00:02 < bridge> <0xdeen> Doesn't android have its own native ssl library? Maybe use that instead of openssl 00:05 < bridge> http://github.com/headshot2017/ddnet-3ds/releases 00:05 < bridge> this port feels much more stable than the other 3 consoles i've ported it to so i went and released the ROM for it 00:05 < bridge> this port feels much more stable than the other 3 consoles i've ported the game to so i went and released the ROM for it 00:05 < bridge> this port feels much more stable than the other 3 consoles i've ported the game to, so i went and released the ROM for it 00:06 < bridge> <0xdeen> Oh well: 00:06 < bridge> <0xdeen> > Note that this does not give you SSL/TLS support. If you need SSL/TLS, you have to build curl with a SSL/TLS library, e.g. OpenSSL, because it is impossible for curl to access Android's native SSL/TLS layer. 00:06 < bridge> <0xdeen> Can we use native Android https layer instead or would that be too much work? 00:09 < bridge> <0xdeen> @headshotnoby Why DDNet 9 btw? 00:09 < bridge> <0xdeen> Because last version with SDL1? 00:11 < bridge> it's been the easiest version for me to make ports of 00:11 < bridge> SDL gets replaced with system calls during the porting process 00:11 < bridge> SDL gets replaced with system functions during the porting process 00:54 < bridge> @headshotnoby: when contribute your stuff to the SDL repo hehe 00:54 < bridge> :justatest: 05:42 < bridge> gm 07:03 < bridge> is there any way to anti-alias things like the vote progress circle? 07:09 < bridge> u can turn on aa for the whole game 07:09 < bridge> otherwise no 07:11 < bridge> where @mpft 07:11 < bridge> well im sure the vote timer circle can be aliased, i meant like in the code somehow 07:11 < bridge> not currently 07:12 < bridge> u could write a shader or implement it in software 07:12 < bridge> actually none of the ui elements have anti aliasing i guess 08:15 < bridge> 1158 files changed 08:15 < bridge> :justatest: 08:28 < bridge> why are there coauthored commits 08:29 < bridge> oh those were real 08:29 < bridge> just old 09:34 < bridge> oh neat: 09:34 < bridge> 09:34 < bridge> https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/issues/3243 09:34 < bridge> 09:34 < bridge> apparently i subscribed to that thread a few years ago xD 09:34 < bridge> since we talk about android currently, this would allow us to query the display cutout 10:35 < bridge> Does SDL2 not work for PS2 or N3DS for example? There seems to be a PS2 specific renderer and PS2 and N3DS joystick implementations in the SDL2 source code 10:37 < bridge> do our other libs even work for these platforms? 10:37 < bridge> curl and stuff 10:37 < bridge> Would definitely be more work than the currently suggested workaround of copying the ca bundle to your own storage 10:39 < bridge> Looks like there are existing ports of the libraries, e.g. for 3DS 10:39 < bridge> https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php?title=Compiling_ScummVM/Nintendo_3DS 10:39 < bridge> mh ok 10:39 < bridge> considering we already have trouble with android, i wouldn't want to do such stuff xD 10:40 < bridge> ddnet 9 used opengl to render graphics anyway so that's out of the question 10:40 < bridge> (graphics.cpp) 10:41 < bridge> What if we had an SDL-renderer based backend? 10:41 < bridge> yeah, what if, i've yet to see one implemented on ddnet 10:41 < bridge> it might be too slow for the console ports either way 10:41 < bridge> I mean, what other changes were necessary? Did you rip out SDL completely? 10:41 < bridge> yes 10:42 < bridge> for all the console ports 10:42 < bridge> chillerdragon: probably use the teeworlds license at least for the parts that you translated 1:1 10:43 < bridge> I see. At least according to the source code, using SDL for PS2 seems feasible though. There is also a PS2 specific renderer which uses the PS2 native API I guess. 10:44 < bridge> @heinrich5991: so have two license files? 10:44 < bridge> i used a library bundled with ps2sdk called "gsKit" for rendering graphics on the ps2 port 10:44 < bridge> @headshotnoby when will you port to gameboy advance 10:44 < bridge> :justatest: 10:45 < bridge> @heinrich5991: sounds messy i would have to move it to some external/ folder and then have a own license there like teeworlds does it for their dependencies i guess 10:45 < bridge> chillerdragon: if you want. you don't have to, though. teeworlds has licenses for multiple things in https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/blob/a1911c8f7d8458fb4076ef8e7651e8ef5e91ab3e/license.txt, if you want 10:48 < bridge> and i can integrated other license code just like that on a per file basis fully mixed into the code? 10:48 < bridge> so weird 10:49 < bridge> I have to hand pick all the snippets of code through the entire protocol lib that are too close and add some notes to the readme 10:50 < bridge> at this point sue me thats too messy for me 10:50 < bridge> alone the maintenance when restructuring the code is not worth the legal consequences 10:52 < bridge> In luluworlds i just claimed magnus did the original implementation of the entire code base xd. Thats wrong but at least its not as messy as saying which parts are too close and which arent 10:52 < bridge> 10:52 < bridge> https://github.com/luluworlds/luluworlds/blob/3a05b8d45b0b8f0bfcc8b5acee1efbcf2e448cbc/LICENSE 10:53 < bridge> that works 10:54 < bridge> thanks lawyer heino 11:13 < bridge> can we remove this from the ddnet client browser? 11:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265597764210003979/image.png?ex=66a21744&is=66a0c5c4&hm=8833193e79fb5416ddb2617f25d25650745efa2d92f74d3f001f2699ed06942a& 11:16 < bridge> yes 11:17 < bridge> what do those servers have to break the compatibility with ddnet lol 11:18 < bridge> Can I get a link to the repository? 11:18 < bridge> they simply don't want ddnet clients to work on their servers 11:18 < bridge> no extra features AFAIK 11:18 < bridge> work in progress currently 11:19 < bridge> #8632 11:19 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8632 11:19 < bridge> A! 11:22 < bridge> should have been called lalaland. 11:33 < bridge> They want people to use their own closed source client 11:33 < bridge> Ah heinrich replied. Thanks discord mobile client for keeping my chat up to date 11:37 < bridge> thats wild 11:37 < bridge> i trained a really simple classification model on all the irc logs 11:37 < bridge> wouldnt be surprised if that would be some troll backdoor stuff 11:37 < bridge> its only 50% accuracy though. it guesses depending on the message who out of the top 20 developer chatters said it 11:38 < bridge> although the model is simple enough to train on a laptop ^^ maybe i'll see if it can get to a respectable number on google colab or something 11:38 < bridge> Now turn it around and try to generate a thing heinrich would say 11:40 < bridge> cool 😮 11:42 < bridge> when release 11:42 < bridge> i want to talk to myself 11:43 < bridge> it's just classification. it can only *tell* you that you're apparently talking to yourself 11:50 < bridge> Fun fact, it's actually possible to select multiple things if you hold ctrl 11:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265607150504247316/image.png?ex=66a22002&is=66a0ce82&hm=3ecb8c206fdb41ad1595b89ebfa4846d11ab0926cf159810ad7b45ffd1354461& 11:51 < bridge> likely depends heavily on the program 11:51 < bridge> I found it works in firefox 11:51 < bridge> it's firefox 11:52 < bridge> chrome apparently doesn't implement it 11:52 < bridge> how can it be even useful? xd 11:53 < bridge> chillerdragon: this is for you: https://pnut.sh/ 12:07 < bridge> doesn't work in chromium, common chromium L 12:07 < bridge> firefox 🇹🇩 12:08 < bridge> now we need electron based on firefox 12:08 < bridge> else it aint work in my epyc desktop web apps 12:09 < bridge> now we need to invent a time machine, go back in time and beat the guy who invented electron 12:15 < bridge> there is gonna be a website redirect in the vpn ban message? 12:19 < bridge> yo how could this result in UB? 12:19 < bridge> ```cpp 12:19 < bridge> if(v.empty()) 12:19 < bridge> return; 12:19 < bridge> int Index = 0; 12:19 < bridge> while(1) 12:19 < bridge> Index = ++Index % v.size(); 12:19 < bridge> ``` 12:19 < bridge> ``` 12:19 < bridge> warning: operation on ‘Index’ may be undefined [-Wsequence-point] 12:19 < bridge> 155 | Index = ++Index % v.size(); 12:19 < bridge> ``` 12:21 < bridge> The code you provided can potentially result in undefined behavior (UB) due to the specific operation in the loop. Let's break it down: 12:21 < bridge> 12:21 < bridge> ```cpp 12:21 < bridge> if(v.empty()) 12:21 < bridge> return; 12:21 < bridge> int Index = 0; 12:21 < bridge> while(1) 12:21 < bridge> Index = ++Index % v.size(); 12:21 < bridge> ``` 12:21 < bridge> 12:21 < bridge> ### Explanation: 12:21 < bridge> 12:21 < bridge> 1. **Check for Empty Vector:** 12:21 < bridge> ```cpp 12:21 < bridge> if(v.empty()) 12:21 < bridge> return; 12:21 < bridge> ``` 12:21 < bridge> This part is safe. If the vector `v` is empty, the function returns immediately. 12:21 < bridge> 12:21 < bridge> 2. **Initialization:** 12:21 < bridge> ```cpp 12:21 < bridge> int Index = 0; 12:21 < bridge> ``` 12:21 < bridge> This initializes `Index` to 0. Again, this is safe. 12:21 < bridge> 12:21 < bridge> 3. **Infinite Loop:** 12:21 < bridge> ```cpp 12:21 < bridge> while(1) 12:21 < bridge> Index = ++Index % v.size(); 12:21 < bridge> ``` 12:21 < bridge> This is where the problem lies. The warning `operation on ‘Index’ may be undefined [-Wsequence-point]` points to a potential issue with the expression `Index = ++Index % v.size();`. 12:22 < bridge> There is no sequence point 12:22 < bridge> Ew chat gpt 12:22 < bridge> @fluffysnaff no spam please 12:22 < bridge> huh wdym? 12:22 < bridge> they deleted my messages 12:22 < bridge> ah lool 12:22 < bridge> ah lol 12:23 < bridge> can't have some fun in ddnet, said same thing as learath but in gpt 12:23 < bridge> `Index = ++Index` is already UB because there is no sequence point between two accesses to `Index` 12:24 < bridge> at least the compiler detects it… 12:24 < bridge> ah okay 12:24 < bridge> `Index = ++Index` is already UB because there is no sequence point between two writes to `Index` 12:30 < bridge> @learath2 Yo, do you think a parser should know what architecture it parses data for? Before I was thinking that only codegen should know about architecture because it has to spit out platform dependent stuff and it was working so far, but now I need to set stack offset for local variables in symbol table and in happens in parser and it currently can't get the size of a variable because it doesn't know architecture, what do you think 'bout it? x 12:31 < bridge> Why does your parser know what even a variable is? 12:31 < bridge> :thonk: 12:32 < bridge> I wonder how good it works. Their website looks really cool. I don’t think it’s very useful for me tho. C already runs everywhere and is fast. It’s mostly the other way around I would need it. I would like to have my shell scripts to run as fast as C. 12:32 < bridge> Your lexer should be spitting out a list of identifiers along with their types and where they need to be stored. Then as a step in codegen you should figure out how big that type is and then calculate the needed stuff 12:34 < bridge> @heinrich5991: I am really impressed if it can turn the GCC code base into a shell script. Having a fully functional C compiler in pure POSIX shell would be really cool hehe 12:35 < bridge> GCC is written in C++ 12:35 < bridge> Oh lol 12:35 < bridge> Didn’t know that 12:35 < bridge> plus a lot of GCC extensions, probably 12:36 < bridge> where do I have to put stuff in symbol table? 0_o 13:01 < bridge> What kind of symbol table are we talking about here? 13:02 < bridge> somethign like dat :\ 13:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265625059863691284/image.png?ex=66a230b0&is=66a0df30&hm=e48415630e4542004a9d2d1ffc3857431e0dceb19cbf87fa99e8ea5dc4ad2203& 13:02 < bridge> it stores declared variables 13:02 < bridge> I would generate a symbol table WITHOUT offsets right after the lexer. Then I'd have some architecture specific part of the compiler populate the offsets 13:02 < bridge> a, ok 13:02 < bridge> thx :owo: 13:02 < bridge> hf 13:03 < bridge> You are making a fun compiler, I'm doing api calls to shopify :pepeW: 13:03 < bridge> i have almost working structs 😏 13:04 < bridge> u can do stuff like ``` 13:04 < bridge> Foo foo; 13:04 < bridge> 13:04 < bridge> foo = Foo { 13:04 < bridge> a: 69, 13:04 < bridge> b: 420, 13:04 < bridge> }; 13:04 < bridge> ``` 13:04 < bridge> but can't access values :lol: 13:57 < bridge> First time I've seen write-only structs in a language 💪 13:57 < bridge> Hello, 13:57 < bridge> 13:57 < bridge> I played the DDNet client for about 5 days normally and yesterday I tried to connect to some DDNet servers (Ukraine), but the same error always appears: 13:57 < bridge> You have banned for 10 minutes (Visit ddnet.org/vpn). 13:57 < bridge> 13:57 < bridge> And of course I don't use a VPN. I can connect to servers in other parts of the world, but the ping is high :c 13:57 < bridge> Is it possible to do something about this?( 13:58 < bridge> Actually not even just write-only, write-onlyonce 13:58 < bridge> you can write as many times as you want xd 13:58 < bridge> My name in game Ves_Mano 13:58 < bridge> This belongs in a ticket #✉-create-a-ticket 13:58 < bridge> Create a ban-appeal ticket, with your ip and I'll try to fix it 14:40 < bridge> @robyt3 maybe you have some news? 14:41 < bridge> It's being worked on but I can't give any estimates 14:43 < bridge> okay thanks 14:51 < bridge> It's quite interesting how many people inquire about an android client now. It won't even be that playable imo even if you fix it up 14:51 < bridge> Not a very phone friendly game 15:01 < bridge> true 15:02 < bridge> yeah makes 0 sense, most of them wont touch it a second time xd 15:03 < bridge> it's like playing minecraft on phone 15:03 < bridge> u do it once, and then never again xD 15:03 < bridge> but maybe we underestimate that some ppl really only play games on mobile 15:06 < bridge> @forgottenabscat would disagree 15:06 < bridge> there are always exceptions 15:06 < bridge> There are lots of people playing on the ancient android version on our novice servers 15:07 < bridge> i am not saying that a mobile version does not make the game more accessible than a pc. But i would not really call these novice servers playing the game, no front 15:07 < bridge> but t0 with 20 tees on a novice map is just a gangbang 15:19 < bridge> What clientID does the old android version have? 15:19 < bridge> 903? 15:20 < bridge> smth like that yeah 15:22 < bridge> The client ID appeared a total of 4252 times in the last 2-3 days on DDNet, excluding the CHN servers 15:23 < bridge> what does appear mean? 15:24 < bridge> e.g. are they unique connections? 15:24 < bridge> As in someone connected to DDNet server with that specific client ID. 15:24 < bridge> No, because some people have dynamic IPs 15:24 < bridge> ok but are they unique among IPs? 15:24 < bridge> xd 15:25 < bridge> 4000 IPs 15:25 < bridge> hmmm, no I don't think so 15:27 < bridge> but anyway, we'll see how many mobile pros will pop up 15:27 < bridge> forgottencat is the only one i know yet 15:34 < bridge> Actually, yes it is 15:34 < bridge> ```sh 15:34 < bridge> #!/bin/sh 15:34 < bridge> 15:34 < bridge> counts_file="temp_counts.txt" 15:34 < bridge> 15:34 < bridge> > "$counts_file" 15:34 < bridge> 15:34 < bridge> for i in $(cat ~/servers/all-locations); do 15:34 < bridge> ssh $i.ddnet.org " 15:34 < bridge> filtered_lines=\$(grep -A3 'server: player has entered the game.' servers/servers/*log* | sort | uniq) 15:34 < bridge> filtered_lines=\$(echo \"\$filtered_lines\" | grep 'version=') 15:34 < bridge> echo \"\$filtered_lines\" | sort | awk -F'version=' '{ 15:34 < bridge> count[\$2]++ 15:34 < bridge> } 15:35 < bridge> END { 15:35 < bridge> for (version in count) 15:35 < bridge> print version, count[version] 15:35 < bridge> }' | sort 15:35 < bridge> " >> "$counts_file" 15:35 < bridge> done 15:35 < bridge> 15:35 < bridge> awk '{ 15:35 < bridge> version = $1 15:35 < bridge> count = $2 15:35 < bridge> counts[version] += count 15:35 < bridge> } END { 15:35 < bridge> for (version in counts) 15:35 < bridge> print version, counts[version] 15:35 < bridge> }' "$counts_file" > temp_output.txt 15:35 < bridge> 15:35 < bridge> while read -r version count; do 15:35 < bridge> or at least it should be 15:36 < bridge> The line server: player has entered the game. includes the player's IP address and then filtered with uniq 15:38 < bridge> in the next 3 lines? 15:38 < bridge> then gg 15:38 < bridge> didnt know ddnet has so many unique players 15:39 < bridge> I think you can check for unique players on the steamdb site 15:39 < bridge> tbf i can imagine a control scheme that would make mobile pretty playable 15:39 < bridge> (that are on steam) 15:40 < bridge> i've seen touchpad players playing gores, so yeah 15:40 < bridge> yeah once android released 15:40 < bridge> xd 15:40 < bridge> on steam 15:40 < bridge> android steam 15:40 < bridge> lmao 15:40 < bridge> that doesnt require too egregious of a claw grip or too big of a screen 😅 15:40 < bridge> long way until google gives up play store 15:40 < bridge> @murpi: ddnet only keeps logs of the last 2-3 days? 15:41 < bridge> How long does that script take to run? 15:41 < bridge> @mystery.fox is the ultimate touchpad queen 😄 15:41 < bridge> yeah i meant her xD 15:42 < bridge> Yes 15:42 < bridge> She is biggest trol 15:42 < bridge> maybe a minute or two idk xd 15:42 < bridge> if I do CHN too, probably 10 minutes 15:42 < bridge> Xd average shell script performance hehe 15:42 < bridge> But to be fair it also does ssh connections 15:44 < bridge> now leak on your servers @chillerdragon 15:44 < bridge> On da phone 15:44 < bridge> if it's less than a second i laugh 15:44 < bridge> But I assume in the last 2-3 days there were no players on my servers 15:44 < bridge> xdd 15:44 < bridge> rest in peace 15:44 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 15:44 < bridge> Maybe gctf 15:45 < bridge> g spot ctf 15:45 < bridge> since community thing, my servers are also mostly empty 15:45 < bridge> how 15:45 < bridge> bcs nobody plays on non community servers 15:45 < bridge> i want a community spot how many servers do i need to host 15:45 < bridge> ah 15:45 < bridge> ye 15:46 < bridge> Well, I'm not gonna do that discussion a second time. 15:46 < bridge> Good luck tho 15:46 < bridge> 😅😅 15:46 < bridge> (this thing isn't thought through) 15:46 < bridge> ((entirely)) 15:47 < bridge> 🫠 15:47 < bridge> and came to stay forever 15:52 < bridge> good luck keeping this alive until your retirement. 15:52 < bridge> @jxsl13 *laughs in 0.7 zcatch* 15:52 < bridge> zheuzheuzheu 15:52 < bridge> No community thing over there 15:52 < bridge> and also dead 15:52 < bridge> Ye 15:53 < bridge> I kept it alive while I was active, I'd guess 15:53 < bridge> but gctf is active 15:53 < bridge> right on spot 15:54 < bridge> 🔨 🥹 🔨 15:54 < bridge> 🥹 🔨 15:54 < bridge> better 15:54 < bridge> Host block server with F-DDrace instead 15:55 < bridge> don'z wanna steal your OG spot 15:55 < bridge> don't wanna steal your OG spot 15:55 < bridge> Haha, there's some other servers using F-DDrace already 15:55 < bridge> 🤩🥰 15:55 < bridge> It's pointless when I'm not remotely interested in that to host it.. 15:56 < bridge> true 15:56 < bridge> cough, ddnet zCatchbservers 15:56 < bridge> cough, ddnet zCatch servers 15:56 < bridge> DDRaceNetwork zCatch 15:56 < bridge> all I hear is people conplaining. 15:56 < bridge> Ye 15:57 < bridge> complaining* 16:07 < bridge> @jxsl13 why dont u guys have community tab yet 16:07 < bridge> kinda surprising ngl 16:08 < bridge> you mean gctf? 16:08 < bridge> too small, I heard 16:08 < bridge> u have zcatch too no? 16:09 < bridge> in 0.6 no 16:09 < bridge> on 0.7 kind of dead 16:09 < bridge> ooh 16:10 < bridge> how hard would it be to just move everything to 0.6 and get that community tab 16:10 < bridge> i think that could attract some players 16:10 < bridge> dunno, it's work that I don't wanna do ._. 16:11 < bridge> and btw fokko has only 2 servers from what i see 16:11 < bridge> and has his own tab 16:12 < bridge> I did not apply for nothing, so just quoting here, kind of 16:12 < bridge> kk just curious 16:16 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/8407 feel free to be the first one to give feedback on that topic :gigachad: 16:18 < bridge> thought about using the timeout token for authentication but the threw that thought out of the window. Malicious servers and stuff. 16:18 < bridge> then 16:19 < bridge> hm, completely different topic ._. 16:20 < bridge> ddnet the trusted authority 16:20 < bridge> for tls certificates 16:28 < bridge> Time to test in prod 16:32 < bridge> 😬 16:33 < bridge> does anyone know a map that has spec enabled? 16:34 < bridge> Spectateer 16:35 < bridge> also needs to be easy enough to get to the start line on touchpad 😄 16:36 < bridge> oh 16:37 < bridge> tentrom 16:38 < bridge> enable it 16:38 < bridge> sv_pauseable 1 16:38 < bridge> tentrom/aincrad 16:42 < bridge> guys, who can help me? i will be very grateful 16:44 < bridge> i have a problem, when i click esc, i dont hsve a button respawn 16:44 < bridge> press k 16:44 < bridge> but not in the menu 16:44 < bridge> in the game 16:45 < bridge> i know, but i want know, why i dont have this button(((( 16:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265681413789974598/IMG_20240724_170620_961.jpg?ex=66a2652c&is=66a113ac&hm=5c161a87bec4dfb2ef67dbc5e38fc10940ce0713a7515a4aa10468027dc525da& 16:46 < bridge> it's bad( 16:46 < bridge> dunno, maybe someone added a bug 16:46 < bridge> but if you know you can press k 16:46 < bridge> why would u ever press that button 16:46 < bridge> how can I fix this? 16:47 < bridge> i dunno, you could tell on which server it happens 16:47 < bridge> idk 16:47 < bridge> then a dev can take a look 16:47 < bridge> ok 16:47 < bridge> on all servers 16:48 < bridge> with latest ddnet client? 16:48 < bridge> This is a problem on all servers, no matter where I go, I don’t know what to do (( 16:48 < bridge> do you use the latest ddnet client? 16:49 < bridge> yeap 16:49 < bridge> i joined 16:49 < bridge> is an official DDraceNetwork (DDNet, Region: 🇪🇺) server. 16:49 < bridge> Quick join: 16:49 < bridge> and see a button 16:49 < bridge> if you join that server you dont? can you test? 16:49 < bridge> its bad 16:51 < bridge> i can respawn by k, but i want know whats happenend 16:51 < bridge> can u join this server 16:51 < bridge> and see if u see a button or not 16:52 < bridge> ok 16:54 < bridge> i dont have this button( 16:54 < bridge> press F1 and say what version it says top right 16:54 < bridge> ok 16:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265683876068462692/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_f3250d0a-0870-45bf-aa0a-76785299e52f.jpg?ex=66a26777&is=66a115f7&hm=471ff97c9e27c72028d0b09ef5e725285d69d19c8ce7621c3502f7b9598b8df5& 16:56 < bridge> do you use russian as language? 16:56 < bridge> im russian but i speak English 16:56 < bridge> for me it looks like this 16:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265684117241069578/image.png?ex=66a267b0&is=66a11630&hm=b96b981449d29a955a735cf334e54cebe22e294ba181b1379387d7572dfd974a& 16:57 < bridge> in this screenshot, what does the button next to "kill" say? 16:57 < bridge> in my screenshot it says "pause" 16:57 < bridge> yes, its correct, but i dont have button " респаун " 16:57 < bridge> why is it different to yours 16:58 < bridge> ah 16:58 < bridge> do you play with small resolution? 16:58 < bridge> if i change my resolution then i also dont see those buttons 16:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265684595542593576/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_56d46eaf-35ef-4a47-aab5-c5c319f3f8ba.jpg?ex=66a26822&is=66a116a2&hm=05d4565627f9704f650db918d3b11da4b331942a1fc571784a57851071837fed& 16:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265684604262678650/image.png?ex=66a26824&is=66a116a4&hm=8743cb1568b1cad0d301eed34ca0b0229997b31fd5e3f79ed3b1a510becbc708& 16:58 < bridge> ok 16:59 < bridge> one moment 16:59 < bridge> did it work in earlier versions of ddnet? with your small resolution 16:59 < bridge> maybe the translations were changed and are longer now 17:00 < bridge> or maybe a dev removed them bcs they were too long, dunno 17:00 < bridge> I tried changing the screen resolution, it didn't help 17:01 < bridge> to 16:9 ? 17:01 < bridge> it depends on your aspect ratio 17:03 < bridge> Was changed so the buttons are not shown if there is not enough space 17:04 < bridge> Previously the buttons overlapped with smaller resolutions 17:06 < bridge> I have a square monitor( 17:09 < bridge> when I just downloaded the game, everything was fine, I downloaded the game 3 days ago, and yesterday when I turned on the game, the button disappeared 17:11 < bridge> yeah the button was removed as robyte said. 17:11 < bridge> 17:11 < bridge> I think you can better use `k` anyway. if you don't like `k`, press F1 and type: 17:11 < bridge> 17:11 < bridge> `bind kill` 17:11 < bridge> 17:11 < bridge> where is any key you like, e.g. 17:11 < bridge> 17:11 < bridge> `bind q kill` 17:11 < bridge> 17:11 < bridge> then you only have to press q to respawn 17:11 < bridge> ( 17:12 < bridge> just try it out, you won't regret it 😉 17:18 < bridge> I just think different people like different settings. 17:19 < bridge> As for me, android client can start to play anywhere, and the hook system has a big advantage because it could rotate instantly 17:20 < bridge> @forgottenabscat did you actually play on pc once? 17:20 < bridge> Yes 17:20 < bridge> ah nice 17:20 < bridge> must have felt weird the other way around xd 17:20 < bridge> I find that i hate how the hook aims 17:20 < bridge> I dont know how you guys rehook using mouse 17:21 < bridge> And at a fast speed, thats also impressive for me 17:21 < bridge> I play lumine on pc once, i can only finish half:brownbear: 17:22 < bridge> i could not play gores on mobile.. the input lag and the missing feedback are too bad 17:22 < bridge> i also couldn't imagine that training alone can fix it 17:24 < bridge> Maybe antiping can fix.. 17:24 < bridge> i meant the input lag from the hardware 17:24 < bridge> Your brain will antiping finally 17:24 < bridge> and missing feedback from hardware 17:24 < bridge> ah 17:24 < bridge> you mean like that 😄 17:25 < bridge> Tough way though 17:28 < bridge> help ,e 17:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265691992080384113/2024-07-24_20-27-52.png?ex=66a26f06&is=66a11d86&hm=ffa651636272d389865e71be8af34621caf2847e40983705c09c2305981424c7& 17:28 < bridge> help me 17:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265691992080384113/2024-07-24_20-27-52.png?ex=66a26f06&is=66a11d86&hm=ffa651636272d389865e71be8af34621caf2847e40983705c09c2305981424c7& 17:28 < bridge> #✉-create-a-ticket -> ban appeal 17:28 < bridge> thanks 18:15 < bridge> @robyt3 Hey, I wanted to revisit #7320, but I am not really happy with it anymore. I don't think it improves the code quality much. I think much of the complexity of the envelope editor code comes from storing the envelope points as integers. We could also only use floats in the editor and then convert them to integers when saving. Do you think that would be reasonable? 18:15 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7320 18:19 < bridge> "ideas for editor" ... 18:19 < bridge> 18:20 < bridge> invents a complete new game :lol: 18:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265705043001081949/image.png?ex=66a27b2d&is=66a129ad&hm=bf45cfa3a86de768dcb8d0511acee20d60369259d20ccce09d922f262f053028& 18:22 < bridge> Seems reasonable I think. Though at some point you also need to convert to fixed point temporarily, like when checking whether the point time is between two other times when moving a point. 18:39 < bridge> Mm, why floats? They are a lie in this case, we only have fixed precision 18:46 < bridge> use a double and then u have insane precision 18:46 < bridge> we dont used fixed point numbers.. we use fixed point numbers with bad precision xd 18:53 < bridge> Yes, the question is if it is ok for the editor to not be completely accurate. If the difference is at most 1ms Im not sure it really matters 18:54 < bridge> If you load a map and save it again without changes I would expect it to be unchanged though, so it shouldn't add any rounding errors like this 19:00 < bridge> Of course, that should be fine 19:20 < bridge> why it got merged without any discussion :justatest: 19:23 < bridge> Was already a pretty large discussion considering is was about the shade of two colors 😄 19:32 < bridge> You made UI change. It was someones fav color. You will be killed now 19:34 < bridge> tja ne 19:41 < bridge> mah color :nootlikethis: 19:45 < bridge> imagine face of 40 years vanilla players, who hate any changes 19:47 < bridge> Tja mentioned 😬 19:48 < bridge> tja alert, please evacuate from #developer 21:10 < bridge> https://youtube.com/channel/UCr_97en8ki8YybRlOVZF9zw 21:10 < bridge> 21:10 < bridge> https://www.instagram.com/tjamusic_official/ 21:10 < bridge> 21:10 < bridge> 👀 23:58 < bridge> Idk where to post this but I'm too proud of myself for making this _without_ it being suppported by the lib im using 23:58 < bridge> :owo: 23:58 < bridge> basically @DDNet but everywhere 23:59 < bridge> basically @DDNet but everywhere on discord