03:42 < ws-client> ryo "linkit" is a cool name! 04:28 < ws-client> How do I correctly fill a integer from a 4 byte memory region into a 64 bit register? 04:28 < ws-client> In my .bss section i have `udp_payload_index resb 4` and now i want to move its value into `rax` but `rax` is 8 byte. 04:29 < ws-client> So this is reading out of bounds if i understood it correctly `mov rax, [udp_payload_index]` 04:29 < ws-client> the register name determins the size so its reading 8 bytes starting at my udp_payload_index label which is only a 4 byte region 04:30 < ws-client> `mov edx, [udp_payload_index]` should do a 4 byte move but then only half of `rax` is set and there might be other garbage in the other half 04:31 < ws-client> So i did a `xor rax, rax` first hoping it would all just work. Does that make sense? Or did i miss something? 04:45 < ws-client> I just had an interesting denial of service idea for the 0.7 protocol to basically ban one player quite efficiently. Can I post it here? xd 04:47 < ws-client> Ah nvm it doesnt work so i can share the idea 04:48 < ws-client> So the security tokens are used to make sure I can not impersonate another ip and act on their behalf because i never get back the reponse with the token from the server. 04:49 < ws-client> My idea was to spoof the connect message to generate a token which i do not get but thats fine. If now the real owner of the ip tries to connect they will be rejected because the token is wrong. 04:49 < ws-client> But it does not work. You need to send ctrl_msg_connect for the server to drop invalid tokens which depends on the server token. 08:18 < bridge> yikes, there's no `movzx` instruction with 32 bit source 😬 08:31 < bridge> Wat even movzx do? 08:32 < bridge> mov zero extend, it takes value and moves it into bigger place 08:32 < bridge> `mov rax, byte [label]` moves 1 byte from label into rax 08:32 < bridge> probably* 08:33 < bridge> Filling the rest of rax with zeros? 08:33 < bridge> yep 08:33 < bridge> Epic that’s what I need 08:33 < bridge> but it doesnt exist for 32 bit xd 08:33 < bridge> Do you think my xor hack works as well? 08:33 < bridge> Im scared about endianess and stuff 08:34 < bridge> never heard of her 08:34 < bridge> endianness! 08:34 < bridge> i mean i heard of it but never had problems with it xd 08:34 < bridge> nessendian! 08:35 < bridge> Okay I will use that from now on everywhere 08:35 < bridge> `mozx`? 08:35 < bridge> `movzx`? 08:35 < bridge> no xor rax and mov eax 08:35 < bridge> ah xd 08:36 < bridge> ye, i think it's the only way to make it work for 32 bit value :thonk: 08:36 < bridge> Since you said it can’t fail it’s not gonna add bugs 08:36 < bridge> Compiler dev approved 08:36 < bridge> better not trust my words :justatest: 08:36 < bridge> Too late 10:24 < ws-client> i have the feeling 64 bit is like ipv6 10:24 < ws-client> nobody actually uses it 10:25 < bridge> maybe more like ipv6 devided by 2 ._. 10:28 < ws-client> feels like every `push` and `pop` is bloating around 64 bits while `cmp` only checks 32 or all my C bros use `int32` in their apis 10:29 < ws-client> @jxsl13 you would love what im working on right now 10:29 < ws-client> selfrolling my testing framework in assembly 10:29 < bridge> urgh 10:29 < bridge> too low level for mein geschmack. 10:30 < ws-client> average go enjoyer 10:30 < bridge> classic 10:30 < bridge> static linking enjoyer 10:30 < ws-client> i dont link shit 10:30 < ws-client> libc is bloat 10:30 < bridge> libc is bloat 10:44 < ws-client> cleaner than go lang test code 10:45 < ws-client> change my mind 10:45 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1722156277.png 10:45 < ws-client> assembly with macros is a underrated simple language 10:58 < bridge> There is no movzx for 32 bit source because it would make no sense to have one 10:59 < bridge> In x86-64, 32bit operands by definition create a 32 bit result zero extended to 64 bits 11:01 < bridge> cannot deny 11:21 < bridge> it would make sense to me, so i can write `movzx rax, dword ptr [foo]` :kek: 11:22 < bridge> Just use mov instead 11:23 < bridge> but what if there's some data in upper 32 bits of a register 11:23 < bridge> It's discarded, as I said, 32 bit operands create 32 bit results zero extended to 64 bits 11:25 < bridge> https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/manuals/64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-vol-1-manual.pdf 11:28 < bridge> `mov eax, dword ptr [foo]` 11:28 < bridge> and in rax there won't be garbage value, right? 11:28 < bridge> Yes, the upper half will get zero'd 11:28 < bridge> chilllerdragon: you can remove that xor xd 11:35 < ws-client> woah no xor? 11:36 < ws-client> just ``mov eax, 0xBABE`` and im good? the entire `rax` register only contains babe? thats op 11:37 < bridge> register wont contain garbage if you move into eax 32 bit operand 11:37 < ws-client> so you basically can't shoot your self i the foot with assembly 11:37 < ws-client> easier than pyson 11:37 < bridge> if you want just a number you can just write `mov rax, 0xBABE`, can't you? :thonk: 11:38 < ws-client> i read from some label 11:38 < ws-client> thats a 4 byte region 11:38 < bridge> ye, so it will work 11:39 < ws-client> i might ditch bash as my fav language 11:39 < bridge> also you don't need xors before `movzx` as here https://github.com/ChillerDragon/teeworlds-asmr/blob/b52f44e3a94e7af03341b18fa85ccde329ed02cd/src/udp.asm#L78-L79 11:40 < ws-client> basically grep xor &>/dev/null 11:40 < ws-client> its cring anyways why not mov 0 11:42 < ws-client> i fixed quitting btw xd 11:42 < ws-client> no more `pkill` 11:42 < ws-client> better quit support than vim 11:46 < bridge> No, only 32 bit operands have this behaviour, it's for legacy reasons 11:46 < ws-client> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 11:46 < ws-client> i removed it all xd 11:46 < bridge> Oh actually wait, I didn't look at it 11:46 < bridge> It's fine, you don't need the xor 11:47 < ws-client> it still works 11:47 < ws-client> but that doesnt mean much does it 11:47 < bridge> Yeah yeah, it's fine. I misunderstood what catperson said. I thought he meant those can also be mov 11:48 < bridge> im not a furry :justatest: 11:48 < ws-client> so either mov on `edi` or `movzx byte` on `rdi`? 11:48 < ws-client> eh well different sizes trol 11:49 < bridge> Chiller when code directly in bytecode? 11:49 < ws-client> once i spawned a tee with assembly 11:50 < ws-client> but then i also gotta learn elf format and shits 11:50 < ws-client> its gonna be much harder 11:50 < bridge> chillerdragon: when vulkan support? 11:50 < ws-client> and offsets 11:50 < ws-client> i leave vulkan to jopsti and lerato 11:50 < ws-client> they already pro in it 11:50 < bridge> There was this weird dude in an irc channel that I used to be in that made a really interesting machine code writing tool. Then he turned out to be a massive racist transphobe so he got exiled. Now I can't find the tool and my irclogs aren't complete from those days 11:51 < ws-client> racist byte ode 11:51 < ws-client> code 11:51 < ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 12:21 < bridge> the double edginess of a sword 12:52 < bridge> всем привет 12:52 < bridge> yeah 12:52 < bridge> #off-topic 14:17 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1722169010.png 14:17 < ws-client> here we go again 14:17 < ws-client> @vlad09380 helo 14:32 < bridge> :kek: 14:36 < bridge> most likely cosmic ray 😛 14:52 < bridge> time to test your testing framework 14:52 < bridge> with another testing framework 14:53 < bridge> :kek: 14:58 < ws-client> yes it was totally cosmic ray! and no bug in my testing framework xd 14:59 < ws-client> that sounds like dangerous recursion @jxsl13 ! 15:23 < bridge> lgtm 15:52 < bridge> have anyone had such problems with docker ```Post "https://auth.docker.io/token": dial tcp: lookup auth.docker.io on read udp> i/o timeout``` :feelsbadman: any ideas how to fix 15:52 < bridge> is not a DDraceNetwork or Community server. 16:30 < bridge> dns server dead in your local network? 16:30 < bridge> router's dns dead? 16:30 < bridge> pihole down? 16:38 < ws-client> which command are you running? docker push? or why does it try to auth? 16:38 < ws-client> have you tried using podman? :p 16:45 < bridge> I like your funny words magic man 16:46 < bridge> docker pull xd 16:47 < bridge> have you tried turning it off and on again? 16:47 < bridge> dns lookup fails 16:47 < bridge> turning off wat 16:47 < bridge> router, your local dns server 16:47 < bridge> whatever you have in your network 16:47 < bridge> or on your pc/laptop 16:48 < bridge> i have a solution, execute same command 50 times and it will succeed once 16:48 < bridge> nslookup docker.io 16:48 < bridge> or 16:48 < bridge> nslookup auth.docker.io 16:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267131688220098621/image.png?ex=66a7abd8&is=66a65a58&hm=fd66e933754344d7208924942364ec74cadfc095b859555937b1bee4358a4b31& 16:49 < bridge> are you in some weird vpn? 16:49 < bridge> no -.- 16:49 < bridge> nslookup auth.docker.io 16:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267131913898954762/image.png?ex=66a7ac0e&is=66a65a8e&hm=a0a519c3d73798ffd4e5e211aff59605ad495dee7ebe23e46b7346303fdc8093& 16:50 < bridge> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44761246/temporary-failure-in-name-resolution-errno-3-with-docker 16:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267132284193083546/Bildschirmfoto_2024-07-28_um_16.51.10.png?ex=66a7ac66&is=66a65ae6&hm=b3af82367ec3be71e7006cd3de31e59dd5043f074641bab7844d548c6acb316c& 16:53 < bridge> might tell docker to use some specific dns server 16:56 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks Hi, please give me a discord forgottencat I want to talk to him 16:57 < bridge> i uncommented default ones i had in the file and nothing changed xd 16:57 < bridge> what are the default ones and what is the error message 16:57 < bridge> he is on this discord 16:58 < bridge> did the dns server ips in the error message change at all? 16:58 < bridge> ```failed to solve: node:18: failed to resolve source metadata for docker.io/library/node:18: failed to do request: Head "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/node/manifests/18": dial tcp [2600:1f18:2148:bc01:20a3:9c3e:d4a7:9fb]:443: connect: network is unreachable``` 16:58 < bridge> is this better? xd 16:58 < bridge> & 16:58 < bridge> <0xdeen> your ipv6 is probably not working 16:59 < bridge> how can i not use ipv6 then? xd 17:00 < bridge> i need good ol' ipv4 17:01 < bridge> How can I talk to a forgottencat? 17:02 < bridge> after 20 times it worked, yey 17:03 < bridge> go to #general and talk to \@forgottenabscat 17:07 < bridge> thanks 17:16 < bridge> @jxsl13 thanks for linking da page, even tho i still get these errors sometimes it works much better! xd 17:17 < bridge> xD np 17:17 < bridge> tried my best 17:17 < bridge> but networking is far from my strong point 17:37 < bridge> can anyone show your output of `nslookup google.com` pls :owo: 17:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1267146916949397596/image.png?ex=66a7ba07&is=66a66887&hm=6590facc659a15fce7d729bc0d86013b5794eaf3a4e5cad851d4bcd8d1a187a5& 17:57 < bridge> i think i know how i fix my ass connection :poggers2: 17:58 < bridge> i was wondering why when i connected to work vpn in ddnet list of servers always loads instantly 17:58 < bridge> but when im not connected it takes forever 17:59 < bridge> and i just checked, it uses different dns server, maybe that's the problem 18:11 < bridge> yup, now it loads blazingly fast 18:14 < bridge> I spent 1 hour today not implementing a 64-ary trie. Just mentally got stuck randomly 18:15 < bridge> I still can't decide how to make it, random total mental block 18:18 < bridge> and it fixed docker as well 😏 18:18 < bridge> Maybe I'll make a 256-ary trie instead, hm 18:18 < bridge> but it's probably worse on cache 18:30 < bridge> what you do 18:30 < bridge> share the knowledge 18:30 < bridge> changed dns ip in `/etc/resolv.conf` xd 18:30 < bridge> :0 to google ip? 18:31 < bridge> i chose cloudflare 18:31 < bridge> ok 18:31 < bridge> good to know 18:31 < bridge> thanks 19:04 < bridge> Hello guys, I have a question. 19:04 < bridge> Im new to the ddrace project and I want to add my own component. 19:04 < bridge> So I created my own folder called features (game/client/features) 19:05 < bridge> I created a class, which extends the CComponent class. 19:05 < bridge> Now I want to override the OnRender class. 19:05 < bridge> I've also overridden the Sizeof method with a return of sizeof(*this). 19:05 < bridge> 19:05 < bridge> So now I have to register the component. 19:05 < bridge> I did this in the gameclient.h by adding this: 19:05 < bridge> // all components 19:05 < bridge> CTestComponent m_TestComponent; 19:05 < bridge> 19:05 < bridge> Then I added it to the insert call in the gameclient.cpp: 19:05 < bridge> m_vpAll.insert(m_vpAll.end(), {&m_Skins, 19:05 < bridge> &m_CountryFlags, 19:05 < bridge> &m_MapImages, 19:05 < bridge> &m_Effects, // doesn't render anything, just updates effects 19:05 < bridge> &m_Binds, 19:05 < bridge> &m_Binds.m_SpecialBinds, 19:05 < bridge> &m_TestComponent, <------- 19:05 < bridge> 19:05 < bridge> 19:05 < bridge> Unfortunately I get the error, that m_TestComponent is an unknown overwrite specifier. 19:05 < bridge> The error leads to the gameclient.h, where I put CTestComponent m_TestComponent; 19:05 < bridge> 19:05 < bridge> 19:05 < bridge> Can anybody help me with this? 19:10 < bridge> is CTestcomponent correctly declared to extend CComponent? 19:10 < bridge> eg `class CTestComponent : public CComponent` 19:10 < bridge> only ask in 1 channel 19:10 < bridge> delete one msg 19:11 < bridge> As I said, idk where that belongs to... sry 19:12 < bridge> np, here in dev it fits quite well i'd say 19:12 < bridge> questions is more for beginners 19:12 < bridge> Yes its is: 19:12 < bridge> class CTestComponent : public CComponent 19:12 < bridge> { 19:12 < bridge> public: 19:12 < bridge> virtual int Sizeof() const override { return sizeof(*this); } 19:12 < bridge> virtual void OnRender() override; 19:12 < bridge> }; 20:09 < bridge> did you define OnRender somewhere? 20:09 < bridge> can you provide the exact error? 20:10 < bridge> can you provide the exact error? (just copy logs) 20:10 < bridge> Im sorry, I was just about to tell you that I have found the issue 😄 20:10 < bridge> I was including the gameclient.h in the testcomponent.h and that caused the issue 21:16 < bridge> roby the machine 21:41 < bridge> i actually had to change settings in router because `/etc/resolv.conf` was overwritten by dhcpcd service :\ 21:49 < bridge> you can also stop the dhcpcd from doing that 21:50 < bridge> i didn't find how to do that so i changed in router 😄 22:59 < bridge> how are jump and other particles packed into demos? 23:00 < bridge> as snapshot items 23:00 < bridge> an explosion is `CNetEvent_Explosion` for example but what would a jump be? 23:00 < bridge> i cant find the correct struct 23:00 < bridge> maybe as an event on the character 23:00 < bridge> don't quite remember 23:01 < bridge> there is `CNetEvent_Common` but it defined as 23:01 < bridge> ```cpp 23:01 < bridge> struct CNetEvent_Common 23:01 < bridge> { 23:01 < bridge> static constexpr int ms_MsgId = NETEVENTTYPE_COMMON; 23:01 < bridge> int m_X; 23:01 < bridge> int m_Y; 23:01 < bridge> }; 23:01 < bridge> ``` 23:01 < bridge> no idea how i would use that 23:01 < bridge> ah nvm 23:02 < bridge> thats just the parent of all the other ones 23:02 < bridge> ~~there is `CNetEvent_Common` but it defined as~~ 23:02 < bridge> ```cpp 23:02 < bridge> struct CNetEvent_Common 23:02 < bridge> { 23:02 < bridge> static constexpr int ms_MsgId = NETEVENTTYPE_COMMON; 23:02 < bridge> int m_X; 23:02 < bridge> int m_Y; 23:02 < bridge> }; 23:02 < bridge> ``` 23:02 < bridge> ~~no idea how i would use that~~ 23:07 < bridge> if you don't have infinite jumps everything works fine but as soon as you get infinite jumps the sounds and jump particles disappears 23:07 < bridge> if you don't have infinite jumps everything works fine but as soon as you get infinite jumps the sounds and jump particles disappear 23:07 < bridge> maybe the physics code is just playing with me and its not correctly implemented 23:20 < bridge> ok 23:20 < bridge> that is literally the default demo behaviour 23:20 < bridge> if you have endless jumps it doesn't give sounds nor particles 23:20 < bridge> thats so stupid 23:21 < bridge> what are you trying to do? 23:23 < bridge> im making a new TAS video and im rendering the run directly to a demo. Since the tas includes infinite jump you can't really witness the absurd amount of jumps the tas makes since it endless jumps apparently isn't visualized in the demo player. 23:23 < bridge> no problem tho i can fix it 23:25 < bridge> im making a new TAS video and im rendering the run directly to a demo. Since the tas includes infinite jump you can't really witness the absurd amount of jumps the tas makes since it endless jumps apparently are not visualized in the demo player. 23:33 < bridge> okay seems like all endless jumps are handled as ground jumps thats why they don't have particles or sounds in demos 23:33 < bridge> the sounds for ground jumping are sent manually from the server 23:34 < bridge> the sounds for ground jumping are sent manually from the server only if you don't have endless jumps 23:43 < bridge> just increasing m_Jumpled on the player core by one before putting it into the demo works fine.