00:00 < zombietoad> @Learath2 00:03 < bridge> What were you banned for anyway? Were you being racist, botting or spamming this time? 00:04 < zombietoad> i told u i get ban for EVA 00:04 < bridge> I meant as in what ban were you evading? 00:05 < zombietoad> i never botted on ddnet 00:05 < zombietoad> but i wasnt evading 00:05 < bridge> Ok, you were botting I see a ban for botting there 00:06 < bridge> I'll give you one simple advice to avoid this happening in the future. Don't bot 00:06 < zombietoad> i have ddnet client 00:06 < zombietoad> i do not have noby client 00:06 < bridge> DDnet client with some nice sprinkle of 🤖 perhaps 00:07 < zombietoad> no i have official build from ddnet.tw/downloads 00:11 < zombietoad> i only used fire assist on fng 1 time 00:11 < zombietoad> i never have bot on ddrace 00:13 < zombietoad> @learath2 are u still there? 00:16 < bridge> no I'm asleep 00:17 < zombietoad> pls unban me before you go sleep 00:17 < zombietoad> @Learath2 00:17 < bridge> you'll have to wait until the mod who banned you for botting gets back, which will be tomorrow, which is when your ban expires anyway, try not to bot in the future 00:18 < zombietoad> i did not get banned for botting 00:18 < zombietoad> i got banned for EVA 00:18 < bridge> we use EVA as short for botter 00:20 < zombietoad> i can send demo 00:20 < zombietoad> i never bottted 00:20 < zombietoad> wait u can check teehistorian 00:20 < bridge> not in bed I can't 00:22 < zombietoad> im top player like N9mkOik i would never bot 00:29 < zombietoad> @Learath2 ddnet needs usa admin 00:29 < zombietoad> its racist for only having europeans 00:30 < bridge> I'm close enough to middle eastern, it's ok 00:30 < zombietoad> oh you are? 00:30 < zombietoad> i love middle eastern culture 00:31 < zombietoad> all woman should live in kitchen and not be seen by other men 00:31 < zombietoad> now unban me please my brother 00:33 < bridge> Are you sure you aren't a racism bot? 00:34 < zombietoad> no i am human 00:34 < bridge> damn the double whammy 00:36 < zombietoad> make @gdin admin again 00:36 < zombietoad> or @noby 00:37 < zombietoad> noby hasnt played ddnet in years 00:37 < zombietoad> he would make a perfect admin 00:39 < zombietoad> @learath2 are you still awake 00:41 < zombietoad> @Learath2 did you receive my previous message 00:41 < zombietoad> is anyone there 00:42 < bridge> what are you expecting to happen? 00:42 < zombietoad> i expect @Learath2 to respond 00:43 < zombietoad> but i think hes falling asleep 00:43 < zombietoad> @murpi can you help me now 00:51 <+bridge> Interesting individual 02:13 <+ws-client> > im top player like N9mkOik i would never bot 02:13 <+ws-client> xd 02:14 <+ws-client> But all jokes aside did we reach permanent bans now or what? 02:14 <+ws-client> sp is biggest OG player most funny guy! 02:14 <+ws-client> #freesomeone 07:56 <+bridge> xd 07:56 <+bridge> morning 07:56 <+bridge> hi 07:58 <+bridge> gm big boys 08:17 <+bridge> moorning 09:01 <+bridge> mooornin 09:38 <+bridge> norming 10:55 <+bridge> norman 11:29 <+bridge> friday for rust 11:29 <+bridge> im getting the keys to new apartment 11:30 <+bridge> from 35m~ to 72m 11:30 <+bridge> :poggers2: pog 11:30 <+bridge> 910€ montu 11:30 <+bridge> month 11:30 <+bridge> :justatest: :owo: 11:31 <+bridge> ouch - thats expensive for 72m 11:31 <+bridge> well i paid 880 before 11:31 <+bridge> xxx 11:31 <+bridge> xd 11:31 <+bridge> my first apartment was 720€ for 600'ish 11:31 <+bridge> Barcelona is expensive 11:31 <+bridge> my first apartment was 720€ for 60ish m 11:31 <+bridge> ah, it's about m², probably? 11:31 <+bridge> ye 11:31 <+bridge> ye 11:31 <+bridge> I was wondering whether that's a height or something 😄 11:31 <+bridge> xd 11:31 <+bridge> :D 11:32 <+bridge> im still in the city centre 11:32 <+bridge> my first apartment was 720€ for 60ish m² 11:32 <+bridge> and beach is in a 20 min walk 11:32 <+bridge> or 10 min by metro 11:32 <+bridge> :o i have the good old `baggersee'n`, but that was basically it 11:32 <+bridge> whats that 11:33 <+bridge> artificial lake 11:34 <+bridge> ill have a room with aquariumd 11:34 <+bridge> and maybe ill setup a monitoring system 11:34 <+bridge> with a home server 11:34 <+bridge> in rust 11:34 <+bridge> 24/7 fishies? :pog: 11:35 <+bridge> too bad u cant do like water param momitoring constantñy 11:35 <+bridge> constantly 11:35 <+bridge> damn thats expensive for 72qm 11:35 <+bridge> ye 11:35 <+bridge> but i live im a big city 11:35 <+bridge> how is it in berlin 11:35 <+bridge> I pay 550 EUR for 120qm in Vienna - centered 11:36 <+bridge> Even my appartment in zurich was cheaper compared to 910 EUR for 72qm 11:36 <+bridge> What type of appartment is it? Private? 11:36 <+bridge> its thanks to airbnb 11:36 <+bridge> i live alone there 11:36 <+bridge> you live in an airbnb by rent? 11:37 <+bridge> if u mean that by private 11:37 <+bridge> i always thought airbnb's are like privately hosted houses/apartments for people on vacation 11:37 <+bridge> no 11:37 <+bridge> i mean airbnb makes rent go up 11:37 <+bridge> ah 11:37 <+bridge> tourists pay more 11:38 <+bridge> glad that i right below munich's butt - rent is cheap and it takes me 45 minutes if i wanted to enter munich 11:38 <+bridge> glad that i live right below munich's butt - rent is cheap and it takes me 45 minutes if i wanted to enter munich 11:38 <+bridge> in austria there are different types of rentals, like government funded, cooperative or private 11:39 <+bridge> in austria there are different types of rentals, like partly government funded, cooperative or private 11:39 <+bridge> ah i guess its private 11:39 <+bridge> idk about that here 11:40 <+bridge> but with my salary i dont get gov help xdd 11:40 <+bridge> I was looking for something in Bogenhausen, Munich 11:40 <+bridge> In austria you'll get gov help even with high salary, but you have to life in there already, or take over from family members 😄 11:41 <+bridge> nice place - well centered as well iirc - good to go shopping :D 11:42 <+bridge> Sadly I am not very often in Munich, so I would do airbnb and the few weeks i am there, I would "rent" it myself 11:43 <+bridge> 11:43 <+bridge> @avolicious how is rust going at work 11:43 <+bridge> Good so far 😄 11:43 <+bridge> We completely moved a microservice from java to rust 11:44 <+bridge> its in production already, compared to java - 0 downtime so far 11:44 <+bridge> what kind of microservice? why was it rewritten? 11:45 <+bridge> did u measure ram usage too? 11:45 <+bridge> Payment gateway, mostly because of high amount of transactions 🙂 11:45 <+bridge> and cpu time 11:45 <+bridge> We considered https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum and https://rocket.rs/ 11:45 <+bridge> i prefer axum 11:45 <+bridge> my services use it 11:46 <+bridge> rocket rs guy comes and goes away for years 11:46 <+bridge> RAM should be straight up better than the java service. has a large memory overhead 11:47 <+bridge> The APL team knows for sure, but afaik its more stable now. Atleast we have 100% uptime for the past few weeks now 11:47 <+bridge> not a single transaction failed so far 11:48 <+bridge> We are speaking about a few million transactions a day 11:48 <+bridge> axum is goated 11:48 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1248574384738664529/image.png?ex=66642902&is=6662d782&hm=9be25d229e3172b518cd22d687d46255bac1e13f4992f5923e896754ee3fa0cd& 11:48 <+bridge> i use it all the time 11:50 <+bridge> Its pretty straightforward and regularly updated 11:51 <+bridge> https://tenor.com/view/asleep-steve-ballmer-yes-meme-microsoft-gif-18627126 11:51 <+bridge> Some teams already tried https://ziglang.org/ 😄 11:51 <+bridge> It also looks kinda fun 11:52 <+bridge> zigs documentation is pretty good - i didnt try it out all that much yet 11:53 <+bridge> its also quite fast 11:53 <+bridge> For the JS/TS people in here: https://bun.sh/ 11:53 <+bridge> this is the modern nodejs 11:53 <+bridge> written in zig 11:53 <+bridge> 😄 11:58 <+bridge> I will open source the new rebuilt IP Intel API from KoG, written in rustlang, with axum and and diesel[postgres] 😄 11:58 <+bridge> My first diesel typed ORM project 11:58 <+bridge> https://tenor.com/view/developers-gif-13292051 12:00 <+bridge> did you try out https://surrealdb.com/ ? Rei and me want to port Blockworlds to it and it looks very promising :P 12:00 <+bridge> He she it das s muss mit 12:00 <+bridge> He she it bei rust spiel ich mit 12:00 <+bridge> unsafe tho and less ecosystem 12:01 <+bridge> I was already looking into, it was looking promising for real, but I dont have a good use-case for it 12:01 <+bridge> For teehistorian data I am currently looking into https://www.scylladb.com/ 12:02 <+bridge> best db is ext4 kappa 12:02 <+bridge> Want to move the raw data from minio to scylladb 12:02 <+bridge> he she it ich hab in den ford fokus gekaggert 12:02 <+bridge> ah gg fokko 12:02 <+bridge> :kek: 12:02 <+bridge> english only 12:02 <+bridge> it's englisch 12:02 <+bridge> it's english 12:02 <+bridge> he she it they helicopter tee 12:02 <+bridge> he just made a typo, its ford focus 12:02 <+bridge> yes 12:03 <+bridge> sorry 12:03 <+bridge> :saddo: 12:03 <+bridge> Ford Fo**k**us detected, opinion rejected :kek: 12:04 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1248578249953640508/0f751a841d471862a48566ffcd4df33b16909916ed476f381e9405d23cfc8f06_1.png?ex=66642c9c&is=6662db1c&hm=f54a730549b2257e594952bf1d80cca87f9e15bdfcad862f9740fd946c057190& 12:04 <+bridge> Avolicious - the maintainer of the KoG community - the second biggest community within teeworlds - doesnt even have dev role 12:04 <+bridge> smh 12:04 <+bridge> ok i better delete it from heinorich 12:05 <+bridge> heinrich looking in the chat history that gets logged: :cat1: 12:05 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1248578578589941861/Heinorich.png?ex=66642cea&is=6662db6a&hm=4b24b8ef7a1b97c49ff733a8a894286e2e23c8177e2c393d0c8b1a9ceb95f5b6& 12:06 <+bridge> yeah on irc iirc 12:08 <+bridge> If you go on any ddnet server and type /credits, i am in there :poggers2: 12:09 <+bridge> Who needs Dev role 12:09 <+bridge> :poggers2: 12:09 <+bridge> fair 12:09 <+bridge> :D 12:09 <+bridge> I am more looking forward to get the "hcirnieh" role 12:09 <+bridge> Looks promising 12:10 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/989a3765f716829a7583bef7a2b6bf669ecd5e14/src/game/server/ddracechat.cpp#L18-L62 12:10 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/989a3765f716829a7583bef7a2b6bf669ecd5e14/src/game/server/ddracechat.cpp#L51 12:11 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/989a3765f716829a7583bef7a2b6bf669ecd5e14/src/game/server/ddracechat.cpp#L39 12:12 <+bridge> 9 merged PR's and i still only am under &others **feelsbadman** 12:12 <+bridge> Are you reworking to add microtransactions? 12:12 <+bridge> :KEKW: 12:12 <+bridge> If so, I can help with a payment gateway 😏 12:12 <+bridge> 12:12 <+bridge> battle-tested 12:13 <+bridge> :o 12:13 <+bridge> you get a key evers 50 kills 12:13 <+bridge> the chest is 3.99€ tho 12:13 <+bridge> smort 12:13 <+bridge> ikr 12:13 <+bridge> biggest price is VIP for 4 hours 12:13 <+bridge> Learath might get triggered and quits his job and works full-time on an open source blockworlds 😄 12:14 <+bridge> 4 hrs, 24hrs renewal time, counts even if offline 12:14 <+bridge> @nouaa suggested just releasing a barebones version without exp tracker and antibot etc 12:14 <+bridge> nonono - it vanishes on logout 12:14 <+bridge> dang, thats even more strict 12:14 <+bridge> U don't even need to impl antibot lol 12:14 <+bridge> It's alr done 12:15 <+bridge> noby's antibot sux, i'll rewrite it entirely 12:15 <+ws-client> @avolicious send pics of ur 550 flat! If its decent ima move in 12:15 <+bridge> @_noby 12:15 <+bridge> (im joking im joking noby i love you if you read this please hey hi ) 12:16 <+bridge> Well, I have to ask my fiancée first 😂 13:25 <+bridge> meow 13:26 <+bridge> ayo 13:27 <+bridge> sos - how do i join off-topic 13:28 <+bridge> #off-topic 13:28 <+bridge> Join us now and share the software 13:28 <+bridge> You'll be free 14:38 <+bridge> got the keys 14:40 <+bridge> :owo: :owo: 14:48 <+bridge> ayyyy gz 15:08 <+bridge> ayyyy bz 15:10 <+bridge> ayyyy bz2 15:42 <+bridge> ayyy tar 16:13 <+bridge> ayyyy iso 16:32 <+bridge> So many ppl trough bots here :justatest: 16:37 <+bridge> @alex0006 u the bot here 16:44 <+bridge> his name is onbgy 16:46 <+bridge> this is gold 16:49 <+bridge> True 16:51 <+bridge> 639 or 3166/ 16:51 <+bridge> 639 or 3166? 16:57 <+bridge> 🥰🥰