00:01 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244772494057930852/image.png?ex=66565439&is=665502b9&hm=abcc56e150063c4a26dc35f56fe03cdfc51a8ad43666e5b0027a96e6f1d11f93& 00:34 < bridge> I did not review PRs today 00:37 < bridge> me neither 00:37 < bridge> good morning 🌞 00:37 < bridge> if u i can even say that 00:37 < bridge> 4:37 pm :feelsbadman: 01:10 < bridge> i think i will just use plasma :feelsbadman: 01:55 < bridge> i never got an answer before but is there a way i can somehow run this: https://uptime.lukron.xyz/api/push/rl3wv29Hds?status=up&msg=OK&ping= so that when my ddnet server is on it shows on uptime kuma 01:55 < bridge> is there anywhere i can just add it 02:02 < bridge> i tried nanoing into the DDNet-Server executable to add it and thats never gonna happen 02:45 < bridge> wha 02:45 < bridge> you can't text edit a compiled binary 04:12 < bridge> it might be easier to just run another script in parallel that pings your server ip and then queries that website if you don't want to mess with ddnet code 05:08 < bridge> teeworlds servers don’t implement ping 06:18 < bridge> Just send a packet that gets a response 06:48 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3a44u0DxCA 07:12 < bridge> I just realised now: after the change they made to "Spectate" it will stay "Spectate" for English, and that's not what I want 07:13 < bridge> I'll even compile from source once more 07:16 < bridge> And, probably, make a commit reverting their change related to "Spectate" 07:35 < bridge> What are you doing again 07:51 < bridge> \#8403 07:51 < bridge> Urgh. https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8403 07:53 < bridge> I did, and it practicly undid all changes I made: it again shows Name (the "ім'я" one) and Spectate (instead of Spectating) 07:53 < bridge> I did, and it practicaly undid all changes I made: it again shows Name (the "ім'я" one) and Spectate (instead of Spectating) 07:53 < bridge> I did, and it practically undid all changes I made: it again shows Name (the "ім'я" one) and Spectate (instead of Spectating) 07:54 < bridge> Now I can say "they broke what I've fixed" 07:55 < bridge> I need help again... 08:09 < bridge> So, to clarify myself again, I want two strings modified: 08:09 < bridge> 08:09 < bridge> * `Spectate` in the Spectator UI (I want it to be changed to `Spectating` while leaving the `Spectate` button alone); 08:09 < bridge> * `Name` in the server browser, so that it is different from `Name` in the scoreboard. 08:12 < bridge> have u still not finished it 08:13 < bridge> i thought it was clear that you should simply use the context 08:22 < bridge> Spectate is the String its looking for, If you add a context you want to add that to the translate String and translate `spectate` in the context of `SpectateIngame` 08:22 < bridge> 08:22 < bridge> So you'd "translate" `spectate` to `spectating` in the context of `SpectateIngame` 08:22 < bridge> 08:22 < bridge> Already described in my previous comment 08:22 < bridge> Here 08:22 < bridge> That gives you what you want 08:24 < bridge> Spectateingame might Not be a fitting Name tho, idk how one should call it 08:45 < bridge> How it should look in the l10n file? 08:45 < bridge> 08:45 < bridge> ``` 08:46 < bridge> [Spectator UI] 08:46 < bridge> Spectate 08:46 < bridge> == Spectating 08:46 < bridge> ``` 08:46 < bridge> 08:46 < bridge> or what? How do I make it to show "Spectating" again where it was before they made the change? 08:46 < bridge> I am really confused... that's why I said "I can't make a PR"... 08:48 < bridge> we have a script that generates translations 08:48 < bridge> u can simply apply your patches. call the script and continue translating 09:06 < bridge> and what's the script filename? 09:08 < bridge> dunno but it's in the scripts dir 09:09 < bridge> scripts/languages/update_all.py 09:09 < bridge> this maybe 09:10 < bridge> thought of this and i might just have a script that runs permanently that checks the pid of DDNet-Server and if it’s up it then uses the push link 09:11 < bridge> PID's arent static are they ? 09:11 < bridge> is there any good hoster? 09:12 < bridge> that’s why it checks for it as well 09:13 < bridge> Forgot Pgrep exists :monkaStop: 09:14 < bridge> i tried doing it last night and instead of having one script run forever i tried making a wrapper script that if one ends the other ends 09:15 < bridge> i managed to remove my maps directory 09:15 < bridge> 💀 09:15 < bridge> morning 09:15 < bridge> good morning rust legend 09:15 < bridge> Good morning gui enjoyer 09:15 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2F-DItXtZs 09:16 < bridge> good morning windows enjoyer 09:16 < bridge> :monkaStop: 09:16 < bridge> 🧑‍🚀 09:16 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/cool-fun-white-cat-dance-cool-and-fun-times-gif-16435335956387921912 09:16 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks you are aa hoster? 09:16 < bridge> tripple a 09:16 < bridge> lmfao yeah. im just gonna write a shell script later and hope that a small portion of my python skills can help 09:17 < bridge> and not remove more directories by mistake 09:17 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks tell 09:17 < bridge> what should i host? 09:17 < bridge> i host fng servers 09:17 < bridge> a pakistan server 09:17 < bridge> ah for that you have to ask deen 09:17 < bridge> and give him some money for it 09:17 < bridge> Pgrep ddnet-servrr, and then Just while true: do 09:17 < bridge> 09:17 < bridge> And then let IT sleep for Like 2 Minutes 09:17 < bridge> 😏 09:17 < bridge> how much @jupeyy_keks 09:18 < bridge> Yes. 09:22 < bridge> no he has 60hz 09:22 < bridge> i have 60hz too 09:22 < bridge> is computer expensive in pakistan? 09:22 < bridge> kinda 09:22 < bridge> well a good pc can defs improve game feeling 09:22 < bridge> better latency etc. 09:22 < bridge> couldve also been difference in vsync settings or peripheral delay 09:23 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks margin cant fix 150ms 09:23 < bridge> if u have above 300fps, that should be more than enough on 60hz monitors 09:23 < bridge> bro i have 1000 09:23 < bridge> maybe he also has more stable internet 😄 09:23 < bridge> no no no 09:24 < bridge> just tell me how much performance linux can get 09:24 < bridge> i have 1000 can he make like 2000 09:24 < bridge> it depends on your hardware 09:24 < bridge> ? 09:24 < bridge> with my gtx 760 + intel i7 3770k i got around 2000 FPS more 09:24 < bridge> linux wont fix ur problem unless u have hella spyware on ur os already 09:24 < bridge> when switching from windows to linux 09:25 < bridge> hm waht is best contribution for linux? 09:25 < bridge> but more important than fps is stable internet, good mouse, good keyboard (IMHO) 09:25 < bridge> i have good mouse good keybord and a good internet 09:25 < bridge> hard to say. i'd say Kubuntu is good for beginners 09:25 < bridge> waht is best for fps 09:25 < bridge> most linux distros are similar 09:25 < bridge> if u arent a super linux hacker and use gentoo 09:25 < bridge> gentoo is hardcore best 09:26 < bridge> really doesn't matter that much. don't listen to purple names 09:26 < bridge> i dont think u should switch 💀 09:26 < bridge> reinstall your current OS first 09:26 < bridge> then if you want to install a linux distro 09:26 < bridge> i have win 10 09:26 < bridge> u can also try out linux on usb stick 09:26 < bridge> then if u like it install it, if not don't 09:26 < bridge> or Linux Mint, that one worked for me too 09:26 < bridge> i compile kernel for zen4 and ddnet for zen4 09:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244914875201749093/Screenshot_2024-05-28_122634.png?ex=6656d8d3&is=66558753&hm=5fb137665d6eb1de3520f9c9b9e921dfb6f5d2f1356a73df7ac7478646bfa800& 09:27 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks like i have a usb 09:27 < bridge> stick 09:27 < bridge> how it will work? 09:28 < bridge> u download ISO from here: 09:28 < bridge> https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ 09:28 < bridge> 09:28 < bridge> and then follow this guide: 09:28 < bridge> https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu#1-overview 09:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244915097533546561/video_20240528_152731.mp4?ex=6656d908&is=66558788&hm=364d4791d7a6624c606a8df74c2d986ad832dbc5e1acdfd182067798a118be54& 09:28 < bridge> i haven't done that in like 3-4 years 09:28 < bridge> so dunno the exact steps 09:28 < bridge> Compiling DDNet 10 times a day is a problem for my netbook 09:28 < bridge> its not even ddnet 09:29 < bridge> https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#1-overview 09:29 < bridge> ok this is for windows 09:29 < bridge> ^ 09:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244915541500629073/mmexport1716881388803.png?ex=6656d972&is=665587f2&hm=20ea74ab96910acd3537aa70d245841ecf114bdc04887a7d87052266796e39bd& 09:29 < bridge> i have a simple idea 09:29 < bridge> lots of settings that go into this tho 09:30 < bridge> work pc is dying 09:30 < bridge> depending on if vsync is on, whether u have aa on, and which fullscreen mode you're using if any 09:30 < bridge> is your pc locale set to chinese? 09:30 < bridge> I'm just saying 09:30 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks hmm my game only goes at 4k fps 09:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244915727128068127/image.png?ex=6656d99e&is=6655881e&hm=a27bb452d09d077b2d8fa5a40cd4ff07ab9860f4bc9b7daf3c8f0d3ae7e7461b& 09:30 < bridge> gentoo moment 09:30 < bridge> it was. i switched to english 09:31 < bridge> it came out of IT department in chinese 09:31 < bridge> i have gfx_async_renderer old 1 09:31 < bridge> is 0 better 09:31 < bridge> no 1 09:31 < bridge> why is 1 better 09:31 < bridge> bcs 1 means it's doing it async 09:31 < bridge> the old is just bit confusing 09:31 < bridge> in the name 09:32 < bridge> the old behavior is not doing it async xD 09:32 < bridge> wtf 09:32 < bridge> stupid name 09:32 < bridge> anyway i've had it on 1 for a long time 09:32 < bridge> i will go to a local computer shop and say pls install me linux os 09:32 < bridge> no 09:32 < bridge> i get 6k on the same mapü 09:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244916229924454432/image.png?ex=6656da16&is=66558896&hm=030508cd601b71496df48498b82769ecf7fdddddb30d494522da754c8e515209& 09:32 < bridge> u can do it 09:32 < bridge> i get 6k on the same map 09:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244916229924454432/image.png?ex=6656da16&is=66558896&hm=030508cd601b71496df48498b82769ecf7fdddddb30d494522da754c8e515209& 09:32 < bridge> for free 09:32 < bridge> my advice is dont install linux at all 09:32 < bridge> u are not someone who needs to install linux 09:32 < bridge> but i had 10k fps in past 09:32 < bridge> my game seems locked at like 5k 09:33 < bridge> windows pilled 09:33 < bridge> i am sad 09:33 < bridge> when i open menu it doesnt lower much 09:33 < bridge> everyone needs to install linux 09:33 < bridge> :nouis: 09:33 < bridge> make the linux desktop mature faster 09:33 < bridge> did ddnet lower perfomance? 09:33 < bridge> i dont think so.. at least not a lot 09:33 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks oh wait i think im not compiling o3 09:34 < bridge> i also had to disable lto for ddnet 09:34 < bridge> my advice is don't listen to purple names unless you are also purple or you want to be purple 09:34 < bridge> cuz it had warnings with some flags 09:34 < bridge> CAN 09:34 < bridge> :lol: 09:34 < bridge> true 09:34 < bridge> anyone can give me best 09:34 < bridge> setting for 09:34 < bridge> ok im with o3 09:34 < bridge> WDYM 09:34 < bridge> ddnet 09:34 < bridge> for good rly good fpx 09:34 < bridge> get a ryzen threadripper epyc 09:35 < bridge> i don't understand why you need more fps than 1000 09:35 < bridge> and rtx 4090 09:35 < bridge> it matures when developers make and update software for it not when casual users install it and receive a bad experience 09:35 < bridge> i have doubt 09:35 < bridge> yeah tbh he doesnt need it 09:35 < bridge> he probably has other settings on 09:35 < bridge> vsync or smth 09:35 < bridge> like when i started to play ddnet i was having 200ms in rus blocker but now i am having 400ms 09:36 < bridge> but that has nothing to do with FPS 09:36 < bridge> something like these settings will be good 09:36 < bridge> ``` 09:36 < bridge> gfx_fullscreen 1 09:36 < bridge> gfx_vsync 0 09:36 < bridge> gfx_fsaa_samples 0 09:36 < bridge> cl_refresh_rate 0 09:36 < bridge> gfx_refresh_rate 120 09:36 < bridge> gfx_asyncrender_old 1 09:36 < bridge> ``` 09:36 < bridge> for fps 09:36 < bridge> that has nothing to do with your setup 09:36 < bridge> ping is different 09:36 < bridge> someone compiles a version with fps counter trippled and send it to him plz. 09:36 < bridge> that caps FPS to 120 lmao 09:36 < bridge> it's some declassified ufo files from 1960s, officially released from the AU gov. 09:36 < bridge> unfortunately, I can't seem to find the highly detailed reddit post about this from yesterday anymore. it's not under my liked posts or to be found in any subreddit where it could've been 09:36 < bridge> I remembered something 09:36 < bridge> yep 09:36 < bridge> 120 is too low 09:36 < bridge> nope 09:36 < bridge> he is on 60 hz monitor 09:36 < bridge> i use 1000 on both 09:36 < bridge> set to 0 to chew for no reason 09:36 < bridge> i'd go at least `monitor hz * 4` 09:36 < bridge> but performance will be essentially the same 09:37 < bridge> ``` 09:37 < bridge> on.c.o -c /var/tmp/portage/games-action/ddnet-9999/work/ddnet-9999/src/engine/external/json-parser/json.c 09:37 < bridge> /var/tmp/portage/games-action/ddnet-9999/work/ddnet-9999/src/engine/external/json-parser/json.c: In function ‘new_value’: 09:37 < bridge> /var/tmp/portage/games-action/ddnet-9999/work/ddnet-9999/src/engine/external/json-parser/json.c:140:45: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing] 09:37 < bridge> 140 | value->_reserved.object_mem = (*(char **) &value->u.object.values) + values_size; 09:37 < bridge> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 09:37 < bridge> /var/tmp/portage/games-action/ddnet-9999/work/ddnet-9999/src/engine/external/json-parser/json.c: In function ‘json_parse_ex’: 09:37 < bridge> /var/tmp/portage/games-action/ddnet-9999/work/ddnet-9999/src/engine/external/json-parser/json.c:402:27: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing] 09:37 < bridge> 402 | (*(json_char **) &top->u.object.values) += string_length + 1; 09:37 < bridge> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 09:37 < bridge> cc1: some warnings being treated as errors 09:37 < bridge> ``` 09:37 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks my lto check flags fail for ddnet 09:37 < bridge> cpp moment 09:37 < bridge> i actually use 240 exactly 09:37 < bridge> yeah LTO causes warnings 09:37 < bridge> but seems overkill 09:37 < bridge> bro i have 120 now?? 09:37 < bridge> i don't understand why godot's build system randomly sings 09:37 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks i ahve 120 09:37 < bridge> what i mean by that is the disinformation campaign which is going on since about 80 years 09:37 < bridge> fix ittt 09:37 < bridge> if u want max frames 09:37 < bridge> is that my fault? XD 09:37 < bridge> then set gfx_refresh_rate to 0 09:37 < bridge> XD 09:38 < bridge> but it's wasteful 09:38 < bridge> and latency is basically unaffected 09:38 < bridge> it's set gfx_refresh_rate to 300 in your case 09:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244917645749256192/mmexport1716881867795.png?ex=6656db68&is=665589e8&hm=977010f7f300c95b1f38ca4cf45893f3f5699e82743dd0ce13d73b67ae9e73d6& 09:38 < bridge> why it sings 09:38 < bridge> its happy 09:38 < bridge> lmao 09:38 < bridge> happy happy happy *insert gif here* 09:38 < bridge> back in normal lmao 09:38 < bridge> windows terminal moment 09:38 < bridge> @mussa_yt what do u want it to do exactly 09:39 < bridge> i want my fps to like 3k 09:39 < bridge> i have 1k 09:39 < bridge> why 09:39 < bridge> This settings tab is not localised 09:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244917844433567848/4378c7ea7039a011.png?ex=6656db97&is=66558a17&hm=3b68169e05bdd15204c33ad4d8375c6857d7bfa62ec1369c91acbf5575380720& 09:39 < bridge> u can only percieve 60 09:39 < bridge> Tee is a proper name 09:39 < bridge> setting it higher just gives your monitor more opportunities to pick up on exactly when the buffer is updated basically 09:39 < bridge> Teeworlds 09:39 < bridge> better for latency 09:39 < bridge> but fps unaffected 09:39 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks you dosen clear my douby 09:39 < bridge> oge 09:40 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks waht your 1st fin ish map 09:40 < bridge> on ddnet it is flappy bird xd 09:40 < bridge> wait i have kobra 09:41 < bridge> cool 09:41 < bridge> i ahve doubt broo 09:41 < bridge> like when i started to play ddnet i was having 200ms in rus blocker but now i am having 400ms 09:42 < bridge> bruh task manager showed my 0.00ghz for a second 09:42 < bridge> i already told you.. internet issue 09:42 < bridge> nothing i can do 09:42 < bridge> no i play on smae internet 09:42 < bridge> ping deen 09:42 < bridge> ask him for pakistan server 09:42 < bridge> <0xdeen> pong 09:42 < bridge> fps != ping 09:42 < bridge> holy shit 09:42 < bridge> arrived 09:42 < bridge> how does that work 09:42 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d0gmns/australian_government_ufo_report_from_1960_hosted/?share_id=f6iZ7mAJaoME2IXvKr0Ks&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1 09:42 < bridge> he has sonar 09:42 < bridge> @0xdeen add paksitan server noww!!!! 09:42 < bridge> didnt u see 09:43 < bridge> ask him nicely... 09:43 < bridge> u ping deen and he pons 09:43 < bridge> u ping deen and he pongs 09:43 < bridge> <0xdeen> get 50 pakistani players online at once 09:43 < bridge> :gigachad: 09:43 < bridge> bro troll? 09:43 < bridge> indai dosen have that 09:43 < bridge> @0xdeen and if he sponsors it? 09:43 < bridge> would u wanna pay a handsome chunk every month for 3 ppl to play 09:43 < bridge> naw 09:43 < bridge> <0xdeen> india is easy to host in, pakistan hard 09:44 < bridge> hm how pakistan hard? 09:44 < bridge> hosting is probably expensive 09:44 < bridge> and/or scarce 09:45 < bridge> @0xdeen how it is expensive 09:45 < bridge> or hard 09:45 < bridge> you know it costs money to rent servers 09:46 < bridge> can you simply send a link to a pakistan VPS? 09:46 < bridge> then u can tell 09:46 < bridge> ok 09:46 < bridge> is linking generally just slow? 09:46 < bridge> use mold linker 09:46 < bridge> then it's pretty fast 09:46 < bridge> he's windows 09:46 < bridge> me's windows 09:46 < bridge> windows me 09:46 < bridge> i think lld is ur best bet 09:48 < bridge> <0xdeen> show me a good vps hoster in pakistan 09:48 < bridge> tbh i think he is a kid 09:48 < bridge> r u 18 already? xd 09:48 < bridge> i turn 19 in a few month 09:48 < bridge> uff 09:48 < bridge> u got oldy 09:48 < bridge> <0xdeen> maybe he plays other games, the ip of a good server would help 09:49 < bridge> i am finding a vps 09:50 < bridge> @0xdeen how time it will get to ban with krx? 09:50 < bridge> lmfao 09:50 < bridge> just asking 09:50 < bridge> as soon as mods find out? 09:51 < bridge> which uhh 09:51 < bridge> 😶 09:51 < bridge> <0xdeen> i can ban you now? 😄 09:51 < bridge> bro i am not using now 09:51 < bridge> bro chill 09:51 < bridge> **now** 09:51 < bridge> didnt u want to find a VPS 09:52 < bridge> dont get distracted 09:52 < bridge> msvc moment 09:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244921142276395050/image.png?ex=6656dea9&is=66558d29&hm=ab576ea0564c6b0f306f962ae000b77f599123a20301719203362a252884a7e3& 09:52 < bridge> DDNet tab is translatable though 09:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244921199037775952/acecd55e6ef9c7f1.png?ex=6656deb7&is=66558d37&hm=7489667e28ad5036bd8ed156b95286c8f9533b1ed438fafe74f841cbee92abdb& 09:52 < bridge> maybe it shouldn't be 09:52 < bridge> Mhh that's weird too 09:52 < bridge> (not an actual translation I use) 09:52 < bridge> bro my internet hoster is a vps 09:52 < bridge> DDNet is a proper name to me too 09:52 < bridge> @mussa_yt what internet hoster 09:52 < bridge> your isp ? 09:53 < bridge> ya 09:53 < bridge> crazy 09:53 < bridge> send link 09:53 < bridge> of what 09:53 < bridge> their homepage 09:53 < bridge> a link to the page to rent a vps 09:53 < bridge> What the hell is that 09:53 < bridge> bro i msg him asking are you a vps he said yes i ddint ask for link 09:53 < bridge> nobody asked if you were a vps 09:53 < bridge> is that didinet 09:54 < bridge> they were asking if you knew one because nobody else here does 09:54 < bridge> lmao, do u want access to ddnet databse 09:54 < bridge> lmao, do u want access to ddnet database 09:54 < bridge> let me send you better one 09:54 < bridge> just send a vps hoster 09:54 < bridge> It's how we pronounce it 09:54 < bridge> isn't it how everyone pronounce it as well 09:54 < bridge> That's how we pronounce it 09:54 < bridge> ya 09:54 < bridge> but u don't spell it DiDiNet 09:54 < bridge> I meant, that's how it would look like if you write down the pronounciation 09:54 < bridge> https://hostadvice.com/go/host/72108/?category_id=364 09:54 < bridge> i guess ДД is literally unpronounceable 09:55 < bridge> I mean, that's how it would look like if you write down the pronounciation 09:55 < bridge> you can go down 09:55 < bridge> and see 09:55 < bridge> 2 vCPU :justatest: 09:55 < bridge> So, yeah... 09:55 < bridge> no pakistan location 09:55 < bridge> i t has 09:55 < bridge> \#nobugs 09:55 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> Not everything should be translated 09:55 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> This just looks off 09:55 < bridge> I know 09:56 < bridge> It is a translatable string though 09:56 < bridge> so where is pakistan again 09:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244922140311158824/image.png?ex=6656df97&is=66558e17&hm=25de8c2b22e765f61a8ebf80602fdf0f540d200ab98a359adb3c5f71c65922fa& 09:56 < bridge> Might as well do some evil stuff 09:56 < bridge> Unless you remove it, in that case "oh well" 09:56 < bridge> That's how i say when i talk in Ukrainian xd 09:56 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> It mostly pronounced like english D but harder 09:56 < bridge> ahhaha 09:57 < bridge> just don't do a phonetic translation of smthing like that 09:57 < bridge> leave it as DDNet 09:57 < bridge> latin script 09:57 < bridge> probably just translation issue, cuz we kept both DDNet and Tee in chinese 09:57 < bridge> I know, that's why I said it's not an actual translation 09:57 < bridge> is "Rs.3,340/ month" a lot for you? 09:57 < bridge> https://www.serversea.pk/vps-hosting 09:57 < bridge> try this 09:57 < bridge> https://www.serversea.pk/vps-hosting 09:57 < bridge> is "Rs.11,633/month" a lot for you? 09:58 < bridge> ya its lot 09:58 < bridge> Just remove that string and you will have no problems later *giggle* 09:58 < bridge> see. that's what you and your 15 pakistan buddies would need to pay 09:58 < bridge> https://www.hosterpk.com/vps-hosting 09:58 < bridge> 09:58 < bridge> this one gives it for 3340 Rs 09:58 < bridge> hm 10:01 < bridge> By the way, my phone keyboard has ₨ in it 10:01 < bridge> Long live Unexpected Keyboard 10:01 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244923291278508042/image.png?ex=6656e0aa&is=66558f2a&hm=4d1537c1faba824ad899a07a6986604282850272d726cf0d0b7db414774ae565& 10:01 < bridge> did u try ddnet with o3 now? 10:01 < bridge> it was o3 already 10:01 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cxj4f4/non_human_intelligence_exists_non_human/ 10:01 < bridge> but no lto 10:01 < bridge> rip then 10:01 < bridge> i tried the emerge one 10:01 < bridge> better pc than me. but less FPS 10:01 < bridge> 😬 10:01 < bridge> maybe it adds some security flags 10:01 < bridge> send ur cmake cli 10:01 < bridge> and i tri 10:01 < bridge> i use the official client 10:01 < bridge> wrong channel 10:02 < bridge> right channel, i need you to develop my anti gravity propulsion system, thans 10:02 < bridge> mine's boring rn 10:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244923657969467432/image.png?ex=6656e101&is=66558f81&hm=93384a1ba1fc5e6ed1d820f071a10c5e2d6e067a3d5e72f8561993f30fca8c84& 10:02 < bridge> i set it up yesterday 10:02 < bridge> i am on plasma cuz gnome is so helplessly fucked 10:02 < bridge> thanks* 10:02 < bridge> is it share neofetch month again? 10:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244923759480148041/image.png?ex=6656e119&is=66558f99&hm=ac2aadb3aea5cf46d1761380b4df8bfbbca4986347a4f328f158af710db4b81d& 10:02 < bridge> fastfetch 10:02 < bridge> neofetch is dead 10:03 < bridge> get with the program buddy 10:03 < bridge> milkey decided that fastfetch is uncool 10:03 < bridge> i trust him 10:03 < bridge> I am a translator, go away 10:03 < bridge> ??? 10:04 < bridge> he doesn't understand sarcasm i think 10:04 < bridge> what is this shit 10:04 < bridge> yeah, @fokkonaut, go learn humor 10:04 < bridge> 🤐 10:05 < bridge> nuts 10:05 < bridge> he meant u 10:05 < bridge> false 10:05 < bridge> the thing with these guys is that i can never tell if they lost their shit or not 10:05 < bridge> obviously it would have more merit if they were not retired 10:05 < bridge> but legal binding and whatnot 10:05 < bridge> i hope there is extraterrestrial life 10:06 < bridge> same but many stories fit to each other so idk 10:06 < bridge> my server (its not full to hide ip) 10:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244924782651375637/image.png?ex=6656e20d&is=6655908d&hm=37cf15dac957c598beb5236374296daf546bcd23d23623489da77da77adc06bf& 10:06 < bridge> it's probably just about money, economy and control that it's not yet public + US doesnt want russia to have that tech first 10:06 < bridge> none of my servers are accessible rn ☹️ 10:07 < bridge> damn u're systemd compliant 10:07 < bridge> i like my server to be braindead 10:07 < bridge> feeble earth politics 10:07 < bridge> if i could self host at home 10:07 < bridge> i would use gentoo 10:07 < bridge> don't matter when we get laser beamed out of existence 10:07 < bridge> :kek: 10:07 < bridge> but i live behind a CGNAT 10:07 < bridge> i want to change isp 10:07 < bridge> gl 10:07 < bridge> i have to go to bed 10:07 < bridge> typical american 10:07 < bridge> going to bed at 10 10:08 < bridge> two in the morning 10:08 < bridge> its 10 10:08 < bridge> only true time is utc+2 10:08 < bridge> yep it's 10 10:08 < bridge> CEST 10:08 < bridge> only real time zone is MDT 10:08 < bridge> :owo: 10:08 < bridge> @mpft when move to europe? 10:09 < bridge> when i have more than a dollar in the bank 10:09 < bridge> i can change that 10:09 < bridge> btw i think 1st world country means its ally aligned right? 10:09 < bridge> doesnt mean its better off 10:09 < bridge> no 10:09 < bridge> iirc 10:09 < bridge> first world = developed 10:09 < bridge> are u sure 10:09 < bridge> > The concept of the First World was originally one of the "Three Worlds" formed by the global political landscape of the Cold War, as it grouped together those countries that were aligned with the Western Bloc of the United States. This grouping was directly opposed to the Second World, which similarly grouped together those countries that were aligned with the Eastern Bloc of the Soviet Union. However, as the Cold War ended with the dissolution o 10:10 < bridge> crazy 10:10 < bridge> u knew this right 10:10 < bridge> nope 10:10 < bridge> or is it a true crazy 10:10 < bridge> xd 10:10 < bridge> but yeah first world countries typically have democracy 10:10 < bridge> in africa most places have dictatorships 10:11 < bridge> Today, the terms are slightly outdated and have no official definition. However, the "First World" is generally thought of as the capitalist, industrial, wealthy, and developed countries. 10:11 < bridge> one of those things 10:11 < bridge> that ppl like to say even when it's no longer socially relevant 10:11 < bridge> > In colloquial usage, "First World" typically refers to "the highly developed industrialized nations often considered the Westernized countries of the world" 10:12 < bridge> we are rich bois 10:12 < bridge> we are rich compared to others 10:12 < bridge> but poor compared to others 10:12 < bridge> such is life 10:12 < bridge> :nouis: 10:13 < bridge> maybe if u think in a rly broad scope 10:13 < bridge> but compared to those around u is rly what matters lol 10:14 < bridge> china will be the most interesting coutnry 10:14 < bridge> china will be the most interesting country 10:14 < bridge> as rich as the democratic states, but will it also be demotratic? 10:14 < bridge> definitely not 10:15 < bridge> you never know 10:15 < bridge> not unless there is a revolution lol 10:15 < bridge> but the cities are probably quite western-like 10:15 < bridge> @tsfreddie tell us 10:15 < bridge> are cities western like 10:16 < bridge> i think there are a lot of similarities 10:16 < bridge> @ryozuki the rewrite it in rust propaganda works a bit at my work :giga_chad: 10:16 < bridge> :gigachad: 10:17 < bridge> i have a rewrite it in rust poster at work 10:17 < bridge> I placed many at work lmao 10:17 < bridge> different places 10:17 < bridge> i love wasting company resources 10:17 < bridge> define western like 10:17 < bridge> image looks blurry cuz zoomed 10:17 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244927595930324993/image.png?ex=6656e4ac&is=6655932c&hm=1641729370b7b3141aa8d1ceac1e559ea01547bc9def16bd510e0a6754d22b4d& 10:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244927667216584825/Rewrite-It-In-Rust---Postcard---Front.png?ex=6656e4bd&is=6655933d&hm=90de92c03fed44c69a281f81e7497a76189f1eee1d6af91e75bfefeddda212bd& 10:18 < bridge> can someone gift me this 10:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244927754231742515/wedjvxv3nwi51.png?ex=6656e4d2&is=66559352&hm=7b526e348f9c9aa14e39b934c589e7e3e922152e39b69d3b691c45259b5cb30d& 10:18 < bridge> like value personal freedom. value human rights. like the idea of democracy 10:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244927812188504074/PXL_20240528_081800973.MP.jpg?ex=6656e4e0&is=66559360&hm=abdb520a48e2d99163dd3983ed80cfbd71bd68f0735c2d0402d273680693b97d& 10:18 < bridge> mostly that i guess 10:18 < bridge> well in my desk just a paper 10:18 < bridge> and be rich af 10:18 < bridge> but enough tho 10:18 < bridge> So, I compiled it. 10:18 < bridge> The "Name" in server browser doesn't work at all, and "Spectate" in Spectator UI is still "Spectate" and not "Spectating" for English. 10:18 < bridge> Awesome. 10:18 < bridge> not really? 10:19 < bridge> egyt are u a dev? 10:19 < bridge> or just a user 10:19 < bridge> if so, do u use rust? 10:19 < bridge> A translator 10:19 < bridge> no he's a translator 10:19 < bridge> a 10:19 < bridge> б 10:19 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_ovAWPeTqw 10:19 < bridge> ai is awesome 10:19 < bridge> also you didn't specify the subject 10:19 < bridge> ok ur not a target of my crusade 10:19 < bridge> it can restore video tape footage ... 10:19 < bridge> :justatest: 10:19 < bridge> indoctrinate 10:19 < bridge> I'm glad 10:19 < bridge> who do you think is supposed to value personal freedom and such 10:19 < bridge> 10:20 < bridge> well the ppl ofc 10:20 < bridge> it's not about the state ofc 10:20 < bridge> that really depends on the ppl i think 10:20 < bridge> I'll write a comment 10:20 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/cat-cats-cat-meme-meme-meme-cat-gif-14470917232397934693 10:21 < bridge> but there are ppl like that? 10:21 < bridge> like u 10:21 < bridge> 😬 10:21 < bridge> i have to get this book 10:21 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244928597588840500/IAMB6TV2YcGBo67tBJGJLpE9T2HnPTR_acYEe4uJrG8.png?ex=6656e59b&is=6655941b&hm=bed0d00c97f92d40166bd92a993af9f822b7d47b938640df93a457f58b8358de& 10:22 < bridge> like what? 10:22 < bridge> :justatest: 10:22 < bridge> this is satire 10:22 < bridge> yes 10:22 < bridge> are you seriously asking are there decent human beings in china 10:22 < bridge> the reels always show chinese caring grandmas 10:22 < bridge> i think with the information age the only thing that differs so much about countries governments' is the history 10:22 < bridge> most ppl share the same ideas 10:22 < bridge> lmao, that sounds rough. i guess it's more about if these ppl show it in some kind 10:22 < bridge> and that is, build urself up as much as possible regardless of the consequences 10:23 < bridge> like would u talk about such stuff with ur friends 10:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244928980294041670/54575453-bec6fc80-49b9-11e9-862a-2560348dcc4b.png?ex=6656e5f6&is=66559476&hm=4145487454fc8b5eefdd12340597428112c7ffd32997ba0d293e6dc276795f5c& 10:24 < bridge> 10:26 < bridge> oreilly books are good 10:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244929833226731531/image.png?ex=6656e6c1&is=66559541&hm=7e636b86d2342f65e43f06c3223f29ecf163071bc09c08bfdf34c3786d3d03af& 10:26 < bridge> it was the white house the whole time… 10:27 < bridge> the fun fact is kernel maintainers are using rust 10:27 < bridge> :poggers2: 10:27 < bridge> tf is this nick 10:27 < bridge> https://rust-for-linux.com/ 10:27 < bridge> noa 10:28 < bridge> https://github.com/Rust-for-Linux/pinned-init 10:28 < bridge> > Library to safely and fallibly initialize pinned structs using in-place constructors. 10:28 < bridge> > 10:28 < bridge> > Pinning is Rust's way of ensuring data does not move. 10:28 < bridge> > 10:28 < bridge> > It also allows in-place initialization of big structs that would otherwise produce a stack overflow. 10:28 < bridge> > 10:28 < bridge> > This library's main use-case is in Rust-for-Linux. Although this version can be used standalone. 10:28 < bridge> > 10:28 < bridge> > There are cases when you want to in-place initialize a struct. For example when it is very big and moving it from the stack is not an option, because it is bigger than the stack itself. Another reason would be that you need the address of the object to initialize it. This stands in direct conflict with Rust's normal process of first initializing an object and then moving it into it's final memory location. 10:28 < bridge> > 10:28 < bridge> > This library allows you to do in-place initialization safely. 10:28 < bridge> interesting 10:29 < bridge> says loic 10:30 < bridge> :kek: 10:46 < bridge> low orbit ionic cannon :giga_chad: 10:47 < bridge> Eh, time to compile once more, maybe I aplied something wrong... 10:53 < bridge> professional 10:54 < bridge> Indeed 11:01 < bridge> likely via IRC 11:02 < bridge> that's so smart 11:02 < bridge> make perfect sense 11:03 < bridge> Compiling DDNet for, I think, 5th time in the last two days I think 11:03 < bridge> Compiling DDNet for, I think, 5th time in the last two days 11:05 < bridge> weird flex 11:05 < bridge> there have been days where i’ve done it 100 times 11:05 < bridge> weird flex 11:06 < bridge> and I can not imagine a real dev’s count 11:06 < bridge> probably lower 11:06 < bridge> more efficient devs 11:06 < bridge> compiling ddnet is not that compiling 11:06 < bridge> what 11:06 < bridge> :troll: 11:07 < bridge> smart 11:07 < bridge> ~~com·pel·ling~~ 11:07 < bridge> change something and instantly revert it 11:07 < bridge> and then put it back 11:07 < bridge> because you forgot about something 11:07 < bridge> :pepeW: 11:09 < bridge> I remembered that by heart: 11:09 < bridge> git clone -b distinguish --single-branch --recursive https://github.com/EGYT5453/ddnet 11:09 < bridge> cd ddnet 11:09 < bridge> mkdir build 11:09 < bridge> cd build 11:09 < bridge> cmake .. 11:09 < bridge> make 11:09 < bridge> doing any small changes on shared templates forces everything to recompile :feelsbadman: 11:09 < bridge> the best 11:16 <+ws-client> ping deen 11:16 <+ws-client> no pong ._. 11:17 <+ws-client> (i need nothing deen was just a test xd) 11:17 < bridge> I was about to say: please don't ping people unnecessarily 11:17 <+ws-client> you said something about irc 11:18 <+ws-client> wanted to see if he has a bot 11:18 < bridge> he was just online in that moment 11:18 < bridge> no irc tricks xD 11:18 < bridge> pong 11:18 < bridge> he was on phone iirc 11:18 <+ws-client> omagawd it worked 11:18 < bridge> yep 11:19 <+ws-client> heinrich when stop ghost me on github 11:19 < bridge> shocked 11:22 < bridge> ChillerDragon moment 11:30 < bridge> Nope, it wasn't me. It just doesn't want to work that way, I don't know why... 11:30 < bridge> Nope, it wasn't me. It just doesn't want to work that way, and I don't know why... 11:32 < bridge> when I go through the PRs, I'll also respond to your 11:32 < bridge> s 11:33 < bridge> 👌 11:34 < bridge> So, I correctly solved at least one part, `Spectating` in Spectator UI. How to deal with `Name` in server browser, though? 11:41 < bridge> Also, what about this? 11:45 < bridge> pls dont 11:49 < bridge> I don't, that's just what I've found 12:09 < bridge> Egyt you're trying to do Things you dont quite understand, i think it would be easier to make an issue and have someone implement what you want - we explained how multiple Times already, Heinrich even gave you suggested Changes on GitHub ^^ 12:11 < bridge> That's what I said first, then @furo said this 12:11 < bridge> > https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1244553058495631390 @egyt 12:11 < bridge> > Can't code :^(There isn't that much coding involved, try searching the code base for `"Spectate"` which should lead you to a line in `hud.cpp` that you can change. 12:12 < bridge> that's where it all started 12:14 < bridge> That's what I said first, then furo said this 12:16 < bridge> It's hard to explain... I understand how to do that, but not the way to make it work... 12:17 < bridge> It's hard to explain... I understand how to do that, but not the way to make it work... And changes by Heinrich - they didn't do what I wanted to do 12:19 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> Is changing spectate to spectating and name to server name even worth it? 12:21 < bridge> It would require the Work around to add a context for every other String where spectate IS grammatically correct, you're thinking to complicated imho 🤔 12:23 < bridge> It would require the Work around to add a context for the other String where spectate IS grammatically correct 🤔 12:24 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> I think it's fine as is 12:24 < bridge> Just compile yourself? 12:24 < bridge> It isn't 12:25 < bridge> lgtm 12:25 < bridge> Also, If your Changes dont Display the right String in the Serverbrowser, you Made a mistake within the Context or the actual translationfile 🤔 12:26 < bridge> stop throwing english at me >.\< 12:26 < bridge> @gerdoe can you Help this poor App :kek: 12:27 < bridge> Oh wait He stepped down from Moderator - rip 12:28 < bridge> i now lost any confidence in my english skills :^( 12:28 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> It doesn't fix anything it was fine until you decided to fiz it 12:28 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> It doesn't fix anything it was fine until you decided to fix it 12:28 < bridge> 12:28 < bridge> have you ever played with Ukrainian translation? 12:29 < bridge> Having "spectating: player_name" does make Sense tho, even tho IT then Sounds weird in freeview or multiview 12:29 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> Nope 12:30 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> What it has to do with our conversation though? 12:30 < bridge> ^ 12:30 < bridge> because I want to make it better, and that's part of my improvements 12:30 < bridge> Escalate this to an issue, that can be fixed with one context and If statements:kek: 12:34 < bridge> But did you ever read the issue? 12:35 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> Spectating would make awful translation to russian at least, i can't think of any good variant that would make sense 12:36 < bridge> what random words 12:37 < bridge> "Наблюдение": 12:39 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> It sounds so wrong as noun 12:41 < bridge> You can always keep the string translation the same as it was before 12:41 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> Actually, where is it? I can't find it 12:41 < bridge> egypt: I'd prefer if you could separate the english string change from the translation change 12:42 < bridge> ? 12:42 < bridge> so that we can discuss it separately from the need that the strings need to be different in ukrainian 12:42 < bridge> the need to treat them separately is obvious. but keep that to a PR and make the english string change in another 12:42 < bridge> (the former PR can be merged immediately, the latter might need discussion) 12:42 < bridge> 🤦 12:43 < bridge> You were discussing the issue you didn't even read 12:43 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8403 12:43 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> That's a pull request not an issue 12:43 < bridge> Whatever 12:43 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> Makes sense i haven't found it 12:45 < bridge> so what do you want from me? 12:46 < bridge> to close the PR, to make an issue, to change the commit?? 12:46 < bridge> it's obvious that the ukrainian translation needs a way to distinguish the two name/spectate fields 12:46 < bridge> so please use the context field for that 12:46 < bridge> if you also want to change the english translation, please make a different PR for that 12:47 < bridge> Not only Ukrainian needs a way to distinguish `spectate` field, if you misunderstood me 12:50 < bridge> ..... 12:50 < bridge> BRO 12:50 < bridge> u talk about ur pr with 5 ppl since 2 days xD 12:51 < bridge> just fix the two strings 12:51 < bridge> i'm burning out 12:51 < bridge> :pepeW: 12:51 < bridge> bcs of 2 strings? xddd 12:51 < bridge> i don't understand what confuses you so much 12:52 < bridge> everything 12:52 < bridge> u want a different word for server name.. add a context and u will get your different name 12:52 < bridge> just do it, wait for pr merged 12:52 < bridge> then someone can update the translation files with the script i mentioned 12:52 < bridge> afterwards u can change ur ukrain text 12:52 < bridge> i tried adding context - it didn't work 12:53 < bridge> how did it not work 12:53 < bridge> it's in the cpp files 12:53 < bridge> nothing else 12:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244966726085644330/1.png?ex=6657091d&is=6655b79d&hm=2c87afb1216361b944f00f817fc39ab66ecbbab242af6d946f01ff3ddf615d77& 12:53 < bridge> yes, that's a skill issue but unrelated 12:53 < bridge> read exactly what i wrote 12:53 < bridge> and that's after I added context 12:53 < bridge> "u want a different word for server name.. add a context and u will get your different name 12:53 < bridge> just do it, wait for pr merged 12:53 < bridge> then someone can update the translation files with the script i mentioned 12:53 < bridge> afterwards u can change ur ukrain text" 12:54 < bridge> Adding context to Localizable doesn't work, you need to also add it to the Localize call 12:54 < bridge> The Localizable is only for the script 12:54 < bridge> it was explained to him 20 times 12:54 < bridge> he either doesnt want to understand, or really simply doesnt understand xD 12:55 < bridge> why noone told me this?! 12:55 < bridge> this guy is confusing me 12:56 < bridge> u even posted it yourself 12:56 < bridge> Localize takes a second argument pContext 12:57 < bridge> ..... 12:57 < bridge> yeah sry 12:57 < bridge> but it's there 12:57 < bridge> white on black 12:57 < bridge> yet it doesn't work 12:57 < bridge> ok anyway 12:57 < bridge> just do it 12:57 < bridge> do what?! 12:57 < bridge> add the second argument 12:57 < bridge> then do nothing and wait 12:57 < bridge> I ADDED IT 12:58 < bridge> yes 12:58 < bridge> AND IT. DOES NOT. WORK. 12:58 < bridge> but u didnt push it to github 12:58 < bridge> there is nothing to work 12:58 < bridge> do it 12:58 < bridge> the rest u'll understand later 12:58 < bridge> as soon as someone starts the language script 12:58 < bridge> ...... 12:58 < bridge> let me calm down and explain. 12:58 < bridge> no 12:58 < bridge> just do what you are asked for. you will understand the rest 12:58 < bridge> in future 12:59 < bridge> why do you want US to explain why it's not working 12:59 < bridge> we know it's working 12:59 < bridge> u simply don't understand it 12:59 < bridge> you don't even want to listen 12:59 < bridge> ofc i dont want to listen 12:59 < bridge> it isn't because I added it, compiled it, and it didn't work 12:59 < bridge> i want to help you 12:59 < bridge> why push nonworking code? 12:59 < bridge> Push it then i can tell you 12:59 < bridge> just push non working code 13:00 < bridge> totally fine 13:00 < bridge> ...logging out. 13:00 < bridge> rq 13:00 < bridge> is your goal to troll or to fix ukraine translations? 13:00 < bridge> bcs currently it feels like the first 13:10 < bridge> Don’t forget issues :p 13:25 < bridge> got it working 13:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244974758374805564/image.png?ex=66571098&is=6655bf18&hm=bb1b02f45574022ae1f18ddaa7b25f970525437a8e428faf389e1748e1796a38& 13:29 < bridge> sass 14:33 < bridge> hmmmmm. I think strings with `Localizable` don't work with context yet 😦 14:33 < bridge> I'm asking you to do the impossible egypt 😦 14:33 < bridge> I'm asking you to do the impossible egyt 😦 14:37 < bridge> Wondering why the texts don't provide any context for translations, since context matters 14:37 < bridge> they do 14:38 < bridge> then I don't get the issue above 14:38 < bridge> ah now I get the issue xD 14:59 < bridge> :poggers2: 15:00 < bridge> can anyone explain this? where are CNetEvent types defined? 15:00 < bridge> ```cpp 15:00 < bridge> void CGameContext::CreateExplosion(vec2 Pos, int Owner, int Weapon, bool NoDamage, int ActivatedTeam, CClientMask Mask) 15:00 < bridge> { 15:00 < bridge> // create the event 15:00 < bridge> CNetEvent_Explosion *pEvent = m_Events.Create(Mask); <--- ? 15:00 < bridge> if(pEvent) 15:00 < bridge> { 15:00 < bridge> pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; 15:00 < bridge> pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; 15:01 < bridge> } 15:01 < bridge> 15:01 < bridge> // deal damage 15:01 < bridge> // ommitted code below... 15:01 < bridge> } 15:01 < bridge> ``` 15:02 < bridge> in the generated code 15:03 < bridge> `/src/game/generated/protocol.h` 15:03 < bridge> generated from `datasrc/network.py` 15:04 < bridge> I see thanks 15:05 < bridge> ‘’’ 15:05 < bridge> #!/bin/bash 15:05 < bridge> 15:05 < bridge> # Function to check if the DDNet-Server is running and push status to uptime server 15:05 < bridge> check_ddnet_server() { 15:05 < bridge> # Get the PID of the DDNet-Server 15:05 < bridge> PID=$(pgrep -f DDNet-Server) 15:05 < bridge> 15:05 < bridge> # Check if PID is found 15:05 < bridge> if [ -z "$PID" ]; then 15:05 < bridge> echo "DDNet-Server is not running" 15:05 < bridge> else 15:05 < bridge> # Check if the PID is actually being used by DDNet-Server 15:06 < bridge> CMD=$(ps -p $PID -o comm=) 15:06 < bridge> if [ "$CMD" == "DDNet-Server" ]; then 15:06 < bridge> # Push the status to the uptime server 15:06 < bridge> curl -s "https://uptime.lukron.xyz/api/push/rl3wv29Hds?status=up&msg=OK&ping=" 15:06 < bridge> echo "Status sent to uptime server" 15:06 < bridge> else 15:06 < bridge> echo "PID $PID is not DDNet-Server" 15:06 < bridge> fi 15:06 < bridge> fi 15:06 < bridge> } 15:06 < bridge> 15:06 < bridge> # Run the check_ddnet_server function in an infinite loop 15:06 < bridge> while true; do 15:06 < bridge> check_ddnet_server 15:06 < bridge> # Sleep for 10 seconds before checking again 15:06 < bridge> sleep 10 15:06 < bridge> done’’’ 15:06 < bridge> whoops 15:07 < bridge> ``` 15:07 < bridge> #!/bin/bash 15:07 < bridge> 15:07 < bridge> # Function to check if the DDNet-Server is running and push status to uptime server 15:07 < bridge> check_ddnet_server() { 15:07 < bridge> # Get the PID of the DDNet-Server 15:07 < bridge> PID=$(pgrep -f DDNet-Server) 15:07 < bridge> 15:07 < bridge> # Check if PID is found 15:07 < bridge> if [ -z "$PID" ]; then 15:07 < bridge> echo "DDNet-Server is not running" 15:07 < bridge> else 15:07 < bridge> # Check if the PID is actually being used by DDNet-Server 15:07 < bridge> CMD=$(ps -p $PID -o comm=) 15:07 < bridge> if [ "$CMD" == "DDNet-Server" ]; then 15:07 < bridge> # Push the status to the uptime server 15:07 < bridge> curl -s "https://uptime.lukron.xyz/api/push/rl3wv29Hds?status=up&msg=OK&ping=" 15:07 < bridge> echo "Status sent to uptime server" 15:07 < bridge> else 15:07 < bridge> echo "PID $PID is not DDNet-Server" 15:07 < bridge> fi 15:07 < bridge> fi 15:07 < bridge> } 15:07 < bridge> 15:07 < bridge> # Run the check_ddnet_server function in an infinite loop 15:07 < bridge> while true; do 15:07 < bridge> check_ddnet_server 15:07 < bridge> # Sleep for 10 seconds before checking again 15:07 < bridge> sleep 10 15:07 < bridge> done 15:07 < bridge> ``` 15:07 < bridge> @blaiszephyr 15:07 < bridge> trust chatgpt to write most of it 15:08 < bridge> ``` 15:08 < bridge> #!/bin/bash 15:08 < bridge> 15:08 < bridge> # Function to check if the DDNet-Server is running and push status to uptime server 15:08 < bridge> check_ddnet_server() { 15:08 < bridge> # Get the PID of the DDNet-Server 15:08 < bridge> PID=$(pgrep -f DDNet-Server) 15:08 < bridge> 15:08 < bridge> # Check if PID is found 15:08 < bridge> if [ -z "$PID" ]; then 15:08 < bridge> echo "DDNet-Server is not running" 15:08 < bridge> else 15:08 < bridge> # Check if the PID is actually being used by DDNet-Server 15:08 < bridge> CMD=$(ps -p $PID -o comm=) 15:08 < bridge> if [ "$CMD" == "DDNet-Server" ]; then 15:08 < bridge> # Push the status to the uptime server 15:08 < bridge> curl -s "http://YOURUPTIMEKUMALINK" 15:08 < bridge> echo "Status sent to uptime server" 15:08 < bridge> else 15:08 < bridge> echo "PID $PID is not DDNet-Server" 15:08 < bridge> fi 15:08 < bridge> fi 15:08 < bridge> } 15:08 < bridge> 15:08 < bridge> # Run the check_ddnet_server function in an infinite loop 15:08 < bridge> while true; do 15:09 < bridge> check_ddnet_server 15:09 < bridge> # Sleep for 10 seconds before checking again 15:09 < bridge> sleep 10 15:09 < bridge> done 15:09 < bridge> ``` 15:09 < bridge> that looks bad 15:11 < bridge> just `if pgrep DDNet-Server` would probably be better. instead of the whole `check_ddnet_server` function 15:12 < bridge> what I also don't like about this (is that all chat-gpt-generated code?) are the useless comments 15:12 < bridge> > `# Run the check_ddnet_server function in an infinite loop` 15:12 < bridge> why say this? this doesn't add anything over the code 15:19 < bridge> when I add code with my new CNetEvent i get syntax errors, is that expected if i haven't done anything to generate the new events yet? 15:20 < bridge> it's expected that you get errors, not sure if syntax errors 15:20 < bridge> try building one time to update the generated source files @louis.place 15:21 < bridge> okay yeah it all works good 15:22 < bridge> not exactly sure what the point of generated code for this stuff is maybe it's beyond my understanding as of now 😅 15:22 < bridge> the idea is that the generated code can automatically check data it gets from the network 15:22 < bridge> so that the programmer doesn't have to do it 15:24 < bridge> ok 15:24 < bridge> if I'm adding a pretty trivial ingame effect is using a netevent bad for it? (particle effect) 15:24 < bridge> not sure if it would break compatibility with anything 15:25 < bridge> or will older-versioned players simply not display the netevent due to the generated code 15:26 < bridge> older clients will simply not see it 15:27 < bridge> 90% of it 15:29 < bridge> yeah ig i have no clue why im actually calling for the id and then checking the id 15:30 < bridge> and chatgpt is just a massive fan of generating these sort of comments 15:31 < bridge> i’ll go about optimising it another time as it works just fine atm 15:58 < bridge> aw? 16:01 < bridge> is it possible to exclude multiple words from search? i was trying some ways, but couldnt make it work 16:01 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1245014069426262146/image.png?ex=66573535&is=6655e3b5&hm=9371695e5d42eedb807ec44641440a4283bd4a659ef0b2e5e50e93e868bbf795& 16:01 < bridge> `;` does not work? 16:02 < bridge> also it might only work on a recent ddnet version 16:02 < bridge> yours looks bit outdated 16:03 < bridge> ye, i was hoping maybe it exist since long time, let me try updated one 16:09 < bridge> i tried ";" but used space after ";" for the next word, without spaces it works even on older one, thx :owo: 16:23 < bridge> looks like 3 different colored death particles 16:24 < bridge> i wasn't really sure what other particle to use (limited selection) 16:27 < bridge> nah i mean if we could just use death particles net event so old clients would be able to see it 16:28 < bridge> yeah idk what it does chatgpt did most of it 16:28 < bridge> ah i guess u could, altho not sure if coloring death particles would cause a bit of spaghetti code (also i don't think you can make 'confetti' physics with death netevent) 16:29 < bridge> it just executes pgrep every 10 seconds and stops sending the curl request when no process is found 16:32 < bridge> yeah ik what the whole script does 16:32 < bridge> just not what you screenshotted 16:32 < bridge> wait nvm 16:32 < bridge> wtf is discord showing me you replied to 16:32 < bridge> nono im not about full substitution im about supporting old clients with old net event 16:34 < bridge> ahh ye true 16:49 < bridge> Noa is typing 16:49 < bridge> its gg 16:49 < bridge> @blaiszephyr this is something we could use for new cosmetics, thank you @louis.place 16:49 < bridge> FUCK 16:49 < bridge> hehe 16:52 < bridge> Project->Members->Revoke melon's access 16:53 < bridge> freedom! 16:57 < bridge> if only life was that easy 16:58 < bridge> furo: if you're here, could you quickly explain what the difference between NetEventEx and NetEvent is? 16:58 < bridge> 16:59 < bridge> I changed network.py to add Confetti as a NetEventEx with confetti@netevent.ddnet.tw and m_X and m_Y variables, but now every particle spawn ingame becomes a damage indicator star 17:03 < bridge> You can take a look at the PR that added them, https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/615 17:15 < bridge> no way 17:16 < bridge> and because of that I had a breakdown 17:21 < bridge> at least I "found" a bug, although had to pay a price of some mental health 17:22 < bridge> yeah sry, i gave u that mental health problem 17:22 < bridge> as long as you don't give me anymore in the foreseeable future, I forgive you 17:23 < bridge> can't promise, but try :lol: 17:23 < bridge> literally my quote 17:44 < bridge> @heinrich5991 any news on community? 17:44 < bridge> random russian blmap server with F-ddrace and same map has 30-40players just due to being in their own community :) 17:46 < bridge> (not a problem, just sad ddnet is "purposely" or knowingly killing a server/community by excluding it from smth "special") 18:30 < bridge> kio didn't have my mod before the community thing. 18:30 < bridge> it's that i released my mod just a while ago, now they host it aswell and it's being visited by new players fast cuz its in the community tab. 18:30 < bridge> thats what im saying :) 18:30 < bridge> Their server was popular before the community filter change 18:30 < bridge> Why does no one read 18:31 < bridge> 🤣 18:31 < bridge> (more or less due to the spam we had on our servers, advertising the said server) 18:31 < bridge> (more or less due to the spam we had on our servers, advertising said server) 18:32 < bridge> a little reference, our server is visible to every person playing playground on multeasymap, our server is enjoying 0/63 players ^^ 18:33 < bridge> and we are in community aswell! - most of the time its just people preferring someone/something else 18:33 < bridge> and we are in community - most of the time its just people preferring someone/something else 18:33 < bridge> uncomparable 18:34 < bridge> it is because you're referring visibility to player count? 18:34 < bridge> false 18:34 < bridge> random russian blmap server with F-ddrace and same map has 30-40players just due to being in their own community :) 18:35 < bridge> Ah, u dont know the background 18:35 < bridge> yea, its new as i said 18:35 < bridge> means im talking about growth 18:35 < bridge> And fddrace is a mod, not some multeasy shit 18:36 < bridge> + its about authenticy 18:36 < bridge> @fokkonaut no dismissing other peopel's projects 18:38 < bridge> Where did I do that? 18:38 < bridge> "multeasy shit"? 18:38 < bridge> It's my personal opinion that multueasy map is shit and the concept is stupid for a plain ddrace server to have Block areas and what not. 18:38 < bridge> Sorry for my passive aggressiveness following, but you should really smoke a joint or relax in any other possible way. 18:38 < bridge> incredible, how you only come here to critize my messages while full knowingly (assuming) how i meant it 18:39 < bridge> moderation discussion goes to DMs 18:39 < bridge> Oh, i forgot and was just about to say that 18:39 < bridge> 🤣🤣🤣 18:39 < bridge> :monkaStop: i didnt even mean any harm with that - 18:40 < bridge> Neither did I heinrich just knows how to trigger me 18:40 < bridge> 😘 18:40 < bridge> block people smh - so toxic! 18:40 < bridge> 18:40 < bridge> :justatest: 18:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1245054171716124702/image.png?ex=66575a8e&is=6656090e&hm=e7d95d53683038ef7d7880836d231987aaa2de1b6b1d3ce23c1a3a52340af9dc& 18:41 < bridge> @heinrich5991 wheres ur removal of that message ? 18:41 < bridge> He's clearly attacking a specific group, isnt he? 18:42 < bridge> Ohhh, wait it's the double standards by which you live :o 18:42 < bridge> :MonkaS: it was a reference to my own profile 18:42 < bridge> Ikik 18:42 < bridge> its not about u sry 18:42 < bridge> :pepeH: 18:44 < bridge> Did somebody say vulkan? 18:44 < bridge> @fokkonaut Within the server browser context, what precise function does the community "status" (as you call it) serve? 18:45 < bridge> 1. Authenticy, having a logo provided by the maintainer (DDNet) themselves 18:45 < bridge> 2. Seperate filter 18:45 < bridge> 3. Anti-fake server protection (used to happen a lot to gain IPs for DoS) 18:46 < bridge> I can see 1 and 3 (they seem to be the same point though) 18:46 < bridge> 2. Filter = Accessiblity 18:46 < bridge> 2 doesn't seem particularly well-suited to the serverbrowser design with a single server 18:46 < bridge> 2 can also be achieved by using favorites 18:46 < bridge> i agree with 2 - given i saw and checked out communities i didnt even know existed because i saw their community tag 18:47 < bridge> Anyways heinrich, u cant be picking the points you want to answer on and discard the whole other conversation about what I was asking you. 18:47 < bridge> It's the same as any time. 18:47 < bridge> 18:48 < bridge> Are you a little narcissistic under there? Or you just dont have any answers to my concerns other than "something personal with me"? :) 18:48 < bridge> thanks 18:48 < bridge> thats what i meant 18:48 < bridge> come on, please no psychoanalysis of others 18:48 < bridge> Come on, please valid conversations and responses and actual talking on the same level? 18:49 < bridge> i agree with 2 - given i saw and checked out communities i didnt even know existed because i saw their community tag (e.G teesports) 18:52 < bridge> with rust* 18:52 < bridge> I know I'm annoying, and you don't know you're unfair :) 18:56 < bridge> Someone said "casino"? 18:56 < bridge> \~\~Someone said "casino"?\~\~ 19:03 < bridge> gotta be more creative with naming 19:04 < bridge> it fits you tho :( 19:04 < bridge> and ..renamed 😬 19:04 < bridge> but leave ryo for the poster 19:06 < bridge> i got it from here https://coolforeignwords.com/ btw 19:06 < bridge> that's probably the place where ill be getting names for most of my projects 😬 19:06 < bridge> what is renamed? 19:07 < bridge> damn that issue has 85 comments 19:08 < bridge> perhaps adding a new issue would be better then 19:23 < bridge> done 19:23 < bridge> thanks 19:30 < bridge> furo: thanks for your cool site: https://ddstats.tw/ 19:31 < bridge> there is also https://ddstats.org - is that robys? :P 19:32 < bridge> that's @ryozuki's 19:32 < bridge> ooooh - cool! 19:32 < bridge> we are low on ddstats domains i feel 19:32 < bridge> 😬 19:32 < bridge> ooooh - cool! ( it didnt scroll all the way down so i didnt see it was open source) 19:34 < bridge> cool to see its running 19:53 < bridge> The fact that one server being in a community of it's own does not sound weird to you is insane to me 19:54 < bridge> Here is a mockup I made of what that would look like. Does this truly not look absurd to you? 19:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1245072625475256341/image.png?ex=66576bbe&is=66561a3e&hm=3e4c82f6af02439ce176203806317f6366783e49a7726fbe52efb3937e1c4d5c& 19:54 < bridge> suggestion to upgrade editor Proof button ! 19:54 < bridge> u want the button to have nice glow effects and animations 19:54 < bridge> np 19:57 < bridge> no , just making 16:9 line so you could understand where it is aswell .but i am not is it correct (the blue line ) 19:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1245073310266560574/image.png?ex=66576c61&is=66561ae1&hm=0f8543ab10a8e7a5ae88426083117a0188320aa2e38b0f4e28edba794077e8d4& 19:59 < bridge> please help decipher hossain's comment on my PR: 19:59 < bridge> 19:59 < bridge> ``` 19:59 < bridge> [_BlaiZephyr:fix-cmake-warning_](` 19:59 < bridge> 19:59 < bridge> _**### 19:59 < bridge> 19:59 < bridge> @url 19:59 < bridge> **_ 19:59 < bridge> 19:59 < bridge> `) 19:59 < bridge> ``` 19:59 < bridge> please help decipher hossain's comment on my PR on #7886: 19:59 < bridge> 19:59 < bridge> ``` 19:59 < bridge> [_BlaiZephyr:fix-cmake-warning_](` 19:59 < bridge> 19:59 < bridge> _**### 19:59 < bridge> 19:59 < bridge> @url 19:59 < bridge> **_ 19:59 < bridge> 19:59 < bridge> `) 19:59 < bridge> ``` 19:59 < bridge> XD 19:59 < bridge> no , just making 16:9 line so you could understand where it is aswell .but i am not sure is it correct (the blue line ) 19:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1245073310266560574/image.png?ex=66576c61&is=66561ae1&hm=0f8543ab10a8e7a5ae88426083117a0188320aa2e38b0f4e28edba794077e8d4& 20:00 < bridge> ty for marking as spam :P 20:00 < bridge> sad that u cant delete on gh 20:00 < bridge> at least for such things 20:01 < bridge> you can remove everything except reviews for whatever stupid reason 20:01 < bridge> but i think his script failed somehow xD 20:08 < bridge> This is correct, noticed this issue as well 20:08 < bridge> also the line for 4:3 is missing, the top one 20:14 < bridge> ran into this issue when generating the "Where am I" menu in the top right, also there is no way to make this work for all resolutions 20:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1245077831172489257/screenshot_2024-05-28_20-13-11.png?ex=66577097&is=66561f17&hm=523a7d80e3c2da0a7fb55b00c21bf14747adb86d886c8ad68c705ec055fff253& 20:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1245077831533330483/screenshot_2024-05-28_20-13-48.png?ex=66577097&is=66561f17&hm=f1fd0ade4913dd704d3c04c80c3446f0ce934d7bffd3e59a5d8b3cbbb4871d9f& 20:54 < bridge> Epileptics, don't hold the Enter key while playing DDNet... 21:01 < bridge> ...and now I have three things to make an issue about 21:35 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> you meant page up key on a bright map? 21:39 < bridge> thats not a bug, even better, hold TAB 21:42 < bridge> Or that ( thanks @blaiszephyr :D ) 21:43 < bridge> :3 21:43 < bridge> i am a horrible dev but a github influencer by heart! 22:02 < bridge> > https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1245099175742279790 @blaiszephyr 22:02 < bridge> > thats not a bug, even better, hold TABBut Scoreboard is fine actually? 22:45 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2pzAH0V8Gs