00:03 <+bridge> i'd assume its to determine the data type of the variable at runtime, not compile time maybe 00:05 <+bridge> or maybe it was done that way and noone wants to refactor 800+ LoC over 50 files :kek: 00:05 <+bridge> or maybe it was done that way from the beginning and noone wants to refactor 800+ LoC over 50 files :kek: 00:42 <+bridge> You can't, it's type erasure, the console calls these callbacks and it can't know the type of `pUserData` 02:56 <+bridge> so its a generic callback signature where the object to be passed is determined at runtime 02:59 <+bridge> i dont see why though because every callback casts it to CGameContext * 02:59 <+bridge> unless i missed some 04:23 <+bridge> hi, whats the best way to check if I have set up my local ddnet project correctly? 04:32 <+bridge> wdym 05:22 <+bridge> i guess if you're able to build it without problems and if it's up to date with the master branch of the github 05:22 <+bridge> what os are you on @apfff ? 05:24 <+bridge> What do you need it for? You can use the official client if you don’t mind editing a bigger C++ code base. Then there is also headless clients in JavaScript, ruby and python. 06:10 <+bridge> hi chiller 06:10 <+bridge> wanna gores 09:16 <+bridge> F-DDrace has that: 09:16 <+bridge> https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace/blob/de3299d92ed85bd7c64c1f098ae7990d2b5155d6/src/engine/server/server.cpp#L3844 09:17 <+bridge> https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace/blob/de3299d92ed85bd7c64c1f098ae7990d2b5155d6/src/game/variables.h#L291 09:31 <+bridge> morning europeans and others 09:31 <+bridge> vote day :justatest: 09:32 <+bridge> morning 09:34 <+bridge> Yea dont remind me 09:34 <+bridge> I'll have to drive half an hour just to vote 10:35 <+bridge> fr? lol - its only like 5 minutes for me 10:39 <+bridge> fokko living in the woods 10:41 <+bridge> voted by letter days ago 10:41 <+bridge> then vote by letter, "Briefwahl"? 11:03 <+bridge> what day 11:12 <+bridge> don't live in the middle of nowhere :trollet: 11:12 <+bridge> my vote office is in the same street 11:14 <+bridge> Not right now. See #5797 11:14 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/5797 11:19 <+bridge> I was too late for Briefwahl, so now I have to drive to my old town in order to grab my confirmation so I can go vote 11:36 <+bridge> don't need no confirmation. just your ID 11:36 <+bridge> better with that letter but not necessary 11:48 <+bridge> Thanks :) 12:08 <+bridge> Robyt3 is on a killing spree on GitHub 👍 13:00 <@Learath2> Just noticed I broke my update script while messing around with it a couple months ago... Now I have 94 upgrades, 2 new and 73 reinstalls pending :D 13:47 <+bridge> what kind of update script? 13:53 <+bridge> It's my gentoo rolling upgrade script 14:09 <+bridge> Windows 14:10 <+bridge> i use msys2 for most development on windows. can only recommend 14:12 <+bridge> I barely ever use windows for coding. Usually macOS. Im a little lost 14:12 <+bridge> I had to install Python3 and Rust for this XD 14:12 <+bridge> msys2 gives you a linux style cli environment with all the tools but its all windows native compiled 14:12 <+bridge> ah cool 14:13 <+bridge> and it uses pacman as package manager so its easy to get all dependencies 14:13 <+bridge> does this exists as a VS Code extention? 14:13 <+bridge> i use vscode for editing the code and then compile with the terminal 14:13 <+bridge> i dont know if there is an extension 14:13 <+bridge> is just use them in parallel 14:13 <+bridge> Are there no scripts in the ddnet project for building? 14:14 <+bridge> cmake -B build -S . 14:14 <+bridge> cmake --build build/ -j 14:23 <@Learath2> I would rather code on my phone with a keyboard before going back to windows 14:23 <+bridge> reddit ahh answer 14:23 <+bridge> true tho 14:24 <+bridge> first i gotta make cmake work :justatest: 14:53 <+bridge> did Lerato dove into the shadow realm. 15:34 <+bridge> @apfff i would just recommend VS Studio 15:34 <+bridge> errr not vs studio i guess its' just VS (Visual Studio) 15:35 <+bridge> i recommend neovim 15:35 <+bridge> lots of support since its a widely used ide and as long as you're choosing the correct packages on installation, getting ddnet to compile is super straightforward 15:37 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet?tab=readme-ov-file#building-on-windows-with-the-visual-studio-ide 15:39 <+bridge> then open up visual studio, clone the project if you don't already have it locally installed, then just press the beautiful green button and ur done 15:54 <+bridge> on linux its just 15:54 <+bridge> install dependencies 15:54 <+bridge> `git clone https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet.git && cd ddnet && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j$(nproc)` 15:55 <+bridge> first you have to install 50gb of VS and then start it up (which takes another 10 min) 15:58 <+bridge> takes me 10 seconds from windows search to running the project 😁 16:00 <+bridge> As if that's acceptable either 16:02 <+bridge> ah yes you need it done in 2 seconds so you can use the other 8 seconds thanking richard stallman 16:17 <+bridge> Actually 2 seconds thanking stallman, 2 seconds praying to torvalds and the remaining 4 for mocking windows users 16:19 <+bridge> uh oh, i was writing code for last 30 mins without checking because I though I "knew" what I was doing. I didn't :pepeW: 16:19 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1249367283420102730/image.png?ex=66670b74&is=6665b9f4&hm=1a927a146ea280171304b63f5ed75d6c4e15cf3f1044ce06b9ca1d16fcb5d2c6& 16:27 <+bridge> That's not where the slowness ends 17:01 <+bridge> yeah but trouble getting MSVS Build Tools to work 17:37 <+bridge> Does DDNet.exe run the local Client? 17:51 <+bridge> :gigachad: 17:59 <+bridge> I got my `build` folder now in VS Code. Can I now build the local client? 18:25 <+bridge> aaaay, I almost did basic aah function generation :owo: 18:25 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1249398862116814849/image.png?ex=666728dd&is=6665d75d&hm=9704016ac9f8cf629b5f511d9b6b7c251c09e0f6630ef963db8f98a0469f55b9& 18:25 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1249398862402162758/image.png?ex=666728dd&is=6665d75d&hm=d40dfbd804f7ffd51c3b475ccf590a8944b084c433dcd63478106d5e3ec370b7& 18:59 <+bridge> im in my first coding session with furo - kinda nervous wish me luck! 19:08 <+bridge> damn next doom trailer released, ig magnus still workin at machinegames 19:08 <+bridge> DOOM the dark ages 19:15 <+bridge> "couldnt find `libfreetype.dll`" when executing DDNet.exe. Anyone familiar with this Error? 19:15 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1249411505007366174/ddnet_client_error1.JPG?ex=666734a3&is=6665e323&hm=6fade51fcebf659ffae2d737f1ea635a2c466b1e2f6a717710c94564e735ae03& 19:15 <+bridge> as well as: `libpng16-16.dll, SDL2.dll, avformat-60.dll` 19:16 <+bridge> "couldnt find `libfreetype.dll`" when executing` DDNet.exe`. Anyone familiar with this Error? 19:16 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1249411505007366174/ddnet_client_error1.JPG?ex=666734a3&is=6665e323&hm=6fade51fcebf659ffae2d737f1ea635a2c466b1e2f6a717710c94564e735ae03& 19:20 <+bridge> are you using msvc? - i had that issue with msvc .. :D 19:22 <+bridge> yes 19:22 <+bridge> visual studio code i assume? 19:22 <+bridge> VS Code yes 19:22 <+bridge> It seems to build fine tho 19:22 <+bridge> visual studio / clion will move the deps correctly, the .dll files are built and exist - you just have to put them into the same folder as DDNet 19:22 <+bridge> i used a script for it - let me see if i can find it 19:23 <+bridge> what folder do they have to be in? 19:23 <+bridge> ah, overread 19:24 <+bridge> ```python 19:24 <+bridge> import os 19:24 <+bridge> import shutil 19:24 <+bridge> 19:24 <+bridge> source_dirs = [ 19:24 <+bridge> ('c:/Users/Anwender/Projects/ddnet/build/Debug', 'c:/Users/Anwender/Projects/ddnet/build/'), 19:24 <+bridge> ] 19:24 <+bridge> 19:24 <+bridge> for source_dir, destination_dir in source_dirs: 19:24 <+bridge> if not os.path.exists(source_dir): 19:24 <+bridge> print(f"Source directory {source_dir} does not exist. Skipping.") 19:24 <+bridge> continue 19:24 <+bridge> 19:24 <+bridge> os.makedirs(destination_dir, exist_ok=True) 19:24 <+bridge> 19:24 <+bridge> for filename in os.listdir(source_dir): 19:24 <+bridge> if filename == 'DDNet.exe' or filename == 'steam_api.dll' or filename == 'DDNet-Server.exe': 19:24 <+bridge> source_file = os.path.join(source_dir, filename) 19:24 <+bridge> destination_file = os.path.join(destination_dir, filename) 19:24 <+bridge> 19:24 <+bridge> try: 19:24 <+bridge> shutil.copy(source_file, destination_file) 19:24 <+bridge> print(f"Moved {source_file} to {destination_file}") 19:25 <+bridge> except FileExistsError: 19:25 <+bridge> print(f"{destination_file} already exists. Skipping.") 19:25 <+bridge> 19:25 <+bridge> input("Done...") 19:25 <+bridge> ``` 19:25 <+bridge> 19:25 <+bridge> change the source_dirs to yours, the rest should just work 19:25 <+bridge> (please dont bash the script, i suck at python) 19:25 <+bridge> (please dont hate onthe script, i suck at python) 19:25 <+bridge> (please dont hate on the script, i suck at python) 19:25 <+bridge> That script can be executed anywhere? 19:25 <+bridge> yes, it takes the absolute path 19:29 <+bridge> im now using msys2, and i highly recommend it for ease of use - (thanks Ewan), no idea how clion and/or visual studio moves them, once i find out i will update the github Readme with neccessary steps lmao 19:30 <+bridge> I'm happy it works xD 19:31 <+bridge> not making changes rn 19:31 <+bridge> thx for the script 19:31 <+bridge> glad it worked! 19:31 <+bridge> what command do you use to build 19:32 <+bridge> `cmake ..` and `cmake --build . -j` or `cmake --build . -j --clean-first` 19:32 <+bridge> cmake -B build -S . 19:32 <+bridge> cmake --build build/ -j 19:32 <+bridge> ups 19:33 <+bridge> just go into the build folder - that way you can remove the -S definition and your cmake --build command looks cleaner :P 19:33 <+bridge> just go into the build folder - that way you can remove the -S definition and your `cmake --build` command looks cleaner :P 19:33 <+bridge> but yes 19:34 <+bridge> Just copy pasted those :justatest: 19:34 <+bridge> i have never done anything with cmake ever 19:34 <+bridge> nor have I touched C++ ever 19:34 <+bridge> :owo: 19:34 <+bridge> :P thats fair ngl - but you followed the readme? 19:34 <+bridge> yeah 19:35 <+bridge> at least for the Building 19:35 <+bridge> so it still isnt clear enough.. - god damn it! 19:35 <+bridge> rewrote it twice now! 19:35 <+bridge> XD 19:35 <+bridge> I had to use a lot of ChatGPT 19:35 <+bridge> getting MSVC Build Tools to work was a little headache 19:36 <+bridge> :feelsbadman: mind dropping me a DM for things that were unclear ? (you can type those in german) - so i might update the readme once more if its somethign i can elaborate further 19:36 <+bridge> Some environment PATH variables were wrong 19:36 <+bridge> oh the installer should set those correctly... 19:36 <+bridge> :feelsbadman: mind dropping me a DM for things that were unclear ? (you can type those in german) - so i might update the readme once more if its something i can elaborate further 19:36 <+bridge> omg I already lowkey forgot maybe I can look into my chatgpt logs 19:36 <+bridge> :kek: 19:36 <+bridge> VS Installer confusing af 19:37 <+bridge> The README for Visual Studio was straight forward tho 19:38 <+bridge> yeah heinrich suggested i re-add it but it was a little flawed so i rewrote it 19:38 <+bridge> Visual Studio lowkey the worst IDEA I've ever seen 19:39 <+bridge> .dll files still not found 19:39 <+bridge> :/ 19:39 <+bridge> even though your script moved them 19:39 <+bridge> (same imo) :P - but heinrich was right with what he said 19:39 <+bridge> 19:39 <+bridge> > Someone knowing their IDE can already do what they need. The README is for people who need help with the compilation process. I don't think that adding choices is a good idea there. 19:39 <+bridge> > 19:39 <+bridge> > We also don't explain how to set up various IDEs on Linux, we just get the user to a point where they can compile the project. 19:39 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1249417698849587291/image.png?ex=66673a68&is=6665e8e8&hm=5f4837da1586b3691113b1122c605ec22290d679a1b7ee44e9457bfa29d1c64e& 19:40 <+bridge> o rly? thats odd - are the .dll's and the .exe files in the same directory? 19:40 <+bridge> maybe the source and destination path is the wrong way 19:40 <+bridge> .exe are in Release 19:41 <+bridge> oh did you specify build/Release ? 19:41 <+bridge> or build/Debug 19:41 <+bridge> i always compile with Debug :P 19:41 <+bridge> ah i did Debug 19:41 <+bridge> whats the difference? 19:42 <+bridge> Does it not log with Release? 19:42 <+bridge> Still not workling 19:42 <+bridge> from what i know, release it optimized to the point that debugging will/can be harder 19:42 <+bridge> from what i know, release optimizes it to the point that debugging will/can be harder 19:43 <+bridge> my tree: D:/Coding/DDnet_coding/ddnet/.. 19:43 <+bridge> .dll files are actually in ../DDnet_coding/.. 19:43 <+bridge> .dll files are actually in ../DDnet_coding 19:44 <+bridge> but is the .exe in the same directory? 19:44 <+bridge> the .exe file and the .dll files have to be in the same directory for it to work 19:44 <+bridge> exe is in DDnet_coding/debug 19:44 <+bridge> ok 19:44 <+bridge> huuuh you have debug AND release? thats odd - move it out to the .dll files 19:45 <+bridge> ima move them manually 19:45 <+bridge> ye 19:45 <+bridge> yeah 19:45 <+bridge> what's wrong with win setup :P 19:46 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1249419256077221888/message.txt?ex=66673bdb&is=6665ea5b&hm=727774cc5677ddf43c2cd17c6a1e8f9335a9dcf7b66854722edb72faae2a2a7f& 19:46 <+bridge> there is DIR Release and DIR debug 19:46 <+bridge> both gut executables like DDNet.exe 19:48 <+bridge> open a terminal in there - do the following: 19:48 <+bridge> 19:48 <+bridge> `rm -Force debug` // change to the folder name debug 19:48 <+bridge> `rm -Force Release` // change to the folder name release 19:48 <+bridge> `mkdir build` 19:48 <+bridge> `cd build` 19:48 <+bridge> `cmake ..` 19:48 <+bridge> `cmake --build . -J` 19:48 <+bridge> in /DDnet_coding ? 19:48 <+bridge> i guess 19:49 <+bridge> ah whats the windows cmd for rm 19:52 <+bridge> `rmdir /S /Q debug 19:52 <+bridge> rmdir /S /Q release 19:52 <+bridge> mkdir build //already exists 19:52 <+bridge> cd build 19:52 <+bridge> cmake .. 19:52 <+bridge> cmake --build . -j` 19:52 <+bridge> is what i did 19:52 <+bridge> ```rmdir /S /Q debug 19:52 <+bridge> rmdir /S /Q release 19:52 <+bridge> mkdir build //already exists 19:52 <+bridge> cd build 19:53 <+bridge> cmake .. 19:53 <+bridge> cmake --build . -j``` 19:53 <+bridge> ```rmdir /S /Q debug 19:53 <+bridge> rmdir /S /Q release 19:53 <+bridge> mkdir build //already exists 19:53 <+bridge> cd build 19:53 <+bridge> cmake .. 19:53 <+bridge> cmake --build . -j``` 19:53 <+bridge> ok what now 19:54 <+bridge> ok, /Release and /Debug are gone now 19:58 <+bridge> rm is a windows command :o 19:59 <+bridge> wait build dir exists already? ah gg redo 19:59 <+bridge> but remove build folder and recreate it 20:06 <+bridge> thats remove tho, right? :justatest: 20:06 <+bridge> yes 20:06 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1249424505877561394/image.png?ex=666740bf&is=6665ef3f&hm=2d5a964c5a2c48f8120d52827a5df8c9b58ba7443ce3a28af12bd165c6713cc5& 20:08 <+bridge> ``` 20:08 <+bridge> PS D:\Coding\DDnet_coding> cmake .. 20:08 <+bridge> CMake Warning: 20:08 <+bridge> Ignoring extra path from command line: 20:08 <+bridge> 20:08 <+bridge> ".." 20:08 <+bridge> 20:08 <+bridge> 20:08 <+bridge> CMake Error: The source directory "D:/Coding" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt. 20:08 <+bridge> Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI. ``` 20:09 <+bridge> i skipped cmake .. 20:09 <+bridge> i skipped `cmake ..` 20:11 <+bridge> powershell xd 20:11 <+bridge> omg cmd doesnt have rm 20:11 <+bridge> :kek: 20:22 <+bridge> thx 20:23 <+bridge> np 20:25 <+bridge> i told u already it's a powershell alias 20:25 <+bridge> it just wraps powershell's equivalent command 20:25 <+bridge> Remove-Item 20:26 <+bridge> hi ewan 20:26 <+bridge> 20:26 <+bridge> hi 20:26 <+bridge> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/809939890480349184/959927440589856798/Sprite-0001.gif 20:26 <+bridge> hi 🍈 20:27 <+bridge> 🍉 20:32 <+bridge> hi fokko 20:32 <+bridge> https://tenor.com/view/ewan-rare-w-rare-ewan-w-gif-14058647437019477120 20:32 <+bridge> https://tenor.com/view/cat-gif-cat-gif-ewan-brook-cat-gif-8324929138843358060 20:33 <+bridge> why is he bald 20:34 <+bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gax35QKkiag 21:38 <+bridge> Any ideas what I can do about this? 21:38 <+bridge> https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace/actions/runs/9439012628/job/25996628598 21:40 <+bridge> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27736618/why-are-sem-init-sem-getvalue-sem-destroy-deprecated-on-mac-os-x-and-w 21:40 <+bridge> looks liek this 21:40 <+bridge> like* 21:41 <+bridge> how does ddnet handle this? 21:41 <+bridge> You are somehow compiling for macOS but not `CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS` 21:41 <+bridge> better ask why macos doesn't support posix semaphores xddd 21:42 <+bridge> Our implementation of semaphores doesn't use those functions on macOS only on other Unix 21:42 <+bridge> You are somehow compiling for macOS but not setting `CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS` 21:42 <+bridge> How can it happen that it's not defined? 21:43 <+bridge> ^ 21:44 <+bridge> something is wrong with cmakelists i guess (sorry for prone answer) 21:45 <+bridge> I'd first try dropping in the latest ddnet system.cpp/h instead 21:45 <+bridge> impossible, im based on 0.7 21:49 <+bridge> You mixed `CONF_PLATFORM_MACOSX` and `CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS` macros in your code 21:49 <+bridge> Replace all with `CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS` 21:50 <+bridge> And replace your `detect.h` with ours, I think that should simply work if you do the MACOSX -> MACOS change 21:54 <+bridge> Thanks 22:00 <+bridge> Any ideas about this one? xD 22:00 <+bridge> https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace/actions/runs/9439097943/job/25996814112 22:02 <+bridge> Copy `str_format_v` from ddnet so you don't need to pragma ignore the warning which doesn't seem to work 22:03 <+bridge> its the same 22:03 <+bridge> In particular, copy also the part in the header file and add `GNUC_ATTRIBUTE` 22:03 <+bridge> It's not? 22:03 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/master/src/base/system.cpp#L2767 22:04 <+bridge> wdym? 22:04 <+bridge> And your system.h as additional `pragma clang diagnostic push`, not sure why that causes the warning though 22:04 <+bridge> nvm, about that, looks like you also have the attribute in the header 22:04 <+bridge> xd 22:05 <+bridge> ``` 22:05 <+bridge> #ifndef __USE_GNU 22:05 <+bridge> #define __USE_GNU 22:05 <+bridge> #endif 22:05 <+bridge> ``` 22:05 <+bridge> Looks like you don't have this 22:05 <+bridge> No idea if that's the magic you need 22:06 <+bridge> where? 22:06 <+bridge> Same as in upstream 22:06 <+bridge> system.h 22:10 <+bridge> Doesnt work 22:10 <+bridge> xD 22:10 <+bridge> You also need to add the declaration for `str_format_v` to `system.h`: 22:10 <+bridge> ``` 22:10 <+bridge> int str_format_v(char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format, va_list args) 22:10 <+bridge> GNUC_ATTRIBUTE((format(printf, 3, 0))); 22:10 <+bridge> ``` 22:10 <+bridge> With the correct `GNUC_ATTRIBUTE` attribute 22:10 <+bridge> Then you don't need to suppress the warning for clang and the CI shouldn't complain 22:11 <+bridge> funny enough, there was no declaration of it at all 22:11 <+bridge> haha 22:15 <+bridge> Appreciated by Richard Matthew Stallman himself! 22:19 <+bridge> https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace/actions/runs/9439204893/job/25997057320 22:19 <+bridge> Do I have to fix all of these? 22:44 <+bridge> @robyt3 https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace/actions/runs/9439360736/job/25997386575 22:44 <+bridge> Would be better I guess since it can find bugs 22:45 <+bridge> `ninja: error: 'package_dmg', needed by 'CMakeFiles/package_default', missing and no known rule to make it` 22:46 <+bridge> Looks like you need to `package_dmg` related stuff from ddnet's CMakeLists 22:46 <+bridge> Looks like you need to copy the `package_dmg` related stuff from ddnet's CMakeLists 22:46 <+bridge> It's missing in yours 22:47 <+bridge> thanks 22:47 <+bridge> How can I run the tests on my branch? 22:47 <+bridge> You need to add `.github/workflows/build.yaml` 22:48 <+bridge> but you need to maintain it every once in a while 22:48 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1249465236252000346/image.png?ex=666766ae&is=6666152e&hm=2aada4e5f9884b82a83d4b002819e467f2fcd7843e25b05710afddec04c354ec& 22:48 <+bridge> -17 - 10 22:48 <+bridge> -17 ?? 22:48 <+bridge> Idk how to reproduct it 22:49 <+bridge> You can enable it on your fork somewhere @apfff, cant Check myself where exactly tho 22:51 <+bridge> Do you know which stuff containing `dmg` I need? 22:53 <+bridge> I'd start by copying every line/block containing `dmg` 22:53 <+bridge> Or look at the diff between your CMakeLists and ddnet 22:53 <+bridge> what even is dmg? do i need "dmgbuild"? 22:54 <+bridge> I think it's like an application package 22:54 <+bridge> So like zip file that can be installed with a fancy icon 22:55 <+bridge> it's some client stuff no? I could remove it entirely 22:55 <+bridge> it's a server repo only 22:55 <+bridge> `if(CLIENT AND DMGBUILD)` 22:55 <+bridge> that's where it's inside 22:56 <+bridge> Not sure if there's a .dmg separately for the server on macOS 23:00 <+bridge> dmg only occurs in scripts/dmg.py and the few lines in my cmakelists.txt 23:00 <+bridge> i think it's useless 23:00 <+bridge> oh wait 23:00 <+bridge> or does the CI need it for packaging? 23:01 <+bridge> ^ 23:03 <+bridge> `dmg.py` is an old file, ddnet only has `dmgsettings.py` 23:04 <+bridge> maybe still from bam 23:04 <+bridge> ah 23:12 <+bridge> `pip3 install --break-system-packages dmgbuild` 23:12 <+bridge> This probably does the trick 23:12 <+bridge> ddnet/other projects should definetly make a virtual env for that lol 23:12 <+bridge> instead of doing stuff like that 23:13 <+bridge> (I said ddnet, idk if they requires to do that) 23:15 <+bridge> ok, did not 23:16 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1249472258255093841/image.png?ex=66676d38&is=66661bb8&hm=15a6cdcef52521ff24e0a4904168372cb175cf24fbca4bf79110dc555698aa03& 23:17 <+bridge> If you don't want to package dmg files for macOS you should remove the `set(PACKAGE_DEFAULT dmg)` 23:18 <+bridge> what does that do? i dont really understand that 23:18 <+bridge> Otherwise you need to add 23:18 <+bridge> ``` 23:18 <+bridge> add_custom_target(package_dmg DEPENDS ${CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME}.dmg) 23:18 <+bridge> list(APPEND PACKAGE_TARGETS package_dmg) 23:18 <+bridge> ``` 23:18 <+bridge> and probably more to add the `package_dmg` CMake target if you want to support building dmg files 23:19 <+bridge> What is a dmg file 23:19 <+bridge> xD 23:19 <+bridge> Like an APK but for macOS 23:19 <+bridge> meant to reply to this 23:19 <+bridge> ah 23:19 <+bridge> It's an archive that macOS users can share to distribute the game 23:20 <+bridge> ahhh okay 23:20 <+bridge> i see 23:20 <+bridge> thanks a lot 23:20 <+bridge> This sets a variable, which is used in `add_custom_target(package_default DEPENDS package_${PACKAGE_DEFAULT})` to set the other target as a dependency 23:21 <+bridge> so it depends on `package_dmg` target for macOS, or `package_zip` for Windows 23:22 <+bridge> ah okay, i dont own any apple devices. is that convenient? whats the best way to fix it for this server-only repo? 23:22 <+bridge> I think adding package_dmg is the way to go 23:23 <+bridge> But i'm confused, as it's only used in if(CLIENT) in ddnet 23:23 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L3139C1-L3219C1 23:24 <+bridge> I think it bundles client and server into one dmg-file and there are metadata files so a launcher is shown to start either 23:25 <+bridge> So if I only have a server, is it required? 23:26 <+bridge> We don't bundle zip files with only server either for ddnet only for client+server. but if you only have server then I guess you should still bundle it 23:26 <+bridge> okay 23:27 <+bridge> I have no idea how all of that apple stuff works 23:27 <+bridge> think i wont figure it out today anymore lol 23:27 <+bridge> I don't have either, I usually look at the diff to ddnet to figure out what's missing 😄 23:28 <+bridge> :D 23:28 <+bridge> i'll just try smth 23:32 <+bridge> hmmm 23:32 <+bridge> ```if(DMG) 23:32 <+bridge> add_custom_target(package_dmg DEPENDS ${CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME}.dmg) 23:32 <+bridge> list(APPEND PACKAGE_TARGETS package_dmg) 23:32 <+bridge> endif()``` 23:32 <+bridge> tried adding that but didnt work yxd 23:42 <+bridge> That will add a dependency for a target `${CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME}.dmg` so you'll also need to add `add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME}.dmg` etc. 23:48 <+bridge> never really touched cmake a lot 23:50 <+bridge> can i disable the macos build for now? 23:50 <+bridge> without deleting it from build.yaml 23:54 <+bridge> how does build.yaml play into this 23:55 <+bridge> I just don't trigger the macOS CI then 23:55 <+bridge> well 23:55 <+bridge> windows and linux works 23:55 <+bridge> you can have it silently fail on macos 23:55 <+bridge> and apple users probably ™️ know how to compile 23:55 <+bridge> but it might fail because there’s no symbol 23:55 <+bridge> fat chance 23:55 <+bridge> xd 23:57 <+bridge> i'll just add some comments 23:58 <+bridge> https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace/commit/51f1a230c6248cb13bd85d666120749e61cf5104 23:58 <+bridge> how does this still trigger macOS 23:59 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1249483073653969027/IMG_5549.png?ex=6667774b&is=666625cb&hm=e0165ad81b8cc98ce942b711ff066097ac77778b8befb5836436998f24eb4b7c& 23:59 <+bridge> OH