00:01 < bridge> ok it works now thank you 00:24 < bridge> and we found new mini visual bug XD 00:25 < bridge> when he use hook collision i didnt see his hook colision if he dont touching his aim stick 00:25 < bridge> when he(steamdeck) use hook collision i didnt see his hook colision if he dont touching his aim stick 00:28 < bridge> @learath2 you don't like the idea of a basic xml parser that ignores every tag except ``? ^^ 00:29 < bridge> we could require a flag to be set so we interpret these tags, we could ignore the whole broadcast on parse error 00:29 < bridge> it'd give us a clear, well-defined format that can also be extended should we ever feel the need to 00:30 < bridge> I agree though that ANSI escape codes are also a good possibility 00:31 < bridge> less typable though, maybe 00:34 < bridge> I don’t want to overcomplicate it, there is no hierarchy to broadcasts for us to benefit from something like xml in 00:39 < bridge> @isegrin @headshotnoby 00:39 < bridge> huh 00:40 < bridge> isegrin was interested in your ddnet ports 00:40 < bridge> ps3 port 00:40 < bridge> ohh 00:40 < bridge> i told him you did some, as he asked me to port it 00:40 < bridge> haii 00:41 < bridge> i'm currently working on the 3DS port so i'll still be posting here in the future 00:41 < bridge> i cant recall all the ports you did 00:41 < bridge> which was it again ? 00:41 < bridge> ds, wii, ps2 and 3ds, in that order 00:41 < bridge> ty 00:41 < bridge> they're all on my github 08:10 < bridge> тя 08:11 < bridge> Аз зімрІе аз тнат 09:38 < bridge> woah 10:53 < bridge> @robyt3 curl is not a pinned version in the android script right?: 10:53 < bridge> ``` 10:53 < bridge> build-android-libs/compile_libs/curl/lib/idn.c:37:10: fatal error: 'idn2.h' file not found 10:53 < bridge> ``` 10:58 < bridge> No, I think most Android libs are build on latest master. Should probably pin some versions that work, or the same that the client uses on other platforms 10:59 < bridge> yeah manually switched the branch now and works 10:59 < bridge> even tho i agree with pinning, i mostly didnt do it back then, bcs then deen would need to update the scripts too when updating libs xd 10:59 < bridge> but if we get ddnet-libs integration that should be fine i guess 11:01 < bridge> ``` 11:01 < bridge> mold: error: undefined symbol: __res_init 11:01 < bridge> >>> referenced by std.2af8c09dce0047da-cgu.07 11:01 < bridge> >>> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/libddnet_engine_shared.a(std-91d92f3a80092f54.std.2af8c09dce0047da-cgu.07.rcgu.o):(std::sys::pal::unix::net::on_resolver_failure::hf1914f0e712e9fa0) 11:01 < bridge> ``` 11:01 < bridge> 11:01 < bridge> mh interesting: 11:01 < bridge> 1. interesting that it uses mold to compile 11:01 < bridge> 2. not so interesting that i get a compile time error that i dont understand xD 11:01 < bridge> i assume u've never seen that before 11:03 < bridge> No, haven't seen it before. Google has various potential fixes for it though 11:04 < bridge> No, haven't seen it before. Google has various potential fixes/reports for it though 11:04 < bridge> Did you maybe miss running a configure script that exists now? 11:05 < bridge> what? what is that 11:06 < bridge> Some repos might still have separate `autogen.sh` or other scripts to generate additional source/header files 11:06 < bridge> i'll first try without mold now.. i find it bit annoying that our cmake script changes linker priority anyway 11:06 < bridge> doesnt seem like it should be manually done 11:08 < bridge> mh didnt help rip 11:08 < bridge> yeah but it really sounds like a rust bug 11:09 < bridge> well related to our rust code 11:09 < bridge> https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/73426 11:09 < bridge> i try nightly 11:11 < bridge> 32bit gives even weirder errors: 11:11 < bridge> ``` 11:11 < bridge> ld.lld: error: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/libddnet_engine_shared.a(ddnet_engine_shared-a432234d37677268.05k6yrd7x6qeo8lukhce6gc2o.rcgu.o) is incompatible with elf_i386 11:11 < bridge> ``` 11:11 < bridge> like why does it even choose x86_64 11:12 < bridge> same on arm 11:12 < bridge> and arm64 11:13 < bridge> I'll try, haven't rebuild my libraries since I got it working 11:13 < bridge> ah this is already ddnet building 11:13 < bridge> the libs worked fine 11:14 < bridge> hm, that's odd 11:14 < bridge> but yeah i used `git checkout curl-8_8_0 ` for curl 11:14 < bridge> rest worked 11:14 < bridge> yeah super odd: 11:14 < bridge> 11:14 < bridge> ``` 11:14 < bridge> mold: fatal: ddnet_engine_shared-a432234d37677268.05k6yrd7x6qeo8lukhce6gc2o.rcgu.o: incompatible file type: arm64 is expected but got x86_64 11:14 < bridge> ``` 11:14 < bridge> 11:14 < bridge> mold is a bit clearer 11:15 < bridge> Did you setup cargo-ndk and add the rustup targets? 11:16 < bridge> i followed the android readme 11:16 < bridge> yes 11:16 < bridge> weird, so seems related to some default settings being used differently for you 11:17 < bridge> It's always using lld linker for me 11:18 < bridge> ah 11:18 < bridge> apparently i was on rust nightly before 11:18 < bridge> i switched to stable again, now it at least goes into creating the apk 11:18 < bridge> where it fails too xd 11:18 < bridge> How does that step fail? 11:19 < bridge> apparently it searches for java17 for whatever reason 11:19 < bridge> hmm, should work it can find java 21 as well though 11:19 < bridge> does it only work with 21? 11:19 < bridge> it always prints some warnings about the java location for me but those can be ignored (that's the recommended solution from the internet) 11:20 < bridge> yeah now it works, i use java 21 default now 11:20 < bridge> perfect 11:20 < bridge> so rust stable it is for now.. i wonder why tho 11:20 < bridge> do we manually check some stuff about rust in our cmake or whatever? 11:21 < bridge> `list(APPEND PLATFORM_LIBS dl) # for Rust` this line seems to apply to linux+rust but not to Android due to the `elseif` 11:22 < bridge> maybe adding it to the block above would help, maybe it's included in `TW_ANDROID_LIBS` which is defined somewhere else though 11:22 < bridge> ``` 11:22 < bridge> mold: error: duplicate symbol: /home/jupeyy/Android/Sdk/ndk/26.3.11579264/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/clang/17/lib/linux/libclang_rt.builtins-arm-android.a(fixunssfdi.c.o): armv7-linux-androideabi/release/libddnet_engine_shared.a(compiler_builtins-33541d770eea3a97.compiler_builtins.de41643f9cd834e3-cgu.033.rcgu.o): __fixunssfdi 11:22 < bridge> ``` 11:22 < bridge> 11:22 < bridge> arm still fails btw 11:22 < bridge> but different issue 11:24 < bridge> i can try that after linking finished 11:24 < bridge> Maybe also the other `list(APPEND PLATFORM_LIBS rt) # clock_gettime for glibc < 2.17` since your error message seems to contain `rt` 11:30 < bridge> nice, the game and touch controls generally work 11:32 < bridge> @robyt3 so the x86_64 still fails 11:32 < bridge> rt lib doesnt even exist 11:32 < bridge> removed that line, get the old errors 11:32 < bridge> arm64 still says that it detects the runtime wrongly 11:33 < bridge> i dunno if that is a nightly thing, but we can also add a warning to the android build script to use stable rust 11:34 < bridge> yeah, could be added to the readme 11:40 < bridge> mobile is so hard 😬 11:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265242209054228490/epyc.mp4?ex=66a0cc21&is=669f7aa1&hm=254054f8c7b489162f631c9fcf14b34a988603d5a39cc0f4db616aec26cf63b0& 11:40 < bridge> but nice 11:41 < bridge> yeah, it takes some times 11:41 < bridge> also, hide the extra buttons to see more 11:42 < bridge> I much prefer the direct touch input though 11:42 < bridge> at least for a phone sized device 11:43 < bridge> i trust forgottencat, he said arms in the way, now i see that they are in the way xdd 11:43 < bridge> i have a phone with 120hz, that is quite nice.. looks really smooth 11:43 < bridge> input delay seems okish too 11:44 < bridge> feels better on most laptops i played on yet 11:53 < bridge> epyc, tutorial finished 11:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265245382959693926/image.png?ex=66a0cf16&is=669f7d96&hm=33f8b4c07d81ee6bd8d6c043e760b1130a3db4983772a642cdfd3fe14b4db8c8& 11:53 < bridge> pro 11:53 < bridge> 9 minutes and 28 seconds 11:53 < bridge> beat me 11:53 < bridge> send 11:54 < bridge> here 11:54 < bridge> arm64 11:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265245600975421490/DNet.apk?ex=66a0cf4a&is=669f7dca&hm=337490ab1cb0caf695d72b62cebd3299333fd5dbb2d62dcafa91561c3f87efea& 11:54 < bridge> virus 11:54 < bridge> yep 11:54 < bridge> dummy net apk 11:55 < bridge> yeah dunno why it said DNet xd 12:01 < bridge> when release 12:03 < bridge> soonish™️ 12:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265248086499000341/Screenshot_2024-07-23-12-03-15-388_org.ddnet.client.jpg?ex=66a0d19a&is=669f801a&hm=b097cdaf4c66efcbd41ada098f16269f11c500ed0af57f27662ab16aadc6c91a& 12:04 < bridge> im just that good 12:04 < bridge> keyboard cheater 12:04 < bridge> no U 12:04 < bridge> btw it feels really nice to play lol 12:04 < bridge> with scrcpy i finish it in 3min 12:04 < bridge> oh no check chat 12:05 < bridge> yeah yeah i trust u 12:05 < bridge> 6 mins 30s 12:05 < bridge> i used the joystick touch tho 12:05 < bridge> much harder to aim xd 12:05 < bridge> time to play noby fng with that :troll: 12:05 < bridge> no joke 12:05 < bridge> u'll get banned 12:05 < bridge> it was kinda hard to move tbh 12:05 < bridge> bcs of aimbot 12:05 < bridge> ye ik 12:06 < bridge> so ye i thought its gonna be something like the old android version that we had 12:06 < bridge> but this 12:06 < bridge> is just so much better 12:06 < bridge> seems to run smooth 12:06 < bridge> is it going to be for iphone and android? 12:06 < bridge> guess 12:06 < bridge> apple closed ecosystem 12:06 < bridge> or android open source 12:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265248796741206016/Screenshot_20240723_040415_Package_installer.jpg?ex=66a0d244&is=669f80c4&hm=0e069c0e5104e13b5a954f0bb004fd4deb12893c0d4b14957dba2e0f17f10b2e& 12:07 < bridge> apple charges like 100$ per year sadly 12:07 < bridge> Here's the beta version for all arches (extract the first file with 7zip). 12:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265248906007285863/DDNet-e261ab1-beta.7z.001?ex=66a0d25e&is=669f80de&hm=53447e40870b1e70458bbe773f3e28683095dc788be02f7dcf9226cf81f2d76e& 12:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265248906925707374/DDNet-e261ab1-beta.7z.002?ex=66a0d25e&is=669f80de&hm=02f8acca3146517a45b30502602e412df8a23819cdafedd6493e30d9fa9f4507& 12:07 < bridge> i doubt the interest in that app is huge enough 12:07 < bridge> ye i know that :cammostripes: 12:07 < bridge> is that a debug build 12:07 < bridge> why is it so giant 12:07 < bridge> It's release 12:08 < bridge> Debug is almost twice as large 12:08 < bridge> Since we're mobile now, lets go full pay2win 12:08 < bridge> Maybe my linker is not so good at merging the libs 12:08 < bridge> 5$ per hook 12:08 < bridge> 10$ per shot 12:08 < bridge> else finish without those, nobo 12:09 < bridge> Say goodbye to Raid Shadow Legends, and hello to DDraceNetwork! 12:09 < bridge> The PR adds touch for all platforms that support it, so now it the time to port this to PS Vita :justatest: 12:09 < bridge> you need LTO 12:09 < bridge> then it should decrease 12:10 < bridge> we gotta find someone to sponsor it 12:10 < bridge> like... apple? 12:11 < bridge> peak 12:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265249800765308949/image2.jpg?ex=66a0d333&is=669f81b3&hm=08818b82fca4da2a6862e1cfcc6d9fb23d57abe98e58b03d5c2dfb25508dd484& 12:11 < bridge> for providing basically nothing 12:11 < bridge> :cammostripes: 12:11 < bridge> boomer 12:11 < bridge> :justatest: 12:11 < bridge> using chat on that was funny 12:12 < bridge> no 12:12 < bridge> @robyt3 play store would have the advantage that the apks are split again 12:13 < bridge> so not 130mb to download lmao 12:14 < bridge> @robyt3 have you seen that our curl impl currently loads a ca certificate? 12:14 < bridge> 12:14 < bridge> back when i first did the port, curl didnt get android system certs, i dunno if that changed.. but that is defs a small problem, bcs then the certs get expire i think 12:15 < bridge> yeah, I think it should be possible without copying the cert: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52305133 12:16 < bridge> ah nice 12:16 < ws-client> @matricks 12:16 < ws-client> is he still here? xd 12:17 < bridge> yes but u didnt ping him 12:17 < ws-client> sagde 12:17 < ws-client> can u ping him for me uwu 12:17 < bridge> mtrcks 12:17 < bridge> try that 12:17 < ws-client> scared much 12:17 < ws-client> @mtrcks 12:17 < ws-client> did that work? 12:17 < bridge> lol 12:17 < bridge> did not 12:18 < ws-client> bruv im gonna write him an email then 12:18 < bridge> tja 12:18 < bridge> yeah sry that i am scared 12:18 < bridge> i am shy 12:18 < bridge> close xf 12:18 < ws-client> no worries 12:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265251659634704424/Screenshot_20240723-121802.png?ex=66a0d4ee&is=669f836e&hm=8390c2c260503b276a633a8ed33bed159cc8e005279b46c036742cb22e1973d8& 12:18 < bridge> close xd 12:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265251659634704424/Screenshot_20240723-121802.png?ex=66a0d4ee&is=669f836e&hm=8390c2c260503b276a633a8ed33bed159cc8e005279b46c036742cb22e1973d8& 12:18 < bridge> It is so hard xd 12:18 < bridge> DJing while going left/right + hook is impossible xd 12:19 < bridge> How many fingers do you use on the control keys? I use three fingers 12:19 < bridge> ye i had to do some weird claw grip 12:19 < bridge> XD 12:19 < bridge> zooz 12:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265252005287301171/Screenshot_2024-07-23-12-12-25-139_org.ddnet.client.jpg?ex=66a0d541&is=669f83c1&hm=285981906b6ddca1f499cdc4da8bb52159aabc22b06f6b134373536e75e42c39& 12:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265252024778231941/Screenshot_2024-07-23-12-19-02-833_org.ddnet.client.jpg?ex=66a0d545&is=669f83c5&hm=6d05650ebaa83cb085f11acc5092f3788e2a06421e34832cf50960f0103a36e4& 12:19 < bridge> Ahahha 12:19 < bridge> 😬 12:19 < bridge> idk how to throw people with this 12:19 < bridge> :gigachad: 12:20 < ws-client> sus 12:21 < bridge> it took really long to get banned tho 12:21 < bridge> i expected it to ban instantly 12:21 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks how do i switch to that funny aiming wheel thing 12:21 < bridge> i did it in f1 console, but maybe robyte also has gui for it 12:22 < bridge> #8632 12:22 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8632 12:22 < bridge> ooh oke 12:22 < bridge> There are some more buttons in the ingame menu when you have touch controls enabled 12:22 < bridge> @soulyvevo press ESC 12:22 < bridge> then there is a checkbox 12:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265252697620217920/351091220-66588501-3b38-46cb-889d-70be0cd0e9fa.png?ex=66a0d5e6&is=669f8466&hm=89808a24c96598069b7339e8076a46db1c5cce7444e8465b184a554f599b0b97& 12:22 < bridge> ESC = return btn 12:22 < bridge> you can also long press the menu button to open the menu 12:23 < bridge> @robyt3 the Active: hook button has a weird hitbox btw.. almost as if i have to hit the text instead of btn xd 12:24 < bridge> got it 12:25 < bridge> should be the same as the other buttons though. only the joystick hitbox itself is weird since it's a square around the rendered circle 12:25 < bridge> maybe it's some OS function interfering with you 12:26 < bridge> you can change the fullscreen mode to windowed to status bar and system menu are always shown, maybe that prevents it from detecting something as a gesture 12:26 < bridge> you can change the fullscreen mode to windowed so status bar and system menu are always shown, maybe that prevents it from detecting something as a gesture 12:27 < bridge> Yea I often accidentally click outside it and miss the hook. Would be nice to be able to adjust the size and position. 12:27 < ws-client> @soulyvevo 0.7 hand support is going well <:justatest:572499997178986510> 12:27 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1721730425.png 12:28 < bridge> Also a kill button would be nice. Having to go ESC->kill is annoying xd 12:28 < bridge> I didn't want to make it too easy to do it accidentally though 12:29 < bridge> Maybe the margins at the top and sides should be removed so the button are all flush with the screen edges 12:30 < bridge> sry for the epyc noises :lol: 12:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265254687490314290/VID_20240723_122630.mp4?ex=66a0d7c0&is=669f8640&hm=45b6a9c5a0f6cad9c5d07d419290d340f09b0e238569e0923253dfbf12e8e1d6& 12:30 < bridge> micro must be really sensitive 12:30 < bridge> BRO NO WAY THIS IS THAT HARD TO CODE 😭😭😭 12:31 < bridge> Skill issue xxdd 12:31 < bridge> jk 12:31 < bridge> i couldnt do a single throw on fng 12:31 < bridge> thats a real skill issue 12:31 < bridge> Hmm, and it only happens for this one button? Does something similar happen in other games as well in that corner? Maybe try windowed mode 12:32 < bridge> mh yeah dunno maybe it's my phone xd 12:33 < bridge> Btw @robyt3 are configs not saved yet or is there something wrong on my end? 12:33 < bridge> General notice: If you have a 3-finger swipe gesture (for screenshots or multi tasking) then disable it, or pressing down 3 or more fingers doesn't work 12:33 < bridge> Only if you quit the client manually 12:33 < bridge> Not if you leave it in the background to die 12:33 < bridge> Ah ok 12:33 < bridge> xd 12:34 < bridge> You can also quickly press the back button three times to quit cleanly, but maybe we should remove that again if it's too easy to do accidentally, now that the UI works 12:35 < bridge> windowed mode works.. so i assume it has to do with the android overlay somehow 12:35 < bridge> Hitting the UI sliders is pretty hard. Is a swipe gesture for the server browser plausible? 12:35 < bridge> yeah, I assume it handles the touch as activating the menu bar with the gesture 12:35 < bridge> yes, it's already implemented, use two fingers 12:36 < bridge> Oh mb xdd 12:36 < bridge> Woah cool 12:37 < bridge> It still moves the mouse cursor with one of the fingers if you want to fix that xd 12:38 < bridge> It needs to, otherwise it can't know which UI element to activate with the scroll 12:38 < bridge> Ah okay 12:38 < bridge> Is there a way to tab player names in chat? 12:38 < bridge> Would be better if UI elements wouldn't be activated while scrolling, but that's caused by the two fingers not being pressed down exactly at the same time, might be fixable by adding some delay in the UI 12:38 < bridge> Not without keyboard 12:39 < bridge> Unless your virtual keyboard can enter tab maybe 12:42 < bridge> my screen cuts off, but the reported res is my "real" screen res 12:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265257802935439392/image.png?ex=66a0daa7&is=669f8927&hm=8f885be1e4eb303a362edf9bb2a970b874525a0680040d90f5c8700d6b69a3a7& 12:42 < bridge> that kinda sucks.. but probs nothing we can do 12:43 < bridge> when i resize in windowed mode it changes the res.. then changes it back but ddnet still assumes the changed res 12:43 < bridge> Also kinda annoying on newer phones with round screen corners, that's why I also play on windowed mode 12:43 < bridge> that kinda looks like a bug 12:44 < bridge> but maybe SDL fails to report the change, dunno 12:44 < bridge> or we don't check for an SDL error here 13:02 < bridge> @robyt3 is there a readme for compiling to android? 13:02 < bridge> scripts/android 13:02 < bridge> thx 13:03 < bridge> ndk27 is broken for libogg, so better do exactly what the readme says xd 13:04 < bridge> :justatest: 13:04 < bridge> ok 13:04 < bridge> I think it could be epic to train some llm on this channel. Imagine you can ask chat.ddnet.org „how to compile ddnet android“ and it replies with „scripts/android“ 13:05 < bridge> yes 13:05 < bridge> go ahead 13:05 < bridge> xd 13:05 < bridge> There is so much unsorted knowledge in here 13:05 < bridge> Busy doing 0.7 stuff right now. Souly found so many bugs -.- 13:06 < bridge> Also doing llms sounds hard 13:06 < bridge> better learn rust 13:06 < bridge> and help 13:06 < bridge> help what 13:06 < bridge> twgame integration 13:06 < bridge> Aren’t you done with that forever? 13:06 < bridge> Also what about licenses? 13:07 < bridge> just finished #👶easyright_3 13:07 < bridge> im so good at this 13:07 < bridge> yeah i am mostly waiting for zwelfs decision on license xd 13:07 < bridge> huge blocker 13:08 < bridge> Speaking of licenses @heinrich5991 what license should I use for a tw protocol project that contains a 1:1 packet translation into another language and a bunch of other code that’s totally clean room 13:08 < bridge> true i could barely hit quit button 13:08 < bridge> discord is already doing it ^^ 13:08 < bridge> first EU mobile player, nice 13:08 < bridge> Yes? 13:08 < bridge> discord has a llm search? 13:08 < bridge> how do u harvest data? is there an irc log database? 13:09 < bridge> Yes 13:09 < bridge> no, i was joking that they harvest the data for llm purpose anyways 13:09 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks how are binds handled with this 13:09 < bridge> Yes but it’s not accessible to us :( 13:09 < bridge> where link 13:09 < bridge> how do i bind deepfly for example lol 13:09 < bridge> unfinished 13:09 < bridge> There's no way to bind anything unless you use a keyboard 13:09 < bridge> i think the plan is to allow custom buttons 13:10 < bridge> ahh i was thinking that screentouch was treated as mouse1 or something 13:10 < bridge> @louis.place: https://lmddgtfy.net/?q=ddnet%20irclogs 13:11 < bridge> No, all buttons and touches directly execute console commands like `+fire` 13:12 < bridge> Speaking of licenses @heinrich5991 what license should I use for a tw protocol project that contains a 1:1 Int and packet header packer translation into another language and a bunch of other code that’s totally clean room 13:12 < bridge> @robyt3 btw is the touch controls logic 1 frame delayed? 13:12 < bridge> I'd like to have a default layout that works. Then we could make some of it adjustable, e.g. enable/disable predefined buttons, change their size and position. Lastly, we could support adding additional buttons that execute any console command 13:13 < bridge> No, the ingame controls should be immediate 13:13 < bridge> UI input is delayed by two frame 13:13 < bridge> First frame the mouse needs to move over the element, second tick it can activate it 13:13 < bridge> so there is a update function that runs independent of rendering? 13:14 < bridge> No it's still coupled to the rendering code 13:14 < bridge> do you mean menu UI? 😅 13:14 < bridge> but isnt it then 1 frame delayed? 13:15 < bridge> yeah, menu UI always has to be delayed because of our design 13:15 < bridge> yeah that is fine 13:15 < bridge> Not sure, first the client inputs are updated, which includes the touch states, then rendering uses the touch states 13:15 < bridge> Chiller you recently made some prototype to support live map editing maps right? Or atleast some packets that syncs the game tiles of the server to the client. 13:16 < bridge> Chiller you recently made some prototype to support live map editing maps right? Or atleast some packets that syncs the game tiles of the server to the client to support minetee-like servermods 13:16 < bridge> yes its a pr on the ddnet github i think 13:16 < bridge> mh i thought it's coupled to rendering xdd 13:16 < bridge> it looks better than my first try at rendering 0.7 tees lol 13:17 < bridge> hmm, I don't really understand the question, what's different from normal controls? 13:19 < bridge> i mean like that 13:19 < bridge> 13:19 < bridge> SDL sends input -> we directly handle this input (in touch control's case hitting a touch btn) -> the input is already handled even a render frame is skipped (fps capped) 13:19 < bridge> @robyt3 are you aware of virtual keyboard bugs? 13:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1245758914448851045/1265266215773798400/Screenrecorder-2024-07-23-19-03-19-228.mp4?ex=66a0e27d&is=669f90fd&hm=cdca7ebb6aed488239baf5db967dbb2f5882a7a2912d58241d8e96c2a2002397& 13:19 < bridge> apparently only buggy in english 13:20 < bridge> eh, no, I decided against an event based system... 13:20 < bridge> Can I also play around with the mobile version to test it? 13:20 < bridge> but I guess it's still possible to do without it 13:21 < bridge> mh ok 13:21 < bridge> yes, see download above 13:21 < bridge> u can download it somewhere above 13:21 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1265245601046466615 13:21 < bridge> neat 13:21 < bridge> the DNet version :nouis: 13:22 < bridge> Does the server know it is handling an android client? 13:22 < bridge> dont think so, why 13:23 < bridge> I don't know it might be useful. Some server mods might want to send different data to mobile players for the sake of playability or block mobile players entirely. 13:23 < bridge> Quick question, I fat fingered the editor button instead of the play button and my curved screen corners dont allow me to press the close button, what now? 13:24 < bridge> Why did I get banned for VPN if I never used it? 13:24 < bridge> #✉-create-a-ticket 13:24 < bridge> If you use a proxy like the cloudflare app that also triggers it 13:24 < bridge> done it before 13:24 < bridge> The back-button should work like Escape, to exit the editor 13:25 < bridge> oh thank god 13:27 < bridge> Doesn't happen to me, maybe randomly also fixed by the PR above 13:29 < bridge> possible 13:29 < bridge> chatting seems fine for me as well 13:29 < bridge> will later try 13:35 < bridge> weird, I somehow have better ping on mobile even though im using the same network on both pc and mobile 13:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265271123550142600/image.png?ex=66a0e70f&is=669f958f&hm=43be4083f7d2e2d941b525c2a100999f253d4fb67bd78e90c855f1e16df25a67& 13:36 < bridge> it doesnt look like it's just a spike, it's constantly like this, about 15ms lower 13:42 < bridge> do you use wifi on both? 13:42 < bridge> pc is cable to router and my phone is on wifi 13:42 < bridge> then the ping might simply be wrong bcs wifi is less stable 13:42 < bridge> if anything pc should have lower ping 13:42 < bridge> even if it's lower 13:42 < bridge> hm 13:43 < bridge> also as stupid as it sounds. cl_prediction_margin can alter the ping xD 13:43 < bridge> e.g. cl_prediction_margin 18 on a local server gives ping 0 xD 13:45 < bridge> @teero777: yes I did basic mintee stuff 13:45 < bridge> Also live map editor that’s fun 14:19 < bridge> i was thinking of doing live map generation for gores so you can play while it is generating the map. is the pr already merged? 14:19 < bridge> could you link it i can't find it 14:19 < bridge> could you link it? I can't find it 14:20 < bridge> There is no pr yet only an issue. I don’t think it’s gonna land in ddnet any time soon. Heinrich wants full demo support for it. 14:22 < bridge> I would just generate the map before players join. 14:26 < bridge> the generator relies on inputs from the players. thats the unique thing about it :D 14:28 < bridge> just pack it into a snap and handle it normally no? when someone joins all the changes to the layers could be sent at once 14:28 < bridge> pack it into a snap and handle it normally no? when someone joins all the changes to the layers could be sent at once 14:33 < bridge> actually same for me lol 14:33 < bridge> and also better ping 14:39 < bridge> You can’t store entire maps in the snapshot it’s too big 14:40 < bridge> The issue in demos is mostly the demo seek feature which also you to skip forwards and backwards in the demo to any time stamp. Joining players is something the server side can implement somehow yea that’s a bit of work but should be fine. 14:42 < bridge> I am currently working on that a bit. I am trying to generate the full actual map and server new players a full map download instead of a diff. This way it’s also backwards compatible. But not sure if I will manage to finish it. It’s not too easy to generate full maps on the fly on the server side. 14:42 < bridge> you guys know where's good tutorial videos are? 14:42 < bridge> oops off-top 14:43 < bridge> The issue in demos is mostly the demo seek feature which allows you to skip forwards and backwards in the demo to any time stamp. Joining players is something the server side can implement somehow yea that’s a bit of work but should be fine. 14:44 < bridge> I am currently working on that a bit. I am trying to generate the full actual map and serve new players a full map download instead of a diff. This way it’s also backwards compatible. But not sure if I will manage to finish it. It’s not too easy to generate full maps on the fly on the server side. 15:15 < bridge> doesnt the deck touchpad help a bit? 15:16 < bridge> not sure if it has absolute mode but i could see that being pretty nice 15:26 < bridge> i wish i'd have bought a steam controller back when they sold them for 5€ 15:26 < bridge> i think they also had a touch pad 15:35 < bridge> @robyt3 is it assured that accessing server variables on the client works? will they get set from loading the map file, due to CFGFLAG_GAME? No variable, or modifyable way? Modders have to add it to the map? https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/fe2843bb31a8acb57af2579a6983c2e06b422dc1/src/game/client/components/scoreboard.cpp#L325 15:37 < bridge> Teams are disabled on my server, I only use them for 1vs1's mostly 15:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265301749657505883/image.png?ex=66a10395&is=669fb215&hm=f6c5cc3e476e8e1cc53b953ae559c617f6e9ed11fbb78ed5695575fe8beb2eee& 15:55 < bridge> Yes, AFAIK `CFGFLAG_GAME` settings are only loaded from maps on the client side 15:55 < bridge> #7589 15:55 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/7589 16:10 < bridge> How can i get all the KoG server ip adresses? 16:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265310060251189288/screenshot_2024-07-23_17-05-23.png?ex=66a10b52&is=669fb9d2&hm=3819ca611a44d0ac61310f96cefc5867a07625f5d185388a4b864d1bd5d44fca& 16:11 < bridge> You can get them here: https://info.ddnet.org/info 16:15 < bridge> the problem is this page gives 107 servers including NLD, HUN etc which doesnt exist rn 16:15 < bridge> Need only the online 47 servers 16:16 < bridge> Combine it with the data of online servers from https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/servers.json 16:17 < bridge> or tell Avolicious to fix it 17:02 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks did u know llvm wants to deprecate ofast 17:02 < bridge> https://discourse.llvm.org/t/rfc-deprecate-ofast/78687 17:03 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks do you have a map + settings combination to "benchmark" on? 17:06 < bridge> 🫠 17:06 < bridge> ?XD 17:06 < bridge> absolutely no idea what you mean 17:07 < bridge> you want to benchmark map rendering? 17:07 < bridge> https://openbenchmarking.org/test/pts/ddnet 17:07 < bridge> I want to quantify how good this igpu is 17:08 < bridge> What map do you go on and what settings do you use when you say you have a gorillion fps? 17:08 < bridge> i use a gores map that has no particle entities like ninja or stuff or lasers. 17:08 < bridge> 17:08 < bridge> So basically pure gores 17:08 < bridge> 17:08 < bridge> and then entities on 17:09 < bridge> for example i often use ckisbzw1 17:10 < bridge> and then i see i only have 5k fps 😭 17:10 < bridge> wtf happened 17:10 < bridge> getting worse every day 17:12 < bridge> i need kde6.. my current version is beyond brocken.. if i disable compositor i have worse FPS than with compositor on xd 17:13 < bridge> I get about 1.5k 17:13 < bridge> That's more than I expected on an igpu 17:13 < bridge> that isnt bad for an igpu 17:13 < bridge> what is that? 17:13 < bridge> which 17:14 < bridge> I get 2.2k with ogl3.3 damn 17:14 < bridge> Radeon 780M 17:15 < bridge> APU? 17:15 < bridge> also what screen resolution do you have? 17:17 < bridge> I think these things are considered APUs yeah it's a Ryzen 7 7840U 17:17 < bridge> 2256x1504 17:18 < bridge> ah nice not bad. can you read the power consumption? 17:18 < bridge> would highly interest me 17:19 < bridge> hm, I know how to read it but I don't have a tool that would show it to me live 17:19 < bridge> which OS? 17:19 < bridge> linux, gentoo 17:19 < bridge> `watch -n 1 sensors` 17:19 < bridge> normally amd gpus have built in power meters 17:20 < bridge> dunno for APUs tho 17:23 < bridge> mh sensors won't work, it's acpi on this laptop 17:32 < bridge> i just tried out 17:32 < bridge> https://github.com/Umio-Yasuno/amdgpu_top 17:32 < bridge> 17:32 < bridge> but i am not sure if the gpu metrics thing also uses sensors internally 17:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1265330734722318386/image.png?ex=66a11e93&is=669fcd13&hm=8636de7538cf1b8217ea442b91baf03a08197d4877318344cda0adf3667d3cce& 17:33 < bridge> ``` 17:33 < bridge> #!/bin/bash 17:33 < bridge> voltage=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/voltage_now) 17:33 < bridge> current=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/current_now) 17:33 < bridge> 17:33 < bridge> power=$(("$voltage" * "$current")) 17:33 < bridge> power=$(("$power" / 1000000000000)) 17:33 < bridge> 17:33 < bridge> echo "$power" 17:33 < bridge> ``` 17:33 < bridge> I wrote a smol script 17:34 < bridge> but it's total power usage not just gpu 17:39 < bridge> ah amdgpu-top works 17:39 < bridge> lets see 17:39 < bridge> @ryozuki it's also written in rust 17:39 < bridge> just noticed lmao 17:39 < bridge> Which one are you interested in? total power or only gpu? 17:39 < bridge> gpu mostly 17:40 < bridge> at max fps 17:42 < bridge> about 31W 17:42 < bridge> with the gl3.3 backend? 17:42 < bridge> same for vk and ogl 17:42 < bridge> ok 17:43 < bridge> 20W more efficient than my GPU on ~2200 fps 17:45 < bridge> I wonder why gl is better on this machine, perhaps it's RADV being shit 17:46 < bridge> the difference is defs very huge. 17:46 < bridge> generally i also saw that on purely GPU bound scenarios that opengl beat vulkan for me too. 17:46 < bridge> 17:46 < bridge> You could join a 64p server and open the scoreboard 17:46 < bridge> and see how FPS compares then 17:46 < bridge> then it's much more CPU bound 17:46 < bridge> generally speaking vulkan is not rendering faster. it just removes driver overhead (mostly CPU bound) 21:28 < bridge> Doesn't seem to work. Looks like we either have to patch OpenSSL to work on Android (https://stackoverflow.com/a/66926685) or wait for an upstream patch (https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/24002). 21:29 < bridge> @murpi (or other admins) any news on the saves being disabled? 21:29 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/420565311863914496/1262449640029294684 23:13 < bridge> всем ку 23:23 < bridge> здарова как жизнь 23:24 < bridge> есть успехи в программировании? 23:40 < bridge> очееень плоха 23:40 < bridge> дднет лагать начала оччччччень жестко 23:40 < bridge> э 23:40 < bridge> днем играл не было лагов 23:41 < bridge> щас играю лагает 10-15 фпс 23:41 < bridge> капец непруха 23:41 < bridge> please bring russian to #off-topic 23:41 < bridge> rus in #off-topic 23:41 < bridge> >_> 23:41 < bridge> не знаешь че за фигня ? 23:42 < bridge> @chemodanmister_53374 #off-topic 23:42 < bridge> angl in 23:42 < bridge> ❤️ 23:42 < bridge> oy 23:42 < bridge> он знает что я не лера 23:42 < bridge> it'r over 23:42 < bridge> а то что лера моя девушка прост 23:43 < bridge> прошу прочитай наши сообщения хоть один раз и пойми что все каналы кроме #off-topic англоязычные 23:43 < bridge> if you need help though better use #questions 23:44 < bridge> :justatest: 23:44 < bridge> but still they're all english-only 23:45 < bridge> ой 23:54 < bridge> https://github.com/hubblo-org/scaphandre