01:25 < ws-client> huh not sure what i would ever need it for but its a cool flex when someone is watching you xd @learath2 but something i noticed while trying that is that i get some weird selections of text by spamming ctrl+x xd 01:30 < bridge> Make a symbols-only font and set that as the highest priority? 01:40 < bridge> I wanted to delete all files in a folder but one 02:09 < ws-client> yo @heinrich5991 when i start a ddnet client i get the following log in the local console `2024-07-06 08:06:10 D stun/4: got address: ` followed by my public ipv4 02:09 < ws-client> can we remove that? 06:59 < ws-client> Anyone having hard feelings about removing some 16 year old hotkey from the editor? <:justatest:572499997178986510> 06:59 < ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8358#issuecomment-2211618914 07:01 < ws-client> ah true thats a good use case @learath2 07:02 < ws-client> i usually do something like `ls > rm.sh;vi rm.sh;bash rm.sh` 07:03 < ws-client> but next time i have a small amount of files i will probably do the cool trick too! i assume its a safe habit to develop anyways to expand the glob before running a command. I can see how this can safe your ass. 07:05 < ws-client> oh lol i forgot sometimes i do `echo ./*` to manually expand the glob. That stops now! xd 07:06 < bridge> More accurate 07:07 < bridge> Hello chillerdragon 07:07 < ws-client> elo 07:07 < bridge> what was learath's trick 07:07 < ws-client> ctrl+x * 07:07 < bridge> scrolled to yesterday and didn't find id 07:07 < bridge> o 07:09 < ws-client> WTF is this search xd 07:09 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1720242542.png 07:09 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1720242542.png 07:09 < ws-client> opsi bugged resend 07:12 < ws-client> nvm its op 07:12 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1720242704.png 07:17 < bridge> when will u play games 07:25 < bridge> wdym hes the most active teeworlds player according to teerank.io 07:27 < bridge> December 07:27 < bridge> lmao 08:38 < bridge> https://x.com/GameUnionTV/status/1808939980925833702 10:15 < bridge> https://ladybird.org/ 10:21 < bridge> You could use Ctrl+Shift+P for the Prompt, that's also the hotkey for it in Sublime Text 10:44 < bridge> ctrl+shift+p to open settings masterrace 11:14 < bridge> is it new to u 11:14 < bridge> I know one of the ladybird devs irl 11:14 < bridge> nice guy 11:24 < bridge> https://github.com/LadybirdBrowser/ladybird/pull/366 11:26 < bridge> Yes, looks like white supremacy to me 11:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259077945637601300/IMG_5891.png?ex=668a5f36&is=66890db6&hm=496795c75a73fa1d8425b825d0dbbfeef59f091855c067b8359ed9a5114c762b& 11:27 < bridge> Probably alluding to this equally absurd PR https://x.com/m_ou_se/status/1808228833478209971?s=46 11:28 < bridge> + 11:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259078504205783040/image.png?ex=668a5fbb&is=66890e3b&hm=4ed8626174b9144933d07c08b8a13f71fc533c088f38601aed36acef6e275a53& 11:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259078607624601600/image.png?ex=668a5fd4&is=66890e54&hm=cc334e013023e6b1ffe0d775688777e798a2468d8a53b2c30f8caf39523dea5f& 11:29 < bridge> Basically 11:44 < bridge> just in fish 11:47 < bridge> ya 11:47 < bridge> I can barely use bath anymore 11:47 < bridge> Bash 11:47 < bridge> Lol 11:48 < bridge> ChillerDragon: you could set the log level to not log debug-level messages 11:58 < ws-client> i need the debug log level for debugging 11:58 < bridge> then what's the problem? 11:58 < ws-client> i dont wanna dox my self 11:58 < bridge> do you stream your development? 11:59 < ws-client> yes 11:59 < bridge> I made a PR to Arabic script so it is LTR and not RTL. Still not accepted :^( 12:00 < ws-client> i dont want to turn debug of anyways since i dont want to turn it on every time i want to debug something i want to see all the debug infos all the time. But i dont want my client log to be something sensitive. 12:00 < ws-client> i think thats a sensible thing to ask for 12:00 < ws-client> off* 12:00 < bridge> cursor gore 12:01 < ws-client> @robyt3 so many key strokes the prompt is speed. I would argue a fast prompt is more important than a fast proof. 12:01 < ws-client> it will be used way more 12:03 < bridge> I think it's kinda expected that debug logs contain somewhat sensitive data 12:03 < ws-client> bring one user who depends on ctrl+p and cant shift to `ctrl+p pro` and u convinced me 12:03 < bridge> perhaps you could remove that log line from your fork when you're developing 12:04 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 i do not expect to see my public ip in my client log. No not even when debug is on. 12:04 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 too much git maintenance and won't fix ddnet contributions 12:05 < bridge> I don't like that communication style. instead of trying to reach people who may help you, you go complain *into a public channel* that something is wrong 12:05 < ws-client> ? 12:05 < ws-client> i am not following 12:05 < bridge> (answer to EGYT, unrelated to you) 12:06 < bridge> chiller your own net protocol when 12:07 < bridge> i swear you need to hold some tw server as chat room 12:07 < bridge> and talk from there via your own protocol wrapper 12:07 < bridge> That was a joke. 12:07 < bridge> tw-discord proxy 12:07 < bridge> tw-irc-discord proxy 12:07 < bridge> woosh. that went over my head. sorry 12:07 < ws-client> that wouldnt be a own protocol right? that would just be tw protocol xd 12:08 < ws-client> and every tw server is already a chat room 12:08 < bridge> nah these two are different statements xd 12:08 < ws-client> ah 12:08 < bridge> I bet making Arabic LTR already sounds ridiculous enough to interpret it as a joke 12:10 < ws-client> well im stalling to build my own multiplayer game since 16 years 12:10 < ws-client> it would have a custom protocol 12:10 < bridge> I bet making Arabic LTR already sounds ridiculous enough to interpret it as a joke, let alone making a PR to a LANGUAGE 12:10 < ws-client> @zhn so you want (my protocol) -> (tw server) -> (discord) ? xd 12:10 < ws-client> yea that sounds good 12:10 < bridge> nah nah 12:10 < ws-client> no? 12:10 < bridge> I interpreted it as making a PR to some project localization that made arabic text rendering LTR ^^ 12:10 < bridge> Still sounds ridiculous imo 12:10 < ws-client> xd 12:11 < bridge> Still sounds hilarious imo 12:11 < bridge> i mean you should have some web service (so cross platform out of the box with ease to use) that can connect to passworded chat room tw server (with sv_register 0) 12:11 < bridge> that proxied to irc 12:11 < bridge> and irc is proxied to discord 12:11 < bridge> so basically its the same thing you have now but with teeworlds as one step 12:11 < ws-client> i love it 12:11 < ws-client> im on it 12:41 < ws-client> @zhn u got a 0.7 client? xd 12:41 < ws-client> ChillerDragon: UwU from 0.7 12:41 < ws-client> `teeworlds "connect"` 12:44 < ws-client> oh and the web service is here https://chat.zillyhuhn.com/ 12:44 < ws-client> ez done 12:50 < bridge> ye wait lemme test :troll: 12:51 < ws-client> Zohan606: wow looks funny 12:51 < ws-client> Zohan606: can't see the messages though 12:51 < ws-client> Zohan606: one-directed chat 12:52 < ws-client> ye read only xd 12:52 < bridge> write-only* 12:52 < ws-client> eee 12:52 < bridge> xd 12:53 < ws-client> i didnt implement much yet 12:53 < ws-client> its a basic server in ruby xd 12:54 < ws-client> lemme try to hack something where you at least can see your own msgs xd 13:09 < ws-client> omagwd is there any ddnet server that doesnt ban vpns? -.- 13:10 < ws-client> @zhn you ready for something a bit more cursed? 13:13 < ws-client> oh no dont be afk one final trol server 13:17 < bridge> I don't see a difference between the speed for Ctrl+P and Ctrl+Shift+P. If you change the existing hotkey you'll anger mappers being used to it. 13:17 < ws-client> yea but are there mappers used to it? 13:44 < bridge> You'll find out if you anger them :justatest: 13:44 < bridge> teeworlds bridge when? 13:44 < bridge> ye sorry was playing with my brothers child 13:44 < bridge> chillerdragon: what did you want to test 13:47 < ws-client> ayo 13:47 < ws-client> same ip 13:47 < bridge> @chiller can you release a 2.0.1 for huffman, the resetter method got a fix. 13:47 < bridge> @chiller can you release a v2.0.1 for huffman, the resetter method got a fix. 13:48 < ws-client> @zhn same port 13:48 < ws-client> -1: Welcome to Unique, visit uniqueclan.net for more info 13:48 < ws-client> -1: 13:48 < ws-client> xd 13:48 < ws-client> 1: wdym runto_480 13:49 < ws-client> 0: Русс 13:49 < ws-client> ur on unique server 13:49 < bridge> wtf is happening 13:49 < bridge> parsing player names is a pain 13:49 < bridge> that's why it's only an id 13:49 < bridge> parsing from econ, at least 13:50 < bridge> or is that a genuine tw client bridge :O? 13:50 < bridge> isnt it like `chat: :` 13:50 < ws-client> -1: Welcome to Unique, visit uniqueclan.net for more info 13:50 < ws-client> -1: 13:50 < ws-client> 0: this is what they call cloud gaming these days 13:51 < ws-client> -1: <~{Barsik}~> is not ranked 13:51 < ws-client> -1: 32. <~{Barsik}~> Points: 18389, requested by Zohan606 13:51 < bridge> ok its kinda funny 13:51 < bridge> spamming the irc though 13:51 < bridge> helo 13:51 < bridge> you read me ingame? 13:52 < ws-client> 1: helo 13:52 < ws-client> 1: xD 13:52 < ws-client> 1: Teero here 13:52 < bridge> what is your name 13:52 < bridge> hey 13:52 < ws-client> 1: :d 13:52 < ws-client> -1: When you are rank 1 and the flag feels annoying use /showflag to hide it! 13:52 < bridge> xD 13:52 < ws-client> 1: sadly i cant see your messages through here 13:52 < bridge> not? 13:52 < ws-client> 1: nah only on discord 13:53 < bridge> :'/ 13:53 < bridge> btw is it implemented into the server somehow or how does one get the messages`? 13:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259115037172170842/image.png?ex=668a81c2&is=66893042&hm=f074ab7b537b8ae4f85686f475754e6832d10d34d6ee9b752105edf261b27199& 13:53 < bridge> btw is it implemented into the server somehow or how does one get the messages? 13:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259115037172170842/image.png?ex=668a81c2&is=66893042&hm=f074ab7b537b8ae4f85686f475754e6832d10d34d6ee9b752105edf261b27199& 13:53 < ws-client> 1: i mean there is no one here 13:53 < bridge> might be econ 13:54 < bridge> I also did that using econ 13:54 < ws-client> chiller unique admin confirmed 13:54 < bridge> for my moderation tools discord bot 13:54 < bridge> ah yea econ exists almost forgot 13:54 < bridge> he just proxies all the things lol 13:54 < ws-client> 1: i like feet 13:54 < bridge> i don't think its an actual econ 13:54 < bridge> then why is our message not going through :/ 13:55 < bridge> because chiller didn't implement it xd 13:55 < bridge> lazy bun! 13:55 < ws-client> 0: yo teero 13:55 < ws-client> 0: why do you say capitalism 13:55 < bridge> xD 13:55 < bridge> indeed 13:55 < bridge> a proxy 13:56 < ws-client> 0: uh oh 13:56 < bridge> "why do you say capitalism" 13:56 < ws-client> 1: lol it catches whisper messages 13:56 < bridge> that was a whisper lmaooo 13:56 < bridge> ! 13:57 < bridge> okay but no / commands atleast 13:57 < ws-client> @jxsl13 too lazy to release xd 13:57 < ws-client> 0: real whisper: ||twinbopp x louis|| 13:57 < bridge> xDD 13:57 < bridge> lol 13:58 < bridge> try @ everyone ._. 13:58 < ws-client> ye so the first thing was a server implemented in ruby it had support for names 13:58 < ws-client> the second thing which is running now is a go proxy 13:58 < bridge> irc proxy will not let you do it 13:58 < ws-client> so you are connected to unique server through my vps and it intercepts chat messages 13:58 < bridge> I mean from ingame 13:58 < bridge> u turned it off... 13:59 < ws-client> everything is super bugged xd 13:59 < bridge> bree 13:59 < ws-client> ok enuff trolling and spamming #developer ill shut it down 14:00 < bridge> or is that coming from tw server -> irc proxy - > discord ? 14:00 < bridge> twinbop x noius 👀 14:01 < ws-client> @jxsl13 its (your client) -> (proxy go client) -> (unique race server) -> (chat.zillyhuhn.com webhook) -> (irc) -> (discord) 14:01 < ws-client> bassic messaging app 14:01 < bridge> the f 14:02 < ws-client> the arrows look wrong xd unqiue race server does not send to webhook 14:02 < ws-client> its a branch 14:02 < bridge> it's parallel, ik 14:03 < bridge> proxy -> chat -> irc -> dc 14:03 < ws-client> ye 14:03 < ws-client> im websocket -> irc -> dc 14:04 < bridge> pretty cool, that already does stuff 😮 14:04 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1720267450.png 14:04 < ws-client> epic webhook ui 14:11 < bridge> wyd 14:12 < ws-client> I really want to have the prompt on ctrl+p @robyt3 -.- i will use it for EVERYTHING 14:12 < bridge> cooking 14:12 < bridge> buying groceries 14:13 < bridge> flushing the toilet 14:13 < ws-client> yes and the additional shift key makes that interaction way more complex 14:13 < ws-client> its still better than mouse but its 33% more key presses 14:13 < ws-client> or 50%? 14:13 < ws-client> idk 14:13 < ws-client> 150%? 14:13 < ws-client> 1 14:14 < bridge> if you go from 100% to 150% 14:14 < bridge> 50% more, 150% as much 14:14 < bridge> it's 50% more 14:14 < ws-client> its 3 instead of 2 keys 14:14 < ws-client> also i can press ctrl+p while keeping both hands fully in the center of my keyboard 14:15 < ws-client> ctrl+shift is unergonmic for something that initiates EVERY transaction 14:16 < bridge> gotta think about the hand health of your players 14:16 < ws-client> you know why the prompt in sublime is ctrl+shift+p? @robyt3 because the important shortcut is already ctrl+p 14:16 < ws-client> the file finder 14:16 < ws-client> at least in vscode i thought in sublime it was the same not sure 14:17 < bridge> Hello, I wanna know if it's fine if I use data from ddnet to build some sort of web ui for server select, basically I wanna try my hand at an interactive web app as a side project and idk if it's allowed to use these stuff 14:17 < ws-client> you mean the assets? 14:17 < bridge> vs code stole from siblime text 14:17 < bridge> that too, but I meant live data from the master server mostly 14:17 < bridge> sublime 14:18 < ws-client> you are allowed to access master server data @sans._. 14:18 < bridge> nice 14:18 < ws-client> there are a bunch of projects out there working with it already you might find a helpful base for your work if you look first 14:19 < bridge> I already have my own package, although very crude still, but I feel like I can improve it if I use it in a real project 14:25 < bridge> I do have a question about the client tho, how does it get the ping for server? Does it literally just ping every single one? And also why do some of them show "EUR" for example instead of a number 14:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259123172893261884/image.png?ex=668a8955&is=668937d5&hm=e0c7b7c7841634eb935ea4f941e77c5680683dc596fa90004ca366f6e7f9d02b& 14:26 < bridge> I do have a question about the client tho, how does it get the ping for servers? Does it literally just ping every single one? And also why do some of them show "EUR" for example instead of a number 14:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259123172893261884/image.png?ex=668a8955&is=668937d5&hm=e0c7b7c7841634eb935ea4f941e77c5680683dc596fa90004ca366f6e7f9d02b& 14:26 < ws-client> it used to ping them directly back in the days the master would only hand out a list of ips and the client would get the details from the servers 14:27 < ws-client> now since the ddnet http master your client only talks to the master and does no longer ping all servers. Thats also some ip leak protection. 14:27 < ws-client> Since with the old master a user could spin up a public teeworlds server and collect the ips of all users browsing servers 14:27 < bridge> ye you could just ip grab all the tw players by registering your server in masterlist back in the days 14:27 < bridge> I dont recall seeing anything about ping values when I looked at a master server request 14:28 < bridge> that sounds bad xd 14:28 < bridge> because master will not give you any 14:28 < ws-client> so if you connect to a server it will know its ping 14:28 < bridge> you can ping server only directly 14:28 < bridge> ^ - the server will expose it when you connect to it 14:28 < bridge> So the client connects to every single server? 14:28 < bridge> eur/asia/na/sa and so on are identificators based on geoip db or something 14:28 < ws-client> no 14:28 < ws-client> thats why you see the EUR 14:29 < ws-client> i think it remembers pings from servers you connected to or something idk actually 14:29 < bridge> ye it does 14:29 < bridge> There's no way I connected to more than 50 servers in my entire ddnet career XD 14:29 < bridge> especially asian based ones 14:29 < bridge> or US 14:29 < bridge> yea 14:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1259124178104094780/image.png?ex=668a8a45&is=668938c5&hm=5dbb23e848ad305bdc49274212a1d7bec60646ba82d346974647681fd38fcad9& 14:30 < bridge> how long do you play ddnet 14:30 < bridge> how old is ur client 14:30 < bridge> there's an option in the browser called leak ip 14:30 < bridge> nah its off by default 14:31 < bridge> ig he just had old client that cached all the pings it had (did it cache in the past?) 14:31 < bridge> good question, probably less than a year since I installed ddnet on _this_ pc 14:32 < bridge> ye also if you join 1 game server and other game servers have the same ip (so they are located on the same machine) you'll see others game servers pings too 14:32 < bridge> that makes a lot of sense 14:32 < bridge> but still, i dont get how my client knows pings for US servers 14:33 < bridge> How would I go about pinging a server though 14:33 < bridge> just send an http request and time it? 14:33 < bridge> Joining it 14:33 < bridge> Sure 14:34 < bridge> head request 14:34 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1720269238.png 14:34 < ws-client> woah 97 14:34 < bridge> ye but it will be ping from your server to game server 14:34 < bridge> not client's latency 14:34 < bridge> can do it on client xd 14:34 < bridge> In the browser it's gonna be client-side, meaning the pings will come from the user that uses said web app 14:35 < bridge> ah 14:35 < bridge> i thought you are about to make web servic 14:35 < bridge> Web app :justatest: 14:35 < bridge> i thought you are about to make web service 14:35 < bridge> nah, just some random project cuz im bored 14:35 < ws-client> it stores the timestamp in the cache you can check when it stored those ips 14:35 < bridge> all random project that tw had are being hosted xddd 14:35 < bridge> the goal is to recreate the ddnet client server browser... but on a web browser xd 14:35 < bridge> projects* 14:36 < bridge> such as? 14:36 < bridge> :Thonk: 14:36 < bridge> ddstats 14:36 < bridge> neat 14:36 < bridge> good for ppl's bookmarks ig 14:37 < bridge> I hate using the web :feelsbadman: 14:37 < bridge> https://github.com/k2d222/twwe 14:37 < bridge> also jupstar's map preview 14:37 < ws-client> https://ddstats.org/ 14:37 < ws-client> @ryozuki the url linked here is down btw https://github.com/edg-l/teeobserver 14:38 < bridge> this makes me wanna build something useful for ddnet and talk my way into having it hosted for free 😩 14:38 < bridge> by whom 14:38 < bridge> good question 14:39 < bridge> by ewan 14:39 < bridge> no idea xd 14:39 < bridge> Hey 14:39 < bridge> surely there's some free host i can use 14:39 < bridge> if you develop an account system that works the way heinrich wants it and is functional i'll carry all costs 14:39 < bridge> :gigachad: 14:39 < bridge> bet 14:39 < bridge> What is the best DDNet client 14:39 < ws-client> if you sabotage ddnet accounts ill carry all costs 14:39 < bridge> DDNet 14:39 < bridge> DDNet client ofc! 14:39 < bridge> did he describe it anywhere 14:39 < ws-client> free pink rat 14:39 < bridge> heh, I will now steal your ddnet name :Evil: 14:39 < bridge> #3411 14:39 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/3411 14:40 < bridge> someone do it the opposite way of what Heinrich wants and I'll carry all costs 14:40 < ws-client> pin rat is first comment in #3411 xd 14:40 < bridge> just kidding.. 14:40 < bridge> Konsti: Colo-Colo 14:40 < bridge> pink rat best rat 14:43 < bridge> I'm pretty sure the way ddnet works there's no way a login system will ever be added while also pleasing everyone 14:49 < bridge> Servers aren't HTTP, so no. You would need to send a Teeworlds server browser info request, which you won't be able to make a HTTP client send as it is UDP. 15:26 < bridge> wait whats bad abt it 15:27 < bridge> im just trolling 15:27 < bridge> hmm i know nothing abt cryptography what makes a decentralized system different 15:27 < bridge> i dont remember much aboug either of their prefs but i think jopsti wanted something a bit more abstract 15:28 < bridge> it seems like any of the approaches can be abstracted for the average user anywayas 15:28 < bridge> it seems like any of the approaches can be abstracted for the average user anyways 15:29 < bridge> as long as u dont rely on the user to store api key 15:29 < bridge> itll be fine 18:54 < bridge> any recommendation for a small dashboard service which can be hosted in a docker container pointing to some local ips. 18:54 < bridge> ? 18:55 < bridge> for like a home page in my internal network 20:02 < bridge> the js option is using nestjs with some css like bulma