02:22 < bridge> speaking of https being safe and so on, how did/does NSA TURMOIL work then? 02:43 < bridge> what is NSA TURMOIL? 02:55 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbulence_(NSA) 03:06 < bridge> from that page: 03:06 < bridge> > Turmoil is involved in the process of decrypting communications.[5] 03:06 < bridge> I still don't really know what NSA TURMOIL is 06:36 < bridge> gm 06:36 < bridge> maybe we should store in db the runs that used save or load 06:36 < bridge> easier to wipe.when exploit is found 08:26 < bridge> by store i meant a flag whether saveload has been used 09:10 < ws-client2> is it only me or is the editor with a laptop touchpad useless? 09:11 < ws-client2> the mouse is hard to control and when i select tiles i get back a random selection 09:13 < bridge> I remember this discussion before somewhere 09:39 < bridge> TURMOIL is the passive data collection part. The more interesting part of that system is QUANTUMTHEORY 09:43 < bridge> Well TURMOIL is interesting too but moreso in how little corporations care about your privacy part. Many gave the NSA access to install what they call "implants" on their backbones 09:44 < bridge> Perhaps for money, perhaps to avoid being invited to a cia blacksite for enhanced tea and cookies 09:48 < bridge> I want to be invited for tea and cookies 😦 09:48 < bridge> I hear they are irresistible 09:48 < bridge> Mhmmmm, where to apply? 😄 09:50 < bridge> Take part in a terror plot or become the sole sysadmin at a large datacenter. You'll get the invitation soon enough 09:51 < bridge> Sounds like a plan. Want to be my co sysadmin? So we both receive an invitation? 09:51 < bridge> If we add heinrich and deen as well, maybe they offer us a shuttle service 09:52 < bridge> :pepeH: 09:55 < bridge> No thank you. I don't want any enhanced cookies 09:57 < bridge> I do wonder how the NSA gets/used to get certificates to perform their QUANTUM attacks. QUANTUMINSERT is just a packet race e.g. if you get to the client before the webserver you have a chance, but you still need to present a certificate 10:02 < bridge> I guess pre-CT they could just do whatever by compromising just one CA 10:08 < bridge> Just get the Lets Encrypt Root CA 🙂 12:05 < bridge> this page contains slides from nsa presentation about work of turbulence 12:09 < bridge> so, quantumtheory is used to collect data, or are they independent? 12:09 < bridge> i mean as parr of turmoil or not 12:09 < bridge> i mean as part of turmoil or not 12:11 < bridge> TURMOIL analyzes packets, and funnels them to TURBINE. TURBINE then sometimes makes the decision to try an active attack. They have many active attacks in the QUANTUM suite that they use 12:12 < bridge> QUANTUMINSERT is a packet race attack, if TURBINE gets a TCP SYN, an attack server close by will rush to race the actual TCP response from the destination server 12:13 < bridge> Paired with a forged certificate this allows you to turn your side channel into a mitm 12:13 < bridge> ig it works with 90% succeds chance since nsa has all capabilities to make physical lines for themselves 12:14 < bridge> Another one we know of is QUANTUMDNS which tries to hijack dns 12:14 < bridge> in europe at least 12:14 < bridge> They just pay off backbone providers or threaten them or whatever and they get access. No need to build anything 12:15 < bridge> gg all our data is being collected by idiocratic country :kek: 12:15 < bridge> The entire system is an automated self expanding surveillance network. These things need no human intervention 12:16 < bridge> except of building new datacenters 12:17 < bridge> If a QUANTUM attack succeeds it'll connect you to a NSA TAO server which will try to auto infiltrate your computer with hundreds and hundreds of zero days and backdoors that they get software and hardware vendors to add in there. Then your computer becomes a part of their surveillence network, occasionally reporting to turbine servers 12:19 < bridge> The documents that got dumped online reveal some insane capabilities. It's quite impressive the cyberwarfare arsenal they have built 12:21 < bridge> did snowden publish all the documents he got btw? 12:21 < bridge> Oh and if all these sophisticated attacks fail. They have very manual operations too. They will straight up intercept shipments of hardware and install spying chips on them 12:22 < bridge> Hm, I actually don't know 12:22 < bridge> imagine arguing with somebody who got ties with nsa 12:22 < bridge> and then :troll: 12:23 < bridge> i remember that he transferred all the data to journalists so they could filter it to fit in our minds 12:24 < bridge> I don't even know if this part of it was leaked by snowden. I remember this being leaked by some hackers 12:34 < bridge> weird https://robertheaton.com/pyskywifi/ 13:04 < bridge> sent before 13:05 < bridge> yup 13:06 < bridge> too many embeds :kek: 13:19 < bridge> cannot update AUR to 18.3.1 - seems related to the UPNP API update 13:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1262730274882584627/image.png?ex=6697a8b5&is=66965735&hm=e667173a53e290a60d6d0963e9b6bac1841446857d00f56b83eb33bf785f7b53& 13:19 < bridge> cc: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/commit/a0da2d0978ec8af2013604f37681f0d0d973a30e 13:24 < bridge> ah, the build in itself fails when you set set the UPNP flag - can someone confirm if it isnt a skill issue on my end? otherwise the CI isn't detecting that 13:24 < bridge> full error: 13:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1262731681010552862/image.png?ex=6697aa05&is=66965885&hm=51995c71c23c76faec24c87d4aed86c3ffda254649e3898f944c19c707d845da& 13:35 < bridge> nvm fixed in latest upstream :KEKW: 13:40 < bridge> nvm fixed in latest upstream :KEKW:, not sure if i can just cherrypick that tho 14:57 < bridge> @blaiszephyr my fish run openbsd 14:57 < bridge> check the logo 14:57 < bridge> r.i.p. ZillyInsta 15:16 < bridge> hier deklariert 15:17 < bridge> Seeing compiler errors in a different language is rattling 15:21 < bridge> switch to gentoo, i maintain the ebuild 15:21 < bridge> https://refspecs.linuxbase.org/elf/x86_64-abi-0.99.pdf 15:21 < bridge> the holy bible 15:21 < bridge> does anyone know of such a document but for aarch64? 15:21 < bridge> also does apple like to be special here and do they use their own call conv? 15:22 < bridge> for m1s 15:32 < bridge> https://github.com/lenary/abis here holier bible 15:37 < bridge> https://github.com/ARM-software/abi-aa/blob/main/aapcs64/aapcs64.rst 15:37 < bridge> nice 15:37 < bridge> permalink (press 'y' anywhere on github): https://github.com/ARM-software/abi-aa/blob/1a448ed798d03a4143508580bb8dffc99c188d7d/aapcs64/aapcs64.rst 15:38 < bridge> :KEKW: 15:38 < bridge> ikr 15:40 < bridge> https://github.com/ARM-software/abi-aa/blob/1a448ed798d03a4143508580bb8dffc99c188d7d/sysvabi64/sysvabi64.rst there is also this 15:40 < bridge> rebrand is cleaner 15:55 < bridge> wdym 16:05 < bridge> I renamed the GitHub organization ZillyInsta to ddnet-insta 16:07 < bridge> piggybacking on other people's brands :p 16:08 < bridge> No removing my branding from a product that should not be about me but be used by everyone who needs it 16:09 < bridge> ddnet-insta happens to be the cleanest most neutral and descriptive name 16:30 < bridge> sounds Zilly to me 16:30 < bridge> ._. 16:31 < bridge> xd 16:38 < bridge> contains zillycode™ 16:48 < bridge> Hello evening, 16:48 < bridge> where I can find SQL query of to have below link results ? 16:48 < bridge> `https://ddnet.org/players/test/` 16:58 < bridge> It may not be an sql query. It could also be an aggregate of a couple 17:00 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-scripts/blob/76bdc60d0238e08b863e7f51f2d40cad8581e0ad/servers/scripts/ranks.py this generates the msgpack we use to generate all the other pages 17:00 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-scripts/blob/76bdc60d0238e08b863e7f51f2d40cad8581e0ad/servers/scripts/players.py this then parses it to generate the player pages 17:01 < bridge> I want this tnx ❤️ 17:01 < bridge> But a question what's msgpack !! 17:02 < bridge> Just like a json file, but packed tighter and binary 17:02 < bridge> is it generate by scripts or server execute file ? 17:03 < bridge> This script generates it 17:04 < bridge> `("select distinct r.Name, r.ID, r.Time, r.Timestamp, (select substring(Server, 1, 3) from record_race where Map = r.Map and Name = r.Name and Time = r.Time limit 1) as Server from ((select distinct ID from record_teamrace where Map = '%s' ORDER BY Time) as l) left join (select * from record_teamrace where Map = '%s') as r on l.ID = r.ID order by r.Time, r.ID, r.Name;` 17:04 < bridge> 17:04 < bridge> This is kinda "the" query, but as you can see there is python post processing before it's saved into the msgpack 17:05 < bridge> Well I wanted to gather this information by query and maybe save to csv file then show it to each player to their client profile 17:05 < bridge> Well good luck, you might have a better time parsing the player pages 17:05 < bridge> only slightly tighter. most of the difference is that it's binary and not textual 17:05 < bridge> I'm unsure whether even deen knows how all of this goes together 17:06 < bridge> I think it's going to hard way using ddnet way cuz I can't understand it 😄 17:06 < bridge> maybe 😄 17:08 < bridge> You can certainly write queries that do what we do on that page, it would just be impossible for us to run those whenever people request a page, so we don't have them written 17:09 < bridge> Yeah I agree that doing this for website is bad idea cuz in each request have to do that massivly queries 17:09 < bridge> (Perhaps with aggressive caching it can be made to work, but I don't think anyone is up for a rewrite of the entire website now) 17:09 < bridge> It's just too much work 17:11 < bridge> Use mongodb 17:11 < bridge> It's webscale 17:11 < bridge> for my project I going to do that query per day maybe and save to sqlite or csv don't know then for example load for player according to their name cuz I don't have expensive vps to be able handle that much query for each request 17:12 < bridge> yeah I can even save data of each player to mongodb and update them and for load just read it from mongodb 17:12 < bridge> but the problem for now is gathering that information from sql 😦 17:12 < bridge> I don't know maybe I going completely away from my purpose 😄 17:13 < bridge> You can perhaps even do this in a single query but the amount of time it would take would be insane 17:14 < bridge> well there is a fact that my server sql is more smaller than ddnet 100% 17:14 < bridge> Follow our approach, go map by map, build a rank list, you can even put it in a db. Then query that instead per player 17:14 < bridge> You can just lift the ranking query from the ddnet source 17:14 < bridge> Where's Jupstar :feelsbadman: 17:15 < bridge> My favourite db is `> /dev/null`. It has insane write performance 17:15 < bridge> I saw similar project form @stormaxd don't know he's project is public or not 17:16 < bridge> It's write only database, you can't read from it 17:16 < bridge> You can read your data back out of `/dev/urandom` in finite time 17:17 < bridge> Do you know any resources to get started with writing drivers 😄 17:17 < bridge> facts 17:18 < bridge> Nope, I'm however planning on writing a filesystem driver sometime before the end of this year 17:18 < bridge> Nothing interesting, I kinda want to mess around with it a bit 17:18 < bridge> when do show that information in player profile 17:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1262790508065853480/image.png?ex=6697e0ce&is=66968f4e&hm=5a01fcea48a32a4def1836a820263d837d43a0905f9b002ad01067a9f9310ba4& 17:18 < bridge> I want to show that information in player profile 17:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1262790508065853480/image.png?ex=6697e0ce&is=66968f4e&hm=5a01fcea48a32a4def1836a820263d837d43a0905f9b002ad01067a9f9310ba4& 17:18 < bridge> wild background 17:19 < bridge> don't hammer my face 17:19 < bridge> When learath lang? 17:19 < bridge> yeah it's summer season background 17:19 < bridge> looks funny 17:20 < bridge> Perhaps we could add it to `https://ddnet.org/players/?json2=Learath2` now that I think about it 17:20 < bridge> is it loaded from that msgpack etc way ? 17:21 < bridge> It's on the back of my mind. Whenever I get annoyed at a language for something, I make a mental note 17:22 < bridge> making languages is hard ^^ 17:22 < bridge> languages unfortunately also suffer from network effects 17:22 < bridge> Yes, perhaps we could just load it from the msgpack and serve it, or maybe generate and cache it 17:22 < bridge> Any fringe language has to have very strong FFI, no one would use lealang 17:23 < bridge> go is kind of a counter example 17:23 < bridge> but even that has somewhat workable ffi 17:23 < bridge> Well go isn't fringe, it has a huge ecosystem of it's own 17:23 < bridge> well, it somehow got ther 17:23 < bridge> well, it somehow got there 17:23 < bridge> I didn't find myself looking for many external libraries at all 17:23 < bridge> it was created only in 2009 or so 17:23 < bridge> It's backed by google 17:24 < bridge> and rust had mozarella 17:24 < bridge> getting one large corpo fan of your language is incredibly useful 17:24 < bridge> gameskins 😛 17:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1262791976995000380/image.png?ex=6697e22c&is=669690ac&hm=3cc29c2096d7554d16a698a5a6406417286980a673f7d0691396bc2146a32811& 17:25 < bridge> Look at Nim and Zig in comparison, both very promising languages but sort of DOA 17:26 < bridge> But making goofy languages is fun 17:26 < bridge> That can't be denied, even if I don't end up making anything serious, I'll definitely make something for the lulz 17:27 < bridge> even a language that is slightly interesting is already very hard 17:27 < bridge> one of my friends did one 🙂 17:27 < bridge> I want C with methods on structs xd 17:27 < bridge> I might make a Better-C 17:29 < bridge> Though C++ already exists if you use it in a sane manner it's not that bad 17:29 < bridge> I once jumped to a definition 17:29 < bridge> It was a huge mistake 17:30 < bridge> everyone agrees that you need to use a "reasonable subset" of C++, but I'm not sure if people agree on what that reasonable subset is 17:30 < bridge> a linter that denies other parts of C++ might be in order 17:31 < bridge> Anyway, my main language idea is a lax-rust. Unrust? Derust? 17:31 < bridge> Why did noone Tell Me 4 Sticks of ddr5 wont Work without hours of tinkering :KEKW: , man that was painful, TiL AMD EXPO can be annoyingly stressful when the Profile is Not explicitly enabled 17:31 < bridge> Maybe after I finally quit this job I'll sit down for a week or two and sketch it out properly 17:32 < bridge> lealang? 17:32 < bridge> u copied my name 17:32 < bridge> edlang 17:32 < bridge> There is some legacy to C++ that makes the syntax unnecessarily nasty. Things like `std::optional` are not fun to use 17:32 < bridge> *angry memory safe noises* 17:33 < bridge> -# member of thenanti c++ consortium 17:33 < bridge> -# member of then anti c++ club 17:33 < bridge> -# member of the anti c++ club 17:33 < bridge> god i cant type 17:34 < bridge> bro i literally Talked about this some time ago 17:34 < bridge> the way my RAM is currently setup is a sin on so many levels 17:34 < bridge> its why i have 2 sticks of 32gb each 17:34 < bridge> :KEKW: :KEKW: :KEKW: :KEKW: :KEKW: 17:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1262794571989909577/image.png?ex=6697e497&is=66969317&hm=431b58d5627954284890695ec47ecf7ca8dd1c94c17bdd29027429a4e31968d2& 17:35 < bridge> u shouldnt do that 17:35 < bridge> i think 17:35 < bridge> What on earth? 17:35 < bridge> This is a crime 17:36 < bridge> Oh wait, it's not the per stick configuration, what is this? 17:36 < bridge> profile A (stick a and c) are set to EXPO 17:36 < bridge> profile B (stick b and d) are set to XMP 17:36 < bridge> why? because it wouldnt boot otherwise 17:36 < bridge> (i'll change it after reading manuals for a few hours) 17:37 < bridge> What is your cpu? 17:38 < bridge> Ryzen 9 7950X 17:39 < bridge> Are you even allowed to run that fast with 4 sticks? 17:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1262795759192117288/image.png?ex=6697e5b2&is=66969432&hm=ce0404e417e180dc85753be717923d60028434df3727bdda3f1623074261e1df& 17:40 < bridge> the truth is, u simply cant have 4 ddr5 ram at 6000 17:41 < bridge> u can only OC to 6000 with 2 sticks 17:41 < bridge> Perhaps you can run at 4800 with 4 sticks if you are lucky 17:42 < bridge> give ur ram back and buy 2x32gb 6000mt/s 17:42 < bridge> its the best bet 17:42 < bridge> :feelsbadman: yes chefcv 17:42 < bridge> :feelsbadman: yes chef 17:42 < bridge> it costed me 230€ i think 17:42 < bridge> :this: I wouldn't mess around with it either, 4 sticks of ddr5 just runs bad in general 17:42 < bridge> also try to pick the lowest cl 17:44 < bridge> you want Go 17:44 < bridge> >:D 17:51 < bridge> I use it at my job 😏 17:52 < bridge> https://withinboredom.info/2022/12/29/golang-is-evil-on-shitty-networks/ 18:00 < bridge> <-StormAx> i'm offering source codes for education purposes 18:15 < bridge> big win 😄 18:23 < bridge> guyss 18:23 < bridge> i passef 18:23 < bridge> passed 18:23 < bridge> got a drivers license! 18:23 < bridge> congrats, now you can contribute to urban traffic :Celebrate: 18:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1262806936097652756/file.jpg?ex=6697f01b&is=66969e9b&hm=b987fa3d6633cbf8c3b702522a660f8767935f1df549280f6cc0ae358c57d312& 18:23 < bridge> meme to celebrate 18:26 < bridge> :poggers2: :poggers2: :poggers2: :poggers2: :poggers2: :poggers2: 18:26 < bridge> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34181846 The author of the default makes a decent point 18:27 < bridge> @diariesvexar all stormax does is use ddnet and ddstats json endpoints, parsing and displaying it in a horrible designed UI :greenthing: ( i helped design it, i'm allowed to flame) 18:49 < bridge> <-StormAx> always blame @blaiszephyr 19:00 < bridge> :justatest: 19:36 < bridge> now i just.need a car 19:37 < bridge> could've gotten my old VW for 100$ which i gave away like 2 months ago :greenthing: 19:39 < bridge> it was a good one as well! VW Golf V 1.4 TDI 19:40 < bridge> ayo what dem git diffs from 2020 doing in there 19:41 < bridge> :pepe_holy: 19:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1262826364361379912/image.png?ex=66980233&is=6696b0b3&hm=8426299c77bf9fbad872c6d3727e939e89eb28f6fdbc36254768cdc3ac0e2773& 19:46 < bridge> oh didn't know that then i think i don't need he's client source tnx ❤️ 19:47 < bridge> no it's fine I know what I should to do tnx anyway :owo: 20:47 < bridge> sick 20:47 < bridge> quality of life features