07:49 < bridge> Is there a limit to demo length? 08:19 < bridge> morning 08:20 < bridge> gm 08:37 < bridge> gm 08:40 < bridge> i need at least 10 hours xd 08:56 < bridge> I have recorded 10 hours and longer already 08:56 < bridge> That was fine I think 09:37 < bridge> <0xdeen> when your disk is full, also until the ticks run over (maybe a year?) 09:37 < ws-client> that long? 09:37 < ws-client> wasnt there also limits to the teeworlds datafile format? 09:38 < ws-client> ticks running over would also be a server problem i am not aware of any case where that actually happend 09:53 < bridge> Or the filesystem limitations (like no files bigger than 4GB for FAT32) 11:00 < bridge> Probably as long as you can stay on a server. Since any server should restart at `MAX_TICK`, you can record at most around 434.96 days. But if the file gets so large that file positions cannot be represented as `long` anymore, then seeking in the file would not work anymore since we use `ftell` and `fseek`. 11:10 < bridge> @egyt this limitation is windows only 11:10 < bridge> For fat32 11:10 < bridge> Use linux :giga_chad: 11:12 < bridge> Will install Linux Mint 22 as soon as it releases 11:33 < bridge> Thx :) 12:24 < bridge> server just reloads xd 12:25 < bridge> happened on 0.5 server before master got down 12:25 < bridge> happened on year long empty 0.5 servers before master got down 13:04 < bridge> @louis.place #8502 ❤️ 13:04 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8502 13:06 < bridge> ah sorry didn't get a notification 13:06 < bridge> all good :P - i usually wait around a week before annoyingly pinging :D 13:07 < bridge> ok feel free to ping me whenever since i don't check github regularly 13:23 < bridge> noted! 13:49 < bridge> :3 13:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259476301916409927/image.png?ex=668bd236&is=668a80b6&hm=e6a0d424207fc2091cfb6e2842369e2ebb771ff401b90a48a175ae0d69995605& 14:18 < bridge> found a nice homepage container: https://gethomepage.dev 15:40 < bridge> Hello! it's me again) Is there anything new about the android version? 15:47 < bridge> Still working on it. I hopefully have some more time next week 15:48 < bridge> YAAAAAA 15:48 < bridge> good luck with your work! 18:42 < bridge> Забирайте S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 предзаказ на свой Steam Бесплатно https://kurl.ru/Sdwof не знаю баг это или нет но я забрал 18:43 < bridge> @Discord Mod 19:09 < bridge> I have brain damage 19:09 < bridge> :monkaStop: dont stress yourself we love you murpi XD 19:09 < bridge> who tf are u 19:09 < bridge> :giga_chad: 19:10 < bridge> learn `git commit --amend` command :santatrollet: 19:11 < bridge> too much work 19:36 < bridge> @ryozuki what gpu do you have? xd 19:36 < bridge> mind rendering some demos later? 19:40 < bridge> he has a RTX 3080 19:40 < bridge> from his picture he posted atleast 19:59 < bridge> :owo: tru 20:18 < bridge> nvm it crashed after it finished. 20:19 < bridge> this shitter ran for 21 hours just to crash 21:11 < bridge> what does "turn off entities" do? 21:12 < bridge> turns off entities? 21:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259588569329303722/image.png?ex=668c3ac4&is=668ae944&hm=e9c7bdb84a4f562de848a600fb6a6ae54dc251c2634080f9ba7443f30b9fc579& 21:15 < bridge> it tells that you should turn off entities 21:15 < bridge> maybe there're some hints or something