00:08 < bridge> codescan telling me I have a vulnetability in one of my repos, not telling me what it is. 00:09 < bridge> Its mostly an exposed token or a pushed .env 00:09 < bridge> telling me I'm a senior dev cuz I'm 14 years on github 00:09 < bridge> :justatest: 00:10 < bridge> im mid-level cuz 6 yrg on gh 00:10 < bridge> im mid-level cuz 6 yrs on gh 00:10 < bridge> if only 00:10 < bridge> i dont hate the graph but it can't fathomably be grounded in reality 00:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263256626081693726/image.png?ex=669992e9&is=66984169&hm=782e0a0b26f2c263c1bee933f0173858cafee77a4e0abc353216a4050c889965& 00:10 < bridge> no such thing, I guess 😦 00:11 < bridge> lmfao 00:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263256808517144606/image.png?ex=66999315&is=66984195&hm=4f19fdb60b3db90a5cf8cc6a59d23bfd7a6f80b189fa77881f2a44f299a4d9d2& 00:11 < bridge> exhibits faulty logical thinking 00:12 < bridge> based on the 2 repos it *could* scan 00:12 < bridge> according to that scan I'm god tier ._. *insert doubt* 00:12 < bridge> https://github.com/jxsl13/amqpx 00:12 < bridge> where is the vulnerability 00:13 < bridge> D: 00:13 < bridge> the site thinks i'm responsible for all these ffmpeg doc formatting issues 00:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263257288659959869/image.png?ex=66999387&is=66984207&hm=b37d94dcd8c77d5f32f08c76cc045061d2a094011259786de06f078c918cfd5b& 00:13 < bridge> Chiller: 10 influence 00:14 < bridge> xD 00:14 < bridge> a service like this should not exist unless it has enough data to get accurate results imo 00:14 < bridge> send chiller's 00:14 < bridge> I think he must trigger that himself, no? 00:15 < bridge> o yea 00:15 < bridge> i forgot it's out of 5 anyway 00:15 < bridge> that's no issue for chiller 00:15 < bridge> still getting 10 00:15 < bridge> reminds me of those old pokemon games 00:16 < bridge> i never could get into pokemon 00:16 < bridge> All my repos are private or forked, it wont even scan Mine :KEKW: 00:17 < bridge> My FOSS stuff is on codeberg :/ 00:17 < bridge> wrong life decisions 00:17 < bridge> im thinking of making a web server in rust with a daemon and a cli controller program. is there a crate for high level IPC like that 00:17 < bridge> literally not hireable 00:18 < bridge> i deleted essentially all my repos a few yrs ago 00:18 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 00:18 < bridge> nothing to look back on 00:18 < bridge> and hard to show growth for employers 00:18 < bridge> keep ur old shitty code! 00:19 < bridge> I got it all there 00:20 < bridge> here, a game better than ddrace: https://github.com/jxsl13/TakeTheMatch 00:20 < bridge> xD 00:21 < bridge> Any specific usecase ? 00:21 < bridge> :justatest: :gigachad: 00:21 < bridge> wdym 00:21 < bridge> definitly not a virus 00:23 < bridge> I mean, for this thing the "gimmick" will be that u can easily create an upload & link it to other people with access restriction via. account or OTP, but that's unrelated to the IPC stuff 00:25 < bridge> Rocket/axum for the Server and ipc-channel should do the Trick in General ig 00:27 < bridge> I dont know any specific Rust crate that can provide everything you need, But thats what i would start with 00:27 < bridge> Maybe ryo or Heinrich will sparkle some ideas in when its Not 00:30am for us :P 00:27 < bridge> ah 00:28 < bridge> yeah I woke up late 00:28 < bridge> it is indeed detecting credentials, for example: 00:28 < bridge> ``` 00:28 < bridge> amqp://username:password@localhost:5672 00:28 < bridge> ``` 00:28 < bridge> I think I'll just do ipc manually then 00:28 < bridge> not hard if I'm just sending messages. not really much data 00:31 < bridge> I would recommend zeroMQ But the current crate only Supports IPC on unix 00:36 < bridge> reminds me of those old pokemon games (that diagram) 01:13 < bridge> chiller jumpscare 01:39 < bridge> gi_troll 02:32 < bridge> wot 02:34 < bridge> yes 02:37 < ws-client2> @robyt3 thanks again for porting the json writer <:heartw:395753947396046850> it was already amazing since it reduces maintenance for my 0.7 pr but now i also used it in a fork and it was much fun 02:50 < bridge> could your update the ddnet-insta webhooks to filter out or escape usernames that correspond (at)here/everyone 02:50 < bridge> @ in general 02:51 < bridge> no 02:51 < bridge> username and role pings should look like this to discord \@fokkonaut 02:51 < bridge> ah sorry, didnt read convo 02:51 < bridge> which is longer than 16 characters 03:03 < bridge> ddnet PS2 port with graphics 03:03 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263300111664943234/20240717_210008.jpg?ex=6699bb69&is=669869e9&hm=829bf69f94c8cd8f04289aeb5b1d71b6cad6edae69a93731e5641de05c901107& 03:35 < bridge> did anyone scan chiller? I wanna know what it says lol 03:50 < bridge> headbot: 03:51 < bridge> :souli: 03:51 < bridge> @headshotnoby hop on ddnet 03:51 < bridge> no u 04:05 < bridge> only chiller can do it unfortunately 04:49 < bridge> https://gitroll.io/profile/uOPKgLyDymhYhuu6EVWcQxEUjZ5u2 04:50 < bridge> https://gitroll.io/profile/sg6kcT6Db16nORsoFpnem 04:51 < bridge> hmm I guess this website is just for web dev 04:53 < bridge> if your repo doesn't have any html it won't work lol 04:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263327667059429427/image.png?ex=6699d513&is=66988393&hm=490917acdde3e9bc7784c3ece813b54d3fdc7c2a98b1c3dd6ae705c04b72ee67& 04:53 < bridge> 04:54 < bridge> it says C/C++ is next :o 04:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263327917770018887/image.png?ex=6699d54f&is=669883cf&hm=a2fba3445f8ec6374acdb85a74da2e3ac86e3d82766d6443be95fe7b63b50511& 04:55 < bridge> just let me switch from gamedev to webdev with this real quick 04:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263328198024892487/image.png?ex=6699d591&is=66988411&hm=7d8a57f089e3398befe346718226873f4217241015560e6e3b1c6e0da6af1686& 04:56 < bridge> honestly it seems as long as you have some web repos it just says senior cuz it looks for that 04:57 < bridge> I thought someone mentioned its based on the age of your account lol 04:57 < bridge> oh ye 04:57 < bridge> i definitely had 11 years of work experience 04:58 < bridge> 😭 04:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263328911295774820/image.png?ex=6699d63b&is=669884bb&hm=1ad6dc6163c583907b9d00c19098fe01d06deec412da68459f4574d931c3d700& 04:58 < bridge> not enough html 04:58 < bridge> :justatest: 07:50 < bridge> morning 07:50 < bridge> gm 07:51 < bridge> morning to people with a driver license and others* 07:51 < bridge> :gigachad: 07:51 < bridge> gm 07:51 < bridge> gm 07:53 < bridge> @mpft what car u have 07:53 < bridge> i know americans have cars sized XL like its normal 07:53 < bridge> well, everything is XL there :Kappa: 07:54 < bridge> honda accord 07:54 < bridge> from 1999 07:54 < bridge> i got a volkswagen t cross 07:54 < bridge> from 2019 07:55 < bridge> :justatest: 07:55 < bridge> trusting germans :justatest: 07:55 < bridge> much bigger than my car 07:55 < bridge> ye 07:55 < bridge> so american 07:55 < bridge> xd 07:55 < bridge> manual right? 07:55 < bridge> i wish 07:56 < bridge> i thought americans are full automatic 07:56 < bridge> oh so its automatic 07:56 < bridge> mine is manual, more fun 07:57 < bridge> neat 07:59 < bridge> how are you doing @mpft 07:59 < bridge> did u get ur dream job 08:01 < bridge> well everything would include bank account, social benefits and d 08:01 < bridge> not well 08:01 < bridge> no dream job 08:01 < bridge> what's your dream job 08:02 < bridge> i even apply to dishwasher and warehouse jobs and dont hear back 08:02 < bridge> chinese people's dream job apparently is the one where you sit there all day and do nothing. 08:02 < bridge> not sure but rn i want a code job 08:03 < bridge> 08:03 < bridge> i couldn't get one in the US either 09:25 < bridge> americans usually have pickups 😄 09:25 < bridge> but honda is reliable tho, if the motor survived 1.000km then you cant break it 09:52 < bridge> Stop worrying 10:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263409746547834930/2t9xmt.jpg?ex=669a2184&is=6698d004&hm=90fb55d558fef516807c71f3f29251689c6207d013ee90e0dee8a5683c9141b7& 10:21 < bridge> :justatest: 11:18 < bridge> is that so 11:25 < bridge> > Trucks are the most popular vehicle type, with 170,239,357 private and commercial truck registrations in 2022, compared to 98,573,935 vehicle registrations for cars.[1] 11:26 < bridge> not sure if a pickup counts as truck… https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/car-ownership-statistics/ 11:31 < bridge> https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/nvidia-transitions-fully-towards-open-source-gpu-kernel-modules/ 11:32 < bridge> that's not very nvidia of them 11:38 < bridge> sounds like work can't you just remove the webhooks permission to ping? 11:40 < bridge> I don't see such a thing available in discord ._. 11:41 < bridge> the easiest is I'd guess server side 11:41 < bridge> https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2508859.2516734 11:41 < bridge> might start a hobby project for relaying and transforming webhooks 11:41 < bridge> and then make big bucks 11:42 < bridge> ... 11:42 < bridge> profit 11:42 < bridge> pretty sure discord webhook does not have permissions integrated. so it is up to webhook senders to handle pings iirc 11:44 < bridge> <0xdeen> Work for a US company with an office in China, then after a few years you can switch to the US office. 11:47 < bridge> as the sender of the webhook, you can include `{…,"allowed_mentions":{"parse":[]}}` 11:48 < bridge> https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#allowed-mentions-object 11:49 < bridge> that's not a discord specific webhook payload on the server 11:49 < bridge> is it? 11:49 < bridge> that's not a discord specific webhook payload on the ddnet-insta server 11:59 < bridge> That does sound amazing, but only as like a second option 11:59 < bridge> Imagine being paid to just sit around and do whatever you want 12:00 < bridge> Manual is more fun until you encounter a city with TRAFFIC 12:05 < bridge> @learath2 do you know i live in barcelona and did practice there 12:06 < bridge> That is not TRAFFIC that's just traffic 12:09 < ws-client> thanks @heinrich5991. @jxsl13 i commited heinrichs fix but did not restart servers yet. 12:11 < bridge> Arent they called pickup trucks? 😄 12:13 < bridge> i doubt u seem bcn on friday before a long weekend 12:14 < bridge> 30km of stopped cars xd 12:14 < bridge> I stopped driving after I spent a day not touching the gas pedal 12:14 < bridge> kek 12:14 < bridge> anyway i like it for noe 12:14 < bridge> now 12:15 < bridge> Me who enjoys munich Traffic :monkaStop: 12:15 < bridge> but im interedted in how automatic works 12:15 < bridge> Transmissions are insanely cool 12:15 < bridge> I could Tell you all about it! I learned a Lot about it Back in my apprenticeship 12:17 < bridge> Btw there isn't a single "automatic" design. There are a couple and all are very interesting 12:18 < bridge> Some are just what a computer engineer would come up with. Manual but with a computer doing the gear shifting 😄 12:19 < bridge> DCT is my favourite one, its Design is really cool 12:19 < bridge> Yep, mine too, such a smart idea 12:22 < bridge> It also feels like something I might have come up with. Unlike the much more complicated CVT or hydraulic designs 12:28 < bridge> Agreed, it's Design is pretty straight Forward. CVT IS okay'ish, it constantly gets better `software wise` (Not that much the actual Transmitter). 12:45 < bridge> thanks, chiller 12:46 < bridge> will test that in the evening 14:52 < bridge> @murpi can you update the twmap/twgpu tools for the discord bot? I fixed the bug that happened a few times recently :) 15:05 < bridge> bumping this issue here: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/7876 15:10 < bridge> Anyone remember that mod where you could place turrets and stuff? 15:11 < bridge> Wot you are in Munich? 15:13 < bridge> nodes 15:16 < bridge> https://nodes.teeworlds.dev/ 15:17 < bridge> Thx. It was so fun 15:17 < bridge> Need more custom stuff like that imo 15:51 < bridge> Can do later this evening 15:53 < bridge> awesome :heartw: 16:19 < bridge> yes? i live here? :justatest: 16:23 < bridge> Can someone check what font provides ✗ for them on linux? 16:23 < bridge> `fc-list ':charset=2717'` 16:27 < bridge> all sorts of JetBrainsMono, and a single FreeSerif 16:28 < bridge> (output) 16:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263502607842807889/message.txt?ex=669a7800&is=66992680&hm=7a294669f9fa1fb0c91e250f7d4b6af91b138101442c2e09f88850df0be082ce& 16:37 < bridge> @patiga if you have a minute can you also check `1f4cc` 16:38 < bridge> Perhaps I should just bite the bullet and get the full noto fonts just to have a fallback 16:40 < bridge> I don't have that one 😅 16:40 < bridge> If anyone has it ping me pls 😄 16:43 < bridge> NotoColorEmoji has 1f4cc 16:43 < bridge> :P 16:43 < bridge> hm, I think I have noto emoji I wonder why I don't have it 16:44 < bridge> @learath2 16:44 < bridge> ```/home/bencie/.local/share/fonts/FontAwesome6-Free-Solid.otf: Font Awesome 6 Free,Font Awesome 6 Free Solid:style=Solid 16:44 < bridge> /usr/share/fonts/joypixels/JoyPixels.ttf: JoyPixels:style=Regular 16:44 < bridge> /usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoColorEmoji.ttf: Noto Color Emoji:style=Regular``` 16:44 < bridge> awesome has it? :o 16:44 < bridge> i have awesome... 16:44 < bridge> od 16:44 < bridge> odd 16:47 < bridge> `01f4: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff bfffffff` the installed file definitely has it, I wonder why fc-list won't find it in there 16:54 < bridge> imagine having normal font paths btw 16:55 < bridge> laughs in `/nix/store/8psp42za0vb4m2v04rvw6v1ndvhhxsf4-noto-fonts-color-emoji-2.042/share/fonts/noto/NotoColorEmoji.ttf: Noto Color Emoji:style=Regular` 16:55 < bridge> NixOS masterrace 17:03 < bridge> For some absurd reason the noto emoji font is not recognized by `mkfontdir` 17:12 < bridge> Oh, I had nobitmaps enabled........... 17:29 < bridge> works 18:10 < bridge> what's the command to obtain this information ? 18:15 < bridge> ninslash 18:21 < bridge> @gerdoe ninslash looks awesome 18:30 < bridge> `fc-list ':charset=2717'` (its in learaths message ^^) 18:35 < bridge> it differs from version to version, you better test every major release 18:58 < bridge> Update https://ddnet.org/news/client-translations/, btw :^) 19:07 < bridge> found myself solving same problem i had like ~5 years ago with compile-time strings not being complete (in terms of my usage) 19:07 < bridge> maybe it's because i use cpp17 :D 19:57 < bridge> what the hell is town hall xd 19:58 < bridge> teespam centre 19:58 < bridge> will try soon™️ 19:59 < bridge> open an issue on the bots repo.. 19:59 < bridge> 19:59 < bridge> dilate old skins sounds hard tho, maybe some day do it _manually with a sh script over ssh_ 20:00 < bridge> that is related to the global scale value which is provided by SDL and wine... 20:00 < bridge> or moltenvk reports the surface wrong to vk. 20:00 < bridge> 20:00 < bridge> but it's not related to the missing font glyphs other ppl have. 20:00 < bridge> the clipping gets wrong and thus u dont see everything 20:00 < bridge> at least that is what i assume 20:07 < bridge> ``` 20:07 < bridge> ==10821==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks 20:07 < bridge> 20:07 < bridge> Direct leak of 176 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from: 20:07 < bridge> #0 0x563a29bac1bd in calloc (/data2/edgar/ddnet/build/DDNet+0x18741bd) 20:07 < bridge> #1 0x7f264d5dbd3e (/usr/lib64/libdbus-1.so.3+0x30d3e) 20:07 < bridge> #2 0x7f264d5dd253 in _dbus_message_loader_queue_messages (/usr/lib64/libdbus-1.so.3+0x32253) 20:07 < bridge> 20:07 < bridge> Direct leak of 56 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from: 20:07 < bridge> #0 0x563a29bac1bd in calloc (/data2/edgar/ddnet/build/DDNet+0x18741bd) 20:07 < bridge> #1 0x7f2608ca4abd () 20:07 < bridge> 20:07 < bridge> Indirect leak of 661 byte(s) in 2 object(s) allocated from: 20:07 < bridge> #0 0x563a29bac340 in realloc (/data2/edgar/ddnet/build/DDNet+0x1874340) 20:07 < bridge> #1 0x7f264d5ea6ce (/usr/lib64/libdbus-1.so.3+0x3f6ce) 20:07 < bridge> 20:07 < bridge> Indirect leak of 56 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from: 20:07 < bridge> #0 0x563a29bac1bd in calloc (/data2/edgar/ddnet/build/DDNet+0x18741bd) 20:07 < bridge> #1 0x7f2608ca4abd () 20:07 < bridge> 20:07 < bridge> SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 949 byte(s) leaked in 5 allocation(s). 20:07 < bridge> ``` 20:07 < bridge> leaky ddnet 20:07 < bridge> Leakleaknet 20:07 < bridge> It's probably not a real leak btw. Did you compile libdbus with instrumentation? 20:07 < bridge> i like the discord forum thing 20:07 < bridge> gives me ideas to code 20:08 < bridge> idk its from gentoo 20:08 < bridge> Then no 20:08 < bridge> i compile glibc with debug info 20:08 < bridge> Try with valgrind. It instruments at runtime. It would tell you whether it's a real leak or not 20:08 < bridge> 2lazy 20:08 < bridge> i just wanted to banter xd 20:09 < bridge> @learath2 looks like discord forum turned into anti-ddnet demonstration xDD 20:09 < bridge> antidummy 20:09 < bridge> my god 20:09 < bridge> brain dead XD 20:09 < bridge> As expected 20:09 < bridge> antidummy* 20:09 < bridge> Perhaps it can be a periodic thing. Townhall once every two months 20:09 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1263514337449087017 20:09 < bridge> this can be done with teeworlds settings iirc 20:10 < bridge> I'd guess that is more referring to our policy of not enabling that setting 21:28 < bridge> Do you use guys use github issues for your personal projects to add todos or do you store them in local todo file or you just keep everything in your head? 21:30 < bridge> ```py 21:30 < bridge> # TODO: 21:30 < bridge> ``` 21:30 < bridge> ```py 21:30 < bridge> # TODO: just delete everything 21:30 < bridge> ``` 21:31 < bridge> I just keep a text file somewhere or in a google doc for all my todos 21:31 < bridge> anything more complicated feels like too much effort lol 21:31 < bridge> uff no joke, feels almost like lapce xdd 21:31 < bridge> 21:31 < bridge> also almost same amount of features missing xdddd 21:32 < bridge> always feel so unfinished 21:32 < bridge> if you mean features to add then id suggest obsidian + kanban 21:32 < bridge> or emacs org 21:33 < bridge> but defs very fast 21:33 < bridge> in 20 years i defs switch to it 21:33 < bridge> 😬 21:39 < bridge> Delete unused code\* 21:41 < bridge> Is compression completely optional? 22:08 < bridge> no 22:33 < bridge> `# TODO: why am i like this` is one of my favourite comments 22:33 < bridge> if I leave a comment in code I never read it ever again 22:34 < bridge> `TODO: why am i like this` is one of my favourite comments 22:34 < bridge> you don't need to use issues 22:34 < bridge> really? some program's even highlight `TODO's` in code for better readability 22:34 < bridge> github has this "kanban" type thing in the "project" tab 22:35 < bridge> todo in a comment is for dropping refactoring ideas or missing features and such 22:35 < bridge> if it's something you are yet to implement it doesn't really work 22:35 < bridge> whenever I get some ideas for a features or how to improve a code I just make a new issue xd 22:35 < bridge> dis how i structured 22:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263595106188001494/image.png?ex=669ace25&is=66997ca5&hm=4d648dfef8a7eaf97da00e4e8227aa574acbd349275a9d3a8d1fcfa3a602e387& 22:36 < bridge> What’s that? 22:36 < bridge> gitlab issue boards 22:36 < bridge> btw gm 🍉 22:36 < bridge> good night* 22:37 < bridge> aaah 😦 22:39 < bridge> I didn't even know such thing exists on github :kek: 22:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1263596131678687242/image.png?ex=669acf1a&is=66997d9a&hm=5281781f8632837107853e629e76cf574c736c9813069d5eb213efe14c8cb8dc& 22:45 < bridge> its really great ngl