03:28 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1722475642.png 03:28 < ws-client> Does someone know why it uses `jne 115d` here? whats 115d? Why does it say jump not equal when i use ``==`` in C ? 03:33 < ws-client> Ah i get it. So 115d is the memory address it jumps to. Which is the line after the puts call. Seems so straightforward now haha. 04:17 < bridge> sega dreamcast 04:17 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268392090409242634/image.png?ex=66ac41af&is=66aaf02f&hm=a88b14eeefcce1abdb2533e829d3a41569581b76483ca1b82846ae3567bb5af9& 04:18 < bridge> sega dreamcast 04:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268392413945266308/image.png?ex=66ac41fd&is=66aaf07d&hm=1c369cec8c4082ef9a6e9edfc822fa44530dbae629c6ab32f6b5bdc8d9968d8e& 04:23 < bridge> stop this, at this rate you'll get it in TI-84 04:24 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/if-i-had-one-angry-yelling-fairly-odd-parents-mr-turner-gif-16322274 04:25 < ws-client> epic 04:34 < ws-client> how is two dwords not the same as one qword??? 04:34 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1722479611.png 04:34 < ws-client> https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/f8 04:35 < ws-client> can `mov` only do 32 bit max? 04:36 < bridge> gm 05:48 < ws-client> Intoroducing typos and then fixing them is infinite commit glitch 05:48 < ws-client> Intoroducing gg 07:05 < bridge> Ok, did you read the dragon book btw? :justatest: 08:17 < bridge> No 08:18 < bridge> Nope, I did skim through a couple pages but I didn't really think I could read it. Looked far too detailed 08:22 < ws-client> TRIVIA TIME!!!!!!!!!! 08:22 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1722493331.png 08:22 < ws-client> is this nasm assembly or ruby code? 08:26 < bridge> Nasm 08:29 < ws-client> -.- yes 08:29 < ws-client> but it looks as hot as ruby 08:30 < ws-client> or at least not much more verbose than the C++ version :p 08:30 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1722493445.png 08:31 < bridge> Honestly props, I actually could never be assed to do this in assembly 😄 08:41 < ws-client> u asmr pro 08:41 < ws-client> lea rath, 2 08:49 < bridge> morning 09:51 < bridge> ``` 09:51 < bridge> main: 09:51 < bridge> push rbp 09:51 < bridge> mov rbp, rsp 09:51 < bridge> sub rsp, 16 09:51 < bridge> ``` 09:51 < bridge> @learath2 can i write in `[rbp]` 09:52 < bridge> ``` 09:52 < bridge> main: 09:52 < bridge> push rbp 09:52 < bridge> mov rbp, rsp 09:52 < bridge> sub rsp, 16 09:52 < bridge> ``` 09:52 < bridge> @learath2 can i write in `[rbp]`? 09:52 < bridge> Why not? 09:54 < bridge> why does gcc move first variable in `[rbp-1]` ;-; 09:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268476916973834303/image.png?ex=66ac90b0&is=66ab3f30&hm=642bfb72cd88adcac399de550799b3b4b238316e9a9310fcca6d0e69d2ac5ba2& 09:56 < bridge> stop learning. you are making me jealous 09:56 < bridge> fr 09:56 < bridge> Why not? 🙃 09:56 < bridge> guess the razer order 09:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268477560828858398/image.png?ex=66ac9149&is=66ab3fc9&hm=02c927adac8df5b3d03eb065da5e466a78b9dfc4fbaea077de7d6da52faf0d6d& 09:56 < bridge> fair 09:57 < bridge> broken graphics overlays 09:57 < bridge> close 09:57 < bridge> go PR 09:57 < bridge> the cheating keyboard 09:57 < bridge> exactly 09:57 < bridge> are they open source? 09:57 < bridge> is it open source? 09:57 < bridge> i'd buy wooting really 09:57 < bridge> XD god damn it, no i dont think so LMAO 09:57 < bridge> xD 09:57 < bridge> wait 09:58 < bridge> xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 09:58 < bridge> is that new record? 09:58 < bridge> nah my current one is broken and i cba to wait 1 1/2 months for shipping 09:58 < bridge> even tho i considered it 09:58 < bridge> i would give you mine if i'm german 09:58 < bridge> come visit me jupsti and chiller frfr 09:58 < bridge> with what opt flag is that? 09:58 < bridge> we need to get chiller back into germany first tho... 09:58 < bridge> just got my passport 09:58 < bridge> i think now he could visit chiller xd 09:58 < bridge> i mean just renewed my passport 09:59 < bridge> in asia 09:59 < bridge> i don't have any custom flags 09:59 < bridge> where is chiller now? 09:59 < bridge> chillerdragon: where 09:59 < bridge> somewhere sunny 09:59 < bridge> dude constantly just heads out to the beach 09:59 < bridge> but it's always sunny in philadelphia 09:59 < bridge> do -Ofast then your whole function is gone 09:59 < bridge> 😬 10:00 < bridge> explain more 10:00 < bridge> time to ask chat gpt 😬 10:00 < bridge> `-Ofast`, more like `-Oignore-standards-and-break-my-code` 10:01 < bridge> I dont directly agree with the second but yes 10:01 < bridge> for floating points it could indeed break your code 10:01 < bridge> cool 10:01 < bridge> even -O1 already removes your code 10:01 < bridge> so Ofast not needed here 10:02 < bridge> then do static void fn 10:02 < bridge> then the definition is gone too 10:02 < bridge> xd 10:02 < bridge> I was hoping you'd elaborate more but given this conversation is quickly fleeting. I wanted to say that writing directly to [rbp] isn't fine. Writing to offsets from it is obviously fine, that's it's point 10:03 < bridge> Now that I look again at the question, perhaps you were confused as to why gcc wasn't using [rbp] for the first variable 10:03 < bridge> yep 10:03 < bridge> we got a thinker 10:04 < bridge> so if i do `sub rsp, 3` i can write to [rbp - 1..3]? 10:04 < bridge> so if i do `sub rsp, 3` i can write to [rbp - 1..=3]? 10:05 < bridge> you must only adjust `rsp` by multiples of 16 10:05 < bridge> it works for now, if it breaks one day because of alignment ill fix it 10:06 < bridge> it'll likely break in random places 🤷‍♀️ 10:07 < bridge> it will be fun debug experience 10:08 < bridge> @milkeeycat will u also write an optimizer? 10:08 < bridge> i know only about constant folding xd 10:08 < bridge> what are you writing exactly? @milkeeycat 10:09 < bridge> a compiler for cringe version of C language 10:09 < bridge> epic 10:09 < bridge> but now it's more like a calculator with functions :lol: 10:10 < bridge> don't forget to add a SPIR-V target. 10:10 < bridge> Sorry, I got pinged on slack by my capitalist overlords, but I think you have it figured out 10:11 < bridge> is SPIR-V general purpose 10:12 < bridge> you can always make a pr with a new target 😬 10:12 < bridge> i assume so 10:12 < bridge> i thought it was shader only 10:13 < bridge> @milkeeycat https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2011/09/06/stack-frame-layout-on-x86-64/ this is a pretty nice blogpost. Probably what clicked it for me 10:13 < bridge> i mean aren't shaders also general purpose? 10:13 < bridge> compute shaders are pretty OG 10:13 < bridge> are they tho 10:13 < bridge> you already sent this blog post, and I've read it :DD 10:13 < bridge> are they arent 10:15 < bridge> huh really? I don't remember sending it 10:16 < bridge> why do we need cuda again? 10:16 < bridge> to get more performance 10:16 < bridge> on nvidia cards 10:16 < bridge> :justatest: are shaders slow? 10:17 < bridge> no, but sometimes the 10% more perf matter 10:17 < bridge> cuda also isnt perfect, it will be replaced sooner or later 10:17 < bridge> i don't understand i guess 10:18 < bridge> i always wondered why AI stuff isn't just a bunch of compute shaders 10:18 < bridge> oh I remember this link, I probably checked that post myself xd 10:18 < bridge> compute shaders are a try to basically merge 10:18 < bridge> 10:18 < bridge> OpenCL into OpenGL 10:18 < bridge> 10:18 < bridge> so vulkan can basically do both 10:18 < bridge> and OpenCL is basically cuda in bad 10:18 < bridge> 😂 10:19 < bridge> The entire blog is pretty good eli very smort 10:19 < bridge> i mean strictly speaking they might even be.. compute here simply means that it doesnt follow the concept of graphics pipelines 10:19 < bridge> at least not as a hard requirement 10:19 < bridge> yep, even cave man like me learnt a lot of new xd 10:21 < bridge> comment left, problem solved, code commited :greenthing: 10:21 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268483783561187380/image.png?ex=66ac9715&is=66ab4595&hm=c9745f8c012f564222d2d0a0947baa80912824e2f43d914391e7c899149a8fd7& 10:23 < bridge> still don't understand but i'm mentally tapped out 10:23 < bridge> Without the -1 you are writing to `[rbp]`, destroying your very initial `push rbp` 10:23 < bridge> ok, make sure to not crash when tabbing in again.. drivers are very unstable 10:25 < bridge> `[rsp]` points to the lowest byte of what you pushed 10:25 < bridge> `[rsp]` to `[rsp+7]` is the last push 10:26 < bridge> so if you do `push rbp; mov rbp, rsp; mov [rbp], 0`, then you're destroying a byte of the pushed, old `rbp` 10:36 < bridge> ok, i get it now, thanks a lot xd 10:38 < bridge> i think i'm just stupid 10:38 < bridge> welcome in tha club 10:41 < bridge> club sandwich 10:42 < bridge> ok now i finally have correct write only structs xD 10:45 < bridge> :Celebrate: 10:45 < bridge> i guess it was an easy part and it took me so much time :pepeW: 10:55 < bridge> @milkeeycat if u want to optimize seriously, u need to have a intermediate IR that is in SSA form, and if u want it more serious, you need to have tables of the target instructions with their size, latencies, etc 10:56 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_single-assignment_form 10:56 < bridge> this is vital 10:57 < bridge> There was also one more form that is commonly used 10:57 < bridge> interesting, even go has an ssa these days? 10:57 < bridge> Actually maybe "commonly" is not the correct word 10:57 < bridge> > In functional language compilers, such as those for Scheme and ML, continuation-passing style (CPS) is generally used. SSA is formally equivalent to a well-behaved subset of CPS excluding non-local control flow, so optimizations and transformations formulated in terms of one generally apply to the other. Using CPS as the intermediate representation is more natural for higher-order functions and interprocedural analysis. CPS also easily encodes ca 10:57 < bridge> its used in functional i guess 10:58 < bridge> Ah perhaps I was thinking about CPS 10:58 < bridge> they have a package https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/go/ssa 10:58 < bridge> but idk if they use it 10:58 < bridge> probs yes tbh its the only real way used nowadays 10:59 < bridge> java does it too 10:59 < bridge> https://compilers.cs.uni-saarland.de/papers/bbhlmz13cc.pdf 11:00 < bridge> > Package ssa defines a representation of the elements of Go programs (packages, types, functions, variables and constants) using a static single-assignment (SSA) form intermediate representation (IR) for the bodies of functions. 11:00 < bridge> xd 11:02 < bridge> mono, webkit, go, swift, erlang, llvm, gcc, jvm, pypy, android, luajit, php, hack, libfirm and some mesa drivers for shading 11:02 < bridge> some examples 11:02 < bridge> who is not using ssa? @ryozuki 11:02 < bridge> > SPIR-V, the shading language standard for the Vulkan graphics API and kernel language for OpenCL compute API, is an SSA representation 11:02 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 11:02 < bridge> im goofying around, it's not a serious language 11:03 < bridge> why not goof around with good perf? xd 11:04 < bridge> idk 11:04 < bridge> i guess an example would be @milkeeycat lang 11:04 < bridge> :gigachad: 11:04 < bridge> damn 11:05 < bridge> Perhaps older C compilers don't 11:05 < bridge> because you don't want to do normal lang no. 2 11:05 < bridge> because you don't want to do normal lang no. 2341 11:05 < bridge> i would say ssa has nothing to do with the lang being normal or esoteric 11:06 < bridge> maybe turbopascal 11:07 < bridge> I was thinking Borland 11:07 < bridge> I think without ssa form it's really hard to do stuff like data-flow analysis 11:23 < bridge> https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/amazons-exabyte-scale-migration-from-apache-spark-to-ray-on-amazon-ec2/ 15:29 < bridge> what is `ni` command in `run.sh` script: 15:29 < bridge> ```bash 15:29 < bridge> #!/bin/sh 15:29 < bridge> while true; do 15:29 < bridge> mv servers/$1.log servers/$1.log.old 15:29 < bridge> ni -15 2 ./DDRace-Server_sql -f servers/$1.cfg 15:29 < bridge> sleep 1 15:29 < bridge> done 15:29 < bridge> ``` 15:29 < bridge> cant find it 15:36 < bridge> looks like `nice` maybe 15:37 < bridge> /usr/local/bin/ni 15:37 < bridge> ``` 15:37 < bridge> #!/bin/sh 15:37 < bridge> [ $# -lt 3 ] && echo "Usage: ni 19 3 command" >&2 && exit 1 15:37 < bridge> NICE=$1 15:37 < bridge> shift 15:37 < bridge> IONICE=$1 15:37 < bridge> shift 15:38 < bridge> exec nice -n $NICE ionice -c $IONICE "$@" 15:38 < bridge> ``` 15:38 < bridge> /usr/local/bin/ni 15:38 < bridge> ```sh 15:38 < bridge> #!/bin/sh 15:38 < bridge> [ $# -lt 3 ] && echo "Usage: ni 19 3 command" >&2 && exit 1 15:38 < bridge> NICE=$1 15:38 < bridge> shift 15:38 < bridge> IONICE=$1 15:38 < bridge> shift 15:38 < bridge> exec nice -n $NICE ionice -c $IONICE "$@" 15:38 < bridge> ``` 15:38 < bridge> thanks! 15:38 < bridge> do you have this file on github? 15:38 < bridge> I don't know 15:54 < bridge> can the game start lagging if I have entities turned off? :thonk: 15:56 < bridge> the normal mode is graphically heavier than entities mode 15:56 < bridge> ye, but I have higher ping xd 15:56 < bridge> not lower fps 15:57 < bridge> so same fps? 15:57 < bridge> ye 15:58 < bridge> maybe your GPU sucks all energy from your network controller ^^ 15:58 < bridge> 😬 16:00 < bridge> hm, now everything's fine xd 16:02 < bridge> Really? I actually thought the text made the entities mode heavier 16:02 < bridge> what text xd 16:02 < bridge> Tele numbers 16:03 < bridge> that has been fixed since like the first release of opengl 3.3 16:03 < bridge> xd 16:03 < bridge> 😄 16:03 < bridge> ❤️ @jupeyy_keks 16:03 < bridge> I'm an old person 16:03 < bridge> truely old 😄 16:03 < bridge> 12 16:03 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/old-man-grandpa-gif-15302685 16:04 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/old-man-yells-at-cloud-yelling-old-man-news-the-simpsons-gif-17741451 16:04 < bridge> back in my day entities were bad for fps 16:06 < bridge> yeah, same for speedup arrows 16:18 < bridge> https://www.desmos.com/calculator/2mtfvczlrh 16:18 < bridge> Do not zoom in on my non-continuous feet 16:19 < bridge> looks better than 0.7 skins 16:19 < bridge> LOL 16:20 < bridge> rude 16:20 < bridge> tru 16:23 < bridge> someone stole my code -.- I remember i wrote stuff how to move memory from indirect to indirect place and it's not here 16:25 < bridge> Do a `rep movs` if you want to annoy everyone 16:25 < bridge> what's that? xd 16:26 < bridge> It's an instruction, it will repeat `movs` `ecx` times 16:27 < bridge> why does it even exist xd 16:27 < bridge> upd. it was in stash xddd 16:29 < bridge> it's basically a copy loop implemented at the microcode level, it used to be fast, then it was slow, now it's fast-ish for large enough input but still not sure if fast enough to beat vectorized memcpy 16:33 < bridge> average rust chain 16:33 < bridge> ```rs 16:33 < bridge> cur_weapon: render_info 16:33 < bridge> .character_infos 16:33 < bridge> .get(&local_render_info.player_id) 16:33 < bridge> .and_then(|c| c.stage_id.and_then(|id| render_info.stages.get(&id))) 16:33 < bridge> .and_then(|s| s.world.characters.get(&local_render_info.player_id)) 16:33 < bridge> .map(|player| player.cur_weapon) 16:33 < bridge> .unwrap_or_default() 16:33 < bridge> ``` 16:33 < bridge> functional programming be like 16:33 < bridge> ddnet in haskell when? 16:33 < bridge> my next project then 16:39 < bridge> @robyt3 do you already locally worked on a serializable structure for arbitrary buttons? or is your pr open to be extended 16:48 < bridge> I designed most of it on paper but I haven't coded it yet. The button config would be serialized as json of course. 16:49 < bridge> cool. is that piece of paper something you'd be willing to share? 😮 16:49 < bridge> god now i have roby in my mind sitting in front of a high end setup with RGB and everything, writing his code structures on a Din A5 piece of paper with a sharpie 16:50 < bridge> maybe that's why you're so productive roby.. i should try that 16:51 < bridge> yeah i assumed so. 16:51 < bridge> 16:51 < bridge> that also makes sense i guess, but sadly directly requires the GUI for it too, i hoped i can sneak in a ugly console command to add buttons similar to how friends and stuff are added in the config xd 16:51 < bridge> yeah, can share it later 16:51 < bridge> did you literally do it on paper or what xd 16:51 < bridge> i thought that was a metaphore xD 16:52 < bridge> could also be a super large whiteboard next to the pc 16:52 < bridge> yeah, but if you have any tools that are faster to use for class diagram modeling than paper let me know 😄 16:52 < bridge> i do everything in my head xD 16:53 < bridge> i think i never used any designing tools 16:53 < bridge> nor paper 16:53 < bridge> if you're willing to go digital, get a small drawing pad for like 50€ - they're super useful for notetaking and dont take up much space! 16:53 < bridge> nor notes 16:53 < bridge> paper is also an amazing superpower 16:53 < bridge> well i do todo lists 16:53 < bridge> costs like <0.01€ per sheet 16:54 < bridge> i am poor i need to use my brain 16:54 < bridge> the problem with doing anything on paper is, that i can't read it after like 2 days because my handwriting is awful awful 16:55 < bridge> but isnt imagination the best tool 16:55 < bridge> one of my students kindly asked me if i have one of the answers digitally because my handwriting was ⭐special⭐ 16:55 < bridge> u can visualize it like a 3d graph 16:55 < bridge> i couldn't do that on pc 16:59 < bridge> I started taking my handwritten notes on an ipad, that helped me a lot with taking better notes 16:59 < bridge> The curve smoothing makes my shit handwriting more readable, and I can search through my notes because of OCR 17:00 < bridge> oh wow you reminded me i have a ipad mini somewhere... might look for it later 17:00 < bridge> I had one that worked perfectly, but the drivers seem broken now 17:00 < bridge> Would have liked to use it to test touch controls directly on Windows 17:02 < bridge> i have the huion H640P, works great for me 17:02 < bridge> i wait for the handwritten design approach 17:05 < bridge> I used to have a wacom tablet for a while that I used to play osu. Then I gifted it to a friend that draws 17:09 < bridge> can i apply to add a new language to game and also flag? 17:09 < bridge> which language is it 17:09 < bridge> siluesian 17:10 < bridge> silesian 17:11 < bridge> are there silesians that don't speak polish? 17:11 < bridge> yes 17:12 < bridge> really? lmao 17:12 < bridge> lol ive met one that just spoke silesian 17:12 < bridge> and no other language? 17:12 < bridge> i mean maybe english 17:12 < bridge> well i'd open an issue on discord 17:12 < bridge> but he could very well understand me 17:12 < bridge> and ask there 17:12 < bridge> :D 17:14 < bridge> btw are there galians that dont speak spanish/portuguese? 17:17 < bridge> on github* 17:35 < bridge> i havent written on paper since years 17:35 < bridge> im down bad 17:35 < bridge> ok i signed some stuff 17:35 < bridge> but idk if that counts 17:43 < bridge> similar 😄 17:56 < bridge> <3x1st_> chiller ask here? 17:56 < bridge> <3x1st_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268598251079208970/image.png?ex=66ad01b0&is=66abb030&hm=da2b4ca8989077108cea39484cbfc1b4fa6e7ae9e094206e69d7769006475c32& 18:04 < bridge> try `rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu` or `rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc` depending on what you're using 18:15 < bridge> @learath2 you will probably die of cringe when you look at this assembly but it works :poggers2: 18:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268603075451424889/image.png?ex=66ad062e&is=66abb4ae&hm=f0b8eea23f7c6ff54808a02d760bbf6dcf974a33a834025452264bcb7a7a90d9& 18:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268603075812262041/image.png?ex=66ad062e&is=66abb4ae&hm=46a38bbb8ca77a9001102179469fcf81a7fc9ace019d16ba570416074fc3f5ee& 18:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268603076147937433/image.png?ex=66ad062e&is=66abb4ae&hm=5c9461f261bb769360cdcc3a79d300c29764907be7bf8a31afdc8879ce3a1460& 18:18 < bridge> Doesn't look that bad for hand generated assembly 18:19 < bridge> Why the weird jump to next line at the end? 18:19 < bridge> that's how `return` keyword works :justatest: 18:20 < bridge> Why does it generate a label, insert the label right after, then unconditionally jump to it? 18:22 < bridge> it sets return value and jumps to clean up lablel xd 18:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268604855212179496/image.png?ex=66ad07d7&is=66abb657&hm=830864aa7c669c52b7253351308a4555ba1f1408681f1e6b3840500653a5dc58& 18:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268604855468167281/image.png?ex=66ad07d7&is=66abb657&hm=e0aa75bd16dc593f69904542afa375a6350556a1bb001bb7800a783d8f122b77& 18:22 < bridge> it sets return value and jumps to clean up label xd 18:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268604855212179496/image.png?ex=66ad07d7&is=66abb657&hm=830864aa7c669c52b7253351308a4555ba1f1408681f1e6b3840500653a5dc58& 18:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268604855468167281/image.png?ex=66ad07d7&is=66abb657&hm=e0aa75bd16dc593f69904542afa375a6350556a1bb001bb7800a783d8f122b77& 18:23 < bridge> OH now I get it you support early returns too 18:23 < bridge> 😏 18:23 < bridge> very advanced language 18:24 < bridge> xddd 18:24 < bridge> siiick! 18:25 < bridge> if I add pointers next, then it will be even possible to make something fun in it 18:25 < bridge> oh, and control flow statements xd 18:26 < bridge> no way you will allow us to jiggle memory 18:43 < bridge> can dragger beams drag multiple people? 18:47 < bridge> I don't think so 18:47 < bridge> the serverside code sugests that but it doesnt seem so 18:47 < bridge> ``` 18:47 < bridge> int m_aTargetIdInTeam[MAX_CLIENTS]; 18:47 < bridge> CDraggerBeam *m_apDraggerBeam[MAX_CLIENTS]; 18:47 < bridge> ``` 18:47 < bridge> It's 1 player by beam from my experience 18:47 < bridge> ``` 18:47 < bridge> int m_aTargetIdInTeam[MAX_CLIENTS]; 18:47 < bridge> CDraggerBeam *m_apDraggerBeam[MAX_CLIENTS]; 18:47 < bridge> ``` 18:47 < bridge> maybe per team? 18:47 < bridge> yes 18:47 < bridge> 1 player per beam per team 18:47 < bridge> okay that makes sens 18:47 < bridge> okay that makes sense 18:57 < bridge> @heinrich5991 Would you say that we should use the personal pronoun in the polite form (Sie) on the wiki? or rather (du) to sound friendlier? for german translations 18:57 < bridge> not sure, using `sie` feels way to strict, but it's an official wiki after all 19:12 < bridge> Sie 19:32 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 19:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268622402313519154/image.png?ex=66ad182e&is=66abc6ae&hm=eb47c8a58076b30a905e999e6b41e0cef4eedaba935933fca5d8ba089bf07506& 19:34 < bridge> for a game? du 19:34 < bridge> fair 19:34 < bridge> even the official wikipedia uses du, I think 19:49 < bridge> nice, did you submit already? 19:49 < bridge> i dont really have experience working with vulkan's API at all 19:49 < bridge> i mean i could submit telling that i play my games with it and it works (sometimes) 19:50 < bridge> shots fired 19:58 < bridge> The touch controls design notes. The json format to represent this would look similar to this: 19:58 < bridge> ```json 19:58 < bridge> { 19:58 < bridge> "direct_touch": true, 19:58 < bridge> "buttons": [ 19:58 < bridge> { 19:58 < bridge> "position": { 19:58 < bridge> "x": 110, 19:58 < bridge> "y": 0, 19:58 < bridge> "w": 10, 19:58 < bridge> "h": 10 19:58 < bridge> } 19:58 < bridge> "shape": "rect", 19:58 < bridge> "behavior": { 19:58 < bridge> "type": "predefined", 19:58 < bridge> "button_id": "swap_action", 19:58 < bridge> } 19:58 < bridge> }, 19:58 < bridge> { 19:59 < bridge> "position": { 19:59 < bridge> "x": 20, 19:59 < bridge> "y": 20, 19:59 < bridge> "w": 10, 19:59 < bridge> "h": 10 19:59 < bridge> } 19:59 < bridge> "shape": "rect", 19:59 < bridge> "behavior": { 19:59 < bridge> "type": "bind", 19:59 < bridge> "label": "Say hello", 19:59 < bridge> "command": "say Hello World", 19:59 < bridge> "visibility": "always" 20:00 < bridge> :D i love this, very interesting to see your thought process 20:23 < bridge> looks like something server side needs too xd 20:51 < bridge> hm, uml, unexpected 21:59 < bridge> hot 22:00 < bridge> & tryhad 😬 22:00 < bridge> @blaiszephyr when leak hand writing 22:00 < bridge> oh god you dont want that 22:00 < bridge> and @learath2 with his epyc ipad 22:00 < bridge> wait i'll find smth 22:00 < bridge> + 22:07 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 22:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268661296484847677/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_e3ffda0f-a0cf-4215-8f22-1f94caa54768.jpg?ex=66ad3c67&is=66abeae7&hm=97b8ebe3a0ef7fc682501323113aadf74f4f3848125f5687ca7c3cdee2ebf858& 22:07 < bridge> i didnt write with my hands since like 5 years lmao. 22:07 < bridge> 22:07 < bridge> also had no paper, so had to write on a envelope xD 22:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268661353149890591/5287275539796717347.jpg?ex=66ad3c75&is=66abeaf5&hm=2037dec12bbc9c46046156d3cfa4083e23ea95d3c0ea61fe07e3211ffd51afcb& 22:07 < bridge> :KEKW: :KEKW: :KEKW: :KEKW: 22:08 < bridge> very sexy, looks like a normal man writing style xD 22:08 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268661599833555029/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_5d117a16-7958-458a-9dcf-3234719d0283.jpg?ex=66ad3caf&is=66abeb2f&hm=156a2d49870eddfb2e085ba60b13d6f128892c15764447888b23ab733f5dd9bb& 22:08 < bridge> that is even worse xD 22:08 < bridge> fucking nerd 22:08 < bridge> MAN 22:08 < bridge> LEAVE ME ALONE 22:08 < bridge> I TOOK MATHS TO NOT WRITE 22:08 < bridge> AHAH 22:09 < bridge> When I get home 22:11 < bridge> Well I have some multivariable calculus 22:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268662335082332200/IMG_20240801_231048_534.jpg?ex=66ad3d5f&is=66abebdf&hm=949a0dfbc3ec5497c1dcb4e07ff0e8caeea3a5c174805a00357287f3aa3a2050& 22:11 < bridge> ok now more tryhard 22:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268662487322984448/5287275539796717355.jpg?ex=66ad3d83&is=66abec03&hm=d5ac04a6e61da887fbef30825f677aca95b8debb783fd04728dfb627d57f3c3b& 22:12 < bridge> perfect angles on the g 22:14 < bridge> that's too hard to identify xd 22:15 < bridge> Ye I'll find you some of my actual notes when I get back 22:16 < bridge> :lol: 22:17 < bridge> Hello Mil 🔑cat 22:17 < bridge> Hello jup⭐ 22:17 < bridge> 🤩 22:18 < bridge> Did you see my godlike feature in my lang? 😏 22:18 < bridge> a Drop trait that takes self as argument? 22:18 < bridge> Better 22:19 < bridge> Accessing struct fields 😬 22:19 < bridge> epyc 22:27 < bridge> @milkeeycat handwriting btw 22:27 < bridge> everyone that sees must leak 22:27 < bridge> Is this a cult now 22:27 < bridge> yes. 22:27 < bridge> Sick 22:28 < bridge> if it looks good, 90% you a girl 22:28 < bridge> Can we make it a pyramid scheme too 22:28 < bridge> 😬 22:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268666934488989777/IMG_20240801_232903.jpg?ex=66ad41a7&is=66abf027&hm=0fb48cb1e57a0b43412f4224b594cec37485e4c0df4419b6403dde4f786e94df& 22:29 < bridge> omg 22:29 < bridge> that looks way too god 22:29 < bridge> that looks way too good 22:29 < bridge> use yours not from sister 22:30 < bridge> ok it's not perfect 22:30 < bridge> you no girl 22:30 < bridge> accepted 22:30 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 22:30 < bridge> :heartw: 22:31 < bridge> Why do you both like triangles so much 22:31 < bridge> The g's and y's are crazy 22:31 < bridge> it's a secret sign 22:31 < bridge> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a9/Illuminati_triangle_eye.png/1200px-Illuminati_triangle_eye.png 22:32 < bridge> ofc 22:32 < bridge> It all makes sense now 22:36 < bridge> Ah I have a non-maths one 22:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268668914876026922/IMG_20240801_213650.jpg?ex=66ad4380&is=66abf200&hm=614c88955bca5a56f950d3f69c288e0ec05365395587e4df8e4fdc45a7f333b4& 22:42 < bridge> 100% male 22:42 < bridge> :lol: 22:42 < bridge> DAMN 22:42 < bridge> I've been ousted 22:56 < bridge> easy to write like that 23:09 < bridge> proof 23:12 < bridge> Here some with actual writing @jupeyy_keks st 23:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268677817806229524/IMG_0934.png?ex=66ad4bca&is=66abfa4a&hm=a08387c4d8cebcdf0c73e3f0f974bf0e39df669823525638426bed7501dabdb0& 23:12 < bridge> Here some with actual writing @jupeyy_keks 23:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268677817806229524/IMG_0934.png?ex=66ad4bca&is=66abfa4a&hm=a08387c4d8cebcdf0c73e3f0f974bf0e39df669823525638426bed7501dabdb0& 23:14 < bridge> capital I is epyc 23:17 < bridge> Where do I even have a capital L? 😄 23:18 < bridge> capital i 23:18 < bridge> Il 23:18 < bridge> lol 23:18 < bridge> Ah shit font 😄 23:18 < bridge> looks like a roman/greek pillar xdd 23:20 < bridge> One more 23:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1268679747274145854/IMG_0935.png?ex=66ad4d96&is=66abfc16&hm=ac16c0ddf9c8c97754bad708b5fc211bba22a1c47a2f45ecf5843e259d5909fd& 23:20 < bridge> i can defs read it but not very fast 😄 23:21 < bridge> This is with a lot of curve smoothing help from the ipad. It’s very bad on paper 😄 23:22 < bridge> well we're all keyboard warriors after all 23:22 < bridge> No girls found? 23:23 < bridge> 1000% male 23:23 < bridge> I do take colorful notes tho. 23:23 < bridge> ok then i give u 0.5% girl 23:23 < bridge> That’s not very male 23:25 < bridge> Funfact I studied most of physics 2 in integral forms, then I took the exam and learned that our prof prefers the differential forms. Had to just get out of that exam and study for the second session 23:27 < bridge> Another funfact, turkish government uses a local@localhost certificate when they intercept a connection to blocked sites 23:28 < bridge> Nice colour coding you've done 23:28 < bridge> Early on it actually had a point, then I started to forget so deeper into my notes it started meaning nothing 23:29 < bridge> Only one that sticked was yellow for extras I added from my own knowledge and red for new/current definitions 23:31 < bridge> They probs trying to bring up a captive portal (we call it a response page) with some info explaining why it's blocked. Though if your devices doesn't trust the CAs (or if self signed) then you get a nice validation error screen! We tried to do this in our organisation too. So far no dice sadly. 23:32 < bridge> The white and red contrast is nice. Quite striking. 23:33 < bridge> It’s not signed by any CA. It’s just a local self signed certificate by whatever server they host the block page on 23:33 < bridge> Don't you get a certificate validation error in your browser? 23:34 < bridge> I do indeed 23:36 < bridge> Nice 👍 23:36 < bridge> Did you use an iPad and pencil? 23:37 < bridge> Governments do technically have CAs trusted by all, they could have forged a certificate. It’s nice to know that they don’t 23:37 < bridge> Yep, it has been quite enjoyable, I like how it makes my writing actually semi acceptable 23:41 < bridge> Yeah. We looking at SSL decryption currently on our organisations corporate managed devices. We did consider setting up a captive portal response page for websites we block to improve the user experience but haven't done it yet. We don't really block sites and the ones we do (very few) we simply sinkhole the DNS if they use us as the resolver when on WIFI etc. Good to see they tried to redirect you rather than leaving you guessing why it doesn't wo 23:42 < bridge> For corporate managed devices I guess you can just put your own CA in there. No one should really expect privacy on corporate devices anyway 23:42 < bridge> Nah its actually pretty good. I know they have the feature where you can convert from hand written notes to text. And now with newer updates you can write equations and it will graph it automatically which is cool. 23:43 < bridge> Same OCR feature allows me to search my handwritten notes, which is pretty amazing. Like if I forget where I put the definition of something, I can just search 23:46 < bridge> Yeah that's what we do but for it to be effective is by having good segmentation. If we decrypt we don't decrypt financial and medical categories. So some element of privacy though in our organisation. We don't police people and dont monitor their activity. While we aim to be proactive we dont target users unless we have an active incident. Only select people have access to the data anyways and even if other departments ask they need to go through 23:47 < bridge> Ah didn't know that was a thing. I like features like this. I was looking at getting myself a Remarkable tablet. Have you seen them? 23:50 < bridge> Nope, what is special about them? 23:50 < bridge> It's like digital paper. I guess you got an ipad so may not be as appealing to you. 23:50 < bridge> https://remarkable.com/ 23:51 < bridge> The slippery screen isn’t the best actually. I was considering one of those paper feel screen protectors 23:53 < bridge> The only drawback I find with consumer devices these days are that after 2 years your devices become obsolete. Always something newer and better. Though I think the software stays in support for quite awhile. 23:58 < bridge> -becomes +is made