00:05 <+bridge> Nah you are superhuman anywas 00:05 <+bridge> I will :D 00:06 <+bridge> Just so if you crash you know you're not alonr 00:06 <+bridge> Just so if you crash you know you're not alone 00:10 <+bridge> :justatest: 00:10 <+bridge> sweet 01:14 <+bridge> Someone should rewrite the zcatch mod, it's ancient and it needs like an entire restart to change weapons 01:36 <+bridge> based on which one you joined to 01:37 <+bridge> jxsls version is nice 01:55 <+bridge> The one we host is very dated, it also needs an antibot implant 02:09 <+bridge> add in a team grenade vs team laser mode 02:15 <+bridge> yes 03:05 <+bridge> Wouldn't laser be way better? 03:13 <+bridge> laser players don't have movement 03:19 <+bridge> ig they could just camp easily 03:19 <+bridge> maybe laser bounce only xd 03:20 <+bridge> Im on it in ddnet-insta but sadly with not much support from Heinrich :p I would love to stay 0 commits behind ddnet but \#7777 is stale 09:04 <+bridge> #7777 09:04 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/7777 11:21 <+bridge> Honestly we should just rewrite a lot there, make a ddnet-skeleton that is easier to mod, on which we can implement ddnet 11:23 <+bridge> If I win the lottery I'll just work full time on ddnet 11:25 <+bridge> So no rewrite 😦 I still pray for the lottery win, but its currently unlikely if you dont play in lottery 11:25 <+bridge> start playing roulette instead 11:27 <+bridge> tbh in most games there are separate launchers for big mods 11:28 <+bridge> im surprised someone hasn't made a mod launcher for tw like there is for minecraft,etc. 11:28 <+bridge> i guess there just isn't enough demand 11:28 <+bridge> Feel free to donate so I can get lottery tickets 👍 11:29 <+bridge> There aren't many client side "mod"s to launch 11:38 <+bridge> lua scripting was a thing before people put all affort tino making bots instead of client side modifications 11:38 <+bridge> into* 11:41 <+bridge> yeah 11:41 <+bridge> but i guess you don't see any mods adding new weapons or blocks sadly 11:52 <+bridge> That's what I was planning to do aswell, but the other way around. A skeleton based on/around ddnet so new mods can be created very easily 11:52 <+bridge> F-DDrace has a set of custom weapons and any idea can be implemented quickly 11:55 <+bridge> https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace/blob/F-DDrace/src/engine/shared/weapons_ex.h 13:33 <+bridge> ????????? 13:33 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1250050351105839144/image.png?ex=6669879c&is=6668361c&hm=9de3a09d90fe5e201307d1a185dab41cec93b028e924b62c80386c54fbda3bb3& 13:49 <+bridge> any networking pros here? I've another question. is it possible to predict a deterministic event sent from server to the exact millisecond on client side, or is the best way to just to predict it ms ahead where x is a weighted average of the last few pings? 13:52 <+bridge> I assume it should be possible by synchronizing clock off first ping and then just sending the server clock during each event-to-be-predicted, but is it necessarily worth it over just using the average ping? 13:54 <+bridge> what are you trying to do 13:55 <+bridge> i'm implementing client side predictions for a PvE game, for example there is an enemy that shoots a bullet at the nearest player and I want the client to predict enemies events ms in advance so what the client-side state sees will line up with the server-side state 14:08 <+bridge> nodes/ninslash :troll: 14:12 <+bridge> can I ask this question? why was my nickname ponobloxxx, I have 21 hours in the game, but I was banned for no reason 14:12 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1250060045752729660/IMG_20240611_151049.jpg?ex=666990a3&is=66683f23&hm=fd3750d23e6ccb6cd31f8f651c3353d2cc410723721da8e5eb17a3bbe212b2f9& 14:12 <+bridge> #✉-create-a-ticket 14:12 <+bridge> thanks 14:13 <+bridge> I recently let my brother play this amazing game. But when I got home my account had been banned until February 21st. My brother said he didn't know why this happened. Until I found out he started blocking people on multeasymap. I'm sorry for what happened, but please release my account again. I really like this game, and I didn't want to be without playing it for so long. I promise this will never happen again 14:17 <+bridge> Thanks for your message. It sounds like your brother's creative use of the block function on multeasymap led to some unintended consequences. While a good sibling chat might be in order (no whips needed!), the account ban until February 21st will stand. Consider it a lesson in account security and responsible gaming. We look forward to welcoming you back in February, hopefully with fewer family-induced surprises! 14:28 <+bridge> russian roulette 14:28 <+bridge> The server is suggesting you to learn the Go programming language: https://go.dev/play/ 14:29 <+bridge> good luck 15:19 <+bridge> https://tenor.com/view/fnb-get-this-man-a-true-gif-25257480 15:19 <+bridge> agreed tho 16:32 <+bridge> When I first got my domain I used to pay 14$ for it, now it's 24$... 16:33 <+bridge> Actually 10$ 18:56 <+bridge> I transferred my domain to porkbun, namecheap is far too expensive now, for literally no reason 19:19 <+bridge> name**cheap** expensive 19:24 <+bridge> name"cheap" 20:02 <+bridge> My server needs lots of updates but I'm terrified of updating it because it has very janky full disk encryption 20:02 <+bridge> Every time I reboot it I'm terrified it won't come back up properly then I need to mess around with things 20:03 <+bridge> how can i play with my friend 20:08 <+bridge> hey 20:08 <+bridge> p;ease 20:10 <+bridge> paying less than 5€ for german .de domain 20:10 <+bridge> paying 40€ for zcat.ch 20:18 <+bridge> does porkbun have a dyndns api? 23:16 <+bridge> They have an api, idk if there is a client for it or if any common clients support it 23:17 <+bridge> I've been hosting my own nameserver since forever so it's not something I look at