00:13 < bridge> it works now..... 01:50 < bridge> Yes you can use the snapshot builder. What are you working on? 01:52 < bridge> ?xd which password what can it do? 02:09 < bridge> Yes the client unpacks that integer. Removing it would break protocol. But you could remove the variable if you want to just make sure you still pack and unpack that integer. Its value can be anything but as of right now it’s zero. 02:15 < bridge> The variable is part of a struct which is used as offset so you would have to change that 04:38 < bridge> who was it with the email host recommendation? seemed like a rly good deal 04:38 < bridge> thought it was deen but cant find 04:41 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1252302990841479169 04:43 < bridge> mm dont think it was that but thx for looking 04:43 < bridge> i distinctly remember they attached a link 06:14 < bridge> alright sry 08:20 < bridge> mailgun free tier for sending email 09:47 < bridge> chillerdragon: documented here btw: https://github.com/heinrich5991/libtw2/blob/f83caf19a23a6ab21875ced2abcbedd58af5121b/doc/snapshot.md#snapshot-deltas 09:47 < bridge> protonmail? migadu? cock.li? 11:33 < bridge> https://purelymail.com/ 11:34 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1130248758504980511 11:34 < bridge> been using it for my email. 12:45 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 i know you documented snapshots and you know i know. And i know you know that i documted them too. Why send this to me xd 12:46 < bridge> ChillerDragon: I replied to your "this field is unused" message 12:46 < bridge> because that is also documented in the libtw2 documentation 12:46 < bridge> because that fact is also documented in the libtw2 documentation 12:46 < ws-client> yes i know 12:46 < ws-client> and you know i know 12:47 < ws-client> idk im confused xd 12:47 < ws-client> did i say something wrong? 12:47 < ws-client> maybe you ment to ping teero 12:48 < ws-client> or totar 12:49 < bridge> ah. I pinged you because it was a reply to your mesesage and you don't see replies otherwise 12:50 < bridge> <0xdeen> One problem with purelymail I had was that I noticed I couldn't receive emails from 1-2 people. This is kind of a deal breaker when you do important stuff via email. I'm hoping it doesn't happen more often, but wasn't sure if it's a misconfiguration on purelymail's side or the other side 12:50 < ws-client> they were talking about how snapshots work as if there aren't 3 documentations on it 12:50 < bridge> kill me 12:50 < bridge> <0xdeen> The great part is that you can have lots of domains and emails 12:50 < ws-client> ah well i could have guessed xd @heinrich5991 now it just like you wanted to inform me about libtw2 xd 12:51 < ws-client> seems* 12:51 < bridge> ^^ 12:51 < bridge> I see 12:52 < bridge> have you asked them about it 12:53 < bridge> <0xdeen> Yes, but we didn't find a root cause 12:54 < bridge> ah, bummer 12:57 < ws-client> i hate the fact that im still stuck with gmail and their web ui. Somehow I can not get rid of it. I tried mutt multiple times and somehow never stuck with it. About other providers im not sure either. I tried protonmail but now they deleted all my accounts so not sure how much i like them either. 12:58 < ws-client> My touchpad of the mac broke down a few days ago. So i can no longer left or right click. It still works suprisingly well without an external mouse. I can fully operate it and do all tasks i need it to do 12:58 < ws-client> but my email reading became headlines only xd 13:00 < bridge> how about using thunderbird? 13:00 < ws-client> i never liked it 13:00 < ws-client> might as well use a web ui 13:03 < bridge> web UI locks you in 13:03 < bridge> thunderbird does not 13:03 < ws-client> i dont feel locked in 13:04 < bridge> lock in isn't about feeling, I think? 13:04 < ws-client> i can switch from gmails web ui to protons web ui or mutt 13:04 < bridge> but you can't switch to mut apparently 13:04 < bridge> but you can't switch to mutt apparently 13:04 < bridge> because of UI issues 13:04 < ws-client> thunderbird is not sexy and not in the terminal and it still requires me to configure sign up 13:04 < bridge> that's your lock in 13:05 < bridge> the sign up is trivial 13:05 < ws-client> I am not sure what keeps me out of mutt. Maybe i don't have enough pain points in the web ui and it just works. While I am too lazy to login to mutt or learn its keybindings. 13:10 < bridge> then use thunderbird? 13:10 < bridge> it has an intuitive UI just like thet web UI 13:10 < bridge> (or any other graphical email client) 13:10 < ws-client> I don't like its look and feel and the fact that i have to start a whole application just to check my mails 13:11 < ws-client> a graphical email client would be a downgrade for me. 13:11 < bridge> it reduces your lock in 13:11 < bridge> you'll keep your mails when google bans your account 13:11 < ws-client> I won't be able to receive new or send new 13:11 < bridge> yes 13:11 < ws-client> I don't use gmail as storage 13:15 < bridge> hi chillerdragon 13:15 < ws-client> foxo 13:18 < bridge> chillox 13:39 < bridge> How did you get your protonmail accounts deleted? 13:45 < bridge> <0xdeen> Some thoughts on blockers: https://steamcommunity.com/app/412220/discussions/0/4407418214726864696/?tscn=1720622722 13:45 < bridge> <0xdeen> Can we bind `say "/specvoted"` and have it show up in the vote box? 13:50 < bridge> Maybe a small button in the vote menu, or "press F5 to watch x" 13:51 < bridge> which would execute /specvoted, preferrably only if ddnet has a SERVERCAPFLAG_SPECVOTED, so the client knows when to show that information and won't show it on servers where this command does not exist 13:51 < bridge> and wont try to execute it on F5 13:58 < bridge> I honestly love the picture in picture idea. like a small window below the vote window. it is just really hard to implement :-v 14:00 < bridge> Not that hard, NetworkClipped has to be checked twice basically while a vote is running. Once for your own tee, once for the /specvoted tee. 14:00 < bridge> That's all. Client can do the rest 14:00 < bridge> Client would need to know WHO is actually being voted, so it might be enough to send a NetMessageEx to tell the client about the currently being voted player 14:00 < bridge> No need for specvoted hack at all then 14:02 < bridge> At that point we might wanna introduce a NetMessageEx for setting a vote, so we won't send two messages. 14:33 < bridge> I'd say the problem of votes is that they're toothless. the problem is that by giving them some power, we'll have false positives, which you seemed to be quite averse to. this means votes are essentially useless on moderately full servers today 14:45 < bridge> I think it's a great idea to have this command bound by default, also have it in the controls menu, maybe have the client detect the key you have it bound to. Having to manually find the Tee being voted takes far too long for people to want to put the effort in, especially on a full server. Also the problem of new players not knowing you can use right shift to spectate players to begin with. 14:46 < bridge> I think it's a great idea to have this command bound by default, also have it in the controls menu, maybe have the client detect the key you have it bound to, and display the key you have to press to spectate them. Having to manually find the Tee being voted takes far too long for people to want to put the effort in, especially on a full server. Also the problem of new players not knowing you can use right shift to spectate players to begin with. 15:01 < bridge> make a custom client for mods that immediately specvotes every new votekick in any server 15:13 < bridge> I think it requires votes to have an effect first. or do you think that they'll have one since people are more likely to actually view the other person? 15:14 < bridge> Yes, I think more people actually being able to see what the person is doing would help 15:16 < bridge> Pressing right shift to spectate isn't known by everyone on these crowded novice servers, as well as it being somewhat difficult to find the person being voted in a giant list of people. Less effort to look at the person being voted would probably help a lot 15:18 < bridge> It makes sense for this to be part of the default experience anyways I think, having a button to quickly look at the voted person and have the vote menu display the key you should press to view it 15:19 < bridge> it'd be nice if there was an automatic picture-in-picture view of the voted person 15:19 < bridge> but that's a lot harder than the button 15:19 < bridge> It makes sense for this to be part of the default experience anyways I think, having a button to quickly look at the voted person and have the vote popup display the key you should press to view it 15:19 < bridge> Right 15:20 < bridge> (to select tees in spec) maybe we change the default bind from right shift to left shit? I always do that 15:20 < bridge> while you are spectating, you don't need the emote wheel, and right shift is quite an uncommon bind 15:21 < bridge> I think you could hit that on accident and get yourself killed, probably not ideal, it's also the emote wheel bind that everyone is used to, would probably have a lot of growing pains 15:21 < bridge> you can bind it to both 15:21 < bridge> how would you get yourself killed? o.o it would only do smth in spec 15:21 < bridge> mh lshift is emote, we even have it in the tutorial map 15:22 < bridge> it only shows emote ingame 15:22 < bridge> and only spec in spec 15:22 < bridge> I guess you could bind both yeah 15:22 < bridge> nono you misunderstand 15:22 < bridge> I also have it boun to both 15:22 < bridge> I also have it bound to both 15:22 < bridge> I don't want it to spec the voted tee, but allow you to select which tee to spec in spectate 15:22 < bridge> Oh, right 15:22 < bridge> Sorry, ya I assumed you meant spec 15:23 < bridge> emote and tee selection don't collide and are both very handy, left shift works quite well imo 15:23 < bridge> Sounds fine then 15:24 < bridge> but how do you bind both? 15:24 < bridge> I can imagine whatever solution having very meh interactions with the controls page in settings 15:25 < bridge> ow, might be the case 15:25 < bridge> I think regardless the way you spectate players isn't very intuitive, and I'm not sure how you could improve it 15:26 < bridge> yes, our settings don't really work well with double binds 15:26 < bridge> I'm on my laptop rn, I don't have the bind 15:26 < bridge> `bind lshift "+emote;+spectate"` 15:26 < bridge> probably just separated by semicolon, yea 15:27 < bridge> the emote wheel could be combined with the tee selection perhaps? they are sorta similar popups 15:28 < bridge> perhaps we could add a new binds item "spectator menu + emote wheel"? 15:28 < bridge> I'm unsure how well stroke commands work with multiple in a row 15:29 < bridge> Yeah, this will have to be inseparable in settings, I don't see any other sane way, without parsing strings and stuff 15:29 < bridge> very well. I've had this bind for probably 10 years now 😄 15:36 < bridge> https://zed.dev/linux 15:36 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 15:36 < bridge> promising new editor 15:36 < bridge> previously only on macos 15:37 < bridge> Ah, nice 15:37 < bridge> Hm, but I just got used to neovim 15:38 < bridge> @learath2 its made in rust 15:38 < bridge> https://github.com/zed-industries/zed 15:39 < bridge> Thorsten Ball works on linux version of zed, he also wrote a book about making an interpreter :poggers2: 15:39 < bridge> in go 15:40 < bridge> isnt that mac only 15:41 < bridge> @louis.place it was 15:41 < bridge> today they released linux version 15:41 < bridge> the post literally says "zed on linux is here" 15:41 < bridge> When windows :feelsbadman: 15:42 < bridge> hopefully never 15:42 < bridge> btw zed is triple licensed 15:42 < bridge> under AGPL, GPL, and APACHE-2 15:42 < bridge> oh mb i didnt scroll up that far 15:42 < bridge> when i saw the initial youtube vid it looked pretty sweet 15:42 < bridge> ye its fast af 15:42 < bridge> i think it will be like vscode but made in rust not js so its fast 15:43 < bridge> and they aim to use the most "platform native" features i guess 15:43 < bridge> which is why they didnt release linux yet 15:45 < bridge> maybe i should get back on linux :feelsbadman: 15:45 < bridge> only thing holding me back is fl studio and battery life lmao 15:51 < bridge> They use GPU for rendering ^^ 15:51 < bridge> I am using Zed already for my daily work and it is very fast compared to any other editor 16:11 < bridge> technically all apps use gp 16:11 < bridge> gpu 16:11 < bridge> they just have a custom renderer 16:12 < bridge> using the platform native api 16:12 < bridge> technically ( 🤓 ) all apps use gp 16:12 < bridge> i think battery life got better 16:13 < bridge> i know from tinkering with the kernel on gentoo that there are different cpu schedulers, some made for battery 16:15 < bridge> Does anyone know where chatmsgs/broadcasts get put into the demo recorder? 16:15 < bridge> i am so confused i've been searching for an hour 16:16 < bridge> every CNetObj_* uses SnapNewItem to store itself into the recording basically but what stores the chat messages? 16:17 < bridge> every CNetObj_* uses SnapNewItem to store itself into the snapshot but what stores the chat messages? 16:19 < bridge> Messages are separate from snapshots. Chat messages and broadcasts are stored as messages 16:55 < bridge> I've been getting good battery life on my laptop, but it is very new, so maybe just the effects of new battery 17:12 < bridge> i do have a new laptop as well, it's definitely good too but just not as great as windows it seems 17:12 < bridge> might not matter though since i'm planning on bringing one of those big anker powerbanks around with me 17:32 < bridge> i would bet a i3 desktop consumes less energy than windows desktop 17:32 < bridge> maybe u need to tweak gpu fans or smth 17:33 < bridge> probs has a harder time dealing with dual gpu? since seems like some propietary stuff 17:34 < bridge> The biggest issue I've had with laptops was linux not being able to properly get into S0ix states when sleeping, but with this new laptop, no issues with that 17:35 < bridge> this is it thanks 17:35 < bridge> s2idle 17:38 < bridge> Can youtube stop pushing this stupid update that moves comments to the right side? Every couple months they push it out, people hate it, they revert it 17:45 < bridge> I report it as negative feedback every time I get it 18:14 < bridge> i dont know why so many big platforms like youtube, spotify etc have the tendency to introduce the weirdest ui changes even though it was perfect as it is 18:15 < bridge> For this change I have a guess. The recommended next videos take much more space this way, they might be hoping it increases the chances that you would find a next video and spend more time on the platform 18:16 < bridge> UI/UX is important, but not as important as shareholder value 💰💰💰💰 18:16 < bridge> Also who was it that posted a spotify client written in rust here, I wanted to contribute to that thing then I couldn't find it again 😄 19:37 < bridge> ah yes, ~75 MB 19:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1261013519592325130/image.png?ex=669169db&is=6690185b&hm=bbd7f848017351c7f81430aace97dc2c37beb014745395d562106410f6d5a31a& 19:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1261013519822749736/image.png?ex=669169db&is=6690185b&hm=732a915af285c29838d1251d1fa02f20c494496bd7b33d4c28d3cc9522844b04& 19:37 < bridge> :kek: 21:05 < bridge> sq"lite" 21:36 < bridge> Damn 22:05 < bridge> i got it to work thx :D 22:20 < bridge> Sounds terrifying 23:47 < bridge> <0xdeen> damn, so many new ranks