10:41 < bridge_> ||why did i call my damn wiki account melonew|| - thanks. 10:41 < bridge_> do you use a password manager? I strongly suggest using one. it's safer; and you won't forget your username 10:43 < bridge_> never really thought about it, i have 5 passwords i would consider pretty strong and for different purposes :D - but i do forget my Username quite often - might want to get one 10:43 < bridge_> any recommendations? :P 10:43 <+ws-client> @rafael8192 which mod are you working on that has jails? 10:45 < bridge_> bitwarden 10:45 <+ws-client> @meloƞ i use pass since you are not a windows user anymore its a good fit for you https://www.passwordstore.org/ 10:49 <+ws-client> irc shaming is strictly forbidden in this channel 10:51 < bridge_> the bitwarden server isn't proprietrary btw, ChillerDragon 10:51 <+ws-client> didn't we have that discussion before? 10:51 < bridge_> so u dont see melons reactions to your comment on irc chiller? 10:51 < bridge_> that's really really sad 10:51 <+ws-client> milky wrote a bridge 10:51 <+ws-client> that bridges reactions 10:51 < bridge_> what has this guy not written yet 10:51 < bridge_> XD 10:51 <+ws-client> but idk if he ever wants to finish and ship it -.- 10:51 < bridge_> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwarden 10:51 <+ws-client> heino send backend repo src code 10:51 < bridge_> https://github.com/bitwarden/server 10:51 < bridge_> 10:51 < bridge_> trick by teero 10:51 <+ws-client> did they go open src recently? 10:51 < bridge_> no, been that way forever 10:52 <+ws-client> why vaultwarden then? 10:52 < bridge_> maybe you're remembering something else? 10:52 < bridge_> because people don't like the technology choices of the official server 10:52 <+ws-client> no way xd 10:52 <+ws-client> i mean its C# 10:52 < bridge_> it requires a MS SQL server IIRC 10:52 <+ws-client> thats basically closed source xd 10:53 <+ws-client> but didnt't we have that convo already? 10:53 <+ws-client> was it maybe onepass? idk you always were bitwarden fan irrc 10:54 < bridge_> I'm not sure if I'd call it a "fan" 10:54 <+ws-client> i am a "pass" fan 10:54 < bridge_> fan sounds like someone who couldn't be convinced of a technically superior solution 10:54 <+ws-client> and proud 10:54 <+ws-client> yes thats me 10:55 <+ws-client> > 2021-02-22.log:20:05 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Learath2 also bitwarden. can be selfhosted, there's a third-party impl for the server 10:56 < bridge_> wdym? 10:56 <+ws-client> wat u working on 10:56 < bridge_> like custom gametype ? 10:56 <+ws-client> u said jail 10:56 <+ws-client> and db 10:56 <+ws-client> wat u working on 10:56 < bridge_> oh 10:56 < bridge_> i working on command jail 10:56 < bridge_> and i didnt said db 10:56 < bridge_> i said 10:57 <+ws-client> mimimi 10:57 < bridge_> . 10:57 <+ws-client> jail command for what 10:57 <+ws-client> i dont see replies 10:57 <+ws-client> you were talking about persistence i call it db dont go all details on me 10:57 < bridge_> like u write jail 10:57 <+ws-client> just leak what you are working on -.- 10:57 < bridge_> player teleports to a jail on the map 10:57 <+ws-client> ye 10:57 <+ws-client> in what project u need that 10:57 < bridge_> I think it's about put players to jail to prevent them from playing on map must be block mod 10:57 <+ws-client> or city 10:58 <+ws-client> or something unexpected 10:58 <+ws-client> thats why i am curious xd 10:58 < bridge_> like using jail as punishment 10:59 <+ws-client> yep 10:59 < bridge_> well I did that i thought maybe he want use it in that way too 😄 10:59 <+ws-client> omagawd rafael xd 10:59 <+ws-client> wat u working on 10:59 < bridge_> :kek: 10:59 <+ws-client> ffs im on edge 10:59 <+ws-client> just tell me 10:59 < bridge_> 😄 10:59 < bridge_> XD 10:59 < bridge_> LMAO chiller 10:59 < bridge_> now it looks like heinrich pinged learath 10:59 < bridge_> nice 10:59 < bridge_> nice scammer 11:00 <+ws-client> hehe 11:00 < bridge_> i worked on command jail which puts a player to a jail on the map. He cant kill in a jail and cant spec. If he leave and join back he will put to jail again 11:00 < bridge_> it is just punishment :kek: 11:00 <+ws-client> yes yes 11:00 <+ws-client> but which mod? 11:00 <+ws-client> whats the project name? 11:03 < bridge_> 💀 11:03 <+ws-client> shatap 11:03 <+ws-client> sto mod 11:07 < bridge_> so i need to open ports? 11:07 < bridge_> and sv_register 1 11:07 < bridge_> used to 11:07 < bridge_> yes 11:07 < bridge_> you can go with sv_register 0 too it's just for register server on masters 11:07 < bridge_> metin2 player here 11:07 < bridge_> me too now just playing for fun 11:08 < bridge_> don't have much time to play wow 11:08 < bridge_> race, class, lvl? 11:08 < bridge_> yeah me too 11:12 < bridge_> Rust is also a normal word. I see nothing wrong with these stats 11:13 < bridge_> way more rare word 11:13 < bridge_> `grep -ri "jupeyy_keks.*vulkan" | wc -l` 11:13 < bridge_> 11:13 < bridge_> pls 11:13 < bridge_> 🙃 11:13 < bridge_> makes sense. you mean n=2 though 11:13 <+ws-client> 29 11:13 < bridge_> Yes typo, sorry just woke up 11:13 < bridge_> shut 11:13 < bridge_> no way 11:13 < bridge_> fake stats 11:13 <+ws-client> `grep -riE "jup(p|e|s).*vulkan" | wc -l` 11:13 <+ws-client> `588` 11:13 < bridge_> try Jupstar ✪ 11:13 < bridge_> still no way 11:13 < bridge_> oh wow 11:13 <+ws-client> thats basically all ur nicks 11:13 < bridge_> Try jup.*vulkan 11:13 < bridge_> i fall behind ryo so much 11:13 <+ws-client> jup is also a normal word xd 11:14 < bridge_> only in german 11:14 < bridge_> how does this rust no lifer mentioned it 4k times already 11:16 < bridge_> what does it mean 11:16 < bridge_> You arent propagandizing effectively 11:16 < bridge_> it means "yup" ^^ 11:16 < bridge_> Yup 11:16 <+ws-client> `grep -riE "(jup|jap|keks).*vulkan" | wc -l` 11:16 <+ws-client> `633` 11:16 < bridge_> disgusting 11:16 <+ws-client> `grep -riE "vulkan" | wc -l` 11:16 < bridge_> vulkan vulkan vulkan vulkan vulkan vulkan vulkan vulkan vulkan vulkan 11:16 <+ws-client> `1553` 11:16 < bridge_> in rust we trust 11:16 < bridge_> not much 😢 11:16 <+ws-client> lerato mentioned "C" 39053 times xd 11:16 < bridge_> in vulkan we tvulkan 11:16 < bridge_> in vulkan we tvulkan 11:16 < bridge_> https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/121377 11:16 < bridge_> chillerdragon: how many times u mentioned bash? Xd 11:16 < bridge_> nice 11:16 <+ws-client> 296 11:16 < bridge_> https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/sync/struct.LazyLock.html 11:16 < bridge_> rust is also contained in "trust", probably other words, too 11:16 <+ws-client> crust 11:16 < bridge_> I wonder why they felt the need to implement it. it's trivially achievable using a `OnceCell` already 11:16 < bridge_> why is it in standard anyway 11:17 < bridge_> to many global var enjoyers in this world 11:17 < bridge_> I wonder why they felt the need to implement it. it's trivially achievable using a `OnceCell`/`OnceLock` already 11:17 < bridge_> Try with `\bC(?:99|11|20|23|2x)?\b` 11:18 <+ws-client> @milkeeycat you are top10 neovim enjoyers 11:18 < bridge_> Hell yeah 11:18 < bridge_> im such a wiki gamer 11:18 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244218110131834980/image.png?ex=66544fe9&is=6652fe69&hm=4af00073deb9b9a4ad139db6e12a42fb85b80fe1916ba06d16ff69caff49e2a7& 11:18 < bridge_> Chillerdragon what's the top5? 11:19 <+ws-client> somehow my paste tool is stuck xd 11:19 <+ws-client> and i dont have screenshots on mac 11:19 <+ws-client> ICA2NSBSeW96dWtpCiAgMTcgCiAgMTYgbWlsa2VleWNhdAogIDE1IHJ5b3p1a2kKICAgNyBsZWFyYXRoMgogICA2IHRlZXJvNzc3CiAgIDUgQ2hpbGxlckRyYWdvbgogICA0IExlYXJhdGgyCiAgIDMgbWVsb8aeCiAgIDMgSnVwc3RhciDinKoK 11:19 <+ws-client> those are the top10 xd 11:19 < bridge_> thanks for your password 11:19 < bridge_> Excellent 11:20 <+ws-client> idk what happend to .2 11:20 < bridge_> Do the C one properly 11:20 < bridge_> 65 Ryozuki 11:20 < bridge_> 17 11:20 <+ws-client> `grep -ri "neovim" | cut -d'<' -f3 | cut -d'>' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr ` is probably flawed in many ways 11:20 < bridge_> 16 milkeeycat 11:20 < bridge_> 15 ryozuki 11:20 < bridge_> 7 learath2 11:20 < bridge_> 6 teero777 11:20 < bridge_> 5 ChillerDragon 11:20 < bridge_> 4 Learath2 11:20 < bridge_> 3 meloƞ 11:20 < bridge_> 3 Jupstar ✪ 11:20 < bridge_> *dabs* 11:20 <+ws-client> omg heinrich spammer 11:20 < bridge_> (from the base64 that ChillerDragon posted) 11:20 < bridge_> still below jupsi 11:21 <+ws-client> lerato how to do C` 11:21 <+ws-client> you mean " C " 11:21 <+ws-client> or word boundaries maybe 11:21 < bridge_> I sent the regex 11:21 < bridge_> `\bC(?:99|11|20|23|2x)?\b` 11:21 <+ws-client> does that work with grep -E ? 11:22 < bridge_> Good question. Only god himself knows what subset of regex works on what engine 11:22 <+ws-client> < Learath2> should be at C:\Python25 11:22 <+ws-client> windows enjoyer 11:22 < bridge_> 😬 11:22 <+ws-client> < Learath2> bam -c all; bam client_release does that get you python errors ? 11:22 <+ws-client> bam enjoyer 11:22 <+ws-client> < Learath2> [](){} fits quite well to C++ 11:22 <+ws-client> C++ enjoyer 11:23 < bridge_> Hm, perhaps \b isn't really the best here 11:23 <+ws-client> ] c'est un mystère 😛 11:23 <+ws-client> fromage enjoyer 11:23 <+ws-client> I want to go from H to A, B, C, D. I understand that there are prescribed forms for figuring out possible A, B, C, D. I'm curious how one figures out one of these themselves 11:24 <+ws-client> alphabet 11:24 < bridge_> just try c with spaces 11:24 <+ws-client> ] c.acquire().await?.begin().await 11:24 < bridge_> But that loses sentences thay start and end with c 11:24 <+ws-client> ye 11:24 < bridge_> then add those too 11:25 <+ws-client> wtf is there an emoji? 11:25 < bridge_> but isnt on irc the text never at start 11:25 < bridge_> and when would u add c at the end of sentence 11:25 < bridge_> My favourite programming language is C 11:25 < bridge_> $ 11:25 <+ws-client> https://github.com/TeeworldsDB/irclogs/blob/2ac04c68d9175022592b93a591d563d457c7766d/ddnet/2019-05-07.log#L465 11:25 <+ws-client> watafak is that 11:26 < bridge_> \🗺️ 11:26 <+ws-client> ah map 11:26 <+ws-client> he edited it afterwards xd 11:27 < bridge_> `(?:\s|^)C(?:89|90|99|11|20|23|2x)?(?:\s|$)` how about this? 11:27 <+ws-client> wanna dos my poor macbook? 11:28 < bridge_> xD 11:28 < bridge_> lol 11:28 < bridge_> Worry not no lookaheads or look behinds 11:28 <+ws-client> that looks smooth 11:28 <+ws-client> like almost no false positives 11:29 < bridge_> the `^` is unlikely to do anything good since the nickname is in front 11:29 <+ws-client> > 2022-05-07.log:35:00:19 <+bridge> [ddnet] C is sooo pretty ❤️ 11:29 < bridge_> :owo: 11:29 < bridge_> ❤️ 11:29 < bridge_> chiller give the count 😭 11:29 <+ws-client> 476 11:29 < bridge_> pff 11:29 <+ws-client> > 2023-04-13.log:59:11:06 < bridge> Coolcool C is best 11:29 <+ws-client> > 2022-09-29.log:180:20:30 <+bridge> [ddnet] C syntax is ❤️ 11:30 <+ws-client> > 2023-06-08.log:1133:22:54 <+bridge> C ofc ❤️ 11:31 <+ws-client> > 2023-09-29.log:185:18:16 < bridge> I suggest C :Gigachad: 11:31 <+ws-client> > 2023-10-08.log:230:11:00 < bridge> If C has 3 fans, I'm one of them. 11:31 <+ws-client> > 2023-10-08.log:231:11:00 < bridge> If C has 1 fan, it is me. 11:31 <+ws-client> > 2023-10-08.log:232:11:00 < bridge> If C has no fans, I've died. 11:31 < bridge_> stop spamming chiller 11:31 < bridge_> there in the internet.. forever 11:31 < bridge_> :lol: 11:31 <+ws-client> > 2023-12-31.log:160:09:30 < bridge> Common C W 11:31 < bridge_> if u post all, learath gets even more c ones 11:31 < bridge_> 😬 11:31 < bridge_> :pepe_ew92: 11:31 <+ws-client> rigged stats 11:31 < bridge_> u destroying the stats 11:31 <+ws-client> next time we just grep -v ChillerDragon 11:32 < bridge_> do `-.-` for yourself 11:32 < bridge_> `-\.-` 😄 11:32 < bridge_> Who mentioned ddnet word the most times? 0_o 11:32 <+ws-client> -.- works 11:32 < bridge_> i always say teeworlds 11:33 < bridge_> bcs it sounds more epyc 11:33 <+ws-client> 316 11:33 < bridge_> top10 teeworlds & ddnet pls 11:33 < bridge_> for -.-?+ 11:33 < bridge_> that's quite a lot 😄 11:33 <+ws-client> 1983 for ._. 11:33 < bridge_> u.u 11:33 < bridge_> ._. 11:33 < bridge_> wtf 11:33 < bridge_> uwu? 11:33 < bridge_> `.` is a wildcard, ChillerDragon 11:33 < bridge_> this catches `some_identifier` 11:33 <+ws-client> ah right 11:34 < bridge_> just like `-.-` matches `automat-o-ton` or whatever 11:34 <+ws-client> ok only 151 ._. 11:34 <+ws-client> and 279 -.- 11:35 <+ws-client> 199 uwu/owo xd 11:35 < bridge_> top10 teeworlds & ddnet pls 11:35 <+ws-client> oke 11:35 < bridge_> and pls not as base64 11:35 <+ws-client> xd 11:35 < bridge_> and afterwards create a chillerbot that accepts regex requests 11:35 < bridge_> 😄 11:35 < bridge_> and created top10 11:36 <+ws-client> xd 11:36 < bridge_> C my beloved 11:36 <+ws-client> lmao lerato 11:36 <+ws-client> hm the bridge is called ddnet 11:36 < bridge_> it wins 11:36 <+ws-client> i need some more complex stuff sec 11:37 < bridge_> the bridge is called bridge_ 11:37 <+ws-client> ./teeworlds/2019-04-21.log:14:00 < bridge> [teeworlds] lol thats weird the econ console sees comments from other users xd 11:37 <+ws-client> it has teeworlds in here for example 11:37 < bridge_> Now i am become Rust, Destroyer of Unsafe code 11:38 < bridge_> @learath2 see how important u are to me 11:38 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244223122337435669/image.png?ex=66545494&is=66530314&hm=7429e1fd5999148d2e4258e736299b92acdfdef13355f0ca563a65601571eb9b& 11:38 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244223181804404828/image.png?ex=665454a3&is=66530323&hm=b58351f8978f831b67ff7ddebd5a2d38f2e09ac9ef5c3df99b7fee71110cf4b1& 11:38 < bridge_> You were probably saying something mean 11:38 <+ws-client> yea idk how to code a non bugged grep 11:39 < bridge_> btw ripgrep, which is made with rust, is faster 11:39 <+ws-client> but its bad 11:39 <+ws-client> it always misses stuff 11:39 <+ws-client> if you wanna catch all grep is better 11:39 < bridge_> ? 11:39 < bridge_> probably only because his terminal runs using vulkan vulkan vulkan 11:39 < bridge_> You have more btw including replies 11:39 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244223408099561543/image0.jpg?ex=665454d9&is=66530359&hm=935077f0a917066d97f0376e82d15009b7157cd4e9a0283cb62b83ed0bfcfb6f& 11:39 <+ws-client> i have had many incidents where grep would find more while grepping logs 11:39 < bridge_> there's also the `mentions:` keyword for discord search 11:42 < bridge_> learath might be the most mentioned person on this server 11:42 < bridge_> ripgrep doesnt do backtracking by default iirc 11:42 < bridge_> interesting 11:42 < bridge_> can u show a proof 11:42 < bridge_> 14k times, followed by ryo with 13k 11:42 < bridge_> chiller 11:43 < bridge_> 10 more times to mention ryo to hit 14k 11:43 < bridge_> @ryozuki 1 11:45 < bridge_> @ryozuki 2 11:50 < bridge_> @ryozuki 3 11:59 < bridge_> https://orlp.net/blog/taming-float-sums/ 12:00 <+ws-client> last time i got bamboolzed by rg was a while ago 12:04 <+ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1716717807.png 12:04 <+ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1716717848.png 12:05 < bridge_> when top10 12:05 <+ws-client> ok it might be gitignore stuff this time but i remember some day my log parser broke i swapped rg with grep and it worked again 12:05 <+ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ send cmd i run it 12:05 < bridge_> grep top10 ddnet 12:05 <+ws-client> ?xd 12:06 <+ws-client> dude i broke hot reloading again 12:14 <+ws-client> so i am atm cleaning up all those hacks 12:14 <+ws-client> i may have copy pasted vulkan code without reading it xd 12:28 < bridge_> just code it new from scratch 12:29 <+ws-client> vulkan? xd 12:29 < bridge_> with all new your experience 12:29 < bridge_> yes that too xd 12:29 < bridge_> i mean ur hot reload stuff 12:29 <+ws-client> oh you mean my thing 12:29 <+ws-client> there is barley any code yet -.- 12:29 < bridge_> it worked yesterday 12:29 < bridge_> don't make me sad 12:29 <+ws-client> i made it work again :D 12:30 <+ws-client> it was because i copy patasad from some vulkan header 12:30 <+ws-client> without reading it xd 12:30 <+ws-client> also with crypto now 12:30 < bridge_> imagine touching vulkan headers when doing server side stuff 12:30 < bridge_> xD 12:30 <+ws-client> :D 12:30 <+ws-client> i liked their visbibilty prepropressor thingies 12:31 <+ws-client> propressor lmao 12:31 <+ws-client> because next up is passing pipeline 12:31 <+ws-client> so far the state is only works on my machine 12:36 <+ws-client> when merge https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8318 12:37 <+ws-client> omgawd it has conflicts 12:40 < bridge_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ-25-pRhpY 12:40 <+ws-client> xd 13:14 < bridge_> could be supported but only for new clients 13:15 < bridge_> will break ux for old client/non-compilant players 13:39 < bridge_> I'm curious to see what the current % of players on updated clients vs non-updated clients is nowadays 13:45 < bridge_> me too, ping deen he has the stats xd 13:46 <+ws-client> last stats i saw were a high amount of users being up to date 13:46 <+ws-client> that is caused by auto update feature in the client and also the high amount of steam enjoyers 13:48 < bridge_> the amnt of backwards compatability in this game is kind of insane to me 13:48 < bridge_> but tbh ur feature request doesn't sound very trivial. how would prediction work with it? 13:48 < bridge_> 13:48 < bridge_> how does the client make sure it can back up in case wrong tiles were written (network wise this would at least need in-order reliable packets from the server) 13:48 < bridge_> 13:48 < bridge_> what are update limits, can the server just easily dos the client? 13:48 < bridge_> it's completely useless 13:49 < bridge_> we can easily force players to update by dropping old clients 13:49 <+ws-client> we have vital messages 13:49 < bridge_> id imagine tile updates wouldn't take as much data as tee updates really 13:49 < bridge_> although full map updates would have to be sent so in that case it could get pretty heavy 13:49 <+ws-client> ah tee only has x and y 13:50 <+ws-client> a tile has x/y/type/layer/group/flags 13:50 < bridge_> it definitely isn't trivial 13:50 < bridge_> in my mind most map updates would be triggered by teammates standing on switches, etc. so it would have as much prediction as those actions have prediction 13:50 < bridge_> and yes i think in-order packets would be the most tricky part of it 13:51 <+ws-client> vital should cover that 13:51 < bridge_> ah 13:51 < bridge_> i think what you request would work with dd-pg's rendering wasm modules 13:51 <+ws-client> did you see my poc @louis ? 13:51 < bridge_> x, y, angle, shooting, current weapon, emote etc 13:51 < bridge_> but prediction chilller? 13:51 <+ws-client> it worked flawlessly 13:51 < bridge_> yeah ChillerDragon 13:51 <+ws-client> wdym prediction jupsti? 13:51 < bridge_> without prediction that feature would be a step back 13:51 < bridge_> client side prediction 13:51 <+ws-client> it has 13:51 <+ws-client> did you see the clip? 13:52 < bridge_> did u already implement luis idea? 13:52 <+ws-client> yes 13:52 < bridge_> epyc 13:52 < bridge_> fast boi 13:52 < bridge_> yeah the poc looks pretty nice tbh 13:52 <+ws-client> no jupsti im not fast 13:52 < bridge_> but at the same time i feel like a change to the shape of the mapfile itself would make stuff like this much simpler too 13:53 <+ws-client> but it didnt take me too long but it was not because of louis but because i wanted that since forever 13:53 < bridge_> maybe that's asking too much 😅 13:53 <+ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/7666 13:53 <+ws-client> here the clip @Jupstar ✪ 13:53 <+ws-client> the client calls Collision()->SetTile so it has prediction 13:53 < bridge_> nice so how does the client react if the prediction was wrong? 13:53 < bridge_> how does it recover from that 13:54 <+ws-client> ah you mean like if the client hits a wall server side where the client client side thinks there is void? 13:54 <+ws-client> i don't think it has to recover from such state 13:54 < bridge_> if the client hits a switch and removes tiles but it actually didnt happen 13:54 <+ws-client> as soon as the server informs it about the tile it should apply the new tile instantly 13:54 < bridge_> how does prediction work for that with doors 13:54 <+ws-client> it will bug 13:54 < bridge_> and if u have 300 ping? 13:55 <+ws-client> yea same as with doors i guess 13:55 < bridge_> doors can simply be part of the snapshot 13:55 < bridge_> tbh u can't expect prediction to be playable on 300 ping 13:55 <+ws-client> your client gets bugged through 13:55 < bridge_> for map files this isnt as easy as it would need the whole map 13:55 < bridge_> doors are rendered on fly 13:55 < bridge_> not buffered 13:56 < bridge_> it's not about seeing others predicted 13:56 < bridge_> client side prediction also is for local tee 13:56 < bridge_> ah ye 13:56 <+ws-client> i understand what you mean jopsti 13:56 <+ws-client> but i was not planning it for doors anyways thats a louis thing 13:56 <+ws-client> i only wanted live map editor and minetee 13:57 < bridge_> yeah i like that 13:57 <+ws-client> nothing that gets into official ddnet rank gameplay so heinrich can not complain about breaking backcompat 13:57 < bridge_> it's just not trivial 😄 13:57 <+ws-client> so far the only problem i know is demo skipping 13:57 <+ws-client> thats what heinrich pointed out 13:57 <+ws-client> and i am not too sure about the diff format heinrich suggested mapfile chunks 13:57 < bridge_> hmm i don't see what makes running into a nonexistent tile wall different than a nonexistent door wall 13:58 < bridge_> basically what chiller just said 13:58 <+ws-client> because it is in the snapshot 13:58 < bridge_> if u skip demo u need to reupload the whole map file 13:58 < bridge_> why cant u just send tile diffs in snapshot too 13:58 < bridge_> for doors it's simply the current doors in the snapshot 13:58 <+ws-client> but you skip the diffs 13:58 <+ws-client> on demo skip 13:58 < bridge_> but u need to track ALL tile diffs 13:58 < bridge_> that ever existed 13:58 < bridge_> doors are simply a list of current doors 13:58 <+ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/7666#issuecomment-1983414934 13:59 <+ws-client> wat you think about dis jopsti? 13:59 < bridge_> hm true 13:59 < bridge_> i dunno, maybe demos simply don't work with this kind of games 14:00 < bridge_> do demos exist in minecraft? 14:00 <+ws-client> demo skipping* 14:00 < bridge_> i guess i'm thinking from a ddnet gameplay perspective as in tees won't be adding tiles to the map themselves, everything would already be predetermined in the editor 14:00 < bridge_> except, as always, for the players who can't update easily. android client (in the works), custom clients, unsupported OSs 14:00 <+ws-client> minecraft mods have replays yes 14:00 < bridge_> drop them 14:00 <+ws-client> idk if they have a skip 14:00 < bridge_> 99% of players profit 14:00 < bridge_> the others are not important 14:00 <+ws-client> heinrich supporting the bot devs who are too lazy to solve git conflicts axaxax 14:01 < bridge_> why not just send lightweight tile changes in the snapshot and heavier ones without predictions 14:01 < bridge_> that would actually be a lot easier to support 14:02 < bridge_> like basically if you just have a switch that toggles a group of tiles active or not active then that's super easy for client side prediction 14:02 <+ws-client> @louis you mean keep ALL tile changes in EVERY snapshot? 14:02 < bridge_> but if you're going minetee route, that's definitely not 14:02 < bridge_> yeah if u know all toggable tiles in advance it's different for sure 14:02 < bridge_> i was thinking of these tile swaps more as ddnet doors, when you apply it to minetee-like gamemodes i realize its less viable 14:02 < bridge_> but at least for minetee it would not work ig 14:03 < bridge_> that works, but then it's: we can easily force some players to update and some to stop playing the game by dropping support for old versions 14:03 <+ws-client> im sure konsti would love to explore the new possibilties of bugs that happen when you can stuck a tee in a wall xd 14:03 < bridge_> why not if the tee is stuck in a nonexistent tile or vise versa, the server just resends the updated tile information in a small radius around the tee position 14:05 < bridge_> or idk. send small batches of snapshots depending on the tee's position 14:06 <+ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ idk if snapshots even help 14:06 < bridge_> what snapshots? 14:06 <+ws-client> with prediction 14:06 < bridge_> ? 14:06 <+ws-client> the make sure that tee and tile positions are sent together yes 14:06 <+ws-client> but the client still predicts in between snapshots 14:07 <+ws-client> and netmessages should arrive as fast as snapshots 14:07 < bridge_> i have no context about wtf u talk about xD 14:07 <+ws-client> you said for prediction the map changes should be in the snap so they are as good as doors 14:07 <+ws-client> i am not sure if that is true 14:07 <+ws-client> i think 300 ping is bad either way 14:08 <+ws-client> and 40 ping is good either way 14:08 < bridge_> i never said anything about network detail for map changes, except that they need to be reliable 14:08 < bridge_> and in order 14:08 < bridge_> u can never predict if another tee places a tile right on ur face 14:08 < bridge_> but u should be able to predict for example if a deep'ed tee falls onto a switch that activates new tiles 14:08 < bridge_> yes, in a minecraft like mod it's not really ez 14:10 < bridge_> i definitely don't know tw code esp netcode as much so i'm probably just yapping xd 14:10 < bridge_> but i dont see whats wrong with if simply re-sending all tile information in like a 10-tile radius to the tee if the client and server are mismatched 14:10 < bridge_> @louis.place ur version where u prepare it in editor is defs realistic 14:10 < bridge_> bcs then it's just on/off in the snapshot 14:10 < bridge_> it's basically like laser doors then 14:12 < bridge_> but we all know terraria 2.0 is a mod of ddnet 14:12 <+ws-client> opsi seems like i have a bug in my js somewhere 14:12 <+ws-client> webchat completly killed my firefox -.- 14:12 < bridge_> does it show wrong names again? xd 14:12 < bridge_> lmao 14:12 <+ws-client> thats always annoying 14:12 <+ws-client> lost all tabs and 2mins of my life 14:13 <+ws-client> ok then lets not put tile diffs in the snap easy 14:13 < bridge_> chiller isnt it super late for u 14:18 < bridge_> i thought 1 at beginning means positive 14:20 <+ws-client> nah 1 is negative 14:20 < bridge_> then its easy, only problem is what if mapper changes something else (unless game entities i mean) aand prediction ig 14:20 <+ws-client> both working in my poc -.- 14:20 <+ws-client> did you see the clip 14:20 < bridge_> wb changing quads 14:20 <+ws-client> omaagawd quads xd 14:20 <+ws-client> but ye could be done in the same way 14:20 < bridge_> chiller we both know that we need roblox ddnet 14:20 <+ws-client> well yea could be cool but also ugly 14:20 <+ws-client> too many ppl with bad taste 14:20 < bridge_> chillerino dont you remember android mapping tool that was projecting directly onto server 14:20 <+ws-client> yes 14:20 <+ws-client> unsigned char poggies 14:20 < bridge_> we need like a physics type layer so u can put doodads on top of blocks that get destroyed when the block gets destroyed 😹 14:21 <+ws-client> no we dont 14:21 < bridge_> ye sometimes i think ur unsigned char's second perosnality 14:21 <+ws-client> -the skill 14:21 <+ws-client> bro wrote gta from scratch 14:22 < bridge_> we do 14:22 <+ws-client> Finally everything is working smoothly! Epic bot development incoming. Thanks to @Jupstar ✪ and @heinrich5991 for helping a lot. And everyone else for being my rubber duck during the last few days!!! 14:22 <+ws-client> https://tube.zillyhuhn.com/video.php?t=hot_bot_hacking.mp4&u=chiller 14:22 < bridge_> for server side dummies too ofc 14:22 <+ws-client> may the epic bot development begin! @fokkonaut check out this poggies hot reloading 14:32 < bridge_> the amount of backwards compatibility in this world is insane, but without it, you'd have to change everything every year... 14:33 < bridge_> @patiga was kinda funny tbh :kek: 14:33 < bridge_> I'm honestly so confused, but it was hilarious at the same time 14:33 < bridge_> xd 14:39 < bridge_> but it also depends on the software type IMO.. a game doesnt require it as much as a operating system.. a driver needs a stable interface, but the driver itself can be rewritten as much as it wants etc. 14:40 < bridge_> minecraft also has no backward compability really and still biggest modded game 14:40 < bridge_> in this case it would ofc be a huge change 14:41 < bridge_> but often breaking compat can also be as simple as changing a data type 14:41 < bridge_> and simply recompile 14:45 <+ws-client> @nouaa @patiga ?? xd 14:45 <+ws-client> is this some reply moment wat u talkin about 14:45 < bridge_> #general for context 14:46 <+ws-client> F 14:46 <+ws-client> when bridge #general 14:47 < bridge_> some kid ranted about moderators, and wanted help with blockers. he wanted to us to join voice chat to show us. during our chat he blocked multiple other players xd 14:47 <+ws-client> xd 14:47 <+ws-client> i could see my self doing something like that <:justatest:572499997178986510> 14:48 <+ws-client> thanks for briding patiga uwu 14:48 <+ws-client> block should be legal 14:48 < bridge_> :3 14:48 <+ws-client> banning block is so annoying 14:50 < bridge_> chiller go sleep 14:50 < bridge_> :lol: 14:50 <+ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1716727476.png 14:50 <+ws-client> deen spammer 14:50 < bridge_> nice ip leak 14:51 <+ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> its a vps 14:56 < bridge_> is that the ddnet irc logger? 😄 14:56 < bridge_> it often struggles xD 14:56 <+ws-client> oh no missing logs :c 14:56 < bridge_> use zwelfs discord logs 14:56 <+ws-client> it is deens main account idk which account he logs from but yea might be it. 14:56 < bridge_> they hotter anyway 14:56 < bridge_> with reactions support 14:56 <+ws-client> hm 14:56 <+ws-client> tru i never use them xd 14:56 <+ws-client> they are not live right? 14:56 < bridge_> sign bit also retains its positive value into negative 14:57 < bridge_> i dunno how live they are 14:59 <+ws-client> looks like daily updates 15:00 <+ws-client> but with my internet speed they are no fun 15:00 <+ws-client> the irc logs have better performance 15:26 < bridge_> <0xdeen> now you know GER2's IP, congrats! 15:26 < bridge_> <0xdeen> Yes, I log from my normal account 15:32 < bridge_> Thanks, they call me sherlock for a reason 15:37 < bridge_> juplock 15:37 < bridge_> sherstar sounds funnier tho 15:38 < bridge_> Hi guys 15:39 < bridge_> Can i know how to create a Character from server 15:39 < bridge_> for example 15:39 < bridge_> check SvDbgDummies 15:39 < bridge_> in Wario Ware they have a cow 15:39 < bridge_> theres no default implementation of server side controlled player-character interface 15:40 < bridge_> where it is? 15:40 < bridge_> gamecontext.cpp afair 15:40 < bridge_> ty 15:40 < bridge_> i will check now 15:41 < bridge_> there is no SvDbgDummies at all 15:41 < bridge_> i all code 15:46 < bridge_> in all code 15:48 < bridge_> so how can u do it? 15:49 < bridge_> It should be DbgDummies, no sv. But those are implemented in a very weird way. I don't believe there are any open source implementations of a serverside dummy done properly 15:50 < bridge_> ChillerDragon was messing around with something of that sort. Perhaps he might have it public 15:55 <+ws-client> @rafael8192 now you are working on another feature that is already in ddnet++ xd 15:55 <+ws-client> and F-DDrace which is open source these days too 15:56 <+ws-client> deen using donation money to host his private irc bouncer!!! cancel him! 15:57 <+ws-client> no but fr deen any chance you could make your irc client more stable? c: otherwise i have to scroll so much ._. 15:58 <+ws-client> @rafael8192 if you just want a tee from the server its as easy as compiling ddnet in debug mode and using dbg_dummies config varibale 15:59 <+ws-client> ```mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. && make && ./DDNet-Server "dbg_dummies 1"``` 15:59 < bridge_> huh 15:59 < bridge_> can i know how 15:59 <+ws-client> if you want to also make those tees move goto character.cpp OnTick and do something like `m_SavedInput.m_Direction = 1` 15:59 <+ws-client> i sent you the exact steps @rafael8192 xd 16:00 < bridge_> i dont know what is f-ddrace and ddrace++ :Kek: 16:00 < bridge_> i dont know what is f-ddrace and ddrace++ :kek: 16:00 < bridge_> i just want to do it my self 16:00 <+ws-client> and if you want epic hot reloading and unittestability for bot controls you can pre order TeeworldsBotLib today 16:00 < bridge_> from code 16:00 <+ws-client> ah 16:00 <+ws-client> https://github.com/DDNetPP/DDNetPP 16:00 <+ws-client> https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace/ 16:02 < bridge_> can i have a link to the line with func which spawning tee :lol: ? 16:02 < bridge_> pls 16:03 <+ws-client> oh thats more than one function 16:03 <+ws-client> i would recommend you to either fully use ddnet++ or F-DDrace or the ddnet dbg dummies 16:03 <+ws-client> tbh all of them work fine 16:04 <+ws-client> i would recommend against copy pasting all the dummy spawning code from ddnet++ or F-DDrace that seems a bit pointless 16:16 < bridge_> ddnetpp (ddnet properly properly) xd 16:16 < bridge_> no use mmotee server side character 16:17 < bridge_> big W 16:17 <+ws-client> @rafael8192 here is a 7 year old version of how dummies are done in ddnet++ https://github.com/ChillerDragon/ddnet-10.8.6-dummys/commit/2ac9bc2f15c045477fcdeb918d7dc5206faf5d43 16:17 <+ws-client> i don't recommend looking at it 16:17 <+ws-client> for all my recent projects i just used ddnet dbg dummies and they worked wonderfully so far 16:21 <+ws-client> lmao 16:21 <+ws-client> well depends what you need those tees for 16:21 <+ws-client> thats how the monster mod did it 16:21 < bridge_> thats why i proposed structure for pooo instead of macros 16:21 < bridge_> pool* 16:22 <+ws-client> and i proposed more than 64 slots and make dbg dummies non dbg xd 16:22 <+ws-client> but ddnet maintainers don't want that :c 16:24 <+ws-client> ok now its bed time 16:24 <+ws-client> good nite 16:30 < bridge_> Guys, excuse me, but I’m just a beginner and it’s hard for me to understand. Can you please provide a detailed explanation or, even better, a piece of code in which I can understand everything? 16:30 < bridge_> :owo: 16:42 < bridge_> Unlikely, the thing you are trying to do isn't known for being very beginner friendly 16:47 < bridge_> гр 16:47 < bridge_> yuh 16:47 < bridge_> uh 16:47 < bridge_> okay 16:47 < bridge_> so 16:47 < bridge_> how can i create a tee ? 16:48 < bridge_> i nned this 16:48 < bridge_> ? 16:48 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244301086647517315/image.png?ex=66549d31&is=66534bb1&hm=f2e8deb375c35006f483cba43937c14c74f9df88295098521ef6edb3218c4569& 16:48 < bridge_> and this? 16:48 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244301190557204532/image.png?ex=66549d49&is=66534bc9&hm=01720e98b9f5bcfa5cf0a9ee4f6cf6fcf0a87480ff09952871131dd730d48fb3& 16:50 < bridge_> oh 16:50 < bridge_> i think i found 16:50 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244301536683753636/image.png?ex=66549d9c&is=66534c1c&hm=90212ed385ea14114828fda2c7b41d619ef3861d811349333e335f2be740e67a& 16:56 < bridge_> but it is an old version 16:59 < bridge_> UHHHHH 16:59 < bridge_> HOW TO DO IT :LOL: 16:59 < bridge_> HOW TO DO IT :lol: 17:00 < bridge_> where i can find it? 17:00 < bridge_> can u please give me a name of func or smth like that 17:01 < bridge_> Iam so sorry for annoying 😄 17:24 < bridge_> Oh, thanks. I didn't understand shit. I tried to implement it in DDNET++ and it didn’t even compile for me. I compiled it and launched it, but for some reason my server is registered when it’s stupidly not in the config. And even after adding it, the server is still registered. 17:25 < bridge_> I just cant launch a server on ddnet ++ 17:25 < bridge_> :lol: 17:25 < bridge_> the best programmer on earth 17:46 < bridge_> It already works like a calculator but if calculators didn't support floats and had a performance of a brick 17:46 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244315627871670402/image.png?ex=6654aabb&is=6653593b&hm=73bbd723aae40628ca11302de8291a0c83e25f7b0233784c7dd87ca04626fbb9& 18:55 < bridge_> hi, wondering if theres any way to implement my ddnet server into uptime kuma? 19:05 < bridge_> isnt uptime kuma just monitoring it? basically feed it the port and it gets what it needs? 19:09 < bridge_> well yeah it is 19:10 < bridge_> but how would i set it up with ddnet as just giving it the ip and port would just say always on 19:10 < bridge_> even if the server is on 19:16 < bridge_> im fairly sure you can just ping the server every like 5 minutes to check if its alive or not 19:17 < bridge_> right but how 19:18 < bridge_> these are my options 19:18 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1244338871542481009/IMG_2400.jpg?ex=6654c061&is=66536ee1&hm=c28c71b7ac87a7befac573996c089751205f2e89e1fd07105885bc25292c2c2a& 20:03 < bridge_> probably push 20:03 < bridge_> teeworlds servers don't implement ping 20:04 < bridge_> push just means that i call the uptime kuma url from teeworlds 20:04 < bridge_> push just means that i call the uptime kuma url from ddnet 20:05 < bridge_> is there a script that contsantly runs while the server is up? i could add the command to call it 20:11 < bridge_> @blaiszephyr are u find turkey host? 20:12 < bridge_> i have nothing to do with turkey-servers 20:13 < bridge_> :( 20:17 < bridge_> yeah this, but i believe it has to be always running for uptime kuma to detect its on 20:17 < bridge_> similar to if i were to have it open in a browser 20:17 < bridge_> it would tell me the server is on 20:39 < bridge_> gm 🍵 20:54 < bridge_> morning?? 20:55 < bridge_> Hey i jsut updated from version 9 to 18.2, really nice new changes and the gui is way better now too. Good job 🙂 20:55 < bridge_> 😅 20:55 < bridge_> you didnt update for 9 years - respect! XD 20:56 < bridge_> awesome 20:56 < bridge_> android user? 20:56 < bridge_> or just forgot to update 20:56 < bridge_> welcome in 2024 20:56 < bridge_> no i use windows and never updated, thought i was banned because i didnt find any ger server so i had to update after creating a ticket. 21:07 < bridge_> XDD 21:07 < bridge_> No progress for today 🙄 21:07 < bridge_> At least I changed my profile picture. Still should find something better 22:38 < bridge_> Does anyone have a 0.7 skin svg template ? 22:43 < bridge_> ChillerDragon: nice that it works 🙂 22:45 < bridge_> ChillerDragon: ger2 is paid for by me. no donation money 23:02 < Loser_> sa türk warmi 23:21 < bridge_> > The Internet Archive's cost per TB, with 24/7 online hard drives, is approximately $2000 for forever. 23:21 < bridge_> interesting 23:31 < bridge_> uh, there's no running cost ? 23:33 < bridge_> I think the running cost is factored in 23:44 < bridge_> 2000$ per TB? damn, wouldn't expect it to be that expensive