05:34 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1250291997072166943/image.png?ex=666a68a9&is=66691729&hm=1e74f8cb47c64eec4cad5d5c932d62a4745d4ce84343a8d6144e3375389ea952& 05:34 <+bridge> weird 08:20 <+bridge> <0xdeen> So you're saying the full disk encryption is making your server less secure by not having security updates, interesting! 😄 08:20 <+bridge> <0xdeen> If an attacker can infiltrate your running server, the disk encryption is useless anyway. 08:46 <+bridge> Exactly, I was young and dumb and excited to try something new. Now I need to find a dozen hours of free time to copy over stuff and have downtime so I can remove it 11:26 <+bridge> :gigachad: 11:45 <+bridge> will ddnet implement !addwar? everybody does it 11:47 <+bridge> only block players use that command, you'll have to find some block or other custom client if you want that functionality 11:56 <+bridge> lol 11:56 <+bridge> i thought you want me to use ddnet client 12:13 <+bridge> use whatever you want to use 12:14 <+bridge> besides cheats and bot clients 12:23 <+bridge> Is there a way to keep the prediction working even if you spec? 12:43 <+bridge> its hardcoded in the source code iirc 13:06 <+bridge> why would you want that tho 13:15 <+bridge> ye same question 13:25 <+bridge> Guys 13:25 <+bridge> Very need servers near turkey, because so hard playing without good ping 13:25 <+bridge> Allways lag 13:25 <+bridge> My the best ping is 70 (ger2) 13:35 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1250413114202001458/Screenshot_20240612-133459.png?ex=666ad975&is=666987f5&hm=17f3b4d303ead9c0c6fc398d37c0374b5c2b6be182ad2402808fb7d3928b4c7e& 13:36 <+bridge> There is a server in Turkey 14:20 <+bridge> Very need tur servers xd 14:56 <+bridge> But there are "tur servers"? 14:56 <+bridge> Oh nvm maybe not 14:57 <+bridge> Something happened with the host I guess 15:23 <+bridge> is the turkey server down? 15:24 <+bridge> might have looked at the wrong location. should have looked at the live stats, I guess 15:32 <+bridge> Tur server is probably leratos raspberry pi 15:33 <+bridge> And the land lord cut electricity again because lerato is never in turkey and stopped paying the bills 15:37 <+bridge> nitpick: in one place it says 2013-2023 and in the other it says 2013-2022 15:37 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1250443750065307710/bildo.png?ex=666af5fe&is=6669a47e&hm=65b867d2d7998ec58a0682765d6a426aaf76d1c88c95224ad72a44090f264cc0& 16:45 <+bridge> @learath2 Could you please recompile @SkinDB? It seems that the changes from this [PR](https://github.com/ddnet/discord-skin-upload-bot/pull/2) haven't been applied yet. 16:46 <+bridge> building 16:49 <+bridge> @murpi restarted 16:49 <+bridge> @louis.place Can you try again? 16:51 <+bridge> works @murpi thanks 16:53 <+bridge> Thanks :) 18:00 <+bridge> so who broke practice mode 18:06 <+bridge> Was probably broken since the very start 18:08 <+bridge> maybe 18:08 <+bridge> but it seems to be disabled 18:09 <+bridge> It's disabled, because we found a bug that has probably existed since the start 18:09 <+bridge> Is that specific enough? 18:10 <+bridge> oh the exploit 18:10 <+bridge> cool 18:10 <+bridge> has anyone stated what the bug actually is? - im interested 18:10 <+bridge> probably intentionally not 18:11 <+bridge> makes sense that these messages got purged before turning off the feature ig 18:11 <+bridge> Hm since practice is disabled perhaps there is no harm 18:21 <+bridge> Please share sir Learath2 18:22 <+bridge> @murpi any reason you didn't share it? I'm tired I might not be thinking correctly 😄 18:23 <+bridge> i respect the restraint 18:24 <+bridge> t0 mode related perhaps 18:26 <+bridge> > that has probably existed since the start 18:26 <+bridge> > that has probably existed since the start 18:29 <+bridge> oh yeah 18:38 <+bridge> my moneys on something atrocious like you go into /practice and deactivate a switch then on the same tick the practice team disbands and a new team is created and the switch is disabled for that one tick 18:40 <+bridge> yeah i expect it has to do with the lifetime of a state that can be abused using practice somehow 18:42 <+bridge> i'm guessing that the exploiters have a satellite pointed directly at their ddnet server with a transmitter emitting cancerous amounts of gamma rays 18:42 <+bridge> alright bets are in 19:20 <+bridge> hot take: he just forgot what it was. 20:11 <+bridge> @learath2 https://docs.rs/arbitrary/latest/arbitrary/trait.Arbitrary.html#impl-Arbitrary%3C'a%3E-for-(K,+L,+M,+N,+O,+P,+Q,+R,+S,+T,+U,+V,+W,+X,+Y,+Z,+J) 20:11 <+bridge> epic rust 20:11 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1250512852347916348/Screenshot_20240612-191123.png?ex=666b3659&is=6669e4d9&hm=f27f378d31ac16b54989f2c6f25759134dd12fe1b7f50d093ed6f5e2ee71982f& 20:22 <+bridge> :absolutely_proprietary: :absolutely_proprietary: :absolutely_proprietary: :absolutely_proprietary: :absolutely_proprietary: :absolutely_proprietary: :absolutely_proprietary: :absolutely_proprietary: :absolutely_proprietary: 20:43 <+bridge> Yes, just like any exploit it's better to wait until we have a fix for it, else people could use it on ddrock for example too 21:03 <+bridge> What on earth? 21:48 <+bridge> its cuz rust lacks variadics rn 21:48 <+bridge> its made from a macro 21:58 <+bridge> How is this a variadic though? It's bizarre 21:59 <+bridge> @learath2 its implemented more times for different num of arguments 22:00 <+bridge> this is just the impl for lots xd 22:00 <+bridge> It looks more like just a very roundabout way to cast an array of bytes to struct 22:24 <+bridge> this looks like disgusting C preprocessor shit that you'd theoretically be trying to avoid 23:12 <+bridge> @scrumplex do you still host a skinprox instance? looking for your list of hosts 23:15 <+bridge> This? https://skins.scrumplex.net/ 23:15 <+bridge> yes 23:15 <+bridge> i tried proxy.scrumplex.net and skinprox.scrumplex.net :feelsbadman: 23:16 <+bridge> :owo: 23:23 <+bridge> 👀