00:03 < bridge> yes 00:03 < bridge> i literally only got it to function and then went to sleep lol 00:03 < bridge> me too 00:04 < bridge> expo 2 00:04 < bridge> 6000MHz 00:09 < bridge> <0xdeen> Thanks @milkeeycat ! 00:14 < bridge> @mpft `anyhow` also seems unused. but it shouldn't be unused, all the `unwrap`s and `panic!`s should return errors instead ^^ 00:18 < bridge> sure 00:19 < bridge> not that saying this exempts me from that but I Literally Only Got It To Function And Then Went To Sleep 00:23 < bridge> if that means "I don't want to hear anything about the program", then sorry 00:55 < bridge> python programmers be like 01:17 < bridge> @heinrich5991 `str_copy(aBuf, "☐", sizeof(aBuf))` does not seem to work 01:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1261824093314093067/image.png?ex=66945cc3&is=66930b43&hm=82c42f57020e3e08d185fd8ea0e8b9671a9257db9496f64a8096aa97341f3c85& 01:18 < bridge> when hovering, the IDE shows it as questionmark already 01:18 < bridge> and that's how it's displayed ingame 01:22 < bridge> strange though, utf8 copying/formatting works pretty well (on linux) 01:22 < bridge> are you sure you have utf8 encoding? 01:24 < bridge> yes 01:28 < bridge> Maybe you have a locale issue? 01:28 < bridge> They get saved correctly in the file 01:29 < bridge> and i can use the same text everywhere else 01:29 < bridge> including inside of teeworlds 01:29 < bridge> it's just that the unicode characters turn into shit 01:29 < bridge> i remember i had this issue once with the whisper arrows, dunno how i fixed it 01:29 < bridge> xd 01:30 < bridge> Wym turn into shit? As in your editor has issues with them? 01:30 < bridge> ye, probably, as you can see when i hover this is being displayed 01:30 < bridge> ah, i fixed it 01:30 < bridge> encoding has to be utf8 without signature, instead of signature 01:31 < bridge> :) 01:42 < bridge> i do appreciate the feedback but it's also a little bold to assume i hadn't thought about these things. being unfamiliar with the language makes it hard to just quickly knock shit out like that, even if i had already thought about it 01:42 < bridge> a lot of it is in the tone/wording, i know you're probably doing your best but prefacing your criticisms with "by the way" or "if you didn't know" goes a long way lol 01:44 < bridge> maybe if i was like "yeah i spent a lot of time on this and i'd like to see what you think" then it'd be appropriate to nit like that but i'm obviously still in the process of fleshing it out 01:44 < bridge> if it wasn't clear when i said i got it working then slept 02:43 < bridge> pyson gangster 09:50 < bridge> i think all of your concerns have been addressed now 10:39 < bridge> tell me when I'm allowed to give feedback 10:39 < bridge> > it's also a little bold to assume i hadn't thought about these things 10:39 < bridge> I did not mean to imply this 10:42 < bridge> > a lot of it is in the tone/wording, i know you're probably doing your best but prefacing your criticisms with "by the way" or "if you didn't know" goes a long way lol 10:42 < bridge> to me, prefacing these particular statements with "by the way" or "if you didn't know" makes them sound more like I'm implying that you don't know 10:46 < bridge> i see that 10:46 < bridge> i can see that 10:56 < bridge> chillerdragon: who's playing with ur name? :justatest: 10:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1261969438002122753/image.png?ex=6694e420&is=669392a0&hm=19b0c705c675871d465cc3437d59143179c32d408c3a8f12cb277d1473c238a9& 11:11 < bridge> any time 11:11 < bridge> we are here 11:12 < bridge> sorry for my nitpicking your feedback. thanks for taking the time to tell me how you felt about this 11:14 < bridge> in hindsight i did kind of bite your head off lol 11:15 < bridge> it was just frustrating because you were saying exactly what i already knew but didnt get around to doing lol 11:15 < bridge> not super reasonable to expect you'd know anyway 11:18 < bridge> `.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap()` 11:18 < bridge> on a path can be replaced by `.display()` if you just want to display it to the user 11:18 < bridge> oh sweet 11:18 < bridge> why doesnt it implement the Display trait? 11:19 < bridge> because file paths can contain "characters" that aren't valid strings 11:20 < bridge> both on windows and on linux. on windows, they can contain unpaired surrogates (something that relates to weird implementations of UTF-16) and on linux they're unchecked bytes (except for / and \0), so they don't have to contain valid UTF-8 11:21 < bridge> damn 11:21 < bridge> isn't there another one too 11:21 < bridge> into srting lossy or smth 11:21 < bridge> yes, that's the same as the `.display()`, but slightly less efficient 11:21 < bridge> nice 11:27 < bridge> do you work on windows or on linux? 11:27 < bridge> linux rn 11:27 < bridge> the shell should be handle globbing for you 11:27 < bridge> btw ^^ 11:27 < bridge> fish doesnt like globbing properly for me 11:27 < bridge> idk 11:28 < bridge> what do you mean? 11:28 < bridge> fish doesn't glob the way you want to? 11:28 < bridge> it does now >_> 11:28 < bridge> that i say something 11:30 < bridge> and even if so i don't think it would replace the strings in a compatible way 11:30 < bridge> cuz i use ; delim 11:30 < bridge> maybe i could just use multiple input args but this seems good for now 11:32 < bridge> yea, probably works. globs need to be quoted now 11:32 < bridge> good imo 11:33 < bridge> guaranteed consistent across shells 11:34 < bridge> IMO not so good, because the user knows their shell and the program will interpret the globs differently from their shell. also, it has weird behavior if filenames contain glob characters 11:36 < bridge> how would the shell glob it? delimited by space? 11:36 < bridge> i usually never use the shell glob lol 11:36 < bridge> i use find in scripts 11:37 < bridge> the shell globs it by putting it into separate arguments 11:37 < bridge> hi 11:37 < bridge> so `-i=*.png` would do `-i=a.png -i=b.png`? 11:37 < bridge> i.e. in a directory containing two files `a` and `b`, it'd turn `ls *` into the three parameters `ls`, `a` and `b` 11:38 < bridge> oh 11:38 < bridge> yea i could just make inputs unnamed 11:38 < bridge> no, `-i=*.png` would not work, unless you have file called like `-i=foobar.png` (with the `-i=`) in your current directory (which would also be cursed, I guess) ^^ 11:39 < bridge> yea 11:39 < bridge> yea 11:39 < bridge> well 11:39 < bridge> food for thought 11:39 < bridge> not sure exactly how ''d handle an undefined amount of unnamed args as inputs 11:40 < bridge> makes any other unnamed param impossible 11:41 < bridge> yup 12:31 < bridge> thats me doing legit gaming (trust me bro) 13:09 < bridge> If possible, can anyone confirm with me on game state updating? 13:09 < bridge> 13:09 < bridge> Is there any difference between Teeworlds and DDNet on how the game state is updated? 13:09 < bridge> 13:09 < bridge> I see that DDNet updates 50 ticks per second. This means 20ms each tick. What if the player's ping/jitter/disconnect is 50ms or 500ms for a brief moment? What part of the game state is checked then updated, and how frequently? Any partial updates or is everything full updates? 13:36 < bridge> @0xdeen where is the core? 13:38 < bridge> found it 13:46 < bridge> Yeah it has something to do with the address :/ 13:49 < bridge> I don’t know for sure but the way the core game state is handled should be the same in ddnet and teeworlds. 13:53 < bridge> Also the game state does not depend on the clients ping. If you have a 900 ping with 1 fps and 90% packet loss. The server will still let for example gravity apply the same speed in the same time to your tee. 13:53 < bridge> 13:53 < bridge> The server handles the state and it ticks 50 times a second. The client just sends inputs. And the server sends the game state as a snapshot which always a diff to the last snapshot the client acknowledged. 13:58 < bridge> So if your client drops all packets for 500ms the server will still have computed the full state 50 times a second using your latest input. And it will keep sending you that new information of the game state as a diff to the state you last acknowledged which was before the jitter. 16:52 < bridge> https://paste.pr0.tips/U7L if any of you need a backlight script, I didn't feel like using anyone elses for some reason 😄 17:09 < bridge> i'm going nuts haha 17:09 < bridge> been working on a custom vote menu class since yesterday evening 17:10 < bridge> ok 17:10 < bridge> It's pretty much done for now, but it's a pain in the ass to work with the strings from the description 17:25 < bridge> :troll: 17:25 < bridge> you'll not believe but i did the same previous night 17:34 < bridge> really? 17:34 < bridge> xd 18:09 < bridge> yup 18:10 < bridge> not vote menu only though 18:31 < bridge> What did you do specifically? 18:36 < bridge> <_vencha> hello i have a server and few people are playing right now. i want the ban some people without me being on the server 18:36 < bridge> <_vencha> i looked at the external console thing. but i want to manage it with a program with gui. is there like this on github or somewhere else? 18:45 < bridge> <0xdeen> I haven't tried it: https://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=10827 18:46 < bridge> <_vencha> i cant download built version 18:46 < bridge> <_vencha> and i dont know how to build source 19:46 < bridge> wait is it possible to bind `spectate_closest` on rmb? 19:55 < bridge> I'm here a week later 19:55 < bridge> is there anything new? 19:55 < bridge> Hello 20:44 < bridge> @gerdoe, what are you working on? A server mod? 20:50 < bridge> ye, bw 20:51 < bridge> nice leak 20:54 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/flood-pipe-gif-15999826281270001688 21:20 < bridge> Still working on the ingame controls 21:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1262126629493280778/screenshot_2024-07-14_21-15-16.png?ex=66957685&is=66942505&hm=99e67204d11a60ecc3c5216828dda7f08dd729f2b68cc0f48838a22be39394ff& 21:35 < bridge> Can anyone with multiple GPUs, especially Intel and NVIDIA Optimus, test #8575? 21:35 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8575 22:57 < bridge> Well, time to boot in Windows 22:59 < bridge> Well, time to boot in Windows... oh wait, I'll have to compile it...