00:12 <+bridge> <♂S1mple♂> ctrl + shift + D 00:23 <+bridge> it would still be nice 00:23 <+bridge> do you know C++? 00:59 <+bridge> a few 01:00 <+bridge> you could probably do it yourself 01:00 <+bridge> look thru the code for, e.g., cl_showpred & the debug mode tp # 01:24 <+bridge> Is it possible to verify a packet is coming from within the same network in teeworlds code, or do I have to set a key in order to verify it's credibility? 01:24 <+bridge> Talking about connless packets 01:25 <+bridge> I'm sending the packet using the LINK_BROADCAST flag 01:25 <+bridge> so can you not see ip in that case 01:26 <+bridge> I can, when the packet arrives. But the server doesnt know about it's own ip, so I can't compare 01:26 <+bridge> 192.168.x.x/10.0.x.x? 01:26 <+bridge> idk 01:27 <+bridge> I'm client deving noob 01:29 <+bridge> <4hux> When is coming in iOS? 01:29 <+bridge> probably never 01:29 <+bridge> at least on the app store 01:29 <+bridge> <4hux> Why 01:30 <+bridge> idk I'd just check the IP based on RFC 1918 private ip ranges 01:30 <+bridge> good call 01:30 <+bridge> agg store doesn't allow open source apps iirc 01:30 <+bridge> app store doesn't allow open source apps iirc 01:31 <+bridge> and it is like $100/yr to keep it on there, even for a free app 01:32 <+bridge> plus... we don't even have android yet, and at least that has vulkan support 01:33 <+bridge> ios only supports metal, their own graphics api, for which ddnet has no backend atm 01:34 <+bridge> maybe it someone wrote said backend and dealt with all the app store fees + politics, it might happen. but it would still need a maintainer, and ddnet devs (or rly just OSS devs in general) don't use or like iPhones 01:35 <+bridge> does that answer your question? 😃 01:36 <+bridge> <4hux> Yep thank 02:29 <+bridge> #8432 fires 🔥🔥🔥 02:29 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8432 02:45 <+bridge> can you ban them? 02:45 <+bridge> DDNet RUS2 - Novice 02:45 <+bridge> 02:45 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256410158804762725/image.png?ex=6680aaa4&is=667f5924&hm=50b5465be6ff9dd678dad4a20022d43ac045d5e7c00ed554dd6a8a83362ed9b4& 02:45 <+bridge> is an official DDraceNetwork (DDNet, Region: 🇷🇺) server. 02:45 <+bridge> Quick join: 02:45 <+bridge> they're blocking 02:45 <+bridge> go #✉-create-a-ticket not here 02:46 <+bridge> oh, thank you and sorry 02:46 <+bridge> in-game moderators don't really check here so you might have less luck 02:52 <+bridge> they're gone, but thanks 05:40 <+bridge> Come on bro not the dev channel 05:40 <+bridge> 🐴 07:52 <+bridge> 🐙 08:01 <+bridge> :NekoDrink: 08:30 <+bridge> ☕ 11:50 <+bridge> where's the manifest?how to solve it😭 11:50 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256547316899381258/image.png?ex=66812a61&is=667fd8e1&hm=586004a6a32f11dc108298ae49e04278662645b479f249af38e6f581cec31925& 12:21 <+bridge> who can help me, i need to know how to render skins? 12:43 <+bridge> The warning is not relevant, install the correct rust toolchain for your compiler to fix "No rule to make target ..." 13:00 <+bridge> where can i install it 13:04 <+bridge> Install `rustup` if you haven't already, then run `rustup default x86_64-pc-windows-msvc` 13:04 <+bridge> https://rustup.rs/ 13:11 <+bridge> @tintint8 I did something like that a thousand years ago as a server side modification: https://github.com/jxsl13/zcatchPlus/blob/104856d166644e3e42ec378e97a57ff57e76a302/src/game/server/player.cpp#L169 13:11 <+bridge> rainbow tee that is 13:12 <+bridge> with lots or redundant if checks, awesome code. 13:12 <+bridge> but the rainbow part was neat 14:39 <+bridge> i've installed it, but it doesn't work😭 14:39 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256589923671343157/image.png?ex=66815210&is=66800090&hm=654b18fdb595236b556252d616c22da005b959b7caff13e151eda59335b283c9& 14:58 <+bridge> have you tried zooming in more so that we can get even less information ? 15:05 <+bridge> @learath2 15:05 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256596381116665896/GRLZlkAbYAAxcfm.png?ex=66815813&is=66800693&hm=f8e1b4a5b43eddc516765d633ba15ae6626a7b2de619b498b64d03240af7e4fc& 15:05 <+bridge> u dont need breaks 15:10 <+bridge> sorry for that 15:10 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256597626606850118/Code_7VK2XvrPjd.png?ex=6681593c&is=668007bc&hm=ed8c8358e4e5fe87dd777709a0fb9044feac2f0dceb2e7398d353816c0d05093& 15:10 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256597626913161268/Code_Pgb6M8OvFF.png?ex=6681593c&is=668007bc&hm=79be0db5e5a78f7e9206a05a3219df40293b79be01ad5449ee5a1dfd8fb9dc2c& 15:10 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256597627164688426/Code_xh53PaQu2Z.png?ex=6681593c&is=668007bc&hm=33c76dd1aded58cc127ade4eb517b03481b96f5f794c00979c0743d349d5c8b1& 15:37 <+bridge> Looks like you are using mingw, so you should use `rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu` instead. Or use MSVC compilers instead of mingw. 15:48 <+bridge> @jupeyy_keks is there any way to force the game into always booting as openGL? my client always defaults back to vulkan despite having gfx_backend opengl in my settings 17:20 <+bridge> man this is really strange to me xD. So you didn't define (set) those boolean values anywhere where did we get them from ? 17:20 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256630451640991804/image.png?ex=668177ce&is=6680264e&hm=c57561afe745062ebaff8a3683dc52ba7bd80b8b092fe35e43d7c13e38172461& 17:21 <+bridge> i found the function u used but i still have no idea how to use dis tbh 17:21 <+bridge> never used cpp sorry xD 17:25 <+bridge> is that legal c ? 17:25 <+bridge> yes 17:25 <+bridge> its a way to have switch without fallback without using break 17:26 <+bridge> there is also another trick 17:26 <+bridge> i knew for duff's device but not with if 17:26 <+bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff%27s_device 17:26 <+bridge> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff%27s_device 17:26 <+bridge> ye 17:26 <+bridge> was gonna post 17:26 <+bridge> xd 18:39 <+bridge> @heinrich5991 @0xdeen do you think you would accept a PR adding fastcap support? I'm thinking about eventually moving unique to use the ddnet gameservers 18:39 <+bridge> Curaed 18:40 <+bridge> Cursed 18:40 <+bridge> they are defined in the .hpp header file where the class/struct is defined as well. 18:41 <+bridge> they are set somewhere in the code wherever the player object is used. or when some admin gsets tgis value to true/1 18:42 <+bridge> <0xdeen> If it's done cleanly. What do you need to add? 18:42 <+bridge> <0xdeen> And if you are willing to keep maintaining it if bugs are reported 18:44 <+bridge> yeah i'll have to look into it. just trying to gauge if you are open to add it in principle 18:45 <+bridge> hi timakro how u doin 18:45 <+bridge> hiya i'm doing fine 18:45 <+bridge> unique not so much, getting hard to maintain ^^ 18:46 <+bridge> happens :p 18:46 <+bridge> im rly out of the loop in ddnet dev too xd 18:46 <+bridge> i loaded ddnet up in vscode and it just works 18:46 <+bridge> very well maintained nowadays 18:46 <+bridge> yeah 18:46 <+bridge> did u use the vscode workspace thing from jupstar 18:46 <+bridge> it has premade settings 18:47 <+bridge> i just cloned the repo and openend in vscode idk 18:47 <+bridge> ah 18:47 <+bridge> load the vscode profiles 18:47 <+bridge> it has a config to run ddnet with ASAN TSAN and more 18:54 <+bridge> is there another db backend besides mysql and sqlite nowadays? thinking postgres? 19:04 <+bridge> i tried long ago psql but the syntax differs a lot 19:04 <+bridge> mysql and sqlite are rly alike 19:04 <+bridge> and the current way ddnet does queries is by doing some string formatting depending on the backend but it assumes some stuff i guess 19:04 <+bridge> last time i checked 19:04 <+bridge> for example in psql you use $1 $2 not ? 19:14 <+bridge> yes 19:27 <+bridge> when ddnet with https://surrealdb.com/ 19:36 <+bridge> <0xdeen> @zwelf2 and I both had interest in porting to Postgres, but haven't gotten to it. 19:36 <+bridge> <0xdeen> I'd be very happy to get a Postgres port 19:38 <+bridge> @0xdeen i have a few questions regarding your db infrastructure if you don't mind. does every locale have their own mariadb instance? do you have mariadb and gameservers on the same machines? do you generate all the website rank pages per player etc. only when they are requested or always at regular intervals? i'm having issues with db performance so i'm thinking if there is maybe a better way to do this at unique 19:40 <+bridge> <0xdeen> We used to have multiple mariadb instances (running on the same vps), nowadays it's one mariadb for website and one mariadb server just for all the gameservers. Gameservers don't run mariadb anymore 19:40 <+bridge> i think the easiest fix for me would just be to upgrade my vps resources but i'm reluctant ^^ 19:40 <+bridge> <0xdeen> If a rank gets lost, it is recorded in sqlite and inserted daily 19:41 <+bridge> <0xdeen> for db performance an index and more memory for innodb_buffer_pool_size can help a lot 19:41 <+bridge> i think i should have a separate vps just for the mariadb instance like you, it seems that the db causes lag on the gameservers 19:41 <+bridge> thanks i'll check that 19:42 <+bridge> <0xdeen> Some parts of the website are upgraded once an hour (https://ddnet.org/ranks/), some are live (https://ddnet.org/maps/Majin-32-Buu), some are a mix (https://ddnet.org/players/timakro/) 19:42 <+bridge> <0xdeen> In truth I want to port everything to Postgres, and then put everything behind a Materialize (https://materialize.com/), which would give us accurate live data for everything. disclaimer: that's my employer 19:43 <+bridge> <0xdeen> I did join them because I could see that the product perfectly solves the problems we've been having with DDNet's DB 19:43 <+bridge> that's a way to choose a job :D 19:44 <+bridge> <0xdeen> If the product we are developing makes sense to me personally, I'm way more motivated 19:46 <+bridge> it's actually good advice, i will need to find a job later this year 19:46 <+bridge> it's actually good advice; i will need to find a job later this year 19:51 <+bridge> oh epic 19:52 <+bridge> good luck, ur overqualified :owo: 20:38 <+bridge> good luck 20:57 <+bridge> wher'd the leak IP option go? i notice every time i start the game now server ping is shown with an (inaccurate) regional estimate 21:16 <+bridge> Didn't we find out our dataset requires far too much ram for materialize to work for us? 21:27 <+bridge> The option is still there but it broke at some point, so it doesn't do anything at the moment 21:35 <+bridge> that is hilarious 21:36 <+bridge> how does that happen? and who's even touching browser code now fxcept for you? 🫣 21:36 <+bridge> how does that happen? and who's even touching browser code now except for you? 🫣 21:47 <+bridge> According to the code it should work but only if you are only the favorites tab 21:47 <+bridge> According to the code it should work but only if you are on the favorites tab 21:58 <+bridge> Hmm 22:00 <+bridge> what's your guys' gut reaction to something like "runtime" automapper for entities 22:01 <+bridge> currently tater client has a tile type borders thing which i've been using to make stuff look less blatantly tiled 22:03 <+bridge> and while it does look good i dont think it's the answer necessarily 22:03 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256701507265626273/image.png?ex=6681b9fb&is=6680687b&hm=f706296c5dd90420a45375016a66af11c53fc7783f12ad568c13e3d5bdb51476& 22:03 <+bridge> and i say runtime because it'd be generated as a player loads the map 22:04 <+bridge> do u think that would be worth the trouble, or have terrible performance implications or smth 22:17 <+bridge> should be worth it, the performance hit should be negligible 22:20 <+bridge> idk how long it would take for huge maps like aincrad 22:21 <+bridge> i think if it can be like <~1-2 seconds in every circumstance it should be fine 22:21 <+bridge> or we can do it as the camera pans over it 22:22 <+bridge> probably more complicated 22:22 <+bridge> or we can do it as the camera pans over it the first time 22:25 <+bridge> btw @totar i have a few thoughts about this feature; would be cool if u could have different colors for red and blue tp as well as hookable & unhookable, and if it also spanned out-of-bounds tiles 22:34 <+bridge> @mpft half seriuos answer: implement it as a gpu shader 22:34 <+bridge> @mpft half serious answer: implement it as a gpu shader 22:36 <+bridge> i wish but i don't wanna write more than 1 22:36 <+bridge> like i'd need to provide ones for glsl and spir-v afaik 22:37 <+bridge> yeah honestly i have no idea haha 22:37 <+bridge> if ddnet was vulkan only i'd be onboard 22:38 <+bridge> weighed down by having multiple options :feelsbadman: 22:39 <+bridge> write it for openGL, ask jupsti and bait him with coffee for a week and he'll do it for vulkan :greenthing: trust 22:45 <+bridge> the real answer is to update to RDL3 and use their shader abstractions :greenthing: 22:45 <+bridge> the real answer is to update to SDL3 and use their shader abstractions :greenthing: 22:45 <+bridge> idek if that's functional yet 22:47 <+bridge> Not like porting shaders is very hard 22:48 <+bridge> it is when you don't have experience writing shaders 22:48 <+bridge> probably. 22:48 <+bridge> https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/pull/9114 22:48 <+bridge> 22:48 <+bridge> :greenthing: 22:49 <+bridge> shockingly little conversation for such a change 22:49 <+bridge> ig most of this was behind closed doors 22:50 <+bridge> Ginsburg is a known valve dev so i think they just accepted it as is lol 22:51 <+bridge> he also implemented vulkan and direct3D12 support to steamVR 23:08 <+bridge> I didn't want to make the settings too complicated 23:08 <+bridge> i think it's worth it imo 23:09 <+bridge> the #1 thing for me is visibility. i wanna see easily if smth is un/hookable 23:09 <+bridge> the tilecolor itself gets muddy with non-100 entities overlay 23:10 <+bridge> which i have configured so i can still see text n shit 23:11 <+bridge> OOB might be easy actually. I think I did that just to avoid crashing because I didn't wanna figure out the math but I realize now it's really simple. 23:13 <+bridge> same idea as how the actual tiles render 23:15 <+bridge> Full Automap should be possible but it might add a delay every time you join a map while it runs the automap rules. Also I was scared away by the optimized entity rendering code the first time but I might take another look at it eventually.