00:06 <+bridge> yeah 00:06 <+bridge> possibility wasn't really the concern tho 00:19 <+bridge> when will we get sprays in ddnet :feelsbadman: 00:20 <+bridge> im https://ewan.green owner now 😃 00:20 <+bridge> ggwp ff15 00:20 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256736146365480980/image.png?ex=6681da3e&is=668088be&hm=78ed7a7df085490734c09b74f39a7f61be9321254de63e96f06426543efbf31d& 00:20 <+bridge> i failed security handshake - gg 00:21 <+bridge> not ready 00:21 <+bridge> purchased minutes ago 00:21 <+bridge> :poggers2: 00:21 <+bridge> blogpost inc?! 00:22 <+bridge> what is that 00:22 <+bridge> oh 00:22 <+bridge> maybe blog. neat idea 00:23 <+bridge> oh isnt blogpost the english name for it? just googled it.. seems to be called `blog entry` ? 00:23 <+bridge> basically you writing some stuff either about what you do, what you did or what you want to do - or just trashtalk something :kek: 00:23 <+bridge> tor what? xd 00:23 <+bridge> yeah. a blog 00:23 <+bridge> for what? xd 00:23 <+bridge> time to bring up gerdoe.su :troll: 00:24 <+bridge> also hookrace.net 00:24 <+bridge> zhn.furry.ru 00:24 <+bridge> ive owned domains 00:24 <+bridge> ~~zhn.furry.ru~~ 00:24 <+bridge> sounds like some echo server domain 00:24 <+bridge> lol 00:24 <+bridge> ewangreen05.net, ewan.horse, cavestorymoddingcommunity.org 00:24 <+bridge> dont ask ab the last one 00:24 <+bridge> i remember i owned a domain once.. good times 00:25 <+bridge> femboyposting.me is mine btw 00:25 <+bridge> i dont even remember the name properly, something with razexx in its name iirc 00:25 <+bridge> :justatest: 00:26 <+bridge> ah gg 00:26 <+bridge> ive also had this very mysterious 2fa key sitting around. it came w one of my monitors from ebay 00:26 <+bridge> i did a little research on it based on its usb info and i was only able to determine that it was manufactured by google 00:26 <+bridge> but apparently it's fido-compliant 00:27 <+bridge> so i set it up w pam and now instead of entering my pw for sudo & login, i just touch the usb 😃 00:28 <+bridge> and may have temporarily bricked my system by inserting `\` instead of backspace and not proofreading in the pam config 00:28 <+bridge> all appropriate reactions 00:28 <+bridge> @.alexander_ look at me, doing stuff in solidworks! 00:29 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256738211997417512/image.png?ex=6681dc2a&is=66808aaa&hm=329f8b4bb2bf17dc29bc52695de8804ba5dc7a0aefbc5659286146aaf4e519fb& 00:29 <+bridge> Are ya sure its solidworks 00:29 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256738345225162895/image.png?ex=6681dc4a&is=66808aca&hm=0c6faf5fa1126df8f949499e7817c55aa1ec64f993b247c1ad833b70be5cd330& 00:29 <+bridge> yes. 00:29 <+bridge> Ah 00:29 <+bridge> xd 00:30 <+bridge> no trust :( 00:30 <+bridge> but yea free 2fa key from hasty liquidation. fuck yeah 00:30 <+bridge> Fix ur firewall 00:31 <+bridge> That's where i got the trust issues from 00:31 <+bridge> looks like KOMPAS3D 00:31 <+bridge> MAN - blame ovh 00:31 <+bridge> :kek: 00:31 <+bridge> Excuses! 00:32 <+bridge> does it even work rn? 00:32 <+bridge> i cba to ssh into that thing, it scares me 00:32 <+bridge> Portscan says closed 00:32 <+bridge> yeah well most CAD software looks similar 00:33 <+bridge> Even after you whitelisted my ip 00:35 <+bridge> creo parametric and solidworks for example 00:35 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256739731090309202/image.png?ex=6681dd94&is=66808c14&hm=1f5be98cfb4688d4041eaa62cc54d12874cf72b87cc517e3072d2126bfef9f1d& 00:35 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256739731916456098/image.png?ex=6681dd95&is=66808c15&hm=8361223bd696d80badde9ae9e7ff725492d9b5812daefb96f610085abdeb2da8& 00:35 <+bridge> at this point i'll just remove firewall and let people have it 00:36 <+bridge> Bad network admin! 00:36 <+bridge> i might ask my dad - he knows his way around networking LOL 00:36 <+bridge> @reitw papi help 00:36 <+bridge> Lol 00:38 <+bridge> tf 00:38 <+bridge> :greenthing: 00:40 <+bridge> try again 00:41 <+bridge> nop 00:41 <+bridge> ctrl shift r 00:41 <+bridge> nop 00:41 <+bridge> wtf 00:41 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256741419645931590/image.png?ex=6681df27&is=66808da7&hm=e28e51609967c8a26e48fc5830b2f4b4904e5ff452ab62a26b72b0b06950cad7& 00:42 <+bridge> ssl version or cipher mismatch "ewan.green uses a non supported protocol" 00:42 <+bridge> tried with firefox and edge 00:43 <+bridge> pages is tweaking 00:49 <+bridge> @blaiszephyr now? 00:49 <+bridge> nop :D 00:49 <+bridge> i just disabled cloudflare https proxy so it's using the let's encrypt cert provided by ghp 00:49 <+bridge> rly? 00:50 <+bridge> why is ur browser anal but not mine 00:51 <+bridge> maybe it's cuz cloudflare doesn't support load-balanncing dns 00:51 <+bridge> so i added a record for each ip instead of att IPs in one 00:51 <+bridge> so i added a record for each ip instead of all IPs in one 00:52 <+bridge> :troll: 00:52 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256744124175093810/Screenshot_2024-06-30-01-52-10-23_3aea4af51f236e4932235fdada7d1643.jpg?ex=6681e1ac&is=6680902c&hm=df52bda887b8f0f650816896e7c03b6ecb4fba01a31c2a7fcb0613a14fc4c9ef& 00:52 <+bridge> yea 00:52 <+bridge> it broke 00:52 <+bridge> darkreader not helping 00:54 <+bridge> im just gonna point to main ip idgaf 00:55 <+bridge> @blaiszephyr now? 00:56 <+bridge> nop :kek: 00:56 <+bridge> i dont believe you 00:56 <+bridge> good luck tinkering with it, i have to go slerep no 00:56 <+bridge> good luck tinkering with it, i have to go sleep now tho 00:57 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256745262513131671/image.png?ex=6681e2bb&is=6680913b&hm=4e7829a9164acba5c7d156b0fb2b90f8b71529459e157c81439ee2954c08d10d& 00:57 <+bridge> one more try 00:59 <+bridge> nop 01:11 <+bridge> u failed ur web server config 01:12 <+bridge> im configuring rn 01:12 <+bridge> hater 01:12 <+bridge> nginx or apache2? 01:12 <+bridge> github pages 01:12 <+bridge> ha 01:12 <+bridge> yea 01:13 <+bridge> it's free, cdn backed and has better uptime than my closet pc 01:13 <+bridge> so im not bothered 01:13 <+bridge> did u add a CNAME 01:13 <+bridge> file 01:13 <+bridge> i did A/AAAA records 01:13 <+bridge> may ar well try cname 01:13 <+bridge> I mean in ur ewan.github.io project 01:13 <+bridge> i forgot u can do that 01:14 <+bridge> you have to 01:14 <+bridge> add a file named CNAME 01:14 <+bridge> & just put ewan.green inside 01:14 <+bridge> yea 01:14 <+bridge> then u add a cname as a record 01:14 <+bridge> yea 01:14 <+bridge> u point ot to ewan.github.io (idk the name) 01:14 <+bridge> & should work 01:14 <+bridge> instructions have changed over the years 01:15 <+bridge> u point it to ewan.github.io (idk the name) 01:17 <+bridge> u can remove the A records u did 01:19 <+bridge> then idk if u can sort of "reload" github pages to update 01:20 <+bridge> (ig u push it does) 01:20 <+bridge> ya it does automatically 01:20 <+bridge> that's how I did then 01:21 <+bridge> smth broken 01:21 <+bridge> apparently u have to use a ANAME and not a CNAME 01:22 <+bridge> tf 01:22 <+bridge> how did I make it work then, i have a cname 01:22 <+bridge> did it propagate already ur changes 01:22 <+bridge> (dns) 01:23 <+bridge> cf doesn't have ALIAS or ANAME records, strange 01:24 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256752059705724979/image.png?ex=6681e910&is=66809790&hm=3da48cfe3aeaa8395280e0ee23294e432759525500b39551c9d2a68021aa3aa7& 01:24 <+bridge> ya should be applied 01:25 <+bridge> strange 01:25 <+bridge> i may do a rewrite of my website 01:26 <+bridge> i think the design is neat but i just want a simple site 01:26 <+bridge> try to see if u have to stop/start back the github pages 01:26 <+bridge> prob u can do that in the menus 01:26 <+bridge> i think i can manually trigger the workflow 01:27 <+bridge> oh this is new 01:27 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256752885451198464/image.png?ex=6681e9d5&is=66809855&hm=0cdf87186bb05f7f32c730943e19bc68326d9a8d15a426ef1a197345926acb7d& 01:27 <+bridge> wait looks like cname isn't the way to go 01:27 <+bridge> yea ghp docs said nothing ab it but i'd also seen it in the past 01:27 <+bridge> yea do A records pointing to 01:27 <+bridge> ``` 01:27 <+bridge> 01:27 <+bridge> 01:27 <+bridge> 01:27 <+bridge> 01:27 <+bridge> ``` 01:27 <+bridge> ye 01:28 <+bridge> can only do 1 at a time on CF sadly 01:28 <+bridge> dupe records fuck up the ssl 01:29 <+bridge> u can add multiple A records 01:29 <+bridge> just do it, u prob forgot the CNAME file 01:29 <+bridge> as it is mentioned in the doc 01:30 <+bridge> https://github.com/ewancg/ewancg.github.io/blob/master/CNAME 01:30 <+bridge> also don't proxy it to cf, it's useless 01:30 <+bridge> & prob why 01:30 <+bridge> naw 01:30 <+bridge> wfll 01:30 <+bridge> well 01:31 <+bridge> i was gonna just use github's provisioned cert 01:31 <+bridge> this is fine 01:31 <+bridge> proxying behind cf isn't as useful tho 01:32 <+bridge> only if github is down, cf can provide you the website lmao 01:32 <+bridge> only if github is down, cf can provide you the website lmao (web archive) 01:32 <+bridge> yea 01:32 <+bridge> useless if it's already got functional https 01:32 <+bridge> do u do dynamic dns 01:33 <+bridge> which client should i use 01:33 <+bridge> I don't 01:34 <+bridge> now ur page works 01:34 <+bridge> ty 01:34 <+bridge> np 01:34 <+bridge> i think this is the exact same config as when melon went to sleep 01:34 <+bridge> u didn't have the CNAME file no ? 01:35 <+bridge> true 01:35 <+bridge> & prob u were proxying to cf 01:35 <+bridge> yea 01:35 <+bridge> u right 01:35 <+bridge> ddclient is most popular but it's perl 01:36 <+bridge> inadyn is C but idk if it's as mature 01:36 <+bridge> ive been fucking around a bit and this bug doesnt happen if i stream on discord ???????????? 03:10 <+bridge> still cant see the debug messages :/ 04:27 <+bridge> What does Friction do? 04:27 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256798280197738607/image.png?ex=6682141c&is=6680c29c&hm=b13e0ac48c4bd51e6ca83c47285bea73eca40ad2eff333142c15e1a90ccc2808& 04:27 <+bridge> What does Friction do? (from `BulletTrail`) 04:27 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256798280197738607/image.png?ex=6682141c&is=6680c29c&hm=b13e0ac48c4bd51e6ca83c47285bea73eca40ad2eff333142c15e1a90ccc2808& 04:28 <+bridge> What does Friction do? (from `BulletTrail()`) 04:28 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256798280197738607/image.png?ex=6682141c&is=6680c29c&hm=b13e0ac48c4bd51e6ca83c47285bea73eca40ad2eff333142c15e1a90ccc2808& 06:28 <+bridge> try changing it and see what happens 06:29 <+bridge> friction in general+in ddnet code is almost always how quickly the movement of an entity slows down 07:06 <+bridge> morning 🍵 07:12 <+bridge> https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-Client/actions/runs/9729542578/job/26851564182 07:12 <+bridge> Can someone help with the pipeline? :D 07:20 <+bridge> Wanna make a new client release and need the builds 07:47 <+bridge> i can 07:47 <+bridge> maybe 07:47 <+bridge> windows 10 08:48 <+bridge> Im not an expert but I think you can either set dis line https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-Client/blob/69a6038430a43802d3090f89716f62517747c5d0/CMakeLists.txt#L99 to something from here https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/policy/CMP0148.html or just write 08:48 <+bridge> ``` 08:48 <+bridge> if(POLICY CMP0148) cmake_policy(SET CMP0148 OLD) endif() 08:48 <+bridge> ``` 08:48 <+bridge> maybe not :justatest: 09:52 <+bridge> https://memorycorruption.net/posts/rce-lua-factorio/ 09:55 <+bridge> I read that post earlier, the author is actually crazy to spend that much work on such a niche exploit. 09:55 <+bridge> I hope Lua has not damaged their psyche 10:25 <+bridge> tldr, use rust kek 12:04 <+bridge> what would that help 12:35 <+bridge> I did change it but couldnt really notice anything. also building every time 😦 12:42 <+bridge> What did you change it to? If you set it to `1.0f` then particle's velocity should never decrease, which should be noticeable. You should only need to rebuild one file and the executable instead of rebuilding everything though, if you only changed a value in `effects.cpp`. 12:43 <+bridge> The velocity is multiplied by the friction value roughly every 0.05 seconds 12:43 <+bridge> How can you only rebuild specific file? Im really bad with cmake 12:43 <+bridge> I have tried 1.0f but didnt notice anything :justatest: 12:43 <+bridge> I have tried `1.0f` but didnt notice anything :justatest: 12:43 <+bridge> What command are you running to build? If you generated a Makefile, `make` should only rebuild the changed files 12:44 <+bridge> `cmake --build . -j` 12:45 <+bridge> I think `-j8` (with the number of CPU cores to use) is preferred over `-j`, which spawns as many processes as it can. But this should only build the files you modified. Maybe you also changed another files though. 12:46 <+bridge> I think `-j8` (with the number of CPU cores to use) is preferred over `-j`, which spawns as many processes as it can. But this should only build the files you modified. Maybe you also changed another file though. 12:47 <+bridge> ls 12:49 <+bridge> I was also wondering, why `./DDNet.exe `and `./steam_api.dll` get build in `/build/Debug` while everything else is in `/build` 12:51 <+bridge> I think that a MSVC issue 12:51 <+bridge> I think that an MSVC issue 12:52 <+bridge> When I use VS I use the executables built in the `pack_DDNet-18.3-win64_zip` folder 12:56 <+bridge> chiller writing a json parser. commit messages are gold. 12:56 <+bridge> would recommend 13:00 <+bridge> cant even find that folder 13:04 <+bridge> Maybe you set `DEV=ON` in the cmake configuration. It will generate more files each time with `DEV=OFF` but at least you get a build folder that's immediately usable 13:04 <+bridge> is friction applidd every 2 ticks? 13:04 <+bridge> Alternatively, use MSYS2 and GCC instead of MSVC 13:05 <+bridge> Friction for particles is applies every 0.05s locally 13:05 <+bridge> ah 13:06 <+bridge> @apfff if youre on windows are you using visual studio? 13:06 <+bridge> Yes 13:18 <+bridge> @apfff ah i think since the bullet trails have no velocity friction does nothing here 13:19 <+bridge> Actually, I was trying to understand where the frequency of particles is determined 13:20 <+bridge> add `p.m_Vel = random_direction() * (std::pow(random_float(), 3) * 600.0f);` inside BulletTrail() and you'll see that if you change friction then the behavior changes 13:20 <+bridge> but ig since m_Vel isn't defined, it gets set to 0 somewhere so friction has no effect 13:20 <+bridge> but I guess `BulletTrail()` doesnt even set the frequency? 13:20 <+bridge> (actually probably m_Vel is already defined as 0) 13:21 <+bridge> yeah, the `p.m_Friction = 0.7f;` for `BulletTrail` is misleading, since it has no effect 13:21 <+bridge> I think the frequency is set in items.cpp at line 647 onwards @apfff 13:21 <+bridge> I tried `friction` on different particles 13:22 <+bridge> err or maybe line 125, i didn't read it too much 13:22 <+bridge> Is there like model being used or are things just .. coded? 13:25 <+bridge> although i think @robyt3 knows more on how to accomplish whatever you're trying to accomplish @apfff 13:25 <+bridge> ATM im just trying to understand things 13:25 <+bridge> im not really sure if those lines in items.cpp simply add the particles to some queue which gets handled elsewhere 13:25 <+bridge> I thought particles might be an easy entry 13:26 <+bridge> but line 125 is initially where the bullet trail particle gets added 13:26 <+bridge> How does the timing work in general, is there some kind of delta_time? 13:26 <+bridge> Some effects are on different timers (5, 50, 100 Hz), see `CEffects::OnRender` function 13:27 <+bridge> for the frequency, you need to have a look at `effects.cpp`, there you have the member variables `m_Add5hz`, `m_Add50hz` and `m_Add100hz` 13:27 <+bridge> `OnRender()` gets called for every component "active" on every tick? 13:27 <+bridge> those are updated every frame, each going `true` with a different frequency 13:28 <+bridge> (I recently reimplemented all the particles for twgpu) 13:40 <+bridge> @patiga thx, now i got it 13:47 <+bridge> why the servers allow 4 player from the same ip but the client can only connect 1 dummy? 13:47 <+bridge> ddnet client is limited to a single dummy 13:47 <+bridge> it's in the code 13:48 <+bridge> make a dummy list 13:48 <+bridge> Dummy[] dummys = new Dummy[]; or smoething 13:51 <+bridge> you can join with 2 clients per IP 14:01 <+bridge> it would be easier to use with one client ngl 14:02 <+bridge> and im the customer and the customer is always right 14:02 <+bridge> Dummy controls would go nuts 14:02 <+bridge> I mean its open source 14:07 <+bridge> program them ai control 14:07 <+bridge> they follow you, unfreeze you... 14:16 <+bridge> good idea 14:16 <+bridge> u should go implement it 14:18 <+bridge> sorry im the customer 14:21 <+bridge> the game is open source so you're the worker too unfortunately 14:22 <+bridge> customers pay usually, dont they? 14:23 <+bridge> Einem geschenkten Gaul, schaut man nicht ins Maul 14:54 <+bridge> BTW I am waiting for a review since two months in \#5949 @heinrich5991 @0xdeen 15:29 <+bridge> Can someone tell me where the bullet projectile texture is set? (As in rotation, position, size, etc.) 15:29 <+bridge> Does someone know where the bullet projectile texture is set? (As in rotation, position, size, etc.) 15:37 <+bridge> probably here: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/2ed17ac8b379eb786bda995d573632463c38509a/src/game/client/components/items.cpp#L26 15:38 <+bridge> haven't touched client code at all but that looks to be the location, at least one of them. 16:37 <+bridge> does someone know how to disable projectiles hitting other players in old vanilla teeworlds servers? i managed to disable player collisions and player hooking with tunes but can't figure out how to disable projectiles hitting other players 16:42 <+bridge> ware is poland server 16:42 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256983262417391646/image.png?ex=6682c063&is=66816ee3&hm=ce29148c650381c00a2f5aab39d1f5d7480e4bb6d5f0c1a666c028b9faaa9c50& 16:47 <+bridge> cyb horse is gone 17:34 <+bridge> What are old vanilla teeworlds servers? and what are you working on? 17:39 <+bridge> I don’t know if there is even an option without touching the code. I doubt it. 18:02 <+bridge> fr 18:44 <+bridge> chillerdragon: Is it possible to create a custom teeworlds client in python? 19:05 <+bridge> konsti 19:08 <+bridge> teeworlds esports when 19:39 <+bridge> https://pic.zcat.ch 19:39 <+bridge> gctf esport 19:49 <+bridge> russian? 19:50 <+bridge> you missed a lot of russian fng/block tournaments 20:44 <+bridge> https://gwern.net/doc/iq/high/smpy/1984-clements.pdf 20:44 <+bridge> this read is rly interesting 20:45 <+bridge> its about the life of Terence Tao, probs the greatest math guy alive 21:03 <+bridge> When add dummyleft and dummy right 21:27 <+bridge> isn't Terence Tao featured on some of the Numberphile videos? 21:53 <+bridge> probs 21:53 <+bridge> he is alive 22:06 <+bridge> never. 22:09 <+bridge> why not 22:10 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/5443#issuecomment-1158437505 22:10 <+bridge> 22:10 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8275#issuecomment-2082901196 22:10 <+bridge> 22:10 <+bridge> #5443 22:10 <+bridge> 22:10 <+bridge> #8275 22:10 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/5443 22:10 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8275 22:10 <+bridge> #5443 22:10 <+bridge> 22:10 <+bridge> #8275 22:36 <+bridge> Does anyone know why the particle generation is different in game than on replays? How do the replays work? 22:46 <+bridge> The particles are always random, the server/demo only specifies for example "explosion" and the center position and this creates the explosion sprite and random smoke particles 22:47 <+bridge> I changed `BulletTrail()` to spawn particles more frequently, though that change is not visible in replays 22:49 <+bridge> Does it work for other effects? I think bullet trails might be special because the demo player tries to reconstruct them somehow 22:51 <+bridge> Sorry I was wrong. In the replay its shown "correctly", through when you render the video it doesnt 22:54 <+bridge> Same question tho 22:55 <+bridge> Looks like a bug. If you render a demo it breaks bullet trails during normal demo playback until you restart the client 22:56 <+bridge> 😦 23:01 <+bridge> I think it looks differently during demo rendering because demos are always rendered at `cl_video_recorder_fps` (default 60 FPS) 23:04 <+bridge> Do you know what File/Method does that particular rendering? 23:04 <+bridge> Demo rendering is in `video.cpp/h` if you mean that 23:05 <+bridge> ty 23:05 <+bridge> yes ty 23:06 <+bridge> And there is `CItems::ReconstructSmokeTrail` in `items.cpp` which seems to reconstruct a matching smoke trail for predicted projectiles I guess 23:12 <+bridge> Another thing, is it normal that the "local" client has worse perfomance (fps), or is it my code? 23:15 <+bridge> If you compiled in debug mode then it's expected to be slower than in release mode 23:21 <+bridge> One last thing: when are methods like `CGameClient::OnNewSnapshot()` being "triggered"? For example: Damage Indicator for `rocket` only "triggers" the method once, while Damage Indicator for `gun `"triggers" it 10 times (where can I influence that?) 23:24 <+bridge> `CGameClient::OnNewSnapshot` is called in `client.cpp` whenever a new snapshot has been received, you can't really influence that. What problem are you trying to solve? 23:25 <+bridge> Im trying to only spawn 1 particle on wall collision (damage indication) with gun projectiles instead of 10 23:26 <+bridge> The 10 damage indicators are created by the server 23:26 <+bridge> `if(Item.m_Type == NETEVENTTYPE_DAMAGEIND)` passes 10 times, `else if(Item.m_Type == NETEVENTTYPE_EXPLOSION)` only once 23:27 <+bridge> https://tenor.com/view/%E7%9A%849-gif-27299608 23:27 <+bridge> In `projectile.cpp` there's a call to `CreateDamageInd` with argument `10` 23:27 <+bridge> So you get 10 individual damage indicator particles on the client side 23:27 <+bridge> Ah man, I hoped it was client side 23:28 <+bridge> I think 0.7 changed this so the number of particles is inside the damage indicator effect 23:28 <+bridge> I guess there are only "ugly" workaround then 23:28 <+bridge> I guess there are only "ugly" workarounds then 23:29 <+bridge> You could remember the positions of all damage indicators in each snapshot to ignore the damage indicators with identical position 23:30 <+bridge> Since all 10 damage indicators should start at the same position 23:30 <+bridge> But i guess there is no way to distinguish betwenn "shots" without timing/counting, right? 23:31 <+bridge> But i guess there is no way to distinguish between "shots" without timing/counting, right? 23:32 <+bridge> No, I don't think you can easily find out which projectile the effect belonged 23:34 <+bridge> Is the code asynchronous ? 23:36 <+bridge> I don't know what you mean with "asynchronous ". Gameplay is basically all single-threaded 23:36 <+bridge> Ah nice 23:37 <+bridge> Guess I used the wrong term, mb 23:41 <+bridge> @robyt3 thanks for all the help, got exactly what I was trying to do. Just getting to know the project atm, so I really appreciate your help (even though some questions might be a little stupid) 23:41 <+bridge> @robyt3 thanks for all the help, got exactly what I was trying to do. Just trying to getting to know the project atm, so I really appreciate your help (even though some questions might be a little stupid)