01:06 < ws-client> @jxsl13 the import paths for teeworlds-go look cool huh? xd I invited you to https://github.com/teeworlds-go/econ 01:07 < bridge> awesome 😄 indeed they do 01:07 < ws-client> its your repo go nuts! push to master or heck rename to main. Use snake_case and import third party libraries xd 01:07 < bridge> D: 01:07 < ws-client> idk what one would use varint for 01:08 < bridge> might be interesting outside Go. like the one in the standard library that's used for protobuffers. 01:08 < bridge> was my first thought 01:09 < bridge> is fine 01:09 < ws-client> outside tw you mean? 01:09 < bridge> yes 01:10 < bridge> anyway. gotta sleep 01:10 < ws-client> ok sure i can create you the repo too but i cant promise i will use it in protocol or something like that 01:10 < ws-client> you want it to be called "varint" ? 01:10 < bridge> yeah 01:11 < ws-client> the main thing was a joke btw xd 01:11 < ws-client> pls use master -.- i did a little trap for you 01:11 < bridge> xD 01:11 < bridge> I will keep it consistent 01:12 < ws-client> the setup instructions in varint say master https://github.com/teeworlds-go/varint 01:12 < bridge> I prefer consistency over imaginary people's feelings 01:12 < ws-client> the one in econ say main <:justatest:572499997178986510> 01:12 < ws-client> so be careful 01:12 < bridge> xD 01:12 < bridge> thought you were chillerdragon 01:13 < bridge> that doesn't look chill to me D: 01:13 < ws-client> ?xd 01:13 < bridge> stay calm, keep cool, chill 01:13 < ws-client> e sure 01:14 < bridge> we can do that 01:14 < bridge> worst case, in the second try 01:14 < bridge> on 01:14 < ws-client> or 4th 01:14 < ws-client> like 2.0.0 release 01:14 < ws-client> or was it 5? 01:14 < bridge> I did not count 01:15 < ws-client> did you get emails for every rls? 01:15 < bridge> cuz I stayed cool 01:15 < bridge> my github account is linked to my spam mail account which i don't read 01:16 < bridge> so 01:16 < bridge> dunno 01:17 < bridge> mainly use the fasthub android app 01:17 < bridge> for checking for updates on followed projects 01:17 < bridge> Xd 01:18 < bridge> gn8 01:19 < bridge> Gn8 01:26 < bridge> was a trap 07:36 < bridge> Gm 07:38 < bridge> Gm 08:12 < bridge> gm 10:03 < bridge> GM 10:11 < bridge> gM 10:11 < bridge> Good evening 10:14 < bridge> Merhaba 10:40 < bridge> Mornin 11:48 < bridge> gm 12:16 < bridge> Does the proof layer need to be visible, when opening up the tileset for selection? (space) 12:16 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1258728219104903201/screenshot_2024-07-05_12-15-46.png?ex=66891981&is=6687c801&hm=a1c39dac2d85514dab9b5651c5e5d2aa22154c25d5c6f001525d6fb5ac7a9af9& 12:16 < bridge> Idk if it's a bug or an unintentional action 12:31 < bridge> What's the current state of rust in ddnet? What parts are implemented in Rust? What types of features would be suitable to be implemented in Rust vs. C++ in the future? Is there maybe a wiki/doc page I missed about rust in ddnet? 12:33 < bridge> rust. 12:34 < bridge> Well, you can say it's... **rusty** 12:46 < bridge> Rust bindings have only been created for very low level stuff in src/base src/engine right? 12:49 < bridge> So if I start work on fastcap support I shouldn't consider rust, right? 12:50 < bridge> In your fork you can do what you want or what do you mean. 12:50 < bridge> i'm considering adding fastcap support to ddnet 12:51 < bridge> But yea in the official code base rust is not really used. It’s more there ready to be picked up. I think heinrich has some plans for it in his bigger projects. Like quic 12:51 < bridge> i see 12:51 < bridge> i feel like i have to catch up on a lot of work from the past couple of years 12:51 < bridge> Oh yea hm. That would be a first then. I think some were concerned that not everyone is comfortable with rust. 12:52 < bridge> Not sure if there will be back lash. 12:52 < bridge> I think basically all active devs had contact with rust already anyways or are major rust fans 12:53 < bridge> deen said he'd be in for it if it's done cleanly and i commit to maintaining it, which sounds reasonalbe 12:53 < bridge> deen said he'd be in for it if it's done cleanly and i commit to maintaining it, which is reasonable 12:53 < bridge> there was some discussion on something heinrich is working on with rust soon 12:54 < bridge> something about compatibility code 12:54 < bridge> but i didn't get what it was about exactly 12:54 < bridge> Yea but you would be working on core gameplay that’s a bit different imo 12:54 < bridge> i'm just curious what he is planning with rust 12:54 < bridge> I think Heinrich wants to fully extract all 0.7 bridge code 12:55 < bridge> i see 12:55 < bridge> He has libtw2 ready to be used for ddnet 12:55 < bridge> You can checkout some of his rust prs 12:55 < bridge> oh, the idea is to import libtw2 into ddnet? 12:55 < bridge> quic for example and I think there was some rust proxy stuff 12:56 < bridge> That’s more an assumption of mine 12:58 < bridge> This imports libtw2 https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/6961 13:17 < bridge> does any of the original creators of teeworlds work at ddnet? 13:18 < bridge> Who still counts as original for you? 13:18 < bridge> I would consider heinrich a teeworlds creator 13:19 < bridge> But only to some degree 13:20 < bridge> None of the true original creators are around as far as I know 13:20 < bridge> No not really, the original group is pretty much gone 13:20 < bridge> But that was before my time anyways 13:20 < bridge> matricks showed up a couple months ago and gave us a bit of nostalgia 13:20 < bridge> I don’t even know who the original crew was 13:21 < bridge> oh ok 13:21 < bridge> I saw some old images with a bunch of ppl but not sure how many very actively involved in the very beginning 13:22 < bridge> That was 2001 bro @borsmatyas02 13:23 < bridge> oh im intrested tho 13:23 < bridge> https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Timeline 13:24 < bridge> omg Voxel is in that screenshot! 13:24 < bridge> i miss him frfr 13:24 < bridge> Omg, he's gonna sue us now :poggers: 13:25 < bridge> but ye we miss em 13:33 < bridge> I wish i could tell him.. that... I use rust 13:33 < bridge> i couldnt tell him that i use arch for months now, i feel.. empty (i'm joking, i hope he's doing well) 13:34 < bridge> i use debian btw 13:35 < bridge> and i had to edit prod db without backup because my version of pg_dump is too old :pepeW: 13:52 < bridge> sadly no photos from snowy mountains xd 15:48 < bridge> do we compile ddnet with mingw or msvc 15:48 < bridge> i mean the official binary and steam 15:59 < bridge> mingw probs 16:18 < bridge> Yes 16:18 < bridge> They are cross compiled by @deen 16:26 < bridge> ok 16:26 < bridge> thanks 16:26 < bridge> love you @fokkonaut 16:27 < bridge> love you too 16:43 < bridge> TIL about `glob-expand-word`. You can do `C-x*` (the default binding for it) to get bash to expand a glob 16:58 < bridge> I got two srokes trying to read that 16:58 < bridge> I got two strokes trying to read that 17:01 < bridge> radiance cascades in ddnet when 17:01 < bridge> https://80.lv/articles/radiance-cascades-new-approach-to-calculating-global-illumination/ 17:31 < bridge> is this somewhat nice traffic for a blog? 17:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1258807369354313868/image.png?ex=66896338&is=668811b8&hm=b594449699f2fa7c02fa85cb6b75e2cf2d632ade2a56507e16f4db35c1ceeee5& 17:33 < bridge> cloudflare says different data lol 17:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1258807942623268896/image.png?ex=668963c1&is=66881241&hm=cac318117baf89bc43397645373b7068f499da7b78b38a7dbedd24b1a6374048& 18:02 < bridge> famous 18:02 < bridge> spain vs germany 18:02 < bridge> :spain: 18:11 < bridge> i want to write blogs too 18:12 < bridge> but i'm too lazy and bad 18:19 < bridge> :poggers2: 18:19 < bridge> i consider myself bad at blogging xd 18:22 < bridge> yes 18:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1258820417771016232/image.png?ex=66896f5f&is=66881ddf&hm=d1ed4e61c0cb5952a095e59fa7c5ac0a6c86fd726ba5213c177baa3690a7eec4& 19:07 < bridge> spain wil win 19:13 < bridge> LOL 19:14 < bridge> I just found a GitHub Webhook Bug 19:14 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/8561 19:14 < bridge> Issues created on the mobile app don't trigger webhooks 19:14 < bridge> And closed aswell xD 19:39 < bridge> Not a mobile bug, the webhook seems broken in general 19:39 < bridge> https://www.githubstatus.com/ 19:40 < bridge> why my beloved free sans bold is so cursed being rendered in ddnet 😭 19:40 < bridge> can you send a screenshot? 19:42 < bridge> i mean (afaik) its teeworlds 0.5 font and its kinda different from what i remember 19:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1258840318057386096/screenshot_2024-07-05_20-40-42.png?ex=668981e7&is=66883067&hm=0b6e14fece6c28f0851a906a1efb6a99147c975460309e77714ffeae83aa4cc3& 19:42 < bridge> i know 0.5 had some font atlas script 19:42 < bridge> Bold smells like it would have issues with the outline 19:42 < bridge> Ok, nvm that looks extracursed 19:42 < bridge> but it shouldn't be so tiny imo 19:42 < bridge> its bold xd 19:43 < bridge> website preview looks fine too 19:49 < bridge> Where did you get the font file from? I tried a random website and it looks better for me. Seems like not all unicode is supported, but for example the number-sized space before the client IDs in the scoreboard is rendered correctly (i.e. empty) and not as a replacement character for me. 19:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1258842167879798905/screenshot_2024-07-05_19-48-21.png?ex=668983a0&is=66883220&hm=839e2db6c1eb1d6b72bc0f36a02197e8cf2ee0645a6d6896b0538d268f91f93c& 19:56 < bridge> LOL 19:56 < bridge> Somehow your issue travelled in time 19:57 < bridge> 😂😂 19:59 < bridge> the webhook felt insulted after reading your message 20:18 < bridge> there https://fonts2u.com/free-sans-bold.font, can you provide more reliable source please? 20:19 < bridge> Hmm, I used the same file. How did you add it to the client? 20:45 < bridge> By the way, it didn't get into the client :^( 20:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1258856426139418796/db41186b3d634dd7.png?ex=668990e8&is=66883f68&hm=e0d49d4be89ff7cb45778c1efb588fcb4951515f63998354b110ee391617426d& 21:00 < bridge> <0xdeen> if I update thst everyone gets notified 21:07 < bridge> Oh well 21:07 < bridge> Oh well, then it's not really worth it 21:08 < bridge> Planning on supporting Ukrainian l10n for now, maybe will even do something for other languages too 21:39 < bridge> pasted into `data/fonts` and redacted `index.json` 21:39 < bridge> changed `default` line 21:43 < bridge> Did you also add the font filename to the list of files? The value for `default` must be the family name of the font (`FreeSans Bold`) 21:43 < bridge> I guess it shows the fallback font for you since it can't find the default font 21:44 < bridge> huh wait seems i typed family name wrong 21:45 < bridge> The correct family name should be printed as debug message to the console if your loglevel is high enough, when you add the font file to the list 21:45 < bridge> `D textrender: Loaded font face 0 'FreeSans Bold' from font file 'fonts/FreeSansBold.ttf'` 22:03 < bridge> so yep seems problem was with fallback font 22:05 < bridge> thank you! free sans bold feels so much better to use 22:06 < bridge> it misses a lot of unicode symbols though xd 22:10 < bridge> xd 22:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1258877697204027543/image.png?ex=6689a4b7&is=66885337&hm=096d67d98da5e88574d96b55c25b40524d2566e699a8eab3a649b432eb9fdfd8& 22:50 < bridge> I thiiink we have either a way to fall back for symbols or maybe a tool to patch fonts with atleast our ui symbols