02:12 < bridge> Does anybody know where the rendering for the player names happens? 04:06 < bridge> @teero777: where did the jetpack projectiles go? 04:06 < bridge> It's all a fake demo 04:06 < bridge> Generated from inputs and map data 04:07 < bridge> Be grateful that I hacked dj particles for endless jump in 04:07 < bridge> They don't exist by default 04:27 < bridge> Quick question. Can you make differently coloured laser from the serverside? 04:28 < bridge> Quick question. Can you make differently coloured lasers from the serverside? 06:39 < ws-client> yes 06:39 < ws-client> or wait idk i think fokko for sure proposed that 06:40 < bridge> question for everyone: are the shopping carts in your local markets 4 wheel turn or 2 wheel turn? 06:42 < ws-client> @teero777 after quickly reading this i think the server can only determine the type and the client then picks a color per type https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/5639/files 06:42 < ws-client> @louis my local market has no shopping carts o.O 06:42 < ws-client> also #off-topic? xd 06:44 < bridge> i feel like developer is also the off topic for english at this point 06:44 < ws-client> if you suggest tabs over spaces here heinrich will censor your ass 07:37 < bridge> ah okay so no full rgb? sadge 07:43 < bridge> for english speaking technically knowledgeable personals 07:46 < bridge> how to get player's chat message? 08:07 < bridge> press F1. You can copy the messages from there 08:07 < bridge> nonono 08:07 < bridge> i mean get it in code 08:07 < bridge> but thanks you 08:07 < bridge> i know now 08:07 < bridge> ah lol 08:07 < bridge> wait 08:08 < bridge> serverside or clientside? 08:08 < bridge> i known now 08:08 < bridge> i known now 08:09 < bridge> serverside 08:11 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/83c9b6cae69770b057ee858ec3e25815170659ec/src/game/server/gamecontext.cpp#L2092 08:49 < bridge> 2 08:50 < bridge> As chiller said, I added that yes 09:02 < bridge> 4 wheels 09:06 < bridge> How Dare you Use voxels colored Lasers! Have some respect given He wants it fully removed (i'm Joking please dont punish i have family) 09:23 < bridge> Ik that's a joke, but besides that I helped him creating that thing 09:34 < bridge> 2, iirc 09:35 < bridge> i dont think i have seen 4 wheel turn yet? :D 09:35 < bridge> supermarket 4 wheels turning, hardware stores usually just 2 09:36 < bridge> we talking the amount of wheels without a fixed direction right? 09:39 < bridge> 4 09:40 < bridge> You will be jailed 09:45 < bridge> pretty sure only saw 4 in my life. else u couldnt go sideways 09:45 < bridge> don't trust these ppl that say 2 09:46 < bridge> https://www.zoernig.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/lidl-einkaufswagen.jpg 09:46 < bridge> similar to these most look here in my region 09:46 < bridge> 2 wheel turn 09:52 < bridge> yeah 09:52 < bridge> i've used both 2 in the US and 4 in korea 09:53 < bridge> 4 is a double edged sword, so much harder to turn 09:53 < bridge> 4 is a double edged sword, so much harder to turn if you have a heavy cart 09:53 < bridge> you can, it just turns like a car 09:54 < bridge> maybe im stupid but i find it rly hard to use one with 2 xd 09:54 < bridge> don't lie, in murica you simply directly drive your car into the stores 09:54 < bridge> <0xdeen> @uniformgeist Thanks! 09:55 < bridge> These are the ones i know with only 2 in germany: 09:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267390071707799603/2Q.png?ex=66a89c7c&is=66a74afc&hm=684736a456ccfacce5caab4b6cb4fa8111b1bf04a5d75099e16c35a165210f5c& 10:25 < bridge> play Wordle on DDNet 10:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267397504647954432/image.png?ex=66a8a368&is=66a751e8&hm=74fc347e409c451997d23ef10300977aa829eac02ce208860c9c8ab79e1085ba& 10:27 < bridge> Epic 10:27 < bridge> BTW „your word does not exist“ \* 10:39 < bridge> sorry, english not my parent language 10:43 < bridge> cool ^^ 10:44 < bridge> you should try displaying it in broadcast, it might look a little less messy 10:50 < bridge> Well the responses belong to the attempts I think the chat history makes perfect sense for that 11:02 < bridge> is dereferencing a pointer faster than accessing value from an array? :thonk: 11:03 < bridge> what kind of array? 11:05 < bridge> not really 11:05 < bridge> of pointers 11:05 < bridge> :kek: 11:05 < bridge> artay of pointers 11:05 < bridge> array of pointers 11:05 < bridge> compiler can optimize array iterating afair 11:05 < bridge> it's not iterating, I guess 11:05 < bridge> is it? 11:06 < bridge> array of `u8`s 11:06 < bridge> const sized? 11:06 < bridge> or inside a Vec? 11:06 < bridge> compiler could vectorize read/write instructions if size is known in compile time 11:06 < bridge> especially if you are iterating over it xd 11:07 < bridge> which language are you talking about btw? rust? C? C++? assembly? 11:07 < bridge> `malloc` is used 11:07 < bridge> C 11:07 < bridge> ah then it doesnt matter xd 11:08 < bridge> might be easier to understand with two minimal examples pointer access vs array access 11:08 < bridge> unsure though, maybe ryo or jupsti have better things to say 11:08 < bridge> i mean if the ptr has no offset and your array has an offset, you have to calc that offset. 11:08 < bridge> 11:08 < bridge> But i can assume that on most arches this doesnt take an extra cycle 11:08 < bridge> not you can never know for certain 11:08 < bridge> but you can never know for certain 11:10 < bridge> https://craftinginterpreters.com/a-virtual-machine.html i was just reading this part and was interesting is it really :p 11:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267408776944947300/image.png?ex=66a8ade7&is=66a75c67&hm=066f3c0f4b4b66c7b29375a3d6a20964b1f8ccb2e0022acc6bd2f24e73c7a481& 11:10 < bridge> if you have a pointer vs a pointer + index, then just a pointer will be faster in the very general case, because it's saving some memory 11:10 < bridge> > Its type is a byte pointer. We use an actual real C pointer pointing right into the middle of the bytecode array instead of something like an integer index because it’s faster to dereference a pointer than look up an element in an array by index. 11:10 < bridge> https://godbolt.org/z/W9ce3j3d3 11:11 < bridge> looks like both things will take a fraction of a cycle 11:11 < bridge> maybe even the same amount of cycle fractions 11:12 < bridge> tbh i dont even understand what they mean 11:12 < bridge> it sounds like they also do a array access just manually 11:14 < bridge> ah they emulate instruction pointers 11:14 < bridge> Hm, sure? Most architectures have offset addressing for free, no? 11:15 < bridge> ahh its like multiplayer i see now 11:15 < bridge> @milkeeycat is your language already usable? 11:15 < bridge> like can i code stuff in it 11:15 < bridge> you can do mafs in it 11:15 < bridge> if you have to access two words from memory or carry around two words, then that's going to use a cache line or some register 11:16 < bridge> the cost isn't in the instruction itself 11:16 < bridge> but tbf the cost here is really minimal, and you should be optimizing meaningful stuff first ^^ 11:17 < bridge> Ah, I see, yeah that would make sense 11:33 < bridge> https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/10633 11:33 < bridge> i found this: 11:33 < bridge> https://github.com/fereidani/kanal 11:33 < bridge> 11:33 < bridge> which is insane (the benchmarks) 11:33 < bridge> 11:33 < bridge> What i often dislike about such libs is, that it's so hard to guess what weaknesses such libs have.. e.g. what bottlenecks 11:33 < bridge> https://camo.githubusercontent.com/c5eb2bb4fd6528e88e43312243c7eb02c9f46bdf679a311aec2d44e06c3f5cfe/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f52654551574b612e706e67 12:14 < bridge> :pepe_holy: :monkaStop: :MonkaS: :feelsbadman: 12:19 < bridge> https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2015/pdf/papers/p57.pdf can someone take a look at this data structure? Do you see how it would handle a shorter prefix and a longer prefix both existing? Hole punching is not exactly uncommon in ip routing, but it seems only leaves have routing data 12:21 < bridge> 14 Pages? Let me give my apprentice some stuff to do and i can read through it, that way i atleast look busy lmao 12:22 < bridge> 3 and 3.1 are probably where this information is stored 12:27 < bridge> that's a lot of smart words :justatest: 12:28 < bridge> Its really interesting 12:28 < bridge> Hard to understand tho :justatest: 12:35 < bridge> @teero777 yo 12:36 < bridge> xD 12:36 < bridge> yo 12:37 < bridge> xd 12:58 < bridge> аххаха, чекай какого бота нашли https://t.me/NudesPlusikbot_bot 13:05 < bridge> do longer and shorter prefixes exist somewhere? 13:06 < bridge> (in IP routing, I mean) 13:06 < bridge> I think so, they even mention the hole punching issue in the paper 13:06 < bridge> hole punching means something related to NAT to me. first time I hear it in this conttext 13:06 < bridge> hole punching means something related to NAT to me. first time I hear it in this context 13:07 < bridge> Yeah, first time I've heard of it used like this was this paper too: 13:07 < bridge> > Hole punching is an event such that a longer prefix divides a shorter prefix’s address space, necessitating the routing table to deal with the address space as three distinct divisions 13:07 < bridge> (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hole_punching doesn't know it either) 13:07 < bridge> ah 13:09 < bridge> I think I need an augmented trie of sotrs, with data in some internal nodes too, then I can just consider the very last data I get when traversing to a leaf. 13:09 < bridge> I think I need an augmented trie of sorts, with data in some internal nodes too, then I can just consider the very last data I get when traversing to a leaf. 13:10 < bridge> sounds about right 13:11 < bridge> you could also treat it like in your quote: 13:11 < bridge> > necessitating the routing table to deal with the address space as three distinct divisions 13:11 < bridge> i.e. expand the shorter prefix to a bunch of longer prefixes 13:12 < bridge> Ah hm, I could 13:12 < bridge> While I have you here, do you have any idea how multiway tries handle data that's not divisible by their chunksize? 13:13 < bridge> Say you are inserting a 10bit prefix, but this poptrie thing is 64-ary, so 6 bits per chunk 13:13 < bridge> Where do you put the leaf even? 😄 13:13 < bridge> аххаха, чекай какого бота нашли https://t.me/NudesPlusikbot_bot 13:14 < bridge> in each of the the children that fits? 13:15 < bridge> idk 13:15 < bridge> AH, that would make sense actually I was wondering what they meant in 3.3 with redundant leaves 13:15 < bridge> Maybe I will just do a 16-ary trie, that way both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses are completely divisable 13:15 < bridge> doesn't help, prefixes might still not be divisible by 4 13:15 < bridge> Hm true, in that case might aswell use all the bits available 14:04 < bridge> chillerdragon: can you also sed for file uploads in irc, or do you not even get the msg for it? 14:04 < bridge> grep me "version" 14:04 < bridge> chillerdragon: can you also search for file uploads in irc, or do you not even get the msg for it? 14:06 < bridge> or txt 14:06 < bridge> author is deen 14:06 < bridge> if you want to crawl, there's https://archive.strct.cc/ddnet/ 14:08 < bridge> ah found it xd 14:09 < bridge> back then there were no mobile players at all 14:09 < bridge> how come we have 4000 now 14:09 < bridge> lmao 14:11 < bridge> different counting probably? 14:13 < bridge> is our current counting accurate? 14:13 < bridge> i mean we have barely 3k players 14:13 < bridge> on average, how can 4k of these be mobile 14:13 < bridge> sounds like the 4k are counted differently. how did you obtain that number? 14:13 < bridge> File uploads usually arrive on irc as discord cdn links. They actually still do but are now unauthorized. The file name and extension is contained in the urls. So grepping deen txt would work. 14:14 < bridge> @murpi used some script that looked like it's is used by ddnet admins xd 14:15 < bridge> ^ 14:23 < bridge> Because the 3,000 players aren't the same players all the time 14:23 < bridge> Because the 4,000 players aren't the same players all the time 14:23 < bridge> Because the 3,000 players aren't the same players all the time 14:24 < bridge> dunno how deen counted the concurrent players. can't think of anything right now 14:30 < bridge> yeah but even if it's on one day 14:30 < bridge> 3000 unique mobile players 14:30 < bridge> would be completely insane 14:31 < bridge> just alone finding that shitty 9.3 apk xD 14:31 < bridge> it's more than one day 14:31 < bridge> We keep logs for 2 full days (some servers even stay up for even longer) 14:32 < bridge> even if it's 10 days 14:32 < bridge> and they all play on mobile internet xD 14:32 < bridge> I.e some of the multeasymap servers are alive for more than 2 weeks 14:34 < bridge> Yeah, thats if you keep assuming that the 3k players are the same people 14:34 < bridge> then it'd insane 14:35 < bridge> no unique would be more insane to me 14:35 < bridge> than the same persons 14:36 < bridge> it would not be insane to me if the app would be on the play store 14:36 < bridge> then ppl try it, uninstall again 14:36 < bridge> You're telling me you really believe the we only have 3k players in the entire world? 14:36 < bridge> 3k mobile players 14:36 < bridge> You're telling me you really believe we only have 3k players in the entire world? 14:38 < bridge> This is false too btw 14:39 < bridge> avg 14:39 < bridge> not even avg 14:39 < bridge> then let it be the double amount 14:40 < bridge> it's not like i cannot believe that there are so many mobile players. i simply assume the increase of mobile players must be very recent event 14:40 < bridge> Huh, our steam charts look so weird, I wonder what happened there? 14:40 < bridge> https://steamdb.info/app/412220/charts/#max looks ok to me 14:40 < bridge> I truly can not believe 3k people play mobile ddnet. That's insane, the only available client is barely functional. Where is this data from? 14:41 < bridge> What is the oscillation at the end? 14:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267461896873705543/image.png?ex=66a8df60&is=66a78de0&hm=51a0e1b834626e8d9d421ae397c3c295e49efd19e3ea3505bd892f57ec8eaec7& 14:41 < bridge> which zoom level is that? 14:41 < bridge> chinese players switching to mobile 14:41 < bridge> 6 may to 29 jul, not a set level 14:42 < bridge> Perhaps they aggregate old data so it doesn't have the resolution for the oscillations to show 14:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267462197085343828/image.png?ex=66a8dfa8&is=66a78e28&hm=275c943d084277496b235419c86a69b906c9df34f2b53df90cb4442a3b43ab75& 14:42 < bridge> seems like a bug 14:43 < bridge> Yeah If I pick 3m it disappears, I guess picking a small zoom then zooming it out in the bottom doesn't resample the data properyl 14:43 < bridge> Yeah If I pick 3m it disappears, I guess picking a small zoom then zooming it out in the bottom doesn't resample the data properly 14:43 < bridge> I can reproduce. seems like a bug 14:44 < bridge> why not just run the player version script aggain and see how many mobile are online currently 14:44 < bridge> or were there 3k online at some point? 14:44 < bridge> I don't know whether we have a version script or where it would be 14:44 < bridge> the one posted above doesn't only count *currently* online players 14:46 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks where did you read 4k mobile btw? 14:46 < bridge> in the script output from murpi 14:46 < bridge> In that message you linked the only common version seems to be 15091, that's not mobile 14:47 < bridge> here: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1265660475480346644 14:47 < bridge> Including CHN* cuz I used all-locations apperantly 14:48 < bridge> 4252 sounds like an insane amount of mobile players using a client we don't have on any store, support or advertise 14:49 < bridge> I wonder if it's a bot epidemic hoping it confuses the antibot instead 😅 15:12 < bridge> @murpi i'd be interested in the count of mobile players if we remove the IP from the uniq check 15:12 < bridge> i wonder many attempts total were made on the servers 15:21 < bridge> headbot also uses ddnet 9 for his console ports maybe half of those players are playing on a Nintendo 3DS 15:22 < bridge> maybe the 3ds marketshare is also 4000 players 15:22 < bridge> apparently it's not about how hard it is to download the version 15:22 < bridge> 😬 15:27 < bridge> So basically just how many times `ddnet: cid=2 version=` occurs in our logs? ^^ 15:28 < bridge> (don't remember the mobile version again) 15:28 < bridge> 903 15:28 < bridge> yes 15:30 < bridge> Another interesting count would be how many times that line occurs for any version overall, so we could say what percent of joins is with a mobile client 15:30 < bridge> tru 15:38 < bridge> ```sh 15:38 < bridge> for i in $(cat ~/servers/all-locations); do ssh $i.ddnet.org "echo $i; grep 'ddnet: cid=2 version=903' servers/servers/*log*" | wc -l; done 15:38 < bridge> ```Out: 15:38 < bridge> ```70 15:38 < bridge> 3 15:38 < bridge> 41 15:38 < bridge> 132 15:38 < bridge> 502 15:38 < bridge> 443 15:38 < bridge> 1 15:38 < bridge> 5 15:38 < bridge> 10 15:38 < bridge> 3 15:38 < bridge> 3 15:38 < bridge> 9 15:38 < bridge> 3 15:38 < bridge> 8 15:38 < bridge> 1 15:38 < bridge> 8 15:38 < bridge> 36 15:38 < bridge> 8 15:38 < bridge> 63 15:38 < bridge> 8 15:38 < bridge> 4 15:38 < bridge> 49 15:39 < bridge> 5 15:39 < bridge> 3 15:39 < bridge> 10 15:39 < bridge> 1 15:39 < bridge> 3 15:39 < bridge> 3 15:39 < bridge> Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 15:39 < bridge> the hype is gone 15:39 < bridge> xd 15:39 < bridge> Indeed 15:39 < bridge> It's still quite a lot though 15:40 < bridge> what's the total count? 15:40 < bridge> wait. why are we only looking at `cid=2`? ^^ 15:40 < bridge> Oh 15:40 < bridge> what even is cid=2? 15:40 < bridge> client ID 2 15:40 < bridge> and what is that xd 15:40 < bridge> like in the server code 15:40 < bridge> ah 15:41 < bridge> wow, so many client id 2 mobile players 15:41 < bridge> that is sus again too xD 15:41 < bridge> 😄 15:41 < bridge> I noticed we also have duplicates of certain logs now 15:41 < bridge> Let me redo the check 15:46 < bridge> How do I grep files named `*.log` and `*.log.old` but not `*.log.tmp`? 15:46 < bridge> chillerdragon: tell us 15:47 < bridge> i use chatgpt for such stuff 😬 15:49 < bridge> `*.log *.log.old` 15:50 < bridge> `servers/servers/*.log servers/servers/*.log.old` 15:51 < bridge> ah, so I can just chain multiple paths 15:51 < bridge> there's also --exclude apperantly 15:51 < bridge> there's also --exclude=path apperantly 15:53 < bridge> i am also interested in a current version of this: 15:53 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1035503721251094578 15:53 < bridge> if someone with steam access can generate that 15:53 < bridge> esp now that many russian ppl joined 15:55 < bridge> ```ddnet for i in $(cat ~/servers/all-locations); do ssh $i.ddnet.org "echo $i; grep -E 'ddnet: cid=[0-9]{1,2} version=903' servers/servers/*.log servers/servers/*.log.old" | wc -l; done 15:55 < bridge> ```Out: 15:55 < bridge> ``` 15:55 < bridge> 379 15:55 < bridge> 50 15:55 < bridge> 266 15:55 < bridge> 700 15:55 < bridge> 3194 15:55 < bridge> 2604 15:55 < bridge> 6 15:55 < bridge> 55 15:55 < bridge> 53 15:55 < bridge> 14 15:55 < bridge> 7 15:55 < bridge> 28 15:55 < bridge> 12 15:55 < bridge> 20 15:55 < bridge> 30 15:55 < bridge> 76 15:55 < bridge> 78 15:55 < bridge> 28 15:55 < bridge> 68 15:55 < bridge> 63 15:55 < bridge> 37 15:55 < bridge> 1574 15:55 < bridge> 36 15:55 < bridge> 4 15:55 < bridge> 16 15:55 < bridge> 7 15:56 < bridge> 9 15:56 < bridge> 9 15:56 < bridge> oh nice 15:56 < bridge> ```sh 15:56 < bridge> ddnet for i in $(cat ~/servers/all-locations); do ssh $i.ddnet.org "echo $i; grep -E 'ddnet: cid=[0-9]{1,2} version=903' servers/servers/*.log servers/servers/*.log.old" | wc -l; done 15:56 < bridge> ```Out: 15:56 < bridge> ``` 15:56 < bridge> 379 15:56 < bridge> 50 15:56 < bridge> 266 15:56 < bridge> 700 15:56 < bridge> 3194 15:56 < bridge> 2604 15:56 < bridge> 6 15:56 < bridge> 55 15:56 < bridge> 53 15:56 < bridge> 14 15:56 < bridge> 7 15:56 < bridge> 28 15:56 < bridge> 12 15:56 < bridge> 20 15:56 < bridge> 30 15:56 < bridge> 76 15:56 < bridge> 78 15:56 < bridge> 28 15:56 < bridge> 68 15:56 < bridge> 63 15:56 < bridge> 37 15:57 < bridge> 1574 15:57 < bridge> 36 15:57 < bridge> 4 15:57 < bridge> 16 15:57 < bridge> 7 15:57 < bridge> 9 15:58 < bridge> now with all versions or what? 😄 15:58 < bridge> :pepeW: 15:58 < bridge> if it says 1 million... then man would be epyc 15:59 < bridge> does it take so long? 15:59 < bridge> Fake Info 16:01 < bridge> @0xdeen please if u find time, or put onto your todo list 😄 16:07 < bridge> with chatgpt I get random jibberish 16:07 < bridge> I guess I could just run my old script without uniq 16:07 < bridge> ```bash 16:07 < bridge> ddnet for i in $(cat ~/servers/all-locations); do ssh $i.ddnet.org "echo $i; grep -E 'ddnet: cid=[0-9]{1,2} version=[0-9]+' servers/servers/*.log servers/servers/*.log.old" | wc -l; done 16:07 < bridge> ``` 16:07 < bridge> shouldnt that work 16:08 < bridge> That'd just return every line and doesn't actually count the occurances of each version 16:09 < bridge> isnt that what we want xd 16:09 < bridge> ah u mean every version separatelly 16:09 < bridge> yeah that would be cool too 16:13 < bridge> do you use gpt4? xddd 16:14 < bridge> Whatever version is free at https://chatgpt.com/ 16:17 < bridge> use your old script but dont use -A 3 but instead only as many lines as needed to have ddnet: cid= ... 16:18 < bridge> also in your old script you input a version and then it shows the count of that version only 16:18 < bridge> where do you even have that script from 16:18 < bridge> it was actually quite good xd 16:18 < bridge> I wrote it for Robyte xd 16:18 < bridge> Don't remember the context 16:19 < bridge> ah it really only needs the -A parameter adjusted i think 16:19 < bridge> so this isnt true 16:20 < bridge> <0xdeen> @jupeyy_keks 2 million people own DDNet on Steam! Crazy to me to have 1.6 million users and the average player played 1 hour! I can't take a screenshot that large: https://ddnet.org/steamhardware.html 16:20 < bridge> <0xdeen> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267486988429164655/Screenshot_2024-07-29_at_16.14.04.png?ex=66a8f6be&is=66a7a53e&hm=6e419545152ba66d29c00dd6cc3723d87dbf3a74024b23df2fe2d1ab02cce29e& 16:21 < bridge> epyc thanks 16:21 < bridge> I wonder why this info isn't public 16:21 < bridge> steamdb doesn't seem to show all-time unique players 16:22 < bridge> <0xdeen> SteamDB can't access it, only the game owners can 16:22 < bridge> wtf.. is this a VM or what xD 16:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267487483969671281/image.png?ex=66a8f734&is=66a7a5b4&hm=1ac0be6990117cfc04682264cf89e103214ea91397f1e25dfe563e9fab6569e2& 16:22 < bridge> 1 cpu core 16:22 < bridge> <0xdeen> Yeah, or disabled cores in BIOS/Kernel 16:23 < bridge> Yeah, why don't they make this public 16:23 < bridge> <0xdeen> Game owners might not want that public 16:23 < bridge> That's a lot more interesting to me than concurrnent players 16:24 < bridge> Hmmm 16:24 < bridge> I guess it could expose total sales 16:26 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1722263163.png 16:26 < ws-client> a bunch of random logs from servers i host on my vps 16:28 < ws-client> ``$ grep -Er "ddnet: cid=[0-9]+ version=903$" | cut -d = -f3 | wc -l`` 16:28 < ws-client> ``193`` 16:28 < ws-client> ``175`` * xd 16:28 < ws-client> wait what? 16:28 < ws-client> does that mean someone with mobile client joined 175 times on ma servers? xd 16:29 < bridge> compared to this: 16:29 < bridge> 16:29 < bridge> less ppl with <4GB RAM: 0.19% (before: 1.04%) 16:29 < bridge> only very few ppl less with <1GB VRAM: 3.91% 16:30 < bridge> Just make it opt-in or something? 16:31 < bridge> it's opt-in now ^^ deen can share it 16:32 < bridge> Yey! 16:32 < bridge> more ppl with 1280 x 1024 resolution... 16:32 < bridge> 16:32 < bridge> that must be the new russian players :lol: 16:33 < bridge> i also would have expected that FullHD increased its marketshare 16:33 < bridge> very few players with non-windows, just ~2% 16:33 < bridge> yeah, rip 16:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267490271747113040/image.png?ex=66a8f9cd&is=66a7a84d&hm=d0c4a4b63fc2df1d7c7b56d756fc9c38fb45ba93ea553781954e3a350db6d718& 16:34 < bridge> chinese not dominant anymore 16:34 < bridge> xd 16:35 < bridge> What is this? 16:35 < bridge> who of the devs uses steam in german? 😬 16:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267490721225642074/image.png?ex=66a8fa38&is=66a7a8b8&hm=617cc815e6e3e357411494a20c57a8d25822a3dd7c494a5f145c1ad2a6b279f1& 16:35 < bridge> i use kde in german but steam is english xDD 16:35 < bridge> https://ddnet.org/steamhardware.html 16:36 < bridge> it's steam survey but only for ddnet users 16:36 < bridge> WoW, thanks! 16:36 < bridge> so the actual amount is higher 16:36 < bridge> only read it statistically 16:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1035503720861016094/Screenshot_2022-10-28_at_12-41-37_Steam_Hardware_Survey_-_DDraceNetwork_owners_-_September_2022.png?ex=66a8c37d&is=66a771fd&hm=24bceaa90df06c9ba8cf78c49716aedb4dbd4147418da1b2c2423b5071e74287& 16:36 < bridge> this is the one from 2022 16:36 < bridge> if you want to compare 16:36 < bridge> Melon and deen? 16:37 < bridge> deen 100% english 16:37 < bridge> melon is a windows enjoyer 16:38 < bridge> I do `*.log*` 16:38 < bridge> I thought he is German, but it turns out he is Great Britainian? Oh well. 16:38 < bridge> no but he uses his software in english 16:38 < bridge> That'd do *.log.tmp too 16:38 < bridge> (new change) 16:39 < bridge> Oh. 16:39 < bridge> chillerdragon: why is indonesia not in the list xdddd 16:39 < bridge> Ah, didn't know this exists now 16:39 < bridge> u should do more advertising 16:40 < bridge> `--exclude=*.log.tmp` if you want to keep the ending wildcard 16:41 < bridge> rip I mean there was the one guy from Jakarta who posted in \#developer but his steam might be English 16:41 < bridge> Or he is gangster and has no steam 16:56 < bridge> He playes from irc 17:11 < bridge> <0xdeen> It's not supposed to be there, I forgot a `rm -f` 😄 18:11 < bridge> rm *.log(!.tmp) 18:12 < bridge> grep *.log(!.tmp) 18:12 < bridge> or something like this 18:12 < bridge> grep *.log!(.tmp) 18:13 < bridge> or `grep *.log{,.old}` 18:18 < bridge> what happens to a player if the player crashes while changing maps? 18:18 < bridge> for instance i crashed while changing map and when I connected my name is (1)archimede67 and does not change back 18:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267517138227302482/image.png?ex=66a912d3&is=66a7c153&hm=e3144ba60d4194f99bd2b25aaec47dd40ca1149c3e9daabe31292eea271385b5& 18:21 < bridge> workaround: change name twice 18:23 < bridge> oh thanks! 18:25 < bridge> No i am Not you rude:( 18:30 < bridge> I am on nixos 18:31 < bridge> And i am on english 98% of the time 18:32 < bridge> you have windows on english or what 18:35 < bridge> Yes, Not Sure If my nixos is on German or english tho lmao 18:35 < bridge> Easier to get Tech Support If all settings are english on Default 18:35 < bridge> Hello again. I have a question. 18:35 < bridge> Does anybody know, where the event for a hammer hit on the client side is called? I need the sender id and target id.... 18:35 < bridge> I just couldnt find it on the clients side... 18:36 < bridge> i dont think there is target or sender id 18:37 < bridge> it's simply an event with a position 18:37 < bridge> But how does the client know that it was hammered? 18:37 < bridge> bcs its velocity changed 18:38 < bridge> To calc the new velocity? 18:38 < bridge> Ye 18:38 < bridge> Oh 18:38 < bridge> And it receives no hammer hit event at all?? 18:38 < bridge> it does, that is the visual effect you see when it is hit 18:38 < bridge> but sadly our network code doesnt add lot of information to it 18:39 < bridge> Oh... okay than I have to make a workaround ig 18:40 < bridge> Where's the effect and is the Player near by or something like that 18:41 < bridge> Thank you anyway 😃 19:01 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267527339705897060/image.png?ex=66a91c53&is=66a7cad3&hm=579fc5fa103ecc5440df57c82f9ce511fcd79361b2b81e1c3254a698483763c6& 19:01 < bridge> @bencie. that's a little too much !!! 19:03 < bridge> drunk mechanic is what ddnet needed this whole time 19:03 < bridge> drunkness mechanic is what ddnet needed this whole time 19:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267528313770082375/image.png?ex=66a91d3b&is=66a7cbbb&hm=ad85bee6c0dfad4d0113da918f21bfbea8770f35e1b400df75bbb44ab229df90& 19:05 < bridge> literally, so everyone go get a Grog at the official Tavern of DDNet 19:05 < bridge> XD 19:06 < bridge> (you actually become drunk the more you drink) 19:06 < bridge> what is the limit 19:07 < bridge> where is tue vomit 19:07 < bridge> the 19:07 < bridge> if you reach 4 permille, ur gonna be wanted by police, but only > 4.4 will actually kill you (depending on your own limit) 19:07 < bridge> definitly need fluid mechanics 19:07 < bridge> wtf 19:07 < bridge> wait 19:07 < bridge> i just realized it's almost 100 players 19:07 < bridge> on blmapchill 19:08 < bridge> how to train your limit 19:08 < bridge> there's no training rn, just based on register date 19:08 < bridge> and where is the alcohol wizardry 19:08 < bridge> where are you 19:09 < bridge> "drunken punch" and stuff 19:09 < bridge> train your drinking skills like you train your mana pool xD 19:09 < bridge> xDD 23:41 < bridge> afternoon 23:41 < bridge> any devs?