02:26 < ws-client> @meloƞ did you ever tell me and i forgot? xd how did i not know that omagawd 02:26 < ws-client> where in munich? 04:56 < ws-client> Can any arm mac enjoyer confirm that bam does not work on arm? 06:18 < bridge> gm 07:50 < bridge> gm 07:56 < bridge> gm 08:00 < bridge> Outer Ring, south 08:17 < bridge> morning 08:18 < bridge> rate my setup 08:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263741621820985364/pxl_20240719_061409794.png?ex=669b5699&is=669a0519&hm=dc2bc59163316ecf5f6cf74673b86533afc5f463f7156628ef9ed03d7893c3d4& 08:24 < bridge> nice floor tiling 08:33 < bridge> clean af 08:33 < bridge> also where's subwoofer 08:49 < bridge> what are those speakers? 08:51 < bridge> you should try raising them to head level 08:51 < bridge> monitors 08:51 < bridge> nah 08:52 < bridge> raising to head level is recommended for monitors 08:52 < bridge> mmm ok but idk how 08:53 < bridge> it's not tooo noticeable in my opinion so its up to preference 08:54 < bridge> but setup is clean lol 09:08 < bridge> Dude has a sick af mic Setup But ive yet to Hear him speak once 09:14 < bridge> didnt u move to a different flat xd 09:15 < bridge> but looks pretty clean 09:15 < bridge> i give it 8/10 09:16 < bridge> yes 09:16 < bridge> i told some time ago 09:16 < bridge> bigger 09:17 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks moved to new flat with gf :justatest: 09:19 < bridge> so it has been like that all the way back then? XD 09:19 < bridge> or am i confused now 09:20 < bridge> wdym 09:20 < bridge> the last room where you sent a screenshot looked just as small xd 09:20 < bridge> in width 09:20 < bridge> and that was before u had a hf 09:20 < bridge> and that was before u had a gf 09:22 < bridge> ye 09:22 < bridge> i got this flat like 2-3 weeks ago 09:22 < bridge> epyc 09:29 < bridge> :ohno: 09:52 < bridge> Did you ever mention it and I seriously forgot that you live in Munich? melon together with SpeedTime we can do entire TeeCon conference in Munich. 10:01 < bridge> nooo 10:01 < bridge> teecon in barcelona 10:06 < bridge> https://www.theverge.com/2024/7/19/24201717/windows-bsod-crowdstrike-outage-issue 10:06 < bridge> lmao rip crowdstrike EDR 10:08 < bridge> kek windows 10:08 < bridge> cant work cause of this, thx crowdstrike 10:08 < bridge> whats ur job? 10:09 < bridge> web dev, but all our customers servers imploded, cause of that or other services being offline 10:09 < bridge> well not my responsibility:) 10:09 < bridge> > When will people learn? 10:09 < bridge> > 10:09 < bridge> > 1. Stop putting mission critical systems on Windows, it's not the reliable OS it once was since MS has cut off most of its QA 10:09 < bridge> > 10:09 < bridge> > 2. AV solutions are unnecessary if you properly harden your system, AV was needed pre-Vista because Windows was literally running everything as Administrator. AV was never a necessity on UNIX, whatever MS bundles in is usually enough 10:09 < bridge> > 10:09 < bridge> > 3. Do not install third party software that runs in kernel mode. This is just a recipe for disaster, no matter how much auditing is done beforehand by the OEM. Linux has taught multiple times that drivers should be developed and included with the OS. Shipping random binaries that rely on a stable ABI may work for printers, not for mission critical software. 10:11 < bridge> what tech stack? 10:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263770181008752710/20240719_025636.png?ex=669b7132&is=669a1fb2&hm=ca7352221747d972ec4add672bdf03b9538f2312be7c8885020b11b808f81bb8& 10:12 < bridge> naa its too borin 10:12 < bridge> naa its too boring 10:14 < bridge> > All major US airlines have put in a total ground stop. No flights can take off anymore. 10:15 < bridge> "In Japan, about 30 percent of all McDonald's branches had to close early due to technical problems" the good ending 10:22 < bridge> On Linux the 3rd point is ok if you use eBPf 10:22 < bridge> On Linux the 3rd point is ok if you use eBPF 10:22 < bridge> Harfanglab does that 10:23 < bridge> @reitw its funny seeing pro windows users seething on socials 10:23 < bridge> :gigachad: 10:23 < bridge> Btw windows has eBPF support 10:23 < bridge> Windows stills sucks tho 10:23 < bridge> why would companies trust a closed source OS? 10:24 < bridge> Idk, I'd leave windows when anticheats would stop their shit 10:24 < bridge> the funny thing is, i wonder who in the companies get the idea of running Winshit on data centre grade hardware 10:24 < bridge> But at work I run debian 10:24 < bridge> the funny thing is, i wonder who in the companies get the idea of running Winshit on data center grade hardware 10:25 < bridge> Only reason having windows server is for an Active Directory 10:25 < bridge> Nothing come close to this on linux lol 10:25 < bridge> Nothing comes close to this on linux lol 10:25 < bridge> ldap? 10:25 < bridge> Kerberos 10:25 < bridge> Active directory is way more than that 10:26 < bridge> Active directory is already an LDAP, but you have all the GPO stuff etc.. 10:26 < bridge> idk much about that 10:26 < bridge> im not sysadmin xd 10:36 < bridge> Aah, well it just have more features to manage ur computers etc.. 10:45 < bridge> That might explain why I have no wired internet :pepeW: 11:10 < bridge> Holy fuck i'm down, yes i mentioned it before i'm Sure :kek: 11:11 < bridge> There is absolutely 0 reason POS machines should be running windings. They deserve all the loss they make because of their bad technical decisions 11:11 < bridge> the mcdonalds self order terminals run horribly slow software IIRC 11:15 < bridge> I have a feeling it's this shit hardware. The "software" is probably just chromium/electron 11:16 < bridge> I have a feeling it's shit hardware. The "software" is probably just chromium/electron 11:16 < bridge> It runs well doom 11:16 < bridge> It runs doom very well 11:18 < bridge> that is what i call progressive 11:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263787047328419891/image.png?ex=669b80e8&is=669a2f68&hm=cd8140a39413d06df66c218dad3785cbe39d5da97071b2f9005ec389c22e82ad& 11:18 < bridge> 😬 11:19 < bridge> whatever mcdonalds gives its users, it can't be hard to make it run on a potato, if desired 11:19 < bridge> it shouldn't be hard to 11:20 < bridge> https://danluu.com/slow-device/ 11:20 < bridge> https://danluu.com/slow-device/ 11:21 < bridge> 100% agreed. I've had this feeling that optimization in the web space has just been given up on for the last 6-7 years 11:21 < bridge> It seems people just make it look like they want and hope some hardware or browser optimization will make it work good later 11:22 < bridge> last time i was at a mcdonalds it was with someone from this chat 11:22 < bridge> 😬 11:30 < bridge> no one got fired for buying ibm 11:31 < bridge> no one gets fired for buying ibm 12:32 < bridge> i agree with this 12:34 < bridge> why optimize when you make the most profit serving ads and collecting as much data as possible 12:43 < bridge> i think ill keep using issues tho 12:45 < bridge> agile ahh workflow 12:49 < bridge> kanban is nice 13:21 < ws-client1> common matrix L it lost jopstis image 13:21 < ws-client1> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1721388080.png 13:22 < ws-client1> i fakin boot element to see the image and it doesnt even know about jopsti at all 13:23 < ws-client1> still no arm mac user wakey? i would like to somehow verify that bam does not support new macs but idk how 13:23 < ws-client1> broke dragon only has 2015 mac 13:26 < bridge> chillerdragon: i wanted to post in offtopic 13:26 < bridge> sorry for your bad experience 13:26 < bridge> fagin irc user 13:26 < bridge> 😬 13:27 < bridge> ryo has a arm mac 13:31 < bridge> @ryozuki my BIOS bullied me so hard god damn - my RAM arrived and i installed it, left DRAM mhz on "AUTO" and my NixOS wouldnt boot up - after googling around for hours, thinking it's actually an issue with my NixOS install because windows would boot up automatically, i realized "auto" didnt set it to 6000, but 5700. it's odd that nixOS didnt wanna boot up tho, updating BIOS + setting it to 6000 manually is now fully functional with AMD Expo™️ 13:32 < bridge> pog 13:32 < bridge> 13:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263820736821330001/image.png?ex=669ba048&is=669a4ec8&hm=e287d463f02f282282747056e0983aeb4829498dc26ec855ab8c19f3413fad06& 13:33 < bridge> Lmaoo people are saying BSOD as a Service 13:33 < bridge> Finally you can load 23170x23170 ddnet maps :owo: 13:33 < bridge> send link, i wanna read 13:33 < bridge> :kek: 13:33 < bridge> what? xD 13:33 < bridge> nah i'd still run out of Vram fr 13:33 < bridge> It's on sysadmin reddit 13:33 < bridge> fr?! XD 13:34 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/s/hWIqwz8lBW 13:34 < bridge> the first comment is gold already :kek: 13:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263821466538086490/Screenshot_20240719-133508.png?ex=669ba0f6&is=669a4f76&hm=eabe17888f65e5051978c9b61214e47c7da3969dafd903afc2a50e7ca1642ad8& 13:35 < bridge> XD 13:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263821632858882078/Screenshot_20240719-1335092.png?ex=669ba11d&is=669a4f9d&hm=9c72fd580db3e0fc075fd6c356c6525a5759f1fcd12da32b0b63c3e7791caa3f& 13:37 < ws-client1> ye half developer channel has an arm mac 13:45 < bridge> 1) why are you using bam? 13:45 < bridge> 2) I find it unlikely that bam cannot work on arm 13:47 < bridge> (what's the error) 13:49 < bridge> dev chat in 2050: how can i compile with bam 13:49 < bridge> rest of world: 13:49 < bridge> bv 13:49 < bridge> https://i.imgflip.com/2ynjel.jpg?a478080 13:52 < bridge> Wrong meme format... 13:53 < bridge> didnt find a better imagine of 2050 13:53 < bridge> xd 13:53 < bridge> i lost all my photos of it 13:53 < bridge> sadge 13:53 < bridge> There was a teeworlds version of this 14:05 < bridge> hahaha 14:51 < bridge> http://thecodelesscode.com/contents 14:52 < bridge> @tsfreddie might wanna ping those middle school kids, 17 players now & unupdated F-DDrace mod xd 14:56 < bridge> HI 15:17 < bridge> Ddnet if people stopped using bam 15:18 < bridge> ddnet stopped using bam 15:20 < bridge> yo i was making my own demos using the snap builder and stuff and im a little confused. 15:20 < bridge> problem is: 15:21 < bridge> grenades are not interpolated 15:21 < bridge> my code goes like this 15:21 < bridge> ```cpp 15:21 < bridge> 15:21 < bridge> CProjectileData ProjData = ((CProjectile *)pEnt)->GetData(); 15:21 < bridge> // NOTE: do pEnt % 0xffff because the id will always be -1 somehow which doesn't work. 15:21 < bridge> CNetObj_DDNetProjectile *pNetProj = SnapNewItem((uint64_t)pEnt % 0xffff); 15:21 < bridge> if(pNetProj) 15:21 < bridge> { 15:21 < bridge> int Flags = 0; 15:21 < bridge> if(ProjData.m_Bouncing & 1) 15:21 < bridge> { 15:21 < bridge> Flags |= PROJECTILEFLAG_BOUNCE_HORIZONTAL; 15:21 < bridge> } 15:21 < bridge> if(ProjData.m_Bouncing & 2) 15:21 < bridge> { 15:21 < bridge> Flags |= PROJECTILEFLAG_BOUNCE_VERTICAL; 15:21 < bridge> } 15:21 < bridge> if(ProjData.m_Explosive) 15:21 < bridge> { 15:21 < bridge> Flags |= PROJECTILEFLAG_EXPLOSIVE; 15:21 < bridge> } 15:21 < bridge> if(ProjData.m_Freeze) 15:21 < bridge> { 15:21 < bridge> Flags |= PROJECTILEFLAG_FREEZE; 15:21 < bridge> } 15:21 < bridge> Flags |= PROJECTILEFLAG_NORMALIZE_VEL; 15:21 < bridge> pNetProj->m_VelX = round_to_int(ProjData.m_StartVel.x * 1e6f); 15:21 < bridge> pNetProj->m_VelY = round_to_int(ProjData.m_StartVel.y * 1e6f); 15:23 < bridge> i basically copied this 1:1 from the server code over at https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/75d2b82ccd4c97ddc72af51563aabb84a87aaa34/src/game/server/entities/projectile.cpp#L332-L340 15:23 < bridge> i basically copied this 1:1 from the server code over from [here] 15:24 < bridge> i basically copied this 1:1 from the server code over from [here] 15:24 < bridge> i basically copied this 1:1 from the server code over from https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/75d2b82ccd4c97ddc72af51563aabb84a87aaa34/src/game/server/entities/projectile.cpp#L332-L340 15:24 < bridge> i basically copied this 1:1 from the server code over from https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/75d2b82ccd4c97ddc72af51563aabb84a87aaa34/src/game/server/entities/projectile.cpp#L332-L340 15:24 < bridge> i basically copied this 1:1 from the server code over at https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/75d2b82ccd4c97ddc72af51563aabb84a87aaa34/src/game/server/entities/projectile.cpp#L332-L340 15:24 < bridge> i basically copied this 1:1 from the server code over at https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/75d2b82ccd4c97ddc72af51563aabb84a87aaa34/src/game/server/entities/projectile.cpp#L332-L340 15:24 < bridge> i basically copied this 1:1 from the server code over at https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/75d2b82ccd4c97ddc72af51563aabb84a87aaa34/src/game/server/entities/projectile.cpp#L332-L340 15:24 < bridge> i basically copied this 1:1 from the server code over at https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/75d2b82ccd4c97ddc72af51563aabb84a87aaa34/src/game/server/entities/projectile.cpp#L332-L340 15:25 < bridge> where did the embed go? huh 15:26 < bridge> what is there to interpolate if the position never changes? 15:27 < bridge> I removed the embed because it was only taking space 15:27 < bridge> oki 15:27 < bridge> why did you cast the `pEnt` pointer to a 64 bit integer? 15:27 < bridge> well projectiles positions are calculated on the fly as i remember. for grenade it should be CalcPos 15:29 < bridge> the clientside prediction somehow always returns -1 upon calling GetId() and the snapshot builder obviously doesn't accept that 15:29 < bridge> ah yeah, i remember that was the case for grenades 15:29 < bridge> i have no idea why tho 15:29 < bridge> the clientside prediction somehow always returns -1 upon calling GetId() and the snapshot builder doesn't accept that 15:31 < bridge> ```cpp 15:31 < bridge> void *SnapNewItem(int Type, int Id, int Size) 15:31 < bridge> { 15:31 < bridge> dbg_assert(Id >= -1 && Id <= 0xffff, "incorrect id"); 15:31 < bridge> return Id < 0 ? 0 : m_SnapshotBuilder.NewItem(Type, Id, Size); 15:31 < bridge> } 15:31 < bridge> 15:31 < bridge> template 15:31 < bridge> T *SnapNewItem(int Id) 15:31 < bridge> { 15:31 < bridge> return static_cast(SnapNewItem(T::ms_MsgId, Id, sizeof(T))); 15:31 < bridge> } 15:31 < bridge> ``` 15:31 < bridge> these are the snap thingies functions. (also copied straight out of the serverside code) 15:33 < bridge> but now you're generating random IDs based on memory addresses. that sounds wrong. are they consistent from tick to tick? 15:35 < bridge> the addresses of the entities should stay the same 15:37 < bridge> also they can't be conflicting. im not sure how i would handle the sound snaps if GetId actually worked since they need a id too 15:37 < bridge> although they could just be random 15:37 < bridge> logs of GetId 15:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263852207837544548/message.txt?ex=669bbd97&is=669a6c17&hm=494308cbe5d3edfae7a8f25e94cec5d8a3cd177ddaec0725917c52fc2c00438a& 15:40 < bridge> ah ik why they are not set 15:42 < bridge> new entities that are created within the prediction don't get ids assigned it seems 15:42 < bridge> they only get set in the NetObjAdd func 15:46 < bridge> although i don't think the ids have to do with the interpolation do they? 15:47 < bridge> just debug the client where the grenades are rendered 15:47 < bridge> best: only do a single grenade projectile 15:50 < ws-client1> @heinrich5991 the error is `Unknown Architecture 'unknown'. Supported: x86, x86_64, ppc, ppc64` https://github.com/teeworlds-community/teeworlds/issues/109 15:50 < ws-client1> i think bam support is nice and i want the teeworlds pipelines to pass 15:51 < bridge> hmm. sounds like it does indeed not support building on arm 😮 15:52 < ws-client1> i searched matricks/bam issues no mention of bam 15:52 < ws-client1> its been a while since m1 macs are a thing 15:52 < bridge> how can that be possible 15:52 < ws-client1> and running tw servers on raspberry pis was a thing 15:52 < bridge> it almost seems bam development is inactive 15:53 < ws-client1> maybe its not arm idk what the github pipeline does on macos 15:53 < bridge> *is a thing* mine runs off a raspberry pi 4 :P 15:53 < ws-client1> good old x86_64 raspbeery pi 4 15:53 < bridge> ah, actually, it says "unknown architecture: 'unknown'" 15:53 < ws-client1> yea it COULD mean arm 15:53 < ws-client1> thats why i want to verify 15:53 < ws-client1> before i open an issue 15:54 < ws-client1> nono jopsti bam dev booming 15:54 < ws-client1> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1721397270.png 15:54 < ws-client1> 6 months is pretty pog 15:55 < bridge> better than teeworlds at least 15:55 < bridge> :lol: 15:55 < ws-client1> better than 90% of the projects i maintain 15:56 < ws-client1> @teero777 sus fake demo generator 15:57 < ws-client1> First we get deep fakes and no video or image can be trusted anymore. Do you want to take away the last proof that would hold in court? The non fungible TWDEMO FORMAT!? 15:58 < bridge> xdd 15:58 < bridge> every demo is signed off with chiller dragons private keys for max trust 15:58 < ws-client1> I mean seriously "i got a demo bro" did mean something 16:15 < bridge> juicy demo deep fakes when? 17:08 < bridge> This gave me an idea. It might be a good idea to insert a signed, finish message into demos. It would allow everyone to verify a demo is real, and it would make rename requests in the future easier 17:09 < bridge> in future we have accounts anyway:brownbear: 17:10 < bridge> But when that doesn't happen we'd be glad we atleast added a signature to keep track of ranks 17:11 < bridge> it already happened 17:31 < bridge> XDD 17:31 < bridge> i found the issue 17:31 < bridge> i think im missing some kind of snap info. s_LastGameTickTime seems to be the same thing every time 17:37 < bridge> ..... 17:37 < bridge> i had to add an empty `CNetObj_GameInfo` to the snap for the rendering to work 17:37 < bridge> because it checks if the GameInfo exists and only then sets the LastGameTickTime 17:37 < bridge> it works now. 17:37 < bridge> nice :D 18:02 < bridge> lmao my laptop gave up in the middle of rendering 18:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263888759288631316/image.png?ex=669bdfa2&is=669a8e22&hm=ba5babb1ea4ac685a6b6fd5740766d7213d84da983cb819a6dc3a3c0f1c996bf& 18:10 < bridge> it triggers me slightly that device lost is non-capital letter 18:10 < bridge> 😬 18:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263891349426409543/image.png?ex=669be20b&is=669a908b&hm=9627cd0d5e4b7c2016a9d5ae959e5081ffc2043254ffa8e27f92626df0faf99f& 18:13 < bridge> i laughed hard 18:14 < bridge> i want to state that today i wrote c++ against my will 18:14 < bridge> ```cpp 18:14 < bridge> extern "C" void mlirModuleCleanup(MlirModule mod) { 18:14 < bridge> auto x = unwrap(mod); 18:14 < bridge> for (auto &op : x.getOps().begin()->getBlock()->getOperations()) { 18:14 < bridge> if (llvm::CastInfo::isPossible(op)) { 18:14 < bridge> LLVMFuncOp x = llvm::CastInfo::doCast(op); 18:14 < bridge> if (x.getSymName().starts_with("_mlir_ciface")) { 18:14 < bridge> x->setLoc(mlir::UnknownLoc::get(x->getContext())); 18:14 < bridge> } 18:14 < bridge> } 18:14 < bridge> } 18:14 < bridge> } 18:14 < bridge> ``` 18:14 < bridge> so i could use it from rust :gigachad: 18:23 < bridge> but it's true, they would never get "critical process died" bluescreen, because kaspersky is not critical xdd 18:23 < bridge> bloatware 18:23 < bridge> check the readers note 18:23 < bridge> xd 18:24 < bridge> @avolicious the [A] servers of KoG are still not filtered out when I enable "no login required" in the ddnet serverbrowser. please fix that by 2024-08-19 the latest, or shut down these servers 18:26 < bridge> why do you even need to clean it up, where is RAII xd 18:26 < bridge> @ryozuki do you still upstream stuff to llvm? 18:32 < bridge> its not a clean up of memory 18:32 < bridge> its cuz a bug 19:03 < bridge> ChillerDragon: i expect you to be at the premiere of my new yt video so you can watch my fake demo of run_guy_25 21:27 < bridge> bahahaha 21:28 < bridge> ye 22:27 < bridge> Does it run DDNet? 23:50 < bridge> auto demo folder 23:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263976202813571142/image.png?ex=669c3112&is=669adf92&hm=d1dfee5e8985e1c494435417a5f0ff1b9468ed027d5447a039a83215c6c37e4d& 23:54 < bridge> try compressing it 23:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263977971044192418/Screenshot_20240719-235559.png?ex=669c32b7&is=669ae137&hm=fcc07fef73a45ae3b90eed0a25cd38860ddedf71087e15f186b1dae68e27ec8b& 23:57 < bridge> I've been thinking about the crowdstrike thing and honestly who thought self updating kernel driver is the best approach to cybersecurity? 23:58 < bridge> Literally giving ring 0 RCE to an external company can't be the best way to do this 23:58 < bridge> tgz compressed 23:58 < bridge> One of my friends told me that in Hungary, one of the cassiers held the line because their cash register got a blue screen 23:58 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/funny-hahaha-gif-22505124 23:59 < bridge> that local client demos?