01:02 < bridge> How to add a server setting to map which is non-default? 01:03 < bridge> It doesnt seem to work anymore, since there's this auto completion list now 01:03 < bridge> which btw is also broken on startups, you can use `sv_team "0"`, and it throws an error due to quotes 01:03 < bridge> Oh, I found the question mark 02:10 < ws-client> hello world in C be like 02:10 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1722038955.png 02:38 < bridge> I..... don't know if we need to do this actually. 05:24 < bridge> what would you guys think about adding an option to let your hookline go through tees and walls to know range? 05:25 < bridge> talked to broken and daria about it, broken said hes thought about the concept before and daria said hookline is a crutch but I still think itd be cool 06:45 < bridge> gm 07:41 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks i need to install https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/google-android-platform-tools-installer for `adb` right? 07:42 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks i need to install https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/google-android-platform-tools-installer for `adb`, right? 07:44 < bridge> nvm i found package called `adb` xd 07:58 < bridge> ok there's a wall of text xd 07:59 < bridge> finally there's something about ddnet 08:04 < bridge> @robyt3 @jupeyy_keks 08:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266637274594934844/message.txt?ex=66a5df63&is=66a48de3&hm=630fda6b05dfc5f17f3e0eea489a492257a6cfc248ce563bcaddc2a85d41b93a& 08:05 < bridge> i think the most important part is dis :kek: 08:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266637530921439394/image.png?ex=66a5dfa0&is=66a48e20&hm=87adc83b473d0fd9219677bc63408d6157233294ade99df69f81e705523f1f63& 09:21 < bridge> `Cause: null pointer dereference` after a vk call 09:22 < bridge> :frozen: 09:22 < bridge> but so deep inside the driver 09:23 < bridge> where is llvm dev ryo: 09:23 < bridge> `llvm::canReplaceOperandWithVariable` 09:23 < bridge> 09:23 < bridge> 😬 09:29 < bridge> @milkeeycat can u try OGL backend? 09:29 < bridge> 09:29 < bridge> you have to find the user config dir: 09:29 < bridge> for me it was in `interal_storage/Android/data/org.ddnet.client/files/user` 09:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266658815064014908/settings_ddnet.cfg?ex=66a5f372&is=66a4a1f2&hm=348a28ce9dd247e82e5e1aba63c75f513b8a3002b9a87995a2d091e8b227aa87& 09:35 < bridge> there's no button to create a file in file manager 09:35 < bridge> cant u copy one in? 09:35 < bridge> or move in 09:35 < bridge> btw can you update your phone or is there no update available, just wondering 09:36 < bridge> there is but im scared of updated xd 09:36 < bridge> mh ok 09:36 < bridge> you think after update it can be fixed by itself? 09:36 < bridge> i will not play ddnet on mobile anyways xd 09:37 < bridge> it could be a driver issue, but do as you like 09:37 < bridge> you are lucky there even is an update 09:37 < bridge> often on android u'll simply get nothing and are doomed xd 09:38 < bridge> what especially makes this weird is that it apparently happens during pipeline creation. that is kinda unexpected to crash in my opinion.. should be not too hard to catch by the validation layers 09:39 < bridge> it works with OGL 😄 09:39 < bridge> nice 09:39 < bridge> can u quickly go into one server and see if it renders correctly 09:39 < bridge> on one of my phone the opengl backend is broken xDD 09:40 < bridge> oh boi, it's time to finish tutorial on da phone 09:40 < bridge> epyc 09:40 < bridge> Superior gfx api 💪 09:41 < bridge> true, fuck vulkan, all my homies use opengl 09:41 < bridge> JupstarGL 09:42 < bridge> Vulkan? More like Vulkant :xDe: 09:43 < bridge> it is gfx or cl 09:43 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154149513905315962/image.png?ex=66a555ff&is=66a4047f&hm=10192b009454968a64b56e1d9208713970426b05b0d32bbe04c3b3c18048146b& 09:44 < bridge> if it crashes then it's like an eruption 09:54 < bridge> I don't know what kind of masochist you have to be to like playing ddnet on mobile, after 10 mins my fingers hurt so much xd 09:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266664887774478408/Screenshot_2024-07-27-10-52-13-581_org.ddnet.client.jpg?ex=66a5f91a&is=66a4a79a&hm=471175cdb997e0d3263c1df136243ebd94206121f57bb03a2d57d68b7fd37da4& 09:54 < bridge> gg 09:54 < bridge> are the controls on the right always active? xd 09:54 < bridge> the andrid buttons 09:54 < bridge> no 09:55 < bridge> ah k, that would be really annoying xD 09:55 < bridge> i just made a screenshot 09:55 < bridge> press f10 😬 09:55 < bridge> jumping and walking was mission impossible 😬 09:56 < bridge> yeah, u need hands from a different species than homo sapiens sapiens 10:28 < bridge> @robyt3 we should maybe also add this to the android manifest 10:28 < bridge> ``` 10:28 < bridge> To declare which version of Vulkan your application requires, you should create a element defining android.hardware.vulkan.version. See FEATURE_VULKAN_HARDWARE_VERSION for more details on the hardware version. You can also use android.hardware.vulkan.level to declare a required Vulkan feature level. See FEATURE_VULKAN_HARDWARE_LEVEL for more details on the feature level. 10:28 < bridge> ``` 10:28 < bridge> (https://developer.android.com/about/dashboards) 10:29 < bridge> but afaik it's only used to filter non working apps in the play store for unsupported devices or smth 10:30 < bridge> Hm, but we have multiple backends, wouldn’t it block some devices that technically could have ran the ogl backend? 10:30 < bridge> i dunno if google play store is made good and detects both 10:30 < bridge> or if it is stupid and will just remove support xD 10:31 < bridge> more research is needed i guess 10:32 < bridge> and then there is this one app that uses opengl and vulkan at the same time 😬 10:32 < bridge> there has to be that one app that breaks a bad concept xdd 10:34 < bridge> That’s why walk on tilt is best 10:39 < bridge> I'd be interested in submitting the app to google play eventually 🙂 10:41 < bridge> 2025 the year of the mobile ddnet 10:41 < bridge> 10% remaining pc players will be bullied minority 10:42 < bridge> nono, 2025 is the year when ddnet gets account system 10:43 < bridge> Yikes 10:43 < bridge> 2FA with the ddnet mobile app 10:43 < bridge> i hope this happens this year 😬 10:43 < bridge> Nono this year is already the year of the 0.7 10:44 < bridge> this year is year of ddpg 10:44 < bridge> Speaking of … @0xdeen when stop ghost me axaxax 10:44 < bridge> and if not i rq 10:44 < bridge> why are you laughing in russian? 10:44 < bridge> im international 10:45 < bridge> Is Russian laughing only allowed in off topic? 10:45 < bridge> What about Russian smiley)))) 10:45 < bridge> ( 10:45 < bridge> Vulkan first 10:45 < bridge> Vulkan first 10:45 < bridge> Vulkan first 10:46 < bridge> yes we vulkan 10:46 < bridge> yes we vul kan 10:46 < bridge> OpenGL -> :gigachad: 10:46 < bridge> Metal 10:46 < bridge> yes we vul**kan** 10:46 < bridge> DirectX11 10:46 < bridge> lmao 10:47 < bridge> dx11 is the most use graphics api 10:47 < bridge> just saiyan 10:47 < bridge> Wait is it 11? 10:47 < bridge> I tried to make a Wayland joke 10:48 < bridge> that things has a long way before it hits land 10:48 < bridge> that things has a long **way** before it hits **land** 10:48 < bridge> that thing has a long **way** before it hits **land** 10:49 < bridge> do you have projects in C, or do you have a favorite C repo? 10:49 < bridge> yes 10:49 < bridge> my favorite pure c repo: 10:49 < bridge> https://github.com/Jupeyy/teeworlds_skin_converter_06_to_07 10:49 < bridge> 0.7 Pog 10:49 < bridge> ok it also uses cpp 10:50 < bridge> nvm xd 10:50 < bridge> C is one of the poggest high level languages 10:51 < bridge> i just can't decide what naming convention should my language have, so my idea is to look at few C projects and pick most used one :lol: 10:51 < bridge> just use rust one 10:51 < bridge> Direct3D 12 10:51 < bridge> when i very fist learned to code c++ 10:51 < bridge> 10:51 < bridge> i wrote stuff in snake_case completely 10:52 < bridge> UPPPER\_hybrid\_camelCase ofc 10:52 < bridge> good for rust, bcs otherwise i'd have probably hated it xd 10:52 < bridge> epyc 10:52 < bridge> i hate 10:52 < bridge> camelCase the most 10:52 < bridge> at this point I don’t care at all anymore 10:52 < bridge> javascript fanbodys 10:52 < bridge> javascript fanboys 10:53 < bridge> i also dont really care, you get used to it very quickly 10:53 < bridge> The only thing that scares me is having the function return type on a separate line 10:53 < bridge> what 10:53 < bridge> i no understand my bro 10:53 < bridge> Lots of OG do it 10:53 < bridge> int 10:53 < bridge> ah 10:53 < bridge> main() 10:53 < bridge> yeah 10:54 < bridge> yeah honestly, a language without a formatter is just pain 10:54 < bridge> @milkeeycat invest the next 2 months writing a formatter 10:54 < bridge> @milkeeycat: or do lua approach. Just don’t recommend any style xd 10:54 < bridge> I guess C does the same 10:55 < bridge> supertux 0.1.1 10:55 < bridge> man lua has way too much screentime in the ddnet movie 10:55 < bridge> Or do you write a Stdliv 10:55 < bridge> supertux 0.1.1 source code 10:55 < bridge> Xd 10:55 < bridge> It’s goat 10:55 < bridge> it sucks 10:55 * bridge but factario uses it, it must be epyc 10:56 < bridge> bam uses it 10:56 < bridge> And Roblox 10:56 < bridge> ah yeah 10:56 < bridge> that thing 10:56 < bridge> Two best software in the whole world 10:56 < bridge> i mean it's better than pyson 10:56 < bridge> React in lua 10:56 < bridge> but that isnt hard 10:57 < bridge> It compiles with a single Makefile 10:57 < bridge> Can’t beat that 10:57 < bridge> i'd rather rewrite whole ddnet in GLSL than to touch pyson or lua 10:57 < bridge> Wtf xd 10:58 < bridge> Jopsti 10:58 < bridge> Chiller 10:58 < bridge> Who better? 10:58 < bridge> It's about time right? 10:58 < bridge> pyson 10:59 < bridge> or 10:59 < bridge> java 10:59 < bridge> Time for wot 10:59 < bridge> wow, you force me to choice between two bad words 10:59 < bridge> but it's java 10:59 < bridge> Jopsti Java enjoyer confirmed 10:59 < bridge> i thought you wanted to tell me smth personal now 10:59 < bridge> I can do that too 11:00 < bridge> 😊 11:00 < bridge> Gender reveal 11:00 < bridge> Im male 11:00 < bridge> oh no 11:00 < bridge> how dare you 11:01 < bridge> chillerdragon: so how it's goin as male in asia? you found some asian wife alredy? 11:01 < bridge> chillerdragon: so how it's goin as male in asia? you found some asian wife already? 11:01 < bridge> No 11:01 < bridge> i thought u chillin on the swimming pool all day 11:01 < bridge> maybe... maybe yo- you're shy 11:01 < bridge> Would you believe me I am right now xd 11:01 < bridge> 😮 11:01 < bridge> ofc, you are the whole day 11:02 < bridge> leak 11:02 < bridge> make a photo from water (_so i can see water reflection :toptri: ) 11:02 < bridge> make a photo from water (_so i can see water reflection_ :toptri: ) 11:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266682201538301962/ima_2f79325.jpeg?ex=66a6093a&is=66a4b7ba&hm=b0e948b25541e5f60d2e2f1b29664b9fdfd8498dc4e7e1950fcf660cc7de9569& 11:03 < bridge> the angle is not good 11:03 < bridge> i cant see any water 11:03 < bridge> try from above, and look at your phone while doing so 11:03 < bridge> It’s water saving eco friendly pool 11:03 < bridge> let me call my geoguesser friends 11:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266682510381813781/ima_c1d4e24.jpeg?ex=66a60984&is=66a4b804&hm=564e19dc174689fb4aacf74eaabd7c131ac3cab3ea48f3458f508c66e944ee75& 11:04 < bridge> hot 11:04 < bridge> first piece of the exodia 11:04 < bridge> a nacked toe 11:04 < bridge> 😬 11:05 < bridge> toe reveal 11:05 < bridge> That would be twitch ban 11:05 < bridge> is my guess good? 11:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266682928080097381/image.png?ex=66a609e7&is=66a4b867&hm=eec14505e3624f3752ed164907be9e89a495a29154c228aec2880e1727ac4125& 11:06 < bridge> Woah pro geo guesser 11:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697145772801785876/1187339934252670996/Haraketli_Emoji_209.gif 11:06 < bridge> yeah the palms in the reflections revealed it 11:06 < bridge> i know them 11:06 < bridge> personally 11:06 < bridge> xd 11:07 < bridge> Such \#developer chat 11:13 < bridge> What's our required "hardware level"? Seems unused by us so I don't think we need to specify it https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/pm/PackageManager#FEATURE_VULKAN_HARDWARE_LEVEL 11:14 < bridge> Minimum hardware version is 1.1.0? 11:14 < bridge> yeah 11:14 < bridge> We can specify it as a non-required feature so it shouldn't interfere with old devices using OGL 11:21 < bridge> That's how i was writing c++ before ddnet 11:22 < bridge> I wanna try to make lsp 😬 11:29 < bridge> oy has revived 11:29 < bridge> tell him to give me the teeworlds repo 11:29 < bridge> denied 11:30 < bridge> you can appeal within 30 days 11:30 < bridge> before teeworlds dies again 11:30 < bridge> now he just merges anything xDD 11:30 < bridge> deen 2.0 11:31 < bridge> chillerdragon: it's your dream day 11:31 < bridge> chiller wake up 11:31 < bridge> party time 11:31 < bridge> u can finally say 0.7 lives as never before 11:31 < bridge> 😂 11:33 < bridge> Is OpenGL ES 1.0 supported on Android? The manifest says minimum is 3.0, but the 1.0.0 version appears in my ingame graphics settings 11:34 < bridge> @chillerdragon what did you write to matricks in your email xDD 11:34 < bridge> _kinda_ 11:34 < bridge> 11:34 < bridge> the old ddnet uses that 11:34 < bridge> So shouldn't we remove the `android:glEsVersion="0x00030000"` if we support any version? 11:35 < bridge> do you want to deal with phones that are ancient? 11:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266690535385464924/image.png?ex=66a610fd&is=66a4bf7d&hm=0cf4ee9b674305fbeb4d5cac3908d9e7df67187e9e43f70675baa37eab6331cd& 11:36 < bridge> ok, that leaves ~0% for 1.0 so we can probably ignore that, but what about 2.0? 11:37 < bridge> yeah the 2.0 count as 1.0 11:37 < bridge> GLES 2.0 is not supported by ddnet 11:37 < bridge> GLES 2.0 is very different from OpenGL 2.0 11:37 < bridge> hmm, but if 1.0 works then it could use that instead? 11:37 < bridge> but GLES 3.0 is almost OpenGL 3.3 11:38 < bridge> I assume that could work. i never tested it 11:38 < bridge> 11:38 < bridge> all emulators and phones that i have already have GLES 3 support 11:38 < bridge> so i didnt bother at all 11:38 < bridge> any device capable of 2.0 must also support the lower versions 11:38 < bridge> yeah 11:38 < bridge> did u ever try on older sdks? 11:38 < bridge> did the emulators even work for you? 11:38 < bridge> i remember nothiing under android 6 worked for me 11:39 < bridge> ndks* 11:39 < bridge> well target version 11:39 < bridge> no, I'm not sure if that is easily possible anymore because new ndk versions don't support old API anymore 11:39 < bridge> dunno how it's called lmao 11:39 < bridge> mh ok 11:39 < bridge> well you'll have to deal with those ppl then :lol: 11:40 < bridge> if the opengl chart is right 11:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266691735266922567/image.png?ex=66a6121b&is=66a4c09b&hm=99761136e03230c050252004c17ad0e278094a884ba953d18e4219f71a9b5dc8& 11:40 < bridge> then we can assume a potion of android 6 & 7 users also has no GLES 3 11:41 < bridge> but it could also be that this potion are users with custom roms, which do it mostly for fun 11:41 < bridge> hard to say 11:42 < bridge> our min API is 19 so we support every system in this graph technically 11:42 < bridge> 💀 11:42 < bridge> heinrich some porn for your eyes 11:44 < bridge> well be prepared for weirdest crashes on android anyway 11:44 < bridge> i've seen some crash reports in google play console 11:44 < bridge> they crash completely random xD 11:48 < bridge> Not sure if crash logs from release builds without debug info are any usable 11:48 < bridge> We are not storing the proguard symbol mapping, so any crashes on the Java side would be unreadable 11:48 < bridge> you can do the same as we do rn 11:48 < bridge> build with deb info 11:48 < bridge> strip them 11:48 < bridge> see the backtrace 11:49 < bridge> the play console gives you a stacktrace similar to the windows thing we use 11:49 < bridge> just unix style 11:49 < bridge> even better the play console let's you upload debug symbols separately 11:50 < bridge> but tbh, what java side 11:50 < bridge> sdl is out of our reach anyway 11:50 < bridge> For every architecture separately, I guess 11:51 < bridge> yeah, only 45 lines of Java code right now 11:51 < bridge> cant remember xd 11:51 < bridge> I don't know how it works with native libraries 11:51 < bridge> If you use proguard you can upload the mapping files 11:51 < bridge> i can log into my play console when my brother is back from holiday 11:51 < bridge> did u ever use the play console? 11:51 < bridge> yeah 11:52 < bridge> ah nice 11:52 < bridge> but not recently 11:52 < bridge> and the UI moves fast 11:52 < bridge> yeah xd 11:52 < bridge> Are you guys seeing this?? Oy merging stuff 11:53 < bridge> 0.7 fanboys get wet, no joke 11:53 < bridge> NO WAAAY 11:53 < bridge> Chillerdragon just perished from the amount of joy 11:53 < bridge> aaaaaaaaaa 11:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266695053653442571/image.png?ex=66a61532&is=66a4c3b2&hm=1e1836fe653e20d2a9aea78a9f914ec6259394cb38477ff5bbf52fd056b9eb1b& 11:53 < bridge> AAAAAAAAAAAA 11:54 < bridge> after a year drought or something huh 11:55 < bridge> robyte is now ddnet admin, teeworlds is dead 11:55 < bridge> 😬 11:56 < bridge> What if oy steals back our robyt and then ddnet dies instead? 11:56 < bridge> Steals back? Was robyt a teeworlds contributor? 11:57 < bridge> Steals back? Was Robyt a teeworlds contributor? 11:57 < bridge> i'll gladly take his admin spot 11:57 < bridge> then he should at least give me access to teeworlds repo 11:57 < bridge> XD 11:57 < bridge> teeworlds-pg 11:58 < bridge> 😏 11:58 < bridge> teeworlds postgresql? :thonk: 11:58 < bridge> yes 11:58 < bridge> АААААААААААААААААААА 11:58 < bridge> when teeworlds-mongodb webscale? xd 12:01 < bridge> АААААААА[ААААААААА]()АААААААА 12:01 < bridge> as soon as you add mongodb support to it 12:01 < bridge> i'd ofc accept that feature 12:01 < bridge> just for ryo's meme 12:01 < bridge> im postgres guy 12:01 < bridge> ElasticSearch when? 12:02 < bridge> Or BigQuery 12:02 < bridge> web3 teeworlds to store all shit in blockchain 12:03 < bridge> Store inputs in the blockchain too 12:03 < bridge> 15 minute input lag 12:13 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/thanos-vanish-gif-20470261 12:21 < bridge> http://shroobie.com/ can someone tell me if i'm hackable 12:30 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1722076200.png 12:30 < ws-client> aaaaaaaaaaaaa 12:33 < bridge> no https 12:33 < bridge> so yes, you are hackable 12:33 < bridge> someone could give you a completely different website with a virus 12:35 < bridge> well i get errors in console besides that, some websocket cannot be opened 12:37 < bridge> ye i need to get https up 🫤 12:37 < bridge> caddy server 12:37 < bridge> ez 12:38 < bridge> reverse proxy 12:39 < ws-client> @robyt3 this isnt 0.8 is it? xd https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/pull/3140 12:39 < ws-client> if oy creates 0.8 today i rq 12:39 < bridge> this? 12:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266706587863482378/image.png?ex=66a61ff0&is=66a4ce70&hm=a3bc9792d451cc2aa262e2ccf63bf78b422914574bded638595777c2409dbd41& 12:39 < bridge> idk how this even appeared xd 12:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266706664124583986/image.png?ex=66a62002&is=66a4ce82&hm=0e7ec21d6eac7192975bde16cb21dda5e7fee81e2c59dbaa028fe808be17a9d8& 12:40 < bridge> cant have 0.8 without water feature 12:40 < bridge> at least the first looks important 12:40 < bridge> ah 12:40 < bridge> chillerdragon: so what was in your mail to matricks 12:40 < bridge> leak it 12:41 < bridge> how did u manage to trigger this event 12:41 < ws-client> i didnt write it 12:41 < ws-client> i should have 12:41 < bridge> oof 12:41 < ws-client> if i had known oy comes back i would have written 10 mails before that 12:41 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ im not sure if matricks has email notifactions so i wanted to ask him if he saw https://github.com/matricks/bam/pull/164 12:41 < bridge> write matricks about your bam pr 12:41 < bridge> Not really 0.8, just adds support in the versionsrv (which probably should have been replaced by a HTTPS endpoint years ago) 12:42 < ws-client> now the teeworlds pipeline is almost passing it was passing in teeworlds-community for a while just recently broke and im blocked by matricks to fix it again 12:42 < ws-client> now since oy is gone for another year after this the tw pipeline keeps being broken 12:42 < ws-client> @jxsl13 its too late now 12:42 < ws-client> phew @robyt3 12:44 < bridge> maybe oy will be active tomorrow as well 12:44 < bridge> don't loose hope 12:44 < bridge> ! 12:44 < bridge> can't he just add another maintainer? 12:45 < ws-client> sure @jxsl13 xd 12:45 < ws-client> @louis no because oy refuses to join irc since a long time now 12:45 < ws-client> @louis he also ignores mails 12:45 < ws-client> and github ping 12:45 < bridge> what a bum 12:45 < ws-client> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/oy-plz-come-irc 12:45 < bridge> come to his house and tell him about your prs 12:45 < ws-client> also there isnt really someone who wants to be the official responsible maintainer @louis 12:46 < ws-client> i would love to see are more distributed approach where a hand full people get merge powers and they can review if they find time 12:46 < ws-client> dont get me wrong dictators are amazing 12:46 < bridge> neither does oy, so 😅 12:46 < ws-client> just not when they are afk 12:48 < ws-client> ddnet is officially dead 12:48 < ws-client> long live teeworlds 12:48 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1722077298.png 12:48 < ws-client> heinrich and deen being afk for 2 months piled quite a backlog 12:48 < ws-client> teeworlds is down to below 50 open prs 12:51 < bridge> ddnets downfall hast just begun 12:53 < bridge> what is ddnet? 12:53 < bridge> exactly 12:53 < bridge> xD 13:04 < bridge> ddnets downfall has~~t~~ just begun 13:06 < bridge> omg now we'll never be able to remove 0.7 compatibility 13:06 < bridge> yes!!!! 13:06 < bridge> chiller will jerkoff about how oy suddenly showed up and merged 10prs a month ago 13:06 < ws-client> its exciting 13:06 < ws-client> but it was also kinda expected 13:06 < ws-client> i was hoping that this time he joins irc tho 13:07 < ws-client> so im actually more in a down mood 13:07 < bridge> cool. is 0.7 now actually good? xdd 13:07 < ws-client> no 13:07 < ws-client> but less shit 13:07 < bridge> xD 13:07 < bridge> just skip 0.7 and go straight to 0.8 13:08 < ws-client> pls no 0.8 13:08 < ws-client> when people say 0.7 i never really know what they refer to 13:08 < bridge> teeworlds 13:08 < ws-client> you mean the client not the protocol? 13:08 < bridge> yes 13:08 < ws-client> a few things changed in the 0.7 protocol too 13:08 < ws-client> and in the client as well 13:08 < ws-client> today 13:08 < bridge> :D 13:09 < ws-client> The biggest highlight might be the editor fix 13:09 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_fuA6Vt_c4 13:09 < bridge> 0.7 will never die 13:09 < ws-client> wait idk if it got merged 13:09 < bridge> ``` 13:09 < bridge> cargo clean 13:09 < bridge> Removed 201210 files, 111.5GiB total 13:09 < bridge> ``` 13:09 < bridge> 13:09 < bridge> nothing as amazing as executing this command from time to time 13:10 < ws-client> yea thats the most exciting thing of today i think xd @teero777 https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/pull/3222 13:10 < ws-client> you can actually create maps again 13:11 < bridge> lol xD 13:12 < bridge> ive never used the teeworlds map editor. is it better than ddnets? 13:12 < bridge> not anymore 13:13 < bridge> not after ppl fixed ddnet's broken editor xd 13:13 < bridge> mostly archi & robyster 13:13 < bridge> and marmade 13:13 < ws-client> ddnet editor is waaay ahead 13:13 < bridge> ddpg editor best 13:14 < bridge> i am totally not biased 13:14 < bridge> do you have an editor? 13:14 < bridge> yes 13:14 < bridge> the fastest in the west 13:14 < bridge> haha teeworlds compiles with 200 warnings 13:14 < bridge> the only language is english?! 13:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266715455146557460/image.png?ex=66a62832&is=66a4d6b2&hm=bc5a8cb77c5ce6ca40a24040b5cbc826fcc2c0642277fc5a56dda9772d9fca1b& 13:15 < bridge> xD 13:15 < bridge> u have to checkout the data dir 13:15 < bridge> yea 13:15 < bridge> ehm 13:15 < bridge> ok 13:17 < bridge> if u want to compare. here i brush the whole game layer of the map "nostalgia" at ~40fps 13:17 < bridge> 13:17 < bridge> might not sound impressive, but do that in ddnet editor 😂 13:17 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266716087408529408/image.png?ex=66a628c9&is=66a4d749&hm=8f30b8f4111b51ff4f297a03db19ba848bba49b52bff1f227b30bfde57b3e0df& 13:18 < ws-client> just buy more ram 13:18 < bridge> what is that editor? xD 13:18 < bridge> the editor uses much more VRAM for sure xD 13:18 < ws-client> ddpg 13:18 < bridge> i even streamed it for you once 13:18 < bridge> lmao 13:18 < ws-client> jujapjapyingernetwork-rs 13:19 < bridge> the best i can do in ddnet editor 13:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266716581648400424/image.png?ex=66a6293f&is=66a4d7bf&hm=bd3496f8f5643c6b9b29cbbc55f8aefc601db2f48764d3b636959409f5a1b2cd& 13:19 < bridge> it doesnt let me zoom out more 13:20 < bridge> what causes it to have that glow 13:20 < bridge> wth is it not possible to zoom in 0.7? 13:21 < bridge> what glow do you mean 13:22 < bridge> around the unhookables 😹 13:22 < bridge> they are radioactive 13:22 < bridge> ah you mean the blur? 13:22 < bridge> ya 13:22 < ws-client> @teero777 no zoom was always a ddrace client only cheat 13:23 < ws-client> did you start playing after ddnet was already a thing? 13:23 < bridge> i just tried some stuff out, e.g. while selecting blur layers under it 13:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266717489585197066/image.png?ex=66a62a17&is=66a4d897&hm=239d98c5a07d12cd252452b9cbcefab6d434e312d750b084f23aced041e00e91& 13:23 < bridge> to hightlight it 13:23 < bridge> i dunno xd 13:23 < bridge> yes 13:23 < bridge> i first played the game in 2017 13:24 < ws-client> I always thought its common knowledge that zoom is considered a cheat 13:24 < ws-client> sure technically it could be allowed for specs 13:24 < bridge> oh wow you didnt know 13:24 < bridge> boomer 13:24 < bridge> ah not wait 13:24 < bridge> anti boomer 13:24 < bridge> zoomer 13:24 < bridge> ah no wait 13:24 < ws-client> Go send pr to add zoom and Oy might merge it in a year 13:24 < bridge> you too young 13:24 < bridge> xD 13:24 < bridge> real boomers would have known 13:24 < ws-client> together with all the other 50 prs he merges without looking at them 13:25 < bridge> but dont name it "add zoom" 13:25 < bridge> LGTM 13:25 < bridge> name it "fix editor" 13:25 < bridge> and he merges 13:25 < bridge> xDDD 13:25 < ws-client> call it fix editor 2 13:25 < ws-client> or he says "mimimi all development should be done on the editor2 branch" 13:25 < ws-client> Add a full on backdoor and call it "fix typo" 13:26 < ws-client> I am preparing that stunt since a few years now 13:26 < bridge> xD 13:26 < bridge> XDDD 13:26 < bridge> "why is my antivirus saying ddnet is a trojan?" 13:26 < bridge> "why is my antivirus saying Teeworlds is a trojan?" 13:30 < ws-client> They say Jia Tan was a state funded hacker group playing the long game and building github credibility since 2021 to do xz backdoors 13:31 < ws-client> I am brain washing heinrich, deen and oy into trusting my typo prs since 8 years 13:31 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1722079854.png 13:31 < bridge> nice 13:31 < ws-client> if one of them will be a full on backdoor nobody will see it coming 13:31 < bridge> i also trust you 13:31 < bridge> it worked 13:34 < bridge> chiller injecting invisible utf8 characters which restructure the whole codebase into a virus. 13:35 < bridge> dyn cam is also a cheat 13:35 < bridge> 🔥 13:36 < ws-client> yes dyn cam is a hot topic xd 13:36 < ws-client> but its in the official client since a while sooo... 13:36 < ws-client> not using it sadly has to be considered a skill issue 13:36 < bridge> time to throw it out 13:36 < bridge> >:D 13:37 < ws-client> hm Oy is responding to my github comments 13:37 < ws-client> feels like talking to a ghost 13:37 < ws-client> i have the urge to text him come irc 13:37 < ws-client> is he online on discord? 13:37 < ws-client> @oy 13:37 < ws-client> whats his name? 13:38 < bridge> I don't think he's on discord 13:38 < ws-client> thanks for checking 13:38 < bridge> But I mailed him :d 13:38 < ws-client> lol 13:39 < bridge> 😮 13:39 < ws-client> good luck 13:39 < bridge> HamidReza > ChillerDragon 13:39 < ws-client> what did you mail him? 13:39 < bridge> facts 13:39 < bridge> Asked him to join irc 13:39 < ws-client> epic 13:39 < bridge> Actually I mailed him yesterday to tell him to update the repo lmao 13:39 < ws-client> no you didnt 13:39 < bridge> chiller man 13:40 < bridge> he's destroying your reputation with single sentences here 13:40 < ws-client> wait did you? 13:40 < bridge> Actually I mailed him yesterday to ask him to update the repo lmao 13:40 < bridge> Yeah 13:40 < ws-client> REALLY? 13:40 < ws-client> this is you? 13:40 < ws-client> go leak the email 13:40 < bridge> xddd 13:40 < bridge> You can't see images through irc can u? 13:40 < ws-client> not his email thats public git email i guess 13:40 < ws-client> but the text u wrote 13:40 < ws-client> no sadly not 13:41 < bridge> fakin discord banned image exposing recently 13:41 < bridge> but i can spawn some matrix client and see it there 13:41 < bridge> Yeah the one in his profile 13:41 < bridge> what did u write tho 13:41 < bridge> he never responded to my death threats 13:42 < bridge> He didn't respond to me either but 13:42 < bridge> lawyer jopsti do i have to mark this as a joke? 13:42 < bridge> chillerdragon -> spam ->Y trash bin >:D 13:42 < bridge> chillerdragon -> spam -> trash bin >:D 13:42 < ws-client> -.- 13:43 < bridge> chillerdragon: write to him from all your email accounts :justatest: 13:43 < ws-client> yea thats totally getting me out of his spam 13:48 < ws-client> ok fak it im emailing papa magnus now 13:49 < ws-client> @hamidreza6 omg ur cherryex? 13:49 < ws-client> name reveal 13:50 < bridge> I thought you knew :d 13:50 < ws-client> i had no idea 13:50 < bridge> I told you once in irc quite some time ago 13:50 < ws-client> hamidreza is the kind of name that doesn't stick in my brain sorri 13:51 < bridge> Yeah that's why I have a second one lol 13:51 < bridge> at least on github 13:51 < ws-client> consitentcy would be better :p 13:51 < ws-client> who is the chilled dragon to tell ppl how to name them self 13:53 < bridge> I hate my name as well that's also another reason lol 13:54 < ws-client> ah no 13:54 < ws-client> that sounds so sad :( 13:54 < ws-client> i feel bad for saying i cant remember it now 14:06 < bridge> oof name reveal 14:15 < bridge> omfg also didnt know 14:15 < bridge> lmao 14:18 < bridge> Some devs knew. I thought you share this info; there's no reason to announce a name change lol. 14:19 < bridge> quickly post in #announcements 14:25 < bridge> why isn't it possible in assembly :feelsbadman: 14:25 < bridge> ``` 14:25 < bridge> mov byte ptr [rbp - 2], byte ptr [rbp - 1] 14:25 < bridge> ``` 14:25 < ws-client> lgtm 14:25 < ws-client> idk what `ptr` means xd 14:26 < bridge> in nasm it's just `byte` without `ptr` 14:26 < bridge> i use `gas` 14:26 < ws-client> Ah gnu normie 14:26 < ws-client> As a german i can not use `gas` for historical reasons 14:27 < ws-client> `ptr` sounds like its a pointer xd 14:28 < bridge> it's not an assembly limitation, it's an architectural limitation of 8086 14:28 < bridge> indirect to indirect is not an addressing mode it supports 14:29 < bridge> funfact, one of the 8086 addressing modes is called the "based mode" 14:30 < bridge> is it as based as it sounds? 14:30 < bridge> no 14:30 < bridge> 👎 14:31 < ws-client> i have no idea wat u do milkeey 14:31 < ws-client> arent u using llvm and it does everything for you? 14:31 < ws-client> why do you need assembly 14:31 < bridge> i raw dawg everything myself 14:31 < bridge> ryo is using llvm 14:31 < ws-client> no llvm? 14:31 < bridge> im writing my own useless shit xd 14:31 < bridge> no you don't, generate bytecode, no balls 14:31 < ws-client> watafak 14:32 < bridge> https://github.com/MilkeeyCat/meraki/blob/main/src/archs/amd64.rs here's all the assembly xd 14:33 < ws-client> gigaCat 14:33 < bridge> gotta be fast 14:42 < bridge> are there architectures which support it? 14:43 < bridge> Idk of any actually used ones, but there are ISAs that have it 14:43 < bridge> Idk of any actually currently used ones, but there are ISAs that have it 14:47 < bridge> There is `MOVS` in x86 too but it has weird unexpected behaviour 14:50 < bridge> seems to work, hell yeah 14:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1266739462436687926/image.png?ex=66a63e8e&is=66a4ed0e&hm=84743e77ccf7a97c6e095e0be27f9fa05120fb02035032bb3420d20e5dd2a0e8& 15:03 < bridge> nice 15:04 < bridge> glad oy did his yearly PR's, maybe teeworlds 0.8 will release in 3 years! 15:05 < bridge> roby and chiller need to put more prs in the pipeline for next time. 15:06 < bridge> fr 15:07 < bridge> maybe with a bit of luck we can get oy to add a new maintainer if he reads irc or joins discord 15:10 < bridge> he would never do that 15:11 < ws-client> woah tezcan 15:11 < ws-client> helo 15:12 < bridge> I awakened the Tez by saying ddrace is abourt racing 15:12 < bridge> about 15:12 < bridge> and not ddracing 15:13 < bridge> Important distinction 15:13 < bridge> chiller are u still against discord 15:20 < ws-client> i am still against discord. Long time no seen @Tezcan u still play actively? 15:23 < bridge> not really, i play race occasionally 15:23 < bridge> what about you 15:23 < ws-client> im afk for a year due to ping 15:24 < ws-client> my first tw break but all in all im still a full on tw gamer and i will return to playing daily for multiple hours in janauary at least thats the plan 15:27 < bridge> Why ping, are you somewhere else 15:28 < ws-client> yea im indonesia with only my laptop 15:28 < ws-client> I think the next data center is a few islands away and i only have buggy wifi and a laptop 16:18 < bridge> 🙂 16:19 < bridge> insane 16:19 < bridge> gotta keep the github stats up! 16:21 < bridge> shots fired 16:21 < bridge> af 16:21 < bridge> it even hurts me 17:25 < bridge> @morpheus_tyler heyyy!! 18:31 < bridge> Hi all! I have already grown very old, buried my wife, raised children, built a house and planted a tree. Any news about the mobile version of the game? 18:32 < bridge> and yes, I still don’t have a computer 18:34 < bridge> can you please stop asking 18:34 < bridge> subscribe to #announcements 18:34 < bridge> why? 18:34 < bridge> because it's very unpolite 18:34 < bridge> devs clearly said there is no timeline 18:34 < bridge> there is absolutely no news in this section 18:35 < bridge> #announcements always contains the most important news 18:36 < bridge> the devs talked first about the week, then about the next version. Now they just refuse. Maybe we should still make at least some kind of statement to the public so that there are no more questions? 18:36 < bridge> nobody said " it releases next week" 18:36 < bridge> find the quote 18:37 < bridge> said that *there will be news in a week* 18:37 < bridge> quote please 18:37 < bridge> yeah, just a second 18:44 < bridge> The news will be in just about a week as what "a second" is for you 😉 18:45 < bridge> I apologize, I read it wrong. But I found something. yes, this is a little different, and there were no promises, but it still turns out offensive 18:46 < bridge> i mean there is an open pr and there is a internal test version 18:46 < bridge> that is quite some progress i'd say 18:46 < bridge> my Discord decided to crash, the screenshot was not sent 18:48 < bridge> we will never stop asking 'bout accounts 😬 18:49 < bridge> Please forgive me, I still can’t figure it out with discord. For some reason I can't send a screenshot. Now I'll tag you 18:59 < bridge> ChillderDragon: i have another one for u: collision.h line:49 `void SetDTile(float x, float y, bool State);` is an orphan function declaration 18:59 < bridge> go fix it xd 18:59 < bridge> ChillerDragon: i have another one for u: collision.h line:49 `void SetDTile(float x, float y, bool State);` is an orphan function declaration 19:00 < bridge> he does not need to rush, next prs will be merged in 2025 xd 19:44 < bridge> https://github.com/rust-windowing/raw-window-handle/blob/5fda8e8420b069368e9450e70c2869e32dcdffc1/src/lib.rs#L366-L375 19:44 < bridge> 19:44 < bridge> this is the most cursed error i have ever heard of. 19:44 < bridge> i wonder if SDL handles that in any way and how generally other libs deal with it. 19:44 < bridge> I've never heard of this, but indeed i get exactly this error right now. Now i have to wait... wait for what? XDD 19:47 < bridge> i can only assume that they mean that i should wait for a WindowCreate event by the window event loop 19:47 < bridge> anything else would be so random xD 20:57 < bridge> uh i could use c instead of cpp if c could provide some cool generics out of box 20:57 < bridge> _Generic is just useless 21:00 < bridge> i saw people yapping about mangling but can't you like standardize them? it sounds a hard (for me at least) to make but better than to have nothing imho 21:01 < bridge> just use c++ then ^^ 21:03 < bridge> trying to mess with c17-c23 xd 21:04 < bridge> its fun but being forced to use void* to store random data makes programs a bit slower 21:05 < bridge> by c17-c23 i mean c11 for sure xd 21:09 < bridge> i like that part 21:09 < bridge> > ISO have automatically cancelled ISO/IEC 9899:2023 21:09 < bridge> > *Seacord*: Here’s the C23 schedule. We are trying to get published before the standard is automatically canceled. Nothing most people on the committee can do about that at the moment. We keep submitting versions of the standard and the ISO editor keeps rejecting it. Hopefully we are iterating towards agreement. I heard from David Keaton what a pain it is and am now experiencing it first-hand. Mostly a pain for Meneide. 21:09 < bridge> 21:09 < bridge> > ISO have automatically cancelled ISO/IEC 9899:2023 21:09 < bridge> i like that part 21:09 < bridge> 21:10 < bridge> > *Seacord*: Here’s the C23 schedule. We are trying to get published before the standard is automatically canceled. Nothing most people on the committee can do about that at the moment. We keep submitting versions of the standard and the ISO editor keeps rejecting it. Hopefully we are iterating towards agreement. I heard from David Keaton what a pain it is and am now experiencing it first-hand. Mostly a pain for Meneide. 21:10 < bridge> 21:10 < bridge> > ISO have automatically cancelled ISO/IEC 9899:2023 21:13 < bridge> i wish msvc will roll out their c23 implementation before 2069 comes 21:33 < bridge> is it a bad idea to implement a trait for an enum when only some of variants can be used to call this method. it will never be used by a user and even if it will crash, it's a skill issue and should be fixed. here's an example: 21:33 < bridge> ```rust 21:33 < bridge> impl<'a> std::ops::Add for MoveDestination<'a> { 21:33 < bridge> type Output = Self; 21:33 < bridge> 21:33 < bridge> fn add(self, rhs: usize) -> Self::Output { 21:33 < bridge> match self { 21:33 < bridge> Self::Local(offset) => Self::Local(offset + rhs), 21:33 < bridge> _ => unreachable!(), 21:33 < bridge> } 21:33 < bridge> } 21:33 < bridge> } 21:33 < bridge> ``` 21:34 < bridge> @RUSt_andies 21:34 < bridge> whoops :justatest: 21:47 < bridge> qq 21:47 < bridge> yes. don't implement the trait there