00:45 <+ws-client> @egyt when send klingon and braille translations? 00:50 <+ws-client> @jxsl13 Today at 0:31 00:50 <+ws-client> > chiller, you doing sick stuff 00:50 <+ws-client> thank 00:50 <+ws-client> (epic irc reply) 00:56 <+ws-client> I like the ddnet infrastructure! And imo the ddnet-scripts repo is easier to understand than kubernetes! A bunch of bash and python to run bare matel is the best way to run blazingly fast prod systems. 00:57 <+ws-client> The biggest problem I have with the ddnet infrastructure is that it is closed source. 00:58 <+ws-client> I mean yes ddnet-scripts is public but its not the ddnet infrastructure. Its a bunch of randomly hand copied scripts that are never synced correctly. 00:59 <+ws-client> Interestingly avo claims that the kog infrasturcture is very clean. Everything tracked in git and the credentials are separate. So kog could go open source smoothly :D 01:00 <+ws-client> But nobody of the ddnet admins wants to take the time to properly wire the ddnet-scripts repo up so it reflects the actual state. 01:03 <+bridge> it is actually pretty close nowadays I think 😄 01:03 <+ws-client> manual is still manual 01:03 <+ws-client> send links to all the crontabs then :p 01:04 <+ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-scripts/blob/master/crontab 01:04 <+ws-client> are those all the complicated crons that make everything work? 01:04 <+ws-client> Initial commit 10 years ago 01:06 <+ws-client> just put the source of truth into the ddnet-scripts repo and sym link it into /etc/cron.d/ddnet on prod 01:06 <+bridge> LOL that crontab is not even close indeed 01:06 <+bridge> just looking at the crontab hurts my eyes, so many things we have set up 01:07 <+ws-client> let the community look to! 01:07 <+ws-client> when foss ddnet 01:08 <+bridge> the only thing truly closed source in ddnet is the antibot I guess 01:08 <+ws-client> without propriatary internal scripts without steam and discord spy sdks in the client and without the requirement for discord accounts to submit maps! 01:08 <+ws-client> proprietary* wat a word 01:10 <+bridge> I wanted to make a web based tool to move map testing to so we could remove the discord requirement, but the testers and I already don't get along, can't change their workflow 01:10 <+bridge> discord sdk :feelsbadman: 01:11 <+bridge> I mean atleast you can play without those two 01:12 <+ws-client> the fact that its even in the code and shipped in official releases makes it a non foss game imo 01:12 <+bridge> i dont think your opinion holds water compared to the definition of foss 01:12 <+bridge> 😄 01:12 <+ws-client> more like some sketchy open core human rights violating evil conglomeration software 01:13 <+ws-client> like telegram 01:13 <+bridge> Just run the no-proprietary-blobs version 01:13 <+bridge> i think all that stuff should exist in another repo but then you can't integrate it very well unless things are more modular 01:14 <+ws-client> actually i do game 99% of the time with self compiled custom clients (totally legit open source forks**) 01:14 <+ws-client> but once in a while i get my rands on an official release from a package manager or similiar for testing or out of convinience 01:15 <+ws-client> @Ewan you mean shell scripts and config files such as crontab should be two repos? 01:15 <+bridge> no 01:15 <+bridge> steam and discord sdks 01:15 <+ws-client> a 01:17 <+ws-client> well if it is in the official release it doesn't really matter which repo it is in 01:17 <+bridge> no 01:17 <+ws-client> makes ddnet.org a redistributor of freedom violating spyware 01:17 <+bridge> it can provide foss builds 01:17 <+ws-client> oh on ddnet.org a foss version as download? 01:18 <+ws-client> it could already do that 01:18 <+bridge> exactly 01:18 <+bridge> that would be good 01:18 <+ws-client> cmake allows toggeling all those features 01:18 <+bridge> I guess we could also provide clean builds, but I have a feeling with your hardline stance that wouldn't be enough either 01:18 <+ws-client> if i do `apt install ddnet` which version do i get? 01:18 <+ws-client> `yay ddnet-foss` xd 01:18 <+bridge> Whatever options debian maintainers decide to compile it with. I'd guess you won't get any proprietary blobs since they put those in non-free 01:18 <+bridge> Unless we are in non-free on debian, idk 😄 01:19 <+ws-client> i am actually often using non-free <:justatest:572499997178986510> 01:19 <+ws-client> i got my needs 01:19 <+bridge> tfw the audacity to call us an evil congolmerate while using non-free 01:19 <+ws-client> ._. 01:20 <+ws-client> I am a abused nvidia user 01:22 <+bridge> use nouveau 01:22 <+bridge> yeah right 01:23 <+ws-client> nouveau does not have the best gaming fps 01:23 <+bridge> it's good enough for foss games 🙃 01:23 <+bridge> no such thing as good enough when ur talking about fps 01:23 <+ws-client> I can feel fps differences on gnome desktop mouse movement 01:23 <+ws-client> and for sure in ddnet xd 01:23 <+bridge> yea 01:24 <+bridge> is it really worth loading nvidia spyware blob into your kernel running at ring0? 01:24 <+ws-client> yes 01:26 <+ws-client> thats me on the left 01:26 <+ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1719271546.png 01:26 <+bridge> interesting, we are not marked non-free on debian, but they don't seem to disable steam and discord 01:26 <+ws-client> classic debian trying to sneak out some malicious blobs 01:27 <+ws-client> Soon Jian Tan top 10 ddnet contributors 01:27 <+ws-client> Jia*? 01:28 <+ws-client> Okay enough trash talk! Time to get some coffee 01:28 <+bridge> wtf 01:29 <+bridge> jensen huang writing on someone's boob 01:29 <+bridge> time to go sleep 01:30 <+ws-client> @Ewan he is into silicone they say 01:32 <+bridge> hopefully not as much as silicon 04:39 <+ws-client> I became a huuuge unit test enjoyer!!!!! Mentioned it before can't mention it enough its epic! 04:39 <+ws-client> But sometimes even unit tests can't save me 04:39 <+ws-client> ``sv_emoticon_test.go:89: expected: 999, got: 999`` 04:40 <+ws-client> @jxsl13 maybe self rolling a testing framework came at a higher cost than expected xd 05:09 <+bridge> when did strong hook and weak hook happen 05:09 <+bridge> did it start as a bug? 05:32 <+bridge> My DDNet server will crash when I connected my db and change map. It's strange, I can't find it crash reason. 05:33 <+bridge> Is database need some map infomation? 06:09 <+bridge> Oh, actually server will crash in second player join. 06:35 <+ws-client> @mian_ku did you edit the server code? 06:36 <+bridge> I think i don't edited code about score and map 06:36 <+bridge> maybe? 06:37 <+ws-client> @bingbong669 I don't think it was ever meant as feature. Also it does not matter tooo much in vanilla anyways. I assume it took a while until anybody noticed. It was first reported in 2011 and fixed in 2020 xd 06:37 <+ws-client> https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/issues/530 06:38 <+ws-client> https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/pull/2478 06:39 <+ws-client> @mian_ku if you edited the code its likely you who introduced the issue. Check your changes and revert them until it works again. Or use a debugger to get the line which it crashed in and then look closely. 06:52 <+bridge> how to get the line with it crashed? 07:15 <+bridge> Run it with a debugger 07:16 <+bridge> For example gdb on Linux or visual studio on windows 07:16 <+bridge> gdb on windows pls 07:16 <+bridge> That’s a thing? 07:16 <+bridge> yes 07:16 <+bridge> do u know what msys2 is 07:16 <+bridge> on windows or msys2? 07:17 <+bridge> both 07:17 <+bridge> i use msys2 07:18 <+bridge> All of you trying to massage your windows into some fake Linux clearly are using the wrong os :D 07:19 <+bridge> You are meant to use the bing search engine, edge browser and visual studio 07:19 <+bridge> idk 07:19 <+bridge> i can develop proficiently and still play whatever i want and use whatever software i want 07:20 <+bridge> not have nvidia driver issues 07:20 <+bridge> Xd 07:20 <+bridge> Neither do I 07:21 <+bridge> At mostly 07:21 <+bridge> Sometimes 07:21 <+bridge> Okay it’s time to get Xcode running on Linux to have the ultimate cursed dev environment 07:50 <+bridge> I don't have NVIDIA driver issues either :D 07:51 <+bridge> The solution was to buy an AMD GPU xd 07:52 <+bridge> sounds pricey 07:53 <+bridge> Travel back in time and prevent yourself from buying NVIDIA xd 07:53 <+bridge> Well you should buy their stock but not their GPUs xd 08:02 <+ws-client> Disagree. I would recommend selling their stock because its priced high. And buying their GPUs because they are the best performing ones. 08:20 <+bridge> morning from gym 08:21 <+bridge> i dont have issuws 08:26 <+bridge> @chillerdragon you might to add more information about the type try adding %T to those format strings. 08:26 <+bridge> as those values might also differ in what type they are 08:58 <+bridge> https://youtu.be/RcGyPrGhljQ 09:25 <+ws-client> @jxsl13 thought about it but then was too lazy xd 09:25 <+ws-client> in that case it was enum and int not sure if i want to see every enum annotated as such anyways 09:28 <+bridge> <0nathan47> hi chillerdragon: 09:29 <+bridge> it is a different type when you do type EnumBlub int 09:29 <+bridge> it's not a different type when you do an alias like this: type MyInt = int 09:31 <+ws-client> elo nathan 09:31 <+ws-client> ah cool to know maybe i should do aliases more often the enum casting is so weird 09:32 <+ws-client> @Patiga sos how to install twmap on intel macs? 09:32 <+ws-client> `pip install twmap` 09:32 <+ws-client> `ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement twmap (from versions: none)` 09:32 <+ws-client> `ERROR: No matching distribution found for twmap` 09:35 <+bridge> don't do aliases 09:35 <+bridge> fot enuns 09:35 <+bridge> for 09:41 <+ws-client> what do i use aliases for then? 09:55 <+bridge> generic type instanciations 09:56 <+bridge> and when you use libraries that define a type which you want to "import" a little bit in your project 09:56 <+bridge> or for migrations and refactorings 09:56 <+bridge> of libraries 09:59 <+bridge> I haven't figured out the cross compile method for macos yet, easiest for you would be to just clone the repo and manually compile 10:00 <+ws-client> @patiga manual compile doesnt work either see the issue i opened :( 10:04 <+bridge> can you try the macos branch? 10:08 <+ws-client> twstorage also lacks mac support hope thats not a problem 10:08 <+bridge> that should be alright for the python bindings 10:08 <+ws-client> epic macos branch works 10:08 <+ws-client> that was fast! 10:08 <+bridge> (as long as you don't use embed_images_auto) 10:08 <+bridge> :D 10:09 <+ws-client> :D 10:09 <+ws-client> how do i install the python bindings after cargo build finished? 10:10 <+bridge> rename libtwmap.dylib to twmap.so, thats your python module which you can put anywhere you want 10:11 <+bridge> to import it from anywhere, you'd need to put it into the python path somehow, tho I have no experience with that 10:11 <+ws-client> so `import twmap` works if im in the same dir? 10:11 <+bridge> yea 10:11 <+ws-client> woah i assumed there are some python wrappers invovled 10:11 <+ws-client> like actual .py files 10:11 <+ws-client> and some python package metadata file 10:11 <+ws-client> no wonder my type checker freaks out when using twmap 10:11 <+bridge> heh, well I *should* figure out some package metadata stuff someday ^^ 10:11 <+bridge> @jupeyy_keks kernel 6.9 has a new amd pstate driver feature 10:12 <+bridge> > Linux 6.9 debuts AMD P-State ‘preferred core’ support in the AMD P-State driver for AMD Zen 2 and later chips. 10:12 <+bridge> > 10:12 <+bridge> > Preferred cores reach a higher maximum frequency than other cores, and this kernel support allows Linux scheduler to pass high priority tasks to those cores specifically. 10:12 <+bridge> i think arch doesnt have amd pstate enabled by def on the kernel 10:12 <+bridge> e.g. I the module also depends on numpy, which pip doesn't know about 10:12 <+ws-client> Imo that information should be in the readme @patiga as a pyson nob i would have never tried to import a non pyson file 10:12 <+bridge> cool, i hope i get some fps back xdd 10:14 <+bridge> I do have a section for 'Manual Building (on Linux)', but fair, the other systems are missing ^^ 10:14 <+ws-client> even on linux i would not know what to do 10:14 <+ws-client> because im certinally not using podman and some weird tokens for a local install 10:14 <+bridge> thats another section in the readme 10:15 <+ws-client> Ah there in the inline code snippets 10:15 <+ws-client> i still thought there was a step missing 10:15 <+bridge> are the steps too simple? :p 10:16 <+ws-client> i guess i was missing the ```>>> import twmap``` code snippet 10:16 <+bridge> good point, that would probably help 10:17 <+ws-client> maybe even this 10:17 <+ws-client> ``` import target/release/libtwmap.so``` 10:17 <+ws-client> or is it with dots 10:17 <+bridge> btw if you want to help with the type hints, you could take a look at https://pyo3.rs/v0.22.0/python-typing-hints 10:17 <+bridge> I'd happily accept a pr :) 10:17 <+ws-client> i spend half a day tryint to write stubs for twmap then i rq 10:18 <+ws-client> python ecosystem is just too big for me 10:18 <+bridge> ow 10:18 <+ws-client> every single thing has 100 totally different ways of doing it 10:19 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255074881146720316/golang-super-gopher-prints.jpg?ex=667bcf11&is=667a7d91&hm=a6f0a74b1f68797cc899b1faff836adab32cd1054b00ea1da360e19f47c342f0& 10:19 <+ws-client> I made it work partially but it would break in different contexts i forgot. Something like neovim pyright would refuse to work at the same time as mypy cli 10:20 <+ws-client> But that seems like a good starting point https://pyo3.rs/v0.22.0/python-typing-hints maybe ill look into it some day ill open a issue in the repo to bookmark the link xd 10:21 <+ws-client> and the other one can be closed right? or is something blocking the merge of macos to master? 10:22 <+bridge> yea I'll quickly merge it 10:22 <+ws-client> twmap is epic 10:22 <+ws-client> and twmap techsupport is even better 10:22 <+bridge> <3 10:22 <+ws-client> that was a smooth fix ;) 10:23 <+bridge> yw, glad that you like twmap :) 10:50 <+ws-client> Building my own package manager turned out to be more useful than i thought 10:50 <+ws-client> `crackman install twmap-py-src` 10:50 <+bridge> chillerdragon: is it in bash? 10:50 <+ws-client> ofc 10:51 <+ws-client> i use it to get bleeding edge software on debian, now for python packages on mac and also for custom projects 10:51 <+ws-client> `crackman install term-ux-src` 10:51 <+ws-client> `crackman install wireshark-src` 10:52 <+ws-client> its installed on all of my machines anyways since its part of my dotfiles setup 10:52 <+bridge> i need to make one for installing neovim 10:53 <+ws-client> it manages my PATH. So if i encounter any manual step to install something i slap the 4 commands in some shell script and the next time its just a `crackman install package` 10:53 <+ws-client> which then also offers uninstall and updates 10:54 <+ws-client> yep @milkeeycat `crackman install neovim-src` is useful 10:55 <+ws-client> Stuff like `crackman install greensward` is just epic or also installing the teeworlds font system wide xd 10:55 <+ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1719305676.png 10:56 <+ws-client> I can highly recommend doing that. I know there are a bunch of package managers out there. But none will ever manage to install EVERY little thing you need for all your systems in the exact version you need it in. 11:15 <+bridge> I don 11:16 <+bridge> I don't know not Klingon neither Braile 11:16 <+bridge> I don't know not Klingon neither Braille 11:16 <+bridge> Also Braille is not a language 11:22 <+bridge> actually it happend on every single `pSqlServer->GetString()`. 11:32 <+bridge> and same `GetInt()` 11:33 <+ws-client> who needs strings and ints anyways 11:33 <+ws-client> database with strings attached hihihi 11:36 <+ws-client> foxonaut u here? 11:38 <+ws-client> @fokkonaut 11:38 <+bridge> yup 11:55 <+bridge> Do any of you use btrfs? 13:36 <+bridge> no 13:36 <+bridge> @learath2 i heard valve is a lot into btrfs and develops it 13:36 <+bridge> ie sends patches to upstream 13:37 <+bridge> TIL https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.pointer.html#method.byte_add 13:37 <+bridge> it was added in 1.75 13:37 <+bridge> nice 14:07 <+bridge> I'm considering btrfs for my laptop, just was curious if anyone was already using it 14:08 <+bridge> just do it 14:08 <+bridge> :gigachad: 14:09 <+bridge> @learath2 is ur laptop a modern zen4? 14:09 <+bridge> use a ~amd64 kernel 14:09 <+bridge> 6.9 14:09 <+bridge> has nice stuff 14:09 <+bridge> btw i also have a gaming laptop 14:09 <+bridge> with a 4070 14:10 <+bridge> Yes :Celebrate: 14:22 <+bridge> https://cfallin.org/blog/2024/06/12/rust-path-generics/ 14:26 <+bridge> don't, i quit my job to not do VR 14:26 <+bridge> not really 14:27 <+bridge> I do have tons of idea for VR games. but i'd rather die with them to develop for VR companies 14:27 <+bridge> it's just like a slightly better crypto company 14:36 <+bridge> I do have tons of idea for VR games. but i'd rather die with them than to develop for VR companies 14:44 <+bridge> Hey, where can I see the physics math for the hook? I mean the formulae for hook to wall and hook to player? 14:45 <+bridge> charactercore.cpp 14:46 <+bridge> ah no 14:46 <+bridge> gamecore.cpp 14:46 <+bridge> the class is CCharacterCore 14:46 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/e29409de640522e52e0cfbd6db78c97592ed9015/src/game/gamecore.cpp#L508 here it is 14:52 <+bridge> @pathos3005: are you THE Pathos? Pathos Ethos Logos CTF legend? 14:55 <+bridge> @pathos3005: I pinged you in fng chat and been ghosted for a year! 14:55 <+bridge> https://github.com/PathosEthosLogos/Leave-a-message-beep/issues/1 14:59 <+bridge> it's rare that chiller is excited to see someone 15:02 <+bridge> hmm 15:02 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255146060062654494/image.png?ex=667c115c&is=667abfdc&hm=96965cd1abef0145fc954acfb11bb461c2a3abee485c11eef3c89d5af8a4166c& 15:02 <+bridge> I feel like i should know this guy\ 15:02 <+bridge> why can't i recall 15:03 <+bridge> Let's make our own company 15:03 <+bridge> i'm making my own, thanks for the offer 15:03 <+bridge> :poggers2: 15:04 <+bridge> But not VR games then 15:04 <+bridge> no 15:04 <+bridge> no competition clause wouldn't allow me to make VR games anyway 15:05 <+bridge> also who are you again? 15:05 <+bridge> :kek: 15:05 <+bridge> Oh 15:05 <+bridge> I'm just a rando 15:06 <+bridge> investigating 15:06 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255147094398734336/image.png?ex=667c1252&is=667ac0d2&hm=c644ea407066f5dae961581ee708d6322a5936383c560134022f219ad4ff4122& 15:07 <+bridge> ye idk 15:07 <+bridge> @tsfreddie: Pathos legend https://youtu.be/skafAu28xuQ 15:07 <+bridge> ok then 15:08 <+bridge> i think i'm in a weird multiverse thing 15:08 <+bridge> everyone feels unfamiliar to me suddenly 15:08 <+bridge> https://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=12146 15:08 <+bridge> 15:08 <+bridge> I wouldn’t be surprised if this movement god would need to read code to optimize his vanilla gameplay 15:10 <+bridge> 2024 is a great year i guess 15:11 <+bridge> The year of the Hannna Montanna Linux desktop 15:12 <+bridge> chillerdragon: thanks for accepting the invite btw 15:13 <+bridge> Can’t promise anything. But I’m here waiting for your orders sir. 15:14 <+bridge> nah, it was supposed to be public but i don't feel like making it public before i have any code down 15:14 <+bridge> you can just lerk 15:27 <+bridge> hi Souly 15:27 <+bridge> @tsfreddie help 15:27 <+bridge> wutup 15:31 <+bridge> @tsfreddie you made that teeworlds pvp repo on github right? 15:31 <+bridge> which 15:31 <+bridge> the one with multiple gamemodes in one mod 15:31 <+bridge> yes 15:32 <+bridge> if you are talking about ddnet-pvp 15:32 <+bridge> yup yup that one 15:33 <+bridge> @tsfreddie what modes does it support? 15:33 <+bridge> cuz theres no info on github page 15:33 <+bridge> every standard 15:33 <+bridge> including the two lms 15:33 <+bridge> it was suppose to be the bare minimum for people to develop other mods 15:33 <+bridge> so its just vanilla gamemodes on ddnet source? 15:34 <+bridge> so i just recreated every vanilla 15:34 <+bridge> oh also catch probably 15:34 <+bridge> let me double check 15:34 <+bridge> i think catch and instagib might be in a different repo 15:34 <+bridge> ooooh 15:35 <+bridge> cuz i have a small request regarding instagib 15:35 <+bridge> there wasn't any info cuz that is not really finished 15:35 <+bridge> 15:35 <+bridge> i basically adandoned the project 15:35 <+bridge> T_T 15:35 <+bridge> what's that tho 15:36 <+bridge> ye there is catch and instagib in the ddnet-pvp repo 15:36 <+bridge> i wanted to ask if you could somehow port this mod features to 0.6 https://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=12618 15:36 <+bridge> its just about laser jumps and shield 15:36 <+bridge> honestly, should be super easy 15:36 <+bridge> but i don't want to 15:36 <+bridge> i couldnt find any 0.6 version of this 15:36 <+bridge> and this mod is goated fr 15:37 <+bridge> i tried to ask around for people to pick up ddnet-pvp 15:37 <+bridge> but i think people just prefer to fork instead of contribute 15:37 <+bridge> not that i provided any guide for contributing tho, so probably my fault 15:38 <+bridge> either way, instashield should be pretty easy to make 15:38 <+bridge> you can ask if anyone wants to. 15:38 <+bridge> ddnet-pvp is not gonna add any gamemodes even if I continue 15:38 <+bridge> it was supposed to be the base mod for other pvp mods 15:41 <+bridge> i asked some people but noone wanted to code this :// 15:41 <+bridge> i have no more people to ask at this point 15:41 <+bridge> yeah, why not, I'll give it a go, btrfs on LUKS it is 15:41 <+bridge> that i know could code 15:42 <+bridge> ye, then you are probably out of luck 15:42 <+bridge> cuz i sure am not doing it 15:42 <+bridge> maybe in 2017 15:42 <+bridge> not now 15:43 <+bridge> keep us updated! 15:43 <+bridge> 😭 😭 😭 15:45 <+bridge> @soulyvevo: go you do it 15:45 <+bridge> cant 15:45 <+bridge> brain to smol 15:46 <+bridge> I promise you it isn’t 15:46 <+bridge> But it might take some time 15:47 <+bridge> my brain is neurodivergent 15:48 <+bridge> chillerdragon: when ddnet coding tutorials 15:48 <+bridge> cuz u only made ones for vanilla 15:48 <+bridge> i don't think anyone here learned ddnet coding via tutorials 15:49 <+bridge> are there even any? 15:50 <+bridge> there is one for vanilla made by chillerdragon according to you 15:50 <+bridge> :kek: 15:50 <+bridge> i did watch chillers videos 15:51 <+bridge> ye he has some series of vanilla tutorials lmao 15:51 <+bridge> I'm try to make a query by stages, but is didn't work well, it's only show point of first stage. 15:51 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255158407015567411/image.png?ex=667c1cdb&is=667acb5b&hm=3dbaf9df8d7404711b678a9aad68cad5329e5245b70e2dc0107bb4e0be127e73& 15:51 <+bridge> (i simp for his voice big time) - chiller when vc again 15:52 <+bridge> is it just a german thing 15:52 <+bridge> he voice chatted me once and I find it a little bit diffiult to understand really. 15:52 <+bridge> :justatest: 15:52 <+bridge> i think he forgot that I was chinese 15:53 <+bridge> XDD 15:53 <+bridge> just a little bit tho, i managed to understand nonetheless 15:53 <+bridge> doesn't chiller know Chinese? 15:53 <+bridge> just haven't heard any english in a few years let alone a german accented one 15:54 <+bridge> lol 15:54 <+bridge> idk 15:54 <+bridge> does he? 15:55 <+bridge> i remember chillers motivational speech 15:56 <+bridge> i managed to converse with deen IRL this year tho. i'm quite proud lol 15:56 <+bridge> i saw the t-shirt 15:56 <+bridge> im jealosu! 15:56 <+bridge> im jealous! 15:57 <+bridge> im jealous! - i hope i get one too when i meet him 15:57 <+bridge> day one of randomly walking around until I find Deen: 15:57 <+bridge> day one of randomly walking around until I find deen: 15:57 <+bridge> :D 15:58 <+bridge> i remember since deen haven't seen me, and I'm awkward af. i just walked up to him and said: "Hey, I know you" 16:01 <+bridge> XD 16:02 <+bridge> i rememver i joined voice too 16:02 <+bridge> with chiller 16:02 <+bridge> remember 16:02 <+bridge> god i cant type 16:02 <+bridge> btw where are you from ryo 16:02 <+bridge> u dont know yet? 16:02 <+bridge> catalonia, barcelona 16:03 <+bridge> no idea 16:03 <+bridge> (definitly not spain) 16:03 <+bridge> 16:03 <+bridge> pain 16:04 <+bridge> pains 16:05 <+bridge> omg @ryozuki hi im fan 16:06 <+bridge> hi fan im dad 16:06 <+bridge> i left out for a cigar and found out about rust, so i didnt return home 16:06 <+bridge> im sorry son 16:06 <+bridge> i like how i always see you talk about rust 16:06 <+bridge> i left out for a cigar and found out about rust, so i didnt return home because it was unsafe 16:07 <+bridge> and i have no idea whats so great about it because im not into this kinda stuff 16:07 <+bridge> :owo: 16:07 <+bridge> @ryozuki code instashield for ddnet pls 16:07 <+bridge> i will pay with my smile 16:09 <+bridge> are you planning on giving it away :owo: 16:09 <+bridge> https://ludic.mataroa.blog/blog/i-will-fucking-piledrive-you-if-you-mention-ai-again/ 16:10 <+bridge> guys sos 16:10 <+bridge> my son is stuck in prison 16:10 <+bridge> bailing out costs 2.5K 16:10 <+bridge> wtf 16:10 <+bridge> they need the money immediatly :monkaStop: 16:10 <+bridge> scammer goes rrrrrrrr 16:10 <+bridge> oh yeah right i dont have a son.. 16:11 <+bridge> :kek: does this actually work on some people?! 16:11 <+bridge> i believed it 16:11 <+bridge> I thought you did? 16:11 <+bridge> well - its not a son 16:11 <+bridge> :justatest: 16:11 <+bridge> i can imagine a metal worker having a kid 16:11 <+bridge> Gender reveal 16:11 <+bridge> oh imagined correctly then 16:11 <+bridge> i leaked it before iirc 16:12 <+bridge> how long do we need to wait? 16:12 <+bridge> oh god. my mom is really sad that i'm not having kids before 30 i think 16:12 <+bridge> So what was this post? Xd 16:12 <+bridge> not that I will after 30 tho 16:13 <+bridge> í got a whatsapp message of my son needing 2500$ (yes - dollars) - to bail him out of jail ( i live in germany) 16:13 <+bridge> very funny 16:13 <+bridge> oh no your long lost son 16:13 <+bridge> hope he gets well : 🙏 16:13 <+bridge> hope he gets well 🙏 16:13 <+bridge> scamming on whatsapp is weird. why would anything in any offical level would use whatsapp 16:14 <+bridge> idk lmao 16:14 <+bridge> if you scam with fake kidnapping i'd at least think it is possible tho 16:15 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255164413694967888/VID20240625190845.mp4?ex=667c2274&is=667ad0f4&hm=ca35b9dd0e594cc0a681f5cb517d47f851f160e0520bf367246e198d3ce7b870& 16:15 <+bridge> Watafak what does IRL mean? Did you meet deen? 16:15 <+bridge> ye i did 16:15 <+bridge> yes he did, deen was traveling 16:16 <+bridge> didnt you see his sick t-shirt he got?! 16:16 <+bridge> he's not discord 16:16 <+bridge> understandable 16:17 <+bridge> you can join #off-topic through matrix tho :o 16:17 <+bridge> *dabs* 16:17 <+bridge> i'm too tired today to write. but i'm afraid of giving up tomorrow. 16:17 <+bridge> I didn’t see 16:17 <+bridge> oh wow - matrix pings wont show up on discord? 16:17 <+bridge> deen was in china? 16:17 <+bridge> ye 16:18 <+bridge> And you walked up to him where? 16:18 <+bridge> i didn't just walked up to him randomly 16:18 <+bridge> It was planned right? Xd 16:18 <+bridge> ye 16:18 <+bridge> Cool 16:18 <+bridge> but i did walk up to him knowing that he won't recognize me 16:18 <+bridge> :justatest: 16:19 <+bridge> Was it your first irl meet? 16:19 <+bridge> with deen? ye 16:19 <+bridge> With tw players 16:19 <+bridge> not really 16:20 <+bridge> if thats what it takes 16:20 <+bridge> i met a few teeworlds players irl 16:20 <+bridge> Pro 16:20 <+bridge> We for sure need a website to swipe tees near by 16:20 <+bridge> And have a big tree of who met who 16:21 <+bridge> maybe graph is a better word than tree 16:21 <+bridge> teender 16:21 <+bridge> teekemon go 16:21 <+bridge> Yep 16:21 <+bridge> Yep 16:22 <+bridge> temegle.tv 16:22 <+bridge> teemegle.tv 16:22 <+bridge> rip 16:22 <+bridge> that site would abuse underage tees 16:23 <+bridge> Yes that is a concern of mine too 16:24 <+bridge> i only really met some random people who just happen to play tw too 16:24 <+bridge> but i never met anyone i know from teeworlds irl 16:24 <+bridge> No way 16:24 <+bridge> i just have chiller sitting on my desk 16:24 <+bridge> ye thats kinda rare too i guess 16:24 <+bridge> How did you find tw player irl 16:24 <+bridge> That’s not a thing xd 16:25 <+bridge> well all tw players look like tees irl 16:25 <+bridge> so its not that hard 16:25 <+bridge> xd 16:25 <+bridge> Round? 16:26 <+bridge> ye 16:26 <+bridge> and they have no legs 16:26 <+bridge> just feet 16:26 <+bridge> How do you know it’s not Kirby gamers? 16:27 <+bridge> because kirby music is not playing when ur near them 16:27 <+bridge> Ah smart 16:27 <+bridge> I will try tomorrow to find some 16:27 <+bridge> now that i think about it 16:27 <+bridge> i kinda sound like a tee 16:27 <+bridge> when i talk irl 16:28 <+bridge> Sure 16:29 <+bridge> **muffled teeworlds screams** 17:00 <+bridge> nice post 17:01 <+bridge> i really want to write some articles 17:02 <+bridge> discord is so dogshit man 17:03 <+bridge> i actually feel like doing a chiller type move 17:03 <+bridge> i would if i'm not in china 17:03 <+bridge> matrix is a bit weird to setup here. 17:03 <+bridge> the app just keeps finding ways to work worse and worse every day 17:03 <+bridge> where do ddnet error logs go 17:07 <+bridge> yo what causes these (connecting) players? 17:07 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255177561118343219/image.png?ex=667c2eb2&is=667add32&hm=86609f6ce63589fddc8d3cdee6b4205a67c0003495892e9237cccef000f5e343& 17:18 <+bridge> oh wow i never thought about this 17:18 <+bridge> https://github.com/tildearrow/furnace 17:19 <+bridge> i've been using famitracker, never thought there would be a tracker that just includes all the chips... 17:27 <+bridge> how restricted are u? cant u just vpn and get evrything u want? 17:27 <+bridge> lets just say, vpn usually just doesnt work here 17:28 <+bridge> https://tenor.com/view/road-trip-drive-spiral-gif-16448004 17:28 <+bridge> so they blocked known vpn servers? 17:28 <+bridge> and vpn protocols 17:28 <+bridge> https://tenor.com/view/pumuckl-es-hat-geklingelt-klingel-schlagzeug-galileel-gif-13284651 17:28 <+bridge> i would move away tbh, that sounds scary 17:29 <+bridge> we use obscure proxy protocols that some random dude made and hope it doesnt die in 2 years 17:29 <+bridge> new protocols constantly drops tho 17:30 <+bridge> i dont know why thats scary other than just annoying 17:34 <+bridge> chiller i lost our chat history gg 17:34 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255184414854479975/image.png?ex=667c3514&is=667ae394&hm=33832bae6d92df0a0130d0bfe181f00a2fb9024aed7dd3de19f317b270d44657& 17:35 <+bridge> why you don't do end-to-end encryption just willynilly 17:36 <+bridge> i encrypt all my private messages - and i may or may not have lost the decryption key 17:36 <+bridge> 17:36 <+bridge> encrypt my heart 17:36 <+bridge> already did 17:36 <+bridge> had the same issue :C 17:37 <+bridge> does matrix remind you to backup decryption keys? 17:38 <+bridge> afair the actual decryption key can be either a generated security key or a set password 17:38 <+bridge> I'm thinking of setting up matrix for company uses, but i don't know if the technical and security side would r eally clicks for regular people. 17:38 <+bridge> I'm thinking of setting up matrix for company uses, but i don't know if the technical and security side would really clicks for regular people. 17:39 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255185490039017562/image.png?ex=667c3615&is=667ae495&hm=60c2b8191fe95c95d9e67b2ad9d073567c3ac89f0fb9467efecb70177c34195b& 17:39 <+bridge> i use cinny as a client - which i like very much 17:39 <+bridge> imagine a regular office worker seeing E2E room keys 17:39 <+bridge> well actually downloading and joining it is the same as any other clientside chat platform 17:39 <+bridge> you sign up and log in :D 17:39 <+bridge> ye 17:40 <+bridge> you dont have to bother about encryption 17:40 <+bridge> but its neat if you care 17:40 <+bridge> does it not encrypt by default? 17:40 <+bridge> i think its end-to-end encrypted by default 17:41 <+bridge> i think losing access to chat history could be a thing that frustrate people? 17:41 <+bridge> meh - iirc i asked chiller a question, he called me dumb and then we went 180° and talked about old youtube videos we both made and laughed about it 17:42 <+bridge> lol 17:42 <+bridge> oh wow that was 9 months ago 17:42 <+bridge> :kek: 17:42 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255186360734847056/image.png?ex=667c36e4&is=667ae564&hm=90211028e51d975d105729f44762e897f635e418cbe6985bc7575c68046d9ea2& 17:42 <+bridge> for company uses i'd like a self-hosted chat platform that is just self contained. not really need to be that secured, as long as the hosting is secure enough i think. 17:43 <+bridge> look at me - playing 8 years ago doing youtube videos! 17:43 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255186497737588829/image.png?ex=667c3705&is=667ae585&hm=cf25e444227b4a630f3b9b88ed4d1eae68ba3a91bb1620360409453cc041d64d& 17:43 <+bridge> im sure there are 17:43 <+bridge> btw u can make ur own irc server with whitelist based on local network or ips 17:43 <+bridge> there was also a discord open source alternative 17:43 <+bridge> ye, but image hosting and voice would be neat to have at least 17:43 <+bridge> ye thought so too, but i haven't really looked up any 17:44 <+bridge> i know godot uses rocket.chat for collaboration not sure where that one stands 17:44 <+bridge> https://mattermost.com/ 17:44 <+bridge> this 17:44 <+bridge> open source 17:45 <+bridge> also host your own git cloud 17:45 <+bridge> ! 17:45 <+bridge> i already had my own gitea instance 17:45 <+bridge> dont use gitea 17:45 <+bridge> that seems cool 17:45 <+bridge> use forejo 17:45 <+bridge> check out https://git.edgl.dev/ 17:45 <+bridge> why 17:45 <+bridge> my instance 17:45 <+bridge> written in Go 17:45 <+bridge> ggwp 17:45 <+bridge> forgejo is a gitea fork 17:46 <+bridge> with more stuff 17:46 <+bridge> oh ok 17:46 <+bridge> and truly open source 17:46 <+bridge> and federated 17:46 <+bridge> well federation is experimental 17:46 <+bridge> :justatest: 17:46 <+bridge> and opt in 17:46 <+bridge> what is federation again? 17:46 <+bridge> but the dark theme is cool af 17:46 <+bridge> better than gitea 17:46 <+bridge> federationn in this case is being able to use ur account in ur own instance and comment on a instance of another in a repo for example 17:46 <+bridge> i always wondered, are you able to create Pull requests cross-cloudservice? 17:47 <+bridge> i never tried 17:47 <+bridge> so matrix 17:47 <+bridge> most federation is based on activitypub 17:47 <+bridge> https://activitypub.rocks/ 17:47 <+bridge> i actually haven't really find any problem with gitea yet 17:47 <+bridge> i'll migrate once i have 17:47 <+bridge> booo 17:47 <+bridge> xd 17:47 <+bridge> i even have ci runners 17:48 <+bridge> gitea has that too now? 17:48 <+bridge> plus i was a drone ci user anyway 17:48 <+bridge> @tsfreddie https://forgejo.org/compare-to-gitea/ 17:48 <+bridge> Forgejo was created in October 2022 after a for profit company took over the Gitea project. It exists under the umbrella of a non-profit organization, Codeberg e.V. and is developed in the interest of the general public. In the year that followed, this difference in governance led to choices that made Forgejo significantly and durably different from Gitea. You will find below the most important reasons to choose Forgejo over Gitea. For an exhaustiv 17:48 <+bridge> you don't have to copy, i can click 17:48 <+bridge> xd 17:49 <+bridge> > Forgejo is developed using Forgejo, tested and released using Forgejo Actions. 17:49 <+bridge> > 17:49 <+bridge> > Gitea is developed on GitHub, tested and released using GitHub Actions. 17:49 <+bridge> this is a big statement 17:49 <+bridge> forgejo beleives in their own software 17:49 <+bridge> gitea not 17:49 <+bridge> 17:50 <+bridge> ye 17:50 <+bridge> maybe you can break mine so i have to migrate 17:53 <+bridge> https://c.tsdo.in:20020/explore/repos 17:53 <+bridge> :justatest: 17:57 <+bridge> why use non default port 17:57 <+bridge> 443 is banned by ISP 17:57 <+bridge> lmao 17:58 <+bridge> enterprise link is like 1000 times more expensive than home internet 17:58 <+bridge> so they obviously don't want you to just buy home links to host websites 18:02 <+bridge> epic 18:02 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255191450329677926/image.png?ex=667c3ba2&is=667aea22&hm=13792fa07672e233ceb98e85463b6d500da8cc88f57c3b24f954e41f3cfee294& 18:02 <+bridge> i love firefox 18:06 <+bridge> How do they even detect protocols, even with deep packet inspection it wouldn't really look much different to any other encrypted traffic 18:12 <+bridge> no idea 18:12 <+bridge> maybe they just tried really hard to block services so no openvpn servers are left 18:12 <+bridge> or wireguard 18:13 <+bridge> also there are literal research papers about detecting encrypted protocol traffics 18:14 <+bridge> and patents apparently 18:14 <+bridge> https://archive.org/details/CN109981485A/page/n5/mode/2up 18:20 <+bridge> otherwise i have no idea why i have to use vless, shadowsockr, brook, hysteria2, trojan or snell or any of the weird ones. 18:20 <+bridge> :owo: 18:21 <+bridge> interesting, I'll have to research this later, I was under the impression that encrypted traffic is pretty much opaque and your only hope is to gather stuff from traffic pattern 18:21 <+bridge> even then that is not that stable, i used to host my own instances for brook, but it started to just cut off after a while and comes back three hours later 18:22 <+bridge> now i just buys from randos that rotates servers and ips daily 18:22 <+bridge> so technically i can be MITMed 19:24 <+bridge> is neovim a new thing or i'm just stupid back in 2014 19:24 <+bridge> now new but more relevant now 19:24 <+bridge> dev was stalled in 0.4 for a looooong time and now it got fast dev 19:25 <+bridge> thats what i thought 19:26 <+bridge> i learnt vim in 2015 iirc. but since i switched to colemak since 2010, i have to maintain a weird binding myself and keep finding issues with it every time i tried to pick vim up later 19:26 <+bridge> i don't even know where was my old vim config now 19:27 <+bridge> anyway, just thinking maybe i should get back to vim 19:27 <+bridge> probably not tho 19:29 <+bridge> one of my coworker had vim keybinds in his jetbrains... i realized immediately but failed to locate the I key on a qwerty layout in less than 0.2 second and got the standard "ye, just hit I". now i'm ashamed 19:29 <+bridge> xdd 19:30 <+bridge> didn't tell him what i was really struggling with tho, cuz i'm nice 19:30 <+bridge> :owo: 20:40 <+bridge> how i can make a KoG server? 20:42 <+bridge> maybe ask kog. they have their own discord 20:43 <+bridge> can you send me KoG discord? 20:44 <+bridge> https://discord.com/invite/kog-king-of-gores-342003344476471296 21:18 <+bridge> why does this code panics? :thonk: 21:18 <+bridge> ```fn main() { 21:18 <+bridge> dbg!(i16::MIN.abs()); 21:18 <+bridge> } 21:18 <+bridge> ``` 21:18 <+bridge> 21:18 <+bridge> ``` 21:18 <+bridge> thread 'main' panicked at /rustc/82e1608dfa6e0b5569232559e3d385fea5a93112/library/core/src/num/mod.rs:312:5: 21:18 <+bridge> attempt to negate with overflow 21:18 <+bridge> note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace 21:18 <+bridge> ``` 21:18 <+bridge> why does this code panics? :thonk: 21:18 <+bridge> ```rust 21:18 <+bridge> fn main() { 21:18 <+bridge> dbg!(i16::MIN.abs()); 21:18 <+bridge> } 21:18 <+bridge> ``` 21:18 <+bridge> 21:19 <+bridge> ``` 21:19 <+bridge> thread 'main' panicked at /rustc/82e1608dfa6e0b5569232559e3d385fea5a93112/library/core/src/num/mod.rs:312:5: 21:19 <+bridge> attempt to negate with overflow 21:19 <+bridge> note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace 21:19 <+bridge> ``` 21:19 <+bridge> because 21:20 <+bridge> it overflows because you're calling .abs on -32.000 smth (forgot the actual size) 21:20 <+bridge> wait, got it 21:20 <+bridge> if you try to get its absolute value you get a number outside of its range 21:20 <+bridge> it's 1 less 21:20 <+bridge> ye 21:20 <+bridge> 767 vs 768 21:20 <+bridge> (2^16 -1) cannot be devided by 2 21:20 <+bridge> where -1 is the 0 21:24 <+bridge> epic 16bit number shenanigans 21:25 <+bridge> -32768 ~ 32767 21:25 <+bridge> im trying to solve this problem in my compiler for last week 😦 21:26 <+bridge> -2147483648 ~ 2147483647 21:26 <+bridge> are you all machine code wizard or what 21:26 <+bridge> im monkey 21:26 <+bridge> no you're MilkeeyCat 21:26 <+bridge> shut 21:27 <+bridge> check out this beauty 21:27 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255242968252682260/DEsJ7SjVwAAVqSM.jpg?ex=667c6b9c&is=667b1a1c&hm=19b09bc6a12fd4e3ce40e400cebf5a5b431d0fc9d5d403d96e51391eed31dc2a& 21:27 <+bridge> lets see how much this breaks 21:27 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255243023001063504/image.png?ex=667c6ba9&is=667b1a29&hm=cb9cbdfa3e233fe0d94eaf41e6637eca253d2d3869f110490efb355b0e30979e& 21:27 <+bridge> i wish chinese keyboard has our own layout 21:27 <+bridge> the letters Freddie, what do they mean 21:28 <+bridge> chinese phonetic symbols (or zhuyin / bopomofo) 21:28 <+bridge> i always thought you guys had some crazy keyboard layout 21:28 <+bridge> but thats just regular qwerty 21:28 <+bridge> mainland phased these out in favor of pinyin using latin alphabet 21:28 <+bridge> so our keyboard is literally just US 21:28 <+bridge> ye 21:28 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1255243339276615701/48818738601_d1a1137b98_b.jpg?ex=667c6bf5&is=667b1a75&hm=02af65a929b2d18b63c1469f4775c5bacbaf34ca48602d2475f334b461c41c30& 21:29 <+bridge> this is chinese pinyin layout lmao 21:29 <+bridge> its just US 21:29 <+bridge> :justatest: 21:29 <+bridge> i really wish we had cool symbols on our keyboard 21:30 <+bridge> does anyone really prefer ISO over US. does europe use ISO mostly 21:54 <+bridge> yo 21:54 <+bridge> how can i set a timeout for something like `net_tcp_recv`? 21:56 <+bridge> nvm i got it :D 22:02 <+bridge> People getting filtered by davides ddos protection usually I think 22:02 <+bridge> Or downloading the map? 22:02 <+bridge> might be 23:07 <+bridge> I was setting up my laptop through ssh, almost accidentally nuked my desktops /boot partition :GuraScared: 23:07 <+bridge> I need to add some sort of indication to terminal windows I'm ssh'd on 23:07 <+bridge> Maybe I'll tint the background slightly red 23:40 <+bridge> On windows i use putty / win scp 23:40 <+bridge> Win scp is great for config stuff where you have multiple editions open 23:41 <+bridge> Win scp is great for config stuff where you have multiple editors open 23:42 <+bridge> developing remotely is a pain 23:42 <+bridge> i avoid it whenever 23:42 <+bridge> i write it locally and put it on a git repo or smth 23:42 <+bridge> but when i don't i just nano + tmux over ssh