00:20 < bridge> I just realised this: why Map Editor is not translated? 00:30 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> Imagine a situation when someone needs help with editor but can't even describe what he wants 00:55 < bridge> were need send report on player? 01:27 < bridge> Translated compiler error messages are bad enough 01:33 < bridge> #2414 01:33 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/2414 01:33 < bridge> oy vey 01:33 < bridge> #2412 01:33 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/2412 01:34 < bridge> also #7054 01:34 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7054 01:35 < bridge> great effort, thank you Robyt3! 04:20 <+ws-client> ok nice fixed my go lsp by installing it again i did a little wopsie of deleting go at some point so that probably broke it. I am suprised how good it worked with the broken lsp :D 04:21 < bridge> lsp 4 noobs 04:21 < bridge> real coders flip the bits on a hard drive platter with a magnetic stylus 05:23 < bridge> Ye I nob 07:03 < bridge> Wat 08:11 < bridge> @learath2 ping me 08:14 < bridge> morning 08:31 < bridge> https://84-24.org/ 09:26 < bridge> @Discord Mod who can ban one hacker 09:26 < bridge> i find hacker 09:27 < bridge> who can ban him? 09:28 < bridge> @flockes_fussel ? 09:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1246728982028615690/image_2.png?ex=665d7258&is=665c20d8&hm=fd9becd11dba533fac37ee3e446b7050446c5977c2e574f8e1cafc2c8d9b8637& 11:01 < bridge> 1. wrong channel - use #✉-create-a-ticket 11:01 < bridge> 2. dont ping discord mods for ingame moderation 11:01 < bridge> 3. dont ping mods directly 11:01 < bridge> 4. why did you choose #developer ? :D 11:02 < bridge> also - good morning 11:05 < bridge> tickets are currently broken 11:05 < bridge> a - gg 11:11 < bridge> oh mah gawd chiller gets his PR's merged 11:11 < bridge> :POGGIES: 11:13 < bridge> So many issues and PRs going on! 12:43 < bridge> 3 left to report, and two of them are nitpicks 12:43 < bridge> Three left to report, and two of them are nitpicks 13:15 < bridge> Well, I wanted to say that I have two left, but now I have one left 13:16 < bridge> Although, the semicolons... yeah... 13:43 < bridge> So, I'm done with nitpicking 13:45 < bridge> Back to translating... 13:52 < bridge> Crazy stuff 14:19 < bridge> is there a name for an action when compiler takes int literals for example and tries to find a type which can hold both. Example, `-5 + 5` so if you look at them separately it would be i8 and u8, but when you try to add them the common type would be i8 14:29 < bridge> Confetti being merged in under a week is slightly unsettling 14:29 < bridge> Integer Promotions ? 14:30 < bridge> idk if that's it but ill call it like that :YEP: 14:31 < bridge> :justatest: 14:32 < bridge> In the meantime I am waiting for a response in the colored broadcast pr since a month @heinrich5991 14:32 < bridge> :kek: 14:32 < bridge> but it's more fun than when it gets merged in a few days, amirite 14:32 < bridge> And spent a hour today again solving bugs caused by merges in the 0.7 pr which is also waiting for reviews since months 14:33 < bridge> Stale prs seriously bother me 14:33 < bridge> but you just got 2 merged didnt you? :P 14:33 < bridge> Ye the boring ones 14:33 < bridge> :kek: 14:34 < bridge> And they all took way longer than 5 days 14:35 < bridge> 27 days to fix clang spamming warnings 14:35 < bridge> Vs 5 days of adding a new confetti net message 14:36 < bridge> go to #✉-create-a-ticket and complain why ur prs take so long to merge :justatest: 14:37 < bridge> when bridge create a ticket 14:39 < bridge> C calls them the "usual arithmetic conversions" 14:40 < bridge> I understand stuff takes time and nobody gets paid here. And if one would ask me to check some pr it might take 2 years or more. 14:40 < bridge> 14:40 < bridge> But then there seems to be some priority of prs that get reviews faster that I don’t understand which annoys me. I always make time to respond to feedback within 24 hours just to get ghosted for weeks again. 14:41 < bridge> The trick to getting faster reviews is not working on controversial stuff 14:41 < bridge> How is colored broadcast that much more controversial than confetti? 14:41 < bridge> Or fixing clang warnings 14:41 < bridge> There is much more to chat about how colored broadcasts should be made and handled 14:43 < bridge> 1 month ghosted on the most controversial debug print xd 14:43 < bridge> You feel as if your prs get a higher level of scrutiny, which annoys you. That is understandable. But you also commonly port stuff from 0.7 which only one developer here really cares about 14:44 < bridge> That is imo what is increasing your average review times 14:44 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8341 14:44 < bridge> I improved the usefulness of existing particles 14:44 < bridge> Highly controversial 14:44 < bridge> I don’t get it 14:46 < bridge> That’s also not 0.7 and Heinrich refuses to answer my questions here https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8331 14:47 < bridge> 8341 looks like it got reviewed. You just don't like the reviews 14:48 < bridge> Yea but how is that controversial? 14:48 < bridge> And confetti isn’t? 14:48 < bridge> It’s way less intrusive 14:50 < bridge> i think thats because confetti is a cosmetic, and "using amount of snow flakes as unfreeze time indicator" affects the visual timing of unfreeze 14:50 < bridge> The original author of the snowflakes was too lazy to add a fading out. I fixed that. How is that controversial 14:50 < bridge> i think thats because confetti is a cosmetic and doesnt change anything gameplay wise, and "using amount of snow flakes as unfreeze time indicator" affects the visual timing of unfreeze 14:50 < bridge> Yes. Before it was uselessly random now it is actually helpful. 14:51 < bridge> how to spot a chillerdragon PR: 14:51 < bridge> 14:51 < bridge> 14:51 < bridge> 300 comments 14:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1246808455273119804/image.png?ex=665dbc5c&is=665c6adc&hm=edfa7b88fd47a818f173ab3e6fc5c56500cef2b6a9e0a80e2aa1ff2c62972d8b& 14:52 < bridge> I am thinking of implementing https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8358 but I don’t wanna maintain another stale pr. 14:52 < bridge> Robyt3's review there sounds perfectly sensible to me. Random position, size and low contrast make this not very good UI/UX 14:52 < bridge> oh wow the 0.7 client support has the most comments ever received on 5.2K PR's :o 14:52 < bridge> It fits the style I wanted to make it less controversial by keeping it as is 14:53 < bridge> Surely we can make it a big snowflake at the same position every time. I would be in. But that’s not what would be merged either. 14:54 < bridge> When the snowflakes were introduced the fade out effect was forgotten or someone was too lazy to implement that. I would call my pr a non controversial quality improvement. 14:55 < bridge> Source? I'd rather consider that the author also didn't like the bad UI/UX of this 14:55 < bridge> Yea I tend to be spammy. And I opened it with the first draft hoping to get a merge on the network code before I start working on all the features. But the review phase took 2 years so I just finished it all in the meantime 14:57 < bridge> Idk who the author is. No hate. I just think that the snow flakes as particle who replaced damage indicators should also fade out. I don’t see how them fading out could be problematic in any way. So I assumed the snowflakes were unfinished. 14:57 < bridge> Nobody disagreed with that in the issue I opened for it 14:57 < bridge> In 2 years 14:59 < bridge> Nobody of the maintainers\* codedev did but he just says the freezebar covers it. Imagine me opening a pr back in the days removing the damage indicators and saying the armor covers it xd 15:03 < bridge> Anyway, you are not getting extra scrutiny is my point. Your small prs get merged just as quickly as everyone elses. Then you drop a bomb like add 6k lines for 0.7 support on client. Of your open prs, 1 is a sweeping format change, 1 is a massive change that only 2 people want, 3 are changes we feel are not exactly the best way to do things but fixes your mods, 4 are drafts, 3 are ui changes that imo needs discussion, 2 to support 0.7 15:04 < bridge> 0.7 pr would be much smaller if it were partially merged as I requested it 15:04 < bridge> And I’m not saying all my prs should be merged in 5 days 15:05 < bridge> Just the ones that are comparable with something so critical as adding confetti 15:06 < bridge> It's easy to merge confetti. That's why confetti is merged quickly. It's isolated. It looked fine. It's implemented properly 15:07 < bridge> Of all your open prs, I could only see 8307 and 8342 that are no brainers to merge 15:07 < bridge> I don’t understand how confetti is easier than fading out an effect 15:07 < bridge> #7588 also seems fine 15:07 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7588 15:07 < bridge> How can fading out an animation be problematic 15:08 < bridge> It's not that's you are fading out the snowflakes, it that you try to add meaning to it in a way that's bad UI/UX design. 15:09 < bridge> Worse than not trying at all? 15:11 < bridge> I like the other idea better so I don't see a reason to go halfway on a design I consider bad. 15:11 < bridge> > > A top to bottom melting ice cube would be much nicer in my opinion. Something that is integrated into the game world should not be a hud element but fit the environment. 15:11 < bridge> > That's a cool idea. I would generally support such a design. For the last 3-5 seconds there could also be a special shaking animation to indicate exact seconds and/or an "ice-cracking" sound effect every second. I suppose that could satisfy those who want the exact one second visual/acoustic timing that the freeze stars gave them (#6028). 15:11 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/6028 15:11 < bridge> i think we in general need a better timing indicator, once used to the freeze-bar made timing easier for me personally - but something like this: 15:11 < bridge> 15:11 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/6028#issuecomment-1412890901 15:11 < bridge> 15:11 < bridge> seems much better than 15:11 < bridge> i think we in general need a better timing indicator, once used to the freeze-bar made timing easier for me personally - but something like this: 15:11 < bridge> 15:11 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/6028#issuecomment-1412890901 15:11 < bridge> 15:11 < bridge> seems much better than ticking down the amount of stars, making them hardly visible 15:13 < bridge> As I said in this PR I'm open to getting something in which reintroduces the damage indictator style particles. In a proper way, using a freeze flake instead 15:13 < bridge> what if the freeze bar was blinking in intervals of a second? 15:13 < bridge> By proper way, I mean no hacking around with server commands 15:14 < bridge> Well I’m not opening another big pr again for ice cubes. And I still think the bad ux is better than no ux and it also looks nicer if it fades out, 15:14 < bridge> i am against that 15:14 < bridge> 15:14 < bridge> > heinrich5991: Perhaps it would help to make the bar flash on each whole second? 15:14 < bridge> > 15:14 < bridge> > Charin: Please don't. However, adding some marks in the freeze bar may help? 15:15 < bridge> Ice cubes are very hard to do 15:15 < bridge> idk the stars were doing something similair so i dont see how you wouldn't want that 15:15 < bridge> How is reusing the death effect for a finish animation good design. If fading out isn’t xd 15:15 < bridge> Yes 15:15 < bridge> So it won’t happen 15:16 < bridge> Just the fading out would have been merged in 10 minutes 15:16 < bridge> It’s what I did no? 15:16 < bridge> maybe the thing actually keeping your PR from beeing merged is the way you named it :kek: 15:16 < bridge> maybe the thing actually keeping your PR from beeing merged is the way you named it :kek: (this is meant as a joke and i don mean any harm) 15:17 < bridge> maybe the thing actually keeping your PR from beeing merged is the way you named it :kek: (this is meant as a joke and i dont mean any harm) 15:20 < bridge> So what did I do wrong then? 15:20 < bridge> I faded them out 15:20 < bridge> That's not fading out. You are decreasing their amount and adding meaning to them 15:22 < bridge> Actually I'll tag myself out of this discussion because it's giving me a headache. Merge it, don't merge it, idk. I think it's useless at the thing you intend them for. Someone should still look into bringing back a clear indicator of pace 15:26 < bridge> I would consider decreasing amount fading out. But ok sure let’s end the discussion I’m tired. I just wanted to say that I am a bit upset and the open prs make me feel bad and that’s why I would like to avoid opening new ones. 15:27 < bridge> If there are any prs that you haven't received feedback for. I'd be more than happy to look them over 15:27 < bridge> Robsti reviews everything 15:27 < bridge> He is so nice and he also looks into the big ones and never creates stale prs 15:27 < bridge> denying prs is hard but should be done to avoid steering projects into a wrong way 15:28 < bridge> :justatest: 15:28 < bridge> I would prefer denial over stale to death 15:28 < bridge> I'm starting to appreciate why oy was doing "wontfix" and just closing prs left and right 15:29 < bridge> It’s clear 15:29 < bridge> Lerato you could review my 0.7 pr hehe 15:29 < bridge> Can you rebase 7588 ? Seems fine to merge it 15:30 < bridge> You don't want me reviewing anything with 0.7 in it 15:30 < bridge> This pr should have been closed weeks ago together with the corresponding issue https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8307 15:33 < bridge> i am the worst maintainer 15:33 < bridge> @learath2 when ping 15:34 < bridge> Mh, can we do this some other day? I have to go out and meet someon, then idk when I'll get back home 15:34 < bridge> Yes but that other day i finished the stuff anyway 15:34 < bridge> i am at a speedrun 15:40 < bridge> Chill 15:42 < bridge> I invented chill 15:57 < bridge> @robyt3 this actually causes ddnet client being unable to join many servers 15:57 < bridge> as it seems 16:15 < bridge> If those servers also don't send `CNetMsg_Sv_ReadyToEnter` then they'll have to fix that on their side, otherwise this will also cause other issues on the client-side if this message is missing 16:16 < bridge> This is de-facto breaking backwards compatibility, since many servers 1. don't know about this and 2. not every source is open probably 16:17 < bridge> do you know what mods are broken? I'd think servers that have stuff like theme changes is very rare 16:17 < bridge> i've just seen people report they cant connect to specific servers and/or map mismatches and i've had that myself a few times 16:17 < bridge> i think more niche mods, like mmotee 16:33 < bridge> i have a newbie question about game networking in general, if anyone has insights: if i have a pve scenario where untrustworthy clients aren't too much of a problem, would predicting client positions ahead of time server-side and doing calculations with predicted position make sense? (and later on adding some sort of anticheat for fishy inputs) -- I want the client to have as smooth of an experience as possible without too much compromise 16:35 < bridge> Yea if hacking is not a problem go with the Minecraft approach. It feels blazingly smooth with basically no internet connectivity required. 16:36 < bridge> if you trust the client, run the simulation on the client, then sync the results to the server, it'll be butter smooth 16:37 < bridge> Let the client do all game logic locally and then just inform the server of the new state on a „trust me bro“ basis. It will be lag free and simple. But when you then want to avoid people using teleportation and speed hacks you will get a bit of a messy situation. 16:37 < bridge> The only issue is if there are multiple players you'll need to figure out a way for the server to resolve conflicts 16:38 < bridge> e.g. client A shoots monster, kills it, client B on their screen shoots same monster, kills it, who killed the monster? 16:39 < bridge> it is multiple players -- also a bit confused on whether i need to predict enemy ai on clientside or not (if enemy A with deterministic AI shoots a bullet at player B, should player A predict the bullet being shot), since i need to do all collision calculation server side 16:40 < bridge> If you trust your players don’t collision calculate server side hehe 16:40 < bridge> It’s like paint ball. Rely on players saying „hit“ 16:41 < bridge> xd 16:41 < bridge> well i want to trust player's movement + location since that has less chot potential than just ignoring anytime they get hit 16:41 < bridge> Are untrustworthy clients a problem now or not? Xd 16:42 < bridge> i guess i wasnt clear, i want to trust them half only on the things that aren't super chot worthy 16:42 < bridge> not sure if that makes sense 16:42 < bridge> So teleportation is not bad? 16:43 < bridge> it is, but i could solve that with anticheat 16:43 < bridge> Mh, this is not an easy problem when the source of truth is different for different properties of an entity 16:44 < bridge> but anyway, I would first not predict anything, establish who is authoritative on what and how state gets propagated and conflicts resolved 16:45 < bridge> After that you add in prediction where things are not smooth. Ai shots depend on the game but I'd think wouldn't need much prediction if your projectiles are fast and the server is authoritative on projectiles 16:46 < bridge> ye i guess ill have to go from simple to more complex 16:46 < bridge> it's a bullet hell so character position + bullet position needs to be close to truth as possible client-side 16:47 < bridge> On your first question, idk, it depends again on how you want it to feel. If you predict on the server, but the client has stopped on their own screen and get shot, it'll feel wrong 16:48 < bridge> for that problem i was thinking to just undo the previous tick's collisions if client input changes and server has to predict a position in the opposite direction 16:48 < bridge> What if client input arrives too late? 16:49 < bridge> yep that's a problem too, i guess just predict for however many ticks late it is, if a client is consistently late maybe flag it thru the anticheat somehow 16:49 < bridge> but then the client and server could desync as well if it's too late / something got dropped 16:51 < bridge> in that case maybe the server can just force the client position to its predicted position and client corrects itself? shouldn't be a problem except for laggy players 16:51 < bridge> Why do you want to predict the client position on the server? 16:52 < bridge> i want the relative player-enemy-bullet layout on the client to match the relative player-enemy-bullet layout on the server 16:53 < bridge> so i believe the server would either have to keep track of the previous x ticks of each bullet and calculate collision based on each player's ping or predict each player's movements x ticks in advanced with ground truth bullet position 17:03 < bridge> Ah, I think I get it, that does sound sensible. The server is technically behind the clients, it has not received all the inputs necessary to know what will happen this tick. So it can instead do it's thing on a predicted state, then you can retroactively fix up any mistakes the prediction made. 17:11 < bridge> I don't think I'd bother though, just have the server run behind and have the client predict, retroactively fixing game state is expensive 17:13 < bridge> idea for moderator in game force swap with blocker and then banning that person , to save tees that he blocked . 17:19 < bridge> how is the server config for allowing cheated runs called? xd 17:20 < bridge> how is the server config for allowing cheated ranks called? xd 17:20 < bridge> how is the server config for allowing cheated ranks (with rcon) called? xd 17:27 < bridge> https://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2024/06/02/the-borrow-checker-within/ 17:27 < bridge> @learath2 pls read this when u can 17:27 < bridge> nice article 18:17 < bridge> Привет,стим раздает 10 долларов,успей забрать [steamcommunity.com/gift](http://alturl.com/wyao8) 20:03 < bridge> @murpi is it intended that we don't see who declines map with the new application commands ? 20:09 < bridge> Ideally the decline reason should be written by the Tester who declined the map 20:29 < bridge> It doesn't exist afaik 20:41 < bridge> So, now I need to replace `...` with `…` now... 20:42 < bridge> in your translation yes - roby did it for existing 20:43 < bridge> you mean now… 20:48 < bridge> Another reminder: I am remaking Ukrainian translation, and haven't pushed the changes yet 20:48 < bridge> Yet another reminder: I am remaking Ukrainian translation, and haven't pushed the changes yet 20:51 < bridge> Now I have 29 untranslated strings and 15 strings with translation I am not 100% sure about, totaling in 44 strings 20:52 < bridge> So, the progress is 92.5\~95%... crazy stuff, ain't it? 20:54 < bridge> Okay, now that I joined an fng server I got some more "unsure" strings XD 20:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1246899961258311680/f42ade4778b79ca3.png?ex=665e1195&is=665cc015&hm=b5602aa941e1d1e6f5c30a4891dcb294c3d337eb3fecf50aadf55c8581d01fd6& 20:55 < bridge> Text does not fit 😭 21:15 < bridge> It's good that I checked it, though! 21:15 < bridge> Or you would have gotten a bad translation for non-\\DDrace 😅 21:15 < bridge> Or you would have gotten a bad translation for non-DDrace 😅 21:24 < bridge> Had to shorten "\ team" to just "\" (it makes sense!) and "Switch to \" to just "To \" (it ***kinda*** makes sense..!) 21:32 < bridge> type inference 21:34 < bridge> oh you should definitely check both previous ukranian (on 0.7) and russian translations 21:36 < bridge> I won't check russian translation 21:37 < bridge> half of your translations problems come from not checking other slavic translations smh 21:37 < bridge> Wrong 21:38 < bridge> Also, I checked old Ukrainian translation and it is bad 21:38 < bridge> Won't even check russian 21:38 < bridge> Won't even check russian xD 21:38 < bridge> Won't even check russian, I suspect it's the same xD 21:38 < bridge> ok 21:40 < bridge> It says "For red" and "For blue", which is confusing 21:40 < bridge> Whoops, wrong reply 21:41 < bridge> It says "For red" and "For blue", which creates a confusion 21:42 < bridge> ye, [play] for red/blue 21:43 < bridge> pretty straightforward, actually sounds like [play] as red/blue 21:43 < bridge> anticheat is a losing game 21:44 < bridge> don't think that exists 21:45 < bridge> less straightforward than "Go to red/blue team", and that's how I translated it 21:46 < bridge> can't really say if there something better than "[играть] За красных" with same width 21:46 < bridge> less straightforward than "Go to red/blue team", (that's how I translated it) 21:47 < bridge> imho Russian shouldn't tell Ukrainian how to make Ukrainian translation 21:47 < bridge> less straightforward than "[Go] to red/blue team", (that's how I translated it) 21:47 < bridge> wdym, i say that about russian translation, not about ukrainian 21:48 < bridge> ^ 21:48 < bridge> "К красньім" 21:48 < bridge> even less letters 21:49 < bridge> i said that because i translated and retranslated almost all ddnet related lines in russian and happened to suffer from same thing you recall there 21:49 < bridge> i didn't touch teeworlds related lines since theyre perfect and iconic for me at least 21:49 < bridge> i better log off or that might escalate 21:50 < bridge> theres nothing to escalate huh 22:21 < bridge> @murpi #bot-cmds perhaps that message should also be privately sent 22:29 < bridge> Hm, what if Esperanto becomes source language so there is no confusion for translators (Esperanto words always have only one meaning, I heard) 22:29 < bridge> 22:29 < bridge> /hj 22:31 < bridge> how about we invent a new language called teelang 22:31 < bridge> ^ 22:31 < bridge> mimimi 22:31 < bridge> i speak in 😠 22:31 < bridge> :ouch: 22:31 < bridge> ^ this means "i pressed f3" 22:31 < bridge> :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: :heartw: 22:31 < bridge> my normal conversation 22:31 < bridge> on ddnet 22:31 < bridge> f4 far 22:33 < bridge> i dont trust no language invented by a ophthalmologist! 22:34 < bridge> Yet you trust translations made by random people on The Web :^) 22:35 < bridge> mi mmimimi mi 22:36 < bridge> btw, does teelang has tones? 22:36 < bridge> thats because translations are human readable ? - i dont care if a translation is wrong, and if it is, i propose a change 22:36 < bridge> native speaker: 22:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1246925462513385493/vo_teefault_cry-02.wv?ex=665e2955&is=665cd7d5&hm=6e967d014cdb830158748f65b21fb1b5991b12f1eec68a6b0787edf118b15f90& 22:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1246925601588117524/tee.mp3?ex=665e2976&is=665cd7f6&hm=c709e6f59f878a6efe36e02a0b130c396a323020ecfaa81e04aa98cfe31f68da& 22:37 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/teeworlds-stepfunn-lcsg-ddnet-ddracenetwork-gif-8172113141675202413 22:38 < bridge> I'll figure something out 22:38 < bridge> i'd say this could literally be "gotta win" 22:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1246925880161337397/gottawin.mp3?ex=665e29b8&is=665cd838&hm=8484c79d4c991da2f63791aa0eb25f715b31534663bae614f3e7388a5f3465c9& 22:38 < bridge> if u listen very closely 22:38 < bridge> why do you have a separate CTF capture sound for Polish 😭 22:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1246926056468910141/cd25dbac5179987c.png?ex=665e29e2&is=665cd862&hm=ed42127c524181da0d0cf9016d28045ad89caae9609e35226c08f1970f3ef66a& 22:39 < bridge> iirc all the audio's from back then were created by 3 people in a room with a mic, a plastic bottle and funky audio software 22:39 < bridge> man that bottle must have hurt 22:39 < bridge> 22:39 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1246925601848426561 22:39 < bridge> matricks said something about it once - i forgot 22:40 < bridge> matricks said something about it once - i forgot tho 22:40 < bridge> **sry if the gif was inappropriate btw** 22:41 < bridge> :troll: 22:41 < bridge> which gif, can u resend? 22:41 < bridge> stepfunn my honest reaction gif 22:41 < bridge> i rather not! :P - someone deleted it for a reason :D 22:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1246926962660741220/vo_teefault_pain_long-01.wv?ex=665e2aba&is=665cd93a&hm=67f24ae2ed80cef02cb2fc1a449558e9edc822e72197bb3452d7b123fcf7d8d8& 22:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1246926964913209434/vo_teefault_pain_long-02.wv?ex=665e2abb&is=665cd93b&hm=5e8c381d01b6f1cd185cdfa4564887a8cb0badebedaed0f8b9d7315551bbb352& 22:42 < bridge> guess u have to open the game and ask the native speakers 22:45 < bridge> [Do they know Esperanto?]() 22:45 < bridge> teenglish 22:46 < bridge> [Do they know Esperanto?](https://reddit.nerdvpn.de/jgd36z) 22:46 < bridge> my tee knows everything 22:51 < bridge> that was a bad joke about Chinese 22:52 < bridge> sry i gave humor -10 in my skill tree 22:59 < bridge> What is CI, again? 23:03 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration