00:00 <+bridge> but as said in such cases we could think about proof of work concepts or similar 00:00 <+bridge> i mean preventing spam is hard for everyone 00:00 <+bridge> you could authenticate with steam without having steam installed on your PC with openid 00:00 <+bridge> and if email login requires a moderator to proof it in worst case, so be it 00:00 <+bridge> sure 00:01 <+bridge> this is working poorly for kog atm 00:01 <+bridge> i know 00:01 <+bridge> steam integration will exist 00:01 <+bridge> and i hope most ppl simply click on that 00:01 <+bridge> i think purely email would be the best 00:02 <+bridge> I was just about to say we should simply spam as many openid providers as we can reasonable use and then ignore email 00:03 <+bridge> see we have the spam problem there too 00:03 <+bridge> maybe a bit harder, but still exists 00:03 <+bridge> the account server cannot guess if the session token is valid 00:04 <+bridge> it has to spam the steam http server 00:04 <+bridge> if you use the email_verified tag in openid on supported providers to migrate people to/from an openid account or use it to log them in without sending an email 00:04 <+bridge> you can use the email_verified tag in openid on supported providers to migrate people to/from an openid account or use it to log them in without sending an email 02:12 <+bridge> bypassing by re-entering server or connecting dummy 02:20 <+bridge> unless its a whitelist instead of a blacklist 03:20 <+ws-client> @louis my client does not do physics its only network stuff for now no prediction or gui. But yea I was thinking of doing some AI stuff with it. I don't think the client needs physics for that anyways 03:20 <+ws-client> The client sends inputs and gets back state from the server. Seems like enough to train an AI on it. 03:47 <+bridge> ah yeah for sure 03:47 <+bridge> I think that sorta constitutes a python "wrapper" 03:48 <+bridge> just need to compute state at max speed so training doesn't take an 😅eon 10:33 <+bridge> Sure, but ideally I want it to be as close to an actual player as possible. 10:33 <+bridge> 10:33 <+bridge> I think it would be interesting to be able to adjust for ping in the future 12:03 <+bridge> you are as close as possible with server side too since you manipulate with user input and can track it both as a server and as a client 12:04 <+bridge> i don't think it can help with ping adjustment also like what should it adjust :p 12:49 <+bridge> Fair enough, so far I haven't looked at the server side code a lot. 12:49 <+bridge> 12:49 <+bridge> I guess the question remains the same then: Are there any python wrappers for the server? Or is there any advice you can give before I go down the rabbit hole myself? 😂 12:52 <+ws-client> I am still wondering what the word "wrapper" means for you 12:54 <+bridge> i dont think anyone is sane enough to wrap the entire server-side in python :D 12:55 <+ws-client> i can call a launch of DDNet-Server in a python script in 1 line xd 12:55 <+ws-client> But yea @Infinity you are probably looking for this https://github.com/timakro/tmlp 12:57 <+bridge> :think_bot: 12:59 <+bridge> Yup, I already saw timakro's project and put it on my "to read" list. 12:59 <+bridge> Guess I'll dig into it a little deeper 12:59 <+bridge> 12:59 <+bridge> Thanks guys 13:00 <+bridge> run the client (or server), connect a player and input controls via python while receiving some kind of observation 13:02 <+ws-client> I am not sure if I would call that a wrapper. But yea as I said if you need a client fully written in python im currently in the progress of building that. 13:02 <+ws-client> But so far it is still missing some things 13:03 <+ws-client> Connecting already works but no snap support yet 13:09 <+bridge> Just some kind of interface I guess 13:10 <+bridge> Sounds very interesting though! 13:34 <+bridge> there's no wrappers in that way ig, maybe lua based ones but they're mostly private 13:35 <+bridge> the best solution for is modifying server to send needed information in econ so you can send and receive it from python 13:35 <+bridge> why just not use cpp xd 13:37 <+bridge> Cpp hard! 13:49 <+bridge> I wanted do as little as possible with cpp, because I want to focus on the RL side of things and not spend ages fighting build systems. 13:49 <+bridge> 13:49 <+bridge> It's just a side project meant to be fun and doing everything in cpp sounds more like work than fun 😂 13:58 <+bridge> :justatest: 14:13 <+bridge> cpp is fun 14:31 <+bridge> ye c++26 is neat 14:31 <+bridge> waiting for std::reflect 16:33 <+bridge> chillerdragon: wire ? 16:46 <+bridge> Will Take another 10 Years for anyone to actually Work with c++26, i mean Just See how many FOSS Projects still use c++17 19:41 <+bridge> hi I maintain a c++11 application 🙂 19:45 <+bridge> hi 19:46 <+bridge> im ready to throw it all just for language benefits 19:46 <+bridge> cpp is kinda fun to use after all 19:53 <+bridge> C++20 has been quite enjoyable 19:55 <+bridge> i want to utilize concepts in blockworlds so badly :( 19:55 <+bridge> 19:55 <+bridge> ```c++ 19:55 <+bridge> concept IsInvitable = requires(T t) { 19:55 <+bridge> { t.Accept() } -> std::same_as; 19:55 <+bridge> { t.Decline() } -> std::same_as; 19:55 <+bridge> }; 19:55 <+bridge> ``` 19:55 <+bridge> hi i maintain a rust 2024 app :gigachad: 19:55 <+bridge> Ryo! glad to have you here - how many more translations until i get wiki contributor? need it to flex 19:55 <+bridge> i also added translation markers once! 19:55 <+bridge> One day I'll make my own C-like language. Just need to sit down and plan it out 19:57 <+bridge> blub 20:40 <+bridge> @louis.place F-DDrace [uses confetti](https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace/commit/1fc352482937e7e5e8a03de51451162f39d5d388) too now, and has a small cosmetic command for it :) 21:13 <+bridge> @0xfaulty 21:14 <+bridge> <0xfaulty> ty 21:14 <+bridge> I didn't send Sv_ReadyToEnter when changing design, that was the error 21:14 <+bridge> np 22:47 <+bridge> i found a bug. as you can see here i can reach the upper wall with hook when im at the ground. but when im falling (so im upper) i cant reach it. 22:47 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1251639239225905275/DDNet_Client_2024-06-14_18-13-12.mp4?ex=666f4f60&is=666dfde0&hm=054610c6aca0286989a3d3da031adedca64787e2d26383f3a3e60118039ea204& 22:48 <+bridge> look at those noobs blocking each other btw 22:52 <+bridge> Not a bug, hook has travel time, if you're falling it'll lower your hook range 22:54 <+bridge> You can extend your hook this way as well, your max range will shift slightly depending on your body, making some hooks possible 22:59 <+bridge> Here's an example 22:59 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1251642350929707038/example.mp4?ex=666f5246&is=666e00c6&hm=affe03c9e68afaee58aa660d1e6395b8d37fa83026e9432aa6e09ff3c2741210& 23:04 <+bridge> how are you still on that map 23:04 <+bridge> It's a demo! 23:53 <+bridge> makes sense