00:01 < bridge> `PathBuf` is the correct type for clap 00:01 < bridge> ty 01:52 < bridge> Chillderdragon: hahaha I love it when you just stream to yourself for 2 hours xdddd 02:00 < bridge> gm 02:00 < bridge> gn 02:00 < bridge> 2am 02:04 < bridge> gn 02:04 < bridge> gm 02:24 < bridge> gm 02:26 < bridge> jopsti said it was funny that I was muted half the stream last time. So this time I decided to be even funnier by having the stream hidden from the public eye until 1 minute before the end xd 02:26 < bridge> 02:26 < bridge> Was totally on purpose because I’m comidical genius^^ 02:28 < bridge> I always thought this is just client prediction and will only be a fast movement and not some other stats change such as a hook spawning mid air. 02:37 < bridge> did u do a stream? 04:07 < bridge> whats the escape character for str_format? I can't seem to get it to put a "%" into the text 04:09 < bridge> for printf it's usually %% 04:10 < bridge> did you try that? 04:12 < bridge> looks like str_format is calling this: 04:12 < bridge> int length = str_format_v(buffer, buffer_size, format, args); 04:12 < bridge> which is calling vsnprintf 06:54 < ws-client> @Ewan yep i did a 2 day challenge of trying to finish run_orange on official ddnet servers using lua 06:54 < ws-client> took me 12 hours :D 07:04 < bridge> ur gonna get in trouble man... 07:04 < ws-client> wot why 07:17 < bridge> bcs u did a 2 day challenge of trying to finish run_orange on official ddnet servers using lua 07:23 < ws-client> nothing troublesome about it? xd 07:23 < ws-client> or what do you mean 07:25 < bridge> lua on official ddnet servers 07:25 < bridge> is not problematic? 07:30 < ws-client> no its not ddnet is not discord xd 07:30 < ws-client> custom clients are not tos 07:30 < ws-client> only automated inputs and unfair advantages 07:37 < bridge> what else is the Lua doing 07:40 < bridge> Wdym what else 07:41 < bridge> The lua is doing the connecting to the server and handling user input. Same as the C++ in the ddnet client? Xd 07:41 < bridge> Just more bugged and less features 07:42 < bridge> WTF 07:42 < bridge> wot 07:44 < bridge> @mpft: what did you think the lua was doing 07:44 < bridge> automating inputs 07:44 < bridge> You mean like ath style 07:45 < bridge> ig 07:45 < bridge> Yes that would be sus 07:46 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/live/jsFEPz5tl2c you can see me gaming the final run at 3:55 07:47 < bridge> ahhhh 07:47 < bridge> so weird 07:47 < bridge> frank zappa said "taiwan" in my ear as soon as your browser loaded with the taiwan filter 07:48 < bridge> i see what you did now. LOL 07:49 < bridge> u could have at least turned up `cl_refresh_rate_inactive`. ._. 07:49 < bridge> u could have at least turned up `cl_refresh_rate_inactive` ._. 07:50 < bridge> I turned it down on purpose :D it’s ma laptop I don’t want it to ever fan spin or hit 90% cpu usage 07:51 < bridge> I don’t even see the stutter anymore xd 07:51 < bridge> ah laptop :feelsbadman: 11:40 < bridge> Who is hosting CHN MidNight? 14:32 < bridge> i have car driving exam tuesday 14:32 < bridge> :justatest: 14:32 < bridge> in barcelona 14:32 < bridge> hard mode 14:36 < bridge> fail it !! 14:36 < bridge> you don't need car to live 14:56 < bridge> facts 14:56 < bridge> you just need it to drive 15:08 < bridge> you don't need a car to drive!" 15:08 < bridge> you don't need a car to drive! 15:12 < bridge> I ended up just never using my driving license. Total waste of money 15:12 < bridge> Peer pressured into getting one 15:14 < bridge> in big cities you rarely need your car 15:17 < bridge> So happy I have a car, my life would be fucked otherwise 15:29 < bridge> so happy i have my driving license, i don't need to bring my passport just to buy some beer 15:33 < bridge> are you in the US 15:33 < bridge> sounds like a US thing 15:39 < bridge> russia 16:31 < bridge> ill use it, got a gf :justatest: 16:31 < bridge> 2d girls dont count 16:31 < bridge> its real :justatest: 16:31 < bridge> no way :justatest: 16:31 < bridge> u missed the news 16:32 < bridge> since 1 month and smth now 16:32 < bridge> like a real woman? 16:32 < bridge> Women don't use public transit? 16:32 < bridge> there must be a catch 16:32 < bridge> xd 16:32 < bridge> he is an unrelatable normie now 16:32 < bridge> @learath2 i also want a car 16:32 < bridge> to go outside city 16:32 < bridge> next he'll replace anime with the news 16:32 < bridge> Souly 16:33 < bridge> troll 16:33 < bridge> nah 16:33 < bridge> confirmed 16:33 < bridge> U 16:33 < bridge> U 16:33 < bridge> im checking deens youtube channel rn 16:33 < bridge> w0t 16:33 < bridge> some really interesting stuff there 16:33 < bridge> Norway 🇳🇴 16:33 < bridge> i doubt normies know compiler dev and rust and asm 16:34 < bridge> I know you are looking for web dev jobs so you can pivot 16:34 < bridge> what 16:34 < bridge> never 16:34 < bridge> im rly happy with my job tbh 16:35 < bridge> gotta continue edlang 16:35 < bridge> my dream car is a mustang 16:36 < bridge> idk why 16:36 < bridge> am i weird 17:06 < bridge> @heinrich5991 I am starting to like brackets even on single line if's 17:07 < bridge> Depends on what is happening tbh but I'm using it more often nowadays :) 18:57 < bridge> a few middle school kids 18:58 < bridge> Anyone on discord? 18:58 < bridge> no 18:58 < bridge> they only get on discord when they need to ask for favors 18:58 < bridge> Lol, okay i see 18:58 < bridge> thanks for your honesty 18:59 < bridge> :owo: 18:59 < bridge> :justatest: 18:59 < bridge> hahaha 18:59 < bridge> i mean if im in middle school i would do the same 18:59 < bridge> probably 19:00 < bridge> i just don't like them as an adult 19:00 < bridge> :greenthing: 19:00 < bridge> :gigachad: 19:00 < bridge> do you want to reach them 19:01 < bridge> I thought about doing so, since they've not yet once updated F-DDrac and their server has 0 players :D 19:01 < bridge> But it's nothing of importance, just wanted to have a little chat if it was easy, so don't worry :) 19:01 < bridge> ye, they probably doesn't really care either 19:01 < bridge> Probably xd 19:02 < bridge> hi 19:02 < bridge> Bet they don't even know what features there is, just seeing other people's success makes them copy the work :D 19:02 < bridge> kids wants attention and be "famous" and you probably shouldn't try to make them feel important. 19:02 < bridge> Ye, probably ur right 19:03 < bridge> there was one guy asked if he can post something of chiller, chiller said yes and the guy made announcements everywhere lol 19:03 < bridge> lmao 19:03 < bridge> 19:03 < bridge> hey! 19:04 < bridge> whats up 19:04 < bridge> just having a wonderful chat with TsFreddie, like always when we chat c: 19:04 < bridge> up is a direction which is usually located above your head 19:04 < bridge> :kek: 19:05 < bridge> He's basically the definition of :gigachad: 19:05 < bridge> @cyberfighter 19:05 < bridge> ? 19:06 < bridge> u drunk 19:06 < bridge> no 19:06 < bridge> im drunk 19:06 < bridge> no, you're TsFreddie 19:06 < bridge> thank dad 19:06 < bridge> np 19:06 < bridge> gtg slepping 19:06 < bridge> gn 19:06 < bridge> slepp well 20:43 < bridge> indeed :justatest: 21:18 < bridge> What font is used for the categories (Dᴜᴍᴍʏ) 21:19 < bridge> ahh 22:27 < bridge> @0xdeen we do have controller support, are you able to state that in steam? or was there a reason you didn't 22:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1261781085650681856/image.png?ex=669434b5&is=6692e335&hm=68985449e157bbce5540266c9c7f79ba9c3b0e84afdd54275da3d561bcbf4a42& 22:50 < bridge> Maybe it would requires more than the basic controller support we have right now, like detecting the gamepad layout and automatically configuring the controls 22:51 < bridge> Maybe it would require more than the basic controller support we have right now, like detecting the gamepad layout and automatically configuring the controls 22:52 < bridge> How does DDNet add the empty voting placeholder lines? 22:52 < bridge> I understand how it works, but the code should disallow adding a vote with an empty (or spaces) description: 22:52 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blame/9249b61f9f577289f1e494dea16c57aac0dca48f/src/game/server/gamecontext.cpp#L3226-L3227 22:52 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-scripts/blob/76bdc60d0238e08b863e7f51f2d40cad8581e0ad/servers/types/solo/flexvotes.cfg#L16 22:53 < bridge> It even adds 2 spaces here, because there is one added with 1 space already, so the description is taken already 22:53 < bridge> That's not a normal space 😉 22:53 < bridge> No? Thought so 22:53 < bridge> https://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~richard/utf-8.cgi?input=%E2%80%8A&mode=char 22:53 < bridge> was the only logical solution, but googling didnt work 22:53 < bridge> Nice#! 22:59 < bridge> nice 🙂 23:01 < bridge> notnice, it is well known that the less braces you use the more cool you are 23:01 < bridge> rust must be pretty uncool 23:05 < bridge> if it was so uncool why did i spend all of yesterday porting one of my stupid little tools to it 😳 23:15 < bridge> what did you write? 🙂 23:15 < bridge> that ddnet skin fixer tool 23:15 < bridge> haven't tested it too much at all 23:16 < bridge> github.com/ewancg/fix-skin 23:16 < bridge> main branch 23:17 < bridge> old impl is on the cpp branch 23:17 < bridge> https://github.com/ewancg/fix-skin 23:17 < bridge> can str_format and str_copy handle these `☐` ? it's the one from votes, to select the category 23:17 < bridge> for me it's displaying a qeustionmark rn trying to use it from code 23:17 < bridge> next I may do the web server behind the unique proxy. the one with the terrible skins 23:28 < bridge> cool 🙂 23:28 < bridge> yes. `str_copy`/`str_format` do not mess with your strings 23:28 < bridge> check whether you're saving the relevant files as UTF-8 (if these strings come from config files) 23:30 < bridge> https://github.com/nicholassm/disruptor-rs @heinrich5991 @learath2 23:30 < bridge> `tokio` seems to be an essentially unused dependency 23:30 < bridge> faster than crossbeam 23:31 < bridge> seems to have a different API from crossbeam 23:31 < bridge> seems to have an API different from crossbeam 23:32 < bridge> > Everything in the library is about low-latency and this heavily influences all choices made in this library. As an example, you cannot allocate an event and move that into the ringbuffer. Instead, events are allocated on startup to ensure they are co-located in memory to increase cache coherency. However, you can still allocate a struct on the heap and move ownership to a field in the event on the Ringbuffer. As long as you realize that this can 23:32 < bridge> image cuz table 23:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1261797549325418599/image.png?ex=6694440a&is=6692f28a&hm=b4d6a02ea9fc1fb22bdaa431183c6c879b5db47f892134e1501cb165ade7a29a& 23:33 < bridge> It's in the code file 23:33 < bridge> is that code file saved as UTF-8? 23:33 < bridge> probably not, i'll check quickly 23:34 < bridge> @ryozuki how long does it take to compile firefox for you? 23:34 < bridge> 8 mins 23:34 < bridge> why? 23:34 < bridge> on release obviously 23:34 < bridge> Lto? 23:34 < bridge> i think i have turbo build on 23:35 < bridge> yes with lto 23:35 < bridge> i have lto on by default with some flags to detect packages 23:35 < bridge> or maybe not 23:35 < bridge> i forgot 23:35 < bridge> if firefox had problems or not 23:36 < bridge> It takes exactly 18 minutes for me so my guess was like bang on 😄 23:36 < bridge> @heinrich5991 i think it's saved correctly, yes 23:36 < bridge> utf8 23:36 < bridge> my old 5800x took 15 min 23:36 < bridge> btw do u use a tmpfs? 23:37 < bridge> it probs helps with firefox since big 23:37 < bridge> Now this is verycool 23:37 < bridge> I do use a tmpfs. I use a tmpfs for a lot of things on this laptop because I have 64 gigs of ram 23:37 < bridge> ye same 23:38 < bridge> how fast is ur ram 23:38 < bridge> mine is 6000mt/s 23:38 < bridge> 5600mt ddr5. The max this laptop supports since no xmp 23:38 < bridge> u use AMD right? 23:38 < bridge> why no xmp 23:38 < bridge> Yep 23:38 < bridge> i have a amd specific ram 23:38 < bridge> it has a feature 23:39 < bridge> It's a laptop mobo. Who knows why not perhaps their memory controller isn't good enough? 23:39 < bridge> AMD EXPO 23:39 < bridge> ah mobo limit ok 23:39 < bridge> https://www.amd.com/en/products/processors/technologies/expo.html 23:39 < bridge> Though actually nowadays idk if the memory controller is still on the mobo 23:56 < bridge> radeon fury beast DDR5 with AMD EXPO™️ masterrace