02:31 < bridge> !config 04:53 < ws-client> @zhn woah epic oldschool knowledge 04:56 < ws-client> jopsti sos how to graphics programming? i am working on minetee stuff and some of the tiles i placed have display bugs. They disappear when the player position or zoom level changes. What are the things that need refresh if i edit the map without going through a full OnMapLoad? 05:55 < ws-client> got it <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> fakin `m_Skip` skipping tiles so `Collision()->Layers()->Init(Kernel());` did the trick 06:01 < ws-client> nvm still bugs away sometimes 06:13 < bridge> what happened 07:56 < bridge> morning developers and more applicators 08:05 < bridge> Mornin 9-5 workers and others 08:05 < bridge> morning developers and mod applicators 08:09 < bridge> gm 08:37 < bridge> :justatest: 10:04 < bridge> mornin 10:05 < bridge> Did u dilate the textures? 10:05 < bridge> nvm im stupid xd 10:05 < bridge> can't read 10:47 < bridge> morning 10:52 < bridge> norming 11:41 < bridge> gm 12:24 < bridge> @learath2 https://github.com/rhysd/8cc.vim 12:24 < bridge> vim script c compiler 12:24 < bridge> :PepeCross: 12:25 < bridge> :LFG_PepeCross: 12:27 < bridge> It takes a long time 20 minutes or more. Let's take a rest and get some ☕. 12:27 < bridge> 12:27 < bridge> Whatafak 14:05 < bridge> i really need a function where if your intenet goes off you can continue the game 14:05 < bridge> like you join automaticly sometimes back 14:05 < bridge> but if you doesnt, a button that joins you back 14:05 < bridge> so link information with a LAN server? 14:05 < bridge> i mean after it came back 14:06 < bridge> but thats intresting also 14:06 < bridge> Well, if it's a solo gamemode, then it's worth doing it 14:06 < bridge> however in DDRace, we have a timeout function, which contradicts this idea 14:07 < bridge> I think sub servers which connect to the main server, gathering data and hotswap the main server's data with the sub servers could work out better 14:08 < bridge> I think sub servers which connect to the main server, gathering data and hotswap the main server's data with the sub servers could work out better (in case of ddos, not internet cut off) 14:08 < bridge> i see 14:08 < bridge> is this how companies deal with ddos normally? 14:09 < bridge> the timeout is around 5 minutes, during that time if the server detects that it didn't "request" disconnect but just the internet has been cut off, then the Tee stays, till the player joins back 14:09 < bridge> Well, remember WoW's server channels? if one goes down, other ones can take it's place without losing much data 14:10 < bridge> oh nice 14:10 < bridge> It's a similar concept, but instead of losing data, we copy exactly all the data the master server stored. Then the closest sub server (channel) will take it's place as a new master server 14:12 < bridge> If the previous server has been ddosed and players have been isolated from it, we can do some funny things like throwing fake data to the ddoser, make it think, that he still ddoses the master server, while the other players play on a different one 14:12 < bridge> Making it difficult for the ddoser to recognize that he still ddoses an empty server xd 14:13 < bridge> I kinda wish we have p2p, but that would cause a lot more trouble without a proper player data encryption 14:27 < bridge> https://ddnet.org/mappreview/?map=HearTbeaT 14:27 < bridge> webview is broken 14:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259848214132035685/image.png?ex=668d2c95&is=668bdb15&hm=2ae36d60d77450f490a65ac51cc490dcfb86d071941c16039bc1999e4be82b34& 14:28 < bridge> its always has been 15:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259866593224294432/GR6y5skbYAAHHB-.png?ex=668d3db3&is=668bec33&hm=32df2a47c7c37b7a4f4404581867a23697742e9b1c2ae1b2d7377e794e042354& 15:48 < bridge> So german is the most balanced language? 😄 15:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259871031733129238/image0.jpg?ex=668d41d5&is=668bf055&hm=efac924d40c11ed69a7c75bfd7ff7a752a7b63e15b3d11225a762f893a1a75d6& 16:27 < bridge> German masterrace :poggers2: 16:34 < bridge> Japanese would look very pleasing aswell I think 16:47 < bridge> Actually no, it should have the same pattern as english 16:48 < bridge> should have a better pattern for the 10-19 16:51 < bridge> True. So one more of those blots 16:56 < bridge> <0xdeen> Got it, will use alphabetic ordering of German numbers as my RNG 18:32 < bridge> кто в игру 18:36 < bridge> А МОЖНО ВОПРОС? 18:40 < bridge> https://dontasktoask.com/ 19:16 < bridge> сосо 19:16 < bridge> soso 20:03 < bridge> speaking of 20:03 < bridge> > `ExpectLines(m_pPlayerResult, {"nameless tee - 01:40.00 - better than 100% - requested by brainless tee", "Global rank 1 - GER unranked"}, true);` 20:03 < bridge> should it say top x% instead? instead of better than 99%, say top 1% 20:03 < bridge> with that u could add sub-percentage accuracy for those who care, and it'd look less clumsy 20:04 < bridge> "better than 0.5%" 20:04 < bridge> "top 0.5%" 21:09 < bridge> fwiw I don't mean the test 21:18 < bridge> <0xdeen> no, i prefer the current wording 21:23 < bridge> [steamhappy](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1207076645115265044.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=steamhappy) 21:24 < bridge> what about xth percentile 21:24 < bridge> 99th percentile 21:24 < bridge> not that it really needs chaiging 21:24 < bridge> not that it really needs changing 22:47 < bridge> transmission daemon autoconf doesn't change the binary location in the systemd unit :pepeW: 22:47 < bridge> how do u miss that 22:47 < bridge> makes make install unusable 23:43 < bridge> <0xdeen> @rriigg1 Thanks for the donation! 23:48 < bridge> @blaiszephyr Thanks for being so sweet! 23:49 < bridge> What i do :feelssurprized: 23:49 < bridge> 😃