01:01 <+bridge> Pls add tur blockers 01:14 <+bridge> Idk what that means. But feel free to open prs I will have a look. Can’t promise I will merge anything. If you want to copy paste my code into yours also feel free to do so. I think I have no license file yet. But code I write is usually public domain or bsd 2. So feel free to do what ever with it. Credit is appreciated but not needed. 02:02 <+bridge> What's the best way to check if a server with a specific IP and port is running, in LAN and in Internet? 02:02 <+bridge> For Internet I assume just fetch the master json, and for LAN? Maybe send a serverinfo request? 02:02 <+bridge> Is there maybe something that can be used for both equally? 02:03 <+bridge> E.g. serverinfo request might not work if a server uses whitelist (such as ger10 or my srv) 02:03 <+bridge> (I think) 02:03 <+bridge> oh wait actually, i can just use 0.7 protocol serverinfo || master json entry existing 02:05 <+bridge> or well, i just dont care about LAN maybe 02:26 <+bridge> chillerdragon: I think you have to create a seperate loop here, there's a break: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/123a21bb016f5fd8e6b65819cb6a255313f49f11/src/engine/server/server.cpp#L2975-L2985 02:27 <+bridge> or dont break :troll: 06:41 <+bridge> https://x.com/arktypeio/status/1802050539376595303 08:14 <+bridge> What's new about them 08:15 <+bridge> oh it's a quote tweet 08:15 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1254318832575582322/20240622_231507.jpg?ex=66790ef1&is=6677bd71&hm=f6ffa5bee030693ac7babd8537f76c04aec388ea1f4b61be01d804e6e2667ac6& 08:18 <+ws-client> i dont get it fokko xd 08:18 <+ws-client> you mean if two players are being redirected at the same time only one at a time is being dropped? 08:21 <+ws-client> can't even remember writing that code i just remember its something heinrich pushed maybe i just copy pasted his recommendation 08:30 <+bridge> ye, sorry, I posted the link at a level hight than you understand 08:30 <+bridge> :kek: 09:00 <+bridge> what script is used to add a new translation? 😄 09:01 <+bridge> Does the server know it's own address? 09:07 <+bridge> no 09:07 <+bridge> thought so 09:07 <+bridge> you can specify one in 0.7 iirc, but that's just a configuration thing. 09:07 <+bridge> yea 09:08 <+bridge> i believe master knows your IP if you register, but i'm not sure if master tells you what your ip is 10:28 <+bridge> can sb explain, how spectate_multiview works? I am selecting a client ID with select_multiview id, but the spectator view doesn't change, I am still in freeview 10:29 <+bridge> we have multiview now? 10:29 <+bridge> ah, i need to set multi-view in the spectator view, okay 10:30 <+bridge> hmm, it doesn't split the screen tho 10:31 <+bridge> <0xdeen> Any ideas about client members leaks? https://steamcommunity.com/app/412220/discussions/0/4344365857079682566/?tscn=1719080070 10:31 <+bridge> memory? 10:38 <+bridge> cc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fnV_o2j0BE 10:48 <+bridge> Multi-view doesn't split the screen, it dynamically changes the camera position and zoom to cover multiple tees 10:54 <+bridge> i already talked to him here on discord, we even tried a clean client. 10:54 <+bridge> 10:54 <+bridge> this must be outside of ddnet i guess. it could still be caused by ddnet, e.g. with a plugged in controller. But could aswell be some weird overlay or other stuff. 10:54 <+bridge> @.doc_. do you have a controller plugged in? 10:54 <+bridge> 10:54 <+bridge> did you already try to reinstall windows? xd 10:59 <+bridge> Was the chat message leak fixed in the newest version 10:59 <+bridge> If there's some error message spamming the console every frame it will cause that on old versions 11:00 <+bridge> Was the chat message leak fixed in the newest version? 11:01 <+bridge> Yes, the leak when no logfile is set should be fixed in 18.3 11:02 <+bridge> The timing of 20-30 minutes for 10gb is pretty similar to what I was getting with 1 message per frame at 2000fps 11:03 <+bridge> you could just ask him to check f1 to see really quick 11:03 <+bridge> The timing of 30-40 minutes for 10gb is pretty similar to what I was getting with 1 message per frame at 2000fps 11:04 <+bridge> he said it allocates 5gb already when starting here in discord 11:05 <+bridge> The entire console log would be useful 11:05 <+bridge> at least that was way to quick after just starting a fresh client 11:14 <+bridge> @.doc_. Please load this map in the editor (it should crash the client) and send the latest crash dump (`.RTP` file) from the `dumps` folder in your config directory. That should list all the loaded modules so we can see if any overlays or other 3rd party tools are involved. 11:14 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1254364048305426493/crash.map?ex=6679390e&is=6677e78e&hm=68c004e275770e90bddc63e448bd56b33310c4214c2ef050b0afa4cfd96b5756& 11:15 <+bridge> When does this script get executed? 11:15 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-scripts/blob/5c10e4ec7424c51954b33b02a44e4ee1e78f9883/servers/scripts/recalculate-points.py 11:16 <+bridge> I cannot find anywhere within the scripts themselves where it would be executed 11:17 <+bridge> It's executed automatically I guess once a night, or manually after renames 11:17 <+bridge> Well that was my guess, but looking at https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-scripts/blob/5c10e4ec7424c51954b33b02a44e4ee1e78f9883/crontab and https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-scripts/blob/5c10e4ec7424c51954b33b02a44e4ee1e78f9883/servers/scripts/update-everything.sh, it does not seem to get called 11:19 <+bridge> <.doc_.> i have a controller allways plugged in 11:19 <+bridge> and have you tried to see if the problem is gone if the controller is not plugged in? 11:19 <+bridge> <.doc_.> wait a sec 11:21 <+bridge> <.doc_.> what is the normal ram usage 11:21 <+bridge> Not sure, but I guess the crontab file in the repository is outdated 11:22 <+bridge> Around 250 MB 11:22 <+bridge> (when starting) 11:22 <+bridge> <.doc_.> i think the problem is done the game does not go above 320 11:23 <+bridge> was it fixed by you unplugging the controller? or smth else 11:23 <+bridge> <.doc_.> umpluging the controller 11:23 <+bridge> should/could be related to #8509 11:23 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/8509 11:23 <+bridge> Hmm that would explain, is it possible to update the scripts then? I'm trying to figure out how the `record_points` table gets filled and used 11:24 <+bridge> Please try downloading https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/releases/download/release-2.30.4/SDL2-2.30.4-win32-x64.zip, unpack it, and replace the SDL2.dll in your game folder with the downloaded file, so we can test if this is fixed by the latest SDL version 11:25 <+bridge> & plug in controller xd 11:27 <+bridge> <.doc_.> in this folder? DDNet-18.3-win64 11:27 <+bridge> yes, copy `SDL2` from `SDL2-2.30.4-win32-x64` to `DDNet-18.3-win64` 11:28 <+bridge> then plug in the controller and check if the problem still happens 11:28 <+bridge> <.doc_.> ok 11:29 <+bridge> also check in the console (F1) that it shows version 2.30.4 as SDL version 11:29 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1254367631075446907/image.png?ex=66793c64&is=6677eae4&hm=5ce20ce7f65ec075e87e3549f03a5cda5f6badc055b563893f1e5d5c6ba4eb8d& 11:30 <+bridge> <.doc_.> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1254367891923537920/image.png?ex=66793ca2&is=6677eb22&hm=839ec9d586476f6f80151f0bf33b7302e1bb9e69294becd10aaebdbf8096f3fb& 11:30 <+bridge> ok, does the memory keep increasing or is it fixed now? 11:31 <+bridge> <.doc_.> its fixed 11:32 <+bridge> does the controller work in the controls settings? 11:34 <+bridge> <.doc_.> yes 11:34 <+bridge> ok, thanks for testing. you can keep playing with the replaced `SDL2.dll` or without the controller for now 11:35 <+bridge> @0xdeen we should update SDL for next release, looks like the memory leak is fixed by updating 11:35 <+bridge> this issue is likely also fixed by updating SDL 11:35 <+bridge> <.doc_.> but i just tryed the controller in the steam version with this same version and didnt crashed 11:35 <+bridge> @.doc_. also if you encounter memory going up again, please report it 😄 11:35 <+bridge> but does RAM go up? 11:35 <+bridge> <.doc_.> no 11:35 <+bridge> mh ok 11:36 <+bridge> so it only happens sometimes? 11:38 <+bridge> <.doc_.> Before it always happened but now it doesn't happen anymore and I'm not using the new SDL 11:38 <+bridge> Maybe new SDL version fixed the bad driver behavior, or by opening the controls settings and using the controller it fixed the driver-hiccup :thonk: 11:38 <+bridge> or he restarted windows which restarted the driver 11:39 <+bridge> <.doc_.> na 11:39 <+bridge> You could try restarting and see if that brings the problem back :justatest: 11:40 <+bridge> <.doc_.> ok 11:40 <+bridge> (on the Steam version) 11:40 <+bridge> 😬 11:42 <+bridge> <.doc_.> ye now is growing the ram 11:49 <+bridge> Does the controller work in Steam version? 11:57 <+bridge> <.doc_.> if i plug in the controller the game crash 11:58 <+bridge> <.doc_.> but if i plug in before starting the game it increase the ram usage 11:58 <+bridge> ok, thanks for confirming, so it's definitely seems like updating SDL is necessary 11:59 <+bridge> <.doc_.> 👍🏾 12:07 <+bridge> кто играть пойдет/ 12:07 <+bridge> кто играть пойдет? 12:07 <+bridge> russian is not a common spoken language 12:08 <+bridge> что? 12:08 <+bridge> english 12:08 <+bridge> no 12:08 <+bridge> then #off-topic 14:33 <+bridge> Is deprecated code marked as such? 14:34 <+bridge> no 14:35 <+bridge> it’s not always cut and dry 14:35 <+bridge> everything is a huge mess 14:35 <+bridge> let's face it 14:35 <+bridge> xdd 14:35 <+bridge> gm 14:35 <+bridge> good afternoon 14:35 <+bridge> ga 14:35 <+bridge> no 14:35 <+bridge> good evening to all asians 14:35 <+bridge> ge 14:36 <+bridge> i just woke up from sleeping in 40 degree weather 14:36 <+bridge> gogigagagagigo 14:36 <+bridge> don’t tell me it’s afternoon 14:36 <+bridge> https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81HHAx5-eNL.jpg 14:36 <+bridge> xD 14:36 <+bridge> best card 14:37 <+bridge> 40 degree celsius? 14:37 <+bridge> no 14:37 <+bridge> muricans always use wrong metrics 14:37 <+bridge> thats why i am asking 14:37 <+bridge> fahrenheit 14:37 * bridge w r o n g 14:38 <+bridge> ok 14:38 <+bridge> shit metric 14:38 <+bridge> delete it from muricans school system xD 14:38 <+bridge> but real chads use kelvin 14:40 <+bridge> so why is it so cold where u live? 14:41 <+bridge> $weather new york 14:41 <+bridge> This command was not found. 14:57 <+bridge> not so bad with the sun out now 14:58 <+bridge> mountains 15:11 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1254423629924405298/IMG_5595.jpg?ex=6679708b&is=66781f0b&hm=84d02e6418ee065c0d6542e0ae46bf8e85ee3a92d4482845fc0e72f156db8abe& 15:48 <+bridge> What is triggering events like showing the freeze bar? 15:58 <+bridge> In the extended character snap object, we have the tick when the character will be unfrozen 16:01 <+bridge> If that tick is after the current tick, we render a freeze bar 16:01 <+bridge> Thats where say `RenderFreezeBar()` is being called? 16:02 <+bridge> Just trying to figure out the project, sorry if the answer to my question might be obvious 16:02 <+bridge> `RenderFreezeBar()` is always called in `CFreezeBars::OnRender()` if the character is on the screen and has extended information available 16:03 <+bridge> Then inside `RenderFreezeBar()` we check if the character is currently frozen using `m_FreezeEnd` `m_FreezeStart` and the current tick 16:03 <+bridge> Ah, so `CFreezeBars` is the one who's checking for conditions? 16:04 <+bridge> That's how all our `CComponent`s are. They get called by a series of hooks and they handle on their own whether they need to do something or not 16:05 <+bridge> ah nice, exactly the information i was looking for! 16:05 <+bridge> `src/game/client/component.h` for all the hooks available to you within a component 16:34 <+ws-client> @jxsl13 srsly 16:34 <+ws-client> casually dropping 2k line pr bruv 16:34 <+bridge> it's mostly the same 😂 16:35 <+ws-client> but epic stuff 16:35 <+ws-client> if it was properly separated prs i would already have merged half of it 16:35 <+bridge> broke some test, currently don't have time to investigate 16:36 <+bridge> might have forgottenn to append to some byte slice or so 16:37 <+ws-client> i for sure would love to merge parts of it any chance you could split it up into separate prs so i can merge it tomorrow morning (for me) 16:37 <+bridge> the problem is that once you start introduce error handling and error responses, everything start to become red 16:37 <+ws-client> im all sleepy head now but i will continue working on the project in around 10 hours 16:38 <+bridge> will try to separate a little bit either today in the evening or tomorrow 16:39 <+ws-client> amazing thanks if you won't make it till evening i might manually cherry pick tomorrow :D 16:47 <+ws-client> . 16:47 <+bridge> Matzy hacked our pw chiller 16:47 <+ws-client> yes 16:47 <+bridge> but it was so fcking secure 16:47 <+ws-client> muahahaha 16:47 <+ws-client> easy to hack 16:49 <+ws-client> yikes 17:25 <+ws-client> @jxsl13 if you won't make it to split the pr until I wake up are you cool with me making up commit messages yoinking parts of the code and setting you as the commit author and then pushing straight to master? 17:26 <+bridge> that's cool 🙂 17:26 <+bridge> fine with me 21:13 <+bridge> uh, why github messages are echoed twice ? 21:34 <+bridge> because one is from the bot 21:37 <+bridge> wasnt it documented already 21:40 <+bridge> didn't find issue, nvm 21:40 <+bridge> seems it just went thru #developer as always 21:53 <+bridge> How can you start a `debug session` (For Debug Logs) ?