01:41 <+ws-client> open sourceonaut sharing code 01:56 <+bridge> amazing 05:44 <+ws-client> sos any go devs awake i need some pointers hihi 05:44 <+ws-client> https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/Gz 05:45 <+ws-client> It prints ``setting token: [0 0 0 0]\nmessages: [{[255 255 255 255]}]`` but i want ``setting token: [0 0 0 0]\nmessages: [{[0 0 0 0]}]`` 06:04 <+ws-client> oke made it work https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/Zr 06:05 <+ws-client> seems like golang is bitchy about modifing while looping. I thought its an easy language. 07:29 <+bridge> 🥳 09:25 <+bridge> Is it possible to add a tooltip when hover over an input? 11:35 <+bridge> when you hover your hand over your mouse, you want a tooltip in real life 11:35 <+bridge> 11:35 <+bridge> or how should i read your question? XD 11:36 <+bridge> text input? 11:36 <+bridge> :owo: anything is possible if you code it 11:36 <+bridge> esp. with AR coder tsfreddie 11:36 <+bridge> what's a AR coder 11:36 <+bridge> but you do virtual reality i guess.. but it's close 11:36 <+bridge> oh 11:37 <+bridge> like literally AR 11:37 <+bridge> augmented reality 11:37 <+bridge> but ye, I do VR mostly 11:37 <+bridge> not for long tho 11:37 <+bridge> i wouldn't make anything VR if i don't have to work here 11:37 <+bridge> shots fired :lol: 11:38 <+bridge> 11:38 <+bridge> i wait for nerve gear before i jump into the VR hype 11:38 <+bridge> plus I proably can't after leaving 11:38 <+bridge> some no-competing clause 11:38 <+bridge> things 11:38 <+bridge> ah yeah 11:38 <+bridge> sucks 11:38 <+bridge> yup 11:38 <+bridge> valve is working on that 11:39 <+bridge> i could make it work for clear button 11:39 <+bridge> mh ok dunno if we already have that.. but shouldnt be hard i guess 11:40 <+bridge> @jupeyy_keks are you the minimum invasive brain interface type of guy or full only neurolink type of guy 11:40 <+bridge> @jupeyy_keks are you the minimum invasive brain interface type of guy or full on neurolink type of guy 11:41 <+bridge> yeah hack my full brain to make me think i fly 11:41 <+bridge> i guess it depends on the medical risk 11:41 <+bridge> i guess too bad then 11:41 <+bridge> valve is only working on minimum invasive type 11:41 <+bridge> https://starfishneuroscience.com/team/ 11:42 <+bridge> i mean if it works well, fine to me too 😄 11:42 <+bridge> also gaben lost some serious weight 11:42 <+bridge> man gabe lost quite some pounds 11:42 <+bridge> lmao 11:43 <+bridge> LOL 11:43 <+bridge> looking good tho 11:43 <+bridge> yeah 11:43 <+bridge> nice to know the PC overlord is about to live longer 11:43 <+bridge> he owns more shares on my money than me 11:44 <+bridge> I actually didn't realise he already is quite thin in that half-life documentary 12:08 <+bridge> it's actually possible, i was just in a cave man mode 12:12 <+bridge> morning peeps 12:13 <+bridge> it's actually possible, i was just in a caveman mode 12:20 <+bridge> norming 12:30 <+bridge> Mooornin 12:54 <+bridge> gm 14:49 <+bridge> good afternoon 14:49 <+bridge> 😏 14:51 <+bridge> <0xdeen> How is the "Leak IP" in favorites tab supposed to work? It's not working for me and I can't find anything in the code that would make it work 14:52 <+bridge> <0xdeen> @heinrich5991 I think you implemented it, maybe it broke at some point? 14:54 <+bridge> it only works if master server list is not fetched at all 14:54 <+bridge> tbh we can also just remove that option, at least from GUI XD 14:55 <+bridge> except the idea was to use them for favorite servers that are not registered, but that then never worked i guess, so nobody seems to be missing it 😄 14:56 <+bridge> <0xdeen> I think we should fetch the IPs from all of your favorite communities by default 14:56 <+bridge> <0xdeen> IPs -> pings 14:57 <+bridge> <0xdeen> Because having out of date pings means people who sort by ping will never join a location again 14:57 <+bridge> mh we should defs use some kind of median for pings in the server browser 14:57 <+bridge> i understand that pings are nice, but i dunno if i like having support for connectionless packets at all 14:57 <+bridge> outside of LAN 15:41 <+bridge> Maybe relevant: `leak_ip_address_to_all_servers` in F1 15:43 <+bridge> Although that doesn't seem to work on all servers 15:46 <+bridge> Hmm, that seems to ping every server displayed in the currently active tab 16:05 <+bridge> Seems like the Favorite Leak IP feature broke at some point, the `m_FavoriteAllowPing` variable is not read anywhere except to update the checkbox 16:06 <+bridge> oh ok, but i am still pretty sure it only ever worked when the server list was not present at all 16:06 <+bridge> if it was present no server info was fetched 16:07 <+bridge> and thus no ping was created 19:20 <+bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/1dk9mz4/anotheroneescapedthematrix/ 19:42 <+bridge> We had one colleage, who just disappeared one day. We later found out, that he went to become priest in the netherlands. This is very common for programmers 🙈 19:43 <+bridge> We had one colleage, who just disappeared one day. We later found out, that he went to become priest in the netherlands. This is what burnout does to programmers 🙈 20:00 <+bridge> one of my university mate became a tibetan like monk 20:00 <+bridge> he went to the diploma ceremony suited in orange drapery 21:29 <+bridge> awesome 21:29 <+bridge> so i've been having an issue with my internet today and yesterday 21:30 <+bridge> i got fed up and called my ISP just now because i was sick of messing around with the AI chatbot and it trying to tell me that everything was operational or it was my ethernet cable acting up or whatever (even though everything on the network was not behaving) 21:30 <+bridge> i got the nicest lady on the phone, who was able to deduce that it was somehow our wifi range extender's fault & sure enough I unplugged it and everything started working 21:31 <+bridge> and she was also able to order us one of the OEM wifi extenders free of charge 21:31 <+bridge> but i wonder how this happens out of nowhere, the configuration didn't change at all 21:32 <+bridge> but i guess somehow our xfinity gateway thought the range extender was the actual gateway and was trying to make outbound connections through that 21:32 <+bridge> i guess a firmware bug or something 21:33 <+bridge> but it was super weird, in 20-30 minute intervals our internet would switch between operational/not operational, connection to the gateway itself was fine but internet connections could not be made while it wasn't behaving. we could keep existing connections via. IP like to ddnet game servers and the spotify user session api stuff, but making any new connection or DNS request would fail 21:33 <+bridge> very bizarre, never seen it before 22:08 <+bridge> u play ddnet with wifi? 22:11 <+bridge> No 22:11 <+bridge> so it just destroyed ur whole internet? XD 22:11 <+bridge> the ISP-provided modem that I was connected to via. ethernet thought it was a router connected to another gateway, the range extender 22:11 <+bridge> pretty much 22:12 <+bridge> that’s my guess at least, no idea how it happens otherwise. sometimes you can set gateway IP manually 22:13 <+bridge> but i didn’t touch it 23:22 <+bridge> is there a way to know if someone has a certain weapon inside demos in vanilla gamemodes? 23:57 <+bridge> No