet. 16:15 < bridge> check out zCatch 16:15 < bridge> now it's time for world domination 16:15 < bridge> Letsgoooooo 16:16 < bridge> my time has come 16:17 < bridge> hey this is the first time ddnet has worked in fullscreen for me on native wayland 16:18 < bridge> CHILLER goated dev confirmed 16:18 < bridge> lol 16:18 < bridge> hmm 16:18 < bridge> i cant get it to vulkan 16:19 < bridge> ``` 16:19 < bridge> 2024-08-10 08:19:14 I gfx: Created Vulkan 1.1 context. 16:19 < bridge> ... 16:19 < bridge> 2024-08-10 08:19:15 I vulkan: vulkan warning: A shader file could not load correctly. 16:19 < bridge> 2024-08-10 08:19:15 I vulkan: vulkan warning: A shader file could not load correctly. 16:19 < bridge> 2024-08-10 08:19:15 I vulkan: vulkan warning: A shader file could not load correctly. 16:19 < bridge> 2024-08-10 08:19:15 I vulkan: vulkan warning: A shader file could not load correctly. 16:19 < bridge> 2024-08-10 08:19:15 I vulkan: vulkan warning: A shader file could not load correctly. 16:20 < bridge> 2024-08-10 08:19:15 I vulkan: vulkan warning: A shader file could not load correctly. 16:20 < bridge> ... 16:20 < bridge> 2024-08-10 08:19:15 I Warning: Could not initialize Vulkan: A shader file could not load correctly. Could not initialize the given graphics backend, reverting to the default backend now. 16:20 < bridge> ``` 16:21 < bridge> 4500 FPS XD 16:21 < bridge> 10x what i got on windows 16:21 < bridge> 2x what i get on xwayland 16:24 < bridge> 16:25 < bridge> need vulkan for 4600... 16:27 < bridge> wish the error was a bit more descriptive 16:27 < bridge> not sure where to start 16:31 < bridge> and they tell me that bam is ugly smh 16:31 < bridge> xd 16:32 < bridge> :KEKW: you saw my nix stuff on be ? Its beautiful 16:32 < bridge> Espacially my Rust flake 16:32 < bridge> :KEKW: you saw my nix stuff on bw ? Its beautiful 16:45 < bridge> the scoreboard is a great example of why immediate mode UI sucks 17:07 < bridge> ChillerDragon: Should I open an issue for various 0.7 skin settings TODOs or do you already have a list? Doesn't seem like saving/deleting is implemented yet for example. Also, the `skins7` folder is not created automatically and should we really use a separate folder than 0.7? 17:18 < bridge> wtf, please remove this :nouis: image many projects will need to implement support for 2 skin systems 17:18 < bridge> 17:18 < bridge> ChillerDragon: what 0.7 teeworlds users (~20 ppl) will see if i join with 0.6 skin on 0.7 vanilla server? 17:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271850197261225995/image.png?ex=66b8d64c&is=66b784cc&hm=b9dc6d76bd50c4227e4649a6522dfe1ff9f8ac84a48c483e205a235d97980716& 17:34 < bridge> what to do if i got banned in ddnet and it says i will get un banned august 17:34 < bridge> 10 17:34 < bridge> when it is august 10 !!! 17:36 < bridge> @vania846: does it say you use vpn? Maybe \#open-ticket is your best option 17:37 < bridge> The only skin todo I have is this one https://github.com/ChillerDragon/ddnet/issues/17 if you have various things could you maybe open multiple issues instead of one big one? It’s nicer to work with imo. Feel free to ping and assign me 17:37 < bridge> it works in utc 17:38 < bridge> I don’t remember naming it skins7 I also think sharing the same path with vanilla makes sense. Either I did that while testing and forgot about it or kaffeine named it skins7 17:38 < bridge> wdym 17:39 < bridge> where is ticket 17:39 < bridge> You can’t join with a 0.6 skin on a 0.7 server 17:39 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1124657351442579486 17:39 < bridge> #✉-create-a-ticket 17:39 < bridge> On discord 17:40 < bridge> Yeah btw robsti thanks again for your reviews on the 0.7 pr you also put a lot of time into it! 17:43 < bridge> where do i check my name 17:43 < bridge> in dnet 17:43 < bridge> F1 17:43 < bridge> ok 17:43 < bridge> player\_name 17:49 < bridge> i answered all the question and they didnt react 17:50 < bridge> Is the vpn situation planned to stay like that? 17:50 < bridge> How bad is it when people are allowed to use vpns? 17:53 < bridge> i dont have vpn 17:54 < bridge> Yes I know 17:54 < bridge> But the vpn protection bans people because of false positives. And I am questioning the need of the vpn protection. 17:55 < bridge> how do i turn it off ? 17:56 < bridge> Turn what off? 17:56 < bridge> how do I unban myself???? 17:56 < bridge> ok but what time does it say ur ban expires 17:56 < bridge> the vpn protection 17:57 < bridge> you don't 17:57 < bridge> You can’t. Neither can I. We can only ask the admins to do so 17:57 < bridge> it doesnt 17:57 < bridge> Which I just did 17:57 < bridge> Pls turn it off. Thank. 17:57 < bridge> i dont now how toooooooo 17:57 < bridge> The trolls using vpns can’t be that bad. 17:58 < bridge> what talking anout 17:58 < bridge> i didnt 17:58 < bridge> it's enabled on the server's side 17:58 < bridge> so hpow i get unnn bammmed\ 17:58 < bridge> wait 17:59 < bridge> did what 18:01 < bridge> oh my sweet summer child... 18:01 < bridge> Im serious 18:02 < bridge> Did you see something happen that would require banning vpns? @blaiszephyr 18:02 < bridge> ban evasion resulting in toxicity overload for example 18:04 < bridge> Toxicity overload does not sound bad. And does for sure not sound bad enough to justify excluding innocents from playing the game. 18:04 < bridge> What is toxicity overload even? Bad words in chat? Every client has a mute feature. 18:05 < bridge> Ban evasion can be fixed with another ban. Switching vpn is way more annoying than pressing f3 I don’t think that’s an actual problem. 18:10 < bridge> Well I have to admit my opinions don’t align with the mainstream or the ddnet rules. I don’t think banning is something that should be done in the first place. So evading it does not sound bad to me. 18:10 < bridge> 18:10 < bridge> But I think we can all agree on the current situation being unacceptable. Innocents being unable to play. The people that manage to find their way to discord have to wait for an unban an the others just stop playing ddnet. While causing lots of manual work for the moderation team. 18:13 < bridge> Well I have to admit my opinions don’t align with the mainstream or the ddnet rules. I don’t think banning is something that should be done in the first place. So evading it does not sound bad to me. 18:13 < bridge> But I think we can all agree on the current situation being unacceptable. Innocents being unable to play. The people that manage to find their way to discord have to wait for an unban and the others just stop playing ddnet. While causing lots of manual work for the moderation team. 18:24 < bridge> chillerdragon: why you implemented 0.7 support? 0.6/0.7 severs with bridge support not enough? 18:29 < bridge> chillerdragon: why you implemented 0.7 support? 0.6/0.7 vanila servers with bridge support not enough? 18:29 < bridge> i can accept your disagreement but me having to handle both blockworlds and now also ddnet toxicity as part of their moderation teams vpn bans help, the day when the known **insert fitting insult for these humans in here** are all rangebanned to the point where they literally can't play anymore, i agree with you to turn it off 18:29 < bridge> i can accept your disagreement but me having to handle both blockworlds and now also ddnet toxicity as part of their moderation teams vpn bans help, the day when the known **insert fitting insult for these toxic * in here** are all rangebanned to the point where they literally can't play anymore, i agree with you to turn it off 18:30 < bridge> we have religious propaganda, doxxing, hatemail and literal death threads prevented by vpn bans 18:32 < bridge> i can accept your disagreement but me having to handle both blockworlds and now also ddnet toxicity as part of their moderation teams vpn bans help, the day when the known **insert fitting insult for these toxix .. somethings.. in here** are all rangebanned to the point where they literally can't play anymore, i agree with you to turn it off 18:32 < bridge> i can accept your disagreement but me having to handle both blockworlds and now also ddnet toxicity as part of their moderation teams vpn bans help, the day when the known **insert fitting insult for these toxic .. somethings.. in here** are all rangebanned to the point where they literally can't play anymore, i agree with you to turn it off 18:34 < bridge> Bridge in the client is better so it can join vanilla 0.7 servers not only custom bridge servers. So one can play CTF with the 0.7 players 18:34 < bridge> but you can play with 0.7 ctf players on bridge server 18:35 < bridge> They usually don’t play there 18:35 < bridge> The OG Players play on aeon server 18:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271869584768634923/autoscreen_2024-08-06_00-15-05.png?ex=66b8e85b&is=66b796db&hm=c859af5a93c37c8e9b2753b433222e66b227f9ad7da4b76d704d89e3d0493298& 18:35 < bridge> 06.08.2024 18:35 < bridge> bridge server 😄 18:36 < bridge> Oh yea that’s a new development 18:36 < bridge> That bridge was built after I already finished 0.7 support in the client 18:37 < bridge> It’s jsaurus bridge right? 18:37 < bridge> + 18:37 < bridge> now 18:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271870157735854160/image.png?ex=66b8e8e3&is=66b79763&hm=b6e4cf5696f1c0135a3ad3c64c38f22b43d2443f320f3c3c418adefb26052485& 18:38 < bridge> some old players from [POLICE] 18:38 < bridge> That’s very Pog that they are still around 18:41 < bridge> very pog is confuse new players using two skin systems 😵 18:42 < bridge> What’s to confuse 18:42 < bridge> It shows the skins from the current settings and new players will play kobra anyways 18:43 < bridge> And yes I think server side bridge is not enough. If it’s also in the client you can join all 0.7 only servers with ddnet which is pretty cool for me personally as someone who plays exclusively with ddnet client but is interested in all servers 18:44 < bridge> Including pure 0.7 servers and stuff like 0.7 zCatch 18:44 < bridge> jiggsel mentioned 18:44 < bridge> hello 18:46 < bridge> Imo none of these things a ban worthy. This all sounds like chat usage. If you really can’t handle text then just mute instead of ban. But even then I am cursious if it is that bad in reality. Because I don’t see such stuff happening. And I also play on servers where there is no ban police such as fokkos BlmapChill 18:46 < bridge> > If it’s also in the client you can join all 0.7 only 18:46 < bridge> 18:46 < bridge> just download 0.7 client and play with this 20 people ) 18:46 < bridge> No 18:47 < bridge> I play with ddnet client 18:48 < bridge> okey, if i want join to 0.5 servers from ddnet, can i implement 0.5 support and merge it to ddnet? 18:48 < bridge> I think I said everything I cared about multiple times now. Your turn @matodor I don’t understand how 0.7 causes you problems 18:49 < bridge> I have no problem with that. Not sure if there is much going on in 0.5 that was before my time. But not sure if deen would merge that 18:51 < bridge> and i still completly disagree :P - guess we just have different ideologíes of freedom in videogames then. 18:51 < bridge> im pretty sure most of the heinous trolls can bypass the vps detection anyways 18:52 < bridge> vpn* -- iirc some of them have vpns that just aren't detected 18:52 < bridge> What religious propaganda did you see? 18:53 < bridge> did you miss the `hamas` topic? 18:53 < bridge> it was painful 18:53 < bridge> people cheering the death of children 18:53 < bridge> Death threads might be even against German law but let’s be real here. Threads in video game chats are usually a joke. 18:54 < bridge> there are people on ddnet that have been actually doxxed 18:54 < bridge> I did miss the hamas topic what happened 18:54 < bridge> And vpn bans fixed the dox? 18:54 < bridge> they prevent people from using free and cheap vpn services to bypass to keep on pushing 18:55 < bridge> https://www.tagesschau.de/thema/hamas 18:55 < bridge> I mean in teeworlds not in general 18:55 < bridge> What happend in tw chat? 18:56 < bridge> . 18:56 < bridge> a 18:56 < bridge> wishing death on israelis and the other way around etc 18:56 < bridge> Yea that’s not nice 18:56 < bridge> these people dont deserve just a mute, they deserve their doors kicked in and dragged out 18:56 < bridge> Disagree 18:56 < bridge> alright i'm getting angry at this (not at you) - so i'm yoinking myself out of here 18:58 < bridge> Yea I also don’t appreciate that those things happen. But I just prefer decentralized moderation. 18:58 < bridge> I don’t think there should be one admin having the power to decide who can say what. But every user should be able to decide who to mute in their client. 18:58 < bridge> any docs on econ? 18:59 < bridge> Not much I think what do you need 18:59 < bridge> just connecting externaly 18:59 < bridge> bind the ip with the config 18:59 < bridge> yea i did the server config but how do i actually connect to it? 18:59 < bridge> ec\_bindaddr or something like that 18:59 < bridge> It’s tcp 19:00 < bridge> With your favorite tcp client 19:00 < bridge> ah okay 19:00 < bridge> Such as Telnet or netcat 19:00 < bridge> ❤️ 19:01 < bridge> can a server have multiple econ connections at the same time? 19:01 < bridge> Yes 19:02 < bridge> We really need to submit the irclogs to Microsoft 19:02 < bridge> gtp5 could be ddnet assistant 19:03 < bridge> it would be biased to linux xD 19:03 < bridge> it would be biased towards linux xD 19:03 < bridge> I see no problem here 19:03 < bridge> idk if microsoft wants that lol 19:03 < bridge> They use Linux them self’s 19:19 < bridge> u can do it without microsoft 19:20 < bridge> well idk actually, i dont think theres enough power in chatgpt4 extensions 19:20 < bridge> maybe thru some trickery with ollama 19:25 < bridge> First week as mod and you are already bowing out damn 19:28 < bridge> Don't take memerdragons stance on absolute freespeech too seriously. Only a handful of people take such an absolutist stance 19:30 < bridge> Ye but too lazy. But would be cool 19:30 < bridge> no worries - i wont quit :D 20:27 < bridge> in editor, why i cant select other tiles while menu is invisible? 20:27 < bridge> do smth 20:27 < bridge> do smth, bb 20:56 < bridge> а с нами не идешь >:( 20:57 < bridge> 0.5 protocol is not safe 20:57 < bridge> id host 0.5 bridge server already :P 20:59 < bridge> as heinrich told me: `TcpStream::connect("")` - that's all u need 21:00 < bridge> what language? xD 21:01 < bridge> rust 21:01 < bridge> of course it had to be rust 21:02 < bridge> ye because i implemented some econ wrapper in rust 21:02 < bridge> even twice xd 21:02 < bridge> both suck ass though 21:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271916106180988948/image.png?ex=66b913ae&is=66b7c22e&hm=cf322a0a83249fe0949a2dc6bf8bb5e62fc8ebae59de14565f2065fee51000f2& 21:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271916145280028766/image.png?ex=66b913b8&is=66b7c238&hm=a0757444024a8199d284a5ae308ed9e72b4b4cb07a4eb303b713f8d73f928645& 21:40 < bridge> i switched to debian 11 again 21:41 < bridge> wait 21:41 < bridge> i didnt readed that error xd 21:41 < bridge> this version of Cargo is older than the `2021` edition, and only supports `2015` and `2018` editions. 21:41 < bridge> xd 21:42 < bridge> Debian 12 released like a year ago 21:42 < bridge> but i have only debian 10 and 11 21:42 < bridge> on vps 21:42 < bridge> to choose 21:42 < bridge> and ubuntu 21:42 < bridge> 18 21:42 < bridge> 20 21:42 < bridge> if i remember good 24 21:42 < bridge> if i remember good 24 or 22 21:42 < bridge> arch 21:43 < bridge> and cent os or something 21:43 < bridge> and cent os or something like this 21:44 < bridge> 👀 21:46 < bridge> I recommend updating to Debian 12 even if you can’t choose it as a base image you can still manually update 21:47 < bridge> can someone pls help me (do tutorial for me) pls🥹🙏 21:47 < bridge> You can use rustup to install latest rust on Debian 21:48 < bridge> curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs \| sh 21:49 < bridge> i have rust 21:49 < bridge> Okay then delete your build directory and try again 21:52 < bridge> its building 21:52 < bridge> ♥ 21:54 < bridge> I think the curl is also older in debian 11 so I think u can't use both ipv6 and ipv4 for the server 22:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271922417769386035/image.png?ex=66b9198f&is=66b7c80f&hm=bfcbee2244cc845a6de0fbaea78c675738f63acb50c522aa2bbb664a89a395ac& 22:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271922429588934736/image.png?ex=66b91992&is=66b7c812&hm=efa280e46267f0520bcc51347aee400189b83410c00261ad311543c1081e80f3& 22:05 < bridge> guys 22:05 < bridge> Update curl 22:06 < bridge> how 22:06 < bridge> Ah wait, Just add: `sv_register ipv4` 22:06 < bridge> . 22:06 < bridge> gg 22:07 < bridge> 😭 22:08 < bridge> Read wiki on how to Upgrade your Debian system 22:19 < bridge> @rutujek: do you define sv\_register maybe more than once in your config? 22:19 < bridge> The screenshot does not show the entire config 22:20 < bridge> its only one 22:20 < bridge> and im upgrading to 12 22:20 < bridge> Ok sounds good then don’t worry about the register thing it will solve it self with deb 12 22:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271926589990637589/image.png?ex=66b91d72&is=66b7cbf2&hm=b746cf7d9e022f42e7fbfbc93bb3c04dcf4d7472b8dc2190f1615bd1c4a06a94& 22:22 < bridge> what should i choose? 22:22 < bridge> Doesn’t matter too much 22:22 < bridge> too much 22:22 < bridge> but what do you prefer? 22:23 < bridge> Idk what your provider is and what they need. But I assume you did not change the file. 22:23 < bridge> It depends on what you want 22:23 < bridge> Just pick the first 22:23 < bridge> Or flip a coin between first and second haha 22:27 < bridge> <0xdeen> keep current 22:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271934664965099690/image.png?ex=66b924f7&is=66b7d377&hm=bf2cda7eee95ab4c8e22de0385d6b0bc50d87593e796385b3342cc1fb6ff8364& 22:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271934680173776978/image.png?ex=66b924fb&is=66b7d37b&hm=c1d818f6f68448aa2bf2ce51c6e372cdb2d21e53daa8d816d4168c99a7cc9103& 23:10 < bridge> Perhaps you're using some kind of firewall? like ufw? 23:11 < bridge> Add am exception for DDNet's Port udp within your vps, they Most likely have a Page that explains it 23:14 < bridge> me dumb 23:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1271939717453058090/image.png?ex=66b929ac&is=66b7d82c&hm=7e547ec393d414f231262380cc9fc4cf4f52f78f303b61a2e31833d134f44b62& 23:14 < bridge> you mean this? 23:14 < bridge> . 23:24 < bridge> If your problem isn't solved yet maybe try this: 23:24 < bridge> `sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 8301 -j ACCEPT`` 23:24 < bridge> If your problem isn't solved yet maybe try this: 23:24 < bridge> sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 8301 -j ACCEPT 23:25 < bridge> If your problem isn't solved yet maybe try this: 23:25 < bridge> `sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 8301 -j ACCEPT` 23:51 < bridge> <0xdeen> that is tcp, you have to allow udp