07:57 <+ws-client> heinrich send brain 07:58 <+ws-client> i am starting to blame something ddnet and teeworlds do in the cmakelists that messes up my hot reloading 07:58 <+ws-client> so this one hot reloads perfectly https://github.com/ChillerDragon/teeworlds/blob/0470c1716f764ebe554ea2a6115e46bf8d75a2de/src/engine/server/server.cpp#L845-L909 07:58 <+ws-client> Its a veeeeery slimmed down version of the teeworlds code base 07:59 <+ws-client> and this one does not work https://github.com/TeeworldsBotLib/teeworlds/blob/3cd2607c7d322014eb0dfa6f58a9bdcbd32b478b/src/engine/server/server.cpp#L1276-L1340 07:59 <+ws-client> neither in ddnet nor in teeworlds 09:05 < bridge> https://github.com/koute/bytehound 09:48 < bridge> try debugging it beyond works/doesn't work, ChillerDragon 10:26 <+ws-client> well its the same doesn't work it used to be 10:27 <+ws-client> it seems to find the symbols that were statically linked unless i copy paste the code into my minimal example -.- 10:33 < bridge> do you enable `-rdynamic` in both cases? 10:43 <+ws-client> yes 10:45 < bridge> (and you have verified that by looking at the raw build commands) 10:46 <+ws-client> no 10:47 <+ws-client> i added rdynamic because without it says symbol not found and then the `file` command says "not stripped" so i am sure its applied 10:47 <+ws-client> working one: 10:48 <+ws-client> `teeworlds_srv: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=0da68a5bc1557e6a4f79b811ca012eb174855643, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, with debug_info, not stripped` 10:48 <+ws-client> non working one: 10:48 <+ws-client> `teeworlds_srv: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=6f05358423394232a821f8a952215a0f5f377bbe, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped` 10:50 < bridge> "not stripped" is unrelated to `-rdynamic` 10:56 <+ws-client> isnt rdynamic about exposing the symbols? 11:02 <+ws-client> `/usr/bin/c++ -g CMakeFiles/teeworlds_srv.dir/src/engine/server/server.cpp.o CMakeFiles/teeworlds_srv.dir/src/external/TeeworldsBotLib/src/bots/base.cpp.o CMakeFiles/teeworlds_srv.dir/src/external/TeeworldsBotLib/src/bots/sample.cpp.o CMakeFiles/teeworlds_srv.dir/src/external/TeeworldsBotLib/src/shared/hotreload.cpp.o "CMakeFiles/json.dir/src/engine/external/json-parser/json.c.o" 11:02 <+ws-client> "CMakeFiles/engine-shared.dir/src/engine/shared/kernel.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/game-shared.dir/src/game/collision.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/game-shared.dir/src/generated/git_revision.cpp.o" -o teeworlds_srv /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so -lrt -rdynamic ` 11:04 <+ws-client> looking at that seems like a good idea gimme a sec 11:04 < bridge> `-rdynamic` is about exposing the symbols of the executable to shared libraries 11:05 <+ws-client> and stripping is about hiding symbols 11:06 <+ws-client> but yea both make VERBOSE=1 show rdynamic on every target 11:06 <+ws-client> i will try to minimize that further so i can reason easier about it 11:09 < bridge> only non-dynamic symbols 11:09 < bridge> but `-rdynamic` is only about dynamic symbols 11:09 < bridge> TeeworldsBOTLib? 11:10 <+ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 11:10 < bridge> ChillerDragon likes to be edgy, but it's server-side bots apparently 11:10 < bridge> Ah, false 11:10 <+ws-client> oh yea i somehow thought the stripping gave hints about that 11:11 <+ws-client> ye either way i now verified rdynamic is applied on both i still dont really know what the difference between the working and non working code base is 11:11 <+ws-client> but im losing focus so ill continue tomorrow :D 11:15 <+ws-client> chillerdragon yo 11:16 <+ws-client> still hot reloading problems mhh 11:16 <+ws-client> just blame global variables and live the best life 12:14 <+ws-client> ye but i am so close. I now know that everything i want is possible. I just can't get it to work in a real codebase :D 12:15 <+ws-client> sadly remote debugging is always hard 12:15 <+ws-client> this channel has been very helpful already 12:15 <+ws-client> ur name backwards is so unintuitive xd 12:16 <+ws-client> rats 12:16 <+ws-client> konsti 12:20 < bridge> hi i got 1 wisdom tooth out 12:20 < bridge> half mouth sleepy 12:20 < bridge> AMA 12:25 <+ws-client> hope it wasn't the wisdom of rust 12:30 < bridge> is talking hard? 12:34 < bridge> ye 12:36 <+ws-client> good that for saying "rust" u dont need to open your mouth <:lol:460429405328506900> 12:41 < bridge> you fooled me! 12:41 < bridge> you fooled me! how dare are you! 12:46 < bridge> Did they knock you out or did you get local? 12:46 < bridge> local lol 12:53 < bridge> i survived another week of work :dab: 12:53 < bridge> Not yet 12:53 < bridge> Or are you already home? 12:53 < bridge> i am! 12:53 < bridge> wooooah 12:53 < bridge> ikr! 12:53 < bridge> :poggers2: 14:28 < bridge> hope you'll survive another weekend coding on bw 14:28 < bridge> :greenthing: 14:28 < bridge> :monkaStop: 14:29 < bridge> dont make me cry manm 14:29 < bridge> dont make me cry man 14:30 < bridge> i'll make you enjoy your boring weeks of work 14:30 < bridge> haha 14:37 < bridge> pain 15:05 < bridge> are you programmer? 15:06 < bridge> wouldn't call myself a good one but ye 15:07 < bridge> do you do opengl? 15:07 < bridge> in what context? 15:11 < bridge> i dont know 15:12 < bridge> https://dontasktoask.com/ 15:12 < bridge> do you need help with anything? 15:16 < sdsds> Hi, I read for days and weeks words of bigotry and hate against homo and black people in ddnet from RUS, UKR, and POL. 15:16 < sdsds> Names like Hitler, Adolf, 88 and so on. 15:16 < sdsds> All tolerated by their "tolerants" admins. 15:17 < sdsds> Yesterday a crazy and cringe psycho stalked me for hours asking about black and homosexual people. 15:17 < sdsds> Finally started like a fucking mad guy telling me he loves me and more words, i tried to ignore him, but every tim you disconnect, the ignore is forgoten. 15:18 < sdsds> So I decided to say who is and what he does. 15:18 < sdsds> Admin instead of helping banned me. 15:18 < sdsds> I am going to research who are the admins in ddnet, and show the world: NAMES, SURNAMES, PHOTOS of DDNET admins tolerating nazism, fascism, racism and homophobia. 15:18 < sdsds> To all the world. 15:19 < sdsds> And belive me that is not going to be a good thing for them. 15:19 < bridge> we have a good ticket system if you join discord server you'll be able to use it 15:19 < sdsds> It is what they deserves. 15:19 < sdsds> And I am starting collecting name, surname and photos of devels. 15:19 < sdsds> All of them. 15:19 < sdsds> Implicated in this bigotry and hateness full servers. 15:19 < bridge> you are multiplying this hate yourself though 15:20 < sdsds> Believe me that I am going to do this. Indeed,I al ready started. 15:20 < sdsds> :) 15:20 < sdsds> Nah, I am going to create a web with names, surnames an dphotos, and what the admins tolerate: racism, fascism, nazism,. homophiobia. 15:21 < sdsds> But not a single one in the other team: democracy and human rights. 15:21 < sdsds> You all are a piece of shit because it is IMPOSIBLE to believe that you dont know what it is already happening there. 15:21 < bridge> the bad part is that we have moderators that are trying to moderate ddnet servers and they do it on their free time 15:21 < bridge> i have never heard an admin or moderator tolerating anything you pointed 15:22 < sdsds> That "moderators" are tolerating nazism, racism, and homophobia. Yesterday for 2 hours I was told that I am a nigga fucker faggot. 15:22 < sdsds> I am not black, and I am antifascist and I dont tolerate that. 15:22 < bridge> so who did it? 15:22 < sdsds> Who? 15:22 < sdsds> Go to any server from rus and pol and tell me who DONT. 15:22 < sdsds> xD 15:22 < bridge> wazzup ddnets 15:23 < sdsds> I dont know what is happening in that countries, but that teenegers are full of hate. 15:23 < bridge> and teeworlder 15:23 < bridge> as i said ddnet has ticket system in discord server 15:23 < sdsds> Iwill not change my username. I am proud of what I said. 15:23 < bridge> its not moderators nor admins fault for not being able to modeeate something 15:23 < bridge> its their free time and no one pays them 15:23 < bridge> it's friday, it's weekend, it's freedom, it's FFR 15:23 < sdsds> Nah, you are responsible of what there happens. 15:23 < sdsds> So I will show, I made some videos. 15:23 < sdsds> And I am editing. 15:24 < sdsds> Name, surname, photos. And videos of what there happens. 15:24 < bridge> oke go ahead weirdo 15:24 < bridge> you're upset at the wrong people 15:24 < sdsds> That is not tolerated in the Europan Union. 15:24 < sdsds> That is ilegal. 100% 15:24 < sdsds> So you will have the problems you created. 15:24 < bridge> i am the law 15:24 < sdsds> Tolerating that befaveiour for years. 15:24 < bridge> obay me 15:24 < bridge> :kek: 15:24 < sdsds> The law is what we created in european institutions, not you Freak. 15:25 < bridge> your behafier is quit gud 15:25 < sdsds> And believe me that I will put all the names and surnames and their photos with the videos. 15:25 < bridge> heyho jupjop 15:25 < sdsds> Showing the world what toxic and bigotry ambient is there. 15:25 < bridge> and hey big melony 15:25 < sdsds> DDNET = S H I T 15:25 < bridge> gesundheit! 15:25 < bridge> leak me aswell while you're at it 15:25 < bridge> hello zohan.. u are so active since u are no mod anymore... weird 15:25 < bridge> 😏 15:25 < bridge> wtf hans, stop leak 15:25 < bridge> finally ill see the happy father melony 15:26 < bridge> :kek: 15:26 < sdsds> You will get what you deserve. 15:26 < bridge> ita kind of coincident 15:26 < bridge> im waiting for bus rn 15:26 < bridge> it's fine @gerdoe 15:26 < bridge> u prepare your return 15:26 < bridge> watching cpp russia 15:26 < bridge> i support that 15:27 < bridge> support him even harder so he can finish our new source tiihii 16:01 < bridge> I just managed to kill my fps in teeworlds with animations 16:02 < bridge> time for binary search 16:05 < bridge> lazy devs knew it: 16:05 < bridge> ```cpp 16:05 < bridge> // TODO: make this smarter.. binary search 16:05 < bridge> ``` 16:06 < bridge> Ah, classic, leave a todo and never look at it again 16:10 < bridge> Do you think 200 fps are enough in teeworlds, when you own a GTX 3070 or will people start complaining about lag? 16:11 < bridge> i'd complain 16:11 < bridge> xd 16:12 < bridge> I fixed this by clipping each animated quad layer 16:13 < bridge> lol, why is this like this? 16:13 < bridge> an animation 1000 blocks away issues the gpu otherwise 16:13 < bridge> I fixed this by clipping each animated quad layer in it's own group 16:14 < bridge> We do our best to moderate the servers, if you think a moderator has failed in that duty, feel free to report the moderator. 16:14 < bridge> 16:14 < bridge> Under both US and EU law, best effort moderation is completely acceptable. (Section 230(c) of the Communications Decency Act in the US and Article 12 of the EU E-Commerce Directive, IANAL that's just how I understand them). Furthermore the sort of content you mentioned is under procedural accountability, so under current EU law, I believe our obligation is to only take down that sort of illegal content on notice. (Which I'm not even sure applies d 16:14 < bridge> 16:14 < bridge> Now that we have the law out of the way, let's talk more subjectively. I do agree that we have a moral obligation to keep the chat clean. Which is why moderators exist and have a mandate to mute/ban/kick players that engage in inflammatory speech. Since moderators are not omnipotent, omniscient nor moderate 24/7 it's unreasonable to expect the chat to be completely void of any speech that might offend others at all times. 16:14 < bridge> 16:14 < bridge> Finally, I'll speculate a bit. I think that you are just bitter because you got banned and are just using this very serious issue just as a crutch to get back at the people you blame for getting banned. If you were unjustly banned as you say, you'd simply appeal the ban and not use a random name to hide yourself. Thus I believe that you were banned for good reason, which makes it even more ironic that you'd complain about our handling of hate spee 16:14 < bridge> :justatest: 16:15 < bridge> I look away from a sec, immediately saw EU law 16:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1243569074676699220/IMG_20240524_221923.jpg?ex=6651f373&is=6650a1f3&hm=16cf3489504b708f374625ed6df65e3a5820c2cba422c4fbfc88fc1811e925ca& 16:19 < bridge> is this accurate 16:20 < bridge> i wouldnt say so myself °-° 16:20 < bridge> figured 16:20 < bridge> yeah ~80% correct 16:21 < bridge> do you guys think he'll leak his website when he's done? 16:21 < bridge> i really wanna see what kind of picture he chooses of me 16:21 < bridge> yes, I never thought I can map so hard, that it causes FPS issues xD 16:22 < bridge> some maps lower my fps down to 1500 - which is impressive given i can play at ~20K if i dont cap it 16:22 < bridge> You are not staff, I'd guess you are safe 16:22 < bridge> Discord analyzing chat Is more scary than lero beeing mad :justatest: 16:22 < bridge> not yet™️_ 16:22 < bridge> not yet™️ 16:22 < bridge> I bet I can make teeworlds a slide show to you 16:23 < bridge> when did lero get mad 16:23 < bridge> The long text? 16:24 < bridge> I thought I was pretty neutral in tone 16:24 < bridge> he's the sweetest sweetheart 16:24 < bridge> Don't say that, you might get cancelled by association 16:24 < bridge> :lol: 16:24 < bridge> are you cancelled 16:24 < bridge> !cancel Learath2 16:24 < bridge> you're gone for 16:24 < bridge> also why would i care about being cancelled 16:25 < bridge> 16:25 < bridge> We are all about to get cancelled for not being able to moderate our server effectively 16:25 < bridge> Guess 16:25 < bridge> Hi 16:25 < bridge> old news 16:26 < bridge> Hi 16:26 < bridge> Hi 16:26 < bridge> Choo choo 🚂 16:28 < bridge> I need to work on my tool 16:28 < bridge> Ill maybe do that later 16:28 < bridge> i need to work on my game 16:28 < bridge> i need to.. 16:28 < bridge> Ah so you also lazy 16:28 < bridge> i dont know what i need to do 16:28 < bridge> I like 16:29 < bridge> I need to get ready for cancellation 16:29 < bridge> you need to get ready to receive a free steam key from me 16:29 < bridge> you can start recording an apology video 16:29 < bridge> Ima annoy you later for my tool 16:30 < bridge> should I start it with a deep sigh 16:30 < bridge> I need smth from you 16:30 < bridge> You mean Testament? 16:31 < bridge> EXACTLY 16:34 < bridge> then after say: "So guys" 16:34 < bridge> *deep sigh* hey everyone, i am learath2, also known as *insert leaked name here*, I am deeply sorry for my mistakes, the leaked chat's confirmed i inadvertently contributed to and perpetuated racism and for that i am sorry. 16:34 < bridge> I'll also get a dog 16:34 < bridge> Oh, so cyberfighter then :troll: 16:35 < bridge> "I have failed to remove racism that I was not alerted to, and for that I'm deeply sorry. I should have done better and existed on all servers at the same time at all hours of the day. Going forward I'll become as god and be omnipotent and omniscient." 16:36 < bridge> damn can you like, add me to the weekly prayer text? 16:37 < bridge> Our Learath2 who art in heaven, 16:37 < bridge> hallowed be thy name. 16:37 < bridge> Thy kingdom come. 16:37 < bridge> Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. 16:37 < bridge> Give us this day our daily bread, 16:37 < bridge> and forgive us our trespasses, 16:37 < bridge> as we forgive those who trespass against us, 16:37 < bridge> and lead us not into temptation, 16:37 < bridge> but deliver us from evil. 16:37 < bridge> For thine is the kingdom, the power, 16:37 < bridge> and the glory, For ever and ever. 16:37 < bridge> DDNet. 16:37 < bridge> Worst case I'll move to new zealand and start over. I've been looking for an excuse to disappear anyway 16:37 < bridge> come visit before you do! 16:38 < bridge> You don't want to be seen with a racism propagator 16:41 < bridge> In all recent times, I, as a former moderator have failed to accomplish my duty and restrict the use of a sort of negative activity called "Racism" which myself was not capable of noticing, thus for thee I, from the bottom of my heart, apologize to this community. If I would turn back time, I feel like I would've done better preparations for the mistakes I made, thus would've considered making several paralel universes which form a wormhole, th 16:41 < bridge> What the actual fuck did I just type 16:47 < bridge> I made the chat dead lol 16:47 < bridge> yeah wtf 16:47 < bridge> We are still trying to process 16:47 < bridge> just dont 16:47 < bridge> maybe im high 16:49 < bridge> what do you smoke 16:49 < bridge> I wish I could snus 16:49 < bridge> From Turkey to Italy and now to new zealand 16:52 < bridge> Even me the bot cant process it 16:53 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/requiem-jojo-anime-shocked-giorno-gif-16966671 16:53 < bridge> Response from google Gemini: 16:53 < bridge> 16:53 < bridge> I appreciate your sincerity and willingness to take responsibility. Here's a more realistic approach to tackling racism in your future moderation efforts: 16:53 < bridge> 16:53 < bridge> Self-Education: Racism can be subtle. Learn about racial bias and microaggressions. Read books and articles by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) authors who discuss their experiences. 16:53 < bridge> Community Guidelines: Create clear community guidelines that define racism and unacceptable behavior. 16:53 < bridge> Enforcement: Be consistent in enforcing the guidelines. Don't be afraid to remove racist comments or posts, even if it creates conflict. 16:53 < bridge> Open Communication: Encourage open communication where people can report racism. 16:53 < bridge> Support for Targets: Have resources available for people who experience racism on the platform. 16:54 < bridge> While creating parallel universes might be a creative thought, focusing on real-world solutions will be more effective. 16:54 < bridge> 16:54 < bridge> As for forgiveness, focus on learning and doing better. Here's how you can improve as a moderator: 16:54 < bridge> 16:54 < bridge> Actively Listen: When someone reports racism, listen actively and believe their experience. 16:54 < bridge> Learn from Mistakes: Every situation is a learning opportunity. Analyze what went wrong and how to improve. 16:54 < bridge> Seek Guidance: Talk to other moderators or diversity experts for advice. 16:54 < bridge> By taking these steps, you can become a more effective moderator and create a more inclusive community. 16:54 < bridge> 16:54 < bridge> Here are some resources that might be helpful: 16:54 < bridge> 16:54 < bridge> The National Conference for Community and Justice of NCCJ: https://nccj.org/ 16:54 < bridge> Southern Poverty Law Center: https://www.splcenter.org/ 16:54 < bridge> Anti-Defamation League: https://www.adl.org/ 16:54 < bridge> Remember, fighting racism is an ongoing process. Thank you for your commitment to making the community a better place. 16:54 < bridge> the first lol 16:54 < bridge> yeah educate yourself, good idea 16:56 < bridge> Must be funny for the google employee reading the prompt text 16:56 < bridge> he would also need to process what the fuck is that input 16:57 < bridge> Xd 16:59 < bridge> This power is only mine I guess 16:59 < bridge> :greenthing: 16:59 < bridge> I can make everyone be quiet for a few minutes 17:08 < bridge> Actually now that I think about it more, if we remove all moderation we'd be even more covered legally 🙃 17:08 < bridge> 17:08 < bridge> i'm going to bed 17:10 < bridge> the EU is trying to change that or has already done that, I think 17:12 < bridge> Yeah I'm unsure where that stands, but with the content he mentions iirc we are not liable either way. There is only voluntary self regulation in those things. Except for within germany, where I think you have to comply with notices to takedown 17:12 < bridge> few weeks until next european parliament is elected 17:13 < bridge> will we get another undemocratic elected leader 17:13 < bridge> why do you think the european parliament is undemocratically elected? 17:13 < bridge> not the parliament 17:13 < bridge> but the leader 17:14 < bridge> but doesn't the parliament elect it's leader? 17:16 < bridge> the leader chooses now which leader... oh, so how North Korea does it 17:16 < bridge> I find it hard to believe that the leader of the eurpean parliament chooses the next leader 😄 17:17 < bridge> we live in wild times, you never know 17:17 < bridge> afaik MEPs elect the president of the european parliament, and europeans elect the MEPs, sooo I don't see why it would be undemocratic 17:17 < bridge> it is perhaps less democratic 17:18 < bridge> i'd say that is the problem, ursula was not part of any voting list 17:18 < bridge> 17:18 < bridge> she was selected bcs nobody in europe liked manfred weber to become the leader 17:19 < bridge> she was basically placed by the big countries, germany/france etc. 17:23 < bridge> isn't it popular already :justatest: 17:25 < bridge> no way this guy visited every conference with this talk 17:25 < bridge> omagad 17:26 < bridge> Yeah that one is a bit too far from the people's votes for my taste, but it's also very hard to fix. The European Commission is supposed to be bureaucrats, appointed, neutral. The European Council which proposes the candidate is just leaders of member countries (not neutral), so they can't propose one of their own. MEPs are not neutral either, (though perhaps they are the best idea). Maybe the commission can itself propose one of it's own as the p 17:26 < bridge> but I do agree bringing in some complete unelected outsider is just not good 17:34 < bridge> i dunno, hard to judge what they discussed behind the doors, i am not sure if the eu council should exist at all. 17:35 < bridge> Perhaps, but as far as I understand it is the compromise that is used to make the deal of joining the EU less awful for states. EU law has supremacy, so it really strips a lot of power from the leaders of it's member states, especially smaller ones 17:39 < bridge> (to be fair it's really hard to make the european commission in general more democratic, they are supposed to be neutral technocrats, the more you involve elections in the matter the more political and less neutral they will become) 17:42 < bridge> god this hurts 17:42 < bridge> i only wish this to rust haters 17:42 < bridge> :fuckyousnail: 17:42 < bridge> :justatest: 17:43 < bridge> i can only stay in bed 17:44 < bridge> but u have ur brain with u 17:44 < bridge> your whole life happens in ur head 17:45 < bridge> the pain doesnt let me think 17:45 < bridge> think of the pain 17:45 < bridge> waiting 10 mins to take the med 17:46 < bridge> do it without med 17:46 < bridge> i believe in drug usage 17:46 < bridge> u talk about how strong u are every other day 17:46 < bridge> need the drugs 17:46 < bridge> its just enantyum 17:46 < bridge> xd 17:47 < bridge> just try to sleep, count an integer until it overflows and rust panics 18:39 < bridge> If you lived in the land of the free home of the brave they would have given you some nice painkillers for recovery 18:41 < bridge> come visit i give you my dad's morphine 18:42 < bridge> He is too far. Give it to me instead so I can finally achieve my dream of being a junky 18:43 < bridge> weed's legal in germany now, go go go quick 18:43 < bridge> before the illegalize it again! 18:43 < bridge> before they illegalize it again! 18:43 < bridge> ingot enantyum 18:43 < bridge> and paracetamor 18:43 < bridge> Weed is legal in too many places now. It's not cool anymore 18:43 < bridge> isnt that just placebo against inflammation? 18:44 < bridge> Paracetamol and praying to god have similar efficacy 18:44 < bridge> enantyum is effective 18:44 < bridge> i took it and now im fine 18:44 < bridge> Enantyum is just regular old dexketoprofen, it's not placebo 18:45 < bridge> i used to give my 4 y/o nephew a kind of spicy sweet once and told him "it hurts in your mouth but stops the pain everywhere else!" because he had a tummy ache, worked like a charm 18:46 < bridge> The brain has a gating mechanism for pain and can only register the most severe injuries. Hit your own leg with a baseball bat and your toothache shall go away 19:22 < bridge> I think it's really built in your nerves 19:22 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperpolarization_(biology) 19:22 < bridge> that's what this is afaik 19:54 < bridge> Hello, while making my server, I wanted to add commands to rcon that have several values ​​like “command [value 1] [value 2]”, I used MACRO_CONFIG_INT but it can only take one value. I would also like to know how one could get each value separately for use in code 20:07 < bridge> The `MACRO_CONFIG_*` macros specifically declare config variables, they can only have one value/parameter. See for example the `CServer::RegisterCommands` function in `server.cpp` where commands like `kick` are registered that can have multiple parameters. 20:34 < bridge> thanks, I figured it out 21:10 < bridge> xd I recognize that comment 21:11 < bridge> since those sequences are all very short, I'm relatively certain the linear search should beat binary search there 21:17 < bridge> why tho? since animations are repeating u always have the best and worst case.. so in the end u have smth in the mid or not? xd 21:19 < bridge> afaik the operations binary search are slightly more costly for some reason, so its not worth it on tiny arrays 21:20 < bridge> maybe the additional branching 21:21 < bridge> i rewrote it to use https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/vec/struct.Vec.html#method.partition_point now 21:21 < bridge> https://en.algorithmica.org/hpc/data-structures/binary-search/ 21:21 < bridge> but only bcs i tried to never use linear search anywhere 21:22 < bridge> not bcs i actually fear perf loss of these 5-key frame animations giving me bad perf :lol: 21:23 < bridge> https://algorithmica.org/en/eytzinger 21:23 < bridge> u go sleep bra 21:23 < bridge> but ty for share 😬 21:25 < bridge> the rust impl for binary search look rather simple tho 21:26 < bridge> ```rs 21:26 < bridge> // This control flow produces conditional moves, which results in 21:26 < bridge> // fewer branches and instructions than if/else or matching on 21:26 < bridge> // cmp::Ordering. 21:26 < bridge> // This is x86 asm for u8: https://rust.godbolt.org/z/698eYffTx. 21:26 < bridge> left = if cmp == Less { mid + 1 } else { left }; 21:26 < bridge> right = if cmp == Greater { mid } else { right }; 21:26 < bridge> if cmp == Equal { 21:26 < bridge> // SAFETY: same as the `get_unchecked` above 21:26 < bridge> unsafe { hint::assert_unchecked(mid < self.len()) }; 21:26 < bridge> return Ok(mid); 21:26 < bridge> } 21:26 < bridge> ``` 21:26 < bridge> 21:26 < bridge> ah alright 21:26 < bridge> standards are always funny to read 22:26 < bridge> Im in such a downstate with coding right now, while realising i understand more each day it gets Harder and Harder for me to actually Code? I Used to spend 8hours a day coding and now i get demotivated the Second i Open um neovim. 22:28 < bridge> how da hell will you write the os for me with such a motivation?? 22:28 < bridge> need to do something new 22:28 < bridge> go ride a bicycle 22:30 < bridge> Its not like i dont do anything else :D - it just makes me sad i lost the fire i had for coding i guess 22:30 < bridge> do something new 22:31 < bridge> Its hard to find something new 22:33 < bridge> How to grub loader looking ? 22:34 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1242887679880990882 22:36 < bridge> how did u wanna make it 22:37 < bridge> i wanted to make all options grey except selected one 22:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1243664308362285066/image.png?ex=66524c25&is=6650faa5&hm=11b6527563c96c09469858ac15865009c2ab6cef826c1192295e65ab59ce3730& 22:38 < bridge> but grub doesnt allow to choose place for the image 22:38 < bridge> it can be only a small icon on the left side 22:58 < bridge> Time to rewrite grub 22:58 < bridge> Back on track! 368 out of 607 strings translated (60%)! Thanks to meloƞ for the advice :heartw: 22:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1243669372937965698/d8ea695571cdd366.png?ex=665250dc&is=6650ff5c&hm=990306d41e60c921cdef98567b71da2032c99998548b4310c80234404ab5f653& 22:58 < bridge> Huh what did i do again 22:58 < bridge> 🥴 22:58 < bridge> trueee 22:58 < bridge> milklang has variables btw 22:58 < bridge> kinda 22:58 < bridge> :justatest: 22:58 < bridge> Kinda? :kek: 22:59 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/342454474117218334/1242206304089407648 22:59 < bridge> it works 22:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1243669649921540206/image.png?ex=6652511e&is=6650ff9e&hm=55babbb1b9a6b2540d7554aa17bcc9d99dc37cbdf20c47b4f6c177d96f7e5968& 22:59 < bridge> kinda 22:59 < bridge> :justatest: 23:00 < bridge> Oh yeah true i Said that :gigachad: :kek: :owo: 23:00 < bridge> Lgtm! 23:01 < bridge> I won't promise that I'll finish it on my weekends, not even by June, but who knows! 23:03 < bridge> People will be thankful when you're done! My language is sadly translated 100% already so i cant do any Translating :feelsbadman: 23:04 < bridge> You can always learn another language :^) 23:05 < bridge> learn Ukrainian and contribute to translations :poggers: 23:05 < bridge> That's what I'm doing... 23:05 < bridge> I might actually Pick Up a new language 23:06 < bridge> Maybe properly learn Japanese ? I understand Like 40% But i cant write or speak properly 23:08 < bridge> I wanted to learn Esperanto or Toki Pona, because I'm into conlangs, and I already know one of them 23:08 < bridge> learning languages hard 23:09 < bridge> my noodle struggles to remember new words :feelsbadman: 23:09 < bridge> Your noodle can understand words ?!?! 23:09 < bridge> Damn 23:09 < bridge> my noodle cantt remember new words :feelsbadman: 23:10 < bridge> my noodle cant remember new words :feelsbadman: 23:10 < bridge> brain lag 23:14 < bridge> I see (from bio) you are learning Czech. Maybe try out Interslavic? May help you a bit, I think. 23:14 < bridge> huge f3 23:14 < bridge> bruh i pinged the big Patiga 23:15 < bridge> **HUGE** ping 23:15 < bridge> czech is my first and last slavic language i will ever learn 23:15 < bridge> le huge Patiga 23:15 < bridge> Ping 23:15 < bridge> So weird seeing you in Dev color Not in Mod color 23:16 < bridge> ye i was light blue and now purple 23:16 < bridge> still zhn 23:16 < bridge> ah im 19 now 23:16 < bridge> still gerdoe 23:16 < bridge> bad news 23:16 < bridge> Why? Interslavic is really, really easy to learn (for slavic people, at the very least) 23:17 < bridge> btw i think when src2 will be production ready™ ill hop on src3 xdddddd 23:19 < bridge> Lmao why 😂 23:19 < bridge> Wanna restructure everything again ? 23:19 < bridge> Whhaaaaaa 23:20 < bridge> want to move to rust 23:20 < bridge> ye its may 25th 23:30 < bridge> Note to self, dont Fake at everyone, First time i've been timeouted :justatest: 23:31 < bridge> I Wonder why tho? Considering it doesnt Work anyway 23:32 < bridge> So move the ENTIRE Server Logic to Rust ? 23:39 < bridge> happy b=irthday 23:43 < bridge> lmfao 23:48 < bridge> ye, why not 23:49 < bridge> the only thing i missing is both will and time xd