08:25 <+bridge> morning 08:28 <+bridge> gm, 08:57 <+bridge> /gm 1 12:01 <+bridge> I have commited a grave offense. I emerged firefox-bin 13:14 <+bridge> :justatest: 13:14 <+bridge> @learath2 Fri Jun 28 12:26:53 2024 >>> www-client/firefox-127.0.2 13:14 <+bridge> merge time: 8 minutes and 44 seconds. 13:14 <+bridge> cant u compile firefox in 8 mins like me? 13:15 <+bridge> I'm outside, can't afford to waste battery on that 13:15 <+bridge> What CPU did you have @ryozuki 13:15 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256206436409806957/image.png?ex=667fece9&is=667e9b69&hm=85a44a8e11ad1e728f3d161885fa64903c8b01bf0e0315470bac0406aa3f0b7d& 13:19 <+bridge> I have 2/3rd the cores and my boost clock is 10% less than yours, so a very very very rough estimate would put my compilation time at 15-ish minutes 13:19 <+bridge> Probably more like 20 as I doubt this tiny laptop can keep at 100% the boost clock for very long 13:25 <+bridge> how to solve it😭 13:25 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256208934835064852/image.png?ex=667fef3d&is=667e9dbd&hm=f49f32ebb399457a1a79ab64e77a15d75a792d2fbe96446fa39c41997e91c272& 13:30 <+bridge> <0xdeen> I think the error message is somewhere above 13:43 <+bridge> ddnet servers 14:53 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256231071322869760/1719579017337.png?ex=668003db&is=667eb25b&hm=b0b9778706f3ef4760bf9d2a1f76e0fa71af9b0152bd3caa49d081871b18e3c4& 14:53 <+bridge> cant wait to play factorio 2.0 14:55 <+bridge> :justatest: 15:00 <+bridge> Omg, above ground level 15:00 <+bridge> Blasphemy 15:02 <+bridge> CHOOOO CHOOOO 🚂 15:30 <+bridge> <1234503178> **suggestions for improving the editor from the most useless to the most useful:** 15:30 <+bridge> <1234503178> 15:30 <+bridge> <1234503178> > *1. the ability to customize the appearance of the editor (buttons, button color, etc. 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> > 2. ability to move buttons and layers to convenient places 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> > 3. advanced animation: adding a side button, will be added for "PARA" x y / also the ability to move tiles, but without properties (for example hook/unhook) 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> > 4. improved clipping: ability to work with para and animations 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> > 5. hints when using server settings (for example tune ...) 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> > 6. hotkey for quickly deleting a texture or group (shift + mouse2)* 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> **bug:** 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> > *1. “Proof” can be seen even in the texture (if you hold down space) 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> > 2. why red and blue | spawn and flag are present on DDNet Entites* 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> I’ll say right away: yes, most of these things are useless, but remember the “Remove unused envelopes” and “Place Border” buttons, they are literally useless at all levels of mapping 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> and 1 more: remember the “stopper”, I’ll be honest: for me, this is the worst thing that was invented in this game, because not only does it hardly stop, but you can also get stuck in it, it’s difficult to use it so that there were no errors in it (for example, you can stand edge in a vertical wall) (image 1) 15:31 <+bridge> <1234503178> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256240424754876447/image.png?ex=66800c91&is=667ebb11&hm=f85f9b6ef167c3c2f9b689693d68652432399a49c648381d010c5c6d699a584a& 18:24 <+bridge> avegare american road crossing 18:26 <+bridge> phd to develop secure OS in rust: 18:26 <+bridge> https://team.inria.fr/sushi/files/2024/06/2024-PhD-type-based-properties-assurance-in-OS-code_short.pdf 19:41 <+bridge> pff inria 20:00 <+bridge> ill call my friends from pro.osdev to go there to get it xd 20:03 <+bridge> is the glass half full or half empty? 20:09 <+bridge> its glass and thats enough 20:28 <+bridge> keep me updated 🙂 22:06 <+bridge> take the function of the water level over time and take the derivative of it. then test if the the points is + or - 22:07 <+bridge> take the function of the water level over time and take the derivative of it. then test if the the point is + or - 22:29 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1256345844895191092/GRLa-sXXkAA-aUF.jpg?ex=66806ebf&is=667f1d3f&hm=fcf92f09157662e5334444fc8014c1875ab71ca3aeec9990e42d9f3e64162e1b& 22:29 <+bridge> found on twitter 23:17 <+bridge> i was trying to figure out the script to apply color to user i couldn't figure it out. help pls xD 23:19 <+bridge> elaborate 23:22 <+bridge> pls 😃 23:22 <+bridge> i was trying to create a script to make person rainbow. so it's gonna change colors smoothly. i'm cycling through colors but i need to know how to apply them to user 😄 23:23 <+bridge> a script 23:23 <+bridge> like rainbow colors not actually real rainbow 23:23 <+bridge> like on your server or cjient? 23:23 <+bridge> like on your server or client? 23:23 <+bridge> probably on server 23:23 <+bridge> i'm not the one who is gonna run it 23:24 <+bridge> just trying to do a favor to a friend 23:26 <+bridge> dont think it can be scripted in that case 23:26 <+bridge> i might need little help it's my first time trying this idk how things actually work. we did augmented reality stuff for furniture companies and some web stuff for real estate companies but nothing too serious 23:26 <+bridge> you'd have to implement it in the server 23:27 <+bridge> like can't someone with enough authority can't run this script so it can make people rainbow ? 23:27 <+bridge> or add a mechanism to change tee colors via. server console 23:27 <+bridge> you could have the functionality but kot as a script 23:28 <+bridge> unless u do this, then u can use ur new cmd via. fifo file/named pipe w/ sv_input_fifo 23:28 <+bridge> or just implement the whole fuature on the server (that's what i'd do) 23:28 <+bridge> or just implement the whole feature on the server (that's what i'd do) 23:31 <+bridge> i'd break this up into steps ig 😃 23:31 <+bridge> - how to manipulate a player's color(s)? 23:31 <+bridge> - how to do something on a set interval? 23:31 <+bridge> - how to toggle this for specific players? 23:32 <+bridge> YE I LOVE THIS DEV COMMUNITY 23:32 <+bridge> TY MAN 23:33 <+bridge> you could have the functionality but not as a script 23:33 <+bridge> btw kog has this feature already 23:33 <+bridge> works via rcon afaik 23:34 <+bridge> maybe if u ask avo nicely he'd paste it for u 23:34 <+bridge> gm ewan 23:36 <+bridge> hi 23:36 <+bridge> hru 23:37 <+bridge> drinking some tea rn 23:37 <+bridge> about to get sleepy 23:37 <+bridge> nice 23:37 <+bridge> ty ty i have free time this weekend i'ma try this and ask for help if needed 23:37 <+bridge> sweet 23:37 <+bridge> i want to explore new stuff so i can learn a bit 23:38 <+bridge> nice 23:57 <+bridge> I suggest adding an indicator of what kind of checkpoint you have